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C.M 5.8.1 Define and enlist the methods of food fortification C.M 5.8.2 Describe and discuss
the importance of food fortification
2 C.M 5.8.3 What are food additives and what are their effects on health.
C.M 5.8.4 What are the effects of food adulteration?
3 C.M 7.1.1 Define Epidemiology and Describe the principles of Epidemiology
C.M 7.1.2 Discuss Epidemiological approach C.M 7.1.3 Enlist and discuss uses of Epidemiology
C.M 7.2.1 Describe and discuss the modes of transmission of a disease
6 C.M 7.3.1 Describe and discuss the sources of epidemiologicaldata C.M 7.4.1 Enlist and
define different mortality and morbidity indicators.
C.M 7.5.1 Classify various epidemiological study designs C.M 7.5.2Describe Descriptive
Epidemiology with suitable examples?
8 C.M 7.5.3 Discuss the steps involved in conducting case control study and what are the advantages and
disadvantages ofa case control study.
C.M 7.5.4 Discuss the steps involved in conducting Cohort study and what are the advantages
and disadvantages of a Cohort study.
10 C.M 7.5.5 Discuss the steps involved in conducting Randomizedcontrol trail and discuss non
randomized trail
11 C.M 7.6.1 Enlist differenttypes of screening anddiscuss the uses of screening tests C.M 7.6.2
Discuss the validity and reliability of a screening test.
12 C.M 7.8.1 Describe the principles of association in epidemiological studies and discuss
different criteria used to asses causation of a disease C.M 7.8.2 Define the term bias and
discuss different types of bias with suitable examples
13 C.M 7.9.1 Enlist different statistical software and demonstrate their use in analysis of data
14 C.M 11.1.1 Enumerate the various occupational illnesses. C.M 11.1.2 Describe the presenting
clinical features ofthe patients.C.M 11.1.3 Explain the treatment modality of mentioned
occupational illnesses.
15 C.M11.2.1 Role of employee's state insurance scheme correctly C.M 11.2.2 Describe the
benefits of employee's state insurance scheme correctly. C.M 11.2.3 Discuss the functioning of
employee's state insurance scheme correctly.
16 C.M 11.3.1 Enumerate the occupational hazards. C.M 11.3.2 Describe specific occupational health
hazards. C.M 11.3.3Enumerate the risk factors of occupational hazards. C.M 11.34 ADescribe the risk
factors of occupational hazards.C.M 134 BEnumerate the preventive measures of occupational
hazards. C.M 11.3.5 Describe the preventive measures of occupational hazards.
17 C.M 11.4.1 Describe the principles of ergonomics in health preservation.
18 C.M 11.5.1 describe the occupational disorders of health professionals. C.M 11.5.2 Discuss the
prevention and management of occupational disorders of health professionals.
19 CM 17.5. 1 (Outline the model of health care system)
20 CM 17.5.2 (Major sectors in health care systems)
21 CM 17.5.3 (Functions and responsibilities of ASHA and Anganwadi worker)
22 CM 17.5.4 (Responsibilities of Health Worker (Female)& Health Worker (Male)
CM 17.5.5 (Responsibilities of supervisory staff of primary health centre)
23 CM 17.5.7(IPHS standards of Community Health Centre)
24 CM 17.5.8 (IPHS standards of Primary Health Centre)
25 CM 17.5.9 (IPHS standards of Sub- Centre)
26 CM 17.5.6 (Responsibilities of Medical Officer of a PHC)
27 CM 4.1.1 (Define health education)
CM 4.1.2 (Contents for health education)
28 CM 4.1.3 (common methods and materials used for health education)
CM 4.1.4(Advantages of the methods for health education)
CM 4.1.5 (Limitations of the common method of health education)
29 CM 4.2.1l (principles of health promotion and education at individual and community community
CM 4.2.2 (General methods of health promotion and education at individual, family and
30 CM 4.2.3 (steps of conducting counselling at individual level)
CM 4.2.4 (Steps of planning ahealth education session effectively at individual and community settings
31 CM 4.3.1 Describe general steps in evaluation of health promotion and education programs
CM 4.3.2 Plan the methodology to conduct evaluation of health promotion and education programs with
