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LER 426


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 Download a finalized copy of each component of your team project to keep as a backup copy .


This project focuses on providing simulated real-life experience in talent management as you work within your
assigned team to simulate all phases of the talent management lifecycle over a period of several weeks during
the semester.

Not only will you sharpen your mastery of each content area, but you will also be required to strengthen the
communication skills necessary for organizational group work in a virtual environment, and you will be
required to master the use of Web-based collaborative technology for the creation of documents to be used
throughout the project. The combination of these three skills, content mastery, communication, and the
collaborative creation of relevant project documentation can help to increase your efficiency and effectiveness
as a leader or team member in the talent management lifecycle.

Review the information on working in teams provided within your lesson assignments to streamline the project
process. You will be required to fill out a peer evaluation survey on each of your teammates and yourself after
each segment of the project and your instructor will review the results and incorporate them when grading.
Your personal contribution to each segment of the project will be reflected in your grade. In this project, as in
the workforce, it is critical for each member of the team to communicate regularly with teammates and
contribute to the best of their ability.

Project Description

Each team will be assigned to represent a unique organization. Each team will be tasked to collectively assume
the role of the talent manager for your assigned organization and to apply the concepts presented within the
lessons, culminating with submission of the finalized group project and an individual reflective paper.

 See your course Syllabus for details on when each segment of this project is due.
 Additional details and resources for each segment of this project are located within the lesson

Roles and Responsibilities

Acting as the talent manager within the organization development and capability function, each team will
focus on developing practical strategies to attract, develop, and retain an HR manager (also referred to as HR
business partner, HR generalist).


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The course materials include the following prepared documents (linked from within your lesson assignments)
that you may use as a reference as you customize and/or build each component for your assigned organization.
Please feel free to adjust the templates provided - add, remove, reconfigure details, etc. to best suit the
needs of your assigned organization.

1. Job Profile Template, HR Manager (1 document)

2. Sourcing Strategy ; Analysis of Sourcing Strategy ; Employer Brand Analysis (1 document for all three
3. Interview Guide (1 document )
4. Ideal Candidate Résumé and Offer Letter (1 document for two outputs)
5. Individual Development Plan (1 document)
6. Career Development Plan (1 document)
7. Summary Document (1 document)

Assignment Summary

I. Team Selection

For the first activity in this project, you'll be asked to rank the following organizations according to your
interest level. Your responses will be taken into account as the instructor assigns students to teams, and
every effort will be made to accommodate your preference. To rank the organizations, complete the survey
found at the end of Lesson 02.

Team Organization Position to be Filled

1 Unilever HR Manager, Plant Locations
2 Starbucks HR Manager, Partner Resources
3 St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital HR Manager, Medical Staff
4 Google HR Manager, Technical Staff (Engineering,
Infrastructure and/or Product)
5 Zappos HR Manager, Fulfillment Center

II. Job Profile (Segment 1 of the Project)

Working as a team, you will review the job specifications as outlined in the Sample HR Manager Position
Description and use the blank template to create the job profile to meet the requirements of your team’s
assigned organization. Each team member is expected to collect details specific to the team's assigned
organization through Internet research or other informal research on the company, for instance, a
discussion with current or former employees of the team’s organization, those in the same role at similar
organizations, and/or others with personal experience.

Once discussed within each team, a Final Job Profile specific to your assigned organization will be agreed
upon, finalized, and your instructor will review the team's work shortly after the due date of the
assignment and enter the combination of the team grade and each team member's individual grade in the
gradebook. Save a copy of the finalized assignment for your personal reference by downloading it to your
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Make sure to complete the Segment 1 Peer Evaluation Survey for this segment of the project (linked from
within the lesson assignment area of your course Web site).

III. Sourcing Strategy and Analysis; Employer Brand (Segment 2 of the Project)
Working as a team, you will create a Sourcing Strategy to fill the role of HR Manager for your team's
assigned organization. The following must be included in the strategy:

 Outline the parameters that the team agrees important for the profile organization to focus on in the
sourcing strategy (i.e., cost, speed, culture, etc.)
 Include specific sourcing strategies with internal and external sources (i.e., employee referral, internal
job posting, job boards, Internet searches, diversity sources, social media sources, professional
associations, etc.)
 Create an analysis of the proposed sourcing strategy including a review of the rationale of the plan,
background of the proposed elements within the plan and their importance to the organization and
evaluation of the effectiveness of the proposed strategy.

