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IT'S EXAM-2011 PAPER-IIT ALLIED LAWS. SILI Q.98. On partition, the ancestral property in respect (a) Any coparcener (b) Father of that member of the HUF (© Mother (@ Any male member @), Ancestral Property Q.100. In the case of tangible immovable property of (b) Joint Property a value less than___ rupees, such transfer (©) Separate Property may be made either by a registered instrument (@) Common property. or by delivery of the property. Q.99.. The karta of HUF under the Mitakshara School (@) One thousand (b) Ten thousands oflaw can be- (©) One hundred (4) Five hundred. ANSWERS 1.) 2.4) 3.) 4.(a) 5.(d) 6.(b) 7.(d) 8.(d) 9.(d) —‘10.(a) © 12@ - 13.@ 14.) 15.@—16.4)_—17.@)_—18.(6) 19.) 20.00) 21a) 22.(b)—-23.(b)24,@)— 25.) 26.) 27.) 28.) 29.@)_* 30.() 31.c) 32d) 33.) 34.) 35a). 36.(b) 37.(b+) 38.) = 39.) 40.0) 41) 42.@) 43.(0) 4445.0) 46.) 47) 4B.) 49.) 50. (0) SL. (b). 52(0) $3.0) 54.0) 55.4) 56.02) 57.00) 58.) 59-@) 60.) 61.) 62.4) -63.(b)64.(@) 65.4) «66.(4)67.(6) 68.) 69.@)——70.(@) T.(@) 72.) _—-73.(b)_—74.(d).—75.(6)— 76.0) 77.) 78.(a)~—79.(€)_——80.(@) B1.(0) 82.0) —-83.(¢) B4(@)——85.(6) 86.0) 87.(b) 88.0) 89.4) 90.0) 91.) 92.@)—:93.(d)—94.(d)——«95.(d) (96.0) 97-(@)««98.(@)—99.(@)—100.(6). (8) Any person w Q.94, 0.96. Le) 11.@) 21.0) 31.0) 410) 51. (b) 61.(b) 71.(b) 81.(a) 91.4) ho is entitle < to any property ed a5 per the Will made one oft the deceas Will made by the Fegarding the mortgage i thetransfer of Property Act, 1882? ) Simple mortage (©) Absolute mortga (©) English mortgag (8) Usufructuary morteas Judicial stamps are used under regulations of (a) Stamp Act (©) Both (b) Court Fee Act (@) None. . Maximum period of detention in civil prisonment where the decree is for more than Rs. 2,000/— but less than Rs. 5,000/- is (a) Sixweeks () Two months © One month (@) One year. “Fa father, died leaving his son ‘S’, and umarried daughter ‘D’ apart from widow ‘W", 1-F is governed by Mitakshara law, determine theshares of W",‘S’ and ‘D* @) ‘W'=13+19.:5'= 13419, ‘D=19 V4+ 12, BAHRI'S SOLVED PAPERS i & IV FOR IT's & to's Q97, Q.98. Q99. A ‘Testator’ means a person who- (2) Hasmadea will (b) Has died without making a Will (©) Has attested a Will as a witness (d) Has testified before a Court ina suit filed in respect of a Will. *X’ and *¥* run a partnership firm. *Y” enters in toa loan agreement with bank against the lien on the property of the firm. “Y" availed the loan in his own name and utilizes the proceeds to purchased his own house. *Y’ holds such benefits from whom— 2 @ ‘x (b) Himself (©) Partnership firm @ Both ‘x’ and firm. An Indian Christian dies without having made a Will. His widow, who is a lunatic, his mother and his brother are the only relatives left. Letter of administration will be granted to— (@ The deceased’s mother (b) The deceased’s widow (© The deceased’s brother @ None of the above. Q.100. Which of the following is a valid gift? © ‘W=1/4+ 1/12, + =14+1/12, @ ‘D=14+112 ANSWERS 2@) 3@ 44 50 6.0) 12.