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Nuzula Ahmad Nafil Al-Ghazaly 11220140000036 4B

Book Response Form

Novel: Demon Lord of Karanda
Author: David Eddings
Publisher: Corgi Books
Date Published: 1988 Genre: Fantasy Fiction
Number of Pages: 399 Book Code: DAV PBI NV/11

Actually this novel third book of The Malloreon series by David Eddings. So I will
tell what happens in this novel without see the books before. In this novel tells that
the heroes, Garion, Belgarath, and their friends are on a mission to rescue Garion’s
kidnapped baby son. The evil sorceress Zandramas plans to use the child in a ritual to
change the course of destiny. The group travels across a mysterious land, facing
demons, old prophecies, and clashing destinies. They must hurry because the fate of
the world is at stake, and the battle between good and evil is growing more intense.
In this novel, there are several key characters. Belgarion is the main character, a
young sorcerer who is determined, kind, and very protective of his son. Kal Zakath is
the emperor of the Malloreans. At first, he wants to destroy things, but he becomes
friends with Belgarion and struggles with doing his duty or being kind. Zandramas is
a clever sorceress who is obsessed with dark rituals. The Demon Lord Nahaz is evil
and always wants more power. Poledra is mysterious and loving, and her actions are
very important at key moments. These characters fight, make friends, and decide the
fate of their world together.
Kal Zakath is being my favorite character after becomes friends with Belgarion
starting when they stay in Mal Zeth, the capital of Mallorea. At first, Zakath wants to
destroy anyone who opposes him and seeks power, calling himself a “God.” But as
Garion and his friends keep asking to leave so they can continue their quest, Zakath
changes. Their adventures together make Zakath a more humble ruler, and he
eventually becomes real friends with Garion. This unexpected friendship make me
amaze, between the Mallorean emperor and the Rivan King makes the story more
interesting and complex.
One of the most memorable scenes for me in this novel is when Kal Zakath and
Belgarion are alone in the Imperial Palace. There is a lot of tension. Zakath, who used
to be a harsh ruler, is now struggling with his feelings. He talks to Garion about his
problem of choosing between duty and kindness. Garion is surprised to see Zakath’s
softer side. In that quiet moment, they become real friends. This changes the power
between them and makes their friendship important for the future of their world.
In the other side, the worst part in this novel is scene when Belgarion know the truth
about his son's fate. Zandramas, the clever sorceress, reveals her evil plan that she
wants to use the innocent child in a ritual that will bring darkness to the world. This
news is very heavy on Garion's heart. It is a moment of deep sadness and moral pain,
and it is heartbreaking for me to see. How can the innocent child being part of evil
plan, Zandramas should die, that what I said in my heart when read this book.
I have an idea to make this book more interesting, how about add the shifting
allegiances, introduce a character who constantly switches sides. This mysterious
figure helps the heroes one moment and betrays them the next. Readers are left
guessing whether this character is truly a friend or a clever double agent. The tension
builds until a surprising revelation finally exposes the character’s true motives.
Sometimes betrays moments being something pivotal in some books, people are love
plot twist should be amazed with my idea.
Fantasy fiction always got me really, I had like to share and recommend this book to
my big brother as Fantasy fiction lover. Nizar, he would like this novel like me,
“Demon Lord of Karanda” had plus point for him because he will love the fiction
about kingdom with bad witch. I guess that he would act like Belgarion, talk about
him phrase, imagine becoming a Monarch. Sharing with him after he read this book
really can’t wait.
The message from this novel to me as a young learner, maybe I should be brave to
talk with someone who I think they are bad, or maybe dislike me. Just like Belgarion
and Kal Zakath form an unexpected friendship, i might encounter people who
surprise me with their kindness or support. Sometimes, the most valuable connections
come from unlikely places. Back to the novel, Belgarion grapples with tough choices.
As you navigate life, you’ll encounter situations where your values and principles are
tested. Remember that it’s okay to seek advice and weigh your options carefully. It
was something I would remember in my journey.

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