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Toeic: Part 5: Ngữ pháp và Từ loại

Thank you for your interest in our _____ line of compact refrigerators.
Compact: /kəmˈpækt/ adj nhỏ gọn
Refrigerator: /rɪˈfrɪdʒ.ə.reɪ.t̬ ɚ/ N tủ lạnh
A. update
B. updated
C. updates
D. updating

The judges may begin to review the entries _____ the deadline for submitting slogans has passed.
A. how
B. nor
C. now that
D. whether

On his daily radio show, Trade Biz, Antonio Koslor _____ business news from all over the globe.
over the globe: khắp thế giới
A. analysis
B. analyzer
C. analyzes /ˈæn.əl.aɪz/ V phân tích
D. analyzing

The purchase of The New Lagos Reporter will not lead to changes _____ editorial staff.
A. in
B. again
C. positions
D. ultimately
Professor Reginald Layke's proposal for an additional course in business management was
approved in a _____ short time.
A. surprised
B. surprise
C. surprisingly
D. surprising

With the completion of its airport, Honokai Island's tourism _____ has improved dramatically
A. economical
B. economic
C. economize
D. economy: /iˈkɑː.nə.mi/ N nền kinh tế

Doi Textiles, Inc., is well-known _____ the fashion world as being a trendsetter for young
women's clothing.
Trendsetter: /ˈtrendˌset̬ .ɚ/ N người tạo xu hướng
A. toward
B. throughout
C. regarding
D. aboard

A reception will be held to introduce the newly _____ director of marketing to the employees of
Kaulana Industries.
A. appoint
B. appoints
C. appointed
D. appointing

To fill two vacant positions on its benefits committee, Adidion Labs______ employees who are
ready for a challenge.
A. seeking
B. is seeking
C. are sought
D. have been sought

Lately the community sports program has had a surplus of volunteers, _____ are students.
A. in as much as
B. the reason being
C. because of them
D. most of whom

Sales clerks at Sylla Bazaar receive additional pay when _____ work in the evening.
Clerk: /klɝːk/ N nhân viên
A. their
B. they
C. theirs
D. them

Because humidity can _____ wood, the climate in furniture storage units must be controlled.
Humidity: /hjuːˈmɪd.ə.t̬ i/ N độ ẩm
A. damage
B. damaging
C. damaged
D. damages

The updated safety manual includes guidelines _____ the entire factory.
A. so
B. and
C. both
D. for
At Correia Electronics, we are _____ researching appliance technology.
A. continual
B. continues
C. continue
D. continually

At Imprint Eyewear, most prescription eyeglasses can be made _____ two business days.
Prescription: [prɪˈskrɪp.ʃən] N toa thuốc
A. since
B. to
C. against
D. within trong vòng

The first prize presented was the Kozar Award for _____ in educational toy design.
Prize: /praɪz/ N giải thưởng, sau giới từ+ Ving, N..
A. excel
B. excelled
C. excellent
D. excellence

Ms. Ling is not here today, but she _____ attends every library board meeting.
A. previously
B. typically thường
C. almost
D. well

Investing in _____ properties as possible can be risky but is often lucrative.

Property: bất động sản
Lucrative: /ˈluː.krə.t̬ ɪv/ nhiều tiền
A. as much
B. as many
C. so much
D. so many

Construction of the Yukimura Building _____ because of modifications in the architectural plans.
Modification: [ˌmɑː.də.fəˈkeɪ.ʃən] N sự sửa đổi
A. postpones
B. has been postponed
C. will have postponed
D. is postponing

All Buchler Energy customers are encouraged to sign up for electronic statements _____ paper
A. except
B. through
C. instead of thay vì
D. according to

In her letter of reference, Ms. Eisner indicates that Mr. Patel's ability to work well with others is
his most _____ quality.
Indicate: [ˈɪn.dɪ.keɪt] V chỉ ra
A. admiration
B. admiring
C. admire
D. admirable ngưỡng mộ

This Friday, all employees may depart two hours before closing _____ their manager requires
them to stay.
A. either
B. nor
C. because
D. unless = If… not

The Science Career Fair is an exciting opportunity for job seekers to meet with _____ from major
companies in the field.
major companies: những công ty lớn
A. recruit
B. recruiting
C. recruitments [rɪˈkruːt.mənt] tuyển dụng
D. recruiters [rɪˈkruː.tɚ] nhà tuyển dụng

The songs on Sophia Vestra's new album are _____ the most innovative musical arrangements of
her career
A. beside bên cạnh
B. over trên
C. among giữa
D. upon = on
Các bài hát trong album mới của Sophia Vestra là những bản phối âm nhạc sáng tạo nhất trong sự
nghiệp của cô

The research indicates that _____ in Chestnut Valley has remained stable over the past two years.
A. tourists khách du lịch
B. tours chuyến du lịch
C. tourism ngành du lịch
D. toured

Online orders are handled by Mr. Clark's team, _____ regular mail orders are overseen by Ms.
Adauto's group.
A. while
B. until
C. despite
D. whether

After the _____ upgrades have been implemented, the production process should run more
A. suggest
B. suggested
C. suggesting
D. suggests

