HRM Assignment (Arnab Jyoti Sharma) (Roll No. - 28)

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Assignment of


Submitted in the partial fulfillment for the award of

Master of Business Administration (MBA)

Submitted by:

Arnab Jyoti Sharma

Roll No.: MBA/19/028

Submitted to:


Centre of Management Studies


(Deemed to be University)



QUESTION: What should Vijay do?

ANSWER: From the given case, hereby I would say that Vijay should leave his previous
job as he is a well qualified candidate and is highly skilled. Also after many complaints
filed by Vijay, the company is not giving him any response so it would be better for him to
leave the company.

As Vijay has a good working experience and high profile skill, he would be
able to manage another job in a different company with much higher salary and respect.


QUESTION 1: How can 3600 mechanism help Otis revamp its performance management

ANSWER: Otis has moved towards a system that that provides performance feedback
based on critical strategic competencies related to company's new focus on project teams.

On realizing that the critical feedback on both team leadership and project
management could not come exclusively from immediate supervisors, Otis had custom-
designed 3600 feedback system that provides managers with feedback from those most
directly affected by their performance, their subordinates, peers and customers.

QUESTION 2: What critical inputs need to be considered while evaluating by customers,

peers and bosses?

ANSWER: The critical inputs that are needed to be considered while evaluating by
customers, peers and bosses are performance feedback, online services (i.e. internet,
servers), ratings towards the company, leadership and project management.

QUESTION: Who is right and who is wrong? What ethical issues are involved in this?
Was Mr. Singh right? Dr. Nandish wrong? Was Dr. Bharath unscrupulous? Was Mr. Mittal
made a fool?

ANSWER: After studying the case, in my view Mr. Dinesh Singh was wrong. He should
not have left his Public Sector Job as it has a job security and has a good reputation in that
company. Also he should have undergone some research about the private firm, their
policies and procedures. Also he should have thought about their dependents as well.
Under the Health and safety at Work Act, 1974 employers are responsible for health
and safety management. The following provides a broad outline of how the law applies to
employers. It is an employer's duty to protect the health, safety and welfare of their
employees and other people who might be affected by their business. Employers must do
whatever is reasonably practicable to achieve this. Thus the employer has full
responsibility of Mr. Singh.

I don't think Dr. Nandish was wrong nor Dr. Bharath was unscrupulous.
Dr. Nandish has done his job in honest way. In this case Mr. Singh may not know that if
there is some physical ailment his new employer will not consider his job application and
thus he may not have described about his problems to Dr. Nandish.
But In case of Dr. Bharath, Mr. Singh knows about the company policies of that
private firm and has thus described the problems before Dr. Bharath. I don't think telling a
lie to save someone's life is wrong. Thus according to me Dr. Bharath is not unscrupulous.

Yes, Mr. Vittal has been made a fool but there is nothing wrong that as Mr. Singh
has no other option as he has dependents. Also Mr. Vittal has approached him by only
giving attractive pay and perks, but he didn't told him about the other things like
requirement of fitness certificate.

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