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Below this line are collected question-

1. 35 y with enlarged (R) supraclavicular LNs, she is smoker, M/A cause-

a. Stomach
b. Breast
c. Pancreas
d. Lung

2. 16 y F, M/A contraception-
a. OCP
b. POP
c. Marina.
d. Barrier method

3. In a community 5 person with trachoma, there is E/O 20 person household contact, M/A-
a. Treat household contact.
b. Treat community.
c. Treat only person.

4. A 4 yr child brought by mother, limping, O/E B/L knee is normal, restriction of movement of (L)
hip joint, USG shows 8mm fluid, M/A DX-
a. Septic arthritis
b. Irritable hip joint
c. Perthes disease
d. Displasia of hip joint.

5. 35y female with multiple bruise in her body. H/O husband beat her. Management-
a. Discuss with husband
b. Arrange a meeting with husband and wife
c. Offer wife for referring safer center
d. Tell her to come for separate appointment.
e. Tell her to call police.
Below this line are collected question-

6. A pt with ascites with fever, spider nevae. Ascitic fluid aspiration done. What you will found in
ascetic fluid-
A. Gram stain +ve
B. Increase neutrophil count

7. Pt with vesicular rash in flank of abdomen, M/A inv-

A. Swab culture.
B. Herpes zoster serology.

8. 8 weeks pregneny female with HTN, treated with ACE inhibitor, M/A Rx-
A. Contineu ACEI
B. Change ACEI to methyldopa

9. Medical student, ECG finding- O/E No other abnormality. Vital normal. M/A inv-
Below this line are collected question-

D. Troponin

10. A pt with trauma in (L) eye. No E/O vision loss, ----------Dx-

A. Blow out fracture
B. Mecular degeneration
C. Vetrious haemorrhage
D. Retinal detachment

11. Pt with loss of vision of (L) eye. Vision rt 6/6, lt 6/12. H/O HTN, DM. Fundoscopy-given. M/A Dx-
C. HTN retinopathy
D. DM retinopathy

12. Old pt with impaired central vesion, Fundoscopy-

A. HTN retinopathy
B. DM retinopathy
C. Mecular degeneration
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13. Pt with schizophrenia, came to GP to take resperidone depot. Incidentally found a lesion in the
back of trunk, highly suspicious for melanoma, you advice for excision. But pt refused. M/A
A. As pt refused give only resperidone depot.
B. After giving resperidone depot, discuss about benefit or risk of melanoma excision.
C. Assess for MSE
D. Refer to pshychiatry.

14. Young pt with repeated attach of sweating of hand, anxiety, BP normal. No HTN, DM. ……….very
long question. Dx-
A. Generalized anxiety disorder.
B. Penic disorder.
C. Hyperthyroidism

15. 35y male pt came to GP for screening, with H/O father died with colon ca at 48 y and uncle with
colon ca at 38y. M/A next-
A. FOBT now
B. Colonoscopy now.
C. Genetic testing
Below this line are collected question-

16. 4m child with mother with expiratory wheeze, stridor, tracheal tag, otherwise child is feeding
well, o2 saturation 96%. Next management-
A. Admit child for o2 therapy.
B. Adrenaline nebulization
C. Review the child after 24hr.
D. Sulbutamol inhalation.

17. 6y child with severe asthmatic attach, 6 puff salbutamol is given, next Rx-
A. Inhaled adrenaline.
B. Sulbutamol inhaler after 20 minutes
C. Give antibiotic

18. 7y child with asthma, there is cat and dog in house, both parents are smoker, M/A asthma
A. Remove cat and dog from house
B. Stop smoking of parents
C. Remove carpet

19. 7y child with fever, cough, with vomiting, M/A Rx-

A. Oral amoxicillin
B. IV penicillin
C. IV ceftriaxone
D. IV flucloxacillin

20. ECG ----AF, Rx with metaprolon, not responding, BP 80/50, others normal, next
A. Defibrilator
B. Cardiovertion
C. Digoxin

21. Pt with pain in lateral aspect of (R) knee, after jogging, ---------
A. Ilitibial band
B. Medial meniscal tear
C. Anterior crutiate ligament tear.
Below this line are collected question-

22. 19y girl sudden fit and then recover completely. Father died at 28y due to cardiac cause. Vital
normal. M/A next initial inv-
C. Stress ECHO
D. Stess ECG

23. 44y male thicking parasite in scalp, remove hair, baldness, even thinking still parasite in scalp,
M/A Dx-
A. Delusion
B. Delirium
C. Schizophrenia.

