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Jyotish Abhigyan 1

Jyotish Abhigyan 2

Author : Chandrakant R. Bhatt

Translation by : Kanakkumar B. Bosmia

Published by :
Kanakkumar B. Bosmia
Sahakar-2, Flat No. 28
Jagabhai Park, Ram Baug
Ahmedabad- 380008
Gujarat, India
Phone: +91 79 25460376
Mobile +91 9825131165
ISBN : 978-93-5267-209-7

Jyotish Abhigyan 3
Written by : Chandrakant R. Bhatt
Translation by: Kanakkumar Bosmia

Published by:
Kanakkumar B. Bosmia
Sahakar-2, Flat No: 28
Jagabhai Park, Ram Baug
Ahmedabad- 380008
Gujarat, India
Phone: +91 79 25431165
Mobile +91 9825131165

All rights reserved. No part of this manuscript may be reproduced,

stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any
means, electronic or mechanical, photocopying, recording,
scanning, or otherwise, without written permission from the
author, except by a reviewer, who may quote brief passages in a

Copyright © 2017 by Kanakkumar B. Bosmia.

First Edition: 11-03-2017

ISBN : 978-93-5267-209-7

Price Rs. 700

US $: 25
Printed by :
Prizam Printers & Publishers Ltd.
1st Floor, 'Premsagar', Nr. Madhuli Restaurant,
Bhairavnath Road, Maninagar, Ahmedabad - 380 008.

Jyotish Abhigyan 4
Dedicated to

My lovely younger daughter Mansi Bosmia

Jyotish Abhigyan 5
My Pranam to my Guruji

Late Shri Chadrakant R. Bhatt

Jyotish Abhigyan 6

Jyotish Abhigyan was published in 1984 in Gujarati. These books were not
available. I learnt KP through Late Shri Chandrakant R. Bhatt’s Guajarati
books. This is one of them. I never met Shri Chandrakant Kaka personally, but
he is my ‘Manas Guru’. I learnt KP like Eklaya from Late Shri Chandrakant R.
Bhatt’s Gujarti books. Since long back I thought to publish English translation
of these books in honour my Guruji Late Shri Chandrakant R. Bhatt.

This is my second book that I am translating. I sincerely hope that it will be

useful to everyone practicing K.P. system.

I thank all those who helped me in writing this book. I am particularly thankful
to Shri Chandrakant R Bhatt’s son, Shri Dr. Mayank C. Bhatt, who gave me
permission to translate this book for benefit of all KP system followers.

I want to thank Shri Arvind Gupta for reviewing all the chapters patiently and
diligently, they were very prompt and sent back the updated draft the same

I am also thankful to my students Shri Hemantbhai Gajjar and Shri

Umeshbhai Pandya for proof reading.

Lastly, without the blessing of my parents 1 would not have been able to
complete this book. I will remain grateful to them always.

Kanak Bosmia
Editor, KPEzine Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India.
Mobile +91 9825131165

Jyotish Abhigyan 7
Table of Contents
Acknowledgement ....................................................................................... 7

Part 1: Theory
Star-Sub lord theory .................................................................. 11 to 27
Part 2: Practical

Prectical Examples ………... ........................................................... 29 to 132

Example 1 Infant Mortality .............................................................. 30
Example 2 Infant Mortality-Unnatural death ..................................... 33
Example 3 Suicide ........................................................................... 36
Example 4 Suicide ........................................................................... 38
Example 5 Train accident-Unnatural death ....................................... 41
Example 6 Plane accident-Unnatural death ...................................... 44
Example 7 Unnatural death by burning ....................................... 47
Example 8 Bloody attack ................................................................. 50
Example 9 Unexpected trouble ........................................................ 54
Example 10 Operation of Uterus ........................................................ 57
Example 11 Operation of intestine ..................................................... 60
Example 12 Esophagus cancer .......................................................... 63
Example 13 Dumb and deaf .............................................................. 66
Example 14 Dumb and deaf ............................................................... 68
Example 15 Madness ........................................................................ 70
Example 16 Foolish and Paralysis ..................................................... 72
Example 17 Criminal ......................................................................... 74
Example 18 Blind musician .......................................................... 76
Example 19 Actor and Heart attack .............................................. 79
Example 20 Wealthy and Politician ................................................ 83
Example 21 Lottery prize .............................................................. 87
Example 22 Journalist ...................................................................... 90
Example 23 Job ................................................................................ 93
Example 24 Purchase of house .......................................................... 96
Example 25 Marriage ........................................................................ 99
Example 26 Marriage ...................................................................... 102
Example 27 Divorce ........................................................................ 104
Example 28 Widow .......................................................................... 108
Example 29 No child ....................................................................... 111
Example 30 Child adoption ............................................................. 115
Example 31 Visit abroad ................................................................. 117
Example 32 Ruling planet and tour abroad .................................. 119
Example 33 Astrology ...................................................................... 123
Example 34 Transit Moon’s effect .................................................... 126
Example 35 Twins (Importance of sub) ............................................. 129

Appendix ………………………………………………………………………….135 to 138

Additional house grouping .................................................... 135 to 138

Jyotish Abhigyan 8
Part-I Theory

Jyotish Abhigyan 9
Jyotish Abhigyan 10
Star (Nakshatra) and sub lord theory

The Zodiac of 360° is divided into three equal parts. Each part contains 120° of
arc. The first 120° extends from Aries 0° to Cancer 30°, the second 120° is from
Leo 0° to Scorpio 30°, and the third 120° extends from Sagittarius 0° to Pisces

The Zodiac consists of nine equal sections. Each section contains 13°.20' or
800'. It begins from 0° Aries. Each section is known as Nakshatra or
Constellation or Star. There are 27 Nakshatras or Constellations or Stars in the
entire Zodiac.

According to the Vimshottari Dasa System, each Nakshatra or Constellation or

Star is ruled in turn by the nine planets in the order of Ketu, Venus, Sun,
Moon, Mars, Rahu, Jupiter, Saturn and Mercury. This order is fixed and is not

Each planet rules three Nakshatras or Constellations or Stars and the ruling
planet is called the Nakshatra Lord or Constellation Lord or Star Lord. In short
we may use the term ‘Star’ instead of ‘Star lord’ etc throughout this book.

Given below is a table of planets that rule each 13° 20' of each Sign.

Const. Lord Sign Area

Ketu Aries-Leo-Sagittarius 00°.00' to 13°.20'
Venus Aries-Leo-Sagittarius 13°.20' to 26°.40'
Sun Aries-Leo-Sagittarius 26°.40' to 30°.00'
Sun Taurus-Virgo-Capricorn 00°.00' to 10°.00'
Moon Taurus-Virgo-Capricorn 10°.00' to 23°.20'
Mars Taurus-Virgo-Capricorn 23°.20' to 30°.00'
Mars Gemini-Libra-Aquarius 00°.00' to 06°.40'
Rahu Gemini-Libra-Aquarius 06°.40' to 20°.00'
Jupiter Gemini-Libra-Aquarius 20°.00' to 30°.00'
Jupiter Cancer-Scorpio-Pisces 00°.00' to 03°.20'
Saturn Cancer-Scorpio-Pisces 03°.20' to 16°.40'
Mercury Cancer-Scorpio-Pisces 16°.40' to 30°.00'

Sub Constellation (Up-Nakshatra)

In the Nakshatra system, each Nakshatra or Constellation or Star is sub

divided into nine parts. This Subdivision is called ‘Sub’. It is based on the
following formula:

Jyotish Abhigyan 11
“ Dasa year of each planet ÷ The total number of Vimshottari Dasa
years X Star area = The longitude or extent or area of the Sub for each
planet in any Star or Constellation or Nakshatra.”

The planet ruling the longitude or extent or area of the ‘sub’ in any Nakshatra
or Constellation or Star is called the Sub Nakshatra Lord or Sub Constellation
Lord or Sub Star Lord or Sub Lord. In short we may use the term “Sub” instead
of Sub Lord throughout this book.

The above formula for deriving the “Sub” is illustrated as under.

Planet Vimsottari Star Area Sub Area

Dasa Yr. Dasa Yr. Min.
Ketu 7 ÷ 120 x 800' = 0° 46' 40"
Venus 20 ÷ 120 x 800' = 2° 13' 20"
Sun 6 ÷ 120 x 800' = 0° 40' 00"
Moon 10 ÷ 120 x 800' = 1° 06' 40"
Mars 7 ÷ 120 x 800' = 0° 46' 40"
Rahu 18 ÷ 120 x 800' = 2° 00' 00"
Jupiter 16 ÷ 120 x 800' = 1° 46' 40"
Saturn 19 ÷ 120 x 800' = 2° 06' 40"
Mercury17 ÷ 120 x 800' = 1° 53' 20"
13° 20' 00"
Each Star covers an area of 13°.20' and, in each star, the sub areas always
cover the same number of degrees, minutes and seconds as given in the table
above. Each star has nine subs. The 27 stars have been sub-divided into 243
subs in total. But, there are 6 subs that are repeated in Taurus (Rahu sub),
Cancer (Moon sub), Virgo (Rahu sub), Scorpio (Moon sub), Capricorn (Rahu
sub) and Pisces (Moon sub). So, in total there are 249 subs.

For example, Venus star starts in Aries sign from 130.20’ and ends at 260.40’.
During this star, we find the subs of Venus, Sun, Moon, Mars, Rahu, Jupiter,
Saturn, Mercury and Ketu. In Venus star, the first sub is that of Venus. Venus
sub starts from 130.20’ and continues for 020.13’.20”. Now add the Venus sub
area to the starting point of Venus star. i.e. 13 0.20’ + 020.13’.20” = 150.33’.20”.
So, Venus sub runs from 130.20’ and ends at 150.33’.20”.

In this manner we have to calculate the other subs of Sun, Moon, Mars, Rahu,
Jupiter, Saturn, Mercury, and Ketu.

The tables given on next page show the star and the sub of each cuspal sign of
12 houses, and of each planet in a birth or horary map.

Jyotish Abhigyan 12
Table A
Star area in Aries or Leo or Sagittarius

Ketu 00°.00' to 13°.20'

Venus 13°.20' to 26°.40'
Sun 26°.40' to 30°.00'

Sgl Stl Sbl Commencing

Aries Leo Sagitt. D M S
Mars Sun Jupiter
1 84 167 Ket Ket 00 00 00
2 85 168 Ket Ven 00 46 40
3 86 169 Ket Sun 03 00 00
4 87 170 Ket Moo 03 40 00
5 88 171 Ket Mar 04 46 40
6 89 172 Ket Rah 05 33 20
7 90 173 Ket Jup 07 33 20
8 91 174 Ket Sat 09 20 00
9 92 175 Ket Mer 11 26 40
10 93 176 Ven Ven 13 20 00
11 94 177 Ven Sun 15 33 20
12 95 178 Ven Moo 16 13 20
13 96 179 Ven Mar 17 20 00
14 97 180 Ven Rah 18 06 40
15 98 181 Ven Jup 20 06 40
16 99 182 Ven Sat 21 53 20
17 100 183 Ven Mer 24 00 00
18 101 184 Ven Ket 25 53 20
19 102 185 Sun Sun 26 40 00
20 103 186 Sun Moo 27 20 00
21 104 187 Sun Mar 28 26 40
22 105 188 Sun Rah 29 13 20
30 00 00

Jyotish Abhigyan 13
Table B
Star area in Taurus or Virgo or Capricorn

Sun 00°.00' to 10°.00'

Moon 10°.00' to 23°.40'
Mars 23°.20' to 30°.00'

Sgl Stl Sbl Commencing

Taur Virg Cap
Venus Mercury Saturn D M S
23 106 189 Sun Rah 00 00 00
24 107 190 Sun Jup 01 13 20
25 108 191 Sun Sat 03 00 00
26 109 192 Sun Mer 05 06 40
27 110 193 Sun Ket 07 00 00
28 111 194 Sun Ven 07 46 40
29 112 195 Moo Moo 10 00 00
30 113 196 Moo Mar 11 06 40
31 114 197 Moo Rah 11 53 20
32 115 198 Moo Jup 13 53 20
33 116 199 Moo Sat 15 40 00
34 117 200 Moo Mer 17 46 40
35 118 201 Moo Ket 19 40 00
36 119 202 Moo Ven 20 26 40
37 120 203 Moo Sun 22 40 00
38 121 204 Mar Mar 23 20 00
39 122 205 Mar Rah 24 06 40
40 123 206 Mar Jup 26 06 40
41 124 207 Mar Sat 27 53 20
30 00 00

Jyotish Abhigyan 14
Table C
Star area in Gemini or Libra or Aquarius

Mars 00°.00' to 06°.40'

Rahu 06°.40' to 20°.00'
Sun 20°.00' to 30°.00'

Sgl Stl Sbl Commencing

Gemini Libra Aquar. D M S
Mer. Venus Saturn
42 125 208 Mar Mer 00 00 00
43 126 209 Mar Ket 01 53 20
44 127 210 Mar Ven 02 40 00
45 128 211 Mar Sun 04 53 20
46 129 212 Mar Moo 05 33 20
47 130 213 Rah Rah 06 40 00
48 131 214 Rah Jup 08 40 00
49 132 215 Rah Sat 10 26 40
50 133 216 Rah Mer 12 33 20
51 134 217 Rah Ket 14 26 40
52 135 218 Rah Ven 15 13 20
53 136 219 Rah Sun 17 26 40
54 137 220 Rah Moo 18 06 40
55 138 221 Rah Mar 19 13 20
56 139 222 Jup Jup 20 00 00
57 140 223 Jup Sat 21 46 40
58 141 224 Jup Mer 23 53 20
59 142 225 Jup Ket 25 46 40
60 143 226 Jup Ven 26 33 20
61 144 227 Jup Sun 28 46 40
62 145 228 Jup Moo 29 26 40
30 00 00

Jyotish Abhigyan 15
Table D
Star area in Cancer or Scorpio or Pisces

Jup. 00°.00' to 03°.20'

Sat. 03°.20' to 16°.40'
Mer. 16°.40' to 30°.00'
Sgl Stl Sbl
Mercury Commencing
Cancer Scor. Pisces D M S
Moon Mars Jupiter
63 146 229 Jup Moo 00 00 00
64 147 230 Jup Mar 00 33 20
65 148 231 Jup Rah 01 20 00
66 149 232 Sat Sat 03 20 00
67 150 233 Sat Mer 05 26 40
68 151 234 Sat Ket 07 20 00
69 152 235 Sat Ven 08 06 40
70 153 236 Sat Sun 10 20 00
71 154 237 Sat Moo 11 00 00
72 155 238 Sat Mar 12 06 40
73 156 239 Sat Rah 12 53 20
74 157 240 Sat Jup 14 53 20
75 158 241 Mer Mer 16 40 00
76 159 242 Mer Ket 18 33 20
77 160 243 Mer Ven 19 20 00
78 161 244 Mer Sun 21 33 20
79 162 245 Mer Moo 22 13 20
80 163 246 Mer Mar 23 20 00
81 164 247 Mer Rah 24 06 40
82 165 248 Mer Jup 26 06 40
83 166 249 Merc Sat 27 53 20
30 00 00

Jyotish Abhigyan 16
Bhava Nirdeshak (House Significators)

Generally, a planet gives results of its occupation in a bhava, its ownership of a

bhava or bhavas, and its aspect on bhavas. Being Karaka of a related bhava is
considered as signification of the planet.

