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 Special Fund
Revenue – gross inflow of economic benefits or
 Trust Fund (Fiduciary Fund)
service potential during the reporting period when
 Revenue Fund
those inflows result in an increase in equity, other
 Depository Fund
than relating to contribution from owners.
 Special Account in the General Fund (SAGF)
Receipts – actual cash collections from ALL sources  Special Purpose Funds (SPFs)
during a period.
 Exchange Transactions or Reciprocal Transfers
• All revenues of an entity shall be remitted to the Ex. Sale of Goods, Rendering of Services
national treasury and included in the general fund  Non-exchange Transfers or Non-reciprocal
of the national government, unless another law Transfers
specifically allows otherwise. Ex. Tax Revenue, Fines, Penalties and Donations
• All moneys and property received by a public EXCHANGE TRANSACTIONS
officer in any capacity or upon any occasion must
be accounted for as government funds and RECOGNITION
government property except as may otherwise be  Sale of Goods
specifically provided by law. Usual way of recognizing revenue.
• Amounts received in trust and from business type  Rendering of Services
activities of government may be separately Recognized on a straight line basis over the period
recorded and disbursed in accordance with such the services are rendered. However, revenue is
rules and regulations. recognized by reference to the stage of
completion if the outcome of the transaction can
• Receipts shall be recorded as revenue of Special, be estimated reliably.
Fiduciary or Trust Funds or funds other than the  Interest, Royalties, and Dividends
General Fund, only when authorized by law. - Interest is recognized on a time proportion
• A collecting officer shall immediately issue an
- Royalties is recognized as they are earned in
official receipt upon collecting a payment of any
accordance with the substance of the relevant
• Where mechanical devices are used to - Dividends are recognized when the entity’s
acknowledge cash receipts, the COA may approve right to receive payment is established.
upon request, the exemption from the use of
accountable forms.
Measured at the fair value of the consideration
• At no instance shall temporary receipt be issued
received or receivable. Any trade discounts and
to acknowledge the receipt of public funds.
volume rebates shall be taken into account.
• Pre-numbered ORs shall be issued in strict
numerical sequence, all copies of each receipt
shall be exact copies or carbon reproduction in all RECOGNITION
respects of the original.
 Tax Revenue
• A collecting officer shall accept payments to the Tax revenue is recognized at a gross amount and
government in the form of checks, upon proper not reduced for expenses paid through the tax
endorsement and identification of the payee or system. Tax revenue shall also not be grossed up
endorser. for the amount of tax expenditures.
 Fines and Penalties
• Receipts of government funds shall be
In the year they are collected.
acknowledged in accordance with the law.
 Gifts, Donations, and Goods In-Kind
When it is probable that future economic benefits C. Receipt of excess cash advance granted to officers
will flow to the entity. and employees (e.g., receipt of cash advance for
Cash-Collecting Officers xx
 ASSETS - at the acquisition-date fair value.
Advances to officers xx
 LIABILITIES - at present value, when the effect of
time value of money is material.
D. Receipt of refund of overpayment of expenses
 REVENUE - the amount of increase in net assets.
Cash-Collecting Officers xx
Appropriate Expense xx
 DEBT FORGIVENESS - equal to the carrying
amount of the debt forgiven.
E. Receipt of performance bond or security deposit.
 BEQUESTS – measured at fair value.
Cash-Collecting Officers xx
 GRANT CONDITION - recognized as revenue only
Security Deposit Payable xx
when the condition is satisfied.

Note: When an amount already recognized as F. Collection made on behalf of another entity.
revenue becomes uncollectible, it is recognized as
expense/impairment loss. An allowance is provided G. Intra-agency and Inter-agency Fund Transfer
for known and estimated bad debts.
 Intra-agency


Due to Regional Office* xx
A. Receipt of subsidy from the National Government
(i.e., disbursement authority), such as receipt of:  Inter-agency

i. Notice of Cash Allocation (NCA) Cash-CO xx

Due to NGA/LGU/GOCC xx
Cash-MDS, Regular xx
Subsidy from NG xx

ii. Tax Remittance Advice

Cash-TRA xx
Subsidy from NG xx

iii. Non-Cash Availment Authority

Accounts Payable xx
Subsidy from NG xx

iv. Cash Disbursement Ceiling

Cash-Constructive Income Remittance xx

Subsidy from NG xx

B. Receipt of subsidy or assistance from other

government agencies including LGUs and GOCCs.

Cash-Collecting Officers xx
Subsidy from other NGA xx
Assistance from LGU xx
Assistance from GOCC xx

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