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of light by Division of Arnprt

erice . : : . - - - - - - - : 1 Ude
~er S

~==~[L_c_H_A_P_T_E_R_-7_~ X

X ' _ _ __.__ _ __

S ~ monochromatic source oflight

Introduction SA -) incident ray
~ thickness of the film
Thin film 1
It is a film to obtain interference pattern or the fi.l m whose thickness is comparable with the n ~ RI offilrtl
. wavelength oflight. AT and CQ ~ reflected rays
Examples: AB-) refracted ray
1. A soap film BR -) transmitted ray
2. A thin film of oil spread over water surface Fig. 7.1
').. = 4000 A to 8000 A visible light
1nte~e~ence frequ~ntly resu~ts from the r~~om~ination of the two parts of the beam of light
').. = 4 x 10-7 m to 8 x 10-1 m which is divided by partial reflection and refraction ma thi.n plate or film. .
thickness of thin film :::: 1 x 10- m Sis a monochromatic s~urc~ oflight and a ray SA is incident on a parallel sided transparent film
Interference in thin films was first observed by Newton later Hooke developed the interference of thickness "f' and refractive mdex "n" at each points A, B, C etc., a small portion of light is
phenomenon due to multiple reflections from the surface of thin transparent materials. When a thin reflected and rest is refracted. Consequently the rays emerging at A and C have intensities which
glass plate is illuminated by light, interference occurs between light waves reflected from the film are not widly different, each having undergone one reflection.
and also the light waves transmitted through the film. The path difference between the two rays AT and CQ can be calculated as follows:
When a thin film of oil spread over the surface of water or thin film of soap bubble is viewed \. The wave train along AT is the reflected wave train from a denser medium. Hence a phase
by white light reflected from it brilliant colours are seen. The colour vary with the thickness of
film · and vanish when the thickness exceeds a certain limit. change 7t or path difference of occurs.
These colours are produced by the interference of light waves from the upper and lower 2
surfaces of the film. 2. The wave along CQ has transversed a longer path than that along AT owing to refraction and
reflection inside the film. But here no change of phase occurs.
Interference due to reflected light (Interference in reflected system) From the Fig. 7. l •
(Interference by division of amplitude) (interference in thin film) plane parallel film. the path difference = path transversed in the film ABC - path transverse:irmAN
xy andxy' ~ parallel surfaces
= n(AB + BC) - AN
r 218

AN == AC sin i
AB == sc == ; ; ;

== (AM+ MC) sin i

== 21 tan r sin i
sin r
~hysics - Ill - Wave Motion a
rference of light by Division of Amplitude

10 b.'c ABM
AN =A Csini
AN = (AM+MC)sin i
BM == tan r
AM = M B tan r

Atyf = MC

MB =:' tan r b.le BMC

== 2t ~ sini
MC= MB tanr
sin r (AM + MC) = MB tan r + MB tan r
= 21 ~ nsinr
== 2MB tan r
n sin 2 r (AM + MC) = 2t tan r
== 2t--;;;;-;- sin2 r + cos2 r = l
cos 2 r = 1 - sin2 r
sin 2 r sin i
AN= 2nt ~ n = sin
Substituting path difference = n(AB + BC) - AN sin i = n sin r

~-~ tanr = - -
sin r
cos r cos r cos r

= - 2nt- [1- sm
. 2 ]
r Condition for maxima and minima
cos r For constructive interference the phase difference should be even multiple of1t.

i.e. , q, = 2m7t
- [cos r ]
= - = 2nt cos r and path difference should be integral m = 0, l , 2, 3 ... . multiple oO..
cos r
i.e., 6 = mA
The total path difference between AT and CQ is
2nt cos r - = mA
c5 = 2nt cos r - 2
AD 2nt cos r = mA. + 2
In .11eABD = cos r
2nt.cos r =
= cos r 2
2nt cos r = (2m + l) where m = 0, l , 2, 3, ....
AB =
cosr when this condition is satisfied the film will appear bright.
from .1le ANC AN
AC = sin i AC = AM+ AC
Phys ics - Ill - Wav e Mou 0 of light by Divis ion of Amplitude
rfere nce • •
n arid 221
ClpUct 1nte rs in thm film s
iple of ~
2 Or 0\~ fl · ·
d l'ffierence should be odd mult OjoU xh"b • d .
"'.ica, soap bubb lesar e duet
o inted 'mnc e
ee the path re ectton by thin film, of od,
Fo, de,t mt;v e ;nte ,fmn C heco fou< se t neexplmatne ,s •n thin films . lt can be exp faine d as follo ws
A d the ong,n of cofou ives light
difference should be odd mult
iple of1t. f Tho mas youn g looking at the thfil film rece
by refle cted light. The eye clos e to
f[;ght ,ue usua lly obsc ,ved the film . Tue reflected mys rue ve,y
path diff. = (2111 + I) 2 ;h, Ol: ~ected from the 0st top .""d botto m SO<f aces of
'en ng
. fere. The nptk a\ path difference betw een the inted
~,esother and are maA P tton to
:och mte<
'A A
2 ness t of the fil m ,
2111 cos r - 2 = (2m + I)
s 1s 8
1 . == 2nt cos r -
2 . It 1s seen that the path difference depends upon the thick
ence oflig ht on the film . Wru te
A A 1 h is relat ed to thoa ngle of incid , , wave s of only certa in
2+2 " ngth A and the angl e,, whic fo, specific valu es of t and
211t cos r = (2m + 1) e of wave leng ths ond the refle cted
th' wave e ,ts ofa ,ang those col nm, are prese nt in
ive\y inte<fere. Thetefore olliy
~ ~ ~ [ight con• ~, (colo ws) com truot henc e ate abse nt from the refle cted hgh t.
inted 'ere destr uctiv ely and
2 =(m A+) ..) .o« len;,: oth« wav ele~ gths of mc.d ence
2111. cos r = 2m 2 + 2 + the thick ness and the angl e
. pomt appearn cn.lo u,ed . As places. The colo urs seen are
[ight. T the fihn at a pamcul., are mten s1fie d at diffe rent
2111 cos r = (111 + 1)A I coloh u~s. f Iours .
ry ,
f-lencefrom p oint
to point, diffeh rent .
p ace t ere 1s a rruxture o co
is also integer. va . 01a te d colo urs as at eac
Since 111 is an intege·r (111 + I)
Ifth iseo ndit ion ;, sa,;, n.,,, plane parallel thin film
Henc e 2,u
appe eos ,-0. wher
ar dark.
e (k-m + I) k- 0, I , 2, 3, ... etc. 1nte rfe ren ce due to tran smi tted light in
film will
Not e:
suna ees ;, know, as,

