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B1 Future forms

Complete the sentences using the correct form of the future tense (be going to, present
continuous, will or shall).
1. I __________ around the world after my studies. (TRAVEL)
2. I __________ at a friend's house next week because they're painting mine. (STAY)
3. I promise I __________ dinner tomorrow. (MAKE)
4. That looks very heavy. __________ it for you? (I CARRY)
5. We __________ some friends after work tonight. (MEET)
6. I __________ on a diet after Christmas. (GO)
7. Look at the traffic! I don't think we __________ on time. (ARRIVE)
8. Hasn't he come yet? I __________ hime and see what has happened. (CALL)
9. __________ out tonight? (WE GO)
10. I'm sure that Kwame __________ you with your work. (HELP)
11. I __________ into town this afternoon. __________ to the supermarket on my way back? (GO,
12. I heard on the radio that the weather __________ excellent this weekend. (BE)
13. We __________ Bob outside the cinema at 7.30. (MEET)
14. Paolo __________ a new car next week. (BUY)
15. I __________ dinner with my younger brother at 8.00 tonight. (HAVE)
16. We __________ married on June 25th. (GET)
17. Put your wallet away. I __________ for the tickets. (PAY)
18. I suppose real estate prices __________ up again next year. (GO)
19. Which car __________ to buy? (YOU PLAN)
20. I can't talk about it now, but I __________ you a mail next week. (SEND)

Oxenden, Clive, et al. New English File Intermediate Workbook (2nd Ed.), Oxford University Press, 2006.
Rosmanitz, Klaus. “Future Tense T039.” English Practice, lastly retrieved on 21 December ww.english- (sentences 16-20).
1. I 'm going to travel (a plan or intention for the future) around the world after my studies.
2. I 'm staying (an arrangement) at a friend's house next week because they're painting mine.
3. I promise I 'll make (a promise) dinner tomorrow. (MAKE)
4. That looks very heavy. Shall I carry (an offer) it for you? (I CARRY)
5. We 're meeting (an arrangement) some friends after work tonight. (MEET)
6. I 'm going to go (a plan or intention for the future) on a diet after Christmas. (GO)
7. Look at the traffic! I don't think we are going to arrive (a prediction) on time. (ARRIVE)
8. Hasn't he come yet? I 'll call (an instant decision) him and see what has happened. (CALL)
9. Shall we go (a suggestion) out tonight? (WE GO)
10. I'm sure that Kwame will help (a prediction) you with your work. (HELP)
11. I 'm going (an arrangement) / 'm going to go (a plan) into town this afternoon. Shall I go
(an offer) to the supermarket on my way back? (GO, I GO)
12. I heard on the radio that the weather is going to be (a prediction) excellent this weekend. (BE)
13. We are meeting (an arrangement) Bob outside the cinema at 7.30. (MEET)
14. Paolo is going to buy (a plan or intention) a new car next week. (BUY)
15. I 'm having (an arrangement) dinner with my younger brother at 8.00 tonight. (HAVE)
16. We are getting (an arrangement) married on June 25th. (GET)
17. Put your wallet away. I 'll pay (an instant decision) for the tickets. (PAY)
18. I suppose real estate prices will go (a prediction) up again next year. (GO)
19. Which car are you planning (a plan) to buy? (YOU PLAN)
20. I can't talk about it now, but I will send (a promise) you a mail next week. (SEND)

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