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Slvajl Road, Haklmpara, PlO & Dlst. Jalpalgurl

(E-Procuiement) E-Tender (TwO COVER SYSTEM)

Memo No.....O.ft........../Po-DwJ/Bcw Dt.....9.L...1o112o24


tn reference to the e-NlT do 07 o12023-24lPOl8CWJAt, tX. 2G12-2023, following amendment(s) is hereby in terms of 8OQ & other tender conditions:

Sl. No. Particular(5) To be read as

7a. Bid specific OEM authorization from reputed

brands for all major components su€h as Solar
7. 8id specific OEM authorization from reputed
Panel, Lights etc.
brands for all ma.,or components such as solar
7b. Detailed product catalogue/brochure ror the all-
A) For Technical Panel, Lights etc.
Bid Folder 3
in-one solar street light luminaries mentioning the
detailed specification5 (as specified in the BOq).
13. OEM Wananty Certifi@te (as per NlTdause & tefms)duv signed
13. OEM warranty Certificate (as per NfT da6e & terms) by cornpeteit auttbrity. Fo.mat of Certificate b atl# in
annoor} ,F
Supply & fixin8 11W & 200lumensAllin one [ED lnterSrated Solar Supply & firing 11W & 2000lumensAllin one tED lntetrated Solar
skeet light suitable lor perfect sola r system solution forremote & street light sriitable for perfect solar system solution for remote &
ofl grid locatjons a5 wellas farm houses, Sardens and perks for off Erid locations es veellas farm houses, g.rdensand park for
pathway marking and community li8htin8. HousinS in Aluminium pathway marking and community liShtlng. Houlin8 in Aluminium
alloy body which makes it water & rust proof wath lP65 system alloy bodywhlch makes it water & n,st proofwith 1P65. System
wattage should not be lessthan 11w (+-5%)syrtem lumen wattaSeshould not be lers than 11 W (+/-5%)system lumen
efficiency should not be less than 175 lum€ns,A/vatt. 8ettery efflciency rhould not be less than 175 lumeos/watt. 8atlery
cheminry Lithium Ferro Phosphat€ (UFePo4)battery must be used. chemistry Lithlum F€rro Phosphate (UFePO4)b.ttery must be used.
8atery capacrty >256Wh, chargiog electronics integrated MPPT Battery capacity >255 Wh, charSin8 electronics inteSrated MPPT
chaBerwith driver charSer efficiency >90%- Drive. efficiency >90 chargerwilh drivercha.Ser efflciency >9096. Driv€r €fficiency > 90

2 BOQ ltem No. 6 %, LED burninS hourshould be > 50000 Hrs @ t 70,1P ratint 65, CCT %, LEO buminS hour should be > 50OO0 Hrs @ L 70, lP ratjng 65, CCI
(Colour Temperatrrre) 5700 X, CRI> 70. tuminarishould have in (Colour Temperature) 5700 X. Cfl > 70. lrminari should have in
buih PRI sensor, char8ins and discharSins l.tD indicator should be buih PRI sensor. .ha ryin8 and discharSing LED andicalor should b€
provided in Luminari input voltage 12 V OC/r, adjustable tilt angle provided ln Lumlnari lnput volta8e 12 V DClr, adjustable tiltanSle
should beG15 dee8. Solar cellefficiency min 12 %, polycrystalline, should b€ 0-15 dee8. Solar c€llefriclency mln 12 *, pokrystalline,
satetyofsolar p.n€lmodule |EC61730-1,2 & lEc 51215, lafety ofsolar panelmodule |tC51730"1,2 & lEc 61215,
Manufacturer should provide LM79/ tM80 repons correspondingto Manuf.durer should provide LM79/ LM80 reports corresponding to
the luminarie/ LtO chip along wath type test certificate warr€nty - 3 th€ luminarie/ l-EDchipalong with type teit certillcate warenty - 3
y€ars, warrentyagain5t manufacturinS defect from date ot tupply. yeart. war€nty against manufacturing defedfrom date ofsupply.
Lumminarie make: Philips BRP7lol,ED3oCwMRS1 12 v LFP ALO Philips 8RP710IED30CWMRS1 12 V tFP AtO
Solar Equlp in or equjvalent modelot Sajaj/Wipro/C & S. Solar Equlp ln or €qulvalent modelof g.jajlwipro/ C & S.

Period and
time for
F(om 21-12-2023 Time 10.00 Hours To 03-01-2024 Frcrn 21-12-2021 Time 10.00 Hours To 08-01-2024
3 download of Time 17.00 Hou15
Time 17.00 Hours
Date & Time of
Ftotn zL-!2-2o23 Time 10.00 Hours To 03"01-2024 From 21-12-2023 Time 10.00 Hours Io 08-01-2024
4 submission
Time 17.00 Hours Time 17.00 Hours
Bids :

Date &Time of
5 hard copies oI On 04-01-2024 From 11:00 Hours to 17:00 Hours On 09-01'2024 From 11:00 Hours to 17:00 Hou15

'c &'E' i
Date & Time
6 for opening : Date: 05-01'2024 Time 17.00 Hours oate: 10-01-2024 Time 17.00 Hours
Technical Bids

a"\ ,ttu
Project Officer cum lfareofricer
Bcw & TD, Jalpaiguri
naemo no......0{(a.')po-o*llr.* Dai(:....AA/otlzo24
Copy foawdrded for kind information and with the rcquest of wide circulation to the:
l) Ihe Sabhadhipati, ,a lpaiguri Zilla Parishad.
2) The Distrid Magistrate Jalpaiguri
3) The Additional District Matistrate(BCw & TO.), Jalpal8uri
4) The aDM & A€O, lalpaiguri Zilla parirhad, P.O. & Dlst. - JalpaiSuri
5-6) The Sub - oivisional officer, sadar/Mal sub-division, JalpaiSuri.
7) Oistrict Mana8er, SC & ST Development & Finanae Co.Poration, JalpaiSuri, P.O. & Dist. Jalpaiguri.
8) At5iitant labourCommissioner, JalpaiSuri, P.O & Datt. ,alpaiguri.
9) The DtO, Scientist E, Ntg Jalpaiguri P.O. & Dist. Jalpai8uri, he i5 requested to please up load the NtT in the Dist. Website.
10-18) Th e Bbck Development Officer, MaUKranti/Matiali/NaSrakata/BanarhaVDh upturi/Sadar/Rajgani/Mayna8uri Development Block.
l9) The Account Seation of this Establishment
20) Offi.e Notice Board
2l) Offi.e Copy
q1" ,o\'
Project Officer c um Di5trid Welfare Officer
BCw & TD,lalpaiguri.

D"oa , t
Format for OEM Wafiantv Certifcate

The Project Officer cum District Welfure Officer
Backward Classes welfare and Tribal Development

Sub: Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM) Certificate.

Ref: N.t.T.No.: 07 of 2023-?4/PO/gCw /JAL of the Project Officer cum District Welfare officer, BCW & TD, Jalpaiguri

Dear Sir,

(Name of the OEI\,1), address.............

(Address of factory/ Corporate Office), having examined the terms & conditions of the aforesaid Nll do hereby authorize

M/s ,.. (Name of bidder) ............... (Address of

the bidder) to submit a bid, negotiate and receive contract from you in respect of the NIT referred above.

We do hereby extend our full guarantee and warranty as per the terms & conditions of the aforesaid tender.

Date: - Signature of competent authority



fficial Stump:

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