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Fundamentals of Digital Transformations Certificate Word Processing - V.3 Copyrights© The Central Unit of IT Training Supreme Council of Universities All rights reserved. The content of the Fundamentals of Digital Transformation Certificate cannot be copied, published, or used in any form or by any means without a written permission of The Central Unit of IT Training at the Supreme Council of Universities Copyright infringements cause legal liability ee ae en eld 1 Internal & External Design Eng\ Ahmed Khalil Aboze' Eng\ Mai Mohamed Ga' v Transforming to digital management in all fields is caused by the global changes and challenges. The Egyptian country aims to spread the culture of digital transformation in in various institutions and sectors. The importance of Digital transformation in the Egyptian universities is attributed to the different benefits offered by this transformation, such as improving and facilitating access to data and services for students, employees, and faculty members. Digital transformation also improves the quality of education and research, increases administration efficiency, and enhances data and information management which positively affect Seo decisionmaking. Cet eg In line with Egypt's strategy for building the Egyptian citizen capabilities, and the application of the Egyptian Constitution article (25), which states that "The country is committed to developing a comprehensive plan to eradicate alphabetical and digital illiteracy among citizens of all ages, and it is committed to developing implementation mechanisms with the participation of civil society institutions within a specific time plan”, many programs are bein; plemented that aim to achieve the strategy and the Egyptian constitution. Therefore, Egypthad to develop aclear plan for increasing awareness of the concepts and objectives of the digital transformation program for all levels within the academic and administrative institutions of the country. Such institutions are encouraged to implement the digital transformation programs ona regular basis. As part of the responsibility of the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research towards the digital transformation of the academic community as well as the non- academic community; the decision of the Supreme Council of Universities was to administer the “Fundamentals of Digital Transformation Certificate “ FDTC” through the Central Training Unit of IT Training at the Electronic and Knowledge Services Center. The FDTC targets spreading the culture of digital transformation among all segments of the Egyptian society through offering a number of training programs for graduate students, faculty members and employees in different sectors. This certificate is essential for the digital community in the era of digital knowledge andinnovation. Professor Dr. Mustafa Rifat General Secretary of the Supreme Council of Universities Digital transformation has become a common requirement for most countries in the world. Digital transformation saves time and effort, reducescorruption, and eliminates bureaucracy. According to the global changes, the transition to a digital society is the responsibility of everyone fora better livingina safe society. Digital transformation means encouraging organizations and institutions to use digital technology in all sectors to change th infrastructures. They depend on the use of computers and their applications in different business processes. Egypt's Vision for Sustainable Development 2036 depends on digital transformation in the New Republic. The vision targets achieving many goals such as economic growth, government services improvements, government accountability, a andimproving the welfare of the Egyptian community. Electronic and Knowledge Services Center Under the auspices of His Excellency President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi and based on the 2030 vision, the Egyptian government has launched a number of important projects, suchas: 1. The Digital Identification Project: Thi transactions remotely to savetimeand effort. 2. The e-Government Project: This project seeks to develop e-government services and increase the number of electronicservices available to users. 3. The e-Governance Project: This project seeks to promote government accountability in the public sector, and maintain the publishing and accessibility of data and information. is a system that allows Egyptian citizens to conduct daily Inline with Egypt's Vision 2030 and Egypt's strategy for achieving digital transformation, the Supreme Council of Universities has adopted a clear strategy to promote digital awareness and eliminate digital feracy among the Egyptian people. The Supreme Council of Universities has issued The Fundamentals of Digital Transformation Certificate (FDTC) as a prerequisite for granting any post graduate certificate issued by Egyptian universities as wellas the promotion of faculty members. Under the direction of Professor Dr, Mustafa Refaat, General Secretary of the Supreme Council of Universities, expert committees have been formed to develop the content and question banks of the programs included in the FDTC certificate. The Electronic and Knowledge Services Center (EKSC) in the Supreme Council of Universities is responsible for monitoring the implementing of the FDTC testing and training, The Central Unit of IT Training (CUIT) supervises the accredited training centers in univer and Egyptian institutions offering the training and testing of the FDTC certificate. Different units in the EKSC offers technical support, such as the Egyptian Universities Network, and Management of Information and Decision Support System Unit toachieve the goalsof the FDTC. Dr. Ashor Amry Director of the Electronic and Knowledge Services Center The Supreme Council of Universities There is no doubt that training various members of the community, whether university or non-university, on digital transformation programs has become a necessity and a pressing issue in the era of information technology and its techniques. Therefore, technology nurtured an advanced environment, whether in the educational field or other fields, which helped works developing and improving the ability and efficiency of individuals andinstitutions to perform different tasksat work. Perhaps what the world witnessed during COVID19 pandemic which affected countries! economies . in addition, to the challenges faced in all fields, especially education in particular. The pandemic negatively affected about 1.5 billion students, That is, nearly 90% of primary, school, and university students in the world. They became unable to attend their studiesin person. The world since has sensed the importance of digital transformation in education as well as in various other sectors; both during and after the pandemic. Recently, some educational institutions started using technological tools, while governments of different countries sought to mitigate the adiversal effects of closures and enhance the continuity of education for all by adopting digital transformation training strategies. That is digital transformation training programs are essential mechanisms for entering the era of digital tran sformationandits technologtes. Therefore, it was necessary for Egypt to develop a clear plan to raise the awareness and consolidate the concepts and objectives of Microsoft Word Document. Vv Word Processing - V.3 Fig. 1: Opening Microsoft Word User Interfaces ‘Afier the program is opened using one of the previous methods, the main display interface appears, which i the interface that enables the user to deal with the program (Figure 2), Fig. 2 User Interface 13 | Ting wa the Hallo wersoga maton - at hw Suprama Cound Uva alactulpopaty hs 2024 V Word Processing - V.3 1, Title Bar: Displays the name of the document being edited and the name of the program you are using. It also includes control buttons to minimize, restore and close. 2. Quick Access Toolbar: There are frequently used commands, such as Save, Undo, and Redo. At the end of the Quick Access Toolbar, there is an arrow that opens a drop-down menu "Quick Access Toolbar Customization Menu" where you can add or delete other commands. 3._ Fille Tab: Click this button to find commands that operate on the document itself, such as New, Open, Save As, Print, and Close. 4. Ribbon: Ribbon has been included in Office applications since Office 2007. The Ribbon contains commands organized into three components: a. Ribbon tabs: A tabbed ribbon system is used instead of traditional menus. It contains the main tabs of the program such as: Home, Insert, Layout, etc. When you click on any tab, its toolbar appears below it. b. Commands: Includes tools and commands for each tab. €. Groups: Organizes related commands and tools into groups. Each group has a name that appears at the bottom of the bar. For example, font set, paragraph set, styles and others, 5. Ruler: Word has two rulers - a horizontal ruler and a vertical ruler. The horizontal ruler appears just below Ribbon and is used to set margins and tab stops. The vertical ruler appears on the left edge of the window and is used to measure the vertical position of items on the page, 6. Scroll Bar: Allows you to browse the document. 