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Nuzula Ahmad Nafil Al-Ghazaly 11220140000036 4B

Book Response Form

Novel: The Cage
Author: Tom Abraham
Publisher: Corgi Book
Date Published: 2002 Number of Pages: 395
Genre: Memoir Book Code: TOM PBI NV/160

This novel is a true story about Tom Abraham’s experiences during the Vietnam War.
Tom, who is from England, joins the 1st Cavalry Division and goes to fight in
Vietnam. This novel talks about his time in England and America, but most of it is
about the war in Vietnam. Tom goes through intense battles, gets captured, and ends
up in prison. He has to use all his strength to survive the harsh treatment from his
captors. The novel shows the terrible reality of war and the strong will to survive.
And this book he wrote to dedicated for the men of 1 st Calvary Division, United
States Army.
The Cage several key characters such as Tom Abraham, the Englishman who joins
the 1st Cavalry Division during the Vietnam War and faces the brutal realities of
combat, capture, and imprisonment. Alongside him are his fellow soldiers, who form
a close brotherhood amidst the chaos, and the Vietnamese captors, whose actions and
interactions reveal the complexities of war. Supporting characters like nurses,
officers, and civilians also appear, showing moments of compassion and sacrifice.
Together, these characters bring to life the harsh and resilient spirit of those affected
by the Vietnam War.
If I have opportunity to reincarnation, I would choose As Tom Abraham, I had go
through many emotions and challenges. His story, from joining the 1st Cavalry
Division to facing battle, being captured, and imprisoned shows human strength and
survival. I had want to know what it is like to face the horrors of war and come out
strong. Being Tom Abraham would let me understand courage, fear, and resilience,
while seeing how complicated people can be during war. Actually, sometimes I
imagine that how my life goes if I was born when World War II?.
Best Scene in this book for me is when Tom Abraham in the thick Vietnamese jungle,
they unit are suddenly attacked, with bullets flying and chaos breaking out. Tom
Abraham, who I imagine myself as, dives behind a fallen tree for cover, his heart
pounding and adrenaline rushing. The air is filled with the smell of gunpowder and
fear. Amidst the chaos, he makes eye contact with a young Vietnamese soldier, both
showing signs of desperation and determination. Time stretches as Abraham’s mind
races between fighting or giving up. His survival instincts take over, and he raises his
trembling hands, saying, “Surrender.” The soldier’s expression softens, he lowers his
weapon, and Abraham’s fate is changed forever. In that brief moment, they go from
enemies to captor and captive, with the jungle surrounding them and the war’s grip
on Abraham’s spirit tightening.
The part that I think, am I will be alright if I reincarnation as Abraham. Is when Tom
Abraham is put in prison by his captors, was be the worst part in this book also his
life. The conditions are awful, the space is small, there is not enough food, and he is
hurt by his captors. Abraham feels very sad and unsure if he will survive. The dark
experience leaves deep scars on him, not just on his body. This scene shows the high
cost of war and how strong people need to be to survive such hard times. The lost
mentality today if I could say.
If I were Tom Abraham, I would like to add a story called “The Silent Companions”.
It maintained, in the midst of war, Tom Abraham stumbles upon a hidden stash of
letters forgotten messages from soldiers who came before him. These letters reveal
tales of love, loss, and dreams left behind. As he reads each faded page, he feels a
bond with these silent companions, finding comfort in their shared humanity. Their
stories become a source of strength, reminding him that even in the darkest times of
war, kindness and connection can still shine through.
Someday I will told my friend about this wonderful stories, Zaini. He is my friend
from South Borneo, who place of Dayak tribe and he is part of Dayak. Zaini or Zeni,
he had well-built body, military face, that was completed to go to war. While I am
read this book, Tom Abraham face sometimes changes to Zeni Faces. It my main
reasons why I should Zeni about this book.
When I read “The Cage” as a young student, I found the exciting tale of Tom
Abraham, a man from England who joins the 1 st Cavalry Division during the Vietnam
War. The book tells us about his time in battles, being captured, and put in prison. I
learn about how tough war can be, how strong people can be, and how important it is
to survive. It’s a really strong story that teach me about history and how brave people
can be during hard times. As closing statement, I would say “We have our own war
today, face it, do not looking back”.

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