(b) 13.(c) 14.0 15.(c) 16.(a) 22.(0) ©) 24.) 25.0) 6.@) 32@) 33.034) 35@) 36.0) 22.0) 43.@) 44) 45.@) 46.4) 52.4) 53.0) 54.@) 55.0 56.4) 2.0) 63.0 6A.(b)65.(0)—66.(b) 2.0 7B.b) 74.) 75.(0) 76a) 82.(@) 83.) 84.) 85.) -86.(¢) 92.(o) 93.0). 95.(a) 96,(c) (2) Dedication of a property to an idol (©) A gift of property to an unbom person (© Oral gift ofa pledged item (@) A gift without material consideration. 7.00) 8) 9.0) 10 7.0 18© 19.) 20@ 27.0 28) 9.0 30 37.@ 38.@) 39.0) 40. 47.0) 48.) 49.4) 50.@) 57.4) 58.) 59.@) 0.) 67.4) 68.00) 69.6) 70.@) 77.4) 78.0) 79.2) 80.0 87.) 88.) 89.0) 0) 97.(a) 98.) 99.(a)—100.(@). Note: The Q. No. 80, 72,33, 63, 94, 27, 29, 14, 17, 55 are from ‘The Indian Stamp Act, 889° which is out of syllabus. Hence answers to these questions are not given. SMSO Le 1d) 21.) 31.0) 41.0) S1.(d). 61.(0) 71.@) 81.0) 91.0) 100. 01/012013.The Q. i ith effect from said property wit son S gets: (a) 1/3 of the property (b) 12ofthe property (©) 1/4 of the property (@) None of the above. 2.0) 12.0) 2@) 20 42.(b) $2.(6) 62.(d) R2@ 32.@) 92.(6) 3.0) 13.@) 3B.@) 33.(b) 43.(@) 53.(@) 63.0) 2B.) 83.00) 93.) 4.0) 14.6) 24.(@) 34.0) 44.(0) 54.00) 64.(0) 74.(0) 84.) 94.(0) 5 ‘OR ITs & ITO, BAHIRI'S SOLVED PAPERS IIT & IV F falsely and knowingly, represents to the A, false {estator, that the testator’s only child testator, that the testa ly chi + ad 4 thereby induces him to make Willin hig and there ws) fare ill is vali (a) Willis va voidable «invalid as obtained by fraud invalid as obtained by coercion. 7.@) 17.(b) 27.(a) 37.(0) 47.) 57.() 67.0) 1.0) 87.(0) 97.(@) 8.() 18.(d) 28.(b) 38.0) 48.) 58.(b) 68.(@) 78.(¢) 88.(-) 98.(b) 9.(a) 19.) 29.(0) 39.(b) 49.) 59.(0) 69.@) 79.0) 89.(b) 9.(@) 10.(b) 20.(@) 30.(¢) 40.(0) 50.(0) 60.(a) 70.(@) 80.(€) 90.(@) 100.(0). SULGS executed on 01.04.2011 but registered 0: 15.07.2011, Second Mortgage Deed was executed on 15.04.2011 but registered 15.06.2011. From which date, Mortgage Deed will operate under Sec. 47 of the Indi Registration Act? «Indian (@) 142011 (b) 1562011 (©) 15042011 (@) 15072011 Q.92. The liability ofa Partneris: @) Unlimited ) mited (©) Quantified (4) Assigned, Q.93, Withdrawal of Will deposited with Registrar by the testator is allowed under section, of The Registration Act, 1908: @ 2 () 8 O44 as. Q.94. *Codicit” means an instrument in relation to: (a) Trust (b) Limited liabitity partnership firm © \ (@ Decree. Q.95 Where a third party has been given an opportunity to make representation, the Public Information Officer is required under the RTI Act, 2005 to take a decision as to whether or not to disclose the information within: (2) 45 days after receipt of the request (b) 40 days after receipt of the request BAHRI'S SOLVED PAPERS II & IV FOR ITI's4 1, ty, Q.96 How many type of mortgages are dery, section S8 of the Transfer