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Fundamentals of Digital Transformations 7 Tes < Or-Y a aoe] () ta 8 oe Web Search - V.3 Table of Contents Table of Content List of Figures Course Main Objective: Course objectives: Training Course Pla ‘The Training course includes: Training Methodologies: Training Aid Day 1 Objectives of the trai Day 1 - Session Introduction to web search Web search tools Search Engine Components .. 14 Crawling .. 14 Data Storage. 14 Online search engine and ranking 14 Web Search engines example: 15 Web and Web Server... 16 Web protocols 17 Types of protocols: HTTPS (Hyper Text Transfer Protocol Secure) : FIP (File Transfer Protocol)..... SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol): Uniform Resource Locator URL. Internet applications and services Services of Intemet Application . Communication Services Guideline to successful search Use the Tabs Use quotes... Use a hyphen to exclude words. VW wer Search - V.3 Use a colon to search specific sites. Find a page that links to another page. .. Use the asterisk (*)... Find sites that are like other sites. Search for multiple words at once .., Search a range of numbers... Keep it simple. .. Gradually add search terms... Use words that websites would use ... Use important words only. Spelling is not necessarily matter .... Use descriptive words .. Find a specific file... google search guidelines. Day | - Session 2... How to search? .. How to create an effective search query? .. 1: Define Search Terms... 2: Boolean Logic... 3: Phrase Searching... 4: Nesting... Still not getting the right results? Summary of steps for creating effective search statements, ... Do an Advanced Search on Google: Evaluating the credibility of web sources. Adding Extensions to Web Browser (Chrome, FireFox). Google chrome: Firefox: Working with international research databases ... Google Scholar (GS)... Features of Google Scholar. TF] Tring uritin the fel of technical nforaton + atthe Supree Cau of Uriversties © Intetectal raprty rights 2024 ® A YF wee Search - V.3 How are documents ranked? Smart ways to use Google scholar Search for journal articles. .. Build (and search) libraries. Set up alerts. ... Get quick citation. Activate academic mail. Cloud storage (OneDrive). Share files or photos via emai Share file Change permissions Research Gate... Create an account on RG. Tips to get benefits of using RG. .. To improve your RG Score:.. Day 2. Day 2 - Session 1... EULC. The Egyptian Knowledge Bank... EKB Services... The EKB federated search engine..... Login to EKB of Create New Account... The EKB Academic search engine Egyptian Journals Egyptian Conferences Day 2 - Session 2. Scopus Library Search in Scopus database. Manage Your Scopus Account .. Search document in Scopus. . [37 Trahing uritin the fel of technical information + atthe Supreme Canc of Lriversties © Intelectual property sights 2024 © A YF wee Search - V.3 Clarivate Web of Science WOS Indexed WOS..... Impact factor (IF)... Journal Citation Report.. Arabic Citation Index.. ProQuest platform ...........000 Al Mandumah.. SCIMAGO Institution Ranking SCIMAGO Journal Rank Open Educational Resources (OER) Glossary of terms: References... AMY leg aces Cite cole el jlag alas Gha aglll ATL a LS 5 alll JLaS sae Ta) Training unin the fl of echnical infomation «atthe Surere Cand of Universi © Inttecial property rights 2024 © A W wee Search - V.3 List of Figures Figure 1: Top ranked Web browser. Figure 2: Google search engine. Figure 3: Web browser and web server Figure 4: Getting information from a web server. Figure 5: Web protocols... Figure 6: Difference between HTTP/HTTPS Figure 7: FIP (File Transfer Protocol) Figure 8: Internet services and application: Figure 9: Google search tabs... Figure 10: Search results without quotes Figure 11: Search results with quotes. Figure 12: Search specific site . Figure 13: Search a specific file type Figurel4 : Google Advanced Search Figure 15: Google Advanced Search (narrow your results) Figure 16: Searching for and adding extensions in the Chrome browser Figure 17: Adding the Google Translate extension to the Chrome browser Figure 18: View and delete extensions in Chrome Figure 19; Searching for and adding extensions in Firefox Figure 20: Adding the Google Translate extension to the Firefox browser Figure 21: Viewing and deleting extensions in Firefox Figure 22: Google Scholar Website Figure 23: Google Scholar Login window. Figure 24: Edit your GS profile ... Figure 25; Search an article. Figure 26: GS search results Figure 27: GS full menu Figure 28: Saved library options .. Figure 29; GS alert setup... Figure 30: Existing GS alerts Figure 31: Create new GS alert Figure 32: Get quick citation.... Figure 33: Select GS citation styl Figure 34: Office website home page .. Figure 35: Entering email and password. Figure 36: Keep logged in or deny. Figure 37: OneDrive applicatio Figure 38; ResearchGate website.. Figure 39: ResearchGate Sign up for free Figure 40: ResearchGate account preview. Figure 41: Theses Search in EULC.. Figure 42: Theses Search Scope in EULC. Figure 43: Items Types in Theses Search in Figure 44: Theses Search Options in EULC... Ben taaas 15 | Training unit inthe Fie of technological information - at the Suoreme Caunc of Uiversties Intelectual property rights 2024 VW wer Search - V.3 Figure 45: Theses Search Results in EULC. Figure 46: Universities Journals Search in EULC.. Figure 47: Items Types in Universities Journals Search in EULC Figure 48: Universities Journals Search options in EULC. Figure 49: Universities Journals Search Results in EULC. Figure 50: Conferences Search in EULC., Figure 51: Conferences Search Options in EUL! Figure 52: List of Conferences in EULC. Figure 53: The EKB Portal .......s0.000 Figure 54: EKB sub-portals EKB Resources ‘The EKB login window Step-1 EKB sign up window The researcher type. : The university sub-portal Figure 60: Step-2 Basic informatio Figure 61: Step-3 Professional affiliation .. Figure 62: Step-4 Terms and Conditions Figure 63: Step-5 Email Verification. Figure 64: Final step the Ist login. Figure 65: Browse EKB online workshops... Figure 66: EKB study materials for school grades Figure 67: EKB Academic search engine. Figure 68: EKB ongoing search activities and services. Figure 69: EKB advanced search. Figure 70; Search and refine options. ... Figure 71: Search and refine limits. Figure72: EKB Egyptian research output... Figure73: Egyptian research output from EKB menu Figure74: Egyptian journals selection Figure75: Egyptian journals homepage Figure76: Search articles in Egyptian journals database .. Figure77: Search articles result... Figure78: Search authors form Egyptian journals database ..e.jcsssee Figure79; Write Authors first name and last name Figure 80: Search author result...... Figure81: Search journal form Egyptian journals database Figure83: Search journal result. ........ecce0 Figure84:joumnal page. Figure85: Advanced search form Egyptian journals database. Figure86: Egyptian journals advanced search ian Research Output from EKB Menu. Figure88; Egyptian Conferences selection Figure89: Egyptian conferences homepage .. Figure 90: EKB available sources. Te]. Trang uritin the fel of technical nforaton + atthe Supreme Cau of Lriversties © Itetectal property sights 2024 ® A WV wer Search - V.3 Figure 91; All EKB sources... Figure 92: ELSEVIER data source .. Figure 93: SCOPUS database sclectior Figure 94: Scopus database homepage Figure 95: Search Scopus database for authors Figure 96: Scopus database authors search results Figure 97: User Scopus-details. .. Figure 98: Scopus main screen. Figure 99: Create new Scopus account. Figure 100: Scopus register menu... ‘copus registration confirmation... Figure 102: Scopus interface when signed in. Figure 103: Search results for your profiles... identifying accounts matching your account. ‘equest to merge authors ..... ‘onfirming the choice of personal name .. ist of possible matching article: earching for missing articles Figure 110: Search document in Scopus. elect Clarivate web of ce from sources. llarivate Analytics Menu. : WOS Basic Search window.. WOS database Search alternatives. ‘OS Core Collection Search. litions) More Search options. fournal Search Results. journal rank/details. ICR from Clarivate Analytics Menu. : ICR webpage. journal name, categories, and ISSN journal Impact Factor Trend and contributing items. journal calculated IF. bene asssasssasees, journal Citation Indicator (JCT) and Total Citation: journal rank and quartile per category. elect Arabic Citation Index 31: Arabic Citation Index....... earch in Arabic Citation Index .. ‘earch by topic in Arabic Citation Index webpage... ata fields result earch by publication name in Arabic Cit sult related to publication name in Arabic Citation Index. : Select ProQuest. FF Tring rine tcc infant Sure Count Lives Intell property its 2004 @ 4 YF wer Search - V.3 Figure 139: ProQuest Dissertation & Theses. Figure140 : Basic Search Figure 141: Results page }ocument page (Translate the Abstract) : “Quick Look “ Option .. Figurel44:Work with results and document Figurel45_:Document View (Full text — PDF) Figure 146 : Video & Audio Content on ProQuest Figurel47 : Videos Results page.... Figure 148 : play video & download Figure 149 : Select Dar Al Mandumah Figure150 : EDU search from Dar Al Mandumah Menu earch in Dar Al Mandumah webpag Figure152 : ALMandoma Result page..... Figure 153 :Browse journals and conferences Figure 154 : Journals & Conferences List . Figure 155: SCIMAGO Journal Ranking Figure 156: SJR Journal Ranking option Figure 157: SJR Journal result. Figure 158: SCOPUS Journal year/quartile Figure 159: SCOPUS metrics for the journal per year Academic Video Online AM ple g tame Lies ole lay aluny dhe agli! ATS: aly Ly all JLas see Ta] Tring uritin the fel of technical nforaton + atthe Supreme Cac of Uriversties © Itetectual property sights 2024 © A WV wer Search - V.3 Course Main Objective: This course aims to