7. Status Bar: Displays information about the document you are editing, such as the page ‘number, the total number of pages of the document, the number of words, and the language used. 8 Zoom slide control: Allows you to change the zoom settings for the active document. 1- File Tab: ‘When you click the File tab, the File menu or Microsoft Office Backstage view is displayed, Backstage view gives you various options to save, open, print, and share a file, 1.1. Create a New File (New): + When you open Word, it creates a new document and names it Document 1. + There are other ways to ereate a new document: © Press the CTRLAN keys together. © File ab > New > Blank document WLS S |e babel oe cart Yy algo Y pull gos Word Processing - V.3 ga New Document Fig3: Cre 1.1.1, Create a document using templates: To create a document of a specific type, such as a business plan or a CV, itis possible to use templates. To use a specific template, do one of the following: From the File > New tab in the Templates section, choose one of the installed templates, Or from the search box for templates online, type what you are looking for, such asa letter ora CV. Or choose from the categories suggested under the search box such as Business, Cards, Flyers. Choose, for example, the CV template. The template preview window will open for you. Notice the arrows on the side of the preview that enable you to see more similar templates. Then choose Create. Ifyou double click on the desired template, it will be created directly. Vv Word Processing - V.3 1.2. Opening a document: Open Fig,#: Open Command: + File> Open + Orby pressing the CTRL#0 keys together. + The Open tab displays a list of recently opened documents. + Clicking on OneDDrive will show documents that have been shared with you. + You can click Browse to find any document on your computer through the “Open File” dialog box and then choose the Open command, + The "Open" button allows you to open the file as (read-only) if you only want to read the file and do not intend to modify or edit it, in addition to some other advanced options such as opening a copy of the file or opening and repairing it, as in the figure, pens ony Opin inPetece er Smartest Fig.5: Open a Read-Only File V Word Processing - V.3 1.3. Info Itineludes information about the opened document, including size, number of pages, number of words, last modified or created dates, author, and other information that identifies the document or its contents (Figure 6). 1.3.1. Protecting a Document: When working on a document containing important data, itis necessary to add a protection or security factor. The document can be marked as final, or special privileges can be set, so that the document can only be changed or opened by a specific group of people. To access the security settings, go to Info>Protect Document > drop-down menu, Here you have six options available to add security to your document 1. Make the dacurnent read-only: You can use this option if you want to share the document with others and want to alert them that the current version is read-only and you do not want them to modify it. 2. Enerypt with Password: Encryption is the maximum level of security that can be applied to a document, Passwords are case sensitive and can bea maximum of 15 characters. Ifyou lose or forget your password, Word won't be able to recover it for you. Make sure you keep a copy of the password in a safe place or create a strong password that you can remember. V Word Processing - V.3 To protect the document with a password, follow these steps: + Go to File > Information > Protect Document > Password Encryption tab + Type a password, then type it again to confirm it + Save the file to ensure that the password takes effect, 3. Mark as Final: That is, editing and revising the document is complete and this is the final version of it, When you open the document again, an icon will appear in the status bar along with a yellow bar at the top of the page indicating that the document is in its final version, However, other users can edit and format the document if they ignore the message inthe top bar and click the Edit button anyway. 4. Restrict Editing: This security option is more customizable, Instead of just protecting the entire document with a password, you can specify the types of changes that are allowed to be made and by whom. 5. Restrict Access: This command gives people access to a file while restricting the ability to print, forward, or copy information by unauthorized persons. 6, Add a digital signature: Adding a digital signature to your document confirms to the recipients that you are the original signatory of the document, and that the content of the document has not been changed since it was signed, Finally, we can browse previous versions of the document, where you can go back in time to see what the document looked like before the last modifications to it, 1.3.2. Check for Issues - Document Inspector: Whenever you create or edit a document, certain personal information may be added 10 the file automatically —for example, information about the document's author, You ‘can. use Document Inspector to remove this type of information before sharing a document with others, Because some changes may be permanent, it's a good idea to use Save As to create a ‘backup copy of your document before using Document Inspector 18 |_ Teaing wan the ldo crsoga lagna he Supreme Counc of Unveil pope gis 2024 V Word Processing - V.3 To use Document Inspector: 1. File> From the Info pane, click Cheek for Issues, then select Inspect Document from the drop-down menu. info Monthly Report cars ek fp | PetetDocimene rte ht pet esp pe FMB spect Document I pesesnamenttomie B= ort peptic slate nme s ler nn [9 se dorm bd ppi ‘Stpmmlomen Sec cy 2. Document Inspector wil appear, Check or uncheck the boxes, depending on the content you want to review, then click Inspect. In our example, we'll leave everything selected. Docomeietor Te once docmertr tester amen ik use comm to Ym nt onan FP oamert reste a Pee enaon Ez tmrnenst ne tnt Docent as Fama st ce cana EZ coterie, cove ome Fig, 7: Document Inspector F_un tte vnres-th pn ut aur ry 9 Oa Vv Word Processing - V.3 3. The inspection results will show an exclamation mark for any categories where it found potentially sensitive data, and it will also have a Remaye All button for each of these categories. Click Remove All to remove the data 4. When you're done, click Close 14. Save & Save As: Save As ore Pon amare escent ine ly Ole. ‘heme (Dee ig Fs met 0 os cramensne sme sss 7 oy som 0 east ae B users eou sie mamin ed Fig. 8: Save Command 14.1.$a One of the features of Word 2019 is that it allows you to save the document on OneDrive, making it easily aeeessible on any device, and enables features such as “AutoSave,” which helps prevent data loss ifthe file is closed unexpectedly. When saving the file for the first time, a Save As dialog box appears where the file name is written, the saving location and file format are specified as follows: + File> Save As. To save the file to the cloud, select a location that your accounts allow yau to access, sign in if necessary, and then save the file To save a file to your computer, select “This PC”, select the folder where you want to save the file, or select “Browse” and navigate to the location where you want to save the file. + Inthe Save As dialog box, type the file name, then Save. ‘Note: The same steps are followed to save the file in a new location or with a different name or to change the saving format, F_un eastern vn ust ears enya 2 © V Word Processing - V.3 Fig.9: Save As Dialogue 14.2.5 Itis necessary to save work at regular intervals in order not to lose data in the event of a power outage. ‘There are three ways to save a document: 1. File> Save. 2, Click the Save icon on the Quick Access Toolbar. 3. Orby pressing the CtrH+S keys together ving documents: Word document is saved with the default extension (docx) and can be saved in other formats so that you or someone else can open the file in a different program or using an older version, To save a Word document in a different format, follow these steps: 1. Click the Fite tab 2. Click Save As. 3. Choose a file location, such as OneDrive or This PC to store your file, 4, Inthe File name box, enter a new name for the file. 5. Inthe Save as type list, click the file format that you want to save the file in 6. Then, click Save. Any recent changes to your file will be saved The following table lists the different kinds of documents that Word can save, WLS Se GALT ye st Vy ego ¥ gudl yee Vv Word Processing - V.3 Fileformat | Description Word The default, XML-based document format for Word 2008 for Mac, Document Word for Mac 2011, Word 2016 for Mae, Word 2007 for Windows, (docx) ‘Word 2010 for Windows, Word 2013 for Windows, and Word 2016 for Windows. Word 97- “The document format that is compatible with Word 98 through Word 2004 2004 for Mac and Word 97 through Word 2003 for Windows, Document (doe) Word Saves the document as an XML-based template that you can use to Template start new documents, Saves document content and settings such as (dotx) styles, page layout, AutoText entries, custom keyboard shortcut assignments, and menus, Word 97- Saves the document as a template that you can use to start new 2008 documents, Saves document content and settings such as styles, page Template layout, AutoT ext entries, custom keyboard shorteut assignments, and (dot) ‘menus, Compatible with Word 97 through Word 2003 for Windows and Word 98 through Word 2004 for Mac. Rich Text ‘Exports document content and formatting to a format that other Format(-rtf) | applications, including compatible Microsoft programs, can read and interpret. Plain Text Exports document content to a text file and saves text without (txt) formatting. Select this format only if the destination program cannot read any of the other available file formats. Uses the Mae Extended ASCII character set Web Page Saves the document for display on the Web. HTML is the default (him) ‘Web format and can be displayed by Macintosh and Windows browsers. PDF Exports the document to a PDF file, which looks the same on ‘Macintosh and Windows computers, Vv Word Processing - V.3 5. Print a Document 1, Click the File tab, or press CTRL+P 2. Then Print 3. Examine the print preview on the right side of the screen to ensure the document appears correct. 