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The following text is for number 1-4

In total, the plant has need of at least 16 elements, of which the most important are carbon,
hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen, phosphorus, sulfur, potassium, calcium, and magnesium.

The plan obtains carbon and hydrogen dioxide from the atmosphere; other nutrients are taken up
from the soil. Although the plant contains sodium, iodine, and cobalt, these are apparently not
essential. This is also true of silicon and alumunium.

Overall chemical analyses indicate that the total supply of nutrients in soils is usually high in
comparison with the requirements of crop plants. Much of this potential supply, however, is bound
tightly in forms that are not released to crops fast enough to give satisfactory growth. Because of
this, the farmer is interested in measuring the available nutrient supply as contrasted to the total

1. Which of the following elements is not taken up from the soil?

A. Potassium
B. Magnesium
C. Carbon
D. Calcium
E. Sulfur

2. How many elements which are not very important can be found in the plants?

A. Three
B. Five
C. Seven
D. Nine
E. Sixteen

3. Why do farmers prefer considering the only available nutrients to the total quantities of nutrient
found in the soil? Because ....

A. they do not know how to obtain all the nutrients

B. chemical analyses indicate that the soil constrains all the nutrients needed
C. the nutrient are in the soil
D. most of the nutrients are bound in compounds
E. some of the nutrients are found in the atmosphere

4. “The plant obtains carbon and hydrogen dioxide ...” (paragraph 2). Obtains means ....

A. Gets
B. Takes
C. Puts
D. Gives
E. Has

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The following text is for number 5-8

Guava is a plant in the myrtle family (Myrtaceae) genus Psidium. It is native to Mexico and Central
America, Northern South America, parts of the Caribbean and some parts of North Africa and also
some parts of India. The guava tree is not big. It is about 33 feet with spreading branches. The
bark is smooth with green or reddish brown color. The plant branches are close to the ground. Its
young twigs are soft. It has hard dark elliptic leaves. It is about 2-6 inches long and 1 - 2 inches
wide. The flowers are white, with five petals and numerous stamens.

Guava is cultivated in many tropical and subtropical countries for its edible fruit. Guava fruit, usually
2 to 4 inches long, is round or oval depending on the species. Varying between species, the skin
can be any thickness, it is usually green when unripe, but becomes yellow or maroon when ripe.
The flesh of Guava fruit is sweet or sour. The color of the flesh may be white, pink, yellow, or red,
with the seeds in the central part of the flesh. The seeds are numerous but small. In some good
varieties, they are edible. Actual seed counts have ranged from 112 to 535. Guava fruit is rich with
vitamins A and C, omega-3 and omega-6, fatty acids and high levels of dietary fiber.

5. What is the text about?

A. The origin of guava

B. The cultivation of guava
C. The advantages of guava
D. The disadvantages of guava
E. A general description of guava

6. Why is guava cultivated in many countries?

A. It is a nutritious fruit.
B. It has various colors.
C. It has numerous seeds.
D. It belongs to genus Psidium.
E. It has hard dark elliptic leaves.

7. Guava is cultivated in many tropical and subtropical countries for its edible fruit. “Cultivated”
means ....

A. Found
B. Planted
C. Consumed
D. Treasured
E. Discovered

8. What is the main idea of the second paragraph?

A. Guava turns green when it is ripe.

B. Guava grows only subtropical countries.
C. The flesh of Guava fruit is neither sweet nor sour.
D. Guava is full of vitamins, protein and dietary fiber.
E. Guava is edible and full of advantageous substance.

9. Tax laws are passed by ____ who usually want to be re-elected.

A. political
B. politicians
C. politics
D. policy
E. poles

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10. ____ budget depends on the state of its economy and the stability of its currency.

A. The country
B. The countries
C. Countries
D. The country's
E. The countries

11. To make up for losses in revenue, bus companies ____ service and maintenance.

A. cutting
B. to cut
C. tends to cut
D. tending to cut
E. tend to cut

12. Why ____ to sell products consumers want in order to earn profit?

A. companies have
B. companies has
C. do companies have
D. companies do have
E. companies did have

13. Before the 1900s, children ____ the yards of their homes and in the streets.

A. playing alone in
B. played in
C. had played in
D. they are playing
E. have played in

14. The risks of developing cancer can ____ by not smoking and by drinking in moderation.

A. be significantly reduced
B. to be significantly reduced
C. significantly reduce
D. to reduce significantly
E. be reducing significant

15. City planners in St. Paul ____ models for building compact towns and cities.

A. proposing
B. have proposed
C. proposition
D. proposal
E. will proposed

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16. Nuclear engines operate wilhout air and consume ____ fuel than do other engines.