For instance, if the team decides that for their organization filling the job faster and cheaper is most
important to them, then their sourcing strategy will reflect this focus. Likewise, if an organization’s focus is
more about "fit" within their corporate culture, the sourcing strategy will reflect this focus. In the
evaluation, the team will discuss whether they view these parameters as important and propose
alternatives, if applicable.

In addition to the Sourcing Strategy, each team will also review the current Employer Brand of the profile
company as outlined below:

 Based upon research conducted by each of the team members, the team will evaluate the current
employer brand for your assigned organization and provide an analysis on how well the company
presents its employer brand to prospective hires and, if applicable, suggest improvements in order
to attract talent to this organization.

Once discussed within each team, a Final Sourcing Strategy Spreadsheet specific to your assigned
organization, an Analysis of the Sourcing Strategy, and an Analysis of Employer Brand will be agreed
upon and finalized. Your instructor will review the team's work shortly after the due date of the
assignment and enter the combination of the team grade and each team member's individual grade in
the gradebook. Save a copy of the components of the finalized assignment for your personal reference
by downloading them to your computer.

Make sure to complete the Segment 2 Peer Evaluation Survey for this segment of the project (linked
from within the lesson assignment area of your course Web site).

IV. Interview Guide (Segment 3 of the Project)

You will create an Interview Guide for the HR Manager role for your organization using the document
provided as a guide. Specify the type of interview protocol that will be used in this recruit (i.e., phone
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screening interview, panel interview, 1:1 interviews, etc.). Include questions to be used and specify
members’ titles from the assigned organization who would be involved in the process. In your document,
include any testing and/or assessments that may be used in this process.

Once discussed within each team, a Final Interview Guide specific to your assigned organization will be
agreed upon and finalized. Your instructor will review the team's work shortly after the due date of the
assignment and enter the combination of the team grade and each team member's individual grade in the
gradebook. Save a copy of the finalized assignment for your personal reference by downloading it to your

Make sure to complete the Segment 3 Peer Evaluation Survey for this segment of the project.

V. Ideal Candidate Profile Résumé/Offer Letter (Segment 4 of the Project)

Using the Job Profile the team created earlier, you will create the Ideal Candidate Profile Résumé of the
candidate to whom you will offer this role, including an overview of education, work experience, skills, etc.
To assist in creating the candidate profile, the team may refer to profiles listed on LinkedIn
(, or other online sources, personal
experience, research, etc. Due to privacy considerations, real names and exact experiences should be
modified by the team before finalizing the Ideal Candidate Profile Résumé. Note: You will refer back to
this Ideal Candidate Profile Résumé later in the project when you create the Individual Development Plan
and Career Plan.

Based on the Ideal Candidate Profile Résumé, you will create an offer of employment utilizing the Offer
Letter Template provided as a guide and tailor the offer to your assigned organization based on your
research and understanding of the organization culture. Through your research, include specific financial
detail, including base salary, bonus, sign-on, relocation benefits, etc., to be offered in an effort to entice the
candidate to join the organization (or to remain with the organization if it is an internal candidate). Include
any contingencies required for the offer to be fulfilled (i.e., drug screen, background check, etc.).

Once discussed within each team, a Final Ideal Candidate Profile Résumé specific to your assigned
organization, an Offer Letter will be agreed upon and finalized. Your instructor will review the team's work
shortly after the due date of the assignment and enter the combination of the team grade and each team
member's individual grade in the gradebook. Save a copy of the components of the finalized assignment
for your personal reference by downloading them to your computer.

Make sure to complete the Segment 4 Peer Evaluation Survey for this segment of the project (linked from
within the lesson assignment area of your course Web site).