of Property xe." (a) Four (b) Eight (0) Sw (d) Three. Q.97 Aregistered document shall operate (a) From the time it would have commenens any case irrespective of the tin, registration: (b) From the time of its registration. ) From the last day of the month of registration. (@ From the first day of the month irmetn rrecveding the month ofits registration? Order 19 of the Civil Procedure Code dex, with: (@) Affidavits (b) Judgements and decrees (c) Execution of decrees and orders (a) Death of parties. ‘According to the provisions of Indias Succession Act, 1925, an ‘Indian Chris means- (2) A Christian who is a citizen of India. (0) A native of India whose father isa Christ. (©) AChristian whose father is anative of rd (d) A Christian who is a native of India or wie claims to be of unmixed Asiatic descecz. Q.100 Which section of the Registration Act, 198 contairis provisions to save certain enactmests () Q.98 Q.99 (©) 60 days after receipt of the request and powers of Courts? (d) None of the above. @ & (b) 44 © 45 (d) 46. ANSWERS. 16) 2@- 3@ 40 56) 6@ 7 8) 9.0) 106) IL(c) 12.(a) 13.() 14.) 15.(a) 16.(c) 17.(b) 18.(a) 19.(¢) 2 (a) 22.(b) 23.(d) 24.(c) 25.(c) 26.(a) 27.(a) 28.(b) 29.(a) 31.0) 32.(4) 33.4) 34.06) 35.4) 36.00) 37.(@) 38.0) 39.00) 41d) 42.(@) 43.4) 44.G@) 45.4) 46.02) 47.@) 48.) 49,00) x SI.) 52.(d) 53.(0) $4.(b) 55.4) 56.04) 57.00) 58.) 59.) 0.0) 61.(b) 62.(@)63.(a)G4.@)—65.@) 66.4) 67.(¢) 68.4) 69.c) 70.) 71.(b)— 72.(d)—73.(6)—74.(d)—75.(6)—76.(@) 77.) 78.) 794) SU) B1.(b) 82.0) 83.(b)—84.(b)—85.(0)86.(0) 87.0) 8B(a). 89a) DO) 91a) 92.(a) 93.10) 94.06) 95.(b)—96.(0) 97.14) 98a) 99,4). IT’S (RE)-EXAM-2014 PAPER-IIT ALLIED LAWS, (@) Person present in court is required by the court to give evidence. Qs ‘ing coparcener has? (a) A qualified right to deal with the ancestral property in matter of alienation, (b) No right to alienate the ancesteral property (©) Anabsolute right to alienate the ancesteral property as his separate property. @ rer (a) or (b). Q.98 1961- (@) As.a person (b) An associate of person (©) Both of the above (@ None of the above. A HUF is assessed under the Income Tax Act Q.99 sm77 Which of the following documents do not require registration under Registration Act, 1908 (a) An instrument gift of immovable property. (b) An instrument of partition of immovable property (©) An authority to adopt a son not conferred bya Will (@) A deed of adoption. Q.100 The sealed cover deposited under section 42 of ANSWERS 1.) 2.(c) 3.(a) 4.4) 5.(b) 6.(b) 1.0) 120) 13.@ 4©. 15.0. 160 2.@ 22) 236) 24.) 25.0) 26.4) 310 32@ 33.@ 3@ 35) 36.0) 41.) 42.0) 43.) 44.0) 45.(@)—46.(6) S1@ 52.@) 53.) 54.0) 55.) 56.0) 61.@) 62:0) -63.@) 64.) 65.) 66.(@) 11.0) 72.@ 73.@ 74.0) ~—-75.@) ~—-76.(b) 81.6) 82) 83.) 84.00) 85.0) 86.0) 91.) 92.) 93.(@) 94.) 95.2) 96. (0) the Registration Act, 1908 can be opened— (a) Before the death of the testator. (b) At the time when the testator falls seriously ill (©) Atany time intended by all the legal heirs of the testator. é (@) After the death of the testator. 