4, Select the correct printer by clicking the Printer list arrow and selecting it from the list 5. Adjust the printer settings described in the following table: Print Settings Print Range Print One Sided / Both Sides Collate Orientation Page Size Page Margins Pages Per Sheet Print the whole document, a certain page range, a single section, ‘or just even or odd pages. Print the document one-sided, enable a printer's two-sided printing function, or manually fip the pages during printing, Collating prints multiple copies of the document all the way through (1, 2, 3, 1,2, 3), while printing uncollated prints multiple ‘copies of each page together (1, 1,2, 2, 3,3). Select Portrait (taller) or Landscape (wider) Select the size of paper you're printing on. Adjust the margins between the edge of the page and the text. Arrange multiple pages on a single sheet. 6, Set the number of copies in the Copies text field. 7. Click Print, Vv Word Processing - V.3 Fig, 10: Print Se ie 1.6. Share @ Document: When you share your document with others and give them permission to edi , everyone's cchanges are made in the same document, To make document sharing work, the document must be saved to Microsoft's OneDrive storage. Afler saving a document to OneDrive online storage, follow these steps to make the document available for collaboration: Click the File tab to access Backstage view, then click Share, 2 Type an email address to invite a collaborator. If you use Outlook as your computer's address book, click the Address Book icon to the right of the Invite People ox to automatically add people. 3- Choose whether the collaborators can edit. Choose Can View from the menu, and the people you invite can read the document. Choose Can Edit, and they can make changes. 4- Type a message in the Include a Message box. Click the Share button. The invites are sent, The people you're sharing with will get mail from you, with a link to your document. 1.7. The Export command: By default, Word documents are saved in the docx file type. However, there may be times when you need to export your document from Word to a variety of file types, such as a PDF. Using the Export command, you can convert your documents into PDF files directly and quickly so that you can share them or print them securely. 1.8. Close a Document: The Close command is used on the File tab to close the act also be closed by: Clicking on the Close (x) icon in in the upper-right-hand corner, Or by pressing the CTRL+W keys together. 24 |_Tering urn the Held weioga oration ~ a he Supra Counc a Unvaies 1 alc ropa Fs 2024 Vv Word Processing - V.3 1.9. Account: ‘The Account menu shows you information about Office, your subscription details, software updates and other information, Itis also used to add or remove accounts for cloud services such as OneDrive or SharePoint to easily save or open files from these services. ence HOV OaAn y« Account ferecea! ed ea Office a rae ie baarozet ees een founds Come Feet = 9 Sure Fig. 11: Account Command 1.10. Feedback: Microsoft is interested in hearing from you about what works well, what doesnt, and any ideas for improvements, including potential new features and functionality, to improve the user experience for you and for all Microsoft users around the world, To send them your notes through File > Notes, then specify what you liked or did not like. 1.11 Options: Options is where you can view and update your Word and document settings, personal information, and preferences. For example, the General oplions allow you to change user interface settings and customize and start up a copy of Word and documents. [25 |_Tering waitin he el ot envoy omnsion ~ at i Sureme Cound of Unies cua open his 2024 Vv Word Processing - V.3 ee 1 cet ape sere lipoma eta St Fig, 2: Word options Option ‘Functions Options is where you can view and update setings for Word, your documents, your personal information and your preferences. General Geng options let you change user interface, personalization, and startup settings for your copy of Word and documents, Dispay controls how content appears on the screen, whether any formatting marks appear, and how the document prints, Proofing controls spelling and grammar check, as well as autocorrect. Save controls default file types and saving locations. Language controls the languages used for display and editing purposes. ‘i iia a ‘Use advanced Word options to customize editing tasks, document display, printing preferences, and more. Customize Ribbon | to add and arrange tabs or commands. Quick Access add, remove, and change the order of the commands on the Quick Toolbar Access Toolbar ‘Add-ins are special programs that provide additional functionality to Add-Ins Microsoft Word. The Trust Center is where you can find security and privacy settings for Microsoft Office programs, ‘rust Centre Word Processing - V.3 Keyboard Shortcuts for File Tab Commands Todo this Press ‘Open the File page to use Backstage view. AlttF Open a document. | Cul+0 Create a new document. Chin Save the document. CaaS ‘Close the document, Cat Print the document. Ctrl+P Training activities Activity 1 * Open Word, and create a blank document, + Using the Customize Quick Access Toolbar, Add New, Quick Print, and Check Spelling and Grammar. + Using the Status Bar, change the writing language from Arabic to English, then enlarge the document to 120%. Activity 2 * Open Word, and create a document using the templates to write a resume. + Make appropriate edits and then save it in PDF format as “CV” on your desktop. Activity 3 1. The trainee writes the following text, formats it, then saves it as (Session 1) in a folder (folder name: Training, location: Desktop) + Taxi drivers closed one side of one of the main roads in the Spanish capital in an open strike that began about a week ago. + Police forces confronted the protesting drivers and attempted to evacuate the area that had been closed of. Word Processing - V.3 2. The trainee opens the previous file and then adds the following paragraph: + But it seems that more drivers are flocking to the capital after being disturbed by the lack of regulations in their work sector that guarantees their rights in light of competition from companies such as Uber. + The trainee saves the file with the name: (drivers* strike), then closes it. 2-Home page tab: Mating: Review Yow ato oe) +n ry TT EO paseens|ssevons aaBbci ©) =) Me As Ze aoe a [oe oD Newmat | NoSpacng Heading =) fa bons font 5 soe Paste Figure {Gime page tab) The Home Page tab provides you with a set of commands that enable you to format the text in terms of font, type and color, as well as how to deal with the paragraph, its formatting and some of the other features that will help you create a file that suits your needs, The interface of the "word" program contains the Home Page tab and the Home Page tab contains: Clipboard; They have functions that are used when formatting documents; they collect everything that the user cuts or copies for later use. Font: It includes several font formatting settings such as making the font bold or italic, and others. Paragraph: Allows the user to set important formatting features on paragraphs such as indentation, line spacing, page breaks, shading and others Styles: To quickly and easily manage the method of headings and the text of the entire document Editing: To search for texts inside the file and re-edit them 2.1-Clipboard: es Paste oS Format Painter Cupboard fl Figure 2(clipboard) WLS 5S 2 abl op oxt Yy abo Y pall gas Word Processing - V.3 This set contains copy, cut and paste commands, which can be illustrated as follows: 2.1.1-Copy: Copying is making a copy of the selected text or the entire file to use it again without ‘modifying the original text, and is done as follows: 1) Select the text or object to be copied and to select the text Press the right button in the mouse and move the cursor to the last word to be selected. 2) Press the (CTRL* C} keys together or click on the (copy) bution from the(clipboard) group from the (home) bar, to save the copied part in a temporary memory. 