Ccse1 10 08 2023 Paper Ii

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GS1MIII/23 Booklet Serial No.

Don’t write anything Don’t write

in this space anything in
this space

÷uºÄ : J¸[Qøn¢u Siø©¨ ÷uºÄ : J¸[Qøn¢u Siø©¨

£oPÒ ÷uºÄ&I £oPÒ ÷uºÄ&I
(öuõSv&I)UPõÚ •ußø©z (öuõSv&I)UPõÚ •ußø©z
÷uºÄ ÷uºÄ
Examination : Combined Civil Services Examination : Combined Civil Services
Examination-I [Group-I Examination-I [Group-I
Services] Main Written Services] Main Written
Examination Examination
£õh® : ö£õx AÔÄ (£mh¨£i¨¦z £õh® : ö£õx AÔÄ (£mh¨£i¨¦z
uμ®) [uõÒ – III] uμ®) [uõÒ – III]
(›¢xøμUS® ÁøP) (›¢xøμUS® ÁøP)
Subject : General Studies (Degree Subject : General Studies (Degree
Standard) [Paper – -III] Standard) [Paper – III]
(Descriptive Type) (Descriptive Type)
÷uºÄ |õÒ : 12.08.2023 •.£. ÷uºÄ |õÒ : 12.08.2023 •.£.
Date of Examination : 12.08.2023 F.N. Date of Examination : 12.08.2023 F.N.
Register No.

Signature of the candidate with date.

I have issued this booklet to this
candidate after verifying his / her register
No., photo and signature in the hall ticket.

Signature of the invigilator with date.

(To be signed after the completion of the
I have struck out all the unanswered
blank spaces in the question-cum-answer
booklet by using black colour pen which
I have used for writing this examination.

Signature of the candidate with date.

GS1MIII/23 2


(›¢xøμUS® ÁøP) / (Descriptive Type)
£mh¨£i¨¦z uμ® / Degree Standard
Põ» AÍÄ : ‰ßÖ ©o ÷|μ® ö©õzu ©v¨ö£sPÒ : 250
Duration : 3 Hours Total Marks : 250

(CÆÂÚõ&ÂøhzuõÒ öuõS¨¦ 64 £UP[PøÍU öPõskÒÍx)

(This question-cum answer booklet consists of 64 pages)


(RÌUPsh AÔÄøμPøÍ Âsn¨£uõμºPÒ uÁÓõ©À ¤ß£ØÓ ÷Ásk®)

(Candidates shall comply with the following instructions)

1. Âsn¨£uõμºPÒ, CÆÂÚõ&ÂøhzuõÒ öuõS¨¦ ö©õzu® 64 £UP[PøÍU öPõskÒÍx

Gߣøu •u¼À EÖv ö\´x öPõÒÍ ÷Ásk®. CzöuõS¨¤À H÷uÝ® SøÓ£õi¸¨¤ß,
EhÚi¯õP ÷ÁÖ öuõS¨ø£ ÷uºÄU PsPõo¨£õÍ›h® ÷Põ›¨ ö£ØÖU öPõÒÍ
Candidates shall first ensure that this question-cum-answer booklet contains 64 pages.
In case if any defect is found in this booklet, they can request for replacement from the
invigilator immediately.

2. JÆöÁõ¸ ÂÚõÂØS® uÛzuÛ¯õP Âøh GÊxÁuØöPÚ Ch® JxUP¨£mkÒÍx.

Âsn¨£uõμºPÒ JÆöÁõ¸ ÂÚõÂØS® Âøh¯ÎUP JxUP¨£mh ChzvÀ ©mk÷©
Âøh¯ÎUP ÷Ásk®. Âøh¯ÎUP JxUP¨£mh ChzvØS öÁÎ÷¯ Gøu²®
Space has been provided to write the answer for each question. Candidates have to
answer the questions only in the space provided for that question. They should not write
anything outside the space provided.