In the horoscope, the sign is on the cusp of each house. A planet always
occupies the sign and its strength is determined according as to whether it
occupies its own sign, an exaltation sign or a debilitation sign. So the occupant
in a sign is considered to be stronger than the owner of the sign.

The sign is the l/12th part of the Zodiac, while the Constellation or Star is the
l/27th part of the Zodiac. So the Constellation or Star is considered to be
stronger than the sign.

Hence, the planet in the star is stronger than its Star lord (which may be either
the occupant or the owner of the sign).

The occupant (planet) in a sign mostly gives the results of the house occupied
by it. So the planet in the star better gives the results of the house occupied by
its star lord.

Keeping these principles in mind, the order of strength of the significators of

each house should be determined as under:

Selection of significator:

1) A planet in the star of the occupant of a house is stronger than the

occupant. So it should be given first preference as a significator of that
house because it is strongest to give the results of the house occupied by
its Star lord. The occupant remains as a weak significator of that house.

2) If there is no planet in the occupant’s Star, the occupant becomes the

strong significator of that house and it is strong to give the results of that
house. So the second preference should be given to the occupant of that

3) If the house is vacant, the planet in the star of the owner of a house is
stronger than the owner. So it becomes a strong significator of that house
and it is strong to give the results of that house. Hence, the third
preference should be given to the planet in the owner’s star and the owner
remains a weak significator of that house.

4) If the house is vacant, and if there is no planet in the owner’s star, the
owner itself becomes the strong significator of that house and it is strong
to give the results of that house. So the 4th preference should be given to
the owner of that house.

5) A planet in conjunction or in association with, or aspected by a significator

Jyotish Abhigyan 17
gives the results of the house or houses denoted by that significator. So
the last preference should be given to the planet in conjunction or in
aspect with that significator.

6) A planet’s star lord aspecting a house may be considered as the

significator of that house. For example, planet A is in the star of B, and B
aspects the 11th, then planet A is a significator of the 11th.

Rahu or Ketu work as agents or representatives of the planet or planets with
whom they are in conjunction with or are aspected by, as well as the owner of
the sign in which they are placed, and also the star lords of Rahu-Ketu. So,
when Rahu or Ketu become agents of any planet or planets, we have to
consider them in place of those planets because Rahu and Ketu are more
powerful than any other planet.

Rahu or Ketu work as agents or representatives of the significators with whom

they conjoin or are aspected by, or of the owner of the sign or signs of the
significators in which they are placed and give the result of the significators as
per this given order.

For example, the 11th cusp may fall in the Aries sign, and no planet is in the
11th cusp. Now check if the other sign of Mars, Scorpio, is occupied by Rahu or
Ketu. If any of them is in Scorpio, then Rahu or Ketu become agents of the
owner of Scorpio and Aries i.e. Mars. Thus, the planet or planets in the stars of
Rahu or Ketu are liable to give results of the 11th cusp. Rahu and Ketu always
travel retrograde. But, we do not consider either of them as retrograde planets
as this is their natural and normal movement.

General Strength of a Planet

Strength by Occupation
A planet mostly gives the results of the house occupied by it and its ownership
comes next in order. Of all the houses, the Angles stand first in strength, next
the Succeedents and then the Cadents. The owner of houses 6, 8 or 12 (as
counted from any particular house to be judged) becomes weak, evil or malefic
in effect.
Strength by sign:
The nature of the sign (e.g. Cardinal or Movable, Fixed, or Common or Mutable;
fiery, earthy, airy or watery; fruitful or barren; human or bestial; mute or voice;
masculine or feminine etc.) on the cusp occupied by a planet influences the
affairs of the house and the planet.

Strength by aspect
A planet in conjunction with or in association with, or aspected by a malefic
(i.e. the owner of 6, 8 or 12) becomes weak or afflicted. An aspecting planet
modifies the results of the house matters according as it is a natural benefic or
malefic, friendly or inimical. In the Stellar system we have to consider only
Vedic aspects (i.e. Rasi to Rasi).

Jyotish Abhigyan 18
In the Stellar system
A planet in the star of a strong planet by ownership or occupation or sign or
aspect will give strong results of its star lord. If a planet is in the star of a weak
planet, it gives weak results of its star lord.

A planet or house ‘Connected With’

1. A planet is connected with another planet

(a) Suppose Mercury occupies Aries or Scorpio; or
(b) It is in the star or sub of Mars; or
(c) It is in conjunction with or aspected by Mars, then it may be said that
Mercury is connected with Mars.

2. A planet connected with any house

(a) Suppose Mercury is the owner or Star lord or Sub lord of the 6th cusp; or
(b) It occupies the 6th house; or
(c) It aspects the 6th house; or
(d) It is in the star or sub of the occupant of the 6th house; or
(e) It is in the star or sub of the owner of the 6th house; or
(f) It is in conjunction with or is aspected by the owner of the 6th house,
then it may be said that Mercury is connected with the 6th house.

3. A house or its owner connected with the houses 6, 8 or 12

(a) Suppose the owner of 6, 8 or 12 occupies or aspects the 1st house, then it
may be said that the 1st house is connected with the houses 6, 8 or 12.
(b) 1. Suppose the owner of the 1st house (Lagnesh) occupies the houses
6, 8 or 12; or
2. It is in the star of the owner of the houses 6, 8 or 12; or
3. It is in conjunction with or is aspected by the owner of the houses 6,
8 or 12, then it may be said that the owner of the 1st house (Lagnesh)
is connected with the houses 6, 8 or 12.

4. Difference between signification by star and sub.

A Planet gives results of the houses indicated by its star and sub. The
difference between the two can be explained thus:

Suppose in Capricorn Lagna, Sun is owner of 8 and occupant of 6. Sun is in

the star of Jupiter. Jupiter is owner of 3, 12 and occupant of 10th. Sun is in
the sub of Saturn. Saturn is owner of 1, 2 and occupant of 4th.

Here we may state that: Sun is the significator of 10, 3, and 12, and is
connected with 8, 6, 1, 2, and 4.

Significator and its Sub Lord

1. The significator shows the source of an event. The matters especially of the
house occupied and owned by it serve as the source.

2. The significator gives the results of its star lord. So the star lord becomes

Jyotish Abhigyan 19
the indicator of the matters of the house occupied and owned by it and also of
the house or houses aspected by it.

3. The sub lord of the significator is the deciding factor regarding the matters
of the star lord. If the sub lord is harmonious to the matters indicated by the
star lord, the significator gives favourable results. If the sub lord is detrimental
to the matters indicated by the star lord, the significator gives unfavourable

4. The significator gives the results of its star lord during its period (Dasa), sub
period (Bhukti) or inter (Antra) period. Or, the results of the star lord are
experienced during the joint period (i.e. during the period (Dasa), sub period
(Bhukti) and inter period (Antra)) of the significator, its star lord and its sub

5. For example, if we are looking for marriage, we have to take significators of

2, 7, 11 houses (planets in the star of occupant or owners of 2, 7, 11). If the
sub lord of the above mentioned significators is connected with 2, 7, 11
houses, then only these significators give marriage during the joint period of
Dasa, Bhukti, Antra of relevant significators. But, if this sub lord signifies only
1, 6, 10 (12th from 2, 7, 11 - No marriage), then these significators never give
marriage during the joint period of Dasa, Bhukti, Antra. In short, the
significator denotes the time when it will give the results of its star lord. The
sub lord of the significator shows whether these results will be favourable or

6. Any relevant planet, becoming the owner of 6, 8, 12 from any relevant cusp,
or the occupant of 6, 8, 12 cusps from the relevant cusp, does not give results
during the joint period of Dasa, Bhukti, Antra of relevant significators. But,
consider this condition after thinking all the aspects of the chart.

7. If the star lord of a significator is not powerful, then the significator becomes
weak, and if its sub lord is also weak, then this significator becomes even

Cuspal Sub Lord and its Subject Matter

Significance of the cuspal sub lord

We have to check more than one houses. To judge any event we need to
consider the sub lord of the main house (bhava). For example, for longevity the
main house is the 1st, for disease 6th, for house 4th, for marriage 7 th, etc.

The cuspal sub lord of a house indicates whether the matter governed by that
house is promised or denied. If the cuspal sub lord of that house is the
significator of that house or any one of the other houses under consideration,
the matter governed by that house will be promised.

As each house denotes several particular matters, the chief governor of the

Jyotish Abhigyan 20
matter to be judged, for example, Saturn for Longevity, Mercury and Jupiter
for Education, Saturn for child birth, Mars for house, Saturn for land, Venus
for marriage, Moon and Mercury for traveling, Sun for business and authority
etc, may be taken into consideration. If it is connected with the house or any
one of the houses under consideration, especially through the star lord of the
cuspal sub lord, it is desirable.

In short, whether the matter governed by that house is promised or denied will
be decided by the relevant cusp sub lord. Significators of the relevant cusp
decide when a native gets the result.

Jyotish Abhigyan 21
House Grouping by Cuspal Sub Lord

Main house Significator in the star During Joint dasa Event happens if
(Bhava) of occupant/owner period of significator’s sub lord is
Cuspal Sub Lord of houses significators connected with
3 Colum
(1) (2) (3) (4)
Health 1, 11 1, 11 normal health
6, 8, 12 6, 8, 12 disease
Longevity 8, 12, badhaka 8, 12, danger to life
Accident 8, 12 8, 12 accident
Wealth 2, 6, 11 2, 6, 11 wealth
8, 12, 5 8, 12 loss of wealth
Change 3, 12, 10 3, 12, 10 transfer of place in service
Life 8, 12, badhaka 8, 12, danger to life
Education 4, 9, 11 4, 9, 11 academic education
3,8,5 completion of studies
Building 4, 11, 12 4, 11, 12 possesses land or building
Issue 5, 11, 2 5, 11, 2 child birth
4, 10, 1 4, 10, 1 no child birth
Love affair 2, 11 2, 5, 11 love affair
7, 11 2, 7 ,11 marries the loved one
Disease 6, 8, 12, 1 6, 8, 12 disease
1, 5, 11 1, 5, 11 cure of disease
Service 2, 6, 10 2, 6, 10 service
1, 5, 9 1, 5, 9 change in service
2, 6, 11 2, 6, 11 gain in any manner
Marriage 7, 11, 2 7, 11, 2 marriage
6, 10, 1 6, 10, 1 absence of married life
Business 2, 10, 11 2, 10, 11 business or industry
8, 12 8, 12 loss in business- industry
5, 11 5, 11 partnership
6, 12 6, 12 break in partnership
Longevity 6, 8, 12, 1 6, 8, 12 danger to health
1, 5, 11 1, 5, 11 safety in life
Calamity 8, 12 8, 12 accident, infirmity
8, 12, badhaka 8, 12, danger to life
Research 9, 10, 11 9, 10, 11 success in research
Vocation 10, 6, 2 10, 6, 2 vocation, earning
10, 7, 2 10, 7, 2 independent vocation
3, 12 3, 12, 10 transfer of place-service
9, 5, 1 9, 5, 1 change of vocation

Jyotish Abhigyan 22
9, 5, 1, 12 9, 5, 1, 12 loss of service
Sale of building 10, 5, 3 10, 5, 3 sale of land or building
Infamy 7, 8, 12 7, 8, 12 criminal proceedings
Cure 1, 5, 11 1, 5, 11 cure of disease
Gain 2, 6, 11 2, 6, 11 gain of money
2, 6, 10, 11 2, 6, 10, 11 progress in service or vocation
Issue 11, 5, 2 11, 5, 2 child birth
10, 4, 1 10, 4, 1 no child birth
Overseas 12, 9, 3 12, 9, 3 foreign travel
11, 8, 2 stay in motherland
Calamity 12, 8, badhaka 12, 8, danger to life
Accident 8, 12 8, 12 accident, infirmity
Transfer of 3, 12, 10 3, 12, 10 transfer of place-service

Explanation: If the cuspal sub lord of the main house (mentioned in column 1)
be the significator (in the star of occupant or owner) of the house or houses
(mentioned in column 2), then, only during the joint period of the significators
of the house or houses (mentioned in column 3), the results of the expected
matter (shown in column 4) are experienced.

Sub Lord – Some Points to Consider

Sometimes it happens that the cuspal sub lord of the main house under
consideration is not deposited in the star of the occupant or of the owner of the
relevant house or houses. Sometimes, Rahu and Ketu are not deposited in the
relevant house or houses. But, the cuspal sub lord, its star lord and its sub
lord, and also Rahu or Ketu, are connected with the relevant house(s). In such
cases, one needs to use common sense before coming to any conclusion.

At the time of the occurrence of an event, Sun, Moon or/and the joint period
rulers are generally found to be transiting in the star or sub of the same joint
period ruler or rulers (i.e. in the star or sub of the period, sub period, inter
period or/and sookshma period rulers.)

Dual effect of planet and cusp

Any planet or cusp, by itself, is neither favourable nor adverse. But, if a planet
signifies the relevant cusp, the planet is favourable, meaning that the planet is
in the star of a planet that is the occupant or owner of the relevant cusp.
Furthermore, if the sub lord also indicates the relevant house, then the native
gets proper results.

When a planet is favourable for the native, it may, at the same time, be
unfavourable for the native’s father, Mother or Son. This is so because each
planet and cusp signifies many different things or issues at the same time.

Elimination of significator:
In cases where the significators of the house under consideration exceed more
than four, the unimportant significators should be eliminated as under.
Preference should be given to Rahu or Ketu if they represent any significator.

Jyotish Abhigyan 23
The planet whose sublord is the significator of the house(s) detrimental to the
house or houses under consideration should be eliminated first.

