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Fundamentals of Digital Bier Talaeleut Liens Certificate FDTC Fundamentals of Database - V.3 Copyrights© The Central Unit of IT Training Supreme Council of Universities All rights reserved. The content of the Fundamentals of Digital Transformation Certificate cannot be copied, published, or used in any form or by any means without a written permission of The Central Unit of IT Training at the Supreme Council of Universities Copyright infringements cause legal liability eet lel g Ure: securely) Ahmed Khalil Aboze' v Transforming to digital management in all fields is caused by the global changes and challenges. The Egyptian country aims to spread the culture of digital transformation in in various institutions and sectors. The importance of | transformation in the Egyptian universities is attributed to the different benefits offered by this transformation, such as improving and facilitating access to data and services for students, employees, and faculty members. Digital transformation also improves the quality of education and research, increases administration efficiency, and enhances data and information management which positively affect ee earon decisionmaking. the Supreme Council of Universities In line with Egypt's strategy for building the Egyptian citizen capabilities, and the application of the Egyptian Constitution article (25), which states that "The country is committed to developing a comprehensive plan to eradicate alphabetical and digital illiteracy among citizens of all ages, and it is committed to developing implementation mechanisms with the participation of il society institutions. within a specifictime plan”, many programsare being implemented thataim to achieve the strategy andthe Egyptian constitution. Therefore, Egypt had to develop aclear plan for increasing awareness of the concepts and objectives of the digital transformation program for all levels within the academic and administrative institutions of the country. Such institutions are encouraged to implement the digital transformation programs ona regular basis. As part of the responsibility of the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research towards the digital transformation of the academic community as well as the non- academic community; the decision of the Supreme Council of Universities was to administer the “Fundamentals of Digital Transformation Certificate “ FDTC” through the Central Training Unit of IT Training at the Electronic and Knowledge Services Center. The FDTC targets spreading the culture of digital transformation among all segments of the Egyptian society through offering a number of training programs for graduate students, faculty members and employees in different sectors. This certificate is essential for the digital community in the era of digital knowledge and innovation. Professor Dr. Mustafa Rifat General Secretary of the Supreme Council of Universities n has become a common requirement for most countries in the world. Digital transformation saves timeand effort, reduces corruption, and eliminates bureaucracy, According to the global changes, the transition to a digital society is the responsibility of everyone fora better livingina safe society, Digital transformation means encouraging organizations and institutions to use digital technology in all sectors to change their infrastructures. They depend on the use of computers and their applications in different business processes. Egypt's Vision for Sustainable Development 2030 depends on digital transformation in the New Republic. The vision targets achieving many goals such as economic growth, government services improvements, government accountability, ear andimproving the welfare of the Egyptian community. Electronic and Knowledge Services Center Under the auspices of His Excellency President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi and based on the 2030 vision, the Egyptian government has launched a number of important projects, suchas: 1. The Digital Identification Project: This is a system that allows Egyptian citizens to conduct daily transactionsremotely to save timeandeffort. 2. The e-Government Project: This project seeks to develop e-government services and increase the number of electronic services available to users. 3, The e-Governance Project: This project seeks to promote government accountability in the public sector, and maintain the publishing and accessibility of data and information. Inline with Egypt's Vision 2030 and Egypt's strategy for achieving digital transformation, the Supreme Council of Universities has adopted a clear strategy to promote digital awareness and eliminate digital illiteracy among the Egyptian people. The Supreme Council of Universities has issued The Fundamentals of Digital Transformation Certificate (FDTC) as a prerequisite for granting any post graduate certificate issued by Egyptian universities as wellas the promotion of faculty members. Under the direction of Professor Dr. Mustafa Refaat, General Secretary of the Supreme Council of Universities, expert committees have been formed to develop the content and question banks of the programs included in the FDTC certificate. The Electronic and Knowledge Services Center (EKSC) in the Supreme Council of Universities is responsible for monitoring the implementing of the FDTC testing and training. The Central Unit of IT Training (CUIT) supervises the accredited training centers in unive and Egyptian institutions offering the training and testing of the FDTC certificate. Different units in the EKSC offers technical support, such as the Egyptian Universities Network, and Management of Information and Decision Support System Unit toachieve the goalsof the FDTC. Dr. Ashor Amry Director of the Electronic and Knowledge Services Center The Supreme Council of Universities There is no doubt that training various members of the community, whether university or non-university, on digital transformation programs has become a necessity and a pressing, issue in the era of information technology and its techniques. Therefore, technology nurtured an advanced environment, whether in the educational field or other fields, which helped works developing and improving the ability and efficiency of individuals andinstitutions to perform different tasksat work, Perhaps what the world witnessed during COVID19 pandemic which affected countries’ economies. in addition, to the challenges faced in all fields, especially education in particular. The pandemic negatively affected about 1.5 billion students, That is, nearly 90% of primary, school, and university students in the world. They became unable to attend their studies in person. The world since has sensed the importance ot digital transformation in education as well as in various other sectors; both during and after the pandemic. Recently, some educational institutions started using technological tools, while governments of different countries sought to mitigate the adversal effects of closures and enhance the continuity of education for all by adopting digital transformation training strategies. That is digital transformation training programs are essential mechanisms for entering the era of digital transformation andits technologies. Therefore, it was necessary for Egypt to develop aclear plan to raise the awareness and consolidate the concepts and objectives of digital transformation for all sorts of people in the academic, scientific, and administrative institutions of the country. Such institutions are encouraged to implement digital transformation programs on aregular basis. In line with Egypt's strategy for building the Egyptian citizens capabilities, and the application of the Egyptian Constitution article (25), which states that "The country is committed to developing a comprehensive plan to eradicate alphabetical and digital illiteracy among citizens of all ages, and it is committed to developing implementation mechanisms with the participation of civil society institutions within a specific time plan”, many training programs have been developed including the Fundamentals of Digital Transformation Certificate (FDTC). The Supreme Council of Universities issued a number of decisions regarding the implementation of FDTC certificate training and testing. The mostimportant of these decisions are those issued on January 19, 2019, July 18, 2019, and January 22, 2022, which set the technical and financial rules for obtaining the certificate, the most important of whichare: Considering the FOTC certificate prerequisite for granting any post graduate certtificateissued by Egyptian universities, as wellas within the promotion courses for faculty members. The trainee is awarded FDTC certificate after successfully completing a total of 7 qualifying programs, of which mandatory and? elective programs (Table). Revoking ofall similar certificatesin the field of information technology that were offeredin Egyptia v universitiesandreplacing them with the Fundamentals of the FDTC certificate, Training on FOTC programs started started at Egyptian public universities on February 2020. It qualifies the trainees for being awarcled the certificate. The tests are delivered and the certificate is, awarded to those who passed the tests successfully. Through the continuous follow-up, keenness, and feedback collection made by the Central Training Unit of IT Training, the development of the FDTC certificate programs and continuous improvements were applied for the best interest of the target groups. CUIT administered different questionnaire, and the new version FDTCV. 