Mesmio, provider of premium television content, welcomes _____ ideas for improving our
A. specifics
B. specifies
C. specific
D. specify

The conclusions from our analysis turned out to be _____ applicable to the budget problem.
A. directing
B. directly
C. directs
D. direct

The proposal _____ the vacant land on Spring Street into a community garden will be voted on
this Monday.
Proposal: N đề xuất
Vacant land: đất trống
"proposal to do sth" = đề xuất làm gì đó
A. to transform
B. transformation
C. is transforming
D. transformed

_____ of Mitesh Sandu's international performances was filmed for the documentary.
A. All tất cả
B. Others những cái khác
C. Their own của riêng họ
D. Each one từng cái một

New tax incentives reward local businesses _____ decrease their water consumption.
A. will
B. when
C. that
D. if

Mr. Ashburton has been _____ recommended by all three of his references.
A. high
B. higher
C. highly
D. highest

Mr. Choi wants to know when the illustrations will be ready for _____ review.
A. he
B. his
C. him
D. himself

The project meeting has been rescheduled _____ tomorrow because of the bad weather.
A. in
B. by
C. out
D. for

Smooth Tek’s newest software makes it much _____ for business owners to create newsletters.
A. easy
B. easily
C. easier
D. ease

By _____ offices in London, Paris, and Madrid, Sedgehill Ltd. has continued its growth into
markets overseas.
Overseas: /ˌoʊ.vɚˈsiːz/nước ngoài
A. opening
B. opened
C. opens
D. open

_____ the kiln’s heat is set too high, the ceramic objects inside may be ruined.
Ceramic: [səˈræmɪk] N gốm sứ
ruin: V phá hủy
A. So
B. If
C. But
D. Why

The National Overview is the fourth _____ distributed newspaper in the northeastern region.
A. wide
B. widen
C. most widely
D. more widely
During yesterday’s meeting, Ms. Milne offered her _____ to the sales team for their excellent
results this quarter.
A. congratulations
B. congratulate
C. congratulating
D. congratulatory

The course taught by Prof. Brennink is intended for _____ interested in medical or health-related
Career: [kəˈrɪr] N Sự nghiệp
A. either
B. those
C. which
D. whom

Starting September 1, the accounting department will issue travel reimbursements _____ from
biweekly paychecks.
Biweekly: [baɪˈwiː] 2 lần 1 tuần
Issue: /ˈɪʃ.uː/ V phát hành
Reimbursements /ˌriː.ɪmˈbɝːs.mənt/: hoàn trả
A. separates
B. separately
C. separating
D. separation

The new computer security program allows users to _____ any suspicious activity on their
Suspicious activity: [səˈspɪʃəs ækˈtɪvəti] hoạt động đáng nghi
A. monitoring
B. monitors
C. monitored
D. monitor /ˈmɑː.nə.t̬ ɚ/ V giám sát

The _____ of the Kawagoe factory has had a significant impact on Inagi Technology employee’s
Productivity: /ˌprɑːdʌkˈtɪvəti/ N Năng suất
A. expansion: /ɪkˈspænʃn/ N việc mở rộng
B. expanded
C. expanse
D. expand

Please review the repair estimate carefully _____ it has been received from the maintenance
Repair estimate: [rɪˈpɛr ˈɛstəmət] chi phí ước lượng sửa chữa
A. then
B. while
C. ever since
D. as soon as

The product development team for Herbeve Cosmetics is ____ a package redesign to try to
increase sales.
A. considered
B. considering
C. considers
D. consider

_____ an increase in small, individual furnaces, glassblowing has become a more accessible and
popular art medium.
A. Because of
B. Instead of
C. Rather than
D. Such as
Payments made to your account after the invoice was generated are not _____ in the balance
A. reflected
B. reflects
C. reflecting
D. reflect

See our media kit for facts and information _____ our line of lighting equipment.
A. pending
B. regarding
C. among
D. throughout

The lawyers report that the merger was successfully concluded _____ last-minute negotiations.
A. as well as
B. overall
C. thanks to
D. even if

Mr. Hong will outline the procedures for handling customers' _____ information.
A. confiding
B. confides
C. confidential
D. confidentially

_____ in the news, the Honorable Cynthia Rengle is now making headlines with her proposal to
drastically reduce local taxes.
A. Less
B. Enough
C. Apart
D. Seldom

Despite being the audience's least favorite film at the Star Film Festival, Lost Dog _____ won the
critics' award for best animation.
A. furthermore
B. without
C. nevertheless
D. neither

Ms. Durkin asked for volunteers to help _____ with the employee fitness program.
A. she
B. her
C. hers
D. herself

Bài tập viết lại câu sao cho nghĩa không đổi
Exercise 1: Rewrite the following sentences that keep the same meaning.
You should take the bus instead of the subway.
If you want to save your money, You should take the bus instead of the subway.
I'm sure that you forgot to bring home the key. Must have +PP: hẳn là đã
you must have forgotten to bring home the key
They bought this motobike 5 years ago.
they have bought this motobike for 5 years
I invited my mother into my graduation ceremony, but she didn’t turn up.
My mother was invited to my graduation ceremony, but she didn’t turn up.

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