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A National Strategy for COVID-19

Testing, Surveillance, and Mitigation Strategies

David Michaels, PhD, At the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, the Every person in the US should have access to low-
MPH response of the US federal government was seriously cost testing to determine if they are infected and infec-
Milken Institute School flawed. For example, the Centers for Disease Control tious. The Biden administration’s plan to distribute 500
of Public Health,
and Prevention (CDC) erred when it came to policy million at-home rapid tests and ramp up production
George Washington
University, development and messaging for testing, surveillance, using the Defense Production Act is an important step
Washington, DC. masking, and ventilation, and CDC-developed test kits in the right direction but many more are needed.3 The
were also defective. Some policies from the Depart- federal and state governments need to ensure these
Ezekiel J. Emanuel, ment of Health and Human Services restricted private tests are in plentiful supply, free to individuals with
sector progress, further delaying availability of tests. Medicaid coverage, and free or low cost to the rest of
Perelman School of
Medicine and The Early guidance on testing was mistargeted, getting the population to help individuals who might be infec-
Wharton School, tested was a logistical nightmare, and too few tests tious avoid transmitting the virus to others in their
University of were performed. Once an acceptable, yet suboptimal, homes, workplaces, schools, and other settings and to
Philadelphia. testing infrastructure was established, it was marginal- get prompt medical care if needed. Several states cur-
ized, thought to be superfluous because of the vac- rently send their residents free, rapid COVID-19 test
Rick A. Bright, PhD cines. Even now, testing results are not reliably linked kits. All states and the federal government should also
The Rockefeller with sociodemographic data, vaccination status, or make tests readily available.
Foundation, New York,
clinical outcomes; the availability of reliable rapid tests Importantly, when the CDC tracking system re-
New York.
remains limited; and prices are too high.1 ceives notification of a positive test result from a health
Similarly, there has never been comprehensive, care facility or at home, the system should automati-
geographically and population representative genomic cally provide clear guidance on self-isolation and treat-
Viewpoint surveillance to effectively detect and track variants of ment options that may include anti–COVID-19 medica-
SARS-CoV-2, leaving the US with limited and delayed tions or an opportunity to participate in research studies
information about the emergence of new variants until to assess therapeutic interventions. Additional effort will
other countries identify them. In addition, from the be needed to ensure that testing and therapeutics are
beginning of the pandemic until May 2021, the impor- made affordable and equally accessible to members of
tance of aerosol transmission of SARS-CoV-2 was not underserved communities, including individuals with low
fully recognized and appreciated,2 leading to incorrect, income and those in rural or other hard-to-reach areas.
delayed, and highly confusing recommendations on More knowledge about disease epidemiology could
masking, wearing high-quality respirators, and improv- be obtained from each clinical specimen. Deploying mul-
ing ventilation. tiplexed molecular and rapid antigen tests for respira-
It appears that SARS-CoV-2 will persist, and the tory viruses that detect multiple respiratory pathogens
COVID-19 pandemic will continue for some time. Con- will distinguish SARS-CoV-2, influenza, respiratory syn-
sequently, to achieve a sustainable “new normal” with cytial virus, other viruses, and bacterial pathogens. In ad-
substantially lower virus transmission and mortality from dition, the US should accelerate development of new
COVID-19, testing, surveillance, masking, and ventila- technologies, including wearables and other platforms
tion all need significant improvement. (such as graphene-based) that can rapidly test for mul-
tiple pathogens with a single test.
First, the CDC needs to collect and disseminate accurate Surveillance
real-time, population-based incidence data on COVID- The recent emergence of the Omicron variant has high-
19 and all viral respiratory illnesses. The US should not lighted the need for a comprehensive, nationwide en-
be reliant on extrapolating cases and outcomes from vironmental surveillance system that includes waste-
data collected from a few, underrepresentative sites. water and air sampling to monitor for potential outbreaks
The country needs a comprehensive testing and report- of viral and bacterial illnesses. Traditional surveillance sys-
Author: David
Michaels, PhD, MPH, ing system for all viral respiratory illnesses. Data from tems are highly reactive. By the time a health system or
Milken Institute School all medical and testing facilities, all emergency depart- laboratory detects and reports a concerning pathogen
of Public Health, ment cases, and all hospitalizations, ICU admissions, and or variant, it is too late to contain its spread. Great prog-
Environmental and
Occupational Health,
deaths need to be reported to the CDC and linked to ress has been made toward establishing environmen-
George Washington anonymized sociodemographic, vaccination, and clini- tal surveillance programs for SARS-CoV-2, but there is a
University, cal outcomes data. The reporting system should accom- need to rapidly expand to other pathogens and reach ru-
950 New Hampshire
modate the ability to incorporate data from at-home tests, ral and other communities that lack wastewater sys-
Ave NW, Washington,
DC 20052 (dmm@ ensuring a simple mechanism to self-report results, and tems. A comprehensive national system is needed to should provide real-time reporting on a public website. reach the full potential of this surveillance approach, (Reprinted) JAMA Published online January 6, 2022 E1

© 2022 American Medical Association. All rights reserved.