3) Click on the location to be copied to and then press the two keys (CTRL4V) together, to paste the part from the eache to the document or click on the button (paste) from the group(clipboard) from the bar home page) to transfer the part from the cache to the document. 2.1.2-Cut: Cutting is the transfer of the selected text or the entire file from the current place and uses it elsewhere, and is as follows: 1) Select the text or object to be cuted. 2) Press the (CTRL* X) keys together or click the (cut) button from the(clipboard) group from the (home) bar, to save the cut part in a temporary memory. 3) Click on the location to be transferred to and then press the two keys (CTRL+V) together, to paste the part from the temporary memory to the document or cliek on the bution (paste) from the Group( clipboard) from the bar (home page) to transfer the part from the temporary memory to the document. 2.1.3-Format Painter: Figure 3(format painter) By selecting the (format painter) command, you can copy the format in one place in the document and it allows you to apply it in another place, When we want to copy a certain text format, we select the text to be copied, then we click on the format painter tool, we will Word Processing - V.3 notice that the cursor shape turns into a brush, and when we want te copy this format to another text, we pass this brush to the other text 2.2-Font: Includes The types of formatting performed on the text within a Word document include: * Change the font type. * Change the font size. + Formatting the font to become (italic-bold-underlined). * Change the text color and highlight it. ‘You can make many formats on the text in the word program to match the nature of your file cab @ooy:=|11 =| A A” Aa Ap BIU-dxx A-2-A- Font Figure {font group) 2.2.1- Font Type: Choosing the right font and style is crucial when writing a file, you can change the font type from the Home Page tab. In order to be able to change the type of writing font you are doing, select the text and click on the arrow next to the word (Times New Romain), as the word program provides you with many types of Arabic and foreign fonts. You will see a preview of the shape you want as -you go through the lines. You can also download more types of fonts and add them to the program. 30 | Tering wrt nth eld werlog oration ~ a ve Supra Counc a Unees alc roety Fs 2024 Vv Word Processing - V.3 31 Recently Used Fonts © Verdana Oh SOT oH O10 0 Times New Roman ‘itFonts © dgncy 8 0 ALGERIAN 0 arial O aria Black © bial Narow © Arial Rounded MT Bold Figure S(font type 2.2.2-Font Size: ‘You can change the font size for all text or only for selected text to appear in print. To change the font size of the selected text Select the text or cells that have texts you want to change, and then under the home page tab you can choose from the sizes available inthe list cor type the size number suitable for you as you like, Colibri (Body) Figure 6ifont size ‘You can also increase the selected font size to the next larger size or reduee it to-the smaller size in the font size box, by pressing the letter A. Ifyou want to reduce the current selection font size to the next smaller size in the size box, Press 4. Also to enlarge the font size: press the two keys (CTRL+])together to enlarge the font direetly, To reduce the font size using the keyboard, also press the (CTRL) keys together to reduce the font directly. “Trang ual he alo cog oman = he Supreme Counc of Unveil pope igs 2028 Vv Word Processing - V.3 32 2.2.3- Font Format: ‘Afier typing the text and choosing the appropriate size, you ean add some modifications to it, and these modifications are called font format, and there are many formats provided by the word program, and we will review some of them: 1) to display the text in a (bold) form: you can make the font wide by pressing the letter B, and in case you want to use the keyboard shorteut for this command, press( CTRL+B together to change the format directly. 2) to display the text in italic)form: you can make the font italic by pressing I and in case you want to use the keyboard shortcut for this command, press the two keys (CTRL#I) together to change the format directly. 3) to display the text in (underlined) form: you can put a line under the speech by pressing, U, and if you want to use the keyboard shorteut for this, press (CTRL+U) together to cchange the format directly. 4) to puta line in the middle of speech you choose the command ab. 5) to make a letter or number at the bottom of speech —and this is in writing elements and chemical compounds, for example, you choose the letter X2 and to put it at the top of speech, click on x2. {6 to do more ready-made formats provided by Microsoft Word and change the Font color, click on the arrow next to the letter A. Note: you have to select the text first to make any of the formats on it. 2.2.4-Text Color: Figure 7(text color) You can also change the text color through the Home page tab. To change the Font color, scleet the text you want to change, and then, select the color from the list. And you will again see a preview of the color that will be applied to the text before changing it, And when you see the color you want, click on it to apply. 2.2.5-Text Highlight Color: “Trang ual he alo cog oman = he Supreme Counc of Unveil pope igs 2028 Vv Word Processing - V.3 (Cabri Boay) Bor U + ae x, Figure 8(Text Highlight Color) Text highlighting means adding a background color to the selected text. You can apply the highlight color to the text by selecting the text you want to highlight by clicking on a color from the font group in its Home page tab. 2.2.6-Change Case: ‘you can change the writing in uppercase letters or lowercase letters, which is called changing the case of characters. To change the case of characters for the text specified in the document, do the following: 1) select the text in which you want to change the ease of characters, 2) go to the home page and from the font group choose change status This choice will provide you with several options, including: * To make the first letter of the sentence uppercase and leave all the other leters lowerease, tap sentence case + Toexclude uppercase letters from the text, tap lowercase letters. + Tomake all letters uppercase, tap uppercase letters. + To: make the first letter in each word uppercase and leave the other letters lowercase, tap the uppercase letter at the beginning of each word. + To switch between case and reverse click case tap toggle case. faa) Sentence case Figure 9(Change Case) [33° [Thing uti el tcc btn = tn Sipe ana of Une kc pry i 208 Word Processing - V.3 34 2.2.7-Clear Formatting: You can easily erase all the formats that you have made on the text and return it to the default formatting styles just select the text to be returned to the default format and through the font group inside the Home Page tab click on the mark erase the entire format, After learning about the types of fonts and how to deal with the text and its formatting, it is necessary to lear how to deal with a whole paragraph, any group of texts together. ‘Options Format Text Review Help 2.3-Pharagraph: Paragraph 5 Figure 1(Pharagraph group) Paragraphs are an essential part ofall Word documents, and it is necessary for every user to know how to format and align these paragraphs to get formatted and tidy-looking documents. In this part, and the upcoming ones, we will learn how to format paragraphs ‘using many properties such as alignment, indents, spacing, so this set eoniains tools for paragraph formatting, 2.3.1-Bullets &Numbering: Figure 12(Numbering) ‘We use bullets or numbering to create a list with the aim of formatting the text, which is done starting from the firs letter in the paragraph with which the paragraph will begin, The use ofthis property has several benefits, including: V Word Processing - V.3 1) make the text clear and tidy and identify important points in it 2) it sorted things in the form of dots 3) Write easily and quickly To add a bulleted or numeric number: © Select the items to which you want to add bulleted or numbered. * On the Homepage tab, in the Paragraph group, click bulleted or numeric enumeration + To get more bulleted and numbered styles, click the artow next to bulleted or numbered. * For multi-level numerical enumeration: depending on the location of the beginning of the vertical paragraph line using the tab key, perform the previous steps, but by clicking on the (Multi-Level Menu) button instead of the (numbering) button in Step 2). * To cancel the numeration: select the originally numbered text, then click on none to immediately hide it. 2.3.2-Alighnment: Figure 13(Alighnment) Text alignment is a feature of paragraph formatting that determines the appearance of the text in the entire paragraph, For example, in a lef-aligned paragraph (the most common alignment), the text is aligned with the le margin and the text is aligned with the two margins. Microsoft Word provides a set of options for paragraph alignment; by default it selects the type of alignment depending on the direction of writing. That is, if you are ‘writing in Arabic (from right to left) it will align the beginnings of all lines with the right margin of the sheet, and if the margins do not fit the Line, it will automatically transfer the last word from the current line to the next one. Thus, one of the edges becomes regular, and the other is serrated, Ifthe input is in English, the opposite will happen and the beginnings ofall lines are aligned with the left margin of the sheet by default. You can access the alignment options from the Home page tab, specifically from the Paragraph group. 