Result of Vimshotri dasa

The period or sub period ruler gives results according to its natural rulership.
It gives favourable or unfavourable results of its star lord according as its sub
lord is favourable or unfavouable.
The period ruler, the sub period ruler, or the inter period ruler, each may
signify matters of different houses i.e. different subject matters both desirable
and undesirable. So, during their joint period they will give the results of the
common subject matter, desirable or undesirable as the case may be.
If the star lord of the period ruler occupies 6, 8 or 12 as counted form its own
sign (house), then the period or sub period ruler will not give favourable results
of this house (owned by its star lord).
If the planet and its star lord are in 6, 8 or 12 signs from each other, the native
will not get results to a desired extent during their joint period.
If the star lord of the period or sub period ruler be retrograde, the native will
experience ups and downs in general.
The joint period rulers generally give the results of the house or houses owned
by their star lords, so their strength will depend on the strength of their star
If the joint period rulers are in reception (in each other’s sign), in conjunction
or in aspect with each other, they influence the affairs of each other. This is
based on the principle that a planet in conjunction with or aspected by a
significator gives the results of the house or houses denoted by that
In a horoscope, Vimshotri dasa is fixed or calculated from the birth Moon.
There is no possibility to change it. If the Dasa lord is a natural significator of
the house under consideration or is connected in any manner, then consider
Dasa lord as the prime significator.

Characteristic of cusps
We can know the characteristics or traits of any matter, i.e. nature, disease,
business etc. by the relevant cusp sub lord. Star lord of the house under
consideration or its sign and its cusp occupation jointly give the result.

1. Saturn transits in one star for about 13 months. Rahu or Ketu take 8
months. Jupiter for about 5 months and 10 days. Mars for 20 days or so. Sun
is very regular in motion and stays in one star for about 13 days. Moon stays
for about 24 hours in one star. Mercury and Venus are not uniform in their
motion. To consider a daily event, we need to check the motion of Sun and
Saturn, while transiting through one star, remains in one sub for many weeks.
Rahu, Ketu and Jupiter remain in one sub for many days. Especially, the
transit of Saturn, Rahu and Ketu’s motion in each sub is very important for
assessing daily events. Sun remains in one sub for one to three days. Moon for
about three hours. Thus, Sun and Moon indicate day and hours.

Jyotish Abhigyan 24
2. Star lord of a transiting planet is the deciding factor for the occurrence of
events. The transiting planet gives the result of those bhavas signified by its
star lord. Also, if the sub lord of the transiting planet agrees with the
significations of the star lord, only then the transiting planet gives the result of
its star lord as agreed to by the sub lord.
When the transiting planet passes through the 9 subs, this sub lord indicates
different results, because these 9 subs indicate different significations.
What is not indicated in the birth map cannot be expected to materialize
during the period of the transiting planets, to the extent desired.

3. Rahu and Ketu travel with regular motion. Saturn is a slow moving planet.
Here an attempt has been made to read solely the cumulative influence of the
slow moving planets in transit i.e. Saturn, Rahu, Ketu and Jupiter. Their
effects during a period of 5 to 13 months are observed. Suppose all the above
transiting planets are moving in the stars of the significators of money (2, 6,
and 11) and also in the subs connected with 2, 6 and 11 in the birth map, then
they become coincided in their influence. So your monetary condition may
improve during this part of the year. But during the time when the above
transiting planets move in the subs connected with 8 or 12 and not 2, 6 or 11
in the birth map, it is likely that you may lose money or you may have to spend
much money on any account.
Suppose all the above transiting planets are moving in the stars of the
significators of travel i.e. 3, 9, 12 and also in the subs connected with 3, 9 and
12 in the birth map, then they become coincided in their influence. So you will
enjoy traveling during this part of the year. But during the time when the
above transiting planets move in the subs connected with 2, 8 or 11 and not 3,
9 or
12 in the birth map, it is likely that you may not be able to travel.

4. Note down the month when you benefited by monetary gain as discussed
above. You might find that during that particular month Sun must be
transiting in the star or sub of the significators of 2, 6, and 11. And, on that
day, Moon must also be transiting in the star or sub of the significators of 2, 6,
and 11.

5. Suppose the above transiting planets move in the stars of the significators of
2, 6 and 11 during a particular year under review. But, their star lords remain
in retrograde motion for some time, then it will not be possible to expect any
desired result till they become direct in motion. More so, if they be in
retrograde subs.

6. When Mars transits for a long time say 7 or 8 months in one sign, Mars’
effect also needs to be watched. Readers may watch transits during a one year
period for themselves, approximately 5 to 13 months of the transit of Saturn,
Jupiter, Rahu and Ketu.

7. Suppose in a horoscope the running joint period is that of Rahu-Rahu-

Saturn. Rahu and Saturn are significators of the 6th cusp. Whenever any
planet transits in the star or sub of Rahu or Saturn, the native faces health

Jyotish Abhigyan 25
problems. When Sun transits through Rahu or Saturn in any month and Moon
transits through Rahu or Saturn, that day and hours are adverse for health. In
this manner we can check transit of significators of joint period of transiting

Ruling Planet (RP)

1) Note the time and day when a question is put to you or when you take the
horoscope for analysis and judgment.
The day begins from Sunrise. Sun governs Sunday, Moon Monday, Mars
Tuesday, Mercury Wednesday, Jupiter Thursday, Venus Friday and Saturn
rules Saturday.
1) The sign lord of the Ascendant, and the star lord of the Ascendant. 2) The
sign lord of Moon, and the star lord of the Moon at the time of query or
judgment. 3) The day lord are all called the ‘Ruling planets’.
If either Rahu or Ketu is in conjunction with or is aspected by any ruling
planet, or if they occupy the sign owned by a ruling planet, then Rahu or Ketu
should be included as ruling planets.
A ruling planet which is in the star or sub of a retrograde planet should be
Among the ruling planets, the Ascendant’s star lord; the Ascendant’s sign lord,
Moon’s star lord, Moon’s sign lord and the day lord are in a descending order of

2) Ruling planets & Rectification of Birth time

Note the time and day when you start Rectification of Birth time.
The ruling planet which is in the star or sub of a retrograde planet should be
The ruling planets at the time of judgment correspond or agree or tally with:
The ruling planets at birth, or the sign lord, star lord, sub lord and sub sub
lord of the Ascendant at birth.
The sign lord, star lord, sub lord and sub sub lord of the Ascendant at birth
are found either in the star or sub of the ruling planets at the time of

3) Elimination of Significators
If the birth horoscope, or a horary map, indicates more than three or four
significators regarding the matter to be judged, unimportant significators may
be eliminated with the aid of the ruling planets.
The common planets between the significators (of the matter to be judged) and
the ruling planets may be considered as the final significators and the rest may
be eliminated.

4) Birth ruling planet and joint dasa period of native

Note the Dasa, Bhukti, Antra and Sookshma at the time of your marriage or
child birth or friendship with someone or partnership.
Note the birth ruling planet of your wife or child or friend or partner.
Birth ruling planets of your wife or child or friend or partner will match with
your joint period lords of dasa in his chart. Or Birth ruling planets will be in
the star of joint period lords of dasa or Birth ruling planets will be in the sub of

Jyotish Abhigyan 26
joint period lords of dasa or Birth ruling planets will be conjoined with or
aspected by the joint period lords of dasa.

5) Ruling Planets and Affinity

If the ruling planets of one be the significators of 6, 8 or 12 and not 1, 5 or 11
in the horoscope of the other, then during the period of the significators of 6, 8
or 12, the latter will not feel happy with the former. But during the period of
the significators of 1, 5 or 11, the latter will feel amicable with the former.

Jyotish Abhigyan 27
Jyotish Abhigyan 28
Part-2 Practical

Jyotish Abhigyan 29
Example 1: Infant Mortality

Gender: Female
Date of birth: 01/04/1974, Monday; Time of birth: 08:30 AM IST
Place of birth: 25° N 15', 86° E 32', Aynamsha 23°.24’
KP North chart KP South chart

Planetary Position Cuspal Position

Planet Sgn Stl Sbl Cusp Sgn Stl Sbl Cusp Sgn Stl Sbl
Sun Jup Mer Mer
1 Ven Sun Ven 7 Mar Sat Ven
Moo Moo Jup Rah ☼

Mar Ven Mar Rah 2 Mer Mar Moo ☼ 8 Jup Ket Rah
Mer Sat Jup Jup
3 Mer Jup Sun ☼ 9 Jup Sun Mar
Jup Sat Rah Sat
Ven Sat Mar Mer 4 Moo Mer Rah ☼ 10 Sat Mar Rah
Sat Jup Mar Sun ☼
5 Sun Ven Mer 11 Sat Jup Ket
Rah Mar Mer Sat

Ket Ven Mar Sat 6 Ven Mar Ven 12 Mar Ket Ven

Rule 1: If the cuspal sub lord of the Ascendant be the significator (in the star
of the occupant or owner) of the houses 6 or 8 or 12, the life is short (about 33
years). If the cuspal sub lord of the Ascendant be the significator (in the star of
the occupant or owner) of the houses 1 or 5 or 9 or 10, the life is long (about
more than 66 years). If the cuspal sub lord of the Ascendant be the significator
(in the star of the occupant or owner) of the houses 6 or 8 or 12 and 1 or 5 or 9
or 10, the life is medium (about 66 years). But, if the cuspal sub lord of the
Ascendant be the significator (in the star of the occupant or owner) of Badhaka
and Maraka houses alongwith the above mentioned houses, it is not good for
the life. If the cuspal joint rulers (the sign lord, star lord and sub lord) of the
Ascendant or the 8th cusp be the significators (in the star of the occupant or
owner) of the Badhaka and Maraka houses, their joint period is very critical for

Jyotish Abhigyan 30
life. In the short life case within 33 years, in the medium life case within 66
years and in the long life case above 66 years, also check the 3rd and 8th
Badhaka bhava is more dangerous than Maraka bhava. So, when we are
checking longevity, first check the Badhaka bhava and then Maraka bhava.

Rule 2: If the cuspal sub lord of the Ascendant be the significator (in the star
of the occupant or owner) of the Badhaka and Maraka houses, life is short. If
the cuspal joint rulers (the sign lord, star lord and sub lord) of the Ascendant
or the 8th cusp be the significators (in the star of the occupant or owner) of the
Badhaka and Maraka houses, their joint period is very critical for life.
If at the time of birth, the running joint period is that of Badhaka and Maraka
houses, their joint period is very critical for life.

Joint period
This female child was born with Taurus as Ascendant. At the time of birth,
balance dasa of Jupiter was for 2 Y 2 M 26 D. At the time of birth, the running
joint period was that of Jupiter-Rahu-Rahu-Mercury from 30-03-1974 to 18-4-
1974. During this joint period she died on 09-04-1974.

Let us discuss the joint period rulers.

Dasa lord Jupiter is in the star of Rahu and sub of Saturn. Jupiter is owner of
8 (Longevity) and 9 (Badhaka). Star lord Rahu is occupant of 7 (Maraka). Rahu
is aspected by Mars. Mars is owner of 7 (Maraka), and 12 (Moksha). Sub lord
Saturn is occupant of 2 (Maraka). Thus, the dasa lord Jupiter signifies Maraka
and Badhaka cusps.

Bhukti-Antra lord Rahu is in the star of Mercury and sub of Saturn. We have
discussed about Rahu and Saturn above. Star lord Mercury is owner of 2
(Maraka). Mercury is conjoined with Jupiter and Venus. Jupiter is owner of 9
(Badhaka). Venus is owner of 6. Thus Bhukti-Antra lord Rahu signifies Maraka
and Badhaka cusps.

Sookshma lord Mercury is in the star and sub of Jupiter. Mercury is owner of 2
(Maraka). Star and sub lord Jupiter is owner of 9 (Badhaka). Thus, Sookshma
lord Mercury signifies Maraka and Badhaka cusps.

All the joint period lords indicate Badhak-Maraka cusps. Thus, during this
joint period the child expired.

Cuspal Sub lord

8th cusp (Sagittarius 050.53'):
The sub lord of the 8th cusp is Rahu. Rahu is in the star of Mercury and sub of
Saturn. We have discussed about Rahu and Saturn above. Star lord Mercury is
owner of 2 (Maraka). Mercury is conjoined with Jupiter and Venus. Jupiter is
owner of 9 (Badhaka). Venus is owner of 6. Thus, the 8 th cusp sub lord strongly
signifies Badhaka-Maraka houses and indicates short longevity (Infant
Mortality in this case). This child’s death occurred during the Bhukti-Antra of

Jyotish Abhigyan 31
8th cusp sub lord Rahu. Moreover, Rahu is also the star lord of the Dasa lord.

Ascendant (Taurus 090.42):

The sub lord of the Ascendant is Venus. Venus is in the star of Mars and sub
of Mercury. Venus is owner of 6. Star lord Mars is owner of 7 (Maraka), 12
(Moksha). Sub lord Mercury is owner of 2 (Maraka). Thus, the Ascendant sub
lord signifies Badhaka-Maraka houses and indicates short longevity (Infant
Mortality in this case).

3rd cusp (Gemini 280.53'):

The sub lord of the 3rd cusp is Sun. Sun is in the star and sub Mercury. Star
and sub lord Mercury is owner of 2 (Maraka). Thus, the 3rd cusp sub lord Sun
signifies Maraka house and indicates short longevity (Infant Mortality in this

In this chart, the Ascendant-3rd-8th sub lords indicate short longevity. Thus
death occurred during the joint period of Badhaka-Maraka.

The child expired on 09-04-1974. At that time Moon was transiting in Libra 25°
in the sub of Sookshma dasa lord Mercury. Sun was transiting in Pisces 25° in
the sub of Bhukti-Antra lord Rahu. Jupiter was transiting in Aquarius 13° in
the sub of Mercury. Mercury was transiting in Pisces 03° in the sub of Bhukti-
Antra lord Rahu.

Jyotish Abhigyan 32
Example 2: Infant Mortality-Unnatural death

Gender: Female
Date of birth: 19/10/1976, Tuesday; Time of birth: 17:25 PM IST
Place of birth: 28° N 38', 77° E 12', Aynamsha 23°.25’

KP North chart KP South chart

Planetary Position Cuspal Position

Planet Sgn Stl Sbl Cusp Sgn Stl Sbl Cusp Sgn Stl Sbl
Sun Ven Mar Ven
1 Jup Mer Jup 7 Mer Mar Jup
Moo Sun Ket Mer ☼

Mar Ven Rah Mer 2 Ven Sun Rah ☼ 8 Mar Jup Mar
Mer Mer Moo Ket
3 Ven Mar Jup ☼ 9 Mar Mer Jup
Jup Ven Sun Mer
Ven Mar Sat Sat 4 Mer Rah Mar ☼ 10 Jup Ven Rah
Sat Moo Mer Sun ☼
5 Moo Sat Mar 11 Sat Moo Jup
Rau Ven Rah Jup

Keu Mar Ket Sat 6 Sun Ven Moo 12 Sat Rah Ven


Rule 1: If the cuspal sub lord of the Ascendant be the significator (in the star
of the occupant or owner) of the houses 6 or 8 or 12 life is short (about 33
years). If the cuspal sub lord of the Ascendant be the significator (in the star of
the occupant or owner) of the houses 1 or 5 or 9 or 10 life is long (about more
than 66 years). If the cuspal sub lord of the Ascendant be the significator (in
the star of the occupant or owner) of the house 6 or 8 or 12 and 1 or 5 or 9 or
10, life is medium (about 66 years). But, if the cuspal sub lord of the
Ascendant be the significator (in the star of the occupant or owner) of Badhaka
and Maraka houses along with the above mentioned houses, it is not good for
the life. If the cuspal joint rulers (the sign lord, star lord and sub lord) of the
Ascendant or the 8th cusps be the significator (in the star of the occupant or

Jyotish Abhigyan 33
owner) of Badhaka and Maraka houses, their joint period is very critical for life.
In the short life case within 33 years, in the medium life case within 66 years
and in the long life case above 66 years, also check the 3rd and 8th cusps too.