provide the trainees with the essential skills to become better searchers. They will leam how to search the internet and create effective queries to find the right information. In addition, they will learn how to improve the search results using the available advanced search techniques. Further, how to deal with the international research databases like Google Scholar, Research gate, SCIMAGO, EKB including Web of Science, SCOPUS and Atomic Training facility, moreover, they will leam optionally how to use the Egyptian scholar portfolio web site. Course objectives: By the end of this course the attendant will be able to: + Learn about the Internet. + Identify web search tools. * Identify the components of a search engine. + Leam how the search engine works. + Lists examples of available search engines. + Differentiate between a web server and the web + Defines the types of web protocols. + Defines the URL is known as the Uniform Resource Locator + Distinguish between the components of a URL + Divide Intemet applications and services. + Uses methods for successful research, + Uses search (single-word/multi-word). * Create effective question sentences for research. * Perform an advanced search on Google. + Evaluate the credibility of web sources + Add extensions to the web browser (Chrome, Firefox). + Use international research databas« + know Google Scholar + Lists the characteristics of Google Scholar + Use the scientific researcher effectively. + Activate academic mail, + Know about the Research Gate * Create an account on RG + Use RG effectively and efficiently. + Improves RG score. + Search scientific theses on the Egyptian University Libraries Union website + Learn about the academic search engine EKB, the Egyptian Knowledge Bank + Log in to the Egyptian Knowledge Bank. + Distinguish between the services of the Egyptian Knowledge Bank. + Use search engine in EKB, * Search journals form Egyptian journals database. + Use Egyptian conferences in EKB. * Manage your own Scopus user account. * Merge more than one account for the same researcher in Scopus. Training wit inthe Field of technological information - tthe Supreme Counc of Univerties © Intelectval property rights 2024 - Vv Web Search - V.3 + Search the Scopus database. + Learn about the Web of Science (WOS). * Scarch in WOS indexing. + Extracts citation reports for journals. * Searches the Arabic Citation Index for reference citations * To use the ProQuest platform. + Learn about the Al Mandumah information databases. + Search in Al Mandumah information databases. + Find the organization's classification in the SCIMAGO classification. + Find journal classification in SCIMAGO. + Learn about Open Educational Resources (OER). + List examples of sites that provide access to open educational resources. Training Course Plan: This trainee manual contains the general, detailed objectives of the course, the technical background and training procedures. The Training course includes This training program includes a trainee manual that contains the technical materials in its simplest form, as well as a trainer presentation during the course, furthermore, it includes the self-Icarning training activities during the sessions and all the hands-on exercises. Training Methodologies: The training methods varies through the workshops among these motheds, © Active presentation e Interactive discussions © Selflearning © Peer evaluation © Brain storming © Case study, Training Aids * Computers © Data show - Projectors © Flip chart © Training manual and worksheets. This training course continues for two days, each day has two sessions. oan nn et ft natn tthe irene Cana Lies neil opey as 2024 © ‘ W wen Search - V.3 Day 1 Objectives of the training day: By the end of the first day the trainee will be able to: * Learn about the Internet. + Identify web search tools. + Identify the components of'a search engine. « Leam how the search engine works. + Lists examples of available search engines, + Differentiate between a web server and the web * Defines the types of web protocols. + Defines the URL is known as the Uniform Resource Locator * Distinguish between the components of a URL + Divide Internet applications and services. + Uses methods for successful research. + Uses search (single-word/multi-word). * Create effective question sentences for research. + Perform an advanced search on Google. + Evaluate the credibility of web sources + Add extensions to the web browser (Chrome, Firefox). + Use international research databases + know Google Scholar + Lists the characteristics of Google Scholar * Use the scientific researcher effectively. * Activate academic mail. + Know about the Research Gate * Create an account on RG + Use RG effectively and efficiently. + Improves RG score. [41 | Training unit inthe Fie of technological information «atthe Supreme Counc of Uiversties © Intelectual property rights 2024 OA W wer Search - V.3 Day 1 - Session 1 (120 mins) By the end of this session the trainee will be able to: * Learn about the Internet. + Identify web search tools. + Identify the components of a search engine, + Lear how the search engine works. * Lists examples of available search engines. * Differentiate between a web server and the web * Defines the types of web protocols. + Defines the URL is known as the Uniform Resource Locator + Distinguish between the components of a URL + Divide Intemet applications and services. + Uses methods for successfull research. Session tools Training manual Introductory presentation © Worksheets Training a * Discuss with your group mates and conclude with them what a web browser is. © Open two or more web browsers on your device and then try using different search engines. © Open one or more of the digital library portals available online. © Show your colleagues some examples of sites with different protocols. © Copy two or more URLs of some sites in your niche, then identify parts/or components of each site and compare them. © Use Google browser and do a search using different keywords in your field. © Summarize the most important advice for increasing the efficiency of Google search from your point of view. Tring rita tn of tects ndaration a i rere rel cf nent nec propery is 2004 &) A VW wer Search - V.3 Introduction to web search The word web refers to the World Wide Web, a portion of the Internet consisting of the pages that can be accessed by a Web browser. Many people assume that the Web is the same as the Internet, thus they use these terms interchangeably. However, the term Internet refers to the global network made of servers that allow the information sharing over the Web. Therefore, even though a large amount of the Internet is made up of the Web, they are not the same thing, ‘A web page is often used to deliver information to users, including text, pictures, or videos Multiple web pages make up a website, like the Supreme Council website. The number of web pages reached 1,167,715,133 in January 2022 (according to Neterafi’s January 2023 Web Server Survey compared). This massive number of pages contains much information that needs effective search techniques to reach the desired results. Thus, web search engines were invented to help users in searching the internet. Web search tools Have you ever been through a 1000 pages book just to look for a certain piece of information? You do not have to read the whole book. Instead, you jump to the book index to find the specific chapter related to that information. Similarly, this is how search engines work. The search engine is a program that searches for specific items in a database that corresponds to a certain query provided by the user. For example, YouTube has a search engine that searches its video library whenever you enter a certain query in the search bar. When the database that the search engine uses is the content of the web pages found on the Internet, we refer to it with the web search engine. CROSS BROWSER COMPATIBILTY Figure 1: Top ranked Web browser. Ta]. Training unitin the fel of technological inforaton -at the Supreme Cau of Lriversties © Itelectal roprty rights 2024 ® A VW wer Search - V.3 Search ngineCo onents Generally, there are three basic components of a search engine as listed below: © Crawling. * Data Storage. © Online search engine and ranking. Crawling The Web's content is found by a crawler, which then adds it to the search engine's database. Text pages, photos, videos, and other sorts of content are among the content types collected. Most crawlers start at one page and then navigate across the outgoing URL links on that page to discover information. As a result, a search engine may never find a page if it is not connected to another page. The entirety of the data that a web crawler collects is kept in a data repository, which serves as the basis for creating a user-searchable online index. Data Storage Some search engines have databases that contain billions of pages, but others have much smaller ones. To increase the database coverage, a search engine may combine results from both its own database and databases hosted by other search engines. Online search engine and ranking To respond to user inquiries, a search engine operates as a web service. The index is used by the query processing system to locate and rank pertinent documents. It creates a result page with the highest-ranking documents and provides the user with this page. A search engine records users' browsing habits as they engage with the search results and uses this information to enhance search quality. AN cle g tenes Lites cole ily alin s he agi! ATLaSs hls LS. ail Jas ase Ta]. Training unitin the fel of technological inforaton -at the Supreme Cau of Universties © Itelectal property rights 2024 ® A W wer Search - V.3 Web Search engines examples Web Search Engine refers to a huge database of internet resources such as web pages, newsgroups, programs, images etc. It helps to locate information on World Wide Web. User can search for any information by passing query in form of keywords or phrase. It then searches for relevant information in its database and return to the user. The top seven search engines ranked by Popularity are: 1. Google 2. Microsoft Bing 3. Baidu 4. Yahoo 5. Yandex 6. DuckDuckGo. 