3 /2024 is issued based on their recommendations. The new versions offered in Arabic and English, and the trainees can select the language of training and testingas shownin the following table: Fundamentals of IT & Operating System © BITO1 = 2 Days EICETIEg ore rocessing BITO2 — 2.Days (Ehscrepy Presentations BIT03 2 Days Excel BIT 04 2 Days Fundamentals of Database BITOS 2 Days ‘Web Search BIT06 2 Days Introduction to Borer Networks BIT 07 2 Days fesvecrsy Mobile Applications BIT 08 2 Days Distance learning BITO09 2 Days Cloud Computing BIT 10 2 Days Tablet: Training Programs of the FDTC Certificate ‘As shown in the previous table, the FDTC certificate cavers a number of topics of digital transformation as well as some important applications in education and business implementation. Trainees or target groups can view the information contained in the following link Fe yr IT The Central Training Unit of IT Training (CUIT) at the Supreme Council of Universities tried to meet the needs of the target groups of trainees, whether graduate students, faculty members of Egyptian universities, or non-university community groups through the different training programs included in the FDTC. The tests of the certificate measure different skills application. A number of interactive questions is included in the tests. Additionally, the questions are formulated based on intended learning outcomes (ILOs) of the programs. It is NOT necessary for all the questions in the test to be stated clearly in the content of the training programs, as the material cover the basics of each program. Nevertheless, the trainee must possess the right skills. The tests attempt to measure the extent to which the trainee masters the skills of each training program to maximize the potential benefits. In order to maximize the benefit of the FDTC programs and spread the culture of digital transformation in the civil society, the Supreme Council of Universities has approved the training not only for the Egyptian Universites members but also for the members of differentinstitutions to develop their digital transformation skills. In light of the efforts exerted, the Central Unit of Information Technology Training at the Electronic and Knowledge Services Center, the Supreme Council of Universities extends its sincere gratitude and appreciation to the sector of the Computer and Information Sciences, which provided the general framework for the certificate and the programs eligibility. The thanks are extended to Professor Mustafa Refaat, General Secretary of the Supreme Council of Universities, for his support which had a great impact on the activation of the Fundamentals of Digital Transformation Certificate. Finally, CUIT extends its appreciation to the Supreme Committee that developed the content of the training programs, CUIT team, andall supporting staff from the Knowledge and Services Center who made the project come true. Dr. Mohamed Hassan GadAllah Director of the Central Unit of IT Training, Electronic and Knowledge Service Center, the Supreme Council of Universities “Translated by Dr. Hager Al-Tonsi v Fundamentals of Database - V.3 Contents : The overall objective of the training program Course Sub-goals. Program training plan. Components of the training program Training methods Database definition Examples of using software that includes databases .... Advantages of using databases ws. The advantages of database as declared below: Database design... What is good database design?.. 1. Design process... II. Relationships between tables....... Types of relationships. IL Normalization rules sss Database Administrators: 1. System Analyst: a 2. Database Designer: 3. Database Developer: 4, Programmer: 5. Database Manager: 6. Users 7. Operators: 8. Maintenance Scientific background: Database management systems software... What is database management software (DBMS)?.... Access 2019... The most important features of Access: ‘Steps to run the ACCESS prograt The main window of Access. Steps to create anew database The main window of the Access program Objectives of the training da Field Properties Then the primary key of the table is determine [| Trin unitin tel ecra tomaon tthe Spee Get Uses tau rope ts 2004 © ‘ y Fundamentals of Database - V.3 The first method: Table ... The second method: TABLE DESIGN .. To remove the primary key: Import EXTERNAL DATA. Delete relationships, (Forms - inquiries ~ Reports} What is the form? Create form Create a basic form: ae 68 The form will appear as follows: Second: Design a form using Form Design .. Create a form using Blank Form: ss. Create a form using the Form Wizard. Query. How to deal Types of inquiries: ‘Advantages of using the query: Basic steps to create a new query: Change the printing direction: Prints sae. Quick Print command: Print command References. 2 |_Tatnin ut nh fll ental oan th Serene Col fren © Incl oper 2004 © ‘ v Fundamentals of Database - V.3 The overall objective of the training program This course targets those who want to enhance their skills in dealing with databases, including administrators, business professionals, educators, etc. The course aims to introduce participants to the Access system and how to create, edit, process, and analyze databases (tables, importing tables) with a complete description of all the data. It covers building forms and queries in the database, as well as how to prepare reports. Course Sub-goals By the end of this course program, participants will be able to: + Identify database requirements. + Understand the fundamentals of database design. + Recognize table relationships. + Open Microsoft Access and navigate its interface. + Create databases using templates and from scratch. + Develop databases, including tables, importing tables, and designing tables. + Understand relationships between tables in a database, and comprehend the types of relationships. + Design forms to interact with the database. + Create queries to retrieve specific data from the database. + Generate and format reports. + Design a complete database, including tables, queries, forms, and reports Program training plan This guide contains the general objective, detailed objectives of the training, the scientific background, and the training procedures. Components of the training program The training program consists of the trainee's guide, which includes the scientificcontent in its simplest form, the presentation during the period of the program, and the worksheets that include activities that depend on self- learning and direct experience. Among the worksheets are workshops that depend on the work of hands and mind together. [3 anim unitin tel ecra tomaon tthe Spree Gefen tan rope ts 2004 a) ‘ Fundamentals of Database - V.3 Training methods The training methods vary and take many forms during the workshops; among themethods used are: © Active lecture. * Discussion and dialogue. * Collaborative learning. + Seltlearning + Peer calendar. + Think Pair—Share. * Simulation and role-playing. * Brainstorming. * Case study. Training aids © Computers * Data show © Flip charts * Trainee's handbook and working papers. Training methods The training package for the program consists of: * Trainee Guide, © Working papers. © Coach's guide. Training Program Evaluation: The process of evaluating the training program includes the followin; 1. Evaluation of Trainees’ Performance, conducted through: + Commitment to attending all raining sessions. Interaction during training sessions Fulfillment of teamwork requirements. Daily observation checklist. Individual assignments. 2. Evaluation of Program Effectiveness, performed by: * Trainer's assessment of trainees through a post-program survey. « Trainees’ performance to assess the extent of their benefit from the program, including: + Daily survey assessment. « End-of-program training evaluation. 