Badhaka bhava is more dangerous than Maraka bhava. So, when we are
checking about longevity first check the Badhaka bhava and then the Maraka

Rule 2: If the cuspal sub lord of the Ascendant be the significator (in the star
of the occupant or owner) of Badhaka and Maraka houses, life is short. If the
cuspal joint rulers (the sign lord, star lord and sub lord) of the Ascendant or
the 8th cusp be the significators (in the star of the occupant or owner) of
Badhaka and Maraka houses, their joint period is very critical for life.
If at the time of birth, the running joint period is that of Badhaka and Maraka
houses, their joint period is very critical for life.

Cuspal Sub lord

Ascendant (Pisces 260.33”):
This lady’s horoscope has Pisces Ascendant. The sub lord of the Ascendant is
Jupiter. Jupiter is in the star of Sun and sub of Mercury. Jupiter is owner of
Ascendant and occupant of 2 (Maraka). Jupiter is retrograde. Star lord Sun is
occupant of 7 (Badhaka). Sub lord Mercury is owner of 7th (Badhaka). Thus,
the Ascendant sub lord Jupiter signifies Badhaka house and is connected with
Maraka house, and indicates short longevity.

The sub lord of the Ascendant is Jupiter. Jupiter is in the star of Sun and sub
of Mercury. Star lord Sun is conjoined with Rahu and is connected with Mars,
owner of 8th. Sub lord Jupiter is owner of Ascendant. Jupiter is aspected by
Mars owner of 8th and Venus owner of 2 (Maraka). Sun and Mars are in Libra
sign, a fatal sign. Thus, Ascendant sub lord Jupiter signifies Badhaka-Maraka
houses and is connected with 6th-8th-Animal sign-fatal sign or Movable sign.
All this indicates accident and unnatural death.

12th cusp (Aquarius 160.35'):

12th cusp indicates unwanted troubles. The sub lord of the 12th cusp is
Venus. Venus is in the star and sub Saturn. Venus is occupant of 8 and
owner of 2 (Maraka). Venus is aspected by Ascendant lord Jupiter. Star and
sub lord Saturn is owner of 12, and is aspected by 11th (Badhaka) lord
Mercury. Thus, 12th cusp sub lord Venus signifies 12th and is connected
with Maraka-Badhaka-6-8 houses and indicates short longevity (Infant
Mortality in this case). AIt is also connected with Animal sign-fatal sign or
Movable sign. All these indicate accident and unnatural death.

8th cusp (Scorpio 000.35'):

8th sub lord indicates the nature of death. The sub lord of the 8 th cusp is Mars.
Mars is in the star of Rahu and sub of Mercury. Star lord Rahu is owner of 7
(Badhak)-(Maraka). Thus 8th cusp sub lord strongly signifies Badhaka-Maraka
house and indicates short longevity.
Star lord Rahu is aspected by Sun owner of 6th and Mars owner of 8th. Sub lord

Jyotish Abhigyan 34
Mercury is aspected by Saturn owner of 12th. Mars aspects Ascendant lord
Jupiter. Thus, sub lord of 8th cusp is a significator of Badhaka cusp and is
connected with a fatal sign Libra and with malefic planets Mars-Rahu and
Saturn. Also, the Ascendant lord and 6th lord are connected. Thus, we can
predict that unnatural death by accident is certain.

This boy died due to a heavy drum dropping on him on his neck and died by
suffocation. Mars indicates injury and Saturn and Rahu indicate suffocation.

Joint period
This male child was born with a balance dasa of Ketu for 0 Y 10 M 28 D.

During significator of 8 or 12 or joint period of sub lord of 8 or 12, there is a

chance of death by accident.

The 12th sub lord is Venus. Joint period of Venus–Venus-Saturn starts from
07-11-1979 to 15-01-1980. During this joint period the boy died on
08-01-1980 by accident.

Dasa-bhukti lord is Venus and we have discussed Venus earlier. Venus

signifies 2-8-12. Thus, this dasa-bhukti is dangerous to the boy’s life.

Antra lord Saturn is in the star of Mercury owner of 11 (Badhaka). It is also in

the sub of occupant of 11 (Badhaka). Thus this antra is dangerous to the boy’s

Sookshma lord Ketu is in its own star and sub of Saturn. Ketu is in Aries sign,
hence represents mars who is occupant of 11 (Badhaka). Thus, this sookshma
is dangerous to the boy’s life.

The child expired on 08-01-1980. At that time Sun was transiting in
Sagittarius 23°.47’ in the star of Dasa-Bhukti lord Venus. Venus was transiting
in Capricorn 27°. Saturn was transiting in Virgo 03°.32’ in the sub of antra
lord Saturn. Ketu was transiting in Aquarius 08° in the sign of Antra lord
Saturn and significator of the Badhaka cusp, Rahu. Moon was transiting in
Virgo 02° in the star of the significator of Badhaka cusp, Sun.

Jyotish Abhigyan 35
Example 3: Suicide

Gender: Male
Date of birth: 16/04/1959, Thursday; Time of birth: 12:32 AM IST
Place of birth: 23° N 72', 72° E 35', Aynamsha 23°.11’
KP North chart KP South chart

Planetary Position Cuspal Position

Planet Sgn Stl Sbl Cusp Sgn Stl Sbl Cusp Sgn Stl Sbl
Sun Mar Ket Ven
1 Moo Sat Mer 7 Sat Sun Mer
Moo Moo Jup Rah ☼
Mar Jup Rah Jup 2 Sun Ket Ven ☼ 8 Sat Mar Mer
Mer Jup Rah Ven
3 Sun Sun Rah ☼ 9 Sat Jup Sun
Jup Mar Sat Ket
Ven Ven Sun Ven 4 Ven Mar Mer ☼ 10 Mar Ket Ven
Sat Jup Ven Ven ☼
5 Mar Sat Sat 11 Ven Sun Sat
Rau Mer Moo Mer

Keu Jup Mer Ket 6 Jup Ket Rah 12 Mer Mer Moo

Longevity: If the cuspal sub lord of the Ascendant be the significator of the
houses 6 or 8 or 12, the life is short (about 33 years) and, if connected with
Badhaka and Maraka houses, their joint period is very critical for life.

Unnatural death: If the sub lord of the Ascendant-8-12th cusps becomes the
significator (in the star of the occupant or owner) of the 8 and 12 bhavas, and
is connected with malefic planets, moveable signs, and terrible signs (Aries,
Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, Sagittarius and Capricorn), one can die an unnatural

Suicidal death: Cusps 8 and 12 indicate death by Suicide. In such cases, the
sub lord of 8-12th cusps become the significators (in the star of the occupant or

Jyotish Abhigyan 36
owner) of the houses 8, 12, and Badhaka and Maraka bhavas. Also, the native
commits suicide when the star lord of the 8th sub lord is connected with Mars,
and signifies the 8th bhava. In the same manner, also check the Ascendant

Cuspal Sub lord

Ascendant (Cancer 060.25”):
The sub lord of the Ascendant is Mercury. Mercury is in the star of Saturn and
sub of Venus. Mercury is lord of 12, and is conjoined with the malefic planet
Ketu. Also, it is aspected by Jupiter, the lord of the 6th. Star lord, Saturn, is
lord of 8-7 (Maraka), and is aspected by Mars,the occupant of the 12 th. Sub
lord, Venus, is occupant and lord of 11 (Badhaka), and is aspected by Jupiter,
the lord of the 6th. Thus, the Ascendant sub lord, Mercury,is the lord of 12, is
in the star of the lord of the 8th, and is also connected with a malefic planet. It
also signifies 7 (Maraka)-11 (Badhaka), and indicates an unnatural death.

As per the above discussion, the Ascendant sub lord, Mercury, signifies 8 and
Badhaka-Maraka, and is connected with a malefic planet. Its star lord, Saturn,
is in a terrible sign, Sagittarius. Its sub lord, Venus, is in a terrible sign,
Taurus. Therefore, it is certain that this person will meet with an unnatural

8th cusp (Aquarius 010.23'):

The sub lord of the 8th cusp is Mercury. We have discussed Mercury above.

Joint period
This native was born with a balance dasa of Jupiter of 01Y 05 M 01 D.

Generally, when the 8th sub lord indicates an unnatural death or suicide, then
within the longevity span, its joint period causes an unnatural death or death
by suicide.
Thus, during Mercury dasa, Mercury bhukti from 17-09-1979 to 14-02-1982,
his unnatural death will occur.

Actually, during the joint period of Mercury-Mercury-Sun-Mercury running

between 02-09-1980 to 09-09-1980, he committed suicide on 06-09-1980.

Antra lord, Sun, is in the star of Ketu and sub of Venus. Sun is lord of 2
(Maraka). Star lord, Ketu, gives results like Mars. Mars is occupant of 12. Ketu
is conjoined with Mercury, the sub lord of the 8 th cusp, and is also in its star
as well. As we have discussed above, Venus is a strong significator of Badhaka
sthana. Thus, the antra lord strongly signifies Badhaka and Maraka bhavas.

On 06-09-1980, Sun was transiting in Leo 20° in the star of Venus (Significator
of Badhaka-Maraka), and in the sign of Antra lord Sun. Moon was transiting in
Cancer 25° in the star of dasa-bhukti-Sookshma lord Mercury. Mercury was
transiting in Leo 29°.30’ in the star of antra lord Sun.

Jyotish Abhigyan 37
Example 4: Suicide

Gender: Female
Date of birth: 17/11/1961, Friday; Time of birth: 08:30 AM IST
Place of birth: 22° N 27', 70° E 07', Aynamsha 23°.13’
KP North chart KP South chart

Planetary Position Cuspal Position

Planet Sgn Stl Sbl Cusp Sgn Stl Sbl Cusp Sgn Stl Sbl
Sun Mar Jup Mar
1 Mar Mer Ven 7 Ven Moo Ket
Moo Sat Jup Sat
Mar Mar Sat Ven 2 Jup Ven Rah 8 Mer Jup Jup
Mer Ven Rah Ven
3 Sat Moo Sun 9 Moo Mer Mar
Jup Sat Sun Ven
Ven Ven Rah Mer 4 Sat Jup Ven 10 Sun Sun Sun
Sat Sat Sun Jup
5 Jup Mer Sat 11 Mer Mar Sat
Rau Moo Mer Sat
Keu Sat Mar Sat 6 Mar Ven Mer 12 Ven Jup Mer

Suicidal death: Cusp 8 and 12 indicate death by Suicide. In such cases, the
sub lord of 8-12th cusps become the significator (in the star of the occupant or
owner) of the houses 8 and Badhaka and Maraka bhavas. Also, star lord of 8th
sub lord when connected with Mars and signifying 8th then the native commits
suicide. In the same manner, also check the Ascendant cusp.
During the joint period of Badhaka and Maraka cusps one can commit suicide
or, under the conditions mentioned above, during Ascendant, 8th or 12th
sub lord’s joint period one can commit suicide.

Cuspal Sub lord

The Native’s Ascendant sign is Scorpio. In cases of suicide, this is indeed a
terrible sign.

Jyotish Abhigyan 38
Ascendant (Scorpio 190.45”):
The sub lord of the Ascendant is Venus. Venus is in the star of Rahu and sub
of Mercury. Venus is owner of 7 (Maraka)-12. Venus is conjoined with 8th lord
Mercury. Venus is aspected by malefic planet Saturn. Thus, the Ascendant sub
lord gives malefic results.
Star lord Rahu is a malefic planet. Rahu is occupant of 9 (Badhaka). Rahu is
aspected by malefic planet Saturn. Thus, star lord Rahu gives malefic results.
Sub lord Mercury is owner of 8th. Mercury is conjoined with Venus lord of
7 (Maraka). Mercury is aspected by malefic planet Saturn. Thus, sub lord
Mercury gives malefic results.
Ascendant sub lord Venus, star lord Rahu and sub lord Mercury all give
malefic results. Sub lord Venus signifies Badhaka and is connected with 8-12-
Maraka. Star lord Rahu is in Cancer sign, hence represents Moon. Moon is
aspected by malefic planet and 6th lord, Mars. Hence star lord Rahu is
connected with Mars. Thus, indications of an unnatural death are seen in this

8th cusp (Gemini 200.02'):

The sub lord of the 8th cusp is Jupiter. Jupiter is in the star of Sun and sub of
Venus. Jupiter is owner of 2 (Maraka). Jupiter is conjoined with malefic planets
Ketu and Saturn.
Star lord Sun is occupant of 12, in the horrible sign Scorpio. Sun is conjoined
with 6th lord and malefic planet Mars.
Sub lord Venus is owner of 7 (Maraka)-12. Venus is conjoined with 8th lord
Mercury. Venus is aspected by malefic planet Saturn.
8th sub lord Jupiter signifies 12-7 (Maraka), and is connected with 8-2
(Maraka)-12-7. It is also aspected by star lord Sun connected with Mars. Thus,
indications of an unnatural death are seen in this map.

12th cusp (Libra 250.02'):

The sub lord of the 12th cusp is Mercury. Mercury is in the star of Rahu and
sub of Venus. We have discussed all these three planets earlier. Thus, 12th
sub lord Mercury signifies Badhaka-Maraka-8, and star lord Rahu is connected
with Mars. Thus, indications of an unnatural death are apparent in this map.

Ascendant sub lord indicates short longevity. Ascendant-8th-12th sub lord

indicate suicide. Keeping this in mind, if we check Sun-Mars-Moon-Jupiter-
Saturn-Ketu, all of them signify Maraka. Mercury and Venus signify Badhaka.
Rahu signifies 8th and is connected with Mars. Star and sub lord Rahu is
connected with malefic plants.

