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These rules govern playing a series of linked games with your friends. A minimum number of 2
players is required to complete a Campaign, but the more players you can muster, the better!
You can also play games against players who are not part of the Campaign. Rules on how to do
this are explained below.

Beginning the Campaign

Your initial Campaign Warband is built with 700 Gold Ducats unless otherwise indicated by the
Warband rules. If the fortunes of war are with you, this value will rise as you progress in the
Campaign. Note that until you acquire one of the Spoils of War (see below) that allows you to
increase your Maximum Army Gold Ducat value, you may not bring an army of greater value
than this to the battlefield even if your Warband roster sheet contains Characters and Units with
greater total value. The rest are considered to be in the reserve.

Note that there is nothing stopping you from using your own money from the Warband’s
paychest to increase the value of the Warband beyond 700 Ducats if you wish -in fact this is the
best way to gain an upper hand on your opponents!

Next, select the Patron for your Warband. See the Section Patrons for details below.

Playing a Campaign Game

To start the campaign, the two players select one of the scenarios to fight (see the Scenarios on
page xx). At the end of each game the players work out how much experience their ELITE
warriors have earned and how much loot the warband has collected before returning to its

Experience is expressed as Experience points which ELITE models receive for surviving each
game. This is covered later in the Experience section. When an ELITE warrior has sufficient
Experience points they receive a Skill. Normal troopers taking part in a Campaign will also have
a chance of becoming an ELITE.

You can recruit more warriors or buy new weapons from traders with gold ducats or Glory Points
you have earned. All this is explained in the Income and Trading sections later in this book.
Selecting a Scenario
When determining which Scenario you wish to play, note how many battles you have played in
the Campaign thus far, and roll on the appropriate table below. Neither player should not play
the same scenario twice in a row. If this happens, re-roll until you get a new one.

If one player has played more Battles than the other, then the player with a higher number of
battles shows the Chart you use. The player with the lower battle count determines who is the
Attacker and who is the Defender in each scenario. Otherwise roll a dice to determine who is
attacking and who is defending.

See the Scenarios section for details on each battle.

Early Campaign (Battles 1 to 3)

Roll D6 to determine which Scenario to play:
1 Skirmish
2 Scouting Parties
3 Fallen Idols
4 Vanguard
5 Lightning Raid
6 Battle Trophies

Mid-Campaign (Battles 4-9)

Roll D6 to determine which Scenario to play:
1 Hunt for Heroes
2 Relic Hunt
3 Barbed Wire
4 Linebreaker
5 Claim the No Man’s Land
6 Armoured Train

Endgame (Battles 9-11)

Roll D6 to determine which Scenario to play:
1 Trench Warfare
2 Over the Top
3 Opposed River Crossing
4 Let the Sleeping Beasts Lie
5 Poison Gas
6 Fields of Glory

Final Battle (Battle 12)

Play one of the Final Battles Scenarios such as the Great War.
Injuries and Casualties
After each Battle, determine the amount of Experience points your ELITE troops gain, and roll for
their new Skill Advancements. Also determine whether any of your standard Troops are
promoted into ELITE Status. See the rules for Injuries below.

Experience and Skill Advancements

After each Battle, determine the amount of Experience points your ELITE troops gain, and roll for
their new Skill Advancements. Also determine whether any of your standard Troops are
promoted into ELITE Status. See the rules for Experience below.

After each battle, your Warband will be resupplied by your patrons and superiors, as well as the
payment to you and your troops -irregular as it often may be. This support is represented by the
ducats added to the Paychest of your Warband after each battle. These ducats can be used to
buy troops, weapons, armour and equipment bought from the Equipment list of the Warband. If
the Warband has not withstood many casualties, this may make your Warband stronger than
before. However, often these extra funds are not enough to replenish your casualties, and you
have to rely either on Looting and Exploration, or calling for Reinforcements (see below).