3. Evaluation of Trainer Performance, accomplished through: * Daily trainee surveys assessing the trainer's performance. © Trainee surveys on the training program and the trainer's performance at the end of the training 4 | Training unitin the fea of technological information - atthe Supreme Council of Universes Intelectual property rights 2024 Fundamentals of Database - V.3 The Trainee's Role: Preparation for training, a desire to achieve goals, and a full understanding, of the importance of training for digital transformation. Readiness to implement best practices to achieve the de: objectives. Study the training day's objectives and the goals of each session before they begin, ensuring the accomplishment of these objectives by directing questions to the trainer and seeking constant clarification about their content. Practice self-reflection during and after the training session by posing questions to oneself and seeking solutions. Successfully achieve the intended goals of the training course, Document personal questions and inquiries about the training materials, submitting them in writing to the trainers at the end of the training for effective feedback and material improvement. Maintain continuous activity throughout the training. Engage in self-evaluation at the end of each session by asking oneself questions that measure the achievement of procedural objectives, providing appropriate feedback based on the evaluation. Maximize the benefits of training and actively contribute to development and digital transformation d training, "ring niin el ttc ninth Saree Can of Uren ntl pay ee 204 © ‘ V Fundamentals of Database - V.3 Day One Tr ing Day Objectives: At the end of the traini ig day, the trainee will be able to: + Grasp the fundamentals of database design. * Understand table relationships. + Open Access and navigate its interface. * Create databases using templates and from scratch. + Create databases (tables, importing tables). Session Objectives: At the end of the training session, the trainee will be able to: «Get acquainted with the basics of database design. + Identify table relationships. * Open Access and navigate its interface. + Create databases using templates and from scratch + Create databases (tables, importing tables). Session Tools: + Trainee's Guide. + Presentation slides. + Worksheets. Database definition Database is a set of related data. These data are organized in a specific way into relationships where its elements are with each other, in order to easily retrieve and store the data and obtain information that does not directly exist in the stored data. For example, if a school wants to make participation decision in the international languages competition for senior students and who are participants. The manager Uses the success rate in language graduations as an indication, which exceeded 98% in the final year classes, means the possibility of winning the competition. Assume that the stored student data are the name, address, and phone number of the guardian... as in Table No. 1. And the result data for the final year in the first semester is the student’s name, seat number, and the student's grade in courses such as English, French, chemistry....etc. as in Table No. 2. [-€ | Tahin unitin tel ecra tomaton tthe Spee Get Unies tan rope ets 2004 © ; y Fundamentals of Database - V.3 7 Table 1 for data from school investigators’ archives address national number __guardian’s phone ‘Ahmed Mahamed Mahmoud 17 Dokki-Giza 2asaosesoasos 01323456789 ‘Table 2: Examination data for senior students in the first semester ‘Student name seat Foreign Foreign Chemistry | Economics number | Language 1 Language 2 and Statistles Ahmed Mohamed 23518 96 ” 89 9a Mahmoud Islam Alaa Adel 23519 90 7 38 a7 Iman Yahya Ismail 23520 98 a1 90 86 To enable the school to decide whether it participate in the competition, the success rate of the language courses is needed as int ator for decision. To determine who student will participant, the students’ grades arranged from the highest to the smallest. He will choose only 10 students. The students and their parents are notifying by phone call after retrieving the guardian's telephone, No. 4, respect ely. e, as in Table No. 3 and Table Table 3: success rate of languages courses Success rate Course name 98 Foreign language 1 - English 88 Foreign language 1 -French Table Descending order of students in English course in which the success vate exceeds greater than or equal t0.98% Guardian'stelephone | Foreign languaget - English Student name 012484459100 98. Eman yehia ismail 01223456789 96. ‘Ahmed Mohamed mahmoud Traning nit inthe Fé of technological information - at the Supreme Council of Unversties & Intaectual property rights 2004 WLS 5 la bell og gy cdgegh Y pall apse Os v Fundamentals of Database - V.3 We note that the data in Table No. 3 was not available in its current form in Table No. 2, even though it was extracted from it. Further, Table 4 did not previously exist in this form, and it is deducted and arranged according to the foreign language selection, and the students’ data in it are arranged in descending order according to the Language ‘course grade, plus the guardian’s phone. To find out how we obtained the results in Table No. 3, we will discuss the concept of data, information, processing, database elements, database model and database object, and files to clarify the definition of databases and then infer their importance and features. * Data: It is the raw for the information, that is, the description of something. For example, the data about students is the description that expresses who the students the and defines him through the name, address, phone, guardian,... and so on, a previous example, + Information: It is the data that has been processed and has become more meaningful and valuable. In the previous example, the success rate in the language courses was calculated according to the total grades obtained by the students in the language courses, then its percentage was calculated from the total final score for the entire courses, and then the percentage Success for a course: What is the information we obtained after conducting the collection process and calculating the percentage for each course from the total student results in the first semester courses in Table 2? In light of the information shown in Table 3, it became easy to make a decision about the school’s participation in the international language competition. To determine which language the school will participate in, and then to nominate the students participating in the competition, the process of arranging the students’ grades in descending order was carried aut according to only one course participating in the competition, and Table No. 4 was obtained. Hence, we will find that Table No. 1 and Table No. 2 represent the abstract picture of the students and the course results for the first semester and the initial raw of the information that we obtained in Table No. 3 and Table No.4. [a | Tanin unitin tel ecr tomaton tthe Spree Cue f Uses Ital rope ets 2004 © ‘ V Fundamentals of Database - V.3 '* Processing: It is the operations and procedures that are applied to data to obtain a specific purpose (information). According to the previous example, the treatment that was carried out was aimed at knowing the success rate in the language courses only (Foreign Language 1 and Foreign Language 2), which dealt with Table No. 2, and accordingly, it was known what procedures should be taken on the available data for the students. Thus, the inputs to the processing process in the previous example are Table No. 2, and the outputs resulting from the processing pracess are Table No. 3. In order to identify the participating students and notify the guardian by telephone, Table No. 2 of the students’ grades was dealt with, and only the grade of the foreign language course 1 participant was deducted/ dealt with. In the competition, and on the basis of it, the students’ grades were arranged in descending order to choose the best of them, and the guardian's phone number was called from Table No. 1 for these students, to eventually form Table No. 4, which serves as a list of the students participating in the competition and a statement of the guardian whom one would like to contact. In databases, the one that performs processing operations is the Database Management System (DBMS), which will be discussed in detail later. * Database objects: Database objects are the structure or schema in which databases are stored. They differ according to the database model used to store data or from one database management system to another. * Database models: It is the way in which data is organized according to its nature and connection together. There are many images of database models, such as the hierarchy model and the relational model, which is the most common and which we will discuss in this training content. « File: It is a group of records linked together and stored as.a single unit. for the previous example, the definition of databases is a large amount of data are coordinated and arranged together according to their relationships together in reality, which can be referred to or various operations performed on them, such as searching, modifying, comparing, sorting, and arranging to extract information that were not directly clear in the stored primary data. a database management system manages all data storage and processing operations. 