Joint period
This native was born with balance dasa of Jupiter for 13 Y 00 M 00 D.

Dasa lord Jupiter is a strong significator of Maraka and its star lord Sun is
connected with Mars. But there is no threat to longevity during Jupiter dasa.
This is because it is generally observed that when any planet is conjoined with
or is aspected by Saturn, it is under control of Saturn and does not give
results. In this situation, it is Saturn that gives the result. In this natal chart,

Jyotish Abhigyan 39
Jupiter and Saturn are in conjunction. Thus Jupiter dasa does not give death.

*Kanak: In my experience I have never found this to be correct. In my view,

Jupiter is in the star of Sun and sub of Venus. Jupiter is owner and occupant of
2 (Maraka). Star lord Sun is occupant of 10. Sub lord Venus is occupant of 11
and owner of 12 and 7th (Maraka). Therefore, the indication of a short life are
seen. Short life is considered up to 33 years. Balarishtha is not seen. Thus,
Jupiter dasa does not prove harmful for this native.

Saturn dasa starts from 17-11-1974. During this dasa bhukti of the Ascendant
sub lord Venus and the antra of the sub lord of the Badhaka cusp Moon dur-
ing 15-05-1982 to 20-08-1982, the native committed suicide.

The native drank some poisonous drug, and this occurred during the joint
period of Saturn-Venus-Moon and Venus from 01-08-1982 to 16-08-1982. He
died due to ingesting this poison.

On 14-08-1982. Sun was transiting in Cancer 28° in the sub of Dasa-lord
Saturn. Venus was transiting in Cancer 06° in the star of Saturn. Saturn-Moon
were transiting in Taurus, sign of Venus lord of bhukti and Sookshma.

Jyotish Abhigyan 40
Example 5: Train accident and unnatural death

Gender: Female
Date of birth: 18/09/1943, Saturday; Time of birth: 09:33 PM IST
Place of birth: 23° N 02', 72° E 35', Aynamsha 22°.58’
KP North chart KP South chart

Planetary Position Cuspal Position

Planet Sgn Stl Sbl Cusp Sgn Stl Sbl Cusp Sgn Stl Sbl
Sun Mer Sun Jup
1 Mar Ket Sat 7 Ven Rah Jup
Moo Ven Sun Rah ☼
Mar Ven Moo Ket 2 Ven Moo Moo 8 Mar Sat Ven

Mer Mer Moo Rah
3 Mer Mar Moo 9 Jup Ket Rah
Jup Moo Mer Rah ☼

Ven Sun Ket Mer 4 Moo Jup Moo ☼ 10 Sat Sun Rah
Sat Mer Mar Ven
5 Moo Mer Jup ☼ 11 Sat Mar Sat
Rau Moo Mer Ven
Keu Sat Moo Ven 6 Mer Sun Rah ☼ 12 Jup Jup Mar

Accidental death: For accident, we have to judge cusps 8-12-Mars-Saturn-
Rahu-Ketu. Also Aries-Gemini-Libra-Sagittarius-Capricorn.

If the Sub lords of 1-8-12th cusps are the significators (in the star of the
occupant or owner) of houses 8-12, then there is a chance of an accident.

If the Sub lords of 1-8-12th be the significators (in the star of the occupant or
owner) of the houses Badhaka-8-12, and be connected with malefic
planets-inimical signs (Aries-Gemini-Libra-Sagittarius-Capricorn), then there is
a chance of death by accident. Death occurs during the joint period of the
significators of 8-12, or the sub lords of 8-12 cusps.

Jyotish Abhigyan 41
Cuspal Sub lord
The Native’s Ascendant sign is Scorpio. In cases of suicide, this is indeed a
terrible or inimical sign.

Ascendant (Aries 090.33”):

The sub lord of the Ascendant is Saturn. Saturn is in the star of Mars and sub
of Venus. Saturn is owner of 11 (Badhaka) and occupant of 2 (Maraka) in a
terrible or inimical sign Gemini. Star lord Mars is owner of 1-8 and occupant of
2 (Maraka), in a terrible or inimical sign Taurus. Sub lord Venus is owner of 2
(Maraka)-7 (Maraka) and in a terrible or inimical sign Leo. Venus is aspected
by 11th (Badhaka) lord Saturn and lord of 1-8 Mars.

Thus, Ascendant sub lord Saturn is a strong significator of the 8 th and is

connected with the Ascendant. It is also connected with malefic plants and
terrible or inimical signs. Thus, it is certain that the native will meet with an

Also, it is connected with the 8th and Badhaka and Maraka bhava. Thus, it is
certain that the native will die in an accident.

8th cusp (Scorpio 100.11'):

The sub lord of the 8th cusp is Venus. Venus is in the star of Ketu and sub of
Mercury. Venus is owner of 2 (Maraka) in a terrible or inimical sign Leo. Venus
is aspected by malefic planets i.e. Badhaka lord Saturn and lord of 1-8, Mars.
Star lord Ketu is in Capricorn, hence represents Saturn, lord of Badhaka. Ketu
is aspected by (Moksha) lord Jupiter. Sub lord Mercury is owner of 6 th and
aspects the 12th (Moksha).

Thus 8th sub lord is connected with 1-8-Badhaka-Maraka-terrible or inimical

signs-accident cusp. So, it also indicates death by accident.

12th cusp (Pisces 010.11'):

The sub lord of the 12th cusp is Mars. Mars is in the star of Moon and sub of
Ketu. Mars is owner of 1-8 and occupant of 2 (Maraka), in a terrible or inimical
sign Taurus. Star lord Moon is occupant of 1, in a terrible or inimical sign
Taurus. Moon is conjoined with Mars lord of 8 and Mars aspects the 8th. As we
have discussed above, Ketu represents Saturn, the Badhaka lord.

Thus, the 12th cusp sub lord, Mars, is connected with 1-8-Badhaka-Maraka-
malefic planets-terrible or inimical sign. So, it also indicates death by accident.

Moreover, sub lord of 1-8 signifies Badhaka and Maraka. Therefore, longevity is
also indicated as medium.

We can say that during the dasa of the significators of 8-12, or during the dasa
of the sub lords of 8-12 cusps, the native will face an accident and death by
accident will result during the period of the significators that are connected
with Badhaka and Maraka.

Jyotish Abhigyan 42
Joint period
This native was born with balance dasa of Sun of 04 Y 02 M 11 D. The next
dasas, in sequence, will be that of Moon-Mars-Rahu etc. This case is not one of
short longevity. So, we can check Rahu dasa from 29-11-1964 to 29-11-1982.

Dasa lord Rahu is a malefic planet. Rahu is conjoined with lord of 12 (Moksha)
Jupiter. Rahu is sub lord of 6th cusp. Rahu is in the star of Mercury and sub of
Venus. Star lord Mercury is owner of 6th and aspects the 12th (Moksha). Thus,
Rahu signifies 6 and 12 (Moksha). Its sub lord, Venus, is a strong significator
of Maraka and Badhaka bhavas. Thus, the dasa of Rahu poses danger for life.
Sometimes, we get confused in selection of Badhaka-Maraka or significators. In
this situation, we need to use commonsense. This case indicates death due to
accident. Thus, we can select sub lords of 8 or 12 if they signify the relevant
bhavas. Readers may examine this by their own experience. In this map, the
8th sub lord, Venus, is a strong significator of Badhaka bhava. Therefore, I
checked this up.

It is a case of unnatural death. Thus, the involvement of the significator of the

12th bhava is a must. And, we select it as the bhukti lord. Sun is significator of
the 12th. Sun is in its own star and the sub of Jupiter. Sun is occupant of 6 th
and aspects the 12th. Sub lord Jupiter is owner of 12. Thus, Sun is a strong
significator of 12. Moreover, Star lord of Sun is conjoined with the Star lord of
dasa lord Rahu. And, sub lord of Sun, Jupiter, is conjoined with dasa lord
Rahu. Thus, Rahu dasa-Sun bhukti will be harmful.

8th sub lord, Venus, strongly signifies Badhaka. Therefore, we can assume that
during Rahu dasa-Sun Bhukti-Venus antra unnatural death (Accidental death)
will occur.

Actually, the native was, unfortunately, involved in a train accident on

15-04-1980, during the joint period of Rahu-Sun-Venus (17-3-1980 to
11-05-1980). The native died by being crushed under the train on the rail

On 15-04-1980, Sun was transiting in Aries sign, in the sub of antra lord Ve-
nus. Rahu was transiting in Leo 02°.48’ in the sub of Venus. Venus was trans-
iting in Taurus 17° in its own sign and the sub of Saturn (Saturn is sub lord of
the Ascendant and a strong significator of accident and unnatural death.)

Jyotish Abhigyan 43
Example 6: Airplane accident-Unnatural death

Gender: Male
Date of birth: 14/12/1946, Saturday; Time of birth: 09:27 AM IST
Place of birth: 28° N 38', 77° E 12', Aynamsha 23°.00’
KP North chart KP South chart

Planetary Position Cuspal Position

Planet Sgn Stl Sbl Cusp Sgn Stl Sbl Cusp Sgn Stl Sbl
Sun Mar Mer Sat
1 Sat Sun Jup 7 Moo Jup Mar
Moo Sun Ket Mer ☼
Mar Jup Ket Moo 2 Sat Rah Jup ☼
8 Sun Ket Sun
Mer Mar Sat Ven
3 Jup Mer Mer ☼ 9 Mer Moo Sat
Jup Ven Jup Mer
Ven Ven Jup Mer 4 Mar Ven Mar ☼ 10 Ven Rah Sun
Sat Moo Sat Jup
5 Ven Moo Rah ☼ 11 Mar Sat Mar
Rau Ven Moo Mer
Keu Mar Mer Mer 6 Ven Mar Moo ☼ 12 Jup Ket Rah

Ascendant (Capricorn 010.19”):

The sub lord of the Ascendant is Jupiter. Jupiter is in its own star and sub of
Mercury. Jupiter is owner of 12 and aspects the 2nd (Maraka). Sub lord
Mercury is owner of 6 and is conjoined with Sun and the malefic planet Ketu.
Sun is occupant of 11 (Badhaka), owner of 8. Thus, the Ascendant sub lord,
Jupiter, is a strong significator of the 2nd (Maraka) and is connected with the
11th (Badhaka). It is, therefore, certain that the native has a short life, and the
Ascendant sign, Capricorn, indicates an accident.

8th cusp (Leo 100.06'):

8th cusp is on the Leo sign, a terrible or inimical sign. The sub lord of the 8 th
cusp is Saturn. Saturn is in its own star of and sub of Jupiter. Saturn is

Jyotish Abhigyan 44
occupant of 7 (Maraka), owner of 1-2. Saturn is aspected by Mars, owner of 11
(Badhaka). Sub lord Jupiter is owner of 12 and aspects the 2nd (Maraka). Sub
lord Mercury is owner of 6 and is conjoined with Sun and the malefic planet
Ketu. Sun is occupant of 11 (Badhaka), owner of 8. Thus, the 8 th sub lord,
Saturn, signifies 2-7 (Maraka) and is connected with Badhaka-Maraka-terrible
or inimical signs-accident planet Mars. So, it also indicates death by accident.

8th sub lord Saturn’s sub lord Jupiter is owner of 5, thus death due to, or
during, pleasurable or enjoyable pursuits is indicated. Moreover, Jupiter is in
the Airy sign of Libra.

This indicates an accident involving an Air crash.

12th cusp (Sagittarius 060.06'):

The sign on the12th cusp is Sagittarius, an accident indicating sign. The sub
lord of the 12th cusp is Rahu. Rahu is in the star of Moon and sub of Mercury.
Rahu is a malefic planet. Rahu is connected with planet Hershel, which is a
significator of air crash, and is in the terrible or inimical sign of Taurus. Rahu
is aspected by the 8th lord, Sun, and the 6th lord, Mercury, which is occupant
of 5 (enjoyment). Star lord Moon is occupant of 8, owner of 7 (Maraka) and is
also posited in the terrible or inimical sign, Leo. Sub lord Mercury is owner of 6
and is conjoined with Sun and the malefic planet, Ketu. Sun is occupant of 11
(Badhaka), owner of 8. Thus, the 12th cusp sub lord Rahu signifies 8 and is
connected with a terrible sign and 8-Badhaka-Maraka-malefic planets-terrible
or inimical sign. So, it also indicates death by accident. The connection
between the 5th bhava and Hershel indicates an accidental death that occurs
during an enjoyable pursuit, and in this case, by way of a plane crash.

Joint period
This native was born with balance dasa of Ketu of 00 Y 04 M 25 D. The next
dasa, in sequence, will be that of Venus-Sun-Moon etc.

This map indicates an accidental death. Therefore, we have to check the dasa-
Bhukti-Antra of the sub lords of cusps 8-12. 12th sub lord is Rahu. Rahu is in
the star of Moon and sub of Mercury. During the dasa of Moon from
09-05-1973 to 09-05-1983, there is danger to the native’s life. Moon is a strong
significator of 11 (Badhaka). Mercury is a strong significator of 7 (Maraka).

Actually, the native, unfortunately, died in a plane crash. No doubt, the plane
journey must have been enjoyable. However, it ended in tragedy when the
native was running the dasa of Moon-Mercury-Saturn (sub lord of 8th) from
18-05-1980 to 09-08-1980 and Sookshma dasa of Venus from 17-06-1980 to
30-06-1980. On 23-06-1980, in the morning about 8 AM, the native was flying
his own plane for enjoyment, when it crashed and the native died.

Sookshma dasa lord Venus is owner of 5 (Enjoyment)-10 (in the limits of his
own city). Venus is in the Airy sign of Libra (Plane) and occupant of 10 (own
city). Venus is in Jupiter star and Mercury sub. Sub lord Mercury is connected
with the terrible sign of Scorpio and Badhaka. Thus Sookshma dasa lord

Jyotish Abhigyan 45
indicates an air accident and is also connected with 12 (Moksha), Badhaka
cusp. The native died in an airplane accident, crashing in his own city, while
he was enjoying a flight.

On 23-06-1980, in the morning at 8 AM, the Sun was transiting in Gemini
08°.16’, in the star of the significator of the 8th, Rahu. Moon was transiting in
Libra 06°.32’, in the sub of dasa lord Moon. Mercury was transiting in Cancer
00°.30’ in the sub of Moon. Saturn was transiting in Leo 27°.33’ in the sub of
Moon. Venus was transiting in Taurus 26°.20’, in the star of Badhaka
significator, Mars.