The player will gain resupply after each battle in Campaign as follows:

No Battles fought Resupply

1-3 3D6X10 ducats
4-6 4D6X10 ducats
7-10 5D6X10 ducats
11 6D6 X10 ducats
Reinforcement Threshold Value
As you play the campaign, the words of your deeds on the battlefield spreads and attracts the
attention of your superiors who will allocate more troops and resources at your disposal within
their organisation, and make greater reinforcements available to you. This is represented by
Warband Threshold Value. Warbands starting value is indicated in the Warband list, and is
typically 700 Gold Ducats. This value grows during the Campaign as indicated below (additions
to the Value are cumulative):

Battle Reinforcement Threshold Value

1 700
2 800
3 900
4 1000
5 1100
6 1250
7 1400
8 1550
9 1750
10 1950
11 2200

Note that when your Threshold value raises, you are not automatically granted any additional
troops or equipment, you must either call for Reinforcements (see below), or spend your own
stored resources to hire more troops.

In Trench Crusade all Warbands are part of one of great military organisations or under the
guidance of a powerful patron, and periodically receive reinforcements to offset their combat
losses. Thus after each battle you can build up your force back to the current Warband
Threshold Value in Gold Ducats if the Warband Value has fallen under this threshold. When you
do this, you must first do the following:

● Forego Exploration Phase completely. Your Warband falls back and requests
Reinforcements, missing the opportunity to Explore.
● Give up/Sell all Weapons, Armour and Equipment that is not assigned to any of your
● Empty your Warband treasury of all ducats
● Once you’ve done this, calculate the current value of your warband in ducats.
● You may now buy new troops, weapons, armour and equipment up to the Warband
Threshold Value (see above). Do not keep any leftover ducats.
Disbanding a Warband
You may disband your old warband at the end of any game and start again with a new one. All
the warriors in the original warband and any equipment and other benefits they acquired are
lost. You can NOT dismiss any warrior from your warband. Your Patrons expect you to use them
to the last!

Models Killed in Action

When a model is killed all the weapons, armour and equipment are lost in the ruinous tumult of
the battlefield. It is not possible to reallocate fallen warriors’ weapons or equipment once they

Campaign Stages
Campaigns are divided into 3 Stages: Early, Mid, and Endgame. You play a set number of
games in each of these stages before moving on to the next. Once a player has played 11
Battles in total they can play no more until all the other players have played 11 games as well.

At this stage all the players play a game against another player who has also played 11 games.
Once all the players have played the Final Battle Scenario, you can determine who has won the
Campaign as explained below.

Late Joiners to Campaign

Players often want to join a Campaign in progress. This is fine, and new forces are purchased
with the currentWarband Reinforced Threshold of the campaign.

Winning the Campaign

Each Scenario lists the number of Victory Points the players may gain from it. At the end of the
Campaign, tally the points together to see your ranking on the Campaign leaderboard.
Post-Battle Sequence Summary (Put this in a box)
After each battle, all players who took part go through the following set of steps to prepare your
Warband for the future battles.

1 Injuries. Determine the extent of injuries for each warrior who is Out of Action at the end of
the game. Mark any Scars your ELITES suffer. See Injuries section for details.

2 Allocate Experience. Heroes and gain experience for surviving battles. See the
Experience section for details.

3 Determine the Resupply. Roll to see how many ducats you receive from your superiors
representing your resuppy.

4 Increase the Warband Threshold Value. Increase the Threshold value of your Warband
(See the rules above).

5 Request Reinforcements. You may Replenish your Warband’s losses until it’s total value
is up to the highest current Warband Threshold value if you wish. You must first empty the
Warband treasury by giving up all the ducats and stored gear you have first, and you must skip
the Exploration step above.

6 Exploration. Roll to see what your Warband discovers in the area they are currently
occupying. See Exploration section for details.

7 Hire new recruits. New recruits can be acquired from your Warband List and can be
recruited and equipped from your Warbands Equipment list.

8 Trade. Buy items allowed for your Warband. See your Warband Equipment list for the
available items, and Trading section to see what other items might be offered to you. You may
also sell any surplus Weapons, Armour and Equipment, and you receive half of their base value
from the merchants. See Trading rules for details.

9 Use Glory Points. Use your Glory to attract Mercenaries, acquiring special equipment and
other benefits. See the rules for Glory for details.

10 Reallocate equipment. Swap equipment between models as desired (provided they are
eligible to use it). You can take any armour, weapons and equipment from the Warband
Paychest and give them to any eligible models.