97 [Trt nh fll enka oon th Srone Col of Uren © Incl oper 2004 © ; Fundamentals of Database - V.3 Examples of using software that includes databases * Medical records system in hospitals and clinics ‘Flight and hotel reservation system for tourisrn companies + Finani and customer records system in banks and banks * Student affairs management system in schools and universities Advantages of using databases The advantages of orgai together (databases) include: ing and coordinating data according to their relationship + Save all the information you want to save, even if it is in huge quantities. * The ability to make any modifications to this data. * Collect all data in indexed classified and arranged manner so that any of this data can be referred to with complete ease. * Ease of understanding the relationships between data and enables extracting information that was not in its direct form. * Maximize the value of existing data. * Quickly obtain the required information or data. ‘© Storing and reviewing data and extracting reports. Because the database is characterized as stored data in only one place, all programs and applications that use the database are affected, as shown in the following figure No.1 a “ “x Program | | Program 2 Prog) Student affair information system 4 Program 4 | Program 5 Pein] WN ‘Human resource and teachers” information system DE ikccenminicnar nonce RE MONI © A y Fundamentals of Database - V.3 The advantages of database as declared below: 1. Data recovery and backups: Database management systems provide backup copies of the database, and restore data in the event of any malfunction rather than the destruction of the data, and even he data is destroyed, backup copies can be used. 2. Instant data update: Designing the database in a standard and integrated form, and unifying the source of data for all applications that handle it, grantee that any update, modification, addition, or deletion, is immediate applied for all applications that use the database. Figure 112 common databse with two programs that provide maulti services to different users Since a single database is used, no attributed or data is recorded more than once. Only a limited repetition of a number of data fields occurs in a manner controlled by the database designer in order to link the data to each other. These fields are called foreign keys, and we will discuss them in detail later in the database design part. This prevents loss of storage space, effort, and time required for that. 4. Data consistency or consistency: Not duplicating data within one database is allowed, so there is no the absence of any compatible data. This is because entering, modifying, or deleting any data takes place in the same database and all applications that deal with the database are affected by it. (Far example, in the university system, when the number of hours for a particular subject is modified, this modification appears in student schedules and professor schedules. 5. Provides flexibility: The database processing system is characterized as great flexibility, adjustability and database requires very little time and effort and therefore low cost (such as deletion and addition). 6. Availability of standard specifications: Usually, the database designer places restrictions on the data and their relationships with each other. These restrictions are imposed by the system on all those dealing with the database, which ensures the availability of high standard specifications because they are mandatory from the system (for example, we do not enter a score greater than one hundred when entering the students’ grade, assuming that the maximum grade for the course is Academic score: 100 marks. [atari unitin tel fecal oman tthe Spree Cue fUnvetes Ittacunl rpey ts 2004 © ‘ Fundamentals of Database - V.3 7. Share data: Database systems provide si ificant sharing with multiple system users. 8. Easy maintenance: Since the applications deal with the same database, any modification is made in one place of the the database easily and conveniently and under the responsi specialist (for example, when modifying the number of course hours, the modification is made directly to the schedules of professors and students). 9. Data independence: Designing the database is done separately from the applications that use it. that grantees that any maintaining of these applications or even developing new applications done away from the database and does not affect it. Furthermore, the database can be on a server device and any application runs on other devices so that if these applications malfunction, the database will not be affected by that. 10. Data security and confidentiality is very high: Database systems include giving specific permissions to each group of users, and this highly secures the data against unauthorized users. [2 Tannin tel ecratomaon tthe Spree Gefen Ital rope ts 2004 © ‘ y Fundamentals of Database - V.3 Database design What is good database design? There are some principles that are followed when designing databases, which are: 1. Principle 1: Redundant data (repeating data) is not recorded because it wastes space and increases the possibility of errors and inconsistencies. 2. The second principle: Any data can be inferred from another, it should not be recorded 3. The third principle: No result of mathematical transactions is recorded 4, The fourth principle: The completeness and validity of data is an important matter and guarantees the validity of the information retrieved or inferred. If the database contains incorrect data, any reports that use this data or information from the database will also contain incorrect data and information, Then the decisions will be wrong, |. Design process To ensure good database design, the steps of the design process are as follows: 1, Determine the purpose of the database The purpose of databases is to know how you expect them to be used and who will use them, For a small school database, for example, the purpose may be “The student database saves their grades for the purpose of maintaining student records until they graduate, monitoring their academic achievement and their progress, and producing the necessary reports for the school's educational administration.” 2. Identify and organize the required data To find and organize the data you need, start with existing data. For example, you can record or keep student data on paper forms. Gather documents and list each data type that appears on the form. If you do not have any existing forms, imagine that you had to design a form to record student data. What data do you want to put in the form? What packing boxes would you like to create? Identify and list each of these items. For example, an examination of student records may show that each record contains the student's name, address, city, zip code, and telephone number as well. Each of these elements represents as a possible column in table. When you prepare your database design, don't worry about getting it done right at a first time. Brain storming, and then list every item that comes to mind. Ifsomeone else uses the database, ask for their thoughts as well. You can adjust this menu later. 172 |_ling unt nthe et tcl ination =a the Supreme Cond of Uveitis Intec oper is 204 © ‘ y Fundamentals of Database - V.3 3. Divide the data and distribute it into tables according to their description of the elements To divide the data into tables, the relevant data elements are grouped together to express a table or its main headings, as shown in the following figure. The main tables are the students, the results of the semester grades, the courses, and the course professors for example, as shown in the following figure No.2. ES Eee ee student code course name name seat number code vaddress sforegin language 1 +mahor +SSN ‘foreign language 2 class sguardin phone: student code Figure 2. Organized and divided data into tables for a school database When designing a database, each data (fact) is recorded only once. If you find yourself repeating the same data in more than one place, such as course names, place this data in a separate table with a suitable title/name represented a table. Columns should contain only data that is relevant to its title. For example, a course table should only store data about courses. Due to the course code and its major are facts about the course, and are not facts abaut the student result. 