EYLF Activity Template

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APEX Workshop – Setting up activities and writing Learning story

Draft for Planning/Setting experience

Date:18/01/2024 Location: Indoor/Outdoor

Age of children: 2 years

Experience/Activity:Building Blocks and Construction Play

Resources required:

 Soft building blocks of various shapes and sizes

 Building mats or play area
 Picture cards with simple structures for inspiration
 Supervision to ensure safety
Goal:To promote fine motor skills and hand-eye coordination in 2-year-old children through building and
construction play.
Developmental Skills:
1. Fine Motor Skills: Grasping, stacking, and connecting blocks.
2. Hand-Eye Coordination: Precise movements to build structures.
3. Cognitive Skills: Problem-solving and creativity through construction

Learning supported (Learning Outcome):

Learning Outcome 4:Children Are Confident and Involved Learners
4.2Children develop a range of skills and processes such as problem solving, inquiry, experimentation,
hypothesizing, researching and investigating
Learning Outcome 5: Children Are Effective Communicators
5.1 Children interact verbally and non-verbally with others for a range of purposes.

National Quality Standard (NQS):

Quality Area 1: Educational Program and Practice
Standard 1.1: The educational program enhances each child’s learning and development.
Quality Area 3(Physical environment)
3.2.1 Inclusive environment- Outdoor and indoor are organised and adapted to support every child’s
participation and to engage every child in quality experiences in both built and natural environments.
APEX Workshop – Setting up activities and writing Learning story

Teaching Strategies:
1. Demonstration and Modelling:
 Begin the activity by demonstrating how to grasp and stack the soft building blocks.
 Use simple structures on picture cards to model building techniques.
 Encourage children to watch and imitate the stacking process.
2. Hands-On Exploration:
 Allow children to explore the soft building blocks freely.
 Provide a variety of shapes and sizes to encourage experimentation.
3. Verbal Encouragement:
 Use positive reinforcement and praise as children engage in the activity.
4. Sensory Integration:
 Highlight the sensory aspects of the activity, discussing the textures and colors of the soft

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