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Food Chemistry Advances 2 (2023) 100190

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Thermal treatment in combination with laminated packaging under

modified atmosphere enhances the shelf life of pearl millet flour
P.G. Padmaja∗, A. Kalaisekar, R. Venkateswarlu, S. Shwetha, B. Dayakar Rao, V.A. Tonapi
ICAR-Indian Institute of Millets Research, Rajendranagar, Hyderabad, Telangana 500030, India

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Keywords: Pearl millet grain is storable for months without development of rancidity, while milled flour has very short shelf
Pearl millet life of 5 to 7 days due to high fat content and lipolytic action of enzymes. Apart from enzymatic degradation
Packaging of lipids and c-glycosyl flavones, oxygen present in air promotes oxidation of free fatty acids (FFA) leading to
production of peroxides which impart off flavours and bitterness. To control both enzymatic and oxidative effects,
Shelf life
implementation of an integrated approach of thermal treatment, efficient packaging, and modified atmosphere
was used for shelf life extension. Heat treatment of grains at 150 °C for 30 min before milling and storage of
flour in laminated pouches under nitrogen atmosphere was found to extend shelf life by 60 days compared to
untreated samples by decreasing FFA value by 10–15 fold and peroxide value by 2 fold. Genotype, thermal
treatment, packaging material and atmosphere were found to be significantly different for rancidity parameters.

1. Introduction oxidation in the presence of oxygen and moisture resulting in undesir-

able flavuor. Lipase activity is relatively high in pearl millet compared
Pearl millet (Pennisetum glaucum (L.) R. Br.) is a grass cultivated in to most of the cereal grains (Galliard, 1999). Apart from lipases, per-
tropical countries. Grain is used as food for human consumption, green oxidases (Reddy et al., 1986) and polyphenol oxidase (PPO) are also
fodder and dry stover as feed for livestock in India, Africa and South involved in deterioration of flour quality. Milling of pearl millet grains
Asia. It occupies 30 million ha worldwide (Raheem et al., 2021). More into flour brings enzymes into contact with their substrates. Under high
than 90 million people are dependent for nutritional and livelihood se- moisture and oxygen, the products of enzymatic reaction give rise to off
curity in African and Asian countries (Serba et al., 2020). In India, after odours and bitter taste. Oxidative rancidity results in hydroperoxides
rice and wheat, it is the most important food crop in area and produc- which subsequently breakdown to produce volatile compounds with
tion. It is cultivated in an area of 6.93 million ha with an average pro- rancid odor. Apart from lipolytic enzymes, peroxidases release pheno-
duction of 8.61 million tones and productivity of 1243 kg/ha in India lic aglycones from c-glycosyl flavones producing bitter taste (Eskin &
(Directorate of Millets Development, 2020). Przybylski, 2001). Bitter tasting compounds are produced by polyphe-
Pearl millet grain contains 13.6% crude protein, 5–7% fat and 63.2% nol oxidase (PPO) through enzymatic browning reaction. This short shelf
starch (Goswami et al., 2020). It is rich in iron and zinc compared to life of flour is the major hurdle for its utilization in food industry and
sorghum, wheat, rice and maize (Longvah et al., 2017). Pearl millet is domestic consumption. The shelf life of pearl millet flour was improved
used to prepare traditional fermented porridges. Malted grain is used for by pearling (Malviya, 2015), fermentation (Chinenye et al., 2017), de-
brewing traditional wines and beers in Africa. In Cameroon, gruels and fatting (Kapoor & Kapoor, 1990), use of antioxidants (Abdalgader et al.,
steamed cakes are used for feeding infants and children. Malted pearl 2019), and heat treatments to control oxidation of fat. Dry heat treat-
millet in combination with legumes is used for preparing weaning foods ment in hot air oven at 100 °C for 10 min to 2 h (Arora et al., 2002;
(Gomez & Gupta, 2003). Kadlag et al., 1995; Patel & Parameswaran, 1992) was reported to ex-
Despite its nutrient profile, limited use of flour is due to its poor tend shelf life of flour by 21- 28 days. Similarly, blanching of pearl millet
keeping quality. Pearl millet flour is rich in fat and comprises of 74% grains at 98 °C for 10 to 20 s (Kadlag et al., 1995) or microwave treat-
unsaturated fatty acids (oleic, linoleic and linolenic) in its fatty acid pro- ment of grains at 18–20% moisture for 80–90 s reaching a final tem-
file (Nantanga, 2006). Lipolytic enzymes are concentrated in the aleu- perature of 107.6–110 °C (Mohajerkhorasani et al., 2019; Yadav et al.,
rone layer, pericarp and germ. The lipases are very active leading to 2012a) could extend shelf life of pearl millet flour by 30 days. These
release of free fatty acids. The released unsaturated fatty acids undergo treatments were applied to control enzymatic degradation while ox-

Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (P.G. Padmaja).
Received 29 May 2022; Received in revised form 2 January 2023; Accepted 12 January 2023
2772-753X/© 2023 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license
P.G. Padmaja, A. Kalaisekar, R. Venkateswarlu et al. Food Chemistry Advances 2 (2023) 100190

idative rancidity is also an important contributing factor for spoilage 2.2.4. Modified atmosphere packaging (MAP)
of pearl millet flour. Oxidative rancidity can be controlled by remov- Nitrogen (N2 ) gas was applied to packaged flour to alter the atmo-
ing oxygen surrounding the product and refilling with inert gas like sphere surrounding the flour and stored in different packaging mate-
nitrogen. This method is referred as modified atmosphere packaging rials viz., LDPE, HDPE and Laminated pouches along with control in
(Hintlian & Hotchkiss, 1986). Nitrogen (N2 ) apart from being inert, has three replications. Keeping quality of the flour was analysed at different
low solubility in water and prevents the growth of aerobic microorgan- storage intervals.
isms (Mullan & McDowell, 2011). The stability of modified atmosphere
inside the packaging material is dependent on its gas transmission rate. 2.2.5. Combination treatments
Storage of flour in sealed HDPE package was found to prevent gener- Thermal treatment, packaging and modified atmosphere individu-
ation of free radicals and proliferation of microbes thereby prolonging ally and in combinations was used to extend the shelf life of pearl mil-
the shelf life (Ogori et al., 2013; Varsha & Narayanan, 2017). The efforts let flour. The combination treatments are HDPE with Thermal treat-
to study the development of rancidity in pearl millet flour were focused ment (HDPE_Th), HDPE with N2 (HDPE _N), HDPE with Thermal treat-
on individual techniques by earlier researchers. In the present study, we ment and N2 (HDPE_Th_N), LDPE with N2 (LDPE_N), LDPE with Th
applied a simple and integrated approach to control both enzymatic and (LDPE_Th), LDPE with Th and N2 (LDPE_Th_N), Lamination with N2
oxidative rancidity for extending shelf life of pearl millet flour. A com- (Lmn_N), Lamination with Th (Lmn_Th), Lamination with Th and N2
bination of thermal treatment of pearl millet grains and packaging the (Lmn_Th_N).
flour in metalized laminated pouches under nitrogen atmosphere has The stored flour of pearl millet genotypes was analyzed at different
extended the shelf life by two months. storage intervals viz., 7, 15, 30, 45 and 60 days. Keeping quality of
millets flour was evaluated using alcoholic acidity, free fatty acid value,
2. Materials and methods peroxide value and lipase activity.

2.1. Pearl millet grains 2.3. Alcoholic acidity

Four kilograms of pearl millet whole grains of three genotypes HHB Alcoholic acidity (AA) was determined immediately after sample ex-
67, MPMH 21 and Dhanshakthi were obtained from Seed Science depart- traction using standard method (IS 12711, 1989). Around 5 g of flour
ment of ICAR - Indian Institute of Millets Research, Hyderabad, India. sample was incubated with 50 mL of neutral ethyl alcohol for 24 h with
These grain samples were harvested during September, 2019 and were occasional stirring. Alcoholic extract was filtered through Whatmann
stored in cloth bags. No.1 filter paper. A portion of the extract (10 mL) was titrated with
standardized sodium hydroxide solution (0.05 molL−1 ) using phenolph-
2.2. Treatments
thalein as indicator. A blank was run in parallel and subtracted from the
samples. Alcoholic acidity was expressed as grams of H2 SO4 per 100 g
2.2.1. Refrigeration (Refn)
of dry sample.
Shelf life of millet flour was determined at different storage intervals
(7, 15, 30, 45 and 60 days) under room temperature (27 °C) and at
2.4. Peroxide value
refrigeration (4 °C).

2.2.2. Thermal treatment (Th) Sample extraction was performed using modified method of
The grain sample was divided into two portions of about 2 kg each. Hare and Radin (1978). Around 4 g of pearl millet flour was mixed
One portion was spread on glass petriplates and placed in a hot air with 20 mL of hexane: isopropanol (3:2 v/v) in a glass tube and rotated
oven set to 150 °C and heated for 30 min. Another untreated por- for 10 min at room temperature (27 °C). The mixture was allowed to
tion was used as control. This time and temperature combination was settle at 4 °C in dark and the supernatant was decanted into a 50 mL
found to be organoleptically acceptable from various time and tem- glass centrifuge tube. To this 10 mL of 6.7% (w/v) sodium sulfate was
perature combinations tested. To standardize the temperature, initially added and inverted several times. This was subjected to centrifugation
grains were treated for 10, 20 and 30 min at 175 °C. Lipase activity at 1238X g for 10 min at 4 °C. The supernatant was transferred into a
was found to decrease significantly at 30 min (0.90 U/g) compared glass test tube and the solvent was evaporated under nitrogen (Rapid
to 10 (7.32 U/g) & 20 min (1.92 U/g). However, the grains were not Mini, Crescent Scientific, India) to get oil residue.
organoleptically acceptable. Hence, temperatures of 50, 100, 150 were Peroxide value (PV) was determined as per AOCS Cd 8b; 90, 2011.
tested for 30 min and found that lipase activity was least at 150 °C and The extracted oil was dissolved in 30 mL of acetic acid: isooctane (93:2)
grains were organoleptically acceptable (unpublished data). Based on in a flask. While swirling the flask, 0.5 mL of saturated solution of potas-
this trial, the combination of 150 °C for 30 min was chosen for further sium iodide was added and swirling continued for one minute. The re-
experiments. Each treatment was replicated thrice. The samples were leased iodine was titrated using 0.01 molL−1 standardized sodium thio-
ground to flour using a cyclone sample mill (Retsch, Germany) fitted sulphate solution using starch as an indicator and titration was contin-
with 0.1 mm screen. Appropriate amounts of flour from the two treat- ued until the blue color disappeared indicating the end point. Peroxide
ments were divided into fresh and stored flours. Stored flour was sealed value was expressed as milliequivalents of peroxide/kg sample.
in different packaging materials and stored under ambient conditions
for two months of storage. 2.5. Free fatty acid value (FFA)