4, Convert the data elements in each table into columns: Each item becomes a field and is displayed as a column in the table. To identify columns in a table, select the data you need to track in the table. For example, for the Students table, the following data is a good starting list of columns: Name, Address, City, and Parent Phone. After you select the first set of columns for each table, you can refine the columns. For example, it's best to store a student's name in two separate columns: First Name and Last Name, so you can sort, search, and index only those columns. Similarly, address. It actually consists of four separate components: Address, City, Postal Code, and Country/Region. If you want to search, sort, or filter by city, itis useful for storing in separate columns. Brrr en nen st cucu n-ne net te pee © US Ss la bell og gy edges Y pull apehe v Fundamentals of Database - V.3 The following must be noted when specifying columns in tables: Y Itshould not include calculated data - In most cases, the result of calculat should not be stored in tables. Y. Store data in smaller facts: If you combine more than one type of data in a Field, it will be difficult to retrieve individual facts later. Try to divide the data into multi logical parts; For example, create separate fields for first and last name or for address, zip code, and city. When you have refined the data columns in each table, you are ready to choose the primary key for each table. 5. Define primary keys Choose the primary key for each table. A primary key is a column that is used to uniquely identify each row and whose value is non-recurring, such as a student code. The rules for choosing or creating a primary key are as follows: Y Duplicated values in the primary key are not allowed. For example, do not use people's names as the primary key; because names are not unique. You can easily have two people with the same name at the same table. Y The primary key must have a value. If a column's value is sometimes unassigned or unknown (missing value), it cannot be used as a component of the primary key. Y You should always choose a primary key whose value will not change. The primary key of a table can be used asa reference in other tables in a database that use more than one table. If the primary key is changed, the change must also be applied wherever the key is referenced. Using a primary key that will not change makes it less likely that it will nat be out of synchronizing with other tables that reference it. Y Arandom unique number is often used as the primary key. For example, you might assign a unique order number to each order. The purpose of the student number is to identify the student later. Once set, it cannot be changed. Y Insome cases, you may need to use two or more fields together to provide the primary key for a table. For example, a Student Score table that stores course grades could use two columns in its primary key: Student ID, Course ID, and ‘Seat Number. When a primary key uses more than one column, itis also called ‘a composite key. [AS | Tarim unitin tel ecrtomaon tthe Spree Cue fn Ital rope ts 2004 © ‘ y Fundamentals of Database - V.3 6. Set up table relationships according to the linking of data together Review each table and determine how the data in one table relates to the data in the other tables. To represent these relationships, add fields to the tables (known as a foreign key) or create new tables to clarify the relationships as needed. The types of relationships will be explained later. 7, Review the entire database When you obtain the tables, fields, and relationships, you must create and fill your ‘own tables with typical data and attempt to retrieve the data and infer information by creating queries. You also may add new records and modify previous data as a simulation of applications and programs that used databases in its services. Create drafts of forms and reports and see if they display the expected data. Look for duplication of unnecessary data, then, modify the design to eliminate it. This helps you identify potential problems. For example, you may need to add a column that you forgot during the design phase, or you may have a table that needs to be split into two tables to remove duplicates. Here are some things to check: Y Did you forget any columns? If so, does the data belong in existing tables? If the data is about something else, you may need to create another table. Create a column for each statement you need to retrieve or use. If you can't infer information from other columns, you'll probably need to add a new column for them. Y Are any columns unnecessary because they can be calculated from existing fields? If the information item can be calculated from other existing columns, delete it. For example, the total degrees of caurses this semester is calculated and added in column, delete it. Where, it is recommended to just store the courses' degrees and avoid creating a new column for its summation (total). Y Doyou frequently enter duplicate data into a table? If so, you may need to split tthe table into two tables that have a one-to-many relationship. Y Do you have tables that contain many fields, a specific number of records with empty values? If so, you should redesign the table to include more records, fewer fields and without null values as possible. ¥ Is each data element broken down into smaller, useful parts? If you need to report, sort, find, or calculate a data item, place these items in its own column. Y Does each column contain a fact about the table title? If a column does not include a statement about the table title, it may belong to another table. 46 |The fll ental oon th Serene Co of Uren © Incl oper 2004 © ‘ y Fundamentals of Database - V.3 Y Are all relationships between tables represented either by common fields or through a third table? A one-to-one relationship and a one-to-many relationship require common columns, while many-to-many relationship requires a third table. The types of relationships will be explained later in Section Ill 8. Applying normalization rules Normalization rules are applied to achieve all principles that mentioned above and n, also information and reports. Data normalization rules can be applied as the next step in your design. You use these rules thus ensure the validity of the de: to see if your tables are organized and design correctly. The applied rules to a database design are called database normalization, or normalization rules. More details are handled in section Ill. Il, Relationships between tables After you've divided data into tables, you need a way to group the data in meaningful ways by using relationships to group the data together. Types of relationships 1. One to one relationship: For example, suppose you need to record some additional and special student data that you will need rarely or that applies only to a few situations such as orphans. You can put it in a separate table because you don't need the data frequently and because storing that data in the Students table can result a blank space for each student that it doesn't apply to. You can use the student ID as the primary key. The relationship between this supplemental table and the student table is one-to-one. For each record in the Students table, there is one matching record with the additional table. When you define a relationship like this, the two tables must share a common field. keep in mind that you can put data from both tables tagether into ‘one table, but you don't want to do this, because it might cause a lot of empty space, the following list explains how to represent the relationship in the design: «Ifthe two tables have the same address, you can probably set up the relationship using the same primary key in both tables. «Ifthe two tables have different addresses with different primary keys, choose one of the two tables and insert its primary key into the other table as a foreign key. [ar arin unitin te lec tomaon tthe Spree Geof Unies Ital rope ts 2004 © ‘ \ Fundamentals of Database - V.3 2. One-to-many relationship: For example, tables of students and results in a school database, the student has multi records of the results for all academic semesters, this means that there are many results in the academic record table for each student in the students table, Therefore, the relationship between the Students table and the Academic Record table is considered a one-to-many relationship. To represent a one-to-many relationship in a database design, use the primary key on the "one" side of the relationship and add it as an additional column or columns to the table on the "many" side of the relationship. In this case, you would add the Student ID column from the Students table to the Academic Record table. ‘Access program (example of database management system) will then be able to use the Student ID in the Academic Records table to locate the correct student for each semester. The Student ID column in the Academic Record table is called the foreign key. A foreign key is a primary key of another table. 