7a) 8@) —-9.(a) 10.) 17.4) 18.4) 19.@)——-20.(%) 27.@) 28@) —29.@) 30.) 37.(b) 38.4) 39.0) 40.(@) 47.00) 48.4) 49.0) 50.0) 57.) 58.0) 59.4) - 60.0) 67.00) 68.4) 69.4) 70.0) TI.) 78.(@)—79.€@)—80.(6) 87.@) 88.@) 89.) 9.) 97.0) 98.@) 99.4) 100.) BAuRI’ 5 RI'S SOLVED PAPERS Il & IV FOR II's & 17 S& To: en ee sre Curtand ani Q.100. Under the Indian Succession Act, 19) - Property shall go to Government where, mee ee MUIR SORT, intestate has left no occannons Noven Canara Dist Courtand {a) Widow (b) No lineal descendant or those who a nse Sih CNT kindred to hit speennee of enevation is wth the property vn WINES PRNPET TS attached. (c) (a) and (b) above (a) None of the above. ANSWERS ta ee 9.(a) 10.(d) va 2) nw) 12) 13-@) 14.0) 15.) 16.@) — 17-@) 18.(©) 19.(a) —-20.(c) 1 22.(b) 23-4) -24-(0)_——-25.(b) 26.0.) -27.(a)—-28.(4), 29.(c) 30.(d) ya) 32.0) 33-0) 34) 35. (bt) 36.) 37.) 38. @ 39.0) 40.(¢) 42.(a) 43.(d) 44.0) 45.(0)—46.(6) 47.) 48.(d) 49.(b) 50.(a) AL.) si.) 52.(c) 53. (a) 54.(é) 55.4) -56.(b)_—57.(0) 58.(b) 59.(b) —-60.(c) te 65.(2) — 66.(b) 67.) 68.(b)_ 69.0) 70.00) n.@) 72 73.(b) 74.0) 75.4) 76.(a)— 77-0) 78.(b) —-79.(c) 80.0) ey 82@) 3.) BAD — 85.) 86H) 87 38.) 89442) 90.0 S12) 92-(0) 93400) 94.(6) 95.60) 96.06) 97 @ 98.00) 99.) 100 i. AM-2016 PAPER ALLIED LAWS, Q.97. Which of the following is true reparding a trust ereated by Will- (a) It can be revoked at the pleasure of the testator, (b) It can never be revoked. (@ Itean only be revoked after consent of all beneficiaries. (a) None ofthe above. . *ATanexcentor, buysat an undervalue from B, alegatee, his claim under the Will, Bis ignorant ofthe valuc ofthe bequest. A must hold for the benefit of B the difference between the price and value, ‘The above illustration is derived from basic principal enshrined in which section of the Indian Trusts Act, 1882: (a) Section 81 (b) Section 85 Q.99 SUNLAIT (©) Section 88 (€) None of the above, ‘The Indian ‘Trusts Act 1882 lists various securities where trustee is bound to invest trust joncy in case trust property consists of money and cannot be applied at an early date for the purpose of the trust, The same is contained in which section of the Indian Trusts Act 1882: @ tl () 19 ©) 0 2. Q.100. For the purpose of Indian Trusts Act, 1882, ANSWERS 2.0 3.() 4.(d) 5.) 6.(©) 12.(b) 13.) 14.(d) Is.(c) 16. (©) 22.2) —23.(a),(b),()(4) 24.) 25.) 31.) 32.0) 33.@) 34) 35.) 41.) 42.0) 43.0) 44.@) 45.) 5I.(a) 52.) 53.) 54.(@)—— 55. (6) 61.(b) 62.) 63.(b)64.(6) 65.06) 7b) 72.) 73.(d)_—74-(b) 75.) 81.(d) 82.) 83.(b) 84.) 85.@) 91.) 92.) 93.) 94 ()—95.0) “registered” means (a) Registered under Indian Trusts Act. (b) Registered under the law for the registration of documents for the time being in force. (©) Unregistered but signed by the author and trustee. (@) None of the above. 7). 