7. Ask The most-used and best-loved search engine, by far, is Google. Google is useful, uncluttered, incredibly fast, remarkably on target, and reliable. Many people believe that Google can only be used for inputting key words to web pages and getting results that share those key words. However, you can use Google to find so much more information and find it much more easily using specific built-in Google commands. ‘ama mages Google Figure 2: Google search engine. TFS") Traning uritin the fel of technical nforaton + atthe Supreme Cau of Uriversties © Itelectal raprty rights 2024 o) A VW wer Search - V.3 Web and Web Server The Web is the common name for the World Wide Web. It is a subset of the Internet consisting of the pages that can be accessed by a Web browser. Many people assume that the Web is the same as the Internet and use these terms interchangeably. However, the term Internet refers to the global network of servers that makes the information sharing that happens over the Web possible. So, although the Web does make up a large portion of the Intemet, but they are not one and same. The term web server can refer to hardware or software, or both working together. Browser Figure 3: Web browser and web server. On the hardware side, a web server is a computer that stores web server software and a website's component files. (for example, HTML documents, images, CSS stylesheets, and JavaScript files) A web server connects to the Internet and supports physical data interchange with other devices connected to the web, Web Server Leg Wy A Web server is a software program which serves web pages to web users (browsers). fs Figure 4: Getting information from a web server. On the software side, a web server includes several parts that control how web users access hosted files. P16 | Tring uitin the feof tecnica fron +t the Supreme Coun of Universties © Inca property sights 2024 VW wer Search - V.3 Web protocols In the world of technology, a large number of users communicate with different devices in different languages. This also includes the many ways they transfer data along with the different programs they implement. Therefore, worldwide communication would not be possible if there were no fixed “standards” that would govern the way the user communicates for data as well as the way our devices handle this data, we are talking about protocols. Internet protocols are a set of rules that control communication and exchange of data over the Internet. Both sender and receiver must follow the same protocols to communicate data. Network Protocols set of rules and conventions Figure 5: Web protocols Types of protocols: ¢ HTTP (Hyper Text Transfer Protocol) © HTTPS (Hyper Text Transfer Protocol Secure) © FTP File Transfer Protocol) © SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol) HTTPS (Hyper Dext/Transfer Protocol Secure) ; HTTPS It is a secure version of the http protocol that uses SSL/TLS for authentication and encryption. It uses port 443 by default instead of port 80 in HTTP. Sensitive data such as banking information, credit card numbers, and login data to https are transferred securely via https. Internet. This protocol is especially essential when securing online activities such as banking, remote work, and shopping, and given the importance that https represents, all sites have come to rely on it, whether to exchange sensitive data with users or not. AN ple g tame Lites ool Lily plans her ag! ATLAS, CH LS g alll SLs sas [77]. Tring uritin the fel of tecrnaogca mmaranon +a he Supreme Cando Lnverstes @ iteectual property rights 2024 ) A VW wes Search - V.3 Ce ees eT Figure 6: Difference between HTTP/HTTPS FTP (File Transfer Protocol) Ts used to transfer files between computers on a TCP/IP (Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol) network. ae Figure 7: FTP (File Transfer Protocol) SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol): This protocol is used to send emails between servers. It is used by email clients to send messages to mail servers, which then forward them to the intended recipients. Uniform Resource LocatoryURL URL stands for Uniform Resource Locator; URL is used to specify addresses on the World Wide Web. A URL is the fundamental network identification for any resource connected to the web (e.g., hypertext pages, images, and sound files) With Hypertext and Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP), URL is one of the key concepts of the Web, It is the mechanism used by browsers to retrieve any published resource on the web. A URL is composed of different parts, some mandatory and others optional. The most important parts are highlighted on the URL below (details are provided in the following sections): [78 |_ Trang untnte tecnica formation tthe Supreme Coun of Unverstes © Itc propery its 204 ® A YF wer Search - V.3 = ‘The first part of the URL is the scheme, which indicates the protocol that the browser must use to request the resource (a protocol is a set method for exchanging or transferring data around a computer network), Usually for websites the protocol is HTTPS or HTTP (its unsecured version). Addressing web pages requires one of these two, but browsers also know how to handle other schemes such as mailto: (to open a mail client) or ftp: to handle file transfer, so do not be surprised if you see such protocols. Next follows the authority, which is separated from the scheme by the character pattern -//.1f present the authority includes both the domain ( The domain indicates which Web server is being requested. Usually this is a domain name, but an IP address may also be used (but this is rare as it is much less convenient). The port indicates the technical "gate" used to access the resources on the web server. It is usually omitted if the web server uses the standard ports of the HTTP protocol (80 for HTTP and 443 for HTTPS) to grant access to its resources. Otherwise, it is mandatory. Poth to resource Path specifies the exact location of the web page, file, or any resource that the user wants access to. Like here the path indicates a specific article in the blog webpage. ?key1=value1 &key2=value2 Extra parameters provided to the Web server are as _ follows; ?keyl=valuel&key2=value2. Those parameters can be a number, encrypted value, search term or other data that can be found on the website. URL parameters contain a key and value, separated by an equal sign (=). A URL can contain multiple parameters, which are then each separated with an amma (&). An anchor to another part of the resource itself is; #SomewherelnTheDocument. An anchor is an optional component of URLs that are typically placed at the end with a hash (#). They indicate a specific location on the webpage like an ID or name attribute but can also be directed to other resources like a footer, or sidebar. 7 | Taring nner oration -t he Sie Can Une Insel opery sts 20 @ A VW wer Search - V.3 Internet applications and services Intemet Applications can be described as the type of applications which use the intemet to operate successfully. In other words, a web application (or web app) is application software that runs on a web server, unlike computer-based software programs that are run locally on the operating system (OS) of the device. Web applications are accessed by the user through a web browser with an active network connection. Examples of commonly used web applications include webmail, online retail sales, online banking, and online auctions. That is, by using the internet for fetching, sharing, and displaying the information from the respective server systems. It can be accessed only with the help of the internet facility, and it cannot be functional without the internet, Services of Internet Application Internet services can be divided into two groups: 1. communication service. 2. information services. In the first group the Internet mediates in the communication between two or more individuals. In the second group the user turns to the Intemnet-service in search for some information. eo" 9 Programs Databases) Emil Video <->” J : 3. conferencing 4 e- Entertainment Figure 8: Internet services and applications © 20] Trang uitin the fof teehnloianformton- tthe Sureme Coun of Universties @ Itlectal property rights 2024 YF wer Search - V.3 Communication Services Electronic mail (c-mail) is the most important and popular communication service. When one user wants to send a message to another Internet user, he/she types the message into a special computer program, adds the e-mail address of the recipient, and sends the message off through the network. Typically, the message reaches its destination almost immediately, even when it is on another continent. Practically all gateways between the Internet and other computer networks can handle e-mail messages. ‘The major advantage of e-mail over regular mail is that an e- mail message comes in electronic form. Therefore, it can easily be handled and interpreted by a computer program. Information Services Information Services offering easy access to information present on the internet, And give users access to remote computers and allow them to transfer files to and from this machine by using Telnet and FTP (File Transfer Protocol). Typical examples are electronic library card catalogs, campus information systems and other database applications. Today, the electronic card catalogs of practically all major U.S. libraries and many university libraries in Europe are accessible through the Internet. Many sites run large-specialized information systems for the "network community." AM) ple g deme Lite ole cL jlay allay due aglll ADLaSy aly US 9 alll JUS sae ar) Ting untinte it ft nratn th Siren Canc Lets nll opey ts 024 © A W wer Search - V.3 