2.2.3. Packaging materials Free fatty acid value was quantified as described by Kwon and
Flour of pearl millet samples was stored in different packaging Rhee (1986). Pearl millet flour of 1.5 g was extracted twice with 15 mL
materials viz., LDPE (low density polyethylene), HDPE (high density of hexane. The pooled extracts were evaporated under nitrogen at 40 °C
polyethylene) and metalized laminated pouches (Lmn) along with con- (Rapid Mini, Crescent Scientific, India). The residue was dissolved in
trol (zip-lock polyethylene pouches) in three replications. The nitro- 5 mL of isooctane. To the mixture 1 mL of 5% (w/v) cupric acetate (pH
gen gas permeability of laminated and HDPE pouches was 3.85 and adjusted to 6.1 with pyridine) was added and shaken vigourously for
60.72 cm3 /m2 .24 h.0.1 MPa respectively. However, gas permeability 1 min. The tubes were centrifuged at 1000X g for 1 min. The absorbance
determination for LDPE packaging failed due to very high permeability. of sample was read at 750 nm and compared with the absorbance of oleic
Keeping quality of the flour was analysed at different storage intervals acid standard solution prepared in isooctane (1–10 mmolL−1 ). FFA value
(7, 15, 30, 45 and 60 days). was expressed as μEq/1.5 g sample.

P.G. Padmaja, A. Kalaisekar, R. Venkateswarlu et al. Food Chemistry Advances 2 (2023) 100190

2.6. Lipase activity assay in the results section. The results of sub-sub-plot design are useful in ex-
plaining the following three levels of comparisons of test factors.
The flour of three genotypes was defatted in petriplates with hexane The results of sub-sub-plot design are useful in explaining the fol-
(1:10 w/v, three times) for 30 min on an orbital shaker at 140 rpm. lowing effects,
Residual hexane was removed by evaporation for 10 min at room tem-
(i) ANOVA to test if the statistical significance in genotype, treatments,
perature. One gram of the defatted flour was taken into two test tubes.
and in storage time periods. Similarly, interaction effects between
Olive oil and distilled water were added to both tubes and mixed thor-
genotype, treatment, and storage time periods on response variables
oughly. The lipids from the blank were extracted immediately. About
(rancidity parameters viz., FFA, AA, PV and LA) were also tested.
5 mL of hexane was added into the tube and vortexed and then cen-
(ii) Then, ANOVA for two-factor (treatment and storage time period) ef-
trifuged at 1000X g for 3 min. The supernatent was decanted into a
fects within each genotypes were analysed to see if treatments and
30 mL glass test tube and the process was repeated two times. The hex-
storage time periods were significant within each of three pearl mil-
ane extracts were pooled and evaporated under nitrogen at 40 °C (Rapid
let genotypes.
Mini, Crescent Scientific, India). The residue was dissolved in 4.0 mL of
(iii) Effect of each genotype, each treatment and that of each storage
isooctane. The other test tube was incubated for 4 h at 40 °C. Lipids were
time period on rancidity parameters are explained and presented in
extracted as described for the blank. Free fatty acids were quantified as
graphical form. This explains how the effect of each component of
per Kwon and Rhee (1986). The tubes were centrifuged at 1000X g for
test factors varies.
1 min and the absorbance at 715 nm was taken in a spectrophotome-
ter. The absorbance of the sample was compared with the absorbance of
oleic acid standards prepared in isooctane (1–10 mmolL−1 ). Lipase ac- 2.7.2. Important contributing factors (rancidity parameters) to the
tivity (LA) was expressed as units/gram (U/g), where 1.0 U was defined variability of treatments, storage periods, and genotypes
as the micromoles of fatty acid liberated per hour (Eq. (1)). The role of rancidity parameters (response variables) viz., AA, FFA,
[ ] LA, and PV, in creating variability among WP, SP and SSP factors was
Lipase act ivit y = 1000 (4 + v)(Af − Ai)∕𝜖 tls (1) analysed with principal component analysis (PCA) biplot projections us-
Where 1000 = conversion factor from mol/L to μEq/mL ing R package ‘factoextra’. Most important treatments which could be
relied upon for improving shelflife of pearl millet flour during storage
4 = volume of isooctane used to dissolve fat (mL) were identified using supervised k-means clustering of treatments into
v = volume of olive oil added (mL) three clusters with linear projection of response variables. The treat-
Af = absorbance of sample after incubation at 715 nm ments were clustered using principal component 1 (PC1) and principal
Ai = absorbance of blank after incubation at 715 nm component 2 (PC2).
€ = molar absorptivity of oleic acid at 715 nm (M−1 .cm−1 ) - value PCA analyses results are presented in graphical form for the three test
t= incubation time (h) factors along with linear projections of rancidity parameter variables.
l = path length (1 cm for a standard cuvette) and The genotypes, treatments, and storage periods are grouped in a biplot
s= sample weight (g) using first two principal component (PC) dimensions. The biplots thus
created explain the amount of variability in two PC dimensions. The
2.6.1. Optimization of conditions linear projections of variables show the role of rancidity parameters in
Lipase assay conditions were optimized using HHB 67 flour to yield the biplot groupings of test factors.
maximum lipase activity. The quantity of olive oil and water varied be-
tween 0.2 to 2.0 mL and 0.05 to 0.25 mL respectively. Incubation tem- 2.7.3. Important treatments that are useful to increase the shelflife of pearl
perature varied between 20 and 60 °C and incubation time ranged from millet flour
4 to 24 h. Lipase activity was maximum between 0.4 and 0.8 mL of oil K-means clustering of treatments on a plot of PC1 and PC2 explains
per gram of defatted sample (provided as supplementary data). Opti- the most useful treatments in improving storability of millet flour. The
mal water concentration was found to be from 0.10 to 0.15 mL per g of graphical visualization of k-means clustering with linear projections was
defatted sample. The optimal temperature for incubation was 40 °C. produced using Python-Orange 3 (Demsar et al., 2013).

