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 Literally means “understanding” or “knowledge” 2. Furu Al-Fiqh

 In its technical sense, it means knowledge of Islamic - The doctrine of the branches (i.e.,applied fiqh, the
Law (Shari’a) systematic elaboration of the positive law)
 Science of Muslim law or Muslim law jurisprudence
Fiqh vs. Usul Al-Fiqh
Scope or Coverage of Fiqh
- Fiqh is concerned with the knowledge or the
 As to the subject matter, it covers all aspects of detailed rules of Islamic law in its various branches
religious, political, and civil life. - Usul-Al-Fiqh is the methodology of the law
 In addition, it also includes the whole field of family
Maxims of Fiqh (Qawa’id Al-Fiqhiyyah)
law, the law of inheritance, of property and of
contracts. It also includes criminal law and - A body of abstract rules which are derived from the
procedure, and finally constitutional law and laws detailed study of the fiqh itself. They consist of
regulating the administration of the state and the theoretical guidelines in the different areas of fiqh
conduct of life. such as evidence, transactions, matrimonial, etc. As
such, they are an integral part of fiqh.
Primary Sources of Muslim Law
 Another authority on Islamic Principal Themes of Usul Al-Fiqh
1. Qur-an
2. Hadith jurisprudences considers Ijtihad as a 1. Adillah Shariyyah (proofs of shari’a)
3. Ijma source of law, while Ijma and Qiyas 2. Ahkam (law)
4. Qiyas as forms of Ijtihad
Objectives of Usul Al-Fiqh
Division of the Science of Jurisprudence
- The principal objective is to regulate ijtihad and to
1. Religious guide the jurists in his effort at deducting a law from
 Concerned with the affairs of the hereafter, such as its sources.
belief, prayer, alms-giving, fasting, and pilgrimage.
2. Legal System Primary Sources of Fiqh:
 Concerned with the affairs of this world and is 1. The Qur-an (first primary source of Muslim law)
subdivided into three sections: - Qur-an, from the Arabic word “kurra”, means to
 Criminal Law read, recite or discourse
Such as felonies, crimes, retaliation, blood-
money Nature of the Quranic Verses
 Family Law  Intangible and Immutable
Such as marriage, divorce, relationship, law - The provisions of the Quran are considered organic
of personal status rules, containing universal principles
 Transactions - Non-discrimination of human dignity; protection of
Fiqh vs. Shari’a man’s right, that is his liberty, the inviolability of his
house, his property, and his person, his right to
- Shari’a is broader as it includes all human actions; employment, lack of any compulsion in religion, and
while Fiqh is narrower and deals only with what are the equality before the law.
commonly understood as legal acts - Muslims look at the Quran as their constitutional
- The path of Shari’a is laid down by God and His law.
Prophet; the edifice of fiqh is erected by human
endeavour. Revelation of the Quranic Verses

- Began in the month of Ramadan (12 B.H/610 A.D.)

Fiqh vs. Ilm and continued intermittently piece by piece for over
twenty-two years, more than twelve years of which
- Fiqh came to be used exclusively for a knowledge of took place in Mecca before Hijra (622 A.D.) and the
the law while Ilm came to be applied in a narrow rest were revealed in Medina and ended with the
sense to mean knowledge that comes through Prophet’s death (652 A.D.)
reports or traditions (Hadith) and athar. - Hence, the revelation period is divided into two:
Two Division of Science of Fiqh 1. Meccan period - revelation made in this period
were called the Meccan verses (ayats) or
1. Usul Al-Fiqh chapters (suras); and
- The doctrine of the “roots”, the sources of law, and 2. Medina period – medina verses or chapters
the methodology of their application.
 Early Meccan suras – dealt on fundamental
principles of Islam, which can be classified into
three themes:
1. The unity of God;
2. The moral duties of mankind; and
3. The retribution in the next world - His companions recorded it on various types of
materials and some memorize them.
 Subsequent Meccan Suras – dealt on Islamic faith - After the death of the Prophet, Zayn ibn Thabet
(Iman) collected the verses of the Quran by order of the
first Caliph, Abu Bakr.
 Medina suras covering about one-third of the Quran - In the year 30 A.H, during the caliphate of Uthman
were long, dealing with Islamic legislation on civil ibn Affan, the Quran was collected in one unified
and criminal, fiscal and military laws and version and reading, then copies were sent out to
regulations, and the five pillars of Islam. all provinces.

Five Pillars of Islam:

1. To testify that there is no God but Allah and

Muhammad is the messenger of Allah;
2. To perform prayers;
3. To pay zakat;
4. To fast in Ramadan; and
5. To make pilgrimage to the Qa’ba and Holy
Mosque in Mecca

The Revelation were either made through:

1. The Angel Gabriel (Jebreel) – the highest form

of revelation
2. Bell-like ringing sound

Reasons for Revelation of Quranic Verses (Ashab

Al-Nuzul) helps one to understand:

a) The direct and immediate meaning and

implication of an ayat, as it can be seen
within its original context;
b) The imminent reason underlying a legal
c) The original intent of the ayat;
d) Whether the ayat is specific or of general
application and if so, under which
circumstances is it to be applied.

How Ashab Al-Nuzul is known

- The ashab al-nuzul usually precedes the revelations,

and involves a particular issue at the time and for
which no particular rule is available.
- Verse is revealed to Prophet as solution to problem.
The companions of the Prophet (Shahabat) who
were present and were witness during the
occurrence of the problem became the best reliable
repositories of the ashab (reason) for the revelation
of the verse, which in turn were transmitted by
them to their successors until they were written
down, recorded , preserved, and reached to the

Kinds of Reasons (Ashab Al-Nuzul)

1. Revelation in response to an event or general
2. Revelation in response to a particular question
that has been asked by someone;
3. Revelation for other reasons, known or not
known to us

The Compilation of the Quranic Verses

- The Prophet did not collect the Quran in one

volume for he was illiterate.

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