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Name: Andrei A.

Paguray Section: BSBA – FM - F4

Instructor: Reygie M. Cueme Date: June 4, 2024

The DILG filed a Graft and Preventive leave on the Tarlac Mayor Alice Guo
The controversial case of Bamban, Tarlac Mayor Alice Guo has an impending
case of Graft for using her authority and political position for her political gains. This
news shows that the DILG filed a case for Mayor Guo for the raid in the POGO Hub.
The DILG also stated a countermeasures against Mayor Guo and also a preventive
leave for corruption of the said Tarlac Mayor.

The underlying political issue that is prevalent right now regarding of this matter
clearly shows that anyone in the higher position of power and authority can have do
what they want, by using legal means to do something illegal or by not abiding the laws.
It is clearly stated that someone in the politics can have an invincible power to cover
the truths, even your own documents and legal identity.

To reflect, the abusive political gains, manipulating the eyes and the voices of the
people to hide the important truths of anyone and even to someone by controlling
something in the low position to get their wants and focusing to their self-interest. To
conclude, anyone can do anything do gain something they wish for even doing the
things that violates the law. It is sad to say that the ones in the government and the
politics, the law-enforcing people are the ones who violates and not abiding the laws.
The House Bill 9349 or the Absolute Divorce Bill
The passing of the Absolute Divorce Bill, the disputable issue of taking into a
massive opinions and criticism not only the government officials but also the Filipino
citizens. In regarding of the readings of the said bill, it has three modes namely: legal
separation, annulment of marriage, and declaration of nullity of marriage. The grounds
for the divorce involves domestic violence, forceful changing of ones religion, political
stance, physical violence, drug, alcohol, and gambling addiction.

The pervasive and current discourse of this prevalent problem of the proposed
House Bill have significant impacts on its advantages and disadvantages. The positive
view of the bill is that, the toxic families hindering their right to liberty and free will
because of such as domestic violence and other family issues can have their rights as a
liberal individual with restraining one’s inalienable human rights. The negative side of
this matter is that it will impose more conflicts and problems regarding to one’s religious
beliefs, as the Philippines is one of the prominent Christian countries around the world.

To realization, I’m in favor of the proposed Absolute Divorce Bill as this House
Bill will provide a nuanced and dynamic approach when it comes to marriage. As
prevalent in the Philippines in regarding on family issues and conflicts leading to various
forms of violence and the infidelity of one’s partner. It also improves quality of life as it
will enhance the emotional well-being of an individual, it will also promotes freedom and
autonomy of a person, restraining to his/her past relationships. It will improve one’s own
relationship towards the others. And it will provide a better and positive environment for
its children.
The Amendments of the 1987 Philippine Constitution or the Charter Change
The prevalent and the long-lasting issue or debate about the Charter Change or
ChaCha has become a hot and controversial topic in the Philippine politics regarding on
its amendments and revisions for the economic growth of the country to provide better
jobs and to reduce and minimize the unemployment rate here in the Philippines. On the
other hand, it imposed critics and public opinions as politicians and the political
dynasties of the ones in the position having conflict and political disputes as others
claiming that the amendments are the political agenda of the individuals in the authority,
promoting only their personal and political gains.

The Charter Change proposing by the current President Bongbong Marcos it

leads to political division in the legislative and executive departments. And the feudal
disputes and political infighting of the two prominent political dynasties in the Philippines
which is the Marco and the Duterte. The political perspective of this issue depicts lack of
unity and creates a division in the government while not making deep realization and
attention to the prevalent economic and social issues in the country such as poverty,
corruption, and the war on drugs.

To contemplate, the personal and self-interest of the politicians hinders the

growth in our country by its lack of unity and creating a gap and division in the
government dispute of the current issues we are facing right now. The said Charter
Change is only for the riches and it will provide a massive gap on poor families, as the
rich are getting richer and the poor become poorer. If the government wants a drastic
and realistic changes on the economic status of our country, they should place
importance and provide solutions, mitigations and countermeasures pertaining the
issues we all faced in this contemporary landscape in the Philippines.

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