TDM Prompt Engineering Assignment

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BSc (Hons) in Information Technology

Year 4
Assessment – Prompt Engineering

SE4051 – Trends in Digital Media Semester 1, 2024

Due Date : 24th June at 11:59PM


To evaluate your understanding and application of various prompting strategies in text and image
generation using language models and image generation models.

Task 1: Text Generation with a Language Model (LLM)


1. Prompting Strategy Application:

o Choose a text-generating language model (e.g., OpenAI's GPT-4).
o Your task is to generate a small dialogue(script) for a short 3-minute video. Use the
following prompting strategies:
• You are required to generate the script first by using basic Zero-Shot
• Next you have to try and improve the output by employing at minimum
three(3) other prompting strategies.
• One strategy should be a Combination of multiple strategies as discussed in

2. Execution and Analysis:

o Generate the dialogue script using four prompts in total.
o Take screenshots of each prompt and its generated output.
o Analyze the differences in the outputs. Discuss how the structure and wording of
each prompt influenced the generated dialogue.
o Reflect on which techniques were most and least effective and explain why.

Submission Requirements:

• The four prompts you used with the employed strategy.

• The four generated dialogue scripts.
• Screenshots of each prompt and its corresponding output.
• An analysis (approximately 300-500 words) discussing the differences in the outputs, the
impact of different prompting strategies, and the suitability of each technique.
Task 2: Image Generation with an Image Generation Model


1. Prompting Strategy Application:

o Choose an image generation model (e.g., DALL-E, MidJourney, Stable Diffusion).
o Your task is to generate images of the same scenery using three different prompts:
o Initial prompt should be a Basic Prompt with A simple and concise description of
the scene.
o Try 3 other prompts to get a better output.

2. Execution and Analysis:

o Generate the images using four(4) prompts in total.
o Take screenshots of each prompt and the resulting image.
o Compare and contrast the generated images. Discuss how the amount of detail in the
prompt influenced the final image.
o Based on the outputs you got, reflect on whether providing too much details is
beneficial or if it's better to leave some room for the model's imagination.

Submission Requirements:

• The four prompts you used.

• The four generated images.
• Screenshots of each prompt and its corresponding image.
• An analysis (approximately 300-500 words) discussing the differences in the outputs, the
impact of prompt detail, and the balance between guidance and creativity.
Marking Guide

Criteria Poor (0-49%) Average (50- Good (65-79%) Very Good (80-
64%) 100%)
Task 1: Missing or Basic prompts Clear and varied Well-crafted prompts
Prompts(15%) unclear with limited prompts using showing
prompts strategy different strategies understanding of
Task 1: Incomplete or Basic outputs, Relevant outputs, High-quality outputs,
Outputs(15%) irrelevant some showing clear differences
outputs relevance differences
Task 1: Superficial or Basic Clear analysis, In-depth analysis,
Analysis (20%) missing analysis, some insights into clear understanding of
analysis limited techniques techniques
Task 2: Missing or Basic prompts Clear and varied Well-crafted prompts
Prompts(15%) unclear with limited prompts with showing a balance of
prompts detail different levels of detail
Task 2: Incomplete or Basic outputs, Relevant outputs, High-quality outputs,
Outputs(15%) irrelevant some showing clear differences
outputs relevance differences
Task 2: Superficial or Basic Clear analysis, In-depth analysis,
Analysis(20%) missing analysis, some insights into clear understanding of
analysis limited detail vs creativity detail vs creativity

Total Marks:

• Task 1: 50%
o Prompts: 15%
o Outputs: 15%
o Analysis: 20%
• Task 2: 50%
o Prompts: 15%
o Outputs: 15%
o Analysis: 20%

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