3. Âsn¨£uõμºPÒ ÂÚõzuõÎß JÆöÁõ¸ ¤›Â¾® AÔÄÖzu¨£mkÒÍ

GsoUøP°»õÚ ÂÚõUPÐUS ©mk÷© Âøh¯ÎUP ÷Ásk®. AuØS ªøP¯õÚ
GsoUøP°»õÚ ÂÚõUPÐUS Âøh¯ÎzuõÀ, JÆöÁõ¸ ¤›Âß •i¾® ªøP¯õÚ
GsoUøP°À Âøh¯ÎUP¨£mhøÁ PnUQÀ GkzxUöPõÒͨ£h ©õmhõx.
Candidates should answer the number of questions as instructed in the question paper
in each section. If more than the required number of questions are answered, the
additional questions answered in excess at the end of each section will not be taken into

3 GS1MIII/23
[v¸¨¦P/Turn over
4. Âsn¨£uõμºPÒ u[PÍx £vÄ Gsøn CzöuõS¨¤À G¢u Chzv¾® GÊuUThõx.
C¢u AÔÄøμø¯ «Ö® Âsn¨£uõμºPÐUS E›¯ ushøÚ ÂvUP¨£k®.
Candidates should not write their register number anywhere in this booklet. Suitable
penalty will be imposed on the candidates who violate this instruction.

5. CÆÂÚõ&Âøhz öuõS¨¤À ÂÚõUPÒ uªÌ ©ØÖ® B[Q» ÁiÁ[PÎÀ EÒÍÚ.

AøÚzx CÚ[Pξ® B[Q» ÁiÂÀ u쨣mkÒÍøÁ÷¯ •iÁõÚøÁ.
In this question-cum-answer booklet, questions are in Tamil and English versions.
In all matters, English version is final.

6. Âsn¨£uõμºPÒ C¢u ÂÚõ&Âøhz öuõS¨¤¼¸¢x G¢uz uõøͲ® QÈzxÂhU

Candidates should not tear off any leaves from this question-cum-answer booklet.

7. Cz÷uºøÁ ö£õÖzuÁøμ, AÇPõP GÊxÁuØPõPÄ®, GÊzx¨¤øÇ°ßÔ GÊxÁuØPõPÄ®

uÛ¯õP ©v¨ö£sPÒ JxUP¨£hÂÀø».
There is no reservation of marks for neatness of writing and correctness of spelling in
respect of this examination.

8. Âsn¨£uõμºPÒ Piu® ÁøμuÀ ÷£õßÓ ÂÚõUPÐUS Âøh¯ÎUS® ö£õÊx u[PÍx

ö£¯øμ÷¯õ, £vöÁsøn÷¯õ GÊuUThõx. u[PÍx ö£¯›À øPö¯õ¨£ªhÄ®
SÔ¨¤h¨£mkÒÍ ö£¯º ©ØÖ® •PÁ›ø¯÷¯ £¯ß£kzu÷Ásk®.

ÂÚõUPÎÀ ö£¯º, •PÁ› BQ¯øÁ SÔ¨¤h¨£hÂÀø»ö¯ÛÀ, ‘Aݨ¦|º’,

‘ö£Ö|º’ •PÁ›PÎÀ A B C AÀ»x GUì J´ C\m AÀ»x GUì GUì GUì ÷£õßÓ
ö£õx¨ ö£¯ºPøÍ ©mk÷© GÊu÷Ásk®.
Candidates should not write their name, register number while answering letter writing
type questions. Affixing signature in their name is also not permitted. To answer such
questions, the name and address given in the questions alone should be used.

If no name is given in the questions, they should write the general names like
ABC or XYZ or XXX in ‘From’ and ‘To’ addresses.

GS1MIII/23 4
A»S — I

¤›Ä — A
SÔ¨¦ : i) JÆöÁõ¸ ÂÚõÂØS® 150 ö\õØPÐUS ªPõ©À Âøh¯ÎUPÄ®.
Note : Answer not exceeding 150 words each.
ii) JÆöÁõ¸ ÂÚõÂØS® £zx ©v¨ö£sPÒ.
Each question carries ten marks.
iii) öPõkUP¨£mkÒÍ I¢x ÂÚõUPÎÀ GøÁ÷¯Ý® |õßS ÂÚõUPÐUS
©mk® Âøh¯ÎUPÄ®.
Answer any four questions out of five questions.
(4 × 10 = 40)

Q.No. ÂÜz |÷μß ÁÇUQß ußø©PøÍ ÂÁ›zx AÆÁÇUQß wº¨£õÚx C¢v¯õÂÀ

1 ö£õx FǾUS GvμõÚ |hÁiUøPPÎÀ GÆÁõÖ ö£›¯ ©õØÓzvøÚ E¸ÁõUQ¯x
Elaborate the contours of Vineet Narain case and then explain how the judgement of
the case imparted a paradigm shift in tackling public corruption in India.

