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CHAPTER 3 Observing Microorganisms Through a Microscope 69

washed off, both gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria

appear dark violet or purple.
8 Next, the slide is washed with alcohol or an alcohol-acetone
solution. This solution is a decolorizing agent, which
removes the purple from the cells of some species but not
from others.
0 The alcohol is rinsed off, and the slide is then stained with
safranin, a basic red dye. The smear is washed again, blotted
dry, and examined microscopically.
The purple dye and the iodine combine in the cytoplasm of
each bacterium and color it dark violet or purple. Bacteria that
Simple Stains retain this color after the alcohol has attempted to decolorize
A simple stain is an aqneous or alcohol solution of a single basic them are classified as gram-positive; bacteria that lose the dark
dye. Although different dyes bind specifically to different parts of violet or purple color after decolorization are classified as grani­
cells, the primary purpose of a simple stain is to highlight the negative (Figure 3.12b). Because gram-negative bacteria are
entire microorganism so that cellular shapes and basic strncturcs colorless after the alcohol wash, they arc no longer visible. This is
are visible. The stain is applied to the fixed smear for a certain why the basic dye safranin is applied; it turns the gram-negative
length of time ru1d then washed off, and the slide is dried and bacteria pink. Stains such as safranin that have a contrasting
exrunined. Occasionally, a chemical is added to the solution to color to the primary stain are called counterstains. Because
intensify the stain; such an additive is called a mordant One gram-positive bacteria retain the original purple stain, they are
func­tion of a mordant is to increase the affinity of a stain for a not affected by the safranin cou□terstain.
biolog­ical specimen; another is to coat a structure (such as a As you will see in Chapter 4, different kinds of bacteria react
flagellum) to make it thicker and easier to see after it is stained differently to the Gram stain because structural differences in
with a dye. Some of the simple stains commonly used in the their cell walls affect the retention or escape of a combination of
laboratory are methylene blue, carbolfuchsin, crystal violet, and crystal violet and iodine, called the crystal violet-iodine (CV-I)
safranin. complex. Among other differences, grrun-positive bacteria have a
thicker peptidoglycan (disaccharides and amino acids) cell wall
thru1 gram-negative bacteria. ln addition, gram-negative bacteria
contain a layer of lipopolysaccharide (lipids and polysaccha­
rides) as part of their cell wall (see Figure 4.13, page 86). When
applied to both gram-positive and gram-negative cells, crystal
violet and then iodine readily enter the cells. Inside the cells, the
crystal violet and iodine combine to form CV-I. This complex is
Differential Stains larger than the crystal violet molecule that entered the cells, and,
Unlike simple stains, differential stains react differently with because of its size, it cannot be washed out of the intact peptido­
different kinds of bacteria and thus can be used to distinguish glycan layer of gram-positive cells by alcohol. Consequently,
them. The differential stains most frequently used for bacteria gram-positive cells retain the color of the crystal violet dye. In
are the Gram stain and the acid-fast stain. gram-negative cells, however, the alcohol wash disrupts the outer
lipopolysaccharide layer, and the CV-I complex is washed out
Gram Stain
through the thin layer of peptidoglycan. As a result, gram­
The Grani stain was developed in 1884 by the Danish bacteriol­ negative ceUs are colorless until counterstained with safranin,
ogist Hans Christian Gram. It is one of the most useful staining after wh.ich they are pink.
procedures because it classifies bacteria into two large groups: ln summary, gram-posit.ive cells retain the dye and remain
gram-positive ru1d gram-negative. purple. Gram-negative cells do not retain the dye; they are color­
In this procedure (Figure 3.12a), less until counterstained with a red dye.
0 A heat-fixed smear is covered with a basic purple dye, The Gram method is one of the most important staining
usually crystal violet. Because the purple stain imparts its techniques in medical microbiology. But Grrun staining results
color to all cells, it is referred to as a primary stain. are not universaUy applicable, because some bacterial cells stain
f) After a short time, the purple dye is washed off, and the poorly or not at all. The Gram reaction is most consistent when
smear is covered with iodine, a mordant. Vvhen the iodine is it is used on young, growing bacteria.
70 PART ONE Fundamentals of Microbiology


Crystal violet

■ Alcohol

..____.---..---, Gram-negative

O Application of O Appl ication of

f) Application of E) Alcohol wash
crystal violet iodine (mordant) (decolorization) safranin (counterstain)
(a) (purple dye)

- �,
' Rod
/) (gram-positive)


• ,j - \

-..s;_ A '1
{ r"-

f. --r:;
,,., .. �� \lte�
) J'r\ - -,�
/. Lvibrio Figure 3.12 Gram staining. (a) Procedure. Cb) Micrograph of
(gram-negative) , gram-stained bacteria. The rods and cocci (purple) are gram-positive. and the
'f';;fJ,-'-' ' \ 4
.., -
#' sp1rilla (pink) are gram-negative.

(b) Q How can the Gram reaction be useful In prescribing antibiotic treatment?

The Gram reaction of a bacterium can provide valuable infor­ Mycobacteri1-1m tuberculosis, the causative agent of tuberculosis,
mation for the b·eatment of disease. Gram-positive bacteria tend to and Mycobacterium leprae (lep' ri), the causative agent ofleprosy.
be killed easily by penicillins and cephalospori1.1S. Gram-negative This stain is also used to identify the pathogenic strains of the
bacteria are generally more resistant because the antibiotics cannot genus Nocardia (n6-kar' de-a). Bacteria i.n the genera
penetrate the lipopolysaccharide layer. Some resistance to these Mycobacterium and Nocardia are acid-fast.
antibiotics among both gram-positive and gran1-negative bacteria In the acid-fast staining procedure, the red dye car­
is due to bacterial inactivation of the antibiotics. bol fuchsin is applied to a fixed smear, and the slide
is gently heated for several minutes. (Heating enhances penetra­
Acid-Fast Stain (Ziehl-Neelsen (ZN) stain) tion and retention of the dye.) Then the slide is cooled and
Another important differential stain (one that differentiates bac­ washed with water. The smear is next treated with acid-alcohol,
teria into distinctive groups) is the acid-fast stain, which binds a decolorizer, which removes the red stain from bacteria that are
strongly only to bacteria that have a waxy material in their cell not acid-fast. The acid-fast microorganisms retain the red color
walls. Microbiologists use this stain to identify all bacteria in the because the carbolfuchsin is more soluble in the cell wall lipids
genus Mycobacterium, including the two important pathogens thru1 in the acid-ale.oho] (Figure 3.13). In non-acid-fast bacteria,

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