Guideline to successful search Google search Effective searching is a powerful skill. Millions of people use Google search every day for a variety of reasons. Students use it for school, people use it for research, and millions more use it for entertainment. But most people may not be using Google search to its full potential. Here are 20 Google search tips and tricks to maximize your search efficiency: Use the Tabs The first tip is to use the tabs in Google search. On the top of every search are several tabs. Usually you will see Web, Image, News, and More. Using these tabs, you can help define what kind of search you need to do. If you need images. use the Image tab. If you are looking for a recent news article, use the News tab. Google Search Engine x $a Figure 9: Google search tabs. It ig simple and most people use the tabs already. If you are not, then it is highly recommended to get associated with them. They can cut search times dramatically if utilized properly, Use quotes When searching for something specific, try using quotes to minimize the guesswork for Google search. When you put your search parameters in quotes, it tells the search engine to search for the whole phrase. For instance, if you search data science and analytics courses, the engine will search for content that contains those three words in any order. data science and analytics courses x b Q QaAl Bl image @ Maps News § More Settings Too! Figure 10: Search results without quotes. [Sa] Tring uritin tefl of tecnica nforaion -at the Supreme Counc of riversties@ Iteectua propery cigs 2024 ® A VW wes Search - V.3 However, if you search “data science and analytics courses”, it will search for that phrase exactly as you typed it. This can help locate specific information that may be buried under other content if not sorted out correctly. “data science and analytics courses” x 8 Q B videos Mor Settings Tools Figure 11: Search results with quotes. Use a hyphen to exclude words. Sometimes you may find yourself searching for a word with an ambiguous meaning. An example is Mustang. When you Google search for Mustang, you may get results for both the car made by Ford or the horse. If you want to cut one out, use the hyphen to tell the engine to ignore content with one of the other. See the example below. Mustang -cars This tells the search engine to search for mustangs but to remove any results that have the word “car” in it, It can be wildly helpful when finding information about something without getting information about something else. Use a colon to search specific sites. There may be an instance where you need to Google search for articles or content on a certain website. The syntax is very simple, and we will show you below. Lotfi Zadeh site: lot zadeh ste: berkeley ect x $a News GA] Videos @ Maps i More Settings Tools aa ga Intps:unw2.eecs berkeley edu» Facuty » Homepages = Lotfi A. Zadeh | EECS at UC Berkeley Biography LOTFIA ZADEH isa Professor in the Gracuate School, Computer S stment of EECS, University of Calorna, Berkeley. In atten Figure 12: Search specific site This will search for all content about famous scientist the father of Fuzzy Logic, but only on, All other search results will be removed, If you need to find specific content on a particular site, this is the shortcut you can use. T-). Tring writin te Fe ef technica nforraton- atthe Supreme Counc of Liveries © Iteectual property sights 2024 ) ‘ ence Dhision, W wer Search - V.3 Find a page that links to another page. This Google search tip is a little ambiguous. Instead of searching for a specific page, you are searching for a page that links to a specific page. Think about it this way. If you want to see who cited a New York Times article on their site, you will use this trick to find all the sites that link to it. The syntax is below: dink: That will return all pages that link to the New York Times official website, The URL on the right side can be practically anything. Be aware, though, that the more specific it is, the fewer results you will get. We know nota lot of people will likely use this Google search trick, but it could be very useful for some. AM) ple g deme Lite ole cL jlay allay due aglll ATLAS aly US 9 all JUS sae Tae] Tring uritin tefl of tecnica inforaion-at the Supere Cau of Uriversties@ Inteectua property cigs 2024 ® A Y web Search - V.3 Use the asterisk (*) The asterisk (*) wildcard is one of the most useful ones on the list. When you use an asterisk in a search term on Google search, it will leave a placeholder that may be automatically filled by the search engine later. This is a brilliant way to find song Lyrics if you do not know all the words. Let us look at the syntax: “Come * right now * me” That may look like nonsense. However, Google search will search for that phrase knowing that the asterisks can be any word. Often, you will find they are lyrics to The Beatles song “Come Together” and that is what the search will tell you. Find sites that are like other sites. This is a unique one that could be used by practically everyone if they knew it existed. Let us say you have a favorite website. It can be anything. However, that website is getting a little bit boring, and you want to find other websites like it. You would use this trick. Below is the syntax: related: If you search that above, you will not find a link to Amazon. Instead, you will find links to online stores like Amazon. Sites like Bames & Noble, Best Buy, and others that sell physical items online. It is'a powerful Google search tool that can help you find new sites to browse. Search for multiple words at once Google search is flexible. It knows you may not find what you want by searching only a single word or phrase. Thus, it lets you search for multiples. By using this trick, you can search for one word or phrase along with a second word or phrase. This can help narrow down your search to help you find exactly what you are looking for. Here is the syntax: “Best ways to prepare for a job interview” OR “How to prepare for a job interview” By searching that, you will search both phrases. Remember the quotes tip above? It is being used here as well. In this instance, these two exact phrases will be searched, It can be done by word too, like the example below: chocolate OR white chocolate This will search for pages that have either chocolate or white chocolate! 25. | Trinng unitin the fie of technological information the Supreme Cauncl of Uivestes © Intellectual property rights 2024 W wee Search - V.3 Search a range of numbers Searching for a range of numbers is another tip we do not anticipate a lot of people using. The people that do use it, though, will probably use it quite a bit. People interested in money or statistics will find this tip particularly useful. Essentially, you use two dots and a number to let Google search know you are looking for a specific range of numbers. Like the syntax below: What teams have won the Stanley Cup ..2004 41.43 In the first instance, the search will toss back the team that won the Stanley Cup in 2004. The two dots with only one number will tell the search that you do not need anything before or after 2004. This can help narrow down searches to a specific number to improve search results, In the second, Google will search for the numbers 41, 42, and 43. It is vague, but wildly useful if you happen to need to search for numbers like this. Keep it simple. Now we are getting into the general tips. Google search knows how to search for a lot of things. What this means is you do not need to be too specific. If you need a pizza place nearby, use this to search. Pizza places nearby Google search will grab your location and deliver a variety of results about pizza places that are near you. Gradually add search terms. There will come a time when Google search does not move out the results you expect. In this instance, keeping it simple may not be the best option. As Google itself suggests, the best method is to start with something simple then gradually get more complicated. See the example below: First try: job interviews Second try: prepare for job interviews Third try: how to prepare for a job interview This will gradually refine the search to bring you fewer, more targeted terms. The reason you do not go straight from the first try to the third try is because you may miss what you are looking for by skipping the second step. Millions of websites phrase the same information in a few different ways; using this technique lets you search as many of them as possible to find the best info. 7s) Ting nine et ttc norton the irene Cana Leste nll ope ts 026 © A Vv Web Search - V.3 Use words that websites would use When people use Google search to search the web, they generally search for things using the same language that they would use for speaking, Unfortunately, websites do not say things the way people do; instead, they try to use language that sounds professional. Let us look at some examples: “T have a flat tire” could be replaced by “repair a flat tire”. “My head hurts” could be replaced by “headache relief”. The list goes on and on. When searching, try to use terminology you would find on a professional website. This will help you get more reliable results. Use important words only The way Google search works is to take what you search for and match it with keywords in online content. When you search for too many words, it may limit your results. That means it may take you longer to find what you are looking for. Thus, it is appropriate to use only the important words when searching for something. Let us see an example: Do not use: Where can I find a Chinese restaurant that delivers. Instead try: Chinese restaurants nearby. Or: Chinese restaurants near me. Doing this can help Google find what you need without all the clutter. So, remember, keep it simple and use important words only. Spelling isnot necessarily matter Google search has gotten a lot smarter over the years. These days, you do not even need