Q.No. uªÌ|õmiÀ EÒÍ £ÒÎU SÇ¢øuPÐUPõÚ •u»ø©a\›ß Põø» EnÄz vmh®

2 ö\¯À£kzu¨£mhuøÚ ÂÍUSP.
Analyse the implementation of Chief Minister’s Breakfast scheme for school
children in Tamil Nadu.

Q.No. “©õ{»a \mh©ßÓzv¾®, ©õ{» \ø£°¾® ¤ß£ØÓ¨£k® \mhª¯ØÖ® |øh•øÓ

3 |õhõЩßÓzvÀ EÒÍøu¨ ÷£õßÓx BS®” – ÂÍUPÄøμ u¸P.
“The legislative procedure followed in the State Legislative Assembly and
Legislative Council remains the same as in Parliament”. Comment.

Q.No. ©zv¯ Aμ\õ[P® •ßö©õÈ¢xÒÍ ÷u]¯ }vzxøÓ {¯©Ú[PÒ Bøn¯zøu

4 (NJAC) Ea\ }v©ßÓzvß Aμ]¯»ø©¨¦ A©ºÁõÚx }UP® ö\´uuß
Ai¨£øhPøÍz öuÎÄÓ ÂÍUSP.
Explicate the grounds on which the constitutional Bench of the Supreme Court
Struck Down the National Judicial Appointment Commission (NJAC) as proposed
by the Central Government.

Q.No. Pm]z uõÁÀ uøha\mh® ©ØÖ® C¸ Pm]PÒ CønuÀ BQ¯ÁØÔÀ C¸US®

5 ¤μa\øÚPøͨ £S¨£õ´P. ¤μv{vzxÁ ©UPÍõm] Aμ]¯¼À EÒÍ C¢ua ]UPø»U
Ph¢x Á¸® ÁÈPøÍ £›¢xøμUP.
Analyse the problems of Anti-Defection law and Merger of Two-parties and
recommend ways to overcome this problem in a representative Democratic politics.

5 GS1MIII/23
[v¸¨¦P/Turn over
¤›Ä — B


SÔ¨¦ : i) JÆöÁõ¸ ÂÚõÂØS® 250 ö\õØPÐUS ªPõ©À Âøh¯ÎUPÄ®.

Note : Answer not exceeding 250 words each.

ii) JÆöÁõ¸ ÂÚõÂØS® £vøÚ¢x ©v¨ö£sPÒ.

Each question carries fifteen marks.

iii) öPõkUP¨£mkÒÍ I¢x ÂÚõUPÎÀ GøÁ÷¯Ý® |õßS ÂÚõUPÐUS

©mk® Âøh¯ÎUPÄ®.
Answer any four questions out of five questions
(4 × 15 = 60)

Q.No. “Aμ]¯»ø©¨¦ AÓö|ÔU ÷Põm£õk Gߣx \mh¨§ºÁ BÁn® ©mk©À», ©õÓõP

6 Ax J¸ \‰P ©ØÖ® Aμ]¯À J¨£¢u® GßÖ A[RP›UQßÓx”. Aμ]¯»ø©¨¦
AÓö|ÔU ÷Põm£õmiß TÖPøÍz öuÎÄ£kzxP.
‘‘The Doctrine of ‘Constitutional Morality’ recognizes that constitution is not a legal
document alone, but also a social and political compact”. Elucidate the elements of
Constitutional Morality.

Q.No. Aμ]¯»ø©¨¦¨ £›Põμ[Pøͨ ö£ÖÁuØPõÚ Ai¨£øh E›ø©PøÍ £õvUP¨£mh

7 Si©UPÐUS •øÚ¨¦hß ö\¯À£kzu EuÄÁøu £ØÔ ÂÍUSP.
Explain the Constitutional Remedies in the enforcement of fundamental rights of an
aggrieved citizen.