thfil. film ofon lform thick ness

boun ded by two pMa lleJ 0,,

A traos
1. plane pMelel
paral ntfilm t ➔ thick ness of a film
""" film \ \,
litud es are diffe rent. This n ➔ refra ctive inde x of a ,
sities of AT and CQ will be diffe rent since thei, amp ot, tho, lli , \ 1: c air (n- 1}
2 Tue filten the refle ction coef ficie ce nflig ht
will not be ped' ect. If R " S _, mon ochr nma tic sou, -- -- -- --
that the inted '«en ce patte rn aR, oR' etc., .<• is the amplitude). ' r-A i\:,-- -. -- -; ~-
SA ➔ --
e reflected mys will be o, x
amplitudes of the successiv incid ent ray
).. and the conditio, e AB ➔ refra cted ray
the two intcd 'erin 2
g wav es is t (Thin film /

3. When t - O the path diffm

nce betw een BR ➔ tran smit ted ray M o y•
ness is inere •e
a, dMk . As the thick ;-, angl e offil cide nce at
A )
fied ;.e., the film will appe --7 <7 ~-- --- -
mini mum intensity is satis _ _ _--; *:: :... J..!
3).. 5).. m i - ocom r ➔ angl e of refra ction at A x •--1. ..
e beco mes 2 ,2
A, etc. , and max ima and
DQ ➔ tran smit ted ray
g,ad ually the path diffe renc
alternatively. BM ➔ norm al to CD
s of maxi ma u d
n obta in a serie
gmd ually varie d, we agai DN ➔ norm al to BR
ant and r is
If t isa.
4 . minim kept a cons1 R

t will be de,o idof BN

that com es from any poin f!.leB ND sin i
ent on a thin film, the light will appe a, cofo" "' BD
5. Whe n whit e light is fildd h 2nt cos ,- mA. Hen ce the film
wave feng th fo, whic """"
the.p amcu fac o, e of incli natio n. This is the MD
ness of the film and the angt
wh,c h wall depe nd on the thickof an oil spre ad on wate r. f!.le BMD BD sinr
for the different colours seen
L'!.leBPM BP cos r
Fig. 7.2
Co ns; de, a th;n trao
refr>chon g~ s
alo ng BR . The ray
alo ng AB . At
B ,t


pat C
h.ic kness
of the ref
sparent t. n rtly
Ph ysi cs - Ill -W

.,, ·a;, interl'ereneo)

BC aft « re fle e;: ;,::en DQ ood BR is g,v en by
lec ted alo ng BC

em e,g es alo ng DQ
non nal
ave "'1otioti

par tly <efnteted

. He,-e at 8 a '"--
,, . A "11'~~,,
e ind ex ".,,,
..." ,
CD ,,. ;~ C•~ '\
ere nce of Hgh t by
Divisio n of Am plit

2nt cos r

= (2m + 1) A.
for the brig!:J.tness and dar kne ss
m = 0, 1, 2, 3, ..
of the film in the
223 ,
es pla ee at the ,= me lli= twe
e + DC J - BN t tha t the conditions er. i.e., two system
s are com ple me nta
BR. The opt tea l pat h dtlTe<enee
= n(B C Note : It is evi den are opposite to each oth fun ge in the tran sm itte d sys tem fo,
path difference (x) d and tran sm itte d sys tem
will be a da, k
a. ed sys tem
s_in i by Sn ell' s law ~fl" " bri ght frin
(-lenecep:th dif fer
enc erseet
gee in
no n pa ral lel
n = sm r
a film wi th tw o
interf ere nc e by
BN rte ren ce rfa ansair Wedge or
at ce
1:~~ec ting su
Fro mti les BN D sin i
BD pla ne sur fac es
r OA and OB two
MD e~ ang le of inclination
Fro mti leB MD sin r = BD eye
inc ide nt ligh t
Mo noc hro ma tic
sin i = BN x BD
= .!!!!_
= sin r BD MD