to spell words correctly. If it is somewhat close, Google can usually figure out what it means. Here are some examples: If you search “Nyer Gna Gve Yo Up” Google will automatically assume you mean to search for “Never Gonna Give You Up.” If by chance your misspelling was intentional, Google gives you the option to search for the misspelled term instead. This trick is great if you happen to forget how to spell something or are not completely sure how something is spelled. Itcan also be helpful when searching for vague words. This applies to capitalization and grammar as well. Use descriptive words TS] Training unitin the fel of technological inforaton -at the Supreme Cau of Universties © Itelectal property rights 2024 ® A YF wer Search - V.3 Almost everything can be described in multiple ways. Take our namesake, the “life hack.” The terminology “hack” refers to a computer programmer breaking security on a network or system. However, when used in conjunction with the word “Life”, it alters the meaning to tips and tricks people can use to improve their lives. If you have trouble finding what you are searching for, keep in mind that people may search or define what you need in a different way than you do. You may search “How to install drivers in Ubunut?? ‘When you really mean “Troubleshoot driver problems Ubuntu”. If you search for something and you cannot find an answer, try asking the same question using different words and see if that helps the results. Find a specific file. An often-forgotten feature of Google search is the ability to search for a specific file or file type. This can be infinitely useful if you need a specific PDF or PowerPoint file that you previously viewed or need to use for another project. The syntax is quite simple: *Search term here* filetype: pdf In the above example, you simply replace the search term with whatever you are searching for. Then use the filetype command and enter the extension of any file type you ean think of. ‘machine learning book, filetype: pdf x) $Q QAI G] images BLNews GD Videoe Nor Settings tpsatexsmlaor» INTRODUCTION TO MACHINE LEARNING - Alex Smola eauts 1- 10— Ths pagehas pores to my dat book an Machine Learning ara to tp ww datasclenceasanorgdefaut flea > » Introduction to Machine Learning - Data Science Association et. ory of Atl Iteligones" (POF) ethedlogeal sus ips hewaitmcom downloads cas = eb Machine Learning For Dummies®, IBM Limited Edition Your data only as good as what you do wth kane how youmanage ft Inihis book, you er ype of machine lsm-ng eceique, Figure 13: Search a specific file type This can mostly be useful for scholarly purposes, but business presentations and other assorted presentations can benefit from this kind of search as well. Ie Teng ct nthe a of nina ration =a the Sree Ce of Liberia @ Ie ppt pts 204 @ A VW wer Search - V.3 google search guidelines. * use Google search to find out where your packages are. You can enter any tracking number directly into the Google search bar, and it will show you the tracking information about your package © Google search can quickly and accurately convert both measurement units and currency value, There are a variety of uses for this, Several commands can be entered to give you instantaneous results. This can save time and effort, so you do not have to click a lot of inconvenient links. Example Like Weather *zip code* - Time *place* * Google search can do math for you. You can ask it basic questions like 8545 or some more difficult ones like Planck’s Constant. AM) ple g tame Ulsan ole tay alng dhe agli! ATLAS (Hale Lay ail JL ase F-Go 7]. Tring writin te feof technological nforraton- atthe Supreme Counc of Liveries © Iteectual property sights 2024 ) A WW wer Search - V.3 Day 1 - Session 2 (150 mins) By the end of this session the trainee will be able to: + Uses search (single-word/multi-word). * Create effective question sentences for research. * Perform an advanced search on Google. « Evaluate the credibility of web sources + Add extensions to the web browser (Chrome, Firefox). + Use international research databases + know Google Scholar + Lists the characteristics of Google Scholar + Use the scientific researcher effectively. + Activate academic mail. + Know about the Research Gate * Create an account on RG + Use RG effectively and efficiently. * Improves RG score. Session tools © Training manual e Instructor presentation * Worksheets Training activities © Discuss with your group mates and conclude with them how to create a method or complex question to improve and audit web searches. © Use advanced Google search in your field of specialization. — Add an extension to the web browser you are using. Using your own Google account, create a new account on the Google Scholar search engine. ¢ Use Google Scholar engine to search for articles and citations in your specialty. © Discuss with your group mates the most important advantages of Google Scholar. © Activate your academic email. Create your own account on the RG search portal. Search for international articles and academic researchers around the world and follow their scientific research if necessary, Ig Teng tnt a of nina ration at the Spree Ce of Libera @ Teco pet pts 24 @ - VW wer Search - V.3 How to search? To perform an effective search for the information you need to firstly, Define the information problem then Create an effective Search Query. To define the information problem, you need to: 1.Choose and explore your topic : Choose a topic that challenges and maneuvers you because you'll be working on it for a while, Examine recent events, using inspiration from sources like online newspapers or news websites. Examine current issues of journals in your field of study. 2.Do some exploratory research : Tn order to comprehend the topic more thoroughly, you may quickly structure your issue using Wikipedia articles, which can also provide you some good search terms. Another efficient way to start your exploratory research is online searches to get yourself familiar with the topic. Simple Google searches can work well here. How to create an effective search query? Most databases feature an advanced search page that enables you to combine the many concepts you have already identified for your search to conduct sophisticated searches. For search methods specific to a given database, consult its search tips or help pages. Date or "most recent first" is typically the default sort order for results. Change the sort order to ‘relevance’ to show the results that are the most pertinent. It is important to conduct multiple database searches. The entire body of knowledge on any given subject is not included in any one database. Use the search methods below to enhance your search results quality. iy Define Search Terms 2. Boolean logic 3. Phrase searching 4. Nesting 1: Define Search Terms Search terms are the words you type in the search field to obtain your results. These key terms represents the concepts and main ideas, usually nouns, of your research topic. In order to obtain a good subject-related search terms you need to firstly, make a list of search terms that describe these concepts. Then, determine whether there are synonyms, related terms, or other variations of the search terms that should be included. Think of different spellings of words, e.g. behavior/behaviour, labor/labour, organisation/organization as well as the antonyms of your concepts. ar) Ting nti tf tcc norton th Siren Conc Lets nll opey ts 024 ® A W wer Search - V.3 2: Boolean Logic In honor of the 19th-century mathematician George Boole, the phrase "Boolean logic” is used to describe the logical link between search [uals 1°) terms. There are three main “logical operstrs” init OR, AND, and NOT. |" "7% By combining two or more terms, such as cats AND dogs, you can focus your search and only locate entries that contain all of the words you |) \®) | combined. By combining two or more terms, such as cats OR dogs, you can expand your search and bring up entries that contain either, neither, or both of the words. Use NOT to focus your search and bring up records that don't include the keyword that comes after it. For instance, typing in "cats NOT dogs" will bring up documents that have cats but not the word dogs. 3: Phrase Searching Searching for exact phrases entails looking for two or more words, Most databases assume the AND operator unless you specify differently, which means that all terms must be present for a specific record to be included in the search results, though not always as an exact phrase. Hence, climate change ought to produce the same outcomes as climate AND. change. The search engine looks for words in the exact sequence when search terms are contained in double quote marks (for example, "climate change"). It should be noted that phrase searching is a very efficient technique to focus your search, particularly if your term includes two or more widely used phrases (like social media or the White House). 