1) Align to the right; It aligns the texts with the right margin, You can use ito format texts ‘written in Arabic, or to format texts in some parts of the document such as the header or footer. LSS Le Lk op ast Yy Jao Y pull syesle Vv Word Processing - V.3 36 2) Centering: It aligns all paragraphs in the center of the page, this option is used to give the texts a rather solemn appearance, as in quotations, cover pages, and sometimes document headings 3) align to the left: It aligns the texts with the left margin, You can use it to format texts that are written from left to right, or to format texts in some parts of the document such as the header or footer 4) Adjust the text: When you adjust the text, a space is added between the words so that the two edges of each Line are aligned with the two margins together. The last line in the paragraph is aligned to the right. To adjust the text: * Click anywhere within the paragraph you want to adjust ‘+From the Home tab, in the Paragraph group, click adjust text "= 2.3.3-Indentation: ‘The space or blank space separating the paragraph and the margin is meant by indentation and isa tool for formatting paragraphs in a document, there are several types of indents that can be adjusted in several ways as well. The first type is called the indentation of the first line Iris the distance that separates the first ine without the rest of the lines From the right or lef margin, the indentation of the first line can be adjusted using a ruler. The borders of Paragraphs appear on the horizontal and vertical ruler by clicking on the beginning of the paragraph, and spaces can be selected using rulers by moving the cursor that appears on them, Set the indentation using the ruler: You will notice on the ruler that there is a small icon of two opposite funnels as welll as a square at the bottom of it. The upper funnel represents the indentation control for the first line, click on it and then drag the mouse to the left to increase the indentation of the first line in the selected paragraph and by the desired dimension. In this way, it is not required to place the writing cursor at the beginning of the first ine. Then only the indentation of the first line will change wherever the position of the writing cursor is. The indentation can also be set using the tab key and here itis required to place the Type Indicator at the beginning of the first line ‘+ Specify an indent (before) to set the distance between the left of the paragraph and the left page margins, “Trang ual he alo cog oman = he Supreme Counc of Unveil pope igs 2028 V Word Processing - V.3 © Speciffy an indent (after) to set the distance to the right of the paragraph from the right page margins, # Select a spacing space (before) to set the distance between the paragraph and the # Selecta spacing space (dimension) to set the distance between the paragraph and the next paragraph. Figure Ihe ruler) To Set the indentation of the Paragraph group : Decrease indentation: reduces indentation by 1 ‘Increase indentation: increases indentation by 1. Figure 15(t 2.3.4-Text Direction You can choose the direction of writing, whether from right to left or vice versa, depending con the language in which you are writing by changing the direction of writing from a paragraph group. Figure 16(Text Direction) agraoh Spacing Through the word program, you can set the space between the lines and the space between, paragraphs and some of them. Select the paragraphs you want to change. Select the home page tab and from the Paragraph group select the line and Paragraph Spacing, choose the spacing you want, It is possible to. control the adjustment of spaces using the line and paragraph spacing options. 37 |_ Tiong wat te ft of ecnatogkallosnstion~ at he Suen Cound ef Unies lc prone his 2024 V Word Processing - V.3 Line Spacing Options.. Add Space Before Paragraph Add Space After Paragraph Figure 17(Line&Paragraph Spacing) 2.3.6-Sort Through the Paragraph group, you can sort a bulleted or numbered list with one level so that the text appears in ascending ar descending alphabetical order. Figure 18(Sort) 2.3.7-Show/Hide (*ctr+) Through the show/hide button, you can show spaces and punctuation marks, as well as show commas between pages, spaces between words, some of them, between lines, and some of them, whether you added them or what was added by the program, so you can edit them, Figure 19(ShowiFlide) 2.3.8-Shading: To highlight part of the paragraph or the entire paragraph, you can select the paragraph and press the shading Button and choose the appropriate color for you to distinguish the paragraphs from each other. ‘38 | Tering wr nthe elt elo orn ~ a ie Suprme Counc a Unvesies © alec groan rhs 2024 V Word Processing - V.3 Figure 20(Shadding) 2.3.9-Border: In the Paragraph group, you can add borders around the text or on the entire paragraph. To add a border around the selected text, click on the borders in the Paragraph group and cchoose the type of border from the list (bottom or top). Or you can cancel the borders around the paragraph from this group. Bottom Border Top Border Lett Border Bight Borger No Border allBoraers utgde Borders Ipeide Borders Inside Morzontal Border ical Border Horizontal Line Figure 21(Bo Activities Apply what has been explained about how to write text and format |-the trainee writes the following text with the font type (times new roman) in blue and add a highlight to the word(fulfillment) in yellow. "Loyalty is one of the most commendable qualities in a human being, and being loyal is one of the highest attributes of humanity" ‘2-the trainee aligns the text to the right and adds borders in black, 2.4-Styles: V Word Processing - V.3 AabbCeD¢ AaBbCeDe AaBbCc AaBbCc ‘INormal | No Spac. Heading! Heading2 = Styles help you save time and give your document a great look when you use styles to create a document, you can change the appearance of the entire document by performing Justa few clicks. A style is a set of characteristics, such as the name of the Font, its size and color, paragraph alignment and spacing, borders and shading. Through it, the text inside the document is divided into a search body partnormal), a main title part, and two side titles such as(heading] , heading2, and so on). The word program provides you with a set of ready-made patterns that help you accomplish your work tasks, in order to apply patterns, ‘you can follow the following: Point to the style group, and then click on the desired style group, such as normal, ‘Note you can preview any style group by referring to the style group and preview style changes in the document, Move the cursor over the mini-toolbar that appears with the text selected, then click to open the gallery of Quick Styles and then click on the desired style. You can also create your own quick style and quick styles are collections of styles that are created to work together. To create a quick style: * Select the text you want to create as a new style, for example, maybe you want a word like a document to appear in red, and in the miniature toolbar that appears above the selection, click om the red color to format the text. * Right-click style, then click save selection as a new quick style, then name the style as business, and then click OK. The style you created will appear inthe style gallery The quick one, 25-Editing: 2 Editing Figure 23(Edi This editing group enables you to: 1) Search inside the text and find specific words or phrases, V Word Processing - V.3 2) Replacing terms with other things. Itis useful if you have misspelled a word once or several times and want to search for it and then replace it with another one. From the Edit Group on the Home Page tab, click on find or by pressing CTRL*F, A screen will open for you through which type the word or text to be searched and press Enter, it will find all the matching words to search. After searching for the text, you can also replace it with another text or another word by pressing replace or by pressing CTRL+H. Through the editing group, you can also select the entire text inside the file or the objects inside the file through the SELECT ALL command, Activites: The trainee searches inside the text "Over time, man has made a set of achievements that have helped humanity to rise" on the human word and replacing it with the person's word. 2-the trainee selects the full text and changes its color to red. 3.Insert: The Insert tab for Word2019 has several groups such as: Mocleigte i llaikae eigiciains [meee tor Sec gat ee 2G Ba oe ce oh Figure (1) Insert Tab 31 Page Group: BE) Cover Page» LD) Blank Page = Page Break Pages Figure (2) Page Group “Trang ual he alo ctsogea loaaton = the Supreme Counc of Unveil pope igs 2028 Vv Word Processing - V.3 The Pages group in the Insert tab of Microsoft Word contains the following command 3.1.1 Cover Page: To add a cover page to the file, choose the Cover Page command, where the Word program provides us with a choice between several covers, where a ready-made cover is added to the page in different formats and is characterized by not numbering it within