2.7. Statistical analysis 3. Results and discussion

2.7.1. Effects of treatment, storage period and genotype on rancidity Overall effects of genotype, treatments and storage periods on ran-
parameters in pearl millet flour cidity parameters (alcoholic acidity, free fatty acid value, lipase activity
A sub-sub-plot experimental design was framed based on the proce- and peroxide value) are presented.
dure explained by Altman and Krzywinski (2015) for laboratory con-
ditions. As per the requirements of the experimental design, we main- 3.1. Effects of treatment, storage period and genotype on rancidity
tained two lots of pearl millet flour as blocking units, three genotypes of parameters (FFA, AA, PV, and LA) in pearl millet flour
pearl millet as whole plot (WP) factors, 15 treatments as sub plot (SP)
factors, and time-period intervals (0, 7, 15, 30, 45 and 60 days) as sub- The intervention measures in terms of treatments, storage period and
sub plot (SSP) factors. Therefore, in this experimental design, flour of genotypes to increase the shelf life of pearl millet flour were tested for
each genotype was subjected to 15 treatments, and in turn each treat- their effect on rancidity parameters. All the factors showed individual
ment was observed for four important rancidity parameters at six differ- as well as interaction effects significant with all response variables (ran-
ent periods of storage. The details are given as supplementary material cidity parameters).
in tabular form.
For the statistical analysis, we used R package ‘agricolae’ for sub-sub- 3.1.1. Effect on free fatty acid value (FFA)
plot data to test the significance among all three levels of plot factors. FFA measures the release of free fatty acids from triacylglycerols due
The significance levels were compared using interquartile ranges of the to action of lipolytic enzymes released during the process of milling. FFA
data. Unlike means of observations, interquartile ranges of data sets are undergoes oxidation leading to formation of peroxides. Peroxides impart
not affected by outliers. Therefore, interquartile ranges of response vari- off-flavours and bitterness to the flour.
ables were used for comparing plot factors. The results of the compar- Overall effect of treatment, storage period and genotype on FFA
isons of interquartile ranges were presented as graphical representations showed significant variations between genotypes (df=2, p = 2e-16,

P.G. Padmaja, A. Kalaisekar, R. Venkateswarlu et al. Food Chemistry Advances 2 (2023) 100190