4: Nesting The database will mix different operators in one search query in the following order: OR, NOT, AND. You can use brackets to regulate the order in which your search phrases are merged. To designate the order in which you wish your search terms and their operators to be interpreted, enclose them in brackets. The text between brackets is read first, followed by the text outside of them. Examples (cats OR dogs OR birds) AND "animal welfare" ("global warming" OR “climate change") AND ("'sea level rise” OR "extreme weather") ("computer games” OR "video games") AND (children OR youth OR teens) a2) Training ut in the el ef twenalgalinftoraton-at he Supreme Cound of Lives © Inlecual property hts 2024 @ ‘ W wer Search - V.3 Still not getting the right results? If you haye tried all the listed techniques but you still cannot get the results you seeking, you might need to cither narrow or broaden your search query. To narrow your search Query: © Reduce the terms linked by OR. © Add another essential concept, linked by AND. e Add limiters. © Use different/more precise search terms. © Limit terms to certain fields (¢.g., Title instead of All fields). To broaden your search query: © Use other or larger search phrases; © Restrict terms to certain fields (such as Abstract instead of Title); Increase the number of terms linked by OR; * Eliminate limiters. Summary of steps for creating effective search statements, ° ° Identify the keywords (usually nouns) that reflect the main concepts of your research question. Keywords may be individual words (e.g., retention as well as short phrases (e.g. working from home), Create a search statement that incorporates all your keywords and related terms. Use Boolean/proximity operators, parentheses, quotation marks, and truncation/wildcard characters as needed. Use quotation marks to designate a phrase of two or more words (e.g., "working from home") Use truncation/wildcard characters to find different endings of a word stem or variant spellings of a search term (e.g., "work* from home") Use Boolean operators (AND, OR, NOT) to connect search terms to define the relationship between them (¢.g., telecommut* OR "work* from home") Use proximity operators to specify how farapart search terms may appear from each other in search results (¢.g., work* n3 home) ‘Use parentheses to group terms when your search statement includes more than one type of search operator (e.g., (telecommut* OR telework* OR work* at home) AND (retention OR turnover) AM leg tae Uitte ole eily alany cea agi ALS al LS all JUS sae [Se] Training unitin the fel of technaloicainforaton -at the Supreme Cau of Universties © Itelectal property rights 2024 ® A W wer Search - V.3 Do an Advanced Search on Goog! You can narrow results for complex searches with Advanced Search. Go to Advanced Search : or: to the right of the search bar, click Settings © > and then Advanced search. Google Advanced Search —_ Results use all the words you enter. saves wres Results include one exact word or phrase you enter. eccrine: Put exact words in quotes ~ * syst tae ot Results include at least one of the words you enter. erect ese was Results don't have any of the words you enter. Bsmt .» L_Put a minus sign just before words that you don't want Results include a number between the 2 numbers you enter. Figure14 : Google Advanced Search “Then naron your resus Find pages in a specific language. oy x = Find pages publishedin a certain region. sage cond Find pages updated within the time you select. smccsonsn ‘Search one site like Or, limityour results to.a domain like .edu, org, of gov. _—— iad Find pages that have your search terms ina specific stent vi Remove exploit resuls, part of the page. lke the title, text, or URL. sen: ay Find files in a specific format, like .pdf, .xls, .ppt, or doc. _ a | _Find pages that you are free to use Clickatter you are finished |__fSsrey Figure 15; Google Advanced Search (narrew your results) [Sr] Tring uritin the fel of technical nforaton + atthe Supreme Canc of Lriversties © Itetectual raperty sights 2026 @ A WW wer Search - V.3 Evaluating the credibility of web sources Anyone, in theory, can publish on the Web; therefore, it is imperative for users of the Web to develop a critical eye to evaluate the credibility of Internet information. Searching for sources on the WWW involves using a search engine, a directory, or some combination of these two. Because there is so much information on the Web, good and bad, finding what you want is not an exact science and can be time consuming. These guidelines are to help you become familiar with various types of Web resources and the reliability of the information. . Is there any evidence that the author of the Web information has some authority in the field about which she or he is providing information? . What are the author's qualifications, credentials, and connections to the subject ? . With what organization or institution is the author associated? . Does the author have publications in peer reviewed publications, on the Web? . Are there clues that the author/s are biased? For example, is he/she selling or promoting a product? . Is the Web information current? If there are several out-of-date links that do not work or old news, what does this say about the credibility of the information? 7. Does the information have a complete list of works cited, which reference credible, authoritative sources? 8. Can the subject you are researching be fully covered with WWW sources or should print sources provide balance? 9. On what kind of Web site does the information appear? Here are some types of Web sites : ‘© Personal Home Pages. © Special interest sites. © Professional sites. © News and Journalistic sites. © Commercial sites. 10. Deconstruct the URL to find out the source of the information. Some Common Domain Names: * .com; means Commercial © .ac; means Academic © .co; means Company © edu; means Education © .gov; means Government . . wewr 2 mil; means Military net; means Network © .org; means Organization 11. Remember that social media sites are not suitable as references for researchers, such as Facebook, Twitter, Telegram, ete Beg Ting ct nthe a of trata iratgn =a the Sree Ce of Liberia Itecen pcpety pts 2506 @ - Vv Web Search - V.3 Adding Extensions to Web Browser (Chrome, FireFox) An extension adds features and functions to a browser. It's created using familiar web-based technologies — HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, It can take advantage of the same web APIs as JavaScript on a web page, but an extension also has access to its own set of JavaScript APIs. This means that you can do a lot more in an extension than you can with code in a web page. Here are just a few examples how to add extensions to web browsers: Google chrome: a. goto htt | '/( Bj Set rene : =a Ormtaredcon a akon O 6 b. Figure 17: Adding the Google Translate extension to the Chrome browser ere Se ey coer Pe preparers Cert peer Sens epee Figure 18; View and delete extensions in Chrome [Se] Training unitin the fel of technological inforaton -at the Supreme Cau of Uriversties © Itelectal property rights 2024 ® A Cry perpen comin To Google Translate by Juan Escobar Cee Fmt Figure 21: Viewing and deleting extensions in Firefox Working with international research databases The Internet is an incredible source of a wide variety of information, and there are some excellent search engines available to help us find this information. Google is one of the most popular and effective There is a difference between websites and published scholarly articles. Websites can be anything: a sales tool, a personal blog, promotion of a cause, etc. Google was designed to find websites. Lots of websites provide valuable information. [S77] Tring uritin the fel of technical nforaton + atthe Supreme Cau of Lriversties © Itetectal raprty rights 2024 © A Vv Web Search - V.3 Google Scholar (GS) Very few websites provide access to scholarly research. The launch of Google Scholar (GS) marked the beginning of a revolution in the scientific information market. This search engine, unlike traditional databases, automatically indexes information from the academic web. Its ease of use, together with its wide coverage and fast indexing speed, have made it the first tool most scientists currently tur to when they need to carry out a literature search. Additionally, the fact that its search results were accompanied from the beginning by citation counts, as well as the later development of secondary products which leverage this citation data (such as GS Metrics and Citations), made many scientists wonder about its potential as a source of data for bibliometric analyses. The GS provides a simple way to broadly search for scholarly literature. From one place, you can search across many disciplines and sources: articles, theses, books, abstracts, and court opinions, from academic publishers, professional societies, online repositories, universities, and other web sites. GS helps you find relevant work across the world of scholarly research. Google Scholar Press here Figure 22: Google Scholar Website To create an account on GS you must have an account on Gmail. Hence, you may login using your Gmail as shown in the figure below, or if you don’t have a gmail account create new one. Write your email and Password Google Sign in Aller writing your email press next If you do not have Gmail account Figure 23: Google Scholar Login window Tao]. Traning uritin the fel of technical nforaton + atthe Supreme Cac of Lriversties © Itetectal property sights 2026 @ A YF wer Search - V.3 After login to your gmail account you can fill in your details in the “My Profile”, hence, search for your articles and select it to be enrolled under your name. After that every article containing your name will be automatically alerted to your account and you will be asked to include in your articles. Google Scholar @ Frome ‘rack citations Om Name @ seinos san Email for vereation Eo, enstingpree Areas ofinierest After finishing press next for articles and settings Homepage (optional) Figure 24: Edit your GS profile Features of Google Scholar © Search all scholarly literature from one convenient place © Explore related works, citations, authors, and publications * Locate the complete document through your library or on the web © Keep up with recent developments in any area of research © Check who is citing your publications, create a public author profile How are documents ranked? Google Scholar aims to rank documents the way researchers do, weighing the full text of each document, where it was published, who it was written by, as well as how often and how recently it has been cited in other scholarly literature, AM) ple g tame Lites cole al ay alurg dha aplll ATLAS aly Lg all JL ase 39 | Training unit inthe fed ef technological information - atthe Supreme Cound of Universes © Intellectual property rights 2024 VW wer Search - V.3 Smart ways to use Google scholar Google's customized search engine and tool for