the document, and itis also possible to modify and add to these ready-made cove Fle Home insert ran Design Layout Reference Rshapess __ Bsmatst "© More Cover agetrom Offcecom BL femove Curent Cover Page By swe Selection to Cover Page Galery Figure (3) Cover page © Cover pages are always inserted at the beginning of the document, regardless of where the cursor appears in the document. © On the Insert tab, in the Pages group, click Cover Page. ‘© Click a layout on the cover pages of the Selection Gallery. © After you insert the cover page, you can replace the sample text with text of ‘your own ereation 3.1.2 Blank Page: ‘With the Blank Page command , you can add a blank page inside a Word document and take the same numbering as the document 3.1.3 Page Break: als GEMS ECA Lewy ase © V Word Processing - V.3 ‘When you choose the Page Break command, you can puta space on the page, as this command leaves a rather large distance from the bottom of the part where the cursor stands. Ttalso allows you to navigate to a new page. You can also use (Ctrl + Enter) from your keyboard to do this. ‘We can also remove page breaks by selecting them first, then pressing the Delete button 3.2 Group tables: (Tables) This collection includes how to insert several tables in different shapes and formats. Figure (4) Group of tables 3.2.1 Insert Tabl It is a grid of rows and columns that are used to represent text or numeric data, and it is one of the common elements for organizing and formatting data in documents, and this enables you to draw a table or Excel spreadsheet or add a preGroup table. Basic tables are added by clicking on a table and then moving the cursor over a certain number of boxes to create a table of the desired size. When you choose the Table command, you will create a table in the document you are ‘working on, in which case a drop-down menu will appear in front of you containing the following commands: © Insert Insert Table: Inserting a table displays a maximum of tables Group (10 * 8), from which you can select and choose cells as many rows and columns as you want Choose Number of columns and then choose Number of rows, depending on the contents within the table, or AutoFit within the window. 43 Tring ur nthe elt erage orton ~ a ie Supreme Coun a Unease roeny Fs 2004 Vv Word Processing - V.3 FR rw Tobe BE Comer Text to Table Facet Spreadsheet FB Guick tables Figure (5) Insert a table Draw a Draw Table : Itallows you to create a table by inserting horizontal and vertical lines with the mouse the size you want, where a pen mark appears and you can draw a table. fete tet typ act teens ny toe ler Heb Minette nat eho | etn SM BREE EEG F tense: town OCH []|)/ Beceem i Ee ht et a i | | at at Bone tat | be iat = Ae ie gs =i EA Elise gs | era B9-Deo ROBE 1 2D* Figure (6) Drawing a table Convert Text to Table ‘This command displays the Convert Text to Table dialog box Spreadsheet: Excel [tennant eters Spud ef int ne oy Word Processing - V.3 ‘Through this command, you can insert an Excel worksheet into the document, as. soon as ‘you click inside the table, the window automatically tums into an Excel Spreadsheet ‘window that enables you to use Exee! features within a Word document, Figure ( 7) Excel spreadsheet © Quick Tables This allows you to insert ready-made automatic tables within the document, and you can modify them or import other automatic tables from the Internet 3.2.2 Table Design ‘When you select the table, an additional utility (Table Design) appears to make additional formats. in the table 45 |_Tering un nthe elt ern orton ~ a ie Supreme Gouna a Unease roeny rs 2004 Word Processing - V.3 a a ] Bheceton Bretcten a eter Caan a : i ee | ote pode tee Bitte Cre Cae "| See Biman fo me Once a table is inserted and selected, two new tabs will appear. The first isa table design, which enables you to design and format options prepared in advance on the table and better control the dimensions and appearance of ce! rows and columns in the table, select, delete, control size, split and move tables; control the size of rows and columns; and merge and split cells and include the following groups ‘© Table Design Options This group provides checkboxes to switch between enabling and deactivating different table formatting types. It also allows to control the appearance of the table. Fle Home Insert Draw ©) HesderRow ©] First Column Tatal Row Last Column Banded Rows [7 Banded Columns Table Style Options Figure (9) Table Design Options Table Styles: Table Styles Choose multiple styles for tables with shading commands. Sittetoe echo Figure (10) Table Styles © Borders : Borders This group allows you to customize the borders in the table, with the choice of shapes for table borders, line thickness and color, 146 | _ Tesi unt in tn Hat of tcriogcalntomrstion - a he Sup Counc of Unveil eroperty igh 2024 V Word Processing - V.3 Table Design Layout — ee Border Borders| Border sivies Zen Color | painter Borders a Figure (11) Table Borders 3.2.3 Layout: H0|Reaan SRE 12) Layous Table layout appears to help plan the contents of the table from drawing, adding cells, rows, or columns, tools to select table cells and their size, rows and columns, delete or insert rows and columns; merge or split cells; align cells and margin Grouptings; print style controls, and this tab contains several groups: «Table Table © Draw Draw © Rows & Columns: © MergeMerge © Cell Size + Alignment Alignment © Data 3.3 Illustrations Group enables the addition of illustrations to the document and we will discuss in detail how to insert different types of illustrations and format them through: fd shapes ~ 3B SmartArt 8 icons A Chart Pictures wD 30Models ~ jal Screenshot ~ Illustrations Figure (13) Mlustrations 47 Tearing wr nthe elt teatogl orn ~ a he Suprme Couna a Unesies © allel raeny rs 2024 V Word Processing - V.3 48 3.3.1 Pictures: To insert a picture from a file on your computer, click the Insert tab, click Picture, and then you'll be asked to select and select the file, Click on one file or by pressing the Cttl key Click on multiple files, and the progeam (word processor) enables you to insert any image that can be accessed on your personal device and any extension to become part of the file, and to insert an image follow these steps: — ene Figure (14) Insert Click on the (Picture) button under the (Illustrations) group from the (Insert) tab, and a dialog box (Insert Picture) will appear. Choose the location of the image by working with the dialog box. Click on the desired image from the list of files. Click on the (Insert) button to copy the image directly tothe file, If you don't have an image on your computer to use, you can choose from the photo collections included in Microsoft Office. 3.3.2 Picture Format: Word Processing - V.3 Figure (15) Image Format Control of an image added by using the format of the Picture Tools appears when you choose a picture or clip art object. These tools allow you to edit almost every aspect of the image, including brightness, contrast, color, size, style, effects, shape, border and location. ‘Adjustment Group: Adjust ‘The commands in this group make it possible to modify the contents of the image. (Background Removal/Color Corrections/Art Effects!Compression. Images/Image Change/ReGroup Image) File Home Insert Draw Design iq $O- Mcotor~ & m " Artistic Effects» Gd Remove Corrections a a Background » Bd Transparencyy FQ ¥ Adjust Figure (16) Adjustment group Picture Styles LSS le abl oe ost Yy alyogh Y pull gos Word Processing - V.3 Itallows you to choose between several image styles through the image styles gallery, and you can also make different image borders and effects on it and add a layout to the image. Layout — References Malings Review View Help PDFelement Zricture Border = = al Gal Ga Ga ca Gade |B Picture Layout» Picture states lustration Figure (17) Picture Styles Accessibility Group: accessibility Helps describe the content of shapes inserted on Word with quick access to that content, Figure (18) Accessibility © Arrange Group: Arrange Position Wrap ~ Text» Ch Selection Pane Arrange Figure (19) Order Group This combination helps arrange image positions in the document and its place relative to text by: + PositionPosition © Wrap Text © Bring Forward © Send to Backward SendBackward # Selection pane © Alignment Alignment © Group compilation Word Processing - V.3 © Rotate Range Size : To control image cropping and size atthe selected height and width Figure (20) Size Group 3.3.3 Shapes: The word processor program enables you to insert automatic shapes that represent a Group of arrows, lines and frames that are used as illustrations, and these shapes are automatically available within the word processor program library, and to insert an automatic shape, follow these steps: Vv Word Processing - V.3 sap] a lS NGodA1 1686) ROIS ANNiLat2 2 2 Recunses Ipopececao DO@aLe' Oe asad Figure (21) Inserting shapes on the document ‘When you choose the shapes command, you will see a drop-down menu in which you can add shapes, lines, rectangles, base shapes, block arrows, flowchart, callouts, stars and recently used pennants * Click the desired shape to directly eopy it om the page. ‘© Click on the shape on the page and then start resizing the shape by dragging on it with the mouse as you learned in dealing with images until the desired size is reached To type text inside AutoShape: # Right-click on the figure to show a menu of options «Click on the (Add Text) option to enable the program to type the text directly Shape Format: (Shape Format ) Si danm | rar cae f\ i Figure (22) Format Shape 52. |__Tianng uaa te et ot achnigkal oman ~ a Susan Coun of Uses nc ropa hs 2024 V Word Processing - V.3 This subtab helps to format the shapes listed on the document, choose several styles for these shapes and WordArt styles, arrange them with the text, and choose their sizes. 