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Dear students my future leaders,

Attached please find the document needed for the Assignment 1.

A) On page 60 you will find table 3.1. The demand for energy bars. - overall 14 graphs

1. Choose your example of a good or service other than Energy bar (you can consistently use the same
good/service throughout the exercise or you can change the good).
2. Your task is to draw 2 graphs for Law of demand - movement along the curve (do use the arrows and explain
the effect of the change in price on the change of the quantity demanded as we did during the class time).
Write down one sentence under each graph explaining the effect of the (change in the price on the quantity
demanded) that applies to the good or service other than Energy bar.
For example. If the price of Panamera decreases Quantity demanded of Panamera increases.
3. Draw 6 graphs for each factor that causes the increase in demand - and explain the effect of each factor
separately in one sentence. For example.
If there is a rise in population there will be an increase in the demand for Panamera's.
4. Draw 6 graphs for the decrease in the demand - and explain each graph example in one sentence.
For example: If the income rises people would buy more Panamera's.
B) On the page 73 of the document you will find 9 different graphs.
Your task is to use a personal example for all nine graphs, and to apply it to the product/company of your interest. The
submission should consist of 9 graphs and applicable sentences (2 per each graph one for demand shift, one for
supply) explaining in the written form the factors that caused the shift of the curve (Supply or Demand or both) and
the effect on the price increase/decrease/we cannot detect (??)

Across the B part of the exercise you should change the factors causing the shift of the curves (Supply and Demand)
this way you will end up learning all of them and that is my goal.

You can work in pairs or individually but submission should be timely and individual in order for you to earn points.
Late submissions 50% of the points (2.5 points).

If you work in pairs, you should have two examples for each graph you draw, do write both names on the top of the
submission paper and do submit the document individually.

As far as the curves are concerned draw them by hand, write the sentences by hand and once your name/names are
on the assignment upload the word document or the photo, scan, pdf in the assignment 1 folder.

Due date is October 3rd at 23:59.

If you have any questions, I will answer them during our next class or by e-mail. You are not sure if your HW is good
enough, send me the copy before the submission on my e-mail and I will let you know.

Grading structure:

accuracy and preciseness of graphs (arrows) and given variables 40%

accuracy of given examples 50%

overall impression creativity and organization of the assignment 10%

See you soon.


Dr. Jasminka

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