8) 9.2) —10-(@) 11 18@ 19.6) 20.@) 26.(a) 27.2) 28.0) 29-(0) 36.6) 37.@) 38) 38.0) 46.(4) 47.2) 48.) 49.) 56.(-) 57.) 58.6) 59.) 66.(c) 67.4) 68.(0) 69.0) 76.(a) 77.(b)—-78.(0) 79.) 86.4) 87.) 88.) 89.0) 96.(a) 97.@) (98.6) © SULI38 Q.99. Which of the following is not correct? (a) (b) © L@© 11.4) 21.(6) 31.0) 41.) 51.-(a) 61.14) 71d) 81.(d) IIc) The trustee is bound to keep clear and accurate accounts of the trust-property.. The trustee shall at all reasonable times, at the request of the beneficiary, furnish the beneficiary full and accurate information as to the amount and state of the trust- Property Full and accurate information as to the amount and state of the trust-property can = BAHRI'S SOLVED PAPERS 11 2 1V FOR ttre 2) 3.) 4.) 5.00), 2) 13d) 14@) 15.0) 22.(é) 23.) 24.(a) 25.1) 32(c) 33.4) 34.) 35.(0) 42() 43.) 44.4) 45.00) 52.(@) S4@) 55.4) 62.(c) 63.(b)64.(4)_. 65.(c) 72d) 73.(b) -74.(0)_—75.(d) 82.2) 83.(d)_—84.(a)-85.(c) 92.(b) 93.(b+) 94.(d)—«95.() 6.0) 16.0) 26.(b) 36.(4) 46.(c) 56.(a) 66.(d) 76.(a) 36.(4) 96.(0) be given only to the court or », not to the beneficiary. () None of the above. Q.100. Acceptance of gift when to be made a (2) Within Six months of the proposal (©) Within one year of the proposal (©) During the lifetime of the donor ard, he is still capable of giving (@ Notime limit. 7.0) 17.0) 27.(6) 37.) 47.00) 57.(@) 67.(¢) Td) 87.6) 97.0) 8.) 18.0) 28.(@) 38.60) 48.(4) 58.6) 68.(a) 78.(4) 38.(4) 98.(b) 9.) 19.6) 29.(2) 39.(0) 49.(2) 59.(b) 69.(c) 79.(c) 89.) 9.0) wr SMLASS TAMIRES SOLVED PAPERS HEA TY FORTTE sa p79) ion (3) of Section 12. (ly Sub section (4) of Section 12, anced by the Q.99, Under WPI Act, 2008 the fee for Inspection | thedocumentsin the first hour wile: "| (a) None of the above, (a) Pree of cost | Q.97. Anapplicant sccking information under the (b) Five rupees RTT Act, 2005is required te {a)_ State re (bY NGOs not financed by the Appropriate (co) Subs Goverment (©) NGOs substantially fi Appropriate Government (o) Ten rupees (a) As determined by CPIO Q.100. Which one of the followings is not a “Pub Authority’ for the purpose of the Right ty Information Act, 2005? (a) Central Board of Direct Taxes (b) Reserve Bank of India information (Explain the purpose for which information is required (© Give hisher contract details (@)_ Allof the above. Q.98. Central Information Commission means the Central Information Commission constituted sons for seckiny under, of the RTI Act, 2005, (© ICICI Bank (a) Sub section (2) of Section 12 (d) University Grants Commission. | (b) Sub section (1) of Section 12 | ANSWERS Lo 30 4) 5.) 6.00) 7.) BO) 9.) 100) 11) 13.) 14.6) 15.@) 16.) I.) 1B.) 19.) 20.48) | a © 23.0) 24.) 25.) 26.@) 27.) 28.) 29.6) 3018) 310 33.0) 34. 35.4) 36.6) 37.6) 38.) 39.@) 410.0) 41.(b) 43.0) 44.2) 45.00) 46.6) 47.@) 48.) 49.) 50.) 51.00) 53.) 54) - 55.) 56.00) 57.0) 58) 59.) .) 61.0) 63.(0) 64.) 65.@) 66.) 67.(a)— 6B.) 69.