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Opinion Viewpoint

which should empower local jurisdictions with rapid, actionable data ing the intake of outside air, using efficient filters (rated at mini-
and transform pandemic prevention into a more equitable and pro- mum efficiency reporting value of 13 or higher) and adding high-
active practice. efficiency particulate air filtering devices. These systems will need
In addition, a comprehensive genomic surveillance system for to be implemented in offices, schools, public transportation, and
variants is needed to provide early indications of immunity escape other congregate workplace and social settings, such as restaurants
and emergence of new variants. This includes the critical need to se- and bars. Congress has allocated tens of billions to schools for such
quence vaccine breakthrough cases, even from mild infections. The upgrades,6 and should provide additional funding or tax incentives
country needs a system organized by the CDC to sequence a far for targeted high-impact upgrades. New infrastructure funds for
greater and more geographically representative proportion of posi- public transit and airport improvements should also be linked to
tive COVID-19 tests than is currently being sequenced, with the re- implementing these permanent improvements. Localities should
sults uploaded into global databases in real-time. Rapid sharing of be incentivized to modify their building codes to require that all
this genomic data could facilitate a broader analysis of the emer- new buildings integrate these upgrades.
gence and spread of novel variants, enabling targeted distribution The country needs to encourage use of high-quality filtering face-
of resources to slow the spread of a new variant. piece respirators (FFRs), such as N95s or KN95s, rather than cloth
The US needs to establish a real-time, opt-out digital surveil- or surgical masks, to reduce transmission of respiratory viruses in-
lance system to monitor all vaccinated individuals for the fre- cluding SARS-CoV-2 in crowded indoor settings where community
quency and severity of adverse effects, postvaccination infections, exposure risk is elevated.7 To meet demand and prevent reliance on
and waning immunity. Two years into the pandemic, the US is still imported products of questionable quality, there needs to be a na-
heavily reliant on data from Israel and the UK for assessing the ef- tional initiative to sustainably produce domestic FFRs and ensure they
fectiveness and durability of COVID-19 vaccines and rate of vaccine are readily available to all US residents for free or very low cost. The
breakthrough infections. In addition, when the definition of “fully government could mail vouchers to US households to pick up FFRs
vaccinated” shifts to 3 doses (or perhaps more doses) of mRNA vac- at pharmacies, grocery stores, schools, and other locations.
cine, the US lacks a reliable way of identifying who has received only In addition, there needs to be a system for clear recommenda-
the first 2 doses and who has received a third dose. tions from trusted public health authorities, advising local govern-
ments and the public about the appropriate use of facial coverings,
Mitigation Strategies depending on the setting; an individual’s vaccination, immune, and
Like influenza, SARS-CoV-2 is spread by aerosols.4 Well-established risk status; and the level of community transmission. An easily
public health mitigation strategies can reduce risks and complica- interpretable risk assessment map that encompasses these vari-
tions from viral respiratory infections including SARS-CoV-2. Mitiga- ables to provide immediate risk determination at the zip code
tion strategies should be implemented, including new enforceable level for individuals could be developed and updated daily. Such a
Occupational Safety and Health Administration standards, espe- system would help reduce confusion and guesswork that many
cially requiring workplace masking, distancing, and ventilation.5 individuals face today as they make daily decisions on how to pro-
The most effective way to prevent transmission of respiratory tect themselves.
diseases, including COVID-19, is to eliminate exposure to poten-
tially infectious individuals, encouraging individuals who may have Conclusions
illness to stay home. This requires systematic access to testing and To reduce COVID-19 transmission, achieve and sustain a “new nor-
paid sick and family medical leave for all US workers, especially low- mal,” and preempt future emergencies, the nation needs to build and
wage, temporary, freelance, contractor, and gig economy workers. sustain a greatly improved public health infrastructure, including a
The next most effective mitigation approach focuses on comprehensive, permanently funded system for testing, surveil-
upgrades to ventilation and air filtration systems, including increas- lance, and mitigation measures that does not currently exist.

ARTICLE INFORMATION health insurers. No other disclosures were Accessed December 15, 2021.
Published Online: January 6, 2022. reported. 3JwUxvo
doi:10.1001/jama.2021.24168 Additional Information: Drs Michaels, Emanuel, 4. Wang CC, Prather KA, Sznitman J, et al. Airborne
Conflict of Interest Disclosures: Dr Michaels and Bright were members of the Biden-Harris transmission of respiratory viruses. Science. 2021;
reported receiving grants from the McElhattan Transition COVID-19 Advisory Board from 373(6558):eabd9149. doi:10.1126/science.abd9149
Foundation and Institute for New Economic November 2020 to January 2021. 5. Michaels D, Wagner GR. Occupational Safety and
Thinking and personal fees from the Actors’ Equity Health Administration (OSHA) and worker safety
Association, Health Action Alliance, Estée Lauder REFERENCES during the COVID-19 pandemic. JAMA. 2020;324
Companies, and Verily Life Sciences. Dr Emanuel 1. DePillis L, Umansky E. Here’s why rapid COVID (14):1389-1390. doi:10.1001/jama.2020.16343
reported personal fees, nonfinancial support, or tests are so expensive and hard to find. Accessed 6. Allen J, Gounder CR. We have a
both from companies, organizations, and November 8, 2021. once-in-a-generation opportunity to fix our
professional health care meetings and being 2. Rabin RC, Anthes E. The virus is an airborne crumbling schools. The Hill. Accessed November 8,
a venture partner at Oak HC/FT; a partner at threat, the CDC acknowledges. New York Times. 2021.
Embedded Healthcare LLC, ReCovery Partners LLC, Accessed November 15, 2021.
and COVID-19 Recovery Consulting; and an unpaid 7. Brosseau LM, Ulrich A, Escandon K, Anderson C,
3eBkHPo Osterholm MT. Commentary: what can masks do?
board member of Village MD and Oncology
Analytics. Dr Emanuel owns no stock in 3. White House. President Biden announces new Center for Infectious Disease Research and Policy.
pharmaceutical, medical device companies, or actions to protect Americans against the Delta and Accessed November 12, 2021.
Omicron variants as we battle COVID-19 this winter. 3mGnOKs

E2 JAMA Published online January 6, 2022 (Reprinted)

© 2022 American Medical Association. All rights reserved.

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