3, Many-to-many relations! Consider the relationship between the course results table and the reservation courses table, One course may include more than one grade. Gn the other side, each record in the Courses results table can have multiple records in the reservation table. Each record in the reservation table can have multiple records in the Course results table. This type of relationship is called a many-to-many relationship. It should be noted that it is important to take both sides of the relationship into account to discover many-to-many relationships between tables. How can you solve this connection and relationship between data for two tables? The solution is to create a third table, often called a connection table, where you split the many-to-many relationship into two one-to-many relationships. You can insert the primary key from both tables into the third table. As a result, the third table records all instances of the relationship. Defining relationships between tables helps ensure that you have the correct tables and columns. Emphasize that, when there is a one-to-one or one-to-many relationship, the embedded tables must share a common column or columns. When a many-to-many relationship exists, a third table must be provided to represent the relationship. en © v Fundamentals of Database - V.3 Ill. Normalization rules Normalization forms are most useful after you have represented all the data elements and arrived at an initial design. This idea helps you make sure that you have divided data elements into the appropriate tables. Apply the rules sequentially, making sure at each step that the design reaches what is called a normal form. There are five forms that are accepted and applied; from the first normal form (1NF) to the fifth normal form (SNF). In most applications, itis often applied up to the third rule to reach the standard design, and rarely beyond that. 1. FIRST NORMAL FORM — 1NF First normal form shows that at each intersection of column and row in the table (cell), there is a single value and not a list of values. For example, it is not possible to enter more than one phone in a field called Guardian's Phone. If you think of each intersection of rows and columns as a cell, each cell can only hold one value. 2. SECOND NORMAL FORM - 2NF Second normal form requires that each non-key column be completely dependent on the primary key, not just part of it. This rule applies when you have a primary key consisting of more than one column. For example, let's say you have a table that contains the following columns, student ID (primary key), course ID (primary key), course type, and course degree. Note that course type depends only on course ID, while course degree depend on both course ID and student ID: 3. THIRD NORMAL FORM ~ 3NF Third Normal Form requires not only that each non-key column be dependent on the entire primary key, but that the non-key columns be independent on each other. Another way to say this is that every non-keyed column must depend on the primary key and nothing else. For example, assume you have a table that contains the following columns: Course ID (primary key), course Name, Department, teacher course and email teacher. Email teacher is related to teacher course, not belong to course description. The solution is, separate this table to three tables; course, teaching and teacher. Course table contains course ID, name, and department. Teacher table contains teacher ID, email. And teaching table contains course ID and teacher ID. 4 |The fll etka oon th Srone Ce of Uren Incl oper 2004 © ‘ v Fundamentals of Database - V.3 Database Administrators: In any company or ministry with a database, there is a team responsible for managing the database, consisting of: 1. System Analyst: The system analyst is responsible for analyzing the requirements of the entity that will Use the system. They then identify all the data, their relationships, and the constraints imposed on them. 2. Database Designer: ‘The database designer determines the data that will be stored, obtaining results from the analysis phase. They communicate with all database users in the future to understand their requirements. 3. Database Developer: Creating and testing the database before putting it into operation is often carried out bya member of the database management team. 4. Programmer: The programmer develops programs that deal with the database. 5. Database Manager: The database manager leads the team and is responsible for controlling all the capabilities and uses of the database. This includes authorizing permissions, monitoring the database's operation, and addressing any user violations. Their tasks also include organizing the backup process. 6. Users: Users of the database, also known as end-users, include all those dealing with the database, such as those registering students or booking flights. Database systems provide tools that make it easy for end-users to use the database without expertise in computers. 7. Operators: Operators are responsible for the actual operation and are members of the company implementing the program. 8, Maintenance personnel are responsible for maintaining the software and physical components of the database system, addressing any errors that appear in the program. [30 |_Tahin unitin tel ecra tomaon tthe Spree Gefen Ital rope ts 2004 © ‘ Y Fundamentals of Database - V.3 Second session (150 minute) Session objectives: At the end of the training session, the trainee will be able to: * Database management systems software. * Open Access and learn about the components of the main window. * Create a database in different ways. Session tools: © Trainee guide. * Power point. © Worksheets. Si) Tati utinte ef cla ntmaton athe Sine Ce res tai pets 224 © LaLa So Le bade! ye cgi Vy cdgoall Y aul yale y Fundamentals of Database - V.3 Scientific background: Database management systems software The volume of data across companies is increasing rapidly, and this makes it difficult to manage their data. Therefore, we turned to a data management solution, which is database management software that allows organizations to improve access to data and simplify the management process. What is database management software (DBMS)? It is a program that allows users to create databases and store, update, and retrieve data through queries such as: Oracle, Microsoft SQL Server, and Access. Access 2019 The Access program is one of the basic programs within the Microsoft office package, which includes, in addition to this program, other programs such as: a word processor program, an electronic spreadsheet program, and a presentation program. Access is one of the database management systems, Database Management System (DBMS). In other words, the program Access stores, retrieves and displays data in many ways and in more than one way. Through Access, easy-to-handle and use entry forms can be prepared, through which information is entered. This information can be retrieved and displayed in several different ways. [a2 Tarn unitin tel ecra itomaon tthe Spree Gre of Uses tau rope ts 2004 © ‘ v Fundamentals of Database - V.3 The database in Access 2019 contains a group of objects or elements that can be used to display and manage information, such as: Tables; They are the place where data is stored in the database. Tables consist of fields (columns) and records (rows). Forms: They are the place to record and edit the data that you want to save in the table - Queries: They are objects for performing operations on data in tables, such as deleting or updating records, creating tables, or appending records to them - Reports: They are objects for displaying and printing Data in various forms, methods and formats. The most important features of Access: «Saving a lot of repetitive tasks once you prepare the appropriate presentation or report form. * Asaresult of the presence of: Object Linking and Embedding (OLE) technology, Access can contain any work prepared by the rest of the Office family, such as Word, Excel, and PowerPoint. « Access enables you to link the program to data There is a variety of data available on a server device or on the same device, and also of many types, such as data in Excel, for example, in addition to forms and reports. Through an internal network or even through the Internet. * There is a great development in Access Pages technology, which enables you to prepare forms that can be viewed and modify data through an internal network or even through the Internet. [3 |_Trinut nh fll ehkaloaon -th Srone Coe Uren Incl oper 2004 © ‘ Y Fundamentals of Database - V.3 Steps to run the ACCESS program. start Microsoft Access 2019 eed 7a |The fll enka inoaon th Sirens Col Ueto ncn oper 2004 © ‘ Y Fundamentals of Database - V.3 The main window of Access When dealing with the screen for the first time, the following screen appears, which shows all the files that have been dealt with before. From it, you can also open a file located anywhere on your device or via the Internet. You can also create a new database through the fallowing window. eS When you open Access, a new tab appears in Backstage view. The New tab provides multiple ways in which a new database can be created. 