sig.0.001), between treatments (df=14, p = 2e-16, sig.0.001), and be- between treatment and storage period (F(70, 270) = 37.3, p = 3.54e-10,
tween storage periods (df=5, p = 2e-16, sig.0.001) (ANOVA table pro- 𝜂G2 = 0.906) were significant.
vided as supplementary data). The interaction effects between geno- Among the treatments, thermal treatment is significantly different
types and treatments (df=28, p = 2e-16, sig.0.001), between genotypes from other non thermal treatments. The lower AA values initially in ther-
and storage period (df=10, p = 2e-16, sig.0.001), between treatments mal treated samples were due to inhibition of lipase by thermal treat-
and storage period (df=70, p = 2e-16, sig.0.001), and between geno- ment. The AA of untreated and heat treated samples of HHB 67 increased
types, treatments and storage period (df=140, p = 2e-16, sig.0.001) were significantly during storage from 0.23 to 1.00 g.100 g−1 of dry matter
all significant for FFA. and from 0.19 to 0.66 g.100 g−1 of dry matter respectively. This is due
The influence of treatment and storage period on the rancidity pa- to increase of free fatty acids by enzymatic lipolysis. Fivefold increase
rameter FFA in each genotype was analysed with two-way ANOVA in fat acidity was observed in the flour of control and hot‐air treated
(ANOVA table provided as supplementary data). Results showed sig- pearl millet grain, while it remained same in the flour of the boiled
nificant effects individually as well as interactively on response vari- grain during storage under ambient conditions for a month (Chavan &
ables in all the three genotypes. In the genotype Dhanshakthi, FFA Kachare, 1994).
showed significant variations due to the effect factors viz., treat-
ment (F(14, 270) = 26,090, p = 0, 𝜂G2 = 0.999), and storage pe- 3.1.3. Effect on lipase activity (LA)
riod (F(5, 270) = 82,658, p = 0, 𝜂G2 = 0.999). The interaction LA was significantly varied between genotypes (df=2, p < 2e-16,
between treatment and storage period (F(70, 270) = 2800, p = 0, sig.0.001), between treatments (df=14, p < 2e-16, sig.0.001), and
𝜂G2 = 0.999) also was significant on FFA. In the genotype HHB67, between storage period (df=5, p < 2e-16, sig.0.001). The interac-
the effect of treatment (F(14, 270) = 66,383, p = 0, 𝜂G2 = 1), tion effects between genotypes and treatments (df=28, p < 2e-16,
storage period (F(5, 270) = 171,770, p = 0, 𝜂G2 = 1), and that sig.0.001), between genotypes and storage period (df=10, p < 2e-
of the interaction between treatment and storage period (F(70, 16, sig.0.001), between treatments and storage period (df=70,
270) = 10,494, p = 0, 𝜂G2 = 1) were significant. Similarly, the effect of p < 2e-16, sig.0.001), and between genotypes, treatments and stor-
treatment (F(14, 270) = 161,263, p = 0, 𝜂G2 = 1), storage period (F(5, age period (df=140, p < 2e-16, sig.0.001) were all significant
270) = 155,038, p = 0, 𝜂G2 = 1), and that of the interaction between for LA.
treatment and storage period (F(70, 270) = 7000, p = 0, 𝜂G2 = 0.999) The influence of treatment and storage period on the rancid-
were significant. ity parameter LA in each genotype was analysed with two-way
Heat treatment of flour at higher temperature inactivates the li- ANOVA. In the genotype Dhanshakthi, the effect of treatment (F(14,
pase enzyme thereby preventing the release of FFA (Gili et al., 2018; 270) = 398, p = 4.14e-17, 𝜂G2 = 0.954), storage period (F(5,
Mazaheri et al., 2019; Ruge et al., 2012; Xu et al., 2016). Heating dis- 270) = 1093, p = 7.77e-17, 𝜂G2 = 0.953), and that of the interaction
rupts non-covalent bonds between amino acid residues resulting in re- between treatment and storage period (F(70, 270) = 44.4, p = 2.27e-
versible loss of enzyme activity. Prolonged heating permanently inac- 11, 𝜂G2 = 0.92) were significant. In the genotype HHB67, the ef-
tivates the enzyme (Sawai et al., 2003). A reduction in FFA of flour fect of treatment (F(14, 270) = 586, p = 6.96e-19, 𝜂G2 = 0.968),
(63.6%) was observed when pearl millet grains were treated at 100 °C storage period (F(5, 270) = 1292, p = 3.14e-18, 𝜂G2 = 0.96), and
for 120 min (Bhati et al., 2016). The FFA values of pearl millet flour that of the interaction between treatment and storage period (F(70,
stored in different packaging materials after thermal treatment were 270) = 26.1, p = 3.00e-87, 𝜂G2 = 0.871) were significant. In the geno-
significantly different than untreated flour on same day of analysis. type MPMH21, the effect of treatment (F(14, 270) = 971, p = 1.07e-
Hydrolytic changes due to action of lipolytic enzymes produce high 22, 𝜂G2 = 0.981), storage period (F(5, 270) = 1452, p = 8.54e-19,
FFA value. Further, continous action of lipase during storage leads 𝜂G2 = 0.964), and that of the interaction between treatment and storage
to higher FFA value in control than treated samples (Yadav et al., period (F(70, 270) = 80.6, p = 1.23e-14, 𝜂G2 = 0.954) were significant
2012b). on LA.
Among the treatments, thermal treatment is significantly different
3.1.2. Effect on alcoholic acidity (AA) from other non thermal treatments. Thermal treatment causes denat-
Overall effect of treatment, storage period and genotype on AA uration of the enzymes and decreases the activity of lipase. Milling
showed significant variations between genotypes (df=2, p < 2.22e-16, process rapidly deteriorates lipids in the bran by lipase and lipoxyge-
sig.0.001), between treatments (df=14, p < 2.22e-16, sig.0.001), and nase (LOX) rendering the flour unacceptable for consumption (Zhang &
between storage period (df=5, p < 2.22e-16, sig.0.001). The interac- Hamaker, 2005). Fatty acids at 1, 3-site of triglycerides are specifically
tion effects between genotypes and treatments (df=28, p < 2.22e-16, cleaved by lipase and the released free fatty acids are further oxidized
sig.0.001), between genotypes and storage period (df=10, p < 2.22e- by lipoxygenase and atmospheric oxygen leading to peroxide formation.
16, sig.0.001), between treatments and storage period (df=70, Yadav et al., 2012a reported decrease in lipase activity of pearl millet
p < 2.22e-16, sig.0.001), and between genotypes, treatments and stor- grains on application of microwave heating.
age period (df=140, p < 2.22e-16, sig.0.001) were all significant Similarly, heat processing of proso millets with steam-jacketed
for AA. paddle conveyor at 110 °C completely inactivated lipolytic enzymes
The influence of treatment and storage period on the rancidity pa- (Bookwalter et al., 1987). Moreover, 96% reduction of lipase activity
rameter AA in each genotype was analysed with two-way ANOVA. during steam heating was observed in whole wheat flour (Rose et al.,
In the genotype Dhanshakthi, AA showed significant variations due 2008). Lipase inactivation was also observed in naked oat kernels
to the effect factors viz., treatment (F(14, 270) = 55.8, p = 3.48e- (Keying et al., 2009).
71, 𝜂G2 = 0.743), and storage period (F(5, 270) = 392, p = 1.64e-
12, 𝜂G2 = 0.879). The interaction between treatment and storage 3.1.4. Effect on peroxide value (PV)
period (F(70, 270) = 6.40, p = 3.27e-29, 𝜂G2 = 0.624) also was PV showed significant variations between genotypes (df=2,
significant on AA. In the genotype HHB67, the effect of treatment p < 2.22e-16, sig.0.001), between treatments (df=14, p < 2.22e-16,
(F(14, 270) = 190, p = 9.79e-13, 𝜂G2 = 0.908), storage period (F(5, sig.0.001), and between storage period (df=5, p < 2.22e-16, sig.0.001).
270) = 1592, p = 5.00e-19, 𝜂G2 = 0.967), and that of the interaction The interaction effects between genotypes and treatments (df=28,
between treatment and storage period (F(70, 270) = 19.6, p = 1.88e-73, p < 2.22e-16, sig.0.001), between genotypes and storage period (df=10,
𝜂G2 = 0.836) were significant. In the genotype MPMH21, the effect of p < 2.22e-16, sig.0.001), between treatments and storage period (df=70,
treatment (F(14, 270) = 563, p = 1.29e-19, 𝜂G2 = 0.967), storage period p < 2.22e-16, sig.0.001), and between genotypes, treatments and stor-
(F(5, 270) = 1290, p = 3.99e-18, 𝜂G2 = 0.96), and that of the interaction age period (df=140, p < 2.22e-16, sig.0.001) were all significant for PV.