VI. Individual Development Plan (Segment 5 of the Project)


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In the spirit of continuous improvement and ongoing development within this simulation, after
"onboarding" the newly hired HR Manager for your organization, an Individual Development Plan (IDP)
will be required. Referring back to the individual’s Ideal Candidate Profile Résumé, the team will assess
gaps and create a robust IDP utilizing the IDP document as a guide. The IDP consists of two important

PART ONE – Short-term focus, this section of the IDP requires your team to identify areas for development
and related actions that will improve the HR Manager’s effectiveness in his/her current role. This includes
identifying development areas and activities that begin six months following date of hire through 18
months on the job. This section of the IDP should focus on developing ONE of the three skills:
communication, teamwork, or leadership, as agreed upon by the team, plus TWO additional areas that the
team members agree are important for the success of the individual in this role based on the gaps in
experience and skills in the Ideal Candidate Profile Résumé and as noted in the Job Profile created earlier.
The IDP should be based on your research of the profile organization and the teams’ perception of how the
organization embraces and perceives development of their employees.

It’s important to remember that the candidate will already have skills and experiences prior to joining your
organization. A good IDP addresses the development needs of the individual as related to the role.

In creating the IDP, some development actions worth your consideration are as follows:
 Mentorship
 Coaching
 On-The-Job Development (experiences, projects)
 Exposure to different parts of the business or executive leaders

PART TWO – Long-term career focus, in order to provide the proper context for your HR Manager’s career
development, this section of the IDP requires your team to identify potential future roles that may
represent a logical career progression for the HR Manager. In this section of the IDP, your team will identify
potential future role(s) the HR Manager might expect to progress into as they grow their career with the
assigned organization. Similar to PART ONE, The Ideal Candidate Profile Résumé created earlier should be
referred to in creating the career path plan. Using the IDP document as a guide, you will outline the career
path for the HR Manager including skills and competencies required for future career growth and
development opportunities in order to realize their personal career mission goals.
Additionally, the plan should include suggestions on how the HR Manager should take responsibility for
managing their career within the organization and what that might include.
Examples of development mechanisms include:
 Job rotation
 Membership on a special company-wide or function specific task force or project
 Project lead
 Internal/external volunteer work for specific career development purposes

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Suggestion: Review the template section of the blog (, specifically, the
professional development strategy template within the templates section, to promote insight into this
planning process. Type into the Search box: Professional Development Strategy Template and it should
provide you with the following two links (or simply cut and paste the link(s) below into your browser URL
box) -

Once discussed within each team, a Final Individual Development Plan specific to your assigned
organization will be agreed upon and finalized. Your instructor will review the team's work shortly after the
due date of the assignment and enter the combination of the team grade and each team member's
individual grade in the gradebook. Save a copy of the finalized assignment for your personal reference by
downloading them to your computer.

Make sure to complete the Segment 5 Peer Evaluation Survey for this segment of the project (linked from
within the lesson assignment area of your course Web site).

VII. Final Group Project (Segment 6 of the Project)

Using the provided document template, your team will create a Summary document outlining the practical
strategies employed by the team to attract, develop, and retain the HR Manager for your organization. Your
document should include the following sections:
 Overview of Profile Organization: Brief overview of your assigned organization, how talent is viewed by
the organization, company culture, and specific key facts that the HR Manager should be aware of and
know about the organization in order to effectively deliver the talent management lifecycle
 Overview of the Talent Acquisition Process: Brief overview of the key factors from assignments II - V
 Overview of the Employee Development Process: Brief overview of the key factors from assignments
VI and VII
 Talent Management Summary and Recommendations: Summary of your team perceptions of how
well the profile organization excels in the area of talent management and suggestions for improvement
 Appendix: Include all group project items submitted throughout the semester in support of your
overview sections above
 For the final submission of all components of this project, follow the directions below:
o If you haven't already, download one copy of EACH project component to your computer.
o Combine your documents into ONE PDF file.
o Upload your PDF file to the Talent Management Simulation Project Final Submission Drop Box
linked from within the lesson assignment.

Make sure to complete the Final Group Project Peer Evaluation for this segment of the project (linked
from within the lesson assignment area of your course Web site).

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Once the instructor reviews and grades the Lesson 15 Final Papers, they will be available for you to
view in the Lesson 15 Final Paper Drop Box. In an effort to further your learning, retrieval and review
of these documents is encouraged.

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