1. Blank database: You can create a database from scratch if you want. This is a good option if you have very specific design requirements or if you have existing data that you need to contain or embed 2. A template installed with Access It's best to use a template if you're creating a new project and want the creation process to be easy. Access comes with several built-in templates by default. 3. Template from Besides the templates that come with Access, you can find many other templates available at You don't need to open a browser as templates are available from the new tab. [a5 Tain unitin tel ec iftomaon tthe Sipeme Get Unive tan rope ts 2004 © ‘ Y Fundamentals of Database - V.3 First: Create an empty database: After opening the Access program, click on the word New, and then click on an empty database. Second: Create a database using ready-made templates: After opening the Access program, click on the word New, and then click on any of the ready-made templates. y Fundamentals of Database - V.3 Access has a variety of templates that can be used as is or as a starting point. A template is a ready-to-use database that includes all the tables, queries, forms, macros, and reports needed to perform a specific task. For example, there are templates that can be used to track issues, manage contacts, or record expenses. Some templates contain some sample records to help illustrate how to use them. If one of these templates fits your needs, using it will be the quickest way to get started with a database. However, if you want to import data in another program into Access, it is better to create a database without using a template. Templates have a predefined data structure, and modifying existing data to match the template structure may require significant work. To create the database using a template, we follow these steps: 1. If you have a database open, on the File tab, click Close. The new tab will be displayed in Backstage view. 2. There are several sets of templates available in the new tab, and Access includes some of them. You can download additional templates from 3. Select the template you want to use. 4. Access suggests a file name for the database in the File name box. You can change the file name if you want. To save the database in a folder other than the one shown below the File Name box, click ©& and browse to the falder you want to save to, and then click OK, 5. Click Create. 6. To start entering data, click on the first empty cell in the table and start typing. Use the navigation pane to browse for other reports or forms that you may want to use. Some templates include a navigation form that allows you to navigate between different database elements. [a7 Tannin tel ecral itomaon tthe Spree Get Unies Ital rope ts 2004 © ‘ Y Fundamentals of Database - V.3 Open another file. After opening the Access program, click on the Open command and from there choose the location from which you want to open the database, whether it is on the computer or cloud storage such as Google Drive, OneDrive, or from another storage unit . Sea) 5H eeu oe, erm Five tn atc n-th ne © LSS [6 badlel op C235 Yy alyoglb Y al ayaile \ Fundamentals of Database - V.3 Steps to create a new database 1 2. 3. 4. . Click on the New command, then Blank Database . Awindow appears in which the database name is entered. . Choose the location where you want to save the database. }. Click the Create command button. Blank database Y Fundamentals of Database - V.3 The main window of the Access program The following is an explanation of the main window components: Titel Bar: Itis a tape divided into three parts. 1, The left part contains the save and undo buttons, and the Quick Access Toolbar customization button. 2. The middle part contains the name of the program Database and the name of the database file we are dealing with. 3. The right part contains a button for dealing with the program window, such as close, maximize, and minimize. [30 | Tanin unitinte lec tomaton tthe Spree Get Une Ital rope ts 2004 © ‘ v Fundamentals of Database - V.3 Tab Bar: It was found that this tab bar is completely linked to the groups bar, and it is obvious that the groups differ when you choose another tab from the tab bar. It also has your SkyDrive user name on the right, and you can change the components of the tab bar through the Options menu, as we will explain. It consists of the following tabs: * File Tab Basic commands that were available in previous versions of Microsoft Office appear to open, save, close, prepare, and work witha file, such as: {Info — New- Open - Save - Save as - Print - Close — Account - Options —Add-Ins) In it you will find information about the database you are working on, Info | and through it you can give permissions to users, encrypt it, and compress it New __| itis used to open anew database Open _ | To opena pre-existing database Save _ | Save the database Save as_| Save the database with another new name It enables you to print database components, choose the type of printer, and specify the number of copies to print Close _ | Close the database without the program It is to prepare the SkyDrive login subscription and also to abtain the program, through some clarifications from the producing company Through it, it is possible to control the form and data of the program screen through the options in it, such as specifying the default size of the Options | text field, the default size of the number field, the default folder in which ‘the new databases are saved, or changing the display and proofing language, and other options, as shown in the following figure. . Add-ins | Anew addition, including the file can be sent via Bluetooth to any other device if your device has Bluetooth [at Tahin unitin tel ecrtomaton tthe Spree Get Unvetes Itacunl rpety ts 2004 © ; Print Account Fundamentals of Database - V.3 ‘Acces bons 7 x ‘Geel 1 ge tect stings fr des of catabse beats Mos ops areigeatin ble eee B| dtarheet and layout view pe Tobe design view ‘Que Desionens Defaut ted noe: Sherer =) Prootng Deastientedsiee (25 ange DOeautaumberfessie: (Leng ener = -Atlnder on iaponrente: (Waenderm bcinalad 1 Stow fropery ndate Optonsburors ‘carom ison ‘Query sion hick ees Teobse isto tbe names atin Computat nea Inst Caner enieasoion ‘nec exon fort ore Seace UI z see (6 +] S01 Serer Compatible Stax (ANS! 92) i thisdatabase Ota for new bases Form/Repor design view © Petty cnet © ty ese Femntempate (Naa Aepon template nem ° Home Tab ae ea =a a : * Create Tab on a ara BS oO BOS BL] omne four [-S2_rtina tine el ft nfosion “tthe Semen ef etn ntl rey es 224 © 4 Y Fundamentals of Database - V.3 ¢ External Data Tab [7 rina ntinte et oft fain tthe Semen ef neti ntl rope es 224 © 4 Y Fundamentals of Database - V.3 Second session the second day Objectives of the training day At the end of the training day, the trainee will be able to: Create a database (tables - import tables). Complete description of all data. Understanding the relationships between database tables and how to link them. Designing models. Create a query. Create and prepare reports. [a-ring unitin tel ecra tomaon tthe Sipeme Curette Ital rope ts 2004 © ‘ V Fundamentals of Database - V.3 First session (150 minutes) Session objectives: At the end of the trai ig Session, the trainee will be able to: * Create a database (tables - import tables). * Complete description of all data. © Understanding the relationships between database tables and how to link them. Session tools: * Trainee guide. * Presentation. © Work papers Training activities: + Apply what was explained in haw to create a database by retrieving from an Excel file. Using Excel, write this data and save the file as “goods” the price the date the product 30 O1-san-98 brake brother 10-May-98 Tires 80 O1-Feb-98 brake 150 01-Mar-98 service 300 05-Jan-98 service 50 Ol-lun-98 window 200 01-Apr-98 Tires 100 01-Mar-98 Tires 250 01-May-98 clutch F735 nna wet intl nc foro tthe Spams ref Unvented ropay hts 2024 © LS 55 le badlel op gs Yy ayo Y pull gale y Fundamentals of Database - V.3 1, The trainee opens an empty database and saves it as “Products”. 2. Then it retrieves the previous table from the Excel file “Goods” to the database “Products” and saves the table as “Automotive Components.” * Create a database without using a template: If you don't want to use a template, you can create a database by creating your own tables, forms, reports, and other database elements Most often, this includes one or both of the following: + Enter, paste, or import data into the table created when you create a new database, and repeat the process within the new tables that are created using the Table command on the Create tab. * Import data from other sources and create new tables in the process, The first step: 1, On the File tab, click New, and then click Blank Database. 