3.3.3 Icons: Through this command, you can add the icons you want, and you can choose more than one icon at a time and modify it. Stock images e B2QOmeSrr++t+ BE ASHEteet See ee AAT Fm Figure (23) Icons Graphics Format: 8 a aloe ‘ : 24\0000000k——|3 Bo | ee oe = ai . = a Figure (24) Graphic Format This sub-tab helps to coordinate and add graphics to the document, choose several styles for these shapes, how to fill Graphic with colors, choose several effects on the Graphic, align and rotate the graphies and choose the appropriate size for it within the document, 3.3.4 Models: [57 at st tac hiss Sone sen ube po @ Word Processing - V.3 Design Layout a Screen Insert 30 Model From @ This Device. @ Stock 30 Models. Figure (25) Three-imensional models You can insert three-dimensional models from the Intemet or from your store, add and ‘modify movements as you want, and in case you want to delete them, just select the shape: and then press the Delete key Online 30 Models ure (26) Three-dimensioral models from the Internet 3D Models: (D Models 3) oElele ee « of aiba8 RSE Figure (27) thee This subtab helps after adding the triple model to format and add three-dimensional modeling on the document, choose several styles for these added forms, choose their position relative to the text in the document, wrap them, mowe them within the document with the text, and align them, dimensional models 54. |_ Tiong wat te lt of ecnaiogkallomnsion~ at he Supreme Cound ef Unies lca progr hs 2024 V Word Processing - V.3 35 3.3.5 Smart Art This Group allows you to choose from many ready-made Graphic shapes in the program, and you can modify them, add text and change colors, Click "SmartArt Graphic" window "Choose SmartArt graphic" will appear . In the left pane, select an option that provides a type of SmartArt graphic that you can type text, within, Smart Art Design : "OO o- Figur (29) Smart Art Design Aier inserting smart art shapes, a sub-window named Smart Art Design appears, which allows several designs or ercating new graphies, laying out a Graphie shape, and choosing from several different graphic styles. Vv Word Processing - V.3 Format: ‘ormat Another sub-window named Format appears after inserting a SmartArt graphic, which allows formatting of the inserted shapes, formatting and arranging these shapes on the document, and controlling their size with the document. Figure (30) Format 3.3.6 Chart Chart : Through the Chart command, you can add charts in the file, and you can create a chart in Word, if you have a lot of data for which you want to create a chart, and it also allows choosing from several charts of columns, curves, lines, models and different graphs. GD) AA AA ts Je J bd SmenBOS 2 = =: ° a " WLS Se Ladlel 36 e235 Vy abpoold Y gull gale Word Processing - V.3 Chart Design Tn tot ie Oo le nen Wage ie Bor to jeg. aiken ra eis: | | S| ten | Figure (32 ) Striped design Afier you insert the chart, a sub window named Chart Design appears to add chart elements, change colors, and select and write data on it Format: igure (33) Coordination After inserting the chart, another sub-window appears entitled Format, through which you ccan insert shapes, format them, insert Word Art, arrange shapes within the document with text, and control their size and shape within the document, 3.3.7 Screen Shot : This allows us to take screenshots of open programs and windows and insert them into the file, and you can select a specific part that you want to take a picture of with the Clipping option: To start doing this, make sure that the frame you want to take a picture is enlarged, after that, click Insert, then choose a screenshot and choose the frame you want to take a picture 57 |__Tianng wat te ft of ecnatogkallomnsion~ at he Supreme Cound ef Unies lc roe hs 2024 Word Processing - V.3 of, and about standing inside the screenshot, the Picture Format tab appears, where the screenshot is treated as an image as previously explained in the Image Format window. 3.4 Reuse Files Figure (34) Reuse of files ‘When you click the Reuse Files group, Word will display a list of recent documents, as shown in Figure 32, includes only documents stored in the Microsoft cloud Documents that are saved locally or stored on a network share are not included in the list, and you can reuse other types of content besides text only from Word documents, To do this, click the Word files Able to reuse web content, images, or help items Just choose the type of content ‘You want to use and then use the search box to find everything you're Looking for. 3.5 Add-ons Group: (Add-ins) AiGet Add-ins WV Wikipedia &)My Add-ins Add-ins Figure (35) Add-ons This combination helps to better distinguish between the computing platform and (applications) that the program calls from the Store 3.6 Media Group: (Media) Vv Word Processing - V.3 Figure (36) Media Through a media Group, the word processor enables you to insert videos from the Internet or write the link for the video to be inserted into the document as in Figure (37). 3.7 Group Links: (Links) Py Header B Footer ~ [A Page Number ~ Comment Comments | Header & Footer 1, Link Bookmark Cross- i reference Links ure (38) Group of Links With a Group of links, the word processor automatically adds a hyphen to the text as you type text, and you can also use the manual hyphenation so that Word makes hyphenation suggestions, Hyphenation automatically is faster and easier although manually hyphenation provides more control, and you can link part of the document to a hyperlink and download its content at any time, [50 |_Tanre nt nel tse! wot at Susu Couns Unesco hs 224 Word Processing - V.3 3.8 Group Comments: I Comment Comments Figure (39) Comments A group of comments enables you to insert a comment on a word processor document, provided that this comment does not appear in print or in the original text when hidden 3.9 Header and footer Group: (Header & Footer) A Header ~ 3 Footer » i) Page Number Header & Footer Figure (40) Header and footer of a page The header and footer group helps you insert a variety of header and footer groups into a word processor document and insert page numbers, and the header and footer are the text at the top or bottom of each page respectively, and this group allows you to.add a header, footer, or page numbers. © Place the cursor on the first page of your document, go to Insert , select the header or footer , and then choose an embedded layout and design, or select Edit Header or Edit Footer to create your own header or footer, click Format a page number, © Toretum to the body of the document, click Close Header and Footer on the taty or double-click anywhere outside the header and footer area. Word Processing - V.3 3.9.1 Header: (Header) The Header command helps you insert a header at the top of each page in a word processor document and allows you to add a header through a variety of forms. |e [1 Elowch rans Disioneue ie = © re aces ton Oaccen Figure (41) Head and footer : (Header & Footer) tamer | Sa ind footer Figure (42) Hea After you insert a header, a sub-window titled Header and Footer appears to help you with the options for inserting header, footer, page number, insert, time, and date, [61 | Thing watt el tcc mn = th Sipe ana of Une kc prep hi 208 V Word Processing - V.3 3.9.2 Footer: (Footer) The Footer command helps you insert a header at the bottom of each page in a word processor document and allows you to add a footer through a variety of forms, Drs A wore a > semevefocer BB seesetctonto Facer cae Figure (43) Appendix 3.9.2 Header and footer: (Header&Footer) gure (44) Header and footer ‘Afer inserting a footer, a sub-window titled Header and Footer appears to help you ‘with the options for inserting header, footer, page number, inser, time, and date V Word Processing - V.3 3.9.3 Page Number: (Page Number) Bi Figure (45) Page Number ‘The Page Number command enables you to insert numbers for document pages and locate them in the document by © at the top of the page. * atthe bottom of the page. # Page margins, © Current position © Format page numbers. + Remove page numbers To remove page numbers: Click to place your cursor in a group of page numbers you want to remove, Then click the Page Number command on either the Insert tab or the Header 8 Footer Tools Design tab, and then click Remove Page Numbers. WLS SL abl gp cag Yy gag Y gull gyal Word Processing - V.3 3.10 Text Group: (Text) Figure (46) Text ‘A text group helps you insert text to a document through commands : 3.10.1 Textbox: (Text Box) This command allows us to insert a text box that can be placed anywhere on the page and type in it through inline text / draw a text box / save selection in the text box gallery, there. are 36 different types of shapes and positions of built-in text boxes that you can choose between. TE comments | [27 cating wickPone~ [i Signsturetine - | TC equator = eg |Awone~ Eloateartine — | Cymbal fon FJ obect ~ (© Wore Yes Bowe rom Offcecom TEL brew Tet Bor Figure (47) Text box Word Processing - V.3 3.10.2 Explore Quick Parts IE) GuickPans~ | BY signaturetine {© gactet [Bh Document reperty BD Building Blocks Organizer Ei Swe Seection to hick Par Galery Figure (48) Quick Pars You can use the Quick Pieces gallery to create, store, and reuse pieces of content, including AutoText, document properties (such as title and author), and fields, these reusable content blocks are also called building blocks, AutoText is a common type of building block that stores text and graphics, and you can also use the building block organizer to find or edit a building block. 