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Kata Kerja (Verbs):

 Menunjukkan Perubahan:
o Increase: rise, grow, climb, increase, go up, improve, jump, rocket, soar,
surge, escalate, skyrocket
o Decrease: fall, decline, drop, decrease, go down, dip, plunge, plummet,
dwindle, shrink, contract
o Fluctuate: fluctuate, vary, change, oscillate, swing
o Remain stable/unchanged: remain stable, stay constant, level off, stabilize,
plateau, hold steady
 Menunjukkan Level Tertinggi/Terendah:
o Reach a peak: peak, reach its highest point, reach a maximum, culminate
o Reach a low point: bottom out, reach its lowest point, reach a minimum, hit a
 Menunjukkan Perbandingan:
o Outnumber: outnumber, exceed, surpass, overtake
o Account for: account for, constitute, make up, represent, comprise
 Menunjukkan Tren:
o Show an upward trend: show an upward trend, trend upwards, increase over
o Show a downward trend: show a downward trend, trend downwards,
decrease over time
o Show a fluctuating trend: show a fluctuating trend, vary over time
 Lainnya:
o Experience: experience, undergo, witness
o Reach: reach, arrive at, hit
o Stand at: stand at, amount to, total

Kata Benda (Nouns):

 Figure: figure, number, amount, quantity, percentage, proportion, share, ratio

 Trend: trend, tendency, pattern, movement, shift
 Period: period, time span, timeframe, duration, interval
 Data: data, information, statistics, figures
 Change: change, alteration, variation, shift, fluctuation
 Difference: difference, disparity, gap, discrepancy
 Similarity: similarity, resemblance, likeness, correspondence

Kata Sifat (Adjectives):

 Menunjukkan Tingkat Perubahan:

o Slight: slight, small, minimal, modest, marginal
o Gradual: gradual, steady, consistent, progressive
o Significant: significant, substantial, considerable, marked, noticeable
o Dramatic: dramatic, sharp, steep, rapid, sudden
 Menunjukkan Perbandingan:
o Highest: highest, greatest, largest, maximum, most
o Lowest: lowest, smallest, least, minimum, fewest
o Overall: overall, general, total, combined
o Respective: respective, corresponding, individual
 Lainnya:
o Steady: steady, stable, constant, unchanging
o Sharp: sharp, sudden, abrupt, rapid
o Noticeable: noticeable, apparent, evident, distinct

Kata Keterangan (Adverbs):

 Menunjukkan Tingkat Perubahan:

o Slightly: slightly, marginally, minimally, modestly
o Gradually: gradually, steadily, progressively, consistently
o Significantly: significantly, substantially, considerably, markedly
o Dramatically: dramatically, sharply, steeply, rapidly
 Menunjukkan Waktu:
o Initially: initially, at first, at the beginning, to begin with
o Subsequently: subsequently, afterwards, later on, then
o Finally: finally, eventually, ultimately, in the end
o Throughout: throughout, during, over the course of
 Lainnya:
o Approximately: approximately, roughly, around, about
o Comparatively: comparatively, relatively, in comparison
o Notably: notably, particularly, especially, in particular

Frasa (Phrases):

 Over a period of...: over a period of..., during the period..., from... to...
 Compared to...: compared to..., in comparison with..., relative to...
 In terms of...: in terms of..., with regard to..., as for...
 The majority of...: the majority of..., most of..., the bulk of...
 A small minority of...: a small minority of..., a few..., a handful of...
 Line graph: Kosakata untuk menggambarkan tren naik, turun, fluktuasi, titik
tertinggi/terendah, dan perbandingan antar garis.
 Bar chart: Kosakata untuk membandingkan jumlah/persentase antar kategori,
menunjukkan perbedaan yang signifikan atau tidak signifikan, serta menyebutkan
kategori tertinggi/terendah.
 Pie chart: Kosakata untuk menjelaskan proporsi masing-masing bagian,
membandingkan bagian terbesar/terkecil, dan menyebutkan bagian yang memiliki
proporsi sama.
 Table: Kosakata untuk menjelaskan angka-angka dalam tabel, membandingkan
angka-angka tersebut, dan menyoroti tren atau pola yang terlihat.
 Map: Kosakata untuk menjelaskan perubahan lokasi, perbandingan ukuran/jarak, dan
deskripsi tata letak.
 Process diagram: Kosakata untuk menjelaskan tahapan-tahapan dalam proses, urutan
kejadian, dan penggunaan alat/bahan.

1. Line Graph:

 Kata Kerja: rise, increase, grow, climb, go

up, surge, escalate, decline, decrease, fall, drop, dip, fluctuate, level off,remain
stable, peak, reach a high/low point
 Kata Benda: trend (upward/downward/fluctuating), peak, trough, period, rate of
change, fluctuation
 Kata Sifat: sharp, gradual, steady, significant, dramatic, rapid, slight
 Kata
Keterangan: sharply, gradually, steadily, significantly, dramatically, rapidly, slightly
 Frasa: over a period of...,, between...and..., compared to..., in comparison

2. Bar Chart:

 Kata Kerja: exceed, surpass, outnumber, account for, represent, constitute, make up
 Kata Benda: category, group, item, segment, proportion, percentage, difference, gap
 Kata Sifat: highest, lowest, greatest, smallest, most, least, significant, noticeable
 Kata Keterangan: significantly, noticeably, considerably, marginally
 Frasa: the majority of..., the vast majority of..., a large proportion of..., a small
minority of...

3. Pie Chart:

 Kata Kerja: account for, represent, constitute, make up, comprise

 Kata Benda: segment, proportion, percentage, share, slice
 Kata Sifat: largest, smallest, greatest, least, equal, similar
 Kata Keterangan: the largest/smallest proportion, the
majority/minority, equally, similarly
 Frasa: divided into..., ...consists of..., ...makes up...

4. Table:

 Kata Kerja: rank, range, vary, differ

 Kata Benda: category, group, item, figure, number, amount, percentage, difference
 Kata Sifat: highest, lowest, greatest, smallest, most, least, significant, noticeable
 Kata Keterangan: significantly, noticeably, considerably, marginally
 Frasa: the highest/lowest figure, the greatest/smallest number, the most/least popular
5. Map:

 Kata Kerja: locate, situate, position, construct, develop, expand, demolish, remove
 Kata
Benda: area, region, zone, site, location, building, facility, road, street, landmark
 Kata
Sifat: northern, southern, eastern, western, central, adjacent, nearby, surrounding
 Kata Keterangan: to the north/south/east/west, in the center, nearby, adjacent to
 Frasa: located in..., situated on..., to the north/south/east/west of..., in the vicinity of...

6. Process Diagram:

 Kata Kerja: begin, start, commence, proceed, continue, follow, lead to, result
in, end, finish
 Kata Benda: stage, step, phase, process, procedure, sequence, cycle
 Kata Sifat: initial, first, second, next, final, last
 Kata Keterangan: initially, first, then, next, subsequently, finally, lastly
 Frasa: the first stage, the next step, the final phase, the process begins/ends with...

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