A. few
B. most of the
C. much
D. most
E. much less

17. Customs influence ____ and how they prepare, serve, and eat foods.

A. people eat that

B. people eat it
C. what people eat
D. what do people eat
E. people eat

18. Father ____ a car but he ____it very often.

A. does not have

B. has- does not drive
C. had- does not drive
D. has- is not driving
E. has had – drove

19. Carmen and I ___ lunch yet. So, we are very hungry now.

A. haven’t eat
B. haven’t eating
C. have eaten
D. had
E. haven’t had

20. If I _______ ill, would you visit me?

A. am
B. was
C. has
D. have
E. were

21. Professional gardeners appreciate flowers for their ____ , sorgeous colors, and pleasant

A. attractively shaped
B. shape and attract
C. shaped attractively
D. attractively shape
E. attractive shapes

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22. ____ a wrong number, it is important to apologize before hanging up.

A. You dial
B. If dials
C. If you dialed
D. If you dial
E. To dial

23. Evening programs have been opened for people ____ during the day.

A. whom work
B. who work
C. who works
D. which work
E. whom works

24. What will happen if you _______ the answer?

A. didn’t know
B. weren’t know
C. haven’t known
D. don’t know
E. hadn’t know

25. If Chris asked you for a cigarette, _______ him one?

A. will you give

B. would you give
C. would you gave
D. were you give
E. would you have given

26. Colonists who came to America created schools similar to those ____ in Europe.

A. they had known

B. had they known
C. which had known
D. that had known
E. which they know

27. Nondurable goods ____ for immediate use and are often less expensive than durable goods.

A. is intended
B. are intended
C. intent
D. intends
E. intended

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28. Would you have come if you ___ more time?

A. have
B. has
C. have had
D. had
E. had had

29. Many cultures, religions, and languages ____ among the peoples of South America.

A. found
B. finding for them
C. are found
D. founded them
E. finding

30. The cost of medical insurance ____ steadily over the current decade.

A. has risen
B. being risen
C. being raised
D. rose
E. rising

31. They tried to cope with ___ in bad weather.

A. work
B. to work
C. worked
D. have working
E. working

32. He is saving money ___ a new car.

A. buy
B. to buy
C. bought
D. has bought
E. buying

33. The children _______ (go) skating if the lake were frozen.

A. Will go
B. would go
C. would have gone
D. can go
E. could have going

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34. Botanists hope ____ new methods of intensive cultivation of crops in Africa.

A. formulate
B. formula
C. to formulate
D. formulating
E. formulated

35. I would have read the letter if I _______ it was from you.

A. know
B. knew
C. had known
D. knowing
E. to know

36. The blood near the skin allows excess body heat ____ from the skin.

A. to be lost
B. being lost
C. to be losing
D. losing
E. lost

37. If John ___ those mushrooms he would not have survived.

A. ate
B. eaten
C. eats
D. has eaten
E. had eaten

38. Early craftsmen did not have the technology that would have allowed them ____ their wares.

A. to storing and transporting

B. to store and transport
C. storing and transporting
D. store and transport
E. stored and transported

39. Never ____ concerned about money even though he was not well-to-do.

A. the doctor was

B. the doctor has
C. the doctor were
D. the doctor is
E. was the doctor

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40. When he was 24, he was seriously ill. If he hadn´t been sent to a very good hospital, he ___.

A. died
B. dead
C. will die
D. could have died
E. could die

41. My new neighbour asked me where ___ my car.

A. did I park
B. I parked
C. was I parking
D. had parking
E. I park

42. If endangered species ____ saved, rain forests must be protected.

A. are to be
B. be
C. can be
D. will be
E. had been

Woman : How is your paper coming along?

Man : My typewriter is broken.

43. What does the man mean?

A. He’s unable to start typing.

B. He can’t give the woman his typewriter.
C. He’s run out of paper.
D. He doesn’t have any money.
E. He wants to buy new typewriter.

Wina : Have you tried Susan’s apple-pie ?

Maman : I got the last piece. And it was out of this world.

44. What does Maman mean?

A. Susan ate the last piece of pie.

B. He thought the pie was delicious.
C. He went out to buy a pie.
D. He gave Susan a piece of pie.
E. He likes Susan.

Maria : If you’re staying late, will you be sure to look up the office when you leave?
Sandy : Ok, I hope I won’t be more than an hour.

45. What does Sandy mean?

A. He hopes to leave before the woman does.

B. His office is one hour away from his home.
C. He’s certain the lock works.
D. He will leave the office in about an hour.
E. He leaves the office with Maria.

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Shinta : why do you look so upset?
Alya : It pointed hard day to day. It was raining when I went to school. It was difficult to get
school bus. I had to wait for 20 minutes before the bus came.

46. Shinta : ...

A. That’s good for you

B. That’s really nice
C. I’m terribly sorry to hear that
D. It’s a good news
E. It must be fun

Isyana : We went to Yogya yesterday. We spent our time shopping.

Rere : So, what do you think about Yogya?

47. Isyana : ....

A. As long as you like it

B. Yogya is a good place for shopping
C. Yogya is not far from here
D. Yogya is located near Semarang
E. It is a famous city in Java

Chandra : It seems you need something.