2. Type a file name in the File Name box to change the file location to something other than the default. Click Browse for a location to put the data next to the File Name box, then browse to the new location and click OK. Next step: Click Create. 1. The database is created in Access using a blank table named Table1 that is then opened in Datasheet view. The cursor is placed in the first empty cell in the Click to Add column. 2. To add data, start typing or pasting data from another source, as described in the section Copy data from another source to a table in Access. 3. Data entry in Datasheet view is designed to resemble working in an Excel worksheet. The table structure is created as you enter data. When you add a new column to a datasheet, a new field in the table is selected. Then, each data field in Access is automatically assigned a type based on the data that is entered. 36 [Trt nh fll enka ioaon th Sirens Col of Uren Incl oper 2004 © ‘ Y Fundamentals of Database - V.3 2 If you do not want to enter data in Table 1 at this time, click Close. If you make any changes to the table, Access will prompt you to save the changes. Click Yes to save the changes, click No to discard them, or click Cancel to leave the table open. Create tables After learning how to create a database and learning about its basic interface, now we will start with the first section of the program, which is the tables, as the tables are where the data is located, meaning that whenever you want to start making a database in Access, the beginning is preparing the tables, dividing them, and preparing the columns and fields to receive the data, through tables, queries, screens, and reports are created based on the data in the tables. What are the tables? oe Tables are known as the infrastructure of databases, as they are the foundation on which the database is built. They are the place where all the data is located, as all the operations that we perform from entering and outputting data and performing analysis of it are based on the data within the tables. The table contains a large amount of data organized in the form of columns, rows, and entries. We create the tables as follows: Tables are created from the Create menu by designing the table. We will create the following tables: 1- Sections table: » From the Create menu, then choose Table as in the picture File Home iJ Application | Table Table SharePoint Parts © Design Lists Templates | Tables Training nit inthe Fil of technological infomation - at the Supreme Council of Unversties & Intaectual property rights 2004 \ Fundamentals of Database - V.3 * You will see a default name, Table 1 TS taper x ID = |Clicktoadd ~ * Click on it and choose Save to change «Name the table, then click OK Then right-click on the table name and choose Design View. The following screen will appear oo Data Type © Write the name of each column and its data type feldame (Baye Department Name Short Text Besaiestenda nines [ae Tarn unitin tel ecrea tomaon tthe Spree Gefen Ital rope ts 2004 © ; Y Fundamentals of Database - V.3 Apply the same steps to all of the following tables: 2- Table of computers students: Student code Short Text sitting number Number the total Short Text Arabic Short Text Primary English language Large Number 7 second language: English Chemistry Short Text biology Short Text 3- Table of study subjects: Field Name Data Type 1 Student code Short Text sitting number Number the total Long Text 4- Students’ schedule of academic subject: Field Name | Datatype Student code Number sitting number Number the total n w S- Results table FieldName | ata Type Student code Number sitting number Number appreciation] ‘Short Text Tralning unit inthe Rio technological infomation - at the Supreme Council of Unversties & Intaecual property rights 2004 y Fundamentals of Database - V.3 Table components A table contains a large amount of data organized in the form of columns, rows, and entries © First column: * Access recognizes any entry based on the name of the column in the table, and a name is placed at the column header. We must name each column in the table with a correct, understandable, and visible name, as in the following figure (such as the date the work began and...). Each column has one type of data (Text, number, ....). To ensure ease of dealing with these columns, two columns cannot have the same name, i.e., not duplicate. Field names must be specified: Enter field names in the Field name field. The field name requires that: Its symbol length is no more than 64. It does not start with an empty space. It does not contain any of (or lor [ })- Student code Number sitting number Number Appreciation Short Text fee also specify the data types within the ne Itis the process of setting the column type as it is in the form to give it the authority that the data is correct “correct data entry”. FieldName Data Type Student code Number Department code Number “Number of students] Short Text Fundamentals of Database - V.3 Field Properties: Datatype | Deser Text Letters and numbers that are not included in mathematical operations. ‘The maximum number of characters that can be stored in the field, The maximum allowed is 255 characters. ‘AutoNumber | To insert an automatic number for each record added to the table Date/Time _| For fields whose entries are dates and times Number Fields that will be entered into calculations Number fields, this property sets the type of number that will be stored (long integer, double) Currency ‘Adds the currency symbol next to the number Yes/No It includes data that can be classified into yes, no, or true and false ‘Accounts ‘A data value after a mathematical operation has been applied t Lookup & Enter a set of values and choose from them Relationship OLE Object _| tis used to store an object found in another program such as images and graphs and link them to the database. Memo Long text, about 60,000 characters ‘Attachment | Specify the data type for this field with attachments such as images, for ‘example Hyperlink | Specify the data type for this field with a link to a site or program ee © ‘ v Fundamentals of Database - V.3 fe Field properties are a set of properties that the database developer adjusts according to the nature of each field’s data and its purpose. He adjusts the value of the appropriate required property or leaves it at the automatic default values found by the Access program. Field properties are located at the bottom of the field design screen, as shown in the shaded part. In the following figure ‘We will explain each property in detail in the following table - Note: The available field properties ‘change according to the data type Fleld size It means the storage space reserved for field walues and varies depending on the data type coordination If you use the AutoNumber field as a primary key or a repeat identifier, you must not set this property. Otherwise, choose a number format that matches your needs Input mask You can use this property to specify a style for all data that will be entered in this field, This will help ensure that all data is entered correctly, and that it contains the required number of characters. For instructions on creating an input mask, click in the right side of ‘the property box. Caption This is the label text that appears by default for this field in the form of forms, reports, and queries. If this property is empty, the field name is used. Any text string is allowed. An effective caption is usually brief. the virtual value | You can use this property to specify the default value that will appear in this field each time a new record is added. For example, if you have a date/time field where you want the date the record was added to be recorded, you can enter "date()" (without quotes) as the defautt value. Validation rule —_| Itis a rule that is set by the developer so that the value of the data recorded in that field is checked according to that condition (verification rule), for example, the values must be greater than 18 ‘years and less than 60 in the worker's age field. Validation text | An explanatory message is written for the error made by the data entry if it does not agree with the condition (verification rule) set for the field Required This property sets whether a value is required in this field. If this propertyissettto Yes, Access will not allowa new record to be added unless a value is entered for this field, indexed Determines whether the field contains an index. There are three values available: Non repeated * Yes (Non-Duplicate) Create a unique index on the field., My reference ** Yes (duplication is acceptable) Create a non-unique index on the field. Training nit inthe Fl of technological information - at the Supreme Council of Unversties @ Intaecual property rights 2004 Valu So |e bardbl ge cays Vy cyorglle Y aul guile OA

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