24. S/S of acute pancreatitis for 2wks, CT abdomen shows body and tail not enhanced with
peripancreatic stranding (Only description, no CT image). M/A Dx-
A. Peripancreatic abscess
B. Pancreatic necrosis
C. Pancreatic pseudocyst

25. Pt with difficulty in stair up for 2month, after that hand pain, now dr. found difficulty in shoulder
abduction, Dx-
A. Motor neuron disease
B. Spinal cord lesion
C. Multiple sclerosis
D. Cerebral lesion
E. Cerebeller lesion

26. 65y, Male, H/O Asian travel for multiple time, now present with confusion, fever, jaundice, Next
A. Blood for HBsAg
B. Thick and thin film.

27. H/O travelling in quinsland, now with confusion, fever, rash, M/A Dx-
A. Malaria
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B. Ross fever
C. Australian western fever

28. H/O travelling in Indonesia, take malaria propylaxis- chloroquin, now with fever, rigor, nausea,
next inv-
A. Thick and thin film
C. Urine R/M/E

29. H/O Nepal travelling, take doxycycline as propylaxis, now present with diarrhea, next inv-
A. Thick and thin film
B. Stool for clostrodrium deficile
C. Stool for amibiasis

30. 7 yr child, complain from school and home, mother give punishment, some keep outside the
house, multiple bruise in body,
A. Family meeting
B. History from child
C. Inform child protection authority.

31. 19y girl, multiple cut wound in wrist, angry with father,

32. Male pt with schizophrenia treated with resperidone, now mild secretion from one breast, what
to do?
A. Decrease the dose of resperidone
B. Switch to quitiapine

33. Young pt with cough for 3wks, cervical lymphadenopathy, CXR given, showing unilateral hilar
lymphadenopathy, DX-
A. Sarcoidosis
B. Tuberculosis
C. Ca lung
Below this line are collected question-

34. Proximal muscle myopathy senerio, long inv------, CK-10000, multiple drug history, DX-
A. Drug induced myopathy
B. Polymyalgia rheumatic
C. Polymyocitis.

35. Proximal muscle myopathy senerio, long inv------, CK-10000, multiple drug history, DX-
A. Atavastatin induced myopathy
D. Polymyalgia rheumatic
E. Still man syndrome
F. Steroid induced myopathy

36. 19y, depressed, agitated, about to expel from school. Rx-

A. Fluaxetin
C. Drug history
D. Family therapy

37. Young F, bed relation with family member, job loss, aggressive, Rx-
B. Dielective behaviour therapy
C. Fluaxetine

38. 68y, male, Prostatic ca senerio, glison score 7, PSA 4, 12 specimen for biopsy, one specimen
came as adenocarcinoma, Rx-
B. Radical prostatectomy
C. Active survilance.
D. Androgen therapy

39. MVA, flial chest, multiple rib fracture, labored breathing, next RX-
A. O2 therapy
B. Intubation,
C. Intermittent positive pressure ventilation
D. Reffured to ICU
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40. MVA, vital sign stable, pain and mild laceration in LHR. Initial inv-
A. USG abdomen
B. CT abdomen

41. 39 wks pg, pain in epigastric region, O/E uterus tender, Dx-
A. Placenta previa
B. Abruptio placenta
C. Gastric ulcer

42. Pregnant lady at 39wks with blood loss 1000ml, pt miss appointment for USG, on 18 wks USG
was low lying placenta, which feature help to Dx-
A. Sharp pain in abdomen
B. Head position

43. Young lady, H/O fall in bathtub with large haematoma in perineal region 1 hour before, picture
given (like this picture), Rx-
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A. Incision and drainage

B. Needle aspiration
C. Antibiotics

44. 39wks pregnancy, with transverse lie, all others S/S normal, inv normal. Most appropriate Rx-
B. External cephalic vertion
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45. 35y, female with polymenorrhagia, palpable mass upto umbilicus, next
A. USG of abdomen
B. CT abdomen
C. Laperotomy
D. Laparoscopy

46. 7yr child, multiple complain from school and home, fighting with sibling, Dx-
A. Conduct disorder
B. Attention deficient hypersensitivity disorder
C. Antisocial disorder
D. Opositional defient disorder

47. S/S of CSOM, now pain behind the ear, next inv-
A. Swab for culture
B. CT head
C. Audiometry

48. Pt with DM, RF, and multiple drug

Previously GFR-70, now GFR- 30, Drug responsible-
A. Iboprofen
C. Iboprofen + ACEI

49. For insurance pt came for GP for rutine check up, on urine test- proteinuria 200, normal may be
less than 20, next step-
A. Refer the pt to nephrologist
B. Repeat test after 4wks

50. Feature of psychosis, admitted , cannot control, agitated, next Rx-

A. IM diazipum
B. IM haloperidol
C. IM benzodiazepine
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51. Young female with pain in lower abdomen, vomiting, CT pelvis given, mass lesion in pelvis, Dx-
A. Appendicular abscess
B. Ovarian cyst

52. ECG-Normal, chest pain, angina, relieve by rest, ECG, troponin – normal. Next-
A. Repeat ECG
C. Stess ECHO
D. Aspirin and send home

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