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Visual Analysis

This is a short creative activity to get you to process the feelings that images can arise .
Inspired by our “Gendered viewpoints” reading. Images hold powerful meanings that can be
read. Using tools of visual literacy, we can analyze how these meanings speak to specific
cultural and historical contexts, and take advantage of cultural associations that allow meaning
to be transmitted.
The Visual Element:
1. Chose an image that makes an unintentional or intentional statement about
Gender,(note this could be gender with an intersection of class,race,nationality ability
etc).Your representation must be visual (meaning that you must have something visible
to show to the class). This could either be a commercial, poster, etc.
2. Your visual representation may not be performance art of any kind. It must be created
in a permanent fashion.
3. Your visual representation should support the content of your presentation / written
work, but does not have to be the focus of it.
Written Component
1. Reflecting on your artwork, compose an up to 1-page written description of why you
chose this particular poster, what message do you feel it tries to send about gender?

a. Describe what you see as the main message of the image.

b. How is the image’s tone, colors and arrangements creating message of the
c. Who is the intended audience for this image? Do you see this image being
received well by its audience? Why or why not?
d. Did you learn anything new about yourself or society from your analysis of this
a. If so, what are they and how do you feel about it?
b. If not, why not and what did it reconfirm for you?

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