11 Warband Roster Update. Update your Warband Roster, including the total cost of the
Warband (a total cost in Ducats of all your models and their weapons, armour and equipment).
You are now ready for the next battle!
Whenever one of your ELITE Characters is taken Out of Action during a Battle, you will have to
roll D66 for each such Character after the battle ends. Consult the Injury Chart table below to
see what happened to your character. Unless rules state otherwise, each Injury causes a Battle
Scar, so mark this on your Warband roster sheet. You will notice that there are only two Battle
Scars slots for your ELITE warriors. This means that if you sustain a third Battle Scar, this
character dies and can no longer be used in your Campaign.

For non-ELITE models that went Out of Action during a battle, simply roll D6 per model: on a
result 1-2, they are dead or irrevocably wounded, and you must remove them from your roster.
On a roll of 3+, they survive the battle and fight on as normal.

You can only have one of each type of Battle Scars per ELITE character. If you roll the same
result again for the same character, re-roll on the chart again until you get a different result.


Roll D66
11 Dead The wound proved to be fatal. The character is permanently lost even if
this was not the third Battle Scar it sustans.

12 Captured The enemy captures the Character. Players can negotiate a ransom
price in Gold for the release of the character. As long as this is not
paid, the Character remains in the hands of the opposing player.
Otherwise, treat this result as Full Recovery. The Equipment of the
Character is gained by the opposing Warband.

13 Severe Nerve All ACTIONS this model takes (including Melee and Missile attacks) are

14 Hand Wound The character suffers -1 DICE for all of its Melee Attack ACTIONS.

15 Lost an eye The character suffers -1 DICE for all of its Range Attack ACTIONS.
Suffering 2 such injuries blinds the model and it has to retire from the
campaign. Sniper Priest is immune to this Injury and suffers no Scar.
16 Chest Wound All Injury rolls against this character are resolved with +1 DICE.

21 Insomniac This character must always be deployed as the first model on your side
in any battle it takes part in. It cannot use the Keyword INFILTRATOR if it
has it.

22 Head wound This model loses the Keyword ELITE. It can regain it in the future as
normal via promotion, representing recovery.

23 Shell-shocked Roll D6 on any Battle this model is taking part in. On a roll of 1-2, it
cannot take part in the Battle.

24 Dark Memory Mark down the opposing Warband type that caused this Injury. If you
play the same scenario again, the model FEARS all enemy models when
playing against the same type of Warband, including all Ranged and
Melee Attacks.

25 Paranoid This character cannot be deployed within 8” of any friendly models in

the beginning of any Scenario.

26 Lost Arm The model has 1 less hand, which limits the types of
weapons/equipment it can use.

31 Leg Wound The model’s Movement is reduced by 2” and it takes Dash ACTIONS with
-1 DICE.
32 Expensive Character’s wounds require constant treatment. If you want to use the
treatment Character in a Battle you must pay 10 Gold Ducats before deploying
the model.

33 Possessed While unconscious, the model was possessed by a restless spirit of a

dead soldier. This warrior always starts its Activation with a Dash
ACTION (unless in Melee combat). If down, it stands up and the Dashes.
It must move at least 3” when Dashing.

34 Muscle damage This model cannot carry HEAVY weapons.

35 Minor Wound This model must miss the next game. No Battle Scar is suffered.

36-62 Full The Character has survived the Battle with no ill effects. No Battle Scar
Recovery is suffered.

This model ignores effects of the keyword FEAR. No Battle Scar is

63 Hardened

This model gains D3 Experience Points. No Battle Scar is suffered.

64 Bitter Lessons

This character loses all weapons, armour and equipment it had. No

65 Robbed Battle Scar is suffered.

This model gains +1 DICE for all Melee attack ACTIONS against all
66 Facial Scar
enemies with the same Troop type that took this character Out of
Action due a grudge. No Battle Scar is suffered.
As your warriors fight battles, they will quickly become hardened veterans and their skills
improve, forged in the crucible of the Great War. An ELITE model that took part in a battle and
survived (even if they were Taken Out of Action) will gain 1 Experience Point. Mark this on your
Roster Sheet. In addition, if any ELITE model performs at least one Glorious Deed, they gain
another Experience Point. On your Roster Sheet, check the Experience boxes from left to right:
when you reach a box with bold red outline, you can make a Skill Advancement Roll:

Skill Advancement Rolls

● Pick 2 of the following 4 Charts below (Melee & Strength Skills, Ranged Skills, Stealth &
Speed Skills or Wildcard Skills)
● Roll 2D6 once for each chart to see what Skills you can choose from
● If you already have any Skill indicated by the roll(s), choose the next lowest number on
the table that has a skill you don’t yet have.
○ If there are no such skills left, choose the next highest number on the table that
has a skill you don’t yet have.
● Select which of the two Skills generated you want the model to acquire and add it to your
Warband roster
When a Patron Skill is rolled, you can select any one of the Patron Skills offered by the Patron
you have selected (see section on Patrons below)

Non-Elite Promotions
● Gather your Promotion Dice Pool: 1 dice if you lost the battle, 2 if you won. Add 1 dice
for each Glorious Deed your Warband completed
● Assign the Promotions dice to the non-ELITE models in your warband.
○ You can choose which model gets the dice, but you can assign a maximum of 2
per model, unless all such models already have 2, in which case you can assign
the remaining surplus dice as you wish.
● Roll the Promotions dice for each model separately in any order you wish. On a roll of 6
the model is promoted and gains ELITE Keyword and starts to gain Experience Points
starting at 0 Exp. Move the model into the ELITE portion of the Warband Roster Sheet.
● Once a model is promoted, stop! Only 1 Promotion per Battle!
● Your Warband may have a maximum of 6 ELITE models. If you are at maximum, do not
roll for promotions until your Warband again has less than 6 ELITE models.
Roll 2D6

2 Patron Skill. Pick one of the Skills offered by your Patron.

Stand Firm: When Model suffers the first Down result of each game it
3 only takes the BLOOD MARKERS of the attack but does not go Down.

Parry: Enemies suffer -1 DICE to hit penalty in melee against this

4 model.

Close Quarters Combat: This model gains +1 DICE to Hit and Injury
5 rolls if the model is touching a piece of terrain.

Relentless Charge: Add +1 DICE to Hit rolls in melee if the model

6 charges during this Activation before making the melee attack.

Melee Proficiency: Add +1 DICE to the Melee characteristics of this

7 model.

Strength of Samson: Model gains the Keyword STRONG, and adds +1

DICE to all Injury rolls it causes in Melee.

Tough as Nails: The model ignores the first Down result in each
9 battle.

Champion: Make extra attack ACTION with one Melee Weapon during
each Activation with -1 DICE to hit penalty.

Surgical Strike: Melee Attacks of this model ignore all Armour.


Patron Skill. Pick one of the Skills offered by your Patron.

Roll 2D6

2 Patron Skill. Pick one of the Skills offered by your Patron.

Hunter: This model ignores all penalties from Cover when making a
3 ranged attack.

Gunslinger: If armed with 2 pistols, this model may shoot both of them
4 during each Activation without a Penalty as Ranged Attack or in Melee.
In addition, the model suffers no penalties in melee using a pistol as an
off-hand weapon.

Far Shot: This model adds +6” to any type of pistol, jezzail or rifle they
5 use, including automatic and semi-automatic weapons.

Sharp Eyes: This model ignores penalties for long range when using
6 ranged weapons.

Ranged Proficiency: Add +1 DICE to the Ranged characteristics of this

7 model.

Sniper’s Nest: This model gains +2 DICE (instead of +1 DICE) when

8 shooting from an elevated position..

Point Blank: Instead of using melee weapons, this model may use any
9 one missile weapon ACTION in Melee.

Hip Shot: This model treats all ranged weapons as having an ASSAULT
10 Keyword.

Headshot: Ranged Attacks of this model ignore armour on a Critical

11 Result on Action Success Chart (12+ result).

Patron Skill. Pick one of the Skills offered by your Patron.

Roll 2D6

2 Patron Skill. Pick one of the Skills offered by your Patron.

Sixth Sense: If the model has no BLOOD MARKERS, treat any Down
3 Result as a Minor Hit instead.

Assassinate: If you attack an enemy model that has not been

4 Activated this turn your attacks against it have +1 DICE on all to hit rolls
on the Action Success Chart, for both Melee and Ranged attacks.

Shadowalker: Enemy attacks from long range against this model

5 suffer -2 DICE penalty instead of -1 DICE.

Athletic: Add +1 DICE to all Climb, Diving Charge ACTIONS this model
6 takes. Injuries from falling damage against this model are rolled with -1

Sprinter: Add +1 DICE to all Dash ACTIONS this model takes.