BN = nM D
In Fig. 7.2 angle BP C = r
CP = BC = CD
BC +C D = PD Fig. 7.3
n(B C + CD) - BN es a w~ dge -sh ape
path dif fer enc e = all ang le 0 enc l~s w,t h eefl_e ete d
t inc line d at a ver y sm 8 wh en v,e we d
enc e (x) = nP D - nM D sur fac es OA and OB kep
ses fro m O to of
path dif fer Tw o pla ne ckn ess of the film
inc rea
wh ich are par alle
l to the hne
= n(P D - MD ) ,> film Fig . 7 .3. Tht,e athisys tem of equidistant fringes are obs erv ed
= 11PM hro ma tic lighand OB . B
pat h dif fer enc e (x) mo rsection of OA

PM Th eor y:
In tbe /11 eB PM = 13P == + ~ 1t)

co sr (BP = B C + CD 1 1
PM : BP co sr
PM = 2tc os r
pat h dif fer enc e (x)
= nP M

pat h dif fer enc e = 2nt cos r

dit ion
➔ Th is is kna)ow n as
fo, ma xim
"co sin e law"
~Om. , am
pat h dif fer enc e ( con
(;J Foe bri ght fiin ges the enc e (x) = m )._
pat h dif fer Fig. 7. 4
ide nce
2n tco sr = m).; ce the ang le of inc
m = 0, I, 2, 3, .... etc.
kne ss is P mQmsin
at Pmwh ere the thic
ges ( con dit ion for min ima bri ght frin ge occ
fringe is observed.
(ii) Fo r dar k frin Le t the m
r = 1 and bright
is sm all cos
the pat h dif fer enc
e (x) = (2m + I) A. = (2m + 1)
If ref lec ted lig ht 2nt cos r 2
Physics - 111 - Wave Motio

io::._n_o::_f_A_m_p:_l_itu_d_e_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _2_2_5
rference -
for air n = I , cos r = I ~ . . x_kA_A
Fnngew1dthffi = k - k -
A 20 20
2P.,Q., = (2111 + 1)2 dge is formed by placing a thin-wire or paper of thickness d between OA and OB then
Hence, 1fthewe
For the next bright fringe (m + l) A q_ where z is the length of the wedge .
2P,,, + ,Q,,, + , = [2(m + l ) + 1) 2 0 "' /
A (J)=
= (2m + 3) 2 d
··· t21 Al
Equation (2) - Equation ( I) d = 2ffi
2Pm +IQm+I - 2P = [(2m+3) ~ ]-[(2m+l)~]
,.,Q., 2 2
experimental arrangement of air wedge
2m11. 311. 2m11. 11.
2[P,,, + ,Q,,, + I - P.,Q,,,] = - 2- + 2 - -2- - 2 T .M .

2[P., + ,Q., + 1
- P,,,Q,,,] = 2
P., + ,Q., + I - P,,,Q., = 2
"J£-~---~---+-!-+ ..+.a....;::;,- (mo n oc ro ma tic

This means that next bright of fringe will occur at the point where the thickness of the air-fi\lll G S source of light
. Lens
mcrease by . 2
If the (m + k)'h bright fringe is at P"' + k then
View of fringes through T. M
p m+kQm+k - p .,Q., =- k~
2 Fig. 7.5 Fig. 7.6
Q., ~Qm +k = X
S is in extended source of monochromatic light placed at the focus of the lens L. The parallel
rays of light fromL fall on glass place G kept inclined at,an angle of 45° and are partly reflected by
tan e= e = P,,, +k Qm+k - PmQm
it. These reflected rays fall normally on the air wedge Fig. 7 .5 .
Interference occurs between the rays reflected from the upper and lower surfaces of the
k11. film. The interference pattern are straight line fringes parallel to the edge of the wedge. The pattern
2x --- (l) is viewed with the travelling microscope (T.M .) focused on the air film Fig. 7 .6 . The vertical cross
wire is made to coincide with a particular dark fringe (say 2nd order) and the reading of the vernier
kA in T.M. is noted. Now, the cross-wire is made to coincide with say, the 4th order dark fringe and the
20 readirlg is noted. This is repeated for many fringes and the readings are tabulated as follows from
which the fringe width (J) is determined.
- 226
No. of fringes
Physics - ill -

Micromete rference of light by Division of Ampl

No. of fringes
reading ~ '[he wedge angle 0 can be experiment
ally determin d . h h
positions of dark fringe s at two dis~an:1 to/ e help of travelling
12 . rnicroscope the p d
nts QbandR are noted Fig. 7.7. Let
be xi. Let the thickn ess ofthe
2 0s1ndfstance OQ be x1 and OR we ge e t 1 at Q and t2 at R•
14 .
tile '[he dark fringe at Q is given by
16 2nt 1 = m"A
18 aut as 0 is very small, we can write
20 11 = X 1 tan :: X 10
Mean width of 10 frin 2nx 10 = m"A --- (I)
ges,. atR as
We can write similarly for the dark fringe
(I) =
"-1 2nx20 = (m + N)"A --- (2)
Hence 10
lying between the positions Q and R
hai where N is the number of dark fringes
th~ wedge and the ?bje~t (Ex : Wire,
The length '/' _between the edge of Equation (2) - Equa tion (I)
e 1s measured. Then the thickness of the obJect d' can be cal r, Paper
forming the wedg cuJatect Using~ 2nx20-2n x 10 = (m + N)"A - m"A
chromatic light.
formula where 'A ➔ wavelength of mono
2n(x -x)0 = m"A + N>.. - m"A
d =
at .
the following features (interference an air w
Note : The interference pattern has edge) For air n = I
(i) Fringe at the apex is dark
(ii) Fringes are straight and parallel
(iii) Fringes are equidistant
(iv) Fringes are localized spacer
Determination of thickness of the
(v) Fringes are of equal thickness the wedge shaped air film between the
glass slides
The thic~ess of the spacer used to form is the thickness of the spacer (foil or wire)
urem ents. If' t'
le can be detenmned from the above meas
Determination of the wedge ang used. From Fig. 7.7