Jyotish Abhigyan 46
Example 7: Unnatural death by burning

Gender: Male
Date of birth: 07/12/1952, Sunday; Time of birth: 04:20 PM IST
Place of birth: 23° N 47', 72° E 24', Aynamsha 23°.05’
KP North chart KP South chart

Planetary Position Cuspal Position

Planet Sgn Stl Sbl Cusp Sgn Stl Sbl Cusp Sgn Stl Sbl
Sun Mar Mer Sun
1 Mar Sun Mar 7 Ven Jup Sun
Moo Mer Mer Sat ☼

Mar Sat Moo Mer 2 Ven Mar Rah ☼ 8 Mar Mer Rah
Mer Mar Sat Ket
3 Mer Jup Jup ☼ 9 Jup Ven Jup
Jup Mar Ven Rah
Ven Sat Sun Jup 4 Moo Sat Rah ☼ 10 Sat Moo Jup
Sat Ven Mar Mer ☼
5 Sun Ven Ven 11 Sat Rah Ket
Rau Sat Moo Ven

Keu Moo Mer Moo 6 Mer Moo Ven 12 Jup Mer Ven

Accidental death:
If the Sub lords of the 8-12th cusps are the significators (in the star of the
occupant or owner) of houses 8-12, then there is a chance of an accident.
Planets that are occupant of Aries-Gemini-Libra-Sagittarius-Capricorn signs;
and Malefic planets, Mars-Saturn-Rahu-Ketu, indicate accidents.
Death occurs during the joint period of the significators of 8-12, or the sub
lords of 8-12 cusps.

Escape from accident

If the Sub lords of the 8-12th cusps be the significators (in the star of the
occupant or owner) of houses 1-5-11, then there is a chance of escaping from
an accident.

Jyotish Abhigyan 47
Cuspal Sub lord
The Native’s Ascendant sign is Aries, which in this context, is a terrible sign.

Ascendant (Aries 280.28”):

The sub lord of the Ascendant is Mars. Mars is in the star of Moon and sub of
Mercury. Mars is owner of 1-8. Mars is an accident signifying planet, and is
also in a terrible sign i.e. Capricorn. Mars is conjoined with the malefic planet
Rahu. Star lord Moon is conjoined with accident signifying planet Ketu and is
aspected by accident signifying planet Mars. Sub lord Mercury is owner of 6
and is conjoined with Sun, the owner of 5th. Thus, Ascendant sub lord Mars is
connected with 8, malefic planets Mars-Ketu, and the terrible or inimical sign
of Capricorn. Therefore, it is certain that the native will meet with an accident.

Sub lord Mercury is connected with the 5th lord, Sun. Thus, it is also certain
that he will escape with his life form the accident.

8th cusp (Scorpio 250.32'):

The sub lord of the 8th cusp is Rahu. Rahu is in the star of Moon and sub of
Venus. Sub lord Venus is conjoined with the terrible or inimical planet, Mars,
and the sign, Capricorn. Star lord Moon is conjoined with a malefic planet,
Ketu, and is aspected by the maleic planet, Mars. Thus the 8th sub lord, Rahu,
indicates an accident.

12th cusp (Pisces 200.32'):

The sub lord of the 12th cusp is Venus. Venus is in the star of Sun and sub of
Jupiter. Star lord Sun is owner of 5. Sub lord Jupiter is a natural benefic
planet. Jupiter aspects the 5th and 11th lord, Saturn. Thus, the 12th cusp sub
lord, Venus, strongly signifies 5 and is connected with 5-11. So, it indicates the
native’s escape from the accident.

The native was working in a factory. While he was on duty, due to some electric
short circuit, a blast occurred and the native was burnt on his fingers and face.

8th sub lord Rahu is in Moon star and Venus sub. Rahu and Venus are
connected with 8 -1 lord Mars. Star lord Moon is conjoined with Ketu and is
aspected by Mars. Mars and Ketu both indicate accident and being burnt.
Rahu-Venus-Mars are in Capricorn sign. Capricorn sign indicates the skin,
Venus beauty of the skin and face. Thus, the native received burns on his face.

12th sub lord Venus is a strong significator of the 5th and is connected with
5-11. Consequently, he was cured after receiving proper treatment.

Joint period
This native was born with balance dasa of Mercury of 00 Y 07 M 27 D. The
next dasa, in sequence, will be that of Ketu-Venus-Sun etc.

The native was burnt by an electric short circuit during Sun-Moon-Rahu-Moon

on 12-01-1981 at about 11 AM. Watery sign and Sun-Mars indicate force.
Mercury indicates electricity.

Jyotish Abhigyan 48
Dasa lord Sun and Bhukti lord Moon both are in the star of Mercury. Mercury
is conjoined with Sun in the watery sign of Scorpio. Hence the native received
burns due to an electric short circuit during the joint period of Sun-Moon.
Rahu is sub lord of the 8th cusp. Rahu strongly signifies accidents. Thus,
during its antra, the native received burns due to an electrical short circuit.
Dasa lord Sun is in the sub of the 5th lord. Bhukti-Sookshma lord Moon is in
the sub of 11th lord Saturn. So, the accident happened but was not fatal, and
the native was cured after treatment.

On 12-01-1981, Sun was transiting in Sagittarius 28°.25’, in the star of dasa
lord Sun. Moon was transiting in Pisces 13°.00’, in the sub of Antra lord Rahu.

Jyotish Abhigyan 49
Example 8: Bloody attack

Gender: Male
Date of birth: 01/03/1924, Saturday; Time of birth: 06:22 AM IST
Place of birth: 23° N 02', 72° E 35', Aynamsha 22°.42’
KP North chart KP South chart

Planetary Position Cuspal Position

Planet Sgn Stl Sbl Cusp Sgn Stl Sbl Cusp Sgn Stl Sbl
Sun Sat Rah Sun
1 Sat Mar Ven 7 Sun Ket Sun
Moo Jup Ven Rah ☼

Mar Jup Ket Sun 2 Jup Sat Mar ☼ 8 Mer Moo Rah
Mer Sat Mar Mer
3 Mar Ven Moo ☼ 9 Ven Rah Ven
Jup Mar Mer Rah
Ven Jup Mer Jup 4 Ven Moo Rah ☼ 10 Mar Sat Mar
Sat Ven Rah Jup ☼
5 Mer Rah Rah 11 Jup Ket Rah
Rau Sun Ket Jup

Keu Sat Rah Jup 6 Moo Jup Rah 12 Sat Sun Sat

Bloody attack:
Cusp 8th signifies sorrow, misfortune, assassination, unexpected troubles,
looting, enemies, destruction, etc. Cusp 12th signifies sorrow, physical injury,
unexpected troubles, physical attack, looting etc.

If the Sub lords of Ascendant-8-12th cusps are the significators (in the star of
the occupant or owner) of houses 8-12, and be connected with malefic planets,
then there is a chance of unexpected troubles occurring.

Unexpected troubles occur during the joint period of the significators of 8-12,
when the transit agrees.

Jyotish Abhigyan 50
Cuspal Sub lord

12th cusp (Capricorn 030.18'):

The sub lord of the 12th cusp is Saturn. Saturn is in the star of Rahu and sub
of Jupiter.
Saturn is retrograde, owner of 12, and occupant of 8. Star lord Rahu is
occupant of 7 (Badhaka) in fanatical sign Leo. Sub lord Jupiter is owner of 2
(Maraka) and 11(Protector). Thus, the 12th cusp sub lord, Saturn, signifies
Maraka and is connected with 8-12-11(Protector) and fanatical sign Leo. So, it
indicates unexpected troubles. But the sub lord’s indication of 11(Protector)
helps one to escape from unexpected troubles. Due to Badhak and Maraka
indication, death is threatened from causes such as physical injury.

8th cusp (Virgo 120.18'):

The sub lord of the 8th cusp is Rahu. Rahu is in the star of Ketu and sub of
Jupiter. Rahu is in fanatical sign Leo, occupant of 7 Maraka) and is aspected
by 8th lord Mercury.
Star lord Ketu is occupant of the Ascendant. Ketu is conjoined with 8 th lord
Mercury and 12th lord Sun. Ketu gives result like Mars.

We have discussed about sub lord Jupiter above. Thus, 8th sub lord Rahu
signifies 1st (body-self), and is connected with fanatical sign-2(Maraka)-8, and
11(Protector). Ketu gives results like Mars. Therefore, there are indications of
injury being caused by a sharp knife. But because of the indication of 11
(Protector), he will be saved from physical injury. Moreover, 8th sub lord Rahu
is connected with 1-11. Therefore, there is no harm to longevity.

Ascendant (Aquarius 030.39”):

The sub lord of the Ascendant is Venus. Venus is in the star of Mercury and
sub of Jupiter. Venus is owner of 9-11, and indicates long life. On other hand,
Venus is owner of 9 (Badhaka). Venus is aspected by malefic planet Mars.
Thus, the Ascendant sub lord Venus is connected with Badhaka and Mars.

Star lord Mercury is owner of 8 (unexpected trouble) and occupant of 12

(trouble, injury). Mercury is connected with 7 (Maraka) lord Sun and Ketu
(Ketu gives results like Mars).
We have discussed above about sub lord Jupiter.

Thus, the Ascendant sub lord Venus signifies 8-12 and is connected with
Maraka and 11. It is also connected with Ketu who gives results like Mars. So,
long life is seen but, at the same time, physical injury is also seen. However,
due to the signification of 11th by sub lord Jupiter, he will escape form physical

In short, the Ascendant, 8th and 12th cusp sub lords indicate unexpected
trouble, misfortune, and they signify 8-12.They are connected with fanatical
sign, Mars and Ketu as well as with 11th. Consequently, there is no danger to

Jyotish Abhigyan 51
Ruling Planets
This chart came to me for analysis on 08-04-1982, Thursday. I started work on
it at 09:25 AM: Ahmedabad. Ruling planets at that time were as under.

Day lord Sign lord Star lord

Day: Thursday Jupiter — —
RP Ascendant: Taurus 15°.17' — Venus Moon
RP Moon: Virgo 21°.00' — Mercury Moon

Rahu is in Gemini sign, thus representing Mercury. Ketu is in Sagittarius sign,

thus representing Jupiter. Ruling planets are Jupiter, Venus, Moon, Mercury,
Rahu and Ketu.

This case came to me on 08-04-1982 and the event happened on 05-03-1982.

See the beauty of the ruling planets. All of them tally with the event, even after
the date of the event.

We are looking for indications of unexpected trouble, and for that we have to
judge significators of 8-12.

Significator table of 8-12

Cusp Planet in the Occupant Planet in the Owner

star of Occupant star of Owner
(A) (B) (C) (D)
8 — Saturn Jupiter-Venus Mercury
12 Jupiter-Venus Mercury — Saturn

Rahu is aspected by Mercury and Ketu is conjoined with Mercury. Thus,

finally, the strong significators are Saturn-Jupiter-Venus-Mercury-Rahu-Ketu.
Common from among Ruling planets and significators are Mercury-Jupiter-

Joint period
This native was born with balance dasa of Venus of 10 Y 02 M 03 D.
In this case, Jupiter and Venus are strong significators of 8 and 12 cusps.
Rahu is sub lord of the 8th cusp. Mercury is lord of 8. Thus, the event
occurred during the joint period of Jupiter-Mercury-Saturn-Rahu.
Jupiter is a strong significator of 8-12. Jupiter dasa starts form 04-05-1975.
The physical injury happened during Jupiter dasa.

This is an ‘unexpected troubles’ event. Therefore, Mars indication is a must.

Generally, it has been seen that if dasa lord indicates an event, then Dasa lord,
its star lord and its sub lord give the result during their joint period. In this
chart, Jupiter is in the star of Mercury and Rahu. Thus, this Jupiter-Mercury-
Rahu joint period is very much important.
In this regard, Jupiter dasa-Mercury bhukti starts from 04-01-1980. Moreover,
Mercury is in Mars star. Therefore, we can say that the event happened during

Jyotish Abhigyan 52
Physical injury is indicated by the 12th cusp. We have to, therefore, check 12th
significator or 12th sub lord. Saturn is the 12th cusp sub lord. Saturn is owner
of 12, and in the star of 8th sub lord Rahu. So we can assume that the event
happened during Saturn antra. Saturn antra runs from 01-12-1981 to

Actually, during the joint period of Jupiter-Mercury-Saturn-Rahu, on

05-03-1982 Friday about 11:30 AM, he was attacked with a sharp knife. He
was injured in the stomach and suffered a stab wound about 5 to 6 inches
deep, and in this episode his intestines were also wounded. He also suffered a
3 or 4 inches wound on the head from the beating he received on the head.
This was a totally fatal physical attack. But, as we discussed above, he escaped
fatality from this unexpected attack after successful operations on his injuries.

On 05-03-1982, Sun was transiting in Aquarius 21°.00’, in the star of dasa
lord Jupiter. Moon was transiting in Gemini 28°.21’, in the star of dasa lord
Jupiter. Jupiter was transiting in Libra 16°.42’, in the star of Sookshma dasa
lord Rahu. Mercury was transiting in Capricorn 25°.10’, in the sub of
Sookshma dasa lord Rahu. Rahu was transiting in Gemini 26°.20’, in the star
of dasa lord Jupiter.

Jyotish Abhigyan 53
Example 9: Unexpected trouble

Gender: Male
Date of birth: 31/10/1922, Tuesday; Time of birth: 12:07 PM IST
Place of birth: 22° N 34', 88° E 24', Aynamsha 22°.40’
KP North chart KP South chart

Planetary Position Cuspal Position

Planet Sgn Stl Sbl Cusp Sgn Stl Sbl Cusp Sgn Stl Sbl
Sun Ven Rah Mer
1 Sat Sun Mer 7 Moo Sat Mer
Moo Sat Jup Mer ☼
Mar Sat Sun Ket 2 Sat Rah Mer ☼ 8 Sun Ket Mer
Mer Mer Mar Rah
3 Jup Mer Ket ☼ 9 Mer Moo Mer
Jup Ven Rah Rah
Ven Mar Mer Mer 4 Mar Ven Jup ☼ 10 Ven Jup Jup
Sat Mer Moo Ven ☼
5 Ven Moo Sat 11 Mar Sat Jup
Rau Mer Sun Sat

Keu Jup Sat Sat 6 Mer Rah Sat 12 Jup Ket Sat

Cuspal Sub lord

Ascendant (Capricorn 060.43”) and 8th cusp (Leo 130.09'):

The sub lord of the Ascendant is Mercury. Mercury is in the star of Mars and
sub of Rahu. Mercury is owner of 6, and is conjoined with occupant of 8, Rahu.
Star lord Mars is owner of 11 (Badhaka) and occupant of 1. Mars aspects the
8th cusp. Sub lord Rahu is occupant of 8. Rahu is conjoined with the lord of
the 1st, Saturn. Thus, Ascendant and 8th sub lord Mercury signify 8 and are
connected with Badhaka and 1-6. They are also connected with malefic planets
Mars-Rahu-Saturn. Therefore, it is seen that he will face unexpected troubles.