Disengage: When you move away from combat for any reason,
8 enemies do not get to make their free attack ACTIONS against you.

Incoming: Roll an additional D6 when charging and pick the highest

9 result. Cumulative with other such bonuses.

Nimble: This model can Move/Dash/Charge at normal speed after

10 getting up from being Down.

Dodge: All Ranged attacks against this Model have an additional -1

11 DICE to hit.

Patron Skill. Pick one of the Skills offered by your Patron.


Roll 2D6

2 Patron Skill. Pick one of the Skills offered by your Patron.

War-Luck: Add +1 to the Maximum Scars your model can sustain.


‘Tis but a Scratch: You may re-roll any Injuries on the Injury chart for
this model. The second result stands.

Bad Company: Your Warband may have 7 ELITE models instead of 6.


Scavenger: Roll an additional D6 during Exploration Phase.


Skill & Expertise: Add +1 BONUS DICE to any ACTION this model has,
7 except a ranged or Melee Attack.

Showoff: Add 1 additional dice to the Promotion Dice pool after each
8 battle.

Friends in High Places: You may re-roll up to two dice when rolling
9 for Resupply funds. The second roll stands.

Glory Hound: Warband gains 1 extra Glory Point after each battle if
10 this model took part and was not taken Out of Action.

War Stories: At the end of the battle, choose any 1 model in the
11 Warband except this one. That model gains +1 EXP.

Patron Skill. Pick one of the Skills offered by your Patron.

Select a Patron for your Warband from the list below. The choice of Patron determines which
Skill you may select if you roll a Patron Skill on any of the Skill Tables above when your ELITE
model gains an advancement.

Warrior Saint
Trench Pilgrims and New Antioch Only
Your patron is a mighty saint of soldiers and warriors such as Saint George the Dragonslayer,
Saint John the Warrior, Saint Joan or Arc, or even Archangel Saint Michael himself. Such
Patrons offer great power in personal combat and divine protection on the battlefield.

This type of Patron allows you to select one of the following when a Patron Skill rolled up on
your Skill Chart:

● Blessings of the Warrior Saint: This model starts each battle with D3 BLESSINGS DICE.
● Endure the Suffering: The model has 1 additional SCAR in their profile.
● Dragonslayer: When this model rolls on the Injury Chart in melee against an enemy that
is Down, you don't have to roll one of the Injury Dice but can set it as 6 and then roll the
rest of the dice pool.
● David and Goliath: In melee, when this model is fighting an enemy on a 40mm or
bigger base, then they may add 3 highest dice results together instead of 2. If they are
rolling with any -DICE, this bonus does not apply.
● On your Knees!: Any enemy model in Melee Combat that is Down has to make a
successful ACTION to stand up as normal when activated.
● Warrior’s Prayer: Take a RISKY ACTION: If successful, during this activation the model
causes FEAR and if you have any BLOOD MARKERS you may remove one of them.

Infernal Noble
Heretic Legion Only
Your Patron is one of the Fallen, a mighty devil noble such as Baal, Balam, Zepar, Astaroth or
Gusion. Such Patrons bestow magical powers, reward evil deeds and enhance the power of

This type of Patron allows you to select one of the following when a Patron Skill rolled up on
your Skill Chart:

● Blessed Murder: Each time this model takes an enemy Out of Action via any ACTION it
takes, the model gains 1 BLESSINGS DICE.
● Sadistic: You gain +1 BONUS DICE for all Injury rolls and to Hit Rolls against opponents
that are Down.
● Hellfire: The model can take a RISKY ACTION with -1 DICE. Select a friendly model within
18” of the caster that the caster can see. Draw a straight line between the models which
travels along the ground. Every model in the way spontaneously bursts into flames from
Hell. Roll on the Injury Chart for each model including the friendly model at the end. The
attack has the Keyword FIRE.
● 30 Pieces of Silver: After each battle the Warband gains D6X5 extra ducats if this
model took part in the battle.
● Blood Sacrifice: With a successful ACTION, this model can transfer one of its BLOOD
MARKERS to any friendly model within 6”.
● Lash of Acheron: With a successful RISKY ACTION you can select any model within 6”.
Roll on the Injury chart for that model immediately. This attack ignores Armour

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