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Detailed lesson Plan in mathematics 6

I. Objectives

At the end of the lesson students able to

1. Identify expression to equation
2.Differentiate expression to equation
II. Subject Matter
Topic: Expression and equation
References: M6AL-IIId-15
Materials: Power point and flashcard
II. Procedure

Teacher activity Student activity

a. Preparatory activities
1. Prayer

May I request everyone to please stand

and any volunteer to lead our prayer


Good morning grade 6 diamond today

I will be your teacher in mathematics and I
want you to listen and cooperate.

3.Checking attendance
Say present when your name called.

b. Review
Last time we formulate the rule in
finding the nth term using different
Any question about the topic?
Ok very Good!
D. Lesson proper

1. Motivation
To proceed to our next lesson lets have a
game first this will be the group 1and this will
be the group 2.
The title of the game is Arrange me!
The first group who can arrange the word
correctly will be declared the winner.

2 Presentation
Today our lesson is all about expression and
So do have any idea what is expression and
equation all about?

When we say EXPRESSION is the
mathematical phrase that uses variable,
numerals and operation symbol.

If you really understand any volunteer from
group to give example.
Ok very good !

When we say EQUATION is a mathematical

sentence with a equal sign which show that
two expression on other side are equal.

3(x+5) = 27
8+8 = 16
8+7 = 15
3(h+5) = 27
If you really understand any volunteer from
the group to give example
Ok very good!

e. Generalization
So without looking on your notes what is
expression ?
Yes anna
Ok very good
Can you give example mae?
Ok very good
So what about equation?
Yes glimmer?
Ok very good
Can you give example of example Tanya?
Ok very good

Who can differentiate equation to expression?

Any one from the group?
Yes christian okay very good !

Do you now understand what is expression

and equation all about?

Ok very good.

f. Evaluation
Identify if it is expression or equation
Say hip2 if expression and horay if equation .


2.4r-6 = 0


4.5x5 = 25


VI. Application
Answer the following. Identify if expression
and equation

1. 7g-3
2. 11j+8
3. 5-6t
4. 5(f-3) = 12
5. 4h+t = 33
6. 6u-8
7. 23b+3
8. 3x3=9
9. 2x+5b = 5
10. 4(v+8) = 8

V. Assignment
Give 10 example of expression and equation.

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