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Handouts for PE and Health

Physical Education

Mountain Activities: Cultural and Historical Activities:

- Trekking - Visiting indigenous cultural centers
- Rock Climbing - Visiting museums
- Mountain Biking Family Activities:
- Canyoning - Going to amusement parks
Forest Activities: - Going to a safari parks
- Camping - Picnicking
- Orienteering Beach and Sea Activities:
- Bird watching - Snorkeling
- Tree climbing - Scuba diving
- Going to adventure parks - Boat fishing
- Surfing
- Sea kayaking

Things to consider when engaging in Outdoor Activities

1. Plan carefully by doing research.
2. Go to venue early if possible for you to ensure your specific needs
3. Plan your budget
4. Keep updated checklist.
5. Do an itinerary
6. Consider others by acting responsibly.
7. Tread lightly. Follow the existing path
8. Leave no garbage, do not damage trees, plants or water sources
9. Plan how will you document your trip
10. Do not go to unauthorized or restricted area
11. Give space to be with nature.
12. Expect the unexpected!

Nature and Background of Dodgeball
- First seen in the tribes in Africa.
- Large stones were used to hit their opponents
- That may cause injury, or get the opponent killed.
- It was witnessed by a missionary JAMES H. CARLISLE
- He was curious by brutality and agility
- At the same time amazed by solidarity and bravery
- The nature of this game is to eliminate the opponents by hitting the ball
- The other opponents will avoid or dodge the ball
How to play dodgeball
- A minimum of two players
- A maximum of six players
- It will starts with opening rush
- To eliminate opponents, you must HIT them
- Do not let them to catch the ball
- Players must dodge the ball to win
- The highest number of players that remain when the time runs out will win
- Ball are placed at the middle of the court
- Two player must grab the ball of each team

Intentional Injury
- caused by human actions
- purposely hurt someone or even by yourself
- Intentional injuries are preventable
Unintentional Injury
- are unplanned
- can happen over a short period of time
- caused by natural calamities
- not done on purpose
Type of Intentional Injuries
 is the repeated act of aggressive behavior to harm someone else
 It will be considered if it is repetitive, hostile intent, and has imbalance power
Different forms of bullying
Verbal Bullying- A spoken or written words to inflict harm to someone
Social Bullying-Embarrasing someone in public/ intends to harm the victims
Physical Bullying- An act to damage his or her possession
CyberBullying- The use of technology to inflict harm to the victim/ Spreading embarrassing pictures on social

Stalking- Repeated behavior of someone to follow a victim, initiate contact, send unwanted messages or even
Extortion- An act of getting benefit from the victim such as money, properties or favors by forcing them
Blackmailing is a form of extortion.
Gang and Youth Violence- A gang is a group of young people, that shares common identity/ Gang Violence
happens when these groups harm people
Illegal Fraternity Violence- Is an organization whose members have similar interests and aim for common
goal/ Hazing is a common illegal fraternity. A form of initiation rite or task that applicants must accomplish
before getting accepted.
Kidnaping and Abduction- Kidnapping is the forceful transportation and detention of a person
Abduction is that the victim may know the personally, it is deceitful and forceful way of taking a person away.
It doesn’t involve a ransom.
Domestic Violence- Is a violent or aggressive behavior done in homes by people you are related/ It includes
physical violence, isolation from relatives and friends emotional abuse and financial abuse.
Sexual Abuse- Is an unwanted non-consensual sexual activity where the abuser intentionally uses force, threats,
and takes advantage of the victim weakness
Types of Sexual Abuse and Assault
Rape- Is the insertion of any body organ to the victim’s sex organ, it done by forcefully

Sodomy- Is the insertion of the abusers body organ to the victim’s anus
Incest- Sexual abuse or assault done by a family member to the victim
Child Sexual Abuse- Asking and forcing a child to do sexual favors
Groping or fondling- Involves touching another person in a sexual way
 Act of intentionally killing oneself, mostly because of extreme depression or intense pain.
 No suicide can be considered unintentional.
Homicide- Unjustified and unlawful killing of a person

Protective Factors related to Intentional Injuries

Individual Protective Factors
 Intolerant attitude toward deviance
 High IQ
 High grade average
 High educational aspiration
 Positive social orientation
 Popularity acknowledged by peers
 Highly developed social skills or competencies
 Highly developed skills for realistic planning
 Religious beliefs
Family Protective Factors
 Connectedness to family or adults outside the family
 Ability to discuss problems with parents
 High parental expectations about school performance
 Frequent shared activities with parents
 Consistent presence of a parent
 Involvement in social activities
 Parental use of constructive strategies for coping with problems
Peer and Social Protective Factors
 Possession of affective relationship with those at school
 Commitment to school
 Close relationship with nondeviant peer
 Membership in peer group
 Involvement in pro-social activities
 Exposure to school climates with following characteristics

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