Wafa : My laptop doesn’t work well. May I use yours?

48. Chandra : ...

A. My laptop is at home
B. I don’t have a laptop
C. Sorry, I haven’t finished typing my work by using it.
D. It’s an expensive laptop
E. My laptop is not for rent

Egy : Would you accompany me to the bookstore?

Sasha : ...
Egy : Thanks. I really appreciate it.

49. How would Sasha respond?

A. Sure
B. I’m disappointed
C. I’m not sure
D. Not at all
E. I don’t know

Alexa: How was your visit to the museum?

Lila: It was closed when I got there ... about it.
Alexa: I’m sorry to hear that.

50. What would be the best expression to fill in the blank?

A. I’m very pleased

B. I’m really disappointed
C. I’m very displeased
D. I’m very unsatisfied
E. I’m very happy

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Tina: You only have water to serve your guests?
Jay: This isn’t just water. This is imported mineral water.

51. What does Tina imply?

A. The guests aren’t thirsty.

B. Water isn’t appropriate for guests.
C. The guests don’t want to serve water
D. There isn’t enough water.
E. She likes to drink water.

Man: Do you have any problems with our service in this restaurant, Mom ?

52. Woman: ...

A. Thank you very much

B. No, I’m satisfied with it
C. Yes, please finish it
D. Sorry, I cannot do it
E. Yes, please

William: take a look at this gift catalog. Maybe we can find something to get Janet for her new
Fani: OK. But remember we can’t afford a lot.

53. What does the Fani mean?

A. She forgot to send a gift to Janet

B. They aren’t obligated to buy a gift
C. She prefers to go shopping in a store
D. They should select an inexpensive gift
E. She wants to buy luxurious gift.

Zaki: Why hasn’t Mr. Andy come yet? His class is scheduled to begin now.
Mirza: Don’t worry, he will be there soon.

54. Zaki: ....

A. I will call him

B. I think he is fine
C. It’s impossible
D. I hope he will come soon
E. I don’t think he is

Manda: What do you think of the movie?

55. Enda: ... I really love it.

A. It’s displeasing
B. It’s terrific
C. It’s disappointing
D. It’s very unsatisfying
E. It’s horrible

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M : This calculator isn’t working right.
W : I think you’ve got the battery in upside down.

56. What does the woman mean?

A. The battery is not correctly positioned.

B. She doesn’t know how the calculator works.
C. The calculator needs a new battery.
D. The man should enter the numbers in a different order.
E. He bought the wrong battery.

57. Pop art was a movement of the 1950’s and 1960’s whom imagery was based on readily
recognized American products and people.

A. Movement
B. Whom
C. Based
D. Readily
E. People

58. Because the tachinid fly is a parasite of harmful insects, much species have been imported into
the United States to combat insect pests.

A. Because
B. Harmful
C. Much
D. Have been imported
E. Combat

59. The strength , size, and surefootedness of the Hama make it as excellent beast of burden in
mountainous regions today as it was in the past.

A. Strength
B. Make
C. Excellent
D. As
E. Was

60. Nuclear energy , despite its early promise as a source of electrical power, is still insignificant in
compared with older and safer energy sources.

A. Despite
B. Source
C. Still
D. In compared with
E. And

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61. Hawaii’s eight major islands and numerous islets from the only state in the United States that
is not lie on the mainland of North America.

A. Major
B. Numerous
C. Only
D. Is not
E. Lie

62. Established about 1300 , the Acoma pucblo in New Mexico is believed to be oldest continuously
occupied settlement in the United States.

A. Established
B. Is believed
C. Be oldest
D. Continuously
E. Occupied

63. Each number in a binary system are formed from only two symbols.

A. Number
B. A binary
C. Are
D. Formed
E. Only

64. Scientists at the medical center is trying to determine if there is a relationship between
saccharine and cancer.

A. Is trying
B. To determine
C. Is
D. Between
E. Saccharine and cancer

65. On the rim of the Kilauea volcano in the Hawaiian Islands are a hotel called the Volcano Hotel.

A. The rim
B. In
C. Hawaiian Island
D. Are
E. Called

66. The great digital advances of the electronic age, such as integrated circuitry and microcomputer,
has been planted in tiny chips.

A. Great digital
B. Such as
C. Circuitry
D. Has
E. Planted

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67. There are many frequently mentioned reasons why one out of four arrests involve a juvenile.

A. Many
B. Frequently
C. Mentioned
D. Four arrests
E. Involve

68. Kepler’s Laws, principles outlining planetary movement, was formulated based on observations
made without a telescope.

A. Outlining
B. Was
C. Formulated
D. Based
E. Made

69. Five miles beyond the hills were a fire with its flames reaching up to the sky.

A. Beyond
B. The hills
C. Were
D. Its
E. Reaching

70. Fire extinguishers can contain liquefied gas, dry chemicals, or watery.

A. Extinguishers
B. Can
C. Contain
D. Liquefied
E. Watery

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