12th cusp (Sagittarius 110.19'):

The sub lord of the 12th cusp is Saturn. Saturn is in the star of Moon and sub

Jyotish Abhigyan 54
of Venus. Saturn is owner of 1. Saturn is conjoined with 6th lord Mercury and
the occupant of 8 Rahu. Star lord Moon is owner of 7(Maraka), occupant of 2.
Moon aspects the 8th cusp. Moon is aspected by the 12th lord Jupiter. Sub lord
Venus is occupant of 11(Badhaka). Venus is aspected by malefic planet Sat-
urn. Thus, 12th sub lord Saturn signifies 8 and is connected with 1-6-8-12-
Maraka-Badhaka. Moreover, it is connected with malefic planets Saturn and
Rahu. Indications of unexpected troubles are present, as also danger to life.

Significator table of 6-8-12

Cusp Planet in the Occupant Planet in the Owner Conjoined

star of Occupant star of Owner or aspected
Planet (E)
(A) (B) (C) (D)
6 — — Venus Mercury —
8 Sun-Jupiter Rahu Mars-Rahu Sun Saturn-Mercury
12 — — Moon Jupiter —

Rahu is conjoined with Saturn-Mercury.

Generally, it has been seen that, if 8-12 sub lords signify 8-12, then during
their joint dasas one faces unexpected troubles. Thus, Saturn and Mercury are
important significators. Also, nodes are always stronger than any other

Joint period
This native was born with balance dasa of Jupiter of 09 Y 10 M 02 D.
Jupiter dasa passed during childhood. The next dasa, in sequence, will be that
of Saturn-Mercury etc. During Saturn and Mercury dasas the native faced
unexpected troubles,

First unexpected trouble happened in the 3rd week of August 1946. During
partition of India-Pakistan, mischievous people looted his house. The native
ran away to escape with his life. At that time he was running the joint period of
Saturn-Rahu-Rahu-Sun from 19-08-1946 to 27-08-1946. Saturn is lord of
1, Rahu occupant of 8 and Sun lord of 8. All joint period lords signify the 8 th.

During that time, Sun was transiting in Leo 03°.00’, in the sub of Sookshma
dasa lord Sun. Saturn was transiting in Cancer 09°.00’, in the star of dasa lord
Saturn. Rahu was transiting in Taurus 24°.16’, in the sub of bhukti-antra lord

Second unexpected trouble occured on 18-03-1968. The native was walking on

the road when a wrestler punched him on his face and broke his teeth. He was
also beaten on his stomach. At that time he was running joint period of
Mercury-Saturn-Rahu-Venus from 01-03-1968 to 25-03-1968. Mercury is lord
of 6. Saturn is lord of 1, Rahu occupant of 8 and Venus occupant of 11
(Badhaka). Venus is significator of 6 and Mercury-Saturn-Rahu signifies 8.

Jyotish Abhigyan 55
On 18-03-1968, Sun was transiting in Pisces 04°.37’, in the star of bhukti lord
Saturn. Saturn was transiting in Pisces 19°.51’, in the star of dasa lord Mercu-
ry. Mercury was transiting in Aquarius 07°.45’, in the star of antra lord Rahu.
Rahu was transiting in Pisces 26°.34’, in the star of dasa lord Mercury. Venus
was transiting in Aquarius 10°.19’, in the star of antra lord Rahu.

Jyotish Abhigyan 56
Example 10: Operation of Uterus

Gender: Female
Date of birth: 06/10/1916, Friday; Time of birth: 08:21 AM IST
Place of birth: 22° N 41', 72° E 55', Ayanamsha 22°.35’
KP North chart KP South chart

Planetary Position Cuspal Position

Planet Sgn Stl Sbl Cusp Sgn Stl Sbl Cusp Sgn Stl Sbl
Sun Mer Moo Ket
1 Ven Rah Mer ☼ 7 Mar Ven Ven
Moo Sat Moo Mar
Mar Ven Jup Ket 2 Mar Sat Mar ☼ 8 Ven Moo Rah
Mer Mer Moo Mer ☼
3 Jup Ven Ven 9 Mer Rah Mer
Jup Mar Ket Sat

Ven Sun Ket Mar 4 Sat Moo Jup 10 Moo Sat Rah
Sat Moo Sat Mer ☼
5 Sat Rah Ven 11 Sun Ven Mar
Rau Sat Sun Jup ☼
Keu Moo Jup Rah 6 Jup Mer Mer 12 Mer Moo Sat

Ascendant indicates health, 6th cusp indicates disease, 8th cusp indicates
serious disease, and operation, and 12th cusp indicates hospitalization, body
part removal. Mars indicates operation, Rahu indicates body part removal.
Ketu gives results like Mars, and Rahu gives results like Saturn.

If the Sub lords of 8-12th cusps are the significators (in the star of the
occupant or owner) of houses 6-8-12, and are connected with Ascendant and
Mars, then there is a chance of serious disease, an operation, and/or removal
of a body part.

During the joint period of the significators of 8-12, or sub lords of 8-12, one
can undergo an operation.

Jyotish Abhigyan 57
If the sub lords of 6-8-12 be significators of 6-8-12, then disease occurs which
is related to the nature of these sub lords and the signs occupied by their star
lords or the cusps occupied by them, or operation has to be performed in the
indicated body part.

If the Sub lords of 8-12th cusps are significators (in the star of the occupant or
owner) of houses 1-5-11, then there is a chance of cure from the disease.

Cuspal Sub lord

In this chart the Ascendant sign is Libra.

8th cusp (Taurus 130.25'):

In this chart 8th cusp sign lord is Venus, star lord is Moon and Rahu is the sub
Venus is in the star of Ketu and sub of Mars. Moon is in its own star and sub
of Mars. Rahu is in the star of Sun and sub of Jupiter. 8th sign lord and star
lord are connected with Mars. 8th sub lord Rahu is aspected by Mars. Thus, the
joint cuspal point planets are connected with Mars, thereby indicating a
chance of operation.
The sub lord of the 8th cusp is Rahu. Its star lord Sun is lord of 11, occupant
of 12. Sub lord Jupiter is owner and occupant of 6. Thus, Rahu signifies 11-12
and is connected with 6.

Star lord Sun is conjoined with 12th lord Mercury and is aspected by 5th lord
Saturn. Sub lord Jupiter aspects the 1st, and is aspected by Mars and 5th lord
Saturn. Jupiter aspects lord of 1-8 Venus.

8th sub lord Rahu is connected with cure from disease 1-5-11, and the
significator of operations, Mars. Rahu is conjoined with Moon (Uterus). Thus,
there is a chance for suffering from problems related to the uterus and its
removal by surgery.

Sub lord of Rahu is Jupiter who is the lord of 6 indicating disease. Jupiter is
also aspected by Mars, indicating operation. Jupiter aspects Venus (Uterus).
All this indicates operation of the Uterus. Moreover, Venus is lord of 1-8
indicating Uterus.

If sub lords of 8-12 be significators of 8-12, then there is a chance of operation

during the joint period of the significators of 8-12. 8th sub lord Rahu is a strong
significator of 12.

12th cusp (Virgo 170.25'):

Sub lord is Saturn. Saturn is in its own star and Mercury sub. Star lord
Saturn is lord of 5. It is conjoined with Ketu. It aspects the 12th cusp and lord
of 6, Jupiter. Sub lord Mercury is lord of 12 and it is conjoined with the lord of
11, Sun. It is aspected by 5th lord Saturn. Thus, 12th sub lord Saturn signifies
5-12 and is connected with 6-12-11-5 and Ketu. This indicates that during the
joint period of Saturn-Rahu, there is a chance of an operation.

Jyotish Abhigyan 58
Joint period
This native was born with balance dasa of Moon of 08 Y 07 M 28 D. Joint
period of Saturn-Rahu-Rahu-Rahu from 16-01-1980 to 09-02-1980. During
this period, on 09-02-1980 the native underwent an operation on the uterus
and the surgeon removed her uterus. In the morning of 09-02-1980 sookshma
of Jupiter had started.

On 09-02-1980, Sun was transiting in Capricorn 26°, in the sub of bhukti-
antra lord Rahu. Moon was transiting in Libra 22°, in the star of sookshma
lord Jupiter. Saturn was transiting in Virgo 02°.35’, in the sub of Sookshma
lord Jupiter. Rahu was transiting in Leo 06°.21’, in the sub of bhukti-antra
lord Rahu. Jupiter was transiting in Leo 13°.49’, in the star of 8 th lord Venus.

Jyotish Abhigyan 59
Example 11: Operation of intestine

Gender: Female
Date of birth: 11/06/1951, Monday; Time of birth: 10:57 AM IST
Place of birth: 22° N 10', 72° E 42', Aynamsha 23°.04’
KP North chart KP South chart

Planetary Position Cuspal Position

Planet Sgn Stl Sbl Cusp Sgn Stl Sbl Cusp Sgn Stl Sbl
Sun Ven Mar Jup
1 Sun Ket Ven 7 Sat Mar Ket
Moo Sun Ket Jup ☼
Mar Ven Moo Ven 2 Sun Sun Mar 8 Sat Jup Moo

Mer Ven Moo Moo
3 Mer Mar Sat 9 Jup Mer Sat
Jup Jup Mer Mer ☼
Ven Moo Sat Moo 4 Mar Jup Rah ☼ 10 Ven Sun Jup
Sat Mer Sun Jup
5 Jup Ket Ven ☼ 11 Mer Mar Ket
Rau Sat Jup Jup
Keu Sun Ven Jup 6 Sat Sun Jup ☼ 12 Moo Jup Rah

1) Ascendant indicates health, 6th cusp indicates disease, 8th cusp indicates
serious disease and operations and 12th cusp indicates hospitalization.
2) Cusp 5 (12th from 6th-cure from disease) and 11 (12th from 12th-return from
hospital), thus these two cusps are checked for cure from disease.
3) If the Sub lords of 8-12th cusps are significators (in the star of the
occupant or owner) of houses 6-8-12, and are connected with the
Ascendant and Mars, then there is a chance of an operation, serious
disease or removal of a body part. During the joint period of the
significators of 8-12, or sub lords of 8-12, one can undergo an operation.

If the Sub lords of 8-12th cusps are the significators (in the star of the
occupant or owner) of houses 1-5-11, then there is a chance of cure from

Jyotish Abhigyan 60
Cuspal Sub lord
8th cusp (Aquarius 290.29'):
8th cusp sub lord is Moon. Moon is in the star of Ketu and sub of Jupiter. Moon
is owner of 12 (Hospitalization). Star lord Ketu is occupant of 1. Ketu is
conjoined with 12th lord Moon and aspected by Mars (Operation). Sub lord
Jupiter is owner of 5(Cure from disease)-9 (Badhaka) and occupant of 8
(Serious disease, and operation). Thus, the 8th cusp sub lord signifies 1 and is
connected with 8-12-9-5-Mars-Ketu. So, serious disease and undergoing an
operation is certain. But, that he will be cured from the disease is also seen.

12th cusp (Cancer. 020.56'):

12th cusp sub lord is Rahu. Rahu is in the star and sub of Jupiter. Rahu is
occupant of 7 (Maraka), aspected by 12th lord Moon. Star lord Jupiter is lord of
5-11 and is occupant of 8. Jupiter is aspected by the lord of 6-7-8, Saturn.
Thus, 12th sub lord Rahu signifies 5-8-9 and is connected with 6-7-8-12-
Saturn. It indicates that there will be serious disease, operation and
hospitalization, and also there will be cure from disease.

Ruling Planet
I have started writing the analysis of this chart on 13-09-1982: Monday; 10.30
AM at Ahmedabad.
Day lord Sign lord Star lord
Day: Monday Moon — —

RP Ascendant: Libra 20°.55' — Venus Jupiter

RP Moon: Gemini 29°.28' — Mercury Jupiter
Rahu is in Gemini sign. It is conjoined with Moon and aspected by Jupiter.
Rahu, therefore, represents Mercury-Moon-Jupiter. Ketu is in Sagittarius sign,
thus represents Jupiter. Ruling planets are Moon-Venus-Jupiter-Mercury-

Joint period
This native was born with balance dasa of Ketu of 02 Y 07 M 15 D. The next
dasa, in sequence, will be that of Venus-Sun-Moon etc.

Moon dasa starts from 26-01-1980. Moon is the cuspal sub lord of 8th cusp
and indicates operation. It is also connected with 8-12. Therefore, serious
disease and operation is certain during this dasa. Moon also signifies 1-5,
thus, it is clear he will be cured from the disease. Moreover, Moon is in RP too.
During Moon dasa, bhukti of Rahu starts from 26-06-1981 to 26-12-1982.
Rahu is sub lord of 12th cusp, indicating hospital and treatment. Rahu is a
strong significator of 8, indicating serious disease and hospitalization. Rahu is
also connected with 5, indicating cure from disease.
During Rahu bhukti, antra of Venus gives disease. Venus is sub lord of
Ascendant. Venus is in the star of Saturn and sub of Moon. Venus is occupant
of 12(Hospitalization). Star lord Saturn is the owner of 6(Disease)-7(Maraka)-8
(Operation) and occupant of 2 (Maraka). Saturn is aspected by owner of 5-9
Jupiter. Sub lord Moon is lord of 12(Hospitalization), and occupant of 1(Good

Jyotish Abhigyan 61
health). Moon is conjoined with the malefic planet Ketu and is aspected by
Mars (Operation). Thus, Venus is a strong significator of 2-6-7-8 and is
connected with 1-5, as well as with Mars and Ketu. Thus, it is seen during
Ketu antra from 13-06-1982 to 13-09-1982 that the native faced serious
disease, operation and was also cured from it.

Antra lord Venus is in the star of Saturn, in Virgo sign. Virgo indicates
intestine and stomach. Thus, the native suffered from intestinal pain and had
to undergo an operation to cure it.

Actually, during the joint period of Moon-Rahu-Venus-Saturn from 10-08-1982

to 25-08-1982, on 21-08-1982 the native underwent the operation because he
was suffering pain in the stomach. The diagnosis was that the intestines had
adhered to each other.

Sookshma dasa lord Saturn is star lord of Antra lord Venus. Thus the event
happened during Saturn Sookshma. Moreover, Saturn is in the star of Sun and
sub of Jupiter. Star lord Sun is lord of 1(Good health)-2. Sun is conjoined with
11 lord Mercury and Mars. Sub lord Jupiter is the lord of 5-9 and occupant of
8. Thus, Sookshma dasa lord signifies 1-2 and is connected with 5-8-11-Mars.
So, the native underwent operation and obtained a cure.