P.G. Padmaja, A. Kalaisekar, R. Venkateswarlu et al. Food Chemistry Advances 2 (2023) 100190

Fig. 1. Significance between interquartile ranges of treatment effects on (A) FFA, (B) PV, (C) AA, and (D) LA in pearl millet flour.

The influence of treatment and storage period on the ran- 3.2. Within comparison of treatments, storage periods, and genotypes for
cidity parameter PV in each genotype was tested with two-way rancidity parameters
ANOVA. In the genotype Dhanshakthi, the effect of treatment (F(14,
270) = 68.5, p = 3.14e-80, 𝜂G2 = 0.78), storage period (F(5, Effect of genotypes, treatments and storage periods individually on
270) = 978, p = 1.25e-17, 𝜂G2 = 0.948), and that of the interaction rancidity parameters are presented below.
between treatment and storage period (F(70, 270) = 4.82, p = 3.94e-
21, 𝜂G2 = 0.556) were significant. In the genotype HHB67, the effect of
treatment (F(14, 270) = 153, p = 2.66e-11, 𝜂G2 = 0.888), storage period
3.2.1. Comparison of treatments
(F(5, 270) = 513, p = 1.29e-13, 𝜂G2 = 0.905), and that of the interaction
The variability between individual treatments for rancidity parame-
between treatment and storage period (F(70, 270) = 13.6, p = 3.95e-57,
ters were tested using interquartile ranges of FFA, AA, LA, and PV. The
𝜂G2 = 0.779) were significant on PV. In the genotype MPMH21, the
results are presented in the form of bar graphs with alphabetical signifi-
effect of treatment (F(14, 270) = 138, p = 5.71e-11, 𝜂G2 = 0.877),
cance notations (Fig. 1). All the treatments were statistically significant
storage period (F(5, 270) = 1444, p = 1.69e-19, 𝜂G2 = 0.964), and
from each other for FFA Fig. 1(A). In all the three genotypes, the com-
that of the interaction between treatment and storage period (F(70,
bined treatment of Lmn_Th_N had decreased the FFA value by 10–15
270) = 9.04, p = 5.98e-41, 𝜂G2 = 0.701) were significant.
fold compared to control at 60 days of storage. PV was statistically on
Peroxide formation is mainly due to oxidative rancidity. As ther-
par with the following combinations: LDPE_N and Lmn; Refrn, LDPE_Th,
mal treatment has no effect directly on peroxide formation, perox-
and HDPE_N; HDPE_Th and Lmn_N; Lmn_Th and LDPE_Th_N; while sig-
ide value has not significantly reduced compared to packaging mate-
nificantly different for all other treatments Fig. 1(B). In all the three
rial. Thermal treatment showed a significant lower PV than untreated
genotypes, the combined treatment of Lmn_Th_N had decreased the PV
samples. The lower amounts of hydroperoxides formed was possibly
value by 2 fold compared to control at 60 days of storage. Similarly, AA
due to inactivation of lipolytic enzymes, resulting decrease in forma-
was statistically on par for the following combinations: LDPE and HDPE;
tion of free fatty acids and exclusion of oxygen by packaging material
Lmn and LDPE_N; Ctrl_Th and Refrn; LDPE_Th, HDPE_T, and Lmn_N;
(Eskin & Przybylski, 2001). Maillard reaction products produced dur-
HDPE_T_N and Lmn_Th_N; while showing statistical significance for rest
ing toasting scavenge radicals and prevent formation of hydroperoxides
of the treatments Fig. 1(C). The combination treatment of Lmn_Th_N
(Yoshimura et al., 1997). Moreover, low amounts of peroxides in pro-
had decreased the AA value by 2–3 fold compared to control at 60 days
longed storage are due to decomposition of unstable hydroperoxides
of storage. Similar to the FFA, the LA was significantly different for all
into secondary oxidation products (Eskin & Przybylski, 2001).
the treatments, but for Lmn and LDPE_N which were on par Fig. 1(D).