~ ~rr
. t = /tane 0 is very small
t = 10 --- (I)
tane = e
where I is the length of the air wedge.
R N).._ ' .
Q Put the value of e = -(- -x
-) m equation (I)
X, 2 X2 1

X, IN'A.
t=--- --- (2)
Applications :
e shaped film are
Fig. 7.7 ce : If the fringes observed in the wedg
l. Testing the planeness of the surfa to form a wedge are not really plane .
means the plates used
not of equal thickness, it
Physics - Ill -Wave M .
ot,on ce of light by Division of Amplitude
m . or hair • The W1re · or h' air whose d' ~ ei 1ere(I frin . . 229
. f thin wires · . 1alll ~" te'' diUJll·These gesmdicatethepositionswhe . .
2. Determining diameter o .
· h · d'fficultto
d termine with screw gauge) is used betwee eter
e . n t,,,,, O s,.
1· ,,
~ e<ttle \e They are also observed in Fabry re light interferes, emerging from the medium
detennined (wh1c 1s 1 1 db making measurement on the interference fri g\as "' ~ ,,s I aog .
¥- qva
. -perot and Mi h I .
introducing a converging \ens betw h c e son interferometers. They can be
to form a wedge shaped film an y Al ngesPt~ ~I\ ,t" 0'edbY bservation plane. een t e film and observation plane with focus of the
illg1n o
the diameter can be· foun d using
· the formulad= -2(J) · ' rsIY
. . f ctive index of a liquid : The _interference fringes are ' . es of Equal thickness (Fizeau fringes)
neQ f,,11g .der a thin film of extended area illuminated b
3. Determmatton of re ra . 0 ·
• · d d the fringe wi ' 1 Wh bta1
'dth "w" is deterrmned. Now the liqu·d . .
form1~g an air-we gei:d is introduced between the glass plates forming a We;sereftac~ cons1 fleeted light with his e eat ad' y monochromatic h~ht. If an observer views
fil<ll bY r~ . . Y .1stance greater than the least distance of distinct vision
mdex is to be determ . . i d th t the fringes would shrink ge and 111,
fringe width w' is determined. It is oun a as soon as the a~li1 wi5 ariation 1~ cos rm_ pass mg from one pomt to anot~e~ on the film will be very much smaller than
(J) 1,%. wev (iation 1\1 lhe thi c~ess of the film. Hence vanatton from maximum intensity to minimum
introduced. Thus w' < w, using the formula n = ;; the refractive index of the liquid ~ tile ":it)'
in the observed m~erference pattern will be mainly due to variation in the thickness " f' of
. ~~ iJlte!l The interference fringes that are observed are therefore called "fringes of equal thickness" .
detennined. tilefi\;oge will be th_e locus of~ point at which the film thickness has the same value. Examples of
iach . ges we consider : ( l ) a1r wedge expt (2) Newton's ring expt
h frtll ' ·
Fringes of equal inclination (Haidingerfringes) soc interference fringes of monochromatic light from interference in a geometrical situation other
\ane parallel plates. Also known as fringes of equal thickness. Interference fringes in
tllafl Pf .., Fizeau interferometer.
• 1 ro,.. ·
Extended source pgh The occurrence of fringes of equal thickness is due to interference oflight reflected from the
(monochromatic) and rear boundaries of the film (fringes of ec.iual thickness in reflected light) or oflight transmitted
f<~nt \y through the film and light twice reflected at its boundaries (fringes of equal thickness in
direct .
trans!11itted ltght).

fringes of equal thickness . . . .

n (Refrative index) Fringes which are separated by equal distances are called frmges of equal thickness.
s----- -__),j~-~-- - - - - - Newton's rings, measurement of wavelength and refractive index
Fig. 7.8
When a plano convex of large radius of curvature is placed on a perfectly plane glass plate, a
.In the relation 2nt cos r =mA, if"t" is a large a very small change in "r" will change thepat\ in film of variable thickness is formed between the surfaces. lf the lens i~ illuminated by a
difference by one wavelength. In this case the ray must pass through a plate as a parallel b th hromatic light a series of alternate bright and dark rings are formed with the central dark
and must be received by the eye o.r the telescope foc~ssed for infinity. The interference patt:: The rings get closer and closer as we move away from the centre. These nng · s are known as
are known as fringes of equal inclination. These are different from Newton's rings. These fringes Newtons rings. .
of equal inclination were first observed by Haidinger and afterwards studied by Lummer and The rings can also seen in the case of transmitte0 light with central bnght spot.
Mascart. From an extended source " S' light rays fall on the plate. The rays striking at the same
angle and refracted at the same angle fonn of a parallel beam and are viewed through the telescope
focussed at infinity Fig. 7.8. The pattern is a series of concentric circles whose centre is the
principal focus of the objective of the telescope. ·
Haidinger fringes are interference fringes fom1ed by the interference of monochromatic
and coherent light to form visible dark and bright fringes. Fringe localization is the regionof
space where fringes with reasonably good contrast are observed.
Haidinger fringes are fringes localized at infinity. Also known as fringes of equal inclination,
these fringes result when light form an extended source falls on the thin film made of an optically
Phys ics - 111- Wave Mot· 23 1