3.10.3 Word Art Figure (49) warddrt This command gives you a window with several WordArt options that you can insert into text and put different effects through WordArt. 3.10.4 Drop Cap : (Add a drop cap) Bl Quick Parts~ [2p signatury Awordan~_ FBdste& Dropped A tamersin A Drop Cap Options. Figure (50) Drop caps [65 |_Tanre tne ot cg! nomaio Sune Coun aes ica ope hs 2028 Vv Word Processing - V.3 Through this command, you can do many formatting on letters, and the drop-down menu contains the following commands: No drop i drop / in margin / drop options, which enables the selection of letter formats on the drop of words. 3.10.5 Add a Signature Line Microsoft Office Signature Line. Add Signature Senices Figure (51) Signature Line This command allows you to use and insert digital signatures into your documents, and the ‘command inserts a digital signature line that identifies who should sign. 3.10.6 Insert Date & Time: (Insert Date & Time) Date and Time _yallable formats Language: eel FoF pa ye FTP gti a I {Calendar type: Gregorian \Surractrenine eur urea irr ura (upaste atomatiaty SetAsDetaut | | Options... OK] | Cancel Figure (52) Insert date and time Through this command, you can Group the time and date and insert it into the document in the place you choose, and it also allows you to choose the time and date format, 66 “Trang ual he alo cog oman = he Supreme Counc of Unveil pope igs 2028 V Word Processing - V.3 3.10.7 Element: (Object) Object... Text from File... Figure (53) Element This command allows you to insert embedded objects, and items to be inserted to the document with several options (element / text from file ) 3.11 Symbol Group TT Equation ~ Q) symbol ~ Symbols gure (54) Symbols A symbol Group helps you insert equations and symbols to use within your document, 3.11.1 Insert an Equation Word Processing - V.3 Figure (55) inse © Click om the (Equation) button within the (Symbols) group of the (Insert) tab, to show a ready list of mathematical equations sueh as (fraction or root), in addition to the possibility of forming mathematical equations for the text © Click om the button (Insert New Equation) to open a bar with mathematical symbols. as a math equation within the text. Equation: (Equation) r= |g! Gatos | XG evar ick the symbols you want to ereate the equation consecutively, to directly inser it +k in the items and type the numbers and symbols you want Figure (56} Equation After inserting the equation, a sub-window appears with the title Equation, which allows, several options (pages / tables / graphics / text ¢ comments / symbols), 3.11.2 Symbol: (Symbol) 68 “Teanng wal he do ct ioga lation ~ a he Supreme Counc of Unveil pope gis 2024 Word Processing - V.3 TT Equation QO More Symbols. Figure (57) Code Through this command, you can add many symbols through the drop-down menu in it, and displays several symbols that you can choose from, in addition to more symbols as in Figure (38) ‘Symbor Symbols special Characters |S} Euuemen zla\o|— |x x|#[¥[ x character coae:|32__| trom | Symbot (decimay_[ Autocorred.. | | Shorteut Key.. | shortcut key cancet Figure (58) More Symbols Through the More Symbols window, it allows you to insert a variety of symbols into the document in the word processor program, and when you find the symbol you want, double- click it. The code will be inserted into the file. Training activities : Training Activity (1) V Word Processing - V.3 Apply what will be explained about how to insert pages, tables, and items within your document: The trainee adds the following changes to the file: Insert a cover page for the document, Add a page break. ‘Insert tables, how to draw them, and format their content. Tnsert Excel file into word processor document and work with it. Rupe Training Activity (2) 1, The trainee inserts images, illustrations, videos and links on the document: 2. Insert, format, and work with images from your computer or network. 3, Insert charts and how to add data to them and work with them, 44, Insert shapes and how to type inside and format them. 5, Insert videos and links to the document. Training Activity (3) 1, The trainee inserts a header, footer and document numbering: 2, Insert and manipulate a header and footer for the document. 3, Insert page numbers and how to format them 4, How to insert a different header and footer within the same document. Training Activity (4) The trainee inserts a text box, signature line, caps, time and date on the document: ‘Adda text box within the document. ‘Add a time and date in different forms. Insert the signature line. Cera Drop caps into the document, Training Activity (5) ‘The trainee inserts equations and symbols on the document and how to modify them : 1. Add a mathematical equation and how to modify and format it through the auxiliary menus. 2. Add icons with multiple options to the document. 4.Design tab ager | BaD LSS Le LALT ge as Ya dpe Y all ashe Word Processing - V.3 Figure (1) Design 4.1 Themes: Create specific and ready-made formats for the document in Word, you can choose formats for fonts, text, and paragraph spacing The group includes several options: ‘Reset the theme to a theme from the template. ‘© Browse for formatting. # Save the current format, which was chosen for the document Figure (2) theme 4.2 Document formatting: Paes sigh Rake rans Figure (3) Creating formats on the document Create formatting for the document and apply it to the ttle and text through a sct of default and rnew styles to set on the document. It falls from the document format grou 4.2.1Colors Make all the colors you prefer to add available through ready-made calor combinations. Word Processing - V.3 Figure (4) colors 4.2.2 Fonts Everything related to font formats in the document. Figure (5) Lines 4.2.3Paragraph spacing Space between paragraphs in a document by zooming in or out with options (Nospacing/compressed/taut/wide ) 72 |__Tiainng wat te fat of rasogkalfoerton~ jr Coun of Unveil V Word Processing - V.3 a (4) on Fonte _custam Farag pang Figure (6) Paragraph spacing 4.2.4€ffects Create several effects ready to choose from, Figure (7) Effects 4.2.5 Set as Default Go back to the default format for Word. 4.3 Page Background: It is a group forall background commands in the document, B Vv Word Processing - V.3 ® €@oO Watermark Page Page Figure (8) Page Ba 4.3.1 Watermark Create a watermark with a background for the document to preserve the document ownership rights of the user. eg eye Figure (9) Watermark A watermark can be customized (no mark / image as a watermark / text watermark) and in the case of choosing the text, vou can change the language between Arabic and English and choose the font type, size and color. Vv Word Processing - V.3 Printed Watermark © ie water ]O rete watermark Selec Petre. Scale (Aut ext watermaric Language: [English Un 1] © semtransparent Figure (10) Watermark Placement Options 4.3.2 Page Color To fill the background of the document with color and put the color as the background of the pages and choose between a wide range of colors for each document, fll colors can be chosen with special and overlapping effects, A Bl Wetermark Page | Page + eolor= Borders PagtE Theme Colors = SEESGES Standard Colors aon aane ‘More Colors El effect, * (41) Page color 75. |__ Tiong wat te ft of acnadogkallosnstion~ al he Sun Coun of Unies 2 cu roar hts 2024 Vv Word Processing - V.3 4.3.3 Page Borders (Creates a frame for the page and document as a whole, choose between a set of frames styles and colors, and draw a picture of the frame through a set of shaded frames. orders en Shang foves Bue Borter ing Sevag ste bad an sutomatic custon | vege Figure Training Activities: 2) Page Be wseatonsto apo bases Ga jarders Apply what will be explained about how the document is designed. The trainee adds the following changes to the file previously developed in Training (1) Develop a document theme. ‘Adda frame to the document, 1. 2 3. Add a watermark to the background of the document. 4. Add color to the background of the document. 76 |. Ting unt ate et ot achaogkalomrstion~ a te Susan Coun of Uses ch prone his 2028 Vv Word Processing - V.3 7 5. layout tab Hane wet Oran Dain Lagat Pees aly Fen Ver He Figure (13) Layout The layout tab consists of three main groups: 5.1 Page Setup Group It is a group related to the preparation of the page within the document through the first main commands: Margins Direction volume Columns Commas Line numbers Hyphen 7 & & se ia I

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