students and academics. Scholar allows you to search journals, save sources to your personal library and get quick citations. Scholar is designed to return a combination of the most relevant and most cited pages, meaning you will get what has been cited most by other academics (which are usually the most informative, reliable sources). A quick guide for a smart use of GS, Search for journal articles. The first thing you need to know about GS is that it works essentially like a regular google search engine, to get the best results, you should be as specific as possible. Keep in mind that Scholar can search both the title and article content for search terms, even if the content is locked to subscribers. Once you have navigated to a results page, you will see information about the author, publisher, and date for each entry. SS myprotte He My beary Write your Search query here Google Scholar Figure 25: Search an article You will also see the location of the entry (for example, Google Books or JSTOR) and a link that says, “other versions," from which you can navigate to other webpages on which the article has appeared. A link on the left side of the page will link directly to the article and indicated its format (HTML, PDF, etc.), Build (and search) libraries. As you look through the results, you can save articles to your library. Once you add something to the library, you can view a comprehensive info sheet of the article, including the abstract, and put it under a label to organize it with similar sources. For book entries, click "more," and you will see a link that reads "Library Search." This link will take you to the page for that book, from which you can enter your ZIP code and check if you can find the book at your nearest library. Tao] Training unitin the fel of technological inforaton -at the Supreme Cau of Universties © Itelectal property rights 2024 © A W wen Search - V.3 = Google Scholar [type Fuzzy ogi contote E ‘ [searhawecy JTrcnsan Bom tw vim gp ay econo rt it pcs (Gascon) ‘rca 221 [Bu Yeon 208 EES vramonorlConeerce on ung. 206- sowee ep ‘Son 2020 "he pasar en wna pe? funy lage antral Fe) pnw sn eae ‘amen ys hata see fal cg neaatTosn oer fede) ens ctype Fu und pense apne ok) ean 9 kd Jv ced 202 Ralstodaicee AI vos Sinpliied type-2 fuzzy gle controller fr realime control on Been ‘Putas eSAbervectons 208" Iressa gone sachs Gt) nde cptize 2 nel faery ape ‘onlrs PL) ough oy rovide seen ca sgouey ees Foose perm gets et singa lt ras ietersne etoan ne ect [ee comay son Rust ancce Rr Computatonsly ficient ypeweductionststegies for atype-2 furry logic POR controler DM Yeon. MCLE rstns Cones on Puzy 2005 -maere 089 [sped tz salts omc’ by scree sp rian ON) oes were manersioa smetesn owt supe pes tay ge 2a) Sareea cern ican pesos Figure 26: GS search results aryl From the _ menu Select My Library Advanced search 2 Sattings Figure 27: GS full menu ay tay ores SD Myo He Hy Hony yey ‘Showing alates in your library ren Semon tn Toe page cee a “ainplifed ype? fuzzy lage contol or eaine santa (Por boron —— ‘ivi tn-1eA tons 05 -tane Seen zt ‘chases en Atmugh Gk ons apart tetg one, he ean = Stenmneny ore “Your saved library = (Por academia ed ‘is pps step any eoreies CS gue a "ug asa ry rebates hce ocengueamares Th Sedan tyson aie? Pec pene sr 5 Cnay 202 Pelancerdee AIT vows Figure 28: Saved library options Tar | Ting nti tf tcc ration the irene Cana Leste sled opey ats 026 o) A W wer Search - V.3 Set up alerts. For students researching current events or developing medical discoveries, keeping up with the latest academic literature adds yet another task to an already difficult project. Scholar gives you the option of setting up alerts when there are new results for a specific search term (such as "Russia Ukraine conflict"), so you can stay updated when there are new articles and books publish. My profie oe My library Select Alerts to Metrics setup new alerts Advanced search settings Figure 29: GS alert setup Alerts: ‘New cations to my aries ‘Show upto 1Oresuts CANCEL Figure 30: Existing GS alerts € = Create alert ‘Your research wi a ot Ea en Number of results: showupto10resuts = peor resuy ESET Exsesere to save Figure 31: Create new GS alert “Er ] Trang writin tefl ef technological nformaton + atthe Supreme Counc of Universi © Inteectual property sights 2024 o) A Vv Web Search - V.3 Get quick citation. Along with the other links under a GS search result, you will find the Cite button. A box will pop up with citations in different formats based on the article type, which you can easily copy and paste into a Word document or import into the citation managers that Google links in the box (i.e. Endnote). = Google Scholar Tpe2 Fuze Bg SP wyte e we ron asada ts 1th Ilo roan Get quick citation ‘ype-2 uray logic controler te Figure 33: Select GS citation style AM) leg secs ite ole Lyla y alg Che aglll ATL hl LS 5 alll JLS wae © aa _| Training unit in the Fie! of technological infrmation - at the Supreme Caunc of Universes Intelctual property rights 2024 Vv Web Search - V.3 Activate academic mail Microsoft Office 365 ( * Log into office 365 On your computer, visit https://www and sign in with your Office 365 account (academic email) Office is now Microsoft 365 IF Microsoft Signin HE microsoft Write Your Email Here Enter password i” Your password ‘¥ ae 7 —~ Ea Stay signed in? Do this to reduce the number of times you are asked to sign in Figure 36: Keep logged in or deny Tae] Tring nitin the fel of technological inforaton -at the Supreme Cau of Uriversties © Itelectal property rights 2024 ® A W wee Search - V.3 Cloud storage (OneDrive) You can use OneDrive as a cloud drive when you save files within the Office app. After signing in with your Microsoft 365 account, tap the App Launcher icon and select the OneDrive app. Apps Bi ovtoce GE word EB cccot D Povertoint UM] Onenicte Figure 37: OneDrive application Share files or photos via email. - Select the files or photos you want to share, and then select Share. 2. Choose whether you want to allow editing. 3. Select Email, 4. Enter the email addresses of the people you want to share with and add an optional message. Select Share : Everyone you share the file with will receive an email. Share files 1, Select the folder you want to share, and then select Share. 2. Choose whether you want to allow editing. 3. Select Get Link or Email and follow the steps above. Change permissions 1. Select Share. 2. Select a folder or file, then select the Info icon. 3. Do one of the following: © Select Add people to share with more people. * Select Manage Access to change permissions. © Select the Can Edit or Can View drop-down list to change permissions or stop sharing. © Select X to remove the link. 2 Be Teting vtin the cf technobgcal ibrration-at he Sewers Counc of Lrtersten ibe propery sighs 206 &) A VW wer Search - V.3 Research Gate ResearchGate (RG) is the professional network for scientists and researchers. Over 20 million members from all over the world use it to share, discover, and discuss research. We are guided by our mission to connect the world of science and make research open to all. ResearchGate is a social networking site for scientists and researchers to share papers, ask and answer questions, and find collaborators. According to a study by Nature and an article in Times Higher Education, it is the largest academic social network in terms of active users. ResearchGate Login cin for free Discover scien’ knowledge and stay connected to the world of science Figure 38: ResearchGate website Create an account on RG To start connecting and collaborating with researchers around the world; 1. Go to www.rescarchgatenet 2. Click Join for free 3. Select which type of researcher you are (Figure 30) 4, Enter your name, institutional email address, and choose a password 5. To finish creating your account, you will need to click the link in the activation email ‘you receive. A leg eae ist le Ay pleas gua agi! AdbaSs Hal LS g all JS sae Tae] Traning uritin the fel of technical nforaton + atthe Supreme Canc of Lriversties © Iteectual property sights 2026 ® A Web Search - V.3 Join 20+ million researchers, including 79 Nobel Laureates What type of researcher are you? Academic or student Unies steerer ely atte rember, on indepen £ Corporate, government, or NGO a ~ Medical Not a researcher esoetoa esearch Figure 39: ResearchGate Sign up for free After signing up for a new RG account. You may add your own articles. o Trarnguitn the fet of tecncoica information +a the Sucre Coun of Universes © Intlecal propery its 202% o) A WV wer Search - V.3 Tips to get benefits of using RG. ResearchGate has been regarded as one of the most attractive academic social networking sites for scientific community. It has been trying to improve user-centered interfaces to gain more attractiveness to scientists around the world. Open access publishing has added more to increased visibility of research work and easy access to information related to research. Moreover, scientific community has been much interested in promoting their work and exhibiting its impact to others through reliable measures. The RG Score measures scientific reputation based on how your work is received by your peers, We believe that researchers are the best judges of each other's work and that all a person's research, published or not, deserves credit. Your RG Score is calculated based on any contribution you share on RG or add to your profile, such as published articles, unpublished research, projects, questions, and answers. RG score algorithm looks at how your peers receive and evaluate these contributions, and who they are. The higher the RG Scores of those who interact with your research, the more your own score will increase. A low-quality contribution probably will not attract positive feedback and recognition from the community, so it will not contribute to your score in any significant way. In contrast to more traditional metrics, the RG Score focuses on you, an ever- growing community of