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11th science chemistry question type

Answer in one line

⚫ -write the electronic configuration of Aluminum

⚫ -Any one use of calcium carbonate

⚫ -What is the Role of LiAl in Ester reation

⚫ → Li+O2 →?

⚫ →What is Dipole-Dipole interaction

⚫ → What is Hydrogen bonding and explain its criteria in water.

⚫ → draw the Hydrogen bonding in water

⚫ - Which dyes used as absorption Indicator

⚫ - If Qc < Kc the reaction proceed from which direction and write it consequences

⚫ → Why the optimum pressure need to maintain reaction

⚫ - What is the Half life of reaction.

⚫ → What you mean by Alpha decay and correlated it with term of radioactivity

⚫ → draw the fischer projection and wedge formula for Lactic and

⚫ → Draw structure of N-ethyl propamide

⚫ -Dehydration of alcohol in presence of which reagent

⚫ - Write the kekule structure of benzene

⚫ -Which is more paramagnetic Fe³⁺ or Fe²⁺?

⚫ -Covalent bond is directional in nature. Justify.

⚫ -The amount of energy released when 1 × 10¹° atoms of chlorine in vapour state are converted to Cl¯
⚫ (g) ion is 5.786 × 10¯⁹ J. Calculate the electron gain enthalpy of chlorine atom in kJ/mol and

⚫ Name
- the member of group 14 that forms the most acidic oxide?

⚫ -What is the cause of Brownian movement?

⚫ If a stress is applied to a reaction mixture at equilibrium, then in which direction will the
reactiontake place?
⚫ What is electromeric effect?

⚫ Arrange following hydrocarbons in the increasing order of acidic character.

Propane, propyne, propene.
⚫ Long Answer

⚫ -Explain Alkali and Alkali earth metal

⚫ -Why ionisation enthalpy decrease and S-character Increase down the group

⚫ → Write the preparation method of caustic soda and Explain It uses

⚫ → Explain the term Allotrope and describe the structure of graphite.

⚫ → Explain the banana bonding and why it called 3c-2e bonding

⚫ Explain the charls law

⚫ What is the Dalton law of partial pressure

⚫ → Derive the expression of Half life reaction

⚫ → Explain the catalysis in term of homogenous and heterogenous

⚫ → How the micelles is formed

⚫ → Derive the expression for equilbirium constant

⚫ what you understand by Nuclear medicine How it useful in health sector

⚫ → Explain Isomerism in Detail

⚫ -
⚫ - How the acidity get effected by effort electron withdrawing group.

⚫ → show the orbital diagram of hyper conjugation of propene

⚫ → The equilbirium constant con be used to calculated the If we start with 3.0 mole of ethanoic acid and 3 mole of
ethanol in 'v' litre let us find out the compsition of equilbirium mixture. consider a x mole of ethyl ethnoate At

⚫ - If volume occupied by a given moss of gas of 298 k is 25 ml at 1 atmosphere pressure. Calculate the volume of gas
if pressure is increase to 2 atmosphere
⚫ at constant temp

⚫ - A mixture of 28 g Na, 88 He and 40 g Ne has 20 bar pressure. What is the partial pressure of each these gases?

⚫ - Explain the markovnikov and antimarkovnikovs rule with example

⚫ -The half life of 32p is 15.46 days what is the percentage of 32p sample will after 30 days

⚫ -Explain relation between partial pressure ond concentration.

⚫ → Explain Tyndal effect and explain freundlich adsorption isotherm

⚫ → explain friedal craft acylation and meta directing deactivating group example

⚫ → Explain the Method of preparation of allkyne mentioned any 2-method.

⚫ -Why tertiary carbocation more stable than primary and secondary and explain Addition reaction.

⚫ -Explain different confirmation of alkane and explain Hydrolyxation with example

⚫ Comment on stability of benzene.

⚫ -Derive the expression for decay constant with it graphical representation

⚫ Explain Transmutation process

⚫ -What is S-character and how its affect to its acidity and write the order of acidity in alkane ,alkene and alkyne

⚫ -What is rate law of chemical reaction and explain law of mass action
⚫ ⚫ In two moles of acetaldehyde (CH₃CHO) calculate the following
⚫ Number of moles of carbon
⚫ Number of moles of hydrogen
⚫ Number of moles of oxygen
⚫ Number of molecules of acetaldehyde
⚫ ⚫ How many litres of oxygen at STP are required to burn completely 2.2 g of propane, C₃H₈ ?
⚫ ⚫ Never heat organic solvents with a Bunsen burner.

⚫ ⚫

⚫ Which type of hybridization is present in ammonia molecule? Write the geometry and bond
anglepresent in ammonia.
⚫ Compare chemical properties of metals and non metals.
⚫ Write the biological importance of magnesium and
⚫ The volume occupied by a given mass of a gas at 298 K is 25 ml at 1 atmosphere pressure.
Calculatethe volume of the gas if pressure is increased to 1.25 atmosphere at constant
⚫ Two processes which are taking place in opposite directions in equilibrium. How to write
equilibrium constant expression for heterogeneous equilibrium?
⚫ Write the equilibrium constant expression for the decomposition of baking soda. Deduce the
unit ofKc.

Find out the type of isomerism exhibited by the following pairs.

⚫ Acetone and acetaldehyde are the ozonolysis products of an alkene. Write the structural formula of
⚫ an alkene and give IUPAC name of it.

⚫ Find the formula mass of

⚫ (i) NaCl (ii) Cu (NO₃)₂

Write electronic configurations of Fe, Fe²⁺, Fe³⁺

⚫ The first ionization enthalpy values of Si, P and CI are 780, 1060 and 1255 kJ mol⁻¹
respectively.Predict whether the first ionization enthalpy of S will be closer to 1000 or 1200 kJ
⚫ What happens when dihydrogen react with halogens?
⚫ ⚫ Discuss the nature of bonding of compounds of group 13, 14 and 15 elements.

With the help of graph answer the following -

⚫ At constant temperature,
⚫ Graph shows relation between pressure and volume. Represent the relation mathematically.
⚫ Identify the law.
⚫ Write the statement of law.

⚫ Explain Bredig's arc method.

⚫ Explain in short homogeneous equilibrium and heterogeneous equilibrium.

⚫ Calculate the binding energy per nucleon of ⁸⁴₃₆Kr whose atomic mass is 83.913 u. (Mass of
neutronis 1.0087 u and that of H atom is 1.0078 u).

⚫ Write the balanced chemical reactions to get benzene from

⚫ Sodium benzoate.
⚫ Phenol.

⚫ What do you meant by rancidity of oils and fats ? Explain how does it lead to rancidity.
⚫ Distinguish between accuracy and precision.

⚫ Calculate the molarity of NaOH in the solution prepared by dissolving its 4 g in enough water to
form 250 mL of the solution.
⚫ Explain geometry of methane molecule on the basis of Hybridisation.
⚫ Explain structure and bonding of diborane.
⚫ Which of the CH₃- CHCl₂ and CH₃CH₂Cl is expected to have stronger -I effect ?

⚫ Write three resonance structures for CH₃-CH = CH-CHO. Indicate their relative stabilities and
⚫ How many monochlorination products are possible for
⚫ 2-methylpropane ?
⚫ 2-methylbutane ?
⚫ Draw their structures and write their IUPAC names.

⚫ ⚫

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