Q.No. C¢v¯õÂÀ {v\õº Tmhõm]UPõÚ Ai¨£øhU öPõÒøPPÒ, Auß ö\¯À£õmk

8 |øh•øÓPÒ ©ØÖ® {ÖÁÚ Pmhø©¨¦UPøÍ ÂÍUPÄ®.
Explain the principles, practices and the various institutional structures of fiscal
federalism in India.

Q.No. C¢v¯õÂÀ EÒÍ Siø©¨£oPÎß Áμ»õØÔøÚU PshÔÁxhß AÁØÔß

9 \ÁõÀPÒ ©ØÖ® ^ºv¸zu[Pøͨ £ØÔ ÂÁõvUPÄ®.
Trace the history of Civil services in India and discuss about its challenges and

Q.No. ¦»® ö£¯º¢u C¢v¯ºPÎß ö©ß \Uv°ß £[QøÚ ÂÍUPÄ®. Ax C¢v¯õÂß

Explicate the soft power role of Indian diaspora. How does it help India’s foreign

GS1MIII/23 6
A»S — II
¤›Ä — A
SÔ¨¦ : i) JÆöÁõ¸ ÂÚõÂØS® 150 ö\õØPÐUS ªPõ©À Âøh¯ÎUPÄ®.
Note : Answer not exceeding 150 words each.
ii) JÆöÁõ¸ ÂÚõÂØS® £zx ©v¨ö£sPÒ.
Each question carries ten marks.
iii) öPõkUP¨£mkÒÍ |õßS ÂÚõUPÎÀ GøÁ÷¯Ý® ‰ßÖ ÂÚõUPÐUS
©mk® Âøh¯ÎUPÄ®.
Answer any three questions out of four questions.
(3 × 10 = 30)

Q.No. ªß BÐø©°ß |ßø©PøÍ GÊuÄ®

11 Write the advantages of e-governance.

Q.No. NISAR – ö\¯ØøPU÷PõÎß •UQ¯ A®\[PøÍ £ØÔ _¸UP©õP ÂÁ›zx Auß

12 £À÷ÁÖ •UQ¯zxÁzvøÚ SÔ¨¤kP.
Give a brief account on the salient features and the various importance of NISAR

Q.No. E÷»õP A¯ÛPÐUPõÚ Jθ® En›PÎß ö£õxÁõÚ A®\[PÒ SÔzx P¸zx

13 öu›ÂUPÄ®.
Make a comment on the general features of fluorescent sensors for metal ions.

Q.No. ö©õø£À öuõø»zöuõhº¤ß E°º© (ö\À¾»º) Aø©¨¤ß •UQ¯ P¸zx¸UPÒ

14 ¯õøÁ?
What are the key concepts in a cellular system of Mobile Communication?

¤›Ä — B
SÔ¨¦ : i) JÆöÁõ¸ ÂÚõÂØS® 250 ö\õØPÐUS ªPõ©À Âøh¯ÎUPÄ®.
Note : Answer not exceeding 250 words each.
ii) JÆöÁõ¸ ÂÚõÂØS® £vøÚ¢x ©v¨ö£sPÒ.
Each question carries fifteen marks.
iii) öPõkUP¨£mkÒÍ |õßS ÂÚõUPÎÀ GøÁ÷¯Ý® ‰ßÖ ÂÚõUPÐUS
©mk® Âøh¯ÎUPÄ®.
Answer any three questions out of four questions.
(3 × 15 = 45)

Q.No. ø£÷μõø»]ì Bø»PÒ GßÓõÀ GßÚ? ø£÷μõø»]ì Bø»PÒ »õ£Pμ©õÚuõ?

What is Pyrolysis Plant? Is Pyrolysis plant profitable? Discuss.

7 GS1MIII/23
[v¸¨¦P/Turn over
Q.No. ÷u]¯ £_ø© ö|kg\õø»PÒ uõÌÁõμ vmhzøu ÂÁõv.
16 Discuss the Green National Highways corridor project.

Q.No. PhÀ }›À E¨¦ }UP® ö\´²® •øÓPøͲ® Si}º £ØÓõUSøÓø¯ wº¨£uØPõÚ
17 wºÄPøͲ® SÔzx ÂÁõv.
‘‘Seawater desalination” – a method for combating drinking water scarcity –

Q.No. ÷£›hº ÷©»õsø©°À, ÷£›h¸US¨ ¤ß ö\¯À•øÓ Gߣøu Âh Aøu ukzu¾®

18 HØ£kÁøu SøÓzu¾®, B¯zu©õP C¸¨£xÄ® GÆÁõÖ ]Ó¢uöuÚ {ÖÄP.
Establish the fact that prevention, mitigation and preparedness are better than the
response procedure in disaster management.