specialists, and puts reputation firmly back into the hands of researchers. To improve your RG Score: In order to improve your RG score, you may use the following tips: Share anything from negative results to raw data or full-fledged publications. Create a project, or add ant update to your existing project(s) Ask a question or give another researcher a helpful answer. Follow other researchers. Comment on and recommend your peer's research, projects, and questions. eee Ieee Teng ct nthe a of nina ration =a the Sree Ce of Liberia @ Teco cpa pts 204 @ A VW wer Search - V.3 Day 2 Objectives of the training day: By the end of the second day the trainee will be able to: * Search scientific theses on the Egyptian University Libraries Union website + Leam about the academic search engine EKB, the Egyptian Knowledge Bank + Log in to the Egyptian Knowledge Bank. * Distinguish between the services of the Egyptian Knowledge Bank. + Use search engine in EKB * Search journals form Egyptian journals database. + Use Egyptian conferences in EKB. + Manage your own Scopus user account. + Merge more than one account for the same researcher in Scopus. + Search the Scopus database. + Leam about the Web of Science (WOS). * Search in WOS indexing + Extracts citation reports for journals + Searches the Arabic Citation Index for reference citations * Use the ProQuest platform + Leam about the Al Mandumah information databases, + Search in Al Mandumah information databases. « Find the organization's classification in the SCIMAGO classification. + Find journal classification in SCIMAGO + Leam about Open Educational Resources (OER) * List examples of sites that provide access to open educational resources AN eg ee Use le Slag aly er alll ATL hl LS 5 alll JLS wae 49. | Training uritinthe fed ef technological information - atthe Supreme Counc of Universes © Intellectual property rights 2024 W wee Search - V.3 Day 2 - Session 1 (150 mins) By the end of the second day the trainee will be able to: . . . . Search scientific theses on the Egyptian University Libraries Union website Leam about the academic search engine EKB, the Egyptian Knowledge Bank Log in to the Egyptian Knowledge Bank. Distinguish between the services of the Egyptian Knowledge Bank. Use search engine in EKB. Search journal form Egyptian journals database. Use Egyptian conferences in EKB. Session tools Training manual Introductory presentation Worksheets Training activitie: Use the Egyptian University Libraries Union portal to search for university theses or periodicals in your field of specialization. Create an account on the Egyptian Knowledge Bank. Search and utilize the search engine on the Egyptian Knowledge Bank, Search about any journal form Egyptian journals database. 7 sp) Ting nine et ft norton the irene Cana Leste nll opey ts 026 © A VW wes Search - V.3 EULC Itis an electronic portal that includes a huge amount of information and service for all university disciplines through the universities’ information network, by subscribing to the global databases of digital libraries, in order to provide more than 70,000 periodicals, international standards and e-books available through the portal’s official website ueg/eule_vS/libraries The site includes several resources, includin; ‘© Holdings of the Egyptian universities libraries © Masters and PhD of Egyptian researchers © Theses under study in Egyptian universities © Researches of Staff Members in Egyptian Universities © Scientific Journals Published by the Egyptian Universi . . . ies Electronic Holdings Owned by the Egyptian Universities Transmission of Electronic Lectures Communicating with major libraries throughout the world to sce the latest books Communicating with the largest Intemational databases contracted by the Supreme Council of Universities to get to know the latest scientific researches in the world, in addition to access to more than 25 thousands periodicals and download the full text of it. And the site allows searching in all available sources i.e. Theses , Universities Journals, papers and Conferences. To search in Theses section, select Theses from home Page. et ing ala et Petit EAI Dynes erst Mut 28) 2 va ss TAtens Bias Tet Pats Soon Figure 41; Theses Search in EULC TS]. Tring writin te feof technological inforraton- atthe Supreme Cou of Universes © Iteectual property sights 2024 ) ‘ Vv Web Search - V.3 Choose the Search scope from the available univerisities data bases. Figure 42: Theses Search Scope in EULC Select the item type from dropdown list. Mai Thee dnc het Sods sce cynetas Onns Figure 43: Items Types in Theses Search in EULC 52. | Training unit inthe fed of technological information «atthe Supreme Coun of Universities © Intelecual property rights 2024 Vv Web Search - V.3 Enter the search keywords in the search text filed then click the search button. ea | Figure 44: Theses Search Options in EUL( ey aa Copter, = Sree res Herrera ee eee me — sata — * Srey Figure 45: Theses Search Results in EULC To search in the EULC Universities journals database, select Universities Journals from EULC Homepage. po oe oe 20 og Se sen (Aas 0 Biks Tees 0 Peles seas Figure 46: Universities Journals Search in EULC Beg Ting tthe ad of nina iraton =a the Sires Ce of Loker © Idec property gis 206 @ - W wer Search - V.3 Select the Item type from the dropdown list. eu x oo Beets ~ [ha = Tnnphee Nano conagaci rate! Proeasd resumes mach nes Ma ted Stnmeins | Noornen titres = “dre cle gape gecesi mes = 0 oy day ot the rn sie Pennsel Unk Frcepets el Cates wo Thess aes aati) | Certo Caron Figure 47: Items Types in Universities Journals Search in EULC Figure 48: Universities Journals Search options in EULC AN) ploy ewe Utes le ely alery chao gill Aas (Sols Las g al JS ate =a] Tring writin the feof technclogialnformaton + atthe Supreme Counc of Liveries © Inteectual property sights 2024 ® A W wer Search - V.3 Enter the search keywords in the search text filed then click the search button. Reconsideration 3 ny oye Jeane ey ps nln peat eet) Figure 49: Universities Journals Search Results in EULC To search Conferences database in EULC, select Conferences from EULC Homepage. Sat tee cain tite monte Pyne En) oycone [it Ae =] > Hold ene sat Ales 0 Bros 0 Theat 0 Petal oon Enter the search options (i.e. paper title, Authors...etc. ) Choose the Conference from the drop down list then click search button. © 55]. Training uit in the Fie of technological information «at the Supreme Cun of Uiversties © Intelectual property rights 2024 VW wer Search - V.3 pe ge ny al nh gn al il ab ably tut sisal sae oF oe a ala fll hae St al cad a Sb NM ld al eam 2 any an Sd hl sel See oh a abel cal oan at Mit eal een a a a a ano a asset Aap yo ly ell ppm et ae tt nt ee A a a lh Figure 52: List of Conferences in EULC Se] Training writin the fl of tecnlogialnformion- tthe Supreme Conc of Lrivesties © Intelectual property sights 2024 © A W wen Search - V.3 The Egyptian Knowledge Bank The Egyptian Knowledge Bank (EKB) is the world’s largest digital library granting unlimited resources exclusively for Egyptians. The EKB is an initiative that has been launched by President Abdel-Fattah El-Sisi During the National Science Day of 2014. And through it, the specialized councils of the presidency started to launch several national projects concerned with educational development. To sign in or register Our Sources. (uicktinks tal resources and esearch tals onthe ERB To change Language Figure 53: The EKB Portal The EKB grants all Egyptians from all ages access to the largest amount of knowledge, cultural and scientific content whether they are basic, applied, technology, human or management sciences. It also includes public cultural books that target children and to be used through computers, smartphones, and tablets around the country. EKB Services) The EKB has 4 sub-portals: Readers, Academic, Education, and Kids. The EKB is one of the most sophisticated educational service around the world with an array of tools. El Zw ea forte nae rerunuersty fers ee aguntron Figure 54: EKB sub-portals TSF]. Tring writin te feof technological inforraton-at the Supreme Counc of Universes © Iteectual property sights 2024 © ‘ VW wer Search - V.3 For the Public: It provides access to all general resources and latest news in every area of general interest. (Only requires national ID number) For University Professors & Students: It provides access to all academic resources as well as other portals. (Requires University/ Institution ID number) For Students & Educators: It provides special educational resources that match the curriculum. (Sign up as a teacher or as a student) For children from ages 6 to 14: It provides entertaining educational activities and resources. (Account must be created by a parental guardian) The EKB federated search engine The Egyptian Knowledge Bank has collaborated with multiple technology providers to ensure its users a search experience that is wholesome, productive, time saving, multidisciplinary, and accurate. The EKB guarantee free access to all Egyptians all over Egypt. oo [2 oc] Educational Cultural Research Figure 55: EKB Resources Login to EKB of Create New Account If you have an already created account, you may sign in directly using your institution account (edu mail and password), else, you can sign up for anew account. You will need your edu mail and your national ID number. Ifyou are ready to sign up for a new account, you are encouraged to watch an orientation video on the following link: [35]. Traing writin te feof technological inforraton-at the Supreme Coun of Universes © Iteectual property sights 2024 ) A W wen Search - V.3 los WE\come To THE ExB! Figure 56: The EKB login window REGISTRATION Selanne Basic Research & Education Fighes Readers ids Figure 57: Step-1 EKB sign up window ANN leg tee Utes ole lag aleny cha gull ALS: Hs LS g alll JUS as Ig Teng ct nthe a of trata ration =a the Sree me of bers @ Iotecen cpt pts 26 @ -

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