P.G. Padmaja, A. Kalaisekar, R. Venkateswarlu et al. Food Chemistry Advances 2 (2023) 100190

Fig. 2. Significance between interquartile ranges of storage period effects on (A) FFA; (B) PV; (C) AA; (D) LA in pearl millet flour.

Dry heat treatment of pearl millet grains was found to retard lipid ity parameters. Flours from all three pearl millet genotypes, HHB 67,
degradation in the flour during storage (Arora et al., 2002; Kadlag et al., MPMH 21 and Dhanshakthi were significantly different for FFA, PV,
1995; Patel & Parameswaran, 1992). Hydrothermal treatment of pearl AA, and LA (Fig. 3).
millet grain has extended the shelf-life of flour up to 50 days at am- The trends in rate of change in rancidity parameters during the pe-
bient conditions (Yadav et al., 2012a). A significant decrease was re- riod of storage in flours of three genotypes are shown in the Fig. 4. The
ported in activities of lipase (47.8%), lipoxygenase (84.8%), peroxi- rate of change of FFA in all the three genotypes increased in the first
dase (98.1%) and polyphenol oxidase (100%) in HT-HTh-thNIR (hydro week, and gradually decreased in Dhanshakthi. HHB 67 and MPMH 21
treated- hydrothermal- thermal near infrared rays) treated flour com- showed high and sharp increase in FFA in the first week, and steeply de-
pared to the individual treatments. Moreover decrease of 67.84% and creased thereafter Fig. 4(A). All the three genotypes had irregular rise
66.4% of free fatty acid and peroxide contents were observed in flour and fall in AA during the test storage period of two months Fig. 4(B). The
without altering starch and protein digestibility (Vinutha et al., 2022). flour of genotype MPMH 21 produced slight and gradual increase in LA
upto 30 days and gradually decreased thereafter. Dhanshakthi showed
3.2.2. Comparison of storage periods alternate increase and decrease at every fortnight on a decreasing trend
The rancidity parameters at different days of storage were statisti- for LA. The genotype HHB 67 showed alternate increase and decreasing
cally compared using interquartile ranges of readings (Fig. 2). The days trend in LA with highest rate of increase from 30 to 45 days of storage
of storage at six intervals were significantly different for FFA, PV, and Fig. 4(C). The genotypes HHB 67 and MPMH 21 showed gradual de-
AA. Further, the duration of storage of pearl millet flour had no signifi- crease in PV after one week of storage. Dhanshakthi showed very high
cant effect on lipase activity till 7th day and likewise, the storage period and steep increase at 7th day and had a steep decrease at 30th day in rate
from 15th day to 30th day were on par. of change in PV which gradually decreased thereafter Fig. 4(D). Perox-
Thiam (1977) reported a high FFA value due to hydrolytic ide values were found to increase till 10 to 17 days in various genotypes
changes associated with the action of lipolytic enzymes. Further, of pearl millet (Mazumdar et al., 2016). Untreated flour had unpleas-
continuous lipase activity during storage may have lead to a sig- ant off odor and bitter taste at the 10th day of storage (Yadav et al.,
nificantly higher FFA value in control than treated flour. Peroxide 2012a).
value increased significantly in control flour after 30 days of stor-
age (Yadav et al., 2012a). The increasing trend of PV during storage
was also in agreement with the observation of Chaudhary and Kapoor
(1984). 3.3. Role of rancidity parameters in groupings of intervention effects
(treatments, storage periods, and genotypes)
3.2.3. Comparison of genotypes
The genotypic variability among the three tested cultivars of pearl The data was analyzed to understand the rancidity factors contribut-
millet was statistically compared using interquartile ranges for rancid- ing to the variability using Principal Component Analysis.

P.G. Padmaja, A. Kalaisekar, R. Venkateswarlu et al. Food Chemistry Advances 2 (2023) 100190

Fig. 3. Significance between interquartile ranges of genotype effects on (A) FFA; (B) PV; (C) AA; (D) LA in pearl millet flour.

P.G. Padmaja, A. Kalaisekar, R. Venkateswarlu et al. Food Chemistry Advances 2 (2023) 100190

Fig. 4. (A) Rate of change in free fatty acids of pearl millet genotypes upon storage; (B) Rate of change in alcoholic acidity of pearl millet genotypes upon storage;
(C) Rate of change in lipase activity of pearl millet genotypes upon storage; (D) Rate of change in peroxide value of pearl millet genotypes upon storage.