CM 4.3.3 Demonstrate various elements or components of the evaluation
32 CM 6.1.1 What is Research Question and how do you approach to formulate aresearch question
33 CM 6.2.1 What are the Principles of Statistical data CM6.2.2 Methods of collection, classification
analysis interpretation and presentation of statistical data
34 CM 6.3.1 Describe, discuss and demonstrate the application of Elementary statistical methods
35 CM 6.3.2 Enlist tests of Significance and Discuss howthey are used in various study designs
36 CM6.4.1 What is sampling and Discuss different types of sampling technique?
37 C.M 6.4.2 what is frequency distribution and discuss about it with the help of histogram?
38 C.M 6.4.3 Describe measures of central tendency and measures of dispersion?
39 C.M 9.1.1 Definition & Demographic cycle
C.M9.1.2 Vital statistics: .World & India demographic trends
40 C.M 9.3.1 to Enumerate and describe the causes of declining sex ratio
C.M 9.3.2 describe the declining sex ratio and its social and health implications
41 C.M 9.4.1 Enumerate and describe the causes of population explosion and population dynamics of India
C.M 9.4.2 enumerate and describe the consequences of population explosion and population dynamics of
42 C.M 9.6.1 Describe the National Population Policy
43 C.M 9.7.1 Census, Registration of vital events, SRS, Notification of Diseaase C.M 9.7.2 Hospital records,
Disease registers, Record linkage
44 C.M 9.7.3 Epidemiological surveillance, Environmental health data, Health manpower statistics,
Population surveys
45 C.M 10.2.2 Describe the methods of screening NCDs &Cancers
46 C.M 10.5.IDescribe the various components of universal immunization programme, goals &objectives,
target groups and recently introduced the vaccines in the programme.
47 C.M 10.5.2 Describe the essential components of integrated management of neonatal and childhood
illnesses (IMNCI), goals, training &innovations and color-coded treatment strategy.
48 C.M 10.5.3 Enumerate and describe in brief other programmes. i.e. Janani-Shishu Suraksha Karyakram
(JSSK), Janani Suraksha Yojana (JSY) Navjat Shishu Suraksha Karyakram(NSSK) (Part-A)
49 C.M 10.5.3 Enumerate and describe in brief other programmes. i.e.Rashtriya Bal Swasthya Karyakram
(RBSK) Adolescent Health Programme India Newborn Action Plan (INAP).(Part-B)
50 C.M 10.7.1Describe the basis, principles and different components of family welfare programme
51 C.M 10.7.2 Enumerate the technical and operational components of family welfare programme. (i.e.
training, research, infrastructure development, transport etc )
52 C.M 12.1.1Define geriatric age group correctly. C.M 12,1.2 Describe the concept of geriatric services
53 C.M 14.1.I Define& Classify hospital waste.C.M 14.2.1 Describe various methods of treatment of
hospital waste and its disposal of hospital waste
54 C.M 14.2.2 Describe the Bio-Medical waste management in India. C.M 14.2.3 Describe the colour coded
system in Hospital waste (Types of bags and container used)
C.M 14.2.4 What is the Bio-Hazard label for bio-medical waste containers? C.M 14.3.1Describe laws
related to hospital waste management
55 C.M 16.1.1 Define planning C.M 16.1.2 Describe the concept of health planningC.M 16.2.1Describe
planning cycle
56 C.M 16.3. 1 Define Health management C.M 16.3.2 Describe the quantitative management methods C.M
16.3.3 Describe the management methods based on behavioural Sciences
57 C.M 16.4.1Describe the various committees of healthplanning in India.
58 C.M 16.4.3 what is planning commission C.M 16.4.4Explain the role planningcommission in health
C.M 16.4.SWhat is NITTI Aayog and its role in planning.

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