Âsn¨£uõμºPÒ C¢u A»QÀ EÒÍ ÂÚõUPÐUS uªÈ÷»õ AÀ»x
B[Q»zv÷»õ Âøh¯ÎUP»õ®.
Candidates may answer the questions in this unit either in Tamil OR
in English.
¤›Ä — A
SÔ¨¦ : i) JÆöÁõ¸ ÂÚõÂØS® 150 ö\õØPÐUS ªPõ©À Âøh¯ÎUPÄ®.
Note : Answer not exceeding 150 words each.
ii) JÆöÁõ¸ ÂÚõÂØS® £zx ©v¨ö£sPÒ.
Each question carries ten marks.
iii) öPõkUP¨£mkÒÍ |õßS ÂÚõUPÎÀ GøÁ÷¯Ý® ‰ßÖ ÂÚõUPÐUS
©mk® Âøh¯ÎUPÄ®.
Answer any three questions out of four questions.
(3 × 10 = 30)

Q.No. £søhz uªÇ›ß A¯À|õmk Áõo£® SÔzx ÂÍUSP.

19 Explain the foreign trade that flourished among Ancient Tamils.

Q.No. uªÌ|õmiß \‰P¨ ö£õ¸Íõuõμ Áͺa]°À vμõÂh C¯UP[PÎß £[PΨ¤øÚ

20 ÂÁ›UP.
Describe the contribution of Dravidian movements to the socio-economic development
of Tamil Nadu.

Q.No. _u¢vμ¨ ÷£õμõmhzvÀ uªÇPzvß £[PΨ¦U SÔzx GÊxP.

21 Write about the contribution of Tamil Nadu in Freedom struggle.

Q.No. ö»‰›¯õÂÀ ÷uõßÔ¯ uªÌ BvUSiPÒ £ØÔ Áμ»õØÖ AÔbºPÒ TÖÁuøÚ

22 ÂÁ›zx GÊxP.
Describe and elucidate what historians say about the Tamil Primitives who
appeared in Lemuria.

GS1MIII/23 8
¤›Ä — B

SÔ¨¦ : i) JÆöÁõ¸ ÂÚõÂØS® 250 ö\õØPÐUS ªPõ©À Âøh¯ÎUPÄ®.
Note : Answer not exceeding 250 words each.
ii) JÆöÁõ¸ ÂÚõÂØS® £vøÚ¢x ©v¨ö£sPÒ.
Each question carries fifteen marks.
iii) öPõkUP¨£mkÒÍ |õßS ÂÚõUPÎÀ GøÁ÷¯Ý® ‰ßÖ ÂÚõUPÐUS
©mk® Âøh¯ÎUPÄ®.
Answer any three questions out of four questions.
(3 × 15 = 45)

Q.No. uPÁÀ öuõhº¤À FhP[PÎß ö\¯À£õkPÒ SÔzx ÂÍUSP.

23 Explain the functions of media in Communication.

Q.No. £zöuõߣuõ® ¡ØÓõsiÀ uªÇPzvß PÀ {ø»°À HØ£mh ©õØÓ[PøÍz

24 öuõSzxøμUP.
Summarize the changes in the educational status of Tamil Nadu during the
Nineteenth century.

Q.No. |õP›PzvØS® £s£õmiØS® ö£õ¸Íõuõμ÷© E°º |õi¯õP EÒÍx Gߣøua \[P

25 C»UQ¯[PÒ ÁÈ öÁΨ£kzxP.
Express through evidences from Sangam literature that economy is the vital
element of civilization and culture.

Q.No. \[P Põ»z uªÇºPÎß Cø\ ©μ¦PøÍa \[P C»UQ¯[PÒ ÁÈ öÁÎUöPõnºP.

26 Bring out the musical traditions of the Sangam Era Tamils with suitable evidences
from Sangam Literature.

9 GS1MIII/23
[v¸¨¦P/Turn over

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