3.3.1. Important contributing factors (rancidity parameters) to the 3.4. K-means clustering of treatments to find out important treatments that
treatment variability are useful to increase the shelf life of pearl millet flour
PCA showed that the PC1 and PC2 explained 77.6% and 12.7% vari-
ability respectively. PCA grouping of treatments with linear projection The data was also analyzed for K-means clustering of treatments to
of response variables showed that PV contributed the highest to variabil- find out important treatments that are useful to increase the shelf life of
ity followed by AA and FFA. There was a positive correlation existing pearl millet flour.
between FFA and LA Fig. 5(A). The plot reveals a loading trend with Treatments are clustered into three groups using k-means cluster-
half the number of treatments in the direction of PV and the remaining ing (Fig. 6). All treatments involving thermal conditioning are grouped
half in the direction of LA and FFA. separately (cluster 1) from other non-thermal treatments (cluster 3),
while control remained as a separate group (cluster 2). It indicates exis-
3.3.2. Important contributing factors (rancidity parameters) to the storage tence of two trends: first, a clear role of thermal conditioning in altering
time period variability rancidity parameters in pearl millet flour during storage and second,
Upto a week, there was not much activity of LA, PV, FFA, AA. With all the tested intervention measures of treatments and storage periods
the progress of days of storage the contribution of rancidity parameters having influence on rancidity. PV emerged as a single most important
PV, FFA, and LA increased Fig. 5(B). This clearly shows the shelf life of parameter responsible for increased rancidity in control. FFA followed
flour starts deteriorating after a week of storage. by AA and LA are major parameters contributing to rancidity levels
in non thermal treatments. Treatment LDPE had greater influence on
LA and AA while, HDPE, LDPE_N, HDPE_N, Lmn, Lmn_N had influence
3.3.3. Important contributing factors (rancidity parameters) to the
on FFA.
genotype variability
The Lmn_Th_N is the best treatment followed by Lmn_Th, HDPE_Th,
Among the three genotypes, Dhanshakthi showed strong inclina-
LDPE_Th, HDPE_Th_N, LDPE_Th_N for increasing the shelf life of pearl
tion towards PV and other two genotypes HHB 67 and MPMH 17
millet flour as it is away from the direction of linear projection of vari-
scoring for other variables viz. FFA, AA and LA. Fig. 5(C). The role
ables AA, FFA, LA and PV. In a similar way, it was found that different
of PV in the storability of Dhanshakthi is an important factor to be
packaging and storage interventions influenced shelf life of yam flour

P.G. Padmaja, A. Kalaisekar, R. Venkateswarlu et al. Food Chemistry Advances 2 (2023) 100190

Fig. 6. K-means clustering of treatments with linear projections of variables.

at 150 °C for 30 min before milling and storage in laminated pouches un-
der nitrogen atmosphere was found to extend shelf life by 60 days com-
pared to untreated samples stored in LDPE and HDPE packaging under
atmospheric air. Genotypes, treatments and storage period had signifi-
cant effect individually and interactively on all rancidity parameters like
lipase activity, FFA, alcoholic acidity and peroxide value compared to
control. Heat treatment inactivates enzymes and inactivation of lipase
leads to reduced formation of free fatty acids. Low FFA and modified
atmosphere further reduce formation of peroxides. Thermal treatment
had resulted in low AA, FFA throughout the storage period compared
to control. This integrated approach of heat treatment and storage in
laminated pouches under nitrogen atmosphere decreased FFA value by
10–15 fold, peroxide value by 2 fold and AA by 2–3 fold and extended
the shelf life of pearl millet flour by 60 days. K-means clustering has
clearly indicated the prominent role of thermal treatment and also the
influence of genotype and packaging on rancidity parameters in shelf
life extension.

Fig. 5. (A) PCA grouping of treatments with linear projections of FFA, LA, AA, Funding
PV; (B) PCA grouping of days of storage with linear projections of FFA, LA, AA,
PV; (C) PCA grouping of genotypes with linear projections of FFA, LA, AA, PV. This work was financially supported by the National Food Security
Mission (NFSM) Department of Agriculture, Cooperation and Farmers
Welfare (DAC & FW), New Delhi, India.
(Adebowale et al., 2017) and wheat flour (Majzoobi et al., 2011). In
finger millet, processing interventions significantly improved the func- Declaration of Competing Interest
tional properties of flours (Navyashree et al., 2022).
The authors declare that they have no known competing financial
4. Conclusion interests or personal relationships that could have appeared to influence
the work reported in this paper.
Although pearl millet grain is storable for months, milled flour has
very short shelf life of 5 to 7 days due to high fat content, and lipolytic CRediT authorship contribution statement
action of enzymes. Lipolytic enzymes which were sequestered in com-
partments of cells in whole grain get access to lipids when milled to P.G. Padmaja: Conceptualization, Methodology, Formal anal-
flour. This leads to release of free fatty acids which are substrates for hy- ysis, Investigation, Writing – original draft, Funding acquisi-
drolytic degradation by enzymes or oxidative damage by atmospheric tion. A. Kalaisekar: Formal analysis, Writing – original draft. R.
oxygen leading to peroxide formation which is the major cause of off Venkateswarlu: Methodology, Investigation, Writing – original draft.
flavours and bitterness. In the present study, thermal treatment of grains S. Shwetha: Investigation. B. Dayakar Rao: Writing – original draft,

P.G. Padmaja, A. Kalaisekar, R. Venkateswarlu et al. Food Chemistry Advances 2 (2023) 100190

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