The surgery was conducted in the evening at 20:30 of the21-08-1982. At that
time Sun was transiting in Leo 04°.44’, in the sub of dasa lord Moon. Rahu was
transiting in Gemini 17°.23’, in its own star. Venus was transiting in Cancer
15°.06’, in the star of Sookshma lord Saturn. Saturn was transiting in Virgo
25°.10’, in the sub of bhukti lord Rahu.

Effect of eclipse
On 09-01-1982 there was an eclipse of the Moon in Gemini 25°.44’, in this
chart Moon eclipse occurs in the 11th cusp. Moon eclipse is in the star of
Jupiter. Jupiter is the 6th sub lord in the chart.

On 25-01-1982 it was a solar eclipse in Capricorn 11°.24’. In this chart the

solar eclipse occurs in the 12th cusp. Sun eclipse is in the star of Moon. Moon
is 8th sub lord in the chart.

On 06-07-1982 it was a lunar eclipse in Sagittarius 20°.25’, and in this chart

Moon eclipse is in the 5th cusp. Moon eclipse is in the star of Venus. Venus is
Ascendant sub lord in the chart.

On 20/21-07-1982 it was a solar eclipse in Cancer 04°.13’, and in this chart

Sun eclipse is near the 12th cusp. Sun eclipse is in the star of Saturn. Saturn
is 9th (Badhaka), sub lord in chart.

As discussed above, the star lord of Moon and Sun eclipses, Jupiter, Moon,
Venus and Saturn, all are indicating disease, and operation. Also, the joint
period of dasa lord Moon, Antra lord Venus and Sookshma lord Saturn are star

Jyotish Abhigyan 62
Example 12: Esophagus cancer

Gender: Male
Date ofbirth: 09/04/1911, Sunday; Time of birth: 10:58 AM IST
Place of birth: 23° N 21', 72° E 43', Aynamsha 22°.31’
KP North chart KP South chart

Planetary Position Cuspal Position

Planet Sgn Stl Sbl Cusp Sgn Stl Sbl Cusp Sgn Stl Sbl
Sun Jup Mer Rah
1 Mer Rah Jup 7 Jup Ket Jup
Moo Sun Ket Sun ☼

Mar Sat Mar Jup 2 Moo Sat Sat ☼ 8 Sat Sun Sat
Mer Mar Ven Ven
3 Moo Mer Sat ☼ 9 Sat Mar Sat
Jup Ven Rah Mar
Ven Mar Sun Sun 4 Sun Sun Moo ☼ 10 Sat Jup Ven
Sat Mar Ven Ven ☼
5 Ven Mar Ket 11 Mar Ket Ven
Rau Mar Ven Rah

Keu Ven Rah Moo 6 Mar Sat Mer 12 Ven Sun Ket

If the Ascendant sub lord signifies houses 1-11, health is very good. If it
signifies houses 6-8-12, the native suffers diseases.

If the Sub lords of the 6-8-12th cusps are significators (in the star of the
occupant or owner) of houses 6-8-12, and are connected with the Ascendant,
the native suffers diseases.

If the Sub lords of the 6-8-12th cusps are significators (in the star of the
occupant or owner) of houses 6-8-12, and are connected with the Ascendant,
then there is a chance of an operation, serious disease or removal of a body
part. During the joint period of the significators of houses 8-12, or sub lords of
houses 8-12, one can undergo an operation.

Jyotish Abhigyan 63
If the Sub lords of the 6-8-12th cusps are significators (in the star of the
occupant or owner) of houses 1-5-11, then there is a chance of cure from the

If the 6th sub lord is connected with Saturn, disease will be permanent and
chronic; If Mars, sudden, acute and painful, and this is an indication of an
operation; if Mercury, complications in the disease; if Rahu or Ketu, disease is
of chronic nature and beyond diagnosis.

If the Sub lords of the 6-8-12th cusps are significators (in the star of the
occupant or owner) of houses 6-8-12, then the type of disease will be indicated
by this sub lord, and the sign occupied by its star lord will show the relevant
and affected part of the body.

Cusps 1-8-3 are longevity cusps.

Cuspal Sub lord

Ascendant (Gemini 090.11'):

The sub lord of the Ascendant is Jupiter. It is in the star Rahu and in the sub
of Mars. Jupiter owns the angle, it occupies the 5th, and aspects the
Ascendant. The star lord, Rahu, occupies 11. The sub lord, Mars, owns 6. So,
the sub lord of the Ascendant is a strong significator of 11 and is connected
with houses 6, 5 and 11. Hence, the native will maintain normal health, in
general, for a long time.

We may now view the sub lord of the Ascendant in a different manner. Jupiter
is the owner of the Badhaka house 7. It is aspected by the owner of the 8 th,
Saturn, and the owner of the 12th, Venus. So, it becomes malefic and afflicted.
Its star lord, Rahu, is in conjunction with the owner of the 8th, Saturn, and
the owner of the 12th, Venus. It is aspected by the owner of the 6th, Mars. So,
Rahu also becomes malefic and afflicted. Its sub lord, Mars, owns the 6 th, and
is aspected by the owner of the 8th, Saturn. So, Mars also becomes malefic
and afflicted. Hence, the sub lord of the Ascendant, Jupiter, becomes heavily
afflicted and malefic in effect. It is connected with the Badhaka and Maraka
houses and also with houses 6, 8 and 12. So, after 66 years of age, we have to
think about the disease.

6th cusp (Scorpio 070.05'):

The sub lord of the 6th cusp is Mercury. It is in the star and sub of Venus.
Mercury is lord of 1 and is occupant of 11. Star and sub lord, Venus, is lord
of 12, occupant of 11. Thus, the 6th sub lord, Mercury, signifies houses 11-12,
and is connected with houses 1-11-12.

Mercury and Venus are both in conjunction with the owner of the 8th, Saturn,
and Rahu. They are aspected by Jupiter, the owner of the 7th house
(Badhaka), and the owner of the 6th, Mars. Thus, the cuspal sub lord of the
6th is connected with houses 1-6-8-12; the Badhaka house; 11; Mercury
(complication); Venus (wasting disease); Saturn (chronicity); Rahu (chronic

Jyotish Abhigyan 64
and disease beyond diagnosis); Jupiter (malignancy); and Mars (sudden, cute
and painful). So, the native is likely to suffer from an incurable disease.

8th cusp (Capricorn 030.05'):

The sub lord of the 8th cusp is Saturn. It is in the star and sub of Venus. So,
the position will be the same as above. Hence, the native may die of an
incura-ble disease. The afflictions are in the Cardinal signs. So, the parts
denoted by the cardinal signs (head, belly, esophagus, kidney, skin) will be
affected and afflicted by the disease.

Joint period
The native was born during the dasa period of Ketu with balance of 05Y 01 M
03 D. This horoscope denotes long life. So, after 66 years of age, we have to
think about the disease in particular.

The period of Jupiter commences from 12-05-1977. It is connected with

houses 6, 8, 12, and the Badhaka, Maraka houses. So, its dasa is dangerous
for life.

We have earlier observed that the cuspal sub lords of houses 6 and 8 are
connected with the Badhaka, Maraka houses, and also with houses 6, 8, and
12. Hence, during the bhukti of these cuspal sub lords, the native may suffer
from disease.

Therefore, during the joint period of Jupiter (the cuspal sub lord of the
Ascendant and the Badhaka house), Saturn and Saturn (the cuspal sub lord
of 8), in July 1979, it was detected that the native was affected with cancer in
the oesophagus.

The joint period of Jupiter-Saturn-Saturn from 30-06-1979 to 24-11-1979,

the disease started gradually.

The disease reached much higher malignancy during the joint period of
Jupiter-Saturn-Mercury (6th sub lord) between 24-11-1979 to 03-04-1980.

In the joint period of Jupiter-Saturn-Ketu from 03-04-1980 to 27-05-1980, the

disease progressed to an unbearable stage.

During the joint period of Jupiter-Saturn-Ketu-Saturn, from 12-05-1980 to 20

-05-1980, on 17-05-1980, the native died at 04:15 PM.

Jyotish Abhigyan 65
Example 13: Dumb and deaf

Gender: Male
Date of birth: 09/10/1972, Monday; Time of birth: 04:15 AM IST
Place of birth: 23° N 02', 72° E 35', Aynamsha 23°.22’
KP North chart KP South chart

Planetary Position Cuspal Position

Planet Sgn Stl Sbl Cusp Sgn Stl Sbl Cusp Sgn Stl Sbl
Sun Mer Moo Ven
1 Sun Ven Rah 7 Sat Rah Mar
Moo Ven Rah Jup ☼
Mar Mer Moo Mar 2 Mer Moo Sat ☼
8 Jup Mer Mer
Mer Ven Mar Moo
3 Ven Rah Moo ☼ 9 Mar Ven Rah
Jup Jup Ket Jup
Ven Sun Ket Sat 4 Mar Mer Ven ☼ 10 Ven Moo Mer
Sat Mar Mar Jup
5 Jup Ven Jup ☼ 11 Mer Jup Jup
Rau Jup Sun Moo
Keu Mer Jup Ven ☼
6 Sat Moo Ket 12 Moo Mer Ven

1) Mercury signifies speech and our hearing ability. Taurus and 2 nd cusp
signifies speech and throat. Gemini sign and 3rd cusp signify hearing ability
and the ear. Watery signs (Cancer-Scorpio-Pisces) signify dumbness. 6th
cusp indicates diseases, 8th indicates serious or incurable diseases and 12th
indicates permanent defects.
2) If the Sub lords of 8-12th cusps are significators (in the star of the
occupant or owner) of houses 6-8-12, and are connected with Mercury, 2, 3
and watery/silent signs, as well as if 2nd and 3rd sub lords be malefic or in
watery/silent signs and have connection with 6-8-12, then there is a
chance of problems occurring in speaking and hearing.

Jyotish Abhigyan 66
Cuspal Sub lord

6th cusp (Capricorn 200.24'):

6th cusp sub lord is Ketu. Ketu is in the star of Jupiter and sub of Venus. Ketu
is a malefic planet. It is in Gemini sign, thus represents Mercury. Also, it is
aspected by 8th lord Jupiter. Star lord Jupiter is owner of 8, and is conjoined
with the malefic planet Rahu, and is aspected by malefic planet Mars, lord of 9
(Badhaka). Sub lord Venus is owner of 3 and occupant of 12 which is an
animal sign, Leo, and is aspected by 8th lord Jupiter. Thus, 6th cusp sub lord
Ketu is connected with Mars-Rahu-Ketu and 8-12-3. 6th sub lord Ketu, its star
lord Jupiter and its sub lord Ketu are all significators of malefic cusps.
Moreover, Ketu strongly signifies 8 and is connected with 3-8-12 and malefic
planets, indicating disease which is not curable, and is related to throat and
ear. In this case, the native was deaf and dumb since birth.

8th cusp (Pisces 170.24'):

8th cusp sub lord is Mercury. Mercury is in the star of Mars and sub of Moon.
Mercury is occupant of 2 and is conjoined with 12th lord Moon. Star lord Mars
is a malefic planet, owner of 9 (Badhaka), and is also very near the 2nd cusp.
Mars aspects the 8th cusp. Sub lord Moon is owner of 12 and occupant of 2.
Moon is conjoined with 2nd lord Mercury. Thus 8th cusp sub lord Mercury
signifies 2-8 and is connected with 2-8-12-Mercury, and malefic planet Mars.
So, 8th sub lord Mercury indicates disease related to the throat and ear. In this
case, the native was deaf and dumb since birth.

12th cusp (Cancer. 200.24'):

12th cusp sub lord is Venus. Venus is in the star of Ketu and sub of Saturn.
Venus is occupant of 12, in an animal sign, Leo, and is aspected by the 8 th
lord, Jupiter. Star lord Ketu is a malefic planet, in Gemini sign, hence
represents Mercury. Ketu is aspected by 8th lord Jupiter. Sub lord Saturn is a
malefic planet, in Taurus sign and owner of 6. Saturn aspects the 12 th. Thus
12th sub lord Venus is connected with 3-6-8-12-Saturn. It is indicative of the
fact that the disease is related to the throat and ear. In this case, the native
was deaf and dumb since birth.

2nd cusp (Virgo. 170.24'):

2nd cusp sub lord is Saturn. Saturn is in the star of Mars and sub of Jupiter.
We have discuss about Saturn, Mars and Jupiter above.

3rd cusp (Libra. 180.24'):

3rd cusp sub lord is Moon. Moon is in the star of Rahu and sub of Jupiter.
We have discussed all these planets above. 2nd and 3rd sub lords are connected
with 2-8-12 and Mercury. As stated, this native has been deaf and dumb since
Sub lords of 6-8-12 are not connected with 1-5-11. Thus it is clear that this
disease/defect will never be cured.

Jyotish Abhigyan 67
Example 14: Dumb and deaf

Gender: Female
Date of birth: 18/12/1973, Tuesday; Time of birth: 11:30 AM IST
Place of birth: 23° N 02', 72° E 35', Aynamsha 23°.23’
KP North chart KP South chart

Planetary Position Cuspal Position

Planet Sgn Stl Sbl Cusp Sgn Stl Sbl Cusp Sgn Stl Sbl
Sun Jup Ket Ven
1 Sat Rah Jup 7 Sun Ket Sat
Moo Mer Moo Ven ☼

Mar Mar Ket Mar 2 Jup Mer Mer ☼ 8 Mer Moo Mer
Mer Mar Mer Ven
3 Mar Ven Jup ☼ 9 Ven Jup Jup
Jup Sat Moo Mer
Ven Sat Moo Rah 4 Ven Moo Sat ☼ 10 Mar Mer Mer
Sat Mer Rah Rah ☼
5 Mer Rah Sat 11 Jup Ket Mer
Rau Jup Ket Mar

Keu Mer Mar Sun 6 Moo Sat Ket 12 Sat Sun Ket

Cuspal Sub lord

6th cusp (Cancer 070.30')-12th cusp (Capricorn 070.30'):
6th and 12th cusp sub lord is Ketu. Ketu is in the star of Mars and sub of Sun.
Ketu is a malefic planet. It is in Gemini sign, thus represents Mercury lord of 8.
Also, it is conjoined with the malefic planet, Saturn. Star lord Mars is a malefic
planet, owner of 3, occupant of 2 in the animal sign of Aries. Sub lord Sun is
owner of 7 (Maraka). Sun is conjoined with the malefic planet Rahu, and is
aspected by the malefic planet Saturn, lord of 12. Thus 6th and 12th cusps sub
lord, Ketu, signifies 2-3 and is connected with 8-12-Mercury and malefic
planets Mars-Saturn-Ketu