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Marks: 5% of the final mark

This activity aims to reinforce the importance of developing a USP for a person or business
and there are two parts to it.

Part One

1. Component ONE - Conduct research to fully understand and communicate the following:
 What is a USP?
 Why is it important?
 Is a USP the same as a value proposition? What are the differences if there are any?

2. Output will be 1-2 PPTX slides that you may be asked to present in class

Part Two

The goal of Part Two is to have you spend the necessary rigour thinking about your own individual
skills, education, expertise and interests with the longer term view of having a solid understanding
of what makes you unique in the job market and why a company should hire you.

Most people never do this, but because you are in my class when you finish here and a prospective
employer asks, “Why should I hire you?” you will be able to confidently state your USP. Obviously
you will get the job!!
Please do the following:

1. Conduct research to find a process for developing a USP that you like. (When you Google how to
develop a USP you will see many different ways to do this task. The processes are mostly very
similar and it doesn’t matter to me which one you choose. They all will give you a USP at the
2. Using your chosen process develop a USP for yourself.
3. Output will be two PPTX Slides. One PPTX slide outlining your strengths from which you built
your personal USP AND one “PERSONAL USP” PPTX slide.

Please submit the PPTXs for Part One & Part Two in LEARN by end of day Monday, June 10, 2024.

USP Assignment Rubric

Part One
- Overall Quality of Research
- PPTX Slides
Part Two
- Overall Quality of Effort
- PPTX Slides
Total 5%

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