(b) 70.0) 2 i a 73.(b) 74.(a)—75.(a)—76.(@)—T7.(a)—78.(0) 7. @ 0 5 : . aL) 5.0) HO) 8G) HE) EL) BE) — 89.) 90) 93.(b) —-94.(a) 95.0) 96.0) 97.) 98.,(b) 99.) 10) qo’ ENAM2O1S PAPER TH ALLIED Laws Quek 092 — Q95. 96. Lo 1) 21.@) 31.@), 41.@) 51.(0) 61.0) ne 8L@) 91.) A partner may retire: (a) With consent of other partners, (b) Inaccordance with an agreement between the partners (©) @or(d). (a) None of the above, Avagrees to sell B “hundred tons of oi", There is nothing whatever to show, what kind of oil wwasintended. The agreement is (a) Validagreement a (b) Void agreement (©) Megalagreement (@ Voidabte contract, Charge on properties are created by making the property as security for payment to another: (a). By act of parties (b)_ By operation of law (©) Both (a) & (b) above (@) Only with consultation of family members. |. One of the following is not essential condition ofa valid (a) The gift must be accepted by donee. (0) Property must be existing. (©) Transfer is without consideration. (@ Gift may be accepted by donee even after death of doner, Order V of CPC deals with: (a) Commissions (b) Summons (©) Affidavits (d) Review. Whena party applies for summoning to witness the expenses shall be: (@) Paid by the same party (b) Paid by the opposite party (©) Paid by both (a) & (b) (@) Paid by the court. Q.97, Q.98, Q.99. SUI1.167 Ifa witness fails to comply with the summon? (a) The court may issue a proclamation. (b) The court may issue a warrant with or without bail for the arrest of such person. May make an order for the attachment of his property to such amount as it thinks fit. (d)_ All of the above Any Commissioner appointed under this Order XXVI may (a) Enter upon or into any land or building mentioned in the order at any reasonable time Examine the witness as per his convenience at any time (©) Both (a) & (b) (@) Neither (a)nor (b) Any Court may in a suit issue a commission for the examination on interrogatories who is sick. For this purpose the court can accept a certificate by a registered medical practitioner as evidence without calling the medical practitioner asa (a) The statement is true. (b) The statement is false. (©) The Court has no such power. (@ This situation is not backed by any law. © i) Q.100. Application of a review may be granted: ANSWERS 24) 3.@ 4 @) 5.) 6.) 12@ 13.@) 14.0) 15. —-16.@) 22.(c) 23.0) 24.) 25.) 26.00) 32.(c) 33.) 34.0) 35.(@)——-36.(0) 42.4) -43.(a) 44.4) 45.) 46.(0) 52.(b) 53.(b) -54.(b) 55.0) “56.(2) 62.(4) 63.) 64.0) 65.(a)——66.(¢) Ta) 73.(2)_— 74.) 75.(b) 76.10) 82.(c) 83.) —B4.(c)-—85.(b)-——86.(b) 92.(b) 93.(d) 94.(a)—95.(b)——96.(a) (@ On the ground ofa new matter or evidence. (b) Where the Court is of opinion that the application for review should be granted. (©) Where there is no prior notice to the opposite party to enable him to appear but sufficient grounds for the review exist. (@ Both (a) &(b). 70 8) 9%@) 17.4) 18.@) — 19.@) 27.) 28.(4)—-29.(0) 32.0) 38 @© 39.0) 41.) 48.@ —-49.(0) 57.) S8.(a)— 59.) 67.4) 68.0) _—-69.(a) 71.0) 8.) 79.) 87. 880) 99.@) 97.4) 98.@) 99.) SI.176 Q.80. 1) 2@ 23@) 340) 45@) 56a) 67) 710) 380) 99(a) Ynys ONY IAD Papas Wh & IV FOR IT'S te sy, (®) Onehalt wee 0.100, wy 4 (©) Two third gee ‘th en one of several co-owners transfers jj, Under the , share, the transferee MeaiFes 48 ARAN ih ‘Transfer of om other coowners the same FIRKES that o tocivilp She tranatorne haa mine is suDject (0 ANY COndiig “: “ye week of section SI of the and Tlapilities affecting the share at the date, @ pot vapor Att 188 the transferee: transfer. Thisis the provision under: © % vy on Hand for the vi a) Section 40 of the transfer of Property A ( yas He alue of (a) fee 0, : a Levene . ; " vien on the land for the val (b) Section 41 ofthe transfer of Property Aq a Has ene alue of 1882. , a ; 7 vonaitonal Fen on the land for the (©) section #2 of the Transfer of Property Ae, alae of improvements P ee (@) Section 44 of the Trans fer of Property Ac, o None of the above. ey ‘ANSWERS 20 «3@ «40 so) 6@ 7) so-so) 10) 11) be YO 150) 16@ 17@ 180) 19 200) 21@ = 20) paca) 2500) 26) 27@) 2) 29d) 300) 310) -32)—-3306) 35) 36) 37@) 38) zoe) 400) 410) @ 86) “© 46@) 470) 48(a) 49(b+) 5000) si@ 52@) 5300) 54(0) 55 @ 57@) 58@) s9(a) 60a) 61) 62(a) 63d) 64(c) 65(b) 66(a) Bo 2@ Ma NO ee 73) 74(a)_—«75(Grace Mark) 76(b) Seco) 790) 80) 81) 2 Bm sad) 8500) 860) B79 10 (d) a ote mo 10 26) 3 40 BO 960) 97(@) (98) ‘SI.200 1.0) 1L© 2.0 31.@) 41.0) 31.) 61.0) 11.@ 8L@ 91.2) (@_ One person is said to be an cognate of another if the two are related by blood or adoption but wholly through females. |. The property ofa Hindu female dying intestate would be given in the following order: (@ Upon the sons and daughters (including children of any pre-deceased son or daughter) and the husband. (i Upon the heirs of husband. Giii) Upon the heirs of father. (e) Upon the heirs of mother. @ @.Gi.Ci.and Gv) ie. | BAHRI'S SOLVED PAPERS III & IV FOR ITI's & 1 vs Q.100. Property inherited by a male coparcener fri, ANSWERS 2© 3.@D 4.0) 5.(d) 6.(c) 12.0) 13.) 14.(a) 15.(d) 16.(a) 2H BO 20) 25.0) 26.0) 32. (a)&(b) 33.() 35.(d) 36.(d) 20 B@ 40) 45. 46.0) 2.0) 54.0) 551d) 56.) 62.(0) 64.0) 65.(d) 66.(a) 2© 74.) -75.(0) ~—-76.(0) 20 BA) 85.(0)_86.(b) 92.10) 94.0) 95:16) 96.14) his relations on the maternal side: (i) Would be his separate property. (ii) Part of the corpus of the coparcenan, property. ') He can throw it into the common strc, voluntarily to be treated as joint property, (2) Only) (b) Only (ii) / (©) Only(i)and (iii) () None of the above 7.0 8.(c) 9.(c) 10.(a) 17.) 18.6) 19-(6)— 20.16) 27.Bonus 28.(c) —29.(a)_—-30.(0) 37.) 38.) 39.0) 40.00) 47.Bonus 48.(b) 49.2) 50.) 57.) 58.0) 59.) 0.8) 67.(a2) 68.) 69.(a)_—70.(0) T7.@) 78.6) 79.(@) 80.0) 87.(a) 88.2) 89-0) 00) 97.6) 98.(a)—-99.-(a)_——“100.0

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