mplitu de
1 rteren
ce of light by Divis ion of A
lling microscope, measfile the diam et« of the nth dack ,ing
Centra l dark Ey e pi ece '° ' dack With the help of athet<ave
ccfltr ;uppo s.e the diam eter of
n' dark ring == D.
{Micr oscop e Trave lling
r/ == nA.R
r ,, =
Reflec ted light 2
(centr al dark spot) Foc u s o f Lens L, r ~ radiu s of nth dark ring
Fig (a)

/Sodiu m " ('H - •M

~ integer,')..., ➔ wave lengt h, R ~
light) radiu s of curva ture

Lowe r surfac e of lens

/ ,,~Ai r-film {Varia ble
Thick ness)
: = nA.R
.---,, '
~:em~==- - Glass plate D 2 == 4n')..,R --- ( l)
Meas ure the diam eter of the (n"
+ m)'h dark ring. Let it be D • • ,.

Centra/Lig~ (D,~+mJ == (n + m )M

Trans mitte d light

(D,; ,,.J = (n + m )M

{cent ral brith t spo t)

L , ➔ lens Fig (b) (D. + .Y = 4 (n + m )')...,R --- (2)
Equa tion (2) - Equation ( I)
S ➔ source of monochromatic

L piano convex lens oflar ge
focal length and large radiu s of
curva ture :
(D,,+,,,)2.- D == 4 (n + m )AR - 4nM
B ➔ glass plate == 4 nAR + 4mAR - 4 nM
Fig. 7.9
(D,,+,,,)2 -D: == 4m')...,R
at the focus of lensL ,. A horiz
ontal beam oflight fulls,
fo a sou,ce of monochromatic I ight reflects a part of the incid ent light towacds ilieoi, 61,
the glass plate B at 45". The glass
plate B
glass plate G. The refle cted beam
from the afr film is ,io, A, = (Dn+ S _-(D.)2 --- (3)
enclosed by the lens l and the plane dack and heigh t cfrcu lar fring es ace pmdaced.1' 4mR
place and .
with a micrn scope inten e.enc e takes ted from the !owe , swface of
the leas arul .,, U sing equa tion (3) '). ., can be calcu
is duecetoofthe
surfa gla!ise.enc
theinten G. een the light «flee
platee betw eter of S' h
and l S'h ring are deter mine d
Exam ple : Diam
m = 15 - S == lO
ton's rings
gth of sodiurn ligh t usin g New
Determination of the wav elen of sodiu m light AP"'~
is show n in Fig. 7.9 sis a souc --- (4)
The experimental arrangement glass plate B incli ned at an angle of
' " '' 4 x lOR
L, is «flee ted by the
beam ofl,g ht from the lens ge focal length. New ton's rings are view
45 hBI
ed thrnag Note :
-conv ex, lens ofla,
honzontal. L " a piano and dark rings are """ w,ihl> 1ined by using sphe rome ter.
on IJ,e ai, film. Ciceu lar brig ht I. Radi us of curva ture detem
travellmg mtemseope M focussed mine d by using Boy· s meth od.
2 . Radi us of curva ture deter
ve Mouori a
Phy sics - Ill - Wa
"" ~ Divisio n of A mpl itud
ex o fa liquid usinQ
Ne wto n's rings ere nce of figh t by 233
Det erm ina tion of
re tra ctiv e ind

~ nt..R
Eye piece µ
Trav ailin g Mic rosc
But r ==

(Mo noc hror nati c

sou rce of ligh t)
Kep t at the Prin
cipa l
(fY == n:R
focu s
Di nt..R
~ 4 µ
larg e R
lens of larg e f and
- Plano con vex 4nt..R
lnst ed of air wat
erfi lrn n2 µ

Liqu id
er of the (n + m)t h ring
D'rn +,.,J is the dia met
er of the nth ring and
If D • is the dia met (D' n )' - µ
Fig. 7. 10
• (D'n + ,.,)2 ~
L ➔ piano convex lens

~µ -~
G ➔ plane glass plat
or (D'. + .Y - (D'.)2
C ➔ container met
foc us ofL
kept at the prin cipa l
rce ofli ght ) R
(monochromatic sou een the Plano- con ,e,
1 loo,_ , _4n3/R + ~ - 4n)<
ent is pe, fonned whe n there is •;, fi ";tw
C . The d,a me tera of
the •"_ ,, -,z;- µ 7µ
. I par t , The experim e. These are kept m met al con tam e,
ope fig. 7.1o.
ophcally plane gla ,, plat nnined with the help of, travelling mic msc 11 4mA R
(D '. +S -(D '. )2
rin g, are dete . == µ
(n + m )" dar k m)AR
(D" + "') 2 == 4(n + --- (2)
For air,
(DJ 2 == 4nAR 4mA R
AR . µ =
y == 4(n +m )AR -4n --- (3)
(D,,+ .Y -(D
== 4n).,R + 4m).,R - 4n).,R
··· (I)
(D"n +S -(Dula\)2
ted .
_ (D• :•)' -(D J• ~
4mAR ngement The~ If m A R D' and D' are kno wn ·µ
equ atio
can be calc
n (3) by equ atio n (1)
hou t dis tu,b ing the arra l fA. is ~ot kn~ ~; then div ide
th ,d "po ure d in the '?nt ain ec C wit te is repl aced by , ,
filn, {!-Part, The hqu ec sur fac e of the pla µ
e low e, SO.-face of the !em and the upp
~qu J;tw een d t . d
(n + m)" da, k rin g.,. e e enn me .
The diametera of the •" dar k ring •nd
For the liquid :
2 oo (n.+m)2 -(D S x 4m AR
n)._ for dar k ring s
0 ::::
µt cos 8 ==
2µr == n)., µ = ( D'n +S - (D' S X 4mA .R .
cos 0°= I

But t=
2R S - (o s
( D ,, +
µ = --- (4)
(D',, +S -(D \)2
Phy:5ics - Ill -Wave Motiori
,,,, e rnee
f~ of________ .:.._:.:._:_
light by Division of Amplitude _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _2~3~5
\JP~ 1
234 ~ 2µ tcos8 = (2n - 1) ~ ---(1)
Graphical method : 2

whe re n = l , 2, 3 , 4 , ... .
I-{ere e is small therefore cos 8 = 1 for airµ= 1

) A

air 1P.
_ - - 8 Liquid AB 2t = (2n - l) - (2)
(D,,,. J I ,:A' A' B•
I - - - -'B' for the dark ring
2µtco s 0 = n'A
- - (3)
2t = n'A

= 0, 1, 2 , 3, ·····
Fig. 7. 11 t = 10- 1 met
t 2 = l 0- 14 met neglect
The diameters of the dark rin gs are d~tennined for v~rious o~de~s, varying from the _
the (n + m)1h ring, firs t with air as the m~d1wn and then w ith the hqmd. A graph is plotte~th nng1o from the prop erty of a circle
(D ,, +m)2 along y-axis and m along the axis where m = 0, I , 2 , 3, .. .. etc. The ratio ofth e slopesorlhe ET = OT - OE
= 2R - t
two lines (air and liquid) gives the refractive index of the liquid (µ = A~!,). HE X EP = OE X ET
r x r = t(2R - t)
Theory of Newtons rings r2 = 2R t - t2
t is very sm all the n t2 is very very small neglect t
1. Newtons rings by reflected light

----- T
t = -

: Perpendicular chord bisector theorem

. Reflected light

~ I lnddem llgh<


Statement : If chord is 1-1ar bisector of another chord then it is a diameter.
Substituting the value ot " t" in equations (2) and (3)
' '-.;;:---+,.---.../ / 2t = (2n - 1) fo r bright
G ~Airfilm(f) 2

Fig. 7. 12 Fig. 7. 13

r2 = R (2 n - 1) ~
L - / piano convex Jens --- (4)
G ➔ glass plate · 2

of O S~pose the radi~s of curvature of the lens . .

Q r from the pomt of contact is R a nd the arr film o f thic kness "f' is at a distance r = J<2n - 1)'AR - (5)
Here the interferenc_e is due to re~ected .
hght therefore for the bright ring.
Phys ics - 111 - Wave M .
_ ___,__ _ _~ ~ ~

and m.....:_pl_itu_d:..:e:__ _ _ _ _
236 2t = nA
Cl~ erence:.-o_fl_ig_h_t_b_y_D_iv_is_i_on_of_A_ 2 37

For dark ri ngs D2 = 2'>:R.
2 x ~ = nA and for the n•h dark ring
r2 = RnA D.= 2 ~
···(61 rin gs
r = ~ Tak e the case of 16th and 9th
. ···01 2 ✓16'i:ii, = 8../i:ii.
D 16 =
· when n = 0
' h t nng
· s o fthebng ·
2 . D9 = 2.Jnfi = 6../i:ii.
the radiu s of the dark ring is zero and the betw een the 16th and 9th rings
The diffe renc e in the diam eters
: . The centre is dark. D ,6 - D 9 = 8-fi:ii. - 6-fi:ii.
= 2-fi:ii.
ar~ prod uced in fig. 7 .14.
Alternatel y dark and brigh t rings in the diam eters betw een the fourt
h and the first rings
Simi larly , the diffe rence
Resu lt: i.
rtion al to D 4 - D , = z.Jr u - 2-fi:i
The radius of dark ring is propo
(i) r oe J;; D 4 - D , = 2-fiJi.
e and the fring es get close r
(ii) r oe .Ji :. the fring e widt h decre ases with the order of the fring
increase in their orde r.
.JR Cent ral dark
(iii) roe smit ted light
(ii) New ton' s ring s by tran

Fig. 7.14

Simi larly the radiu s of brigh

t ring is prop ortio nal to (i)
r oc J
2 n - l c··) r, ...

'2 , 11 r oc v"A L - Plano conve x Lens

. G - Glass pla t e
.,JR .
Fig. 7.15
= 2r :. 2~ r
If Dis the diam eter of the dark
ring D es are prod uced such that fo
n =
·--(i) Fig. 7 .1S the inter feren ce fring
For the centr al dark ring . 0 In the c ase of trans mitte d light
brigh t rings .
0 :: 0°, cos 0° = 1
D = 2 J;;iJi_ = o 2µt cos 0 = nt.. for brigh t
, . -
e of th N
This corre spon ds to the centr ting the order of the dar\
al . . e ewto n s nngs whil e coun
rings 1, 2 , 3 etc. ' the centr nng 1s not coun ted. for dark rings , 2µt cos 0 = (2n - 1) ~
fo r air µ = 1, cos 0 = 1
n = 1
:. For the first dark ring 2t = nA for brigh t'ring s
. . ?
DI =2.J i:ii. t.. g the value of t = ZR
n = 2 = (2n - 1) 2 for dark nngs takin
For the seco nd dark ring 2t
Physi cs - 111 - Wave Motion
lower surr:aceand ()P!i. nee of light by Division of Amplitude
nd R the radius of curva ture of the
. Of :"I
a the
238 "1·" i·s the radius of the rmg
wI1ere _ I\
SOL VED PRO BLE MS:__ _ _ __
2t = n'A
the radius ofbng ht rmg
,,, -- -- -- -- ----...::..:..=-==-::
~ = 11A = 1.5) such that the angle
2 x
.A parall e! be~m light (A=
. C alcula te
0 A) is incident on thin glass plate (n
smalle st thickn ess of the plate which appear dark by reflect
,- 2 = Rn)... 1- of refrac tion is 60
r = JR;J:, A = 5890 A = 5890 x 10-10 m
Given ,
).., n = 1.5 r = 600
2t = (2n - 1) differe nce
For dark ring 2 for dark band to be forme d the path
).., 2nt cos r = m)...
2 x R = (2 n - I) 2 m = I
IX A 5890 X 10- 10
(2n-l )AR
t = 2 X n X cos r 2 X 1.5 X cos 60°
t = 3926 X }O- I0 m
✓ (2n - I))...R
2 1 m . The diame ter of the
for dark rings 2 _ Newt ons rings are observ ed in reflect ed light of).., = 5.9 x 10- the air
m. Find the radius of curvat ure of the lens and the thickn ess of
dark ring is 0 .5 x
where n = I , 2, 3-, .... etc. film.
When n = 0 for bright ring r = 0. Soluti on :
the centra l ring is b - h Given ).., = 5.9 x 10- m n = I for air

There fore in the case Newto ns rings are due to transm itted light ng lthat
reflec ted light. d = 0.5 x 10-2 m
is just oppos ite to the rings due to
m = 12
Centra l Light R = __?
t= _ _?
2nt = m)...

m")... 12 x5.9 x 10- 7

Centra l bright spot 2xl
Rings) t= 2xn
(Trans mitted light Newto n's
t = 35.4 X 10-7 ffi
mitted light Newto ns rings)
Fig. 7.16: Centra l bright spot (trans
d 2 (o.sxw-2 )2
R = 4m")... 4 X 12 X 5.9 X 10- 7
R = 0.8828 m
ofrefr active index 1.4
norma lly on a thin wedge shaped film
3. Light of wavel ength 6000 A falls angle of the wedge .
s that are 2 mm apart. Find the
formi ng fringe
Solut ion:
Given , ).., = 6000 A = 6000 x 10-10 = 6 x 10-1 m

_ ____::...:....:..
t by Divi sion of _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _______
Moua ce of_ligh
_______ 241
Phy sics - Ill - Wav e ,-teren

240 11 = 1.4
~ ~ l x6 x l0-7
2x 15 x cos 45°
t == 2.82 X 10--7 m
= 20n of!i ght in
W 7
al. Find the wav elen gth
k is observed at 50° to the norm ).
).., 6x l0-
ap fi lm of 4 x l 0- m thic
will be abse nt from the reflected light (n = 1.33
2 X l 0- 3 6- ~:: isib le spec trum w hich
0 = 2Wn = 2 x 1.4 X
50JlltiOP : x l 0-7 m
x 10--4 rad ian n == 1.33 , t =4
0 = 1.07 l 42 Give n,
cm. T?e dial)1eteror i == 50°
wav elen gth 5.9 x l 0-s~es~ective(y_lfthe r the
ed in reflected ligh t ofare
refle cted syst em 2. 18 a_nd 4. 51 mm 1d. ad1Us sin i
i:v h of the hqu
4. Newtons rings are obses mt e late the refra ctiv e mde x
fifth and fifteof
ature lens JS 0.9 m ca Icu
enth n = sin r
of curv
Solu tion :
RmA ,.2k = Rk).., sinr = ~ =~ =·O 5759
i n n 133
Give n r =- 11
- '

liqu id. r = 35 . 16°

whe re n is the refractive index of the cos r = 0.8175
r,,,2 !!:_A
n (k - m) 2nt cos r = m'J..,
rk2 - we hav e,
10-7 0.8175
For I ord er m = 1, 4 X
Al = 2 X 1.33 X X

4.5 1 mm = 2.25 x 10-3 m = 8.69 X lQ-7 ID

r* - radiu s of 15th ring 2
11. 2 = 4.35 x 10-1 m
For II ord er m = 2
11. 3 = 2.9 x 10-7 m
r .. - radius of 5th ring ~ mm = 1.09 x 10-3 m For Ill ord er m = 3 s pl~t e and is illw_ninated
2 on an opti ~a\l~ flat glas
7 ofra dius 6? cm is plac ed nng rn the transrrut ted
system 1s 0.127
7 . A plan e con vex lens of the mth dark
10-3) 2 =
0.9 X5.9 X 10- (15 -5) by mon och rom atic ligh eter
t. The diam t used .
J0-3)2- (J. O9 elen gth of ligh
cm. Cal cula te the wav
(2.2 5 X

Solu tion :
53.l X 10-7
m = 10 dark ring
Giv en,
3.8745 X 10- 6
R = 60 cm = 0.6 m
n = 1.37 D m = 0.127 cm = 0.12
7 x 10-2 m
thin tran sparent film of
I 0- 10 m is inci den t on
t of wav elen gth 600 0 x Calc ulate the smallest
5. A para llel beam of ligh of refr acti on is 45° in the film . 0.1 27 X 10- 2
1.5 such that the anglare dark
refractive index film by refl ecti on. rm m
whic h will appe 2
thickness of the
Solu tion : A= __?
eren ce
to be form ed the path diff ring in the tran smit ted
syst em is
Give n, for the dark band The radi us of the dark
2nt cos r = m),_
(2n -l) AR
= 6 x I 0-1 m n = 1.5 A r m2 = 2

r -= 45°
1 X). 11. = ~
(2n - l) R
= 597 3 A
Physics - Ill - Wave M .
242 ot1011 a
8. If the dian~eter of the mth ring in Newton's rings by reflected li~ht changes frorn O Op¾
. . ~ 1· ·d find the refractive mdex ofth 11- . ·3too 1
when air 1s replaced by a transparent iqm ' e qu1d. ·<6Crti
Given, the refractive index of the liquid is

µ =
(D,;, )liquid

(D;) air = 0.3 cm

( Dm ) liquid = 0.26 cm

µ = (016)2 = 1.33

9. A double convex lens of radius of curvature 2m is plac~d on a glass plate. Newton's rin
obtained using light of wavelength 5890 A. Calculate the radius of the 25th dark rin ~sare
rings are viewed (i) by reflected light and (ii) by the transmitted light. gIf !he
Given, R = 2 m, A= 5890 A= 5890 x 10-10 m
(i) Reflected light

Theradiusofthedarkringis rm= ,JRx m x A = ✓2x25x 58g)xl()-10

= 5.43 x 10-3 m
(ii) Transmitted light
The radius of the dark ring by transmitted light is

~ Jt2m-J)),JI ~ (25-1)58g)x 10- 10 X 2

m . 2 2
Herem= 25, r m = 5.48 x 10-3 m
10. In a Newton's ring experiment the radius of the 10th dark ring obtained by reflected light~
6nm. lfthe wavelength of the light used is 600 nm, calculate the radius ofcurvature of thelens
Given, A = 600nm=600 x Io-9m
m= 10 r10 =6nm=6 .
x IQ-9 m
R = ? .
244 Physics - Ill - Wave M .
~ j
ot,on a I
_ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ __E_X_E_ R_C_I_ S-:E:-= 5:------~ ~ ( }llli.

I. Short Answer Questions : ~

1. What is thin film?
2. What are Newton 's rings?

II. Long Answer Questions :

1 . Describe the theory of interference in thin films by reflected light and obtain the co ct· .
· n Iho
constructive and destructive interference. nsfor
2. Describe the theory ofinterferen ce in thin films by transmitted light and obtain the .
for constructive and destructive interference . · nd11
co ions
3. Describe with necessary theory of interference in a wedge shaped thin film.
4 . Describe air wedge experiment and mention the application of interference in a wedge h
fihn. s aped

5. What are Newton's rings? Give the theory ofNewton's rings by reflected light.
6 . Describe the theory ofNewton's rings by transmitted light and hence obtain an expressionfor
the radius of bright and dark rings ..
7. Show that the diameter of dark rings in Newton's ring by reflected light experiment are directly
proportiona l to the square root of natural numbers.
8. Describe an experiment to determine the radius of curvature of a piano convex lens surface by
Newton's rings method. .
9. D escribe N ewton's rings experiment to determine the wavelength of a monochromatic light.

Ill. Problems :
1. In,a Newton's ring experiment, the diameter of the 5th ring was 0.3 cm and the diameter of
25th ring was 0.8 cni. If the radius of curvature of the piano convex lens is 100 cm, find the
wavelength oflight used. [Ans : A = 4 .8 x 10-5 cm]
2 . In Newton's ring experiment, the d~ameters ofthe 4th and 12th dark rings are 0.400cm and
0.700 cm respectively. Find the diameter of the 20th dark ring. · [Ans : 0.906cm]
3. In a Newton's rings experiment, the diameter of the 10th ring changes from 1.40 crri t~ J. 21
cm when a liquid is introduced between the lens and the plate. Calculate the refractive mdex
of the liquid. [Ans : I.2lS]
. . N , . h d.
4 . In an expenment on ewton s n ngs, t e iameter of the I 0th dark ring 1orme c d by yellow
sodium light 589 nm and seen in reflection is 3 mm. What is the radius of curvature of th
surface? . .
. [Ans: 0.3 f
5 . A parallel beam of sodium light of wavelength 589 nm is incident at an angle of30° on_a fil;~r
olive (n = 1.6) on water. Calculate the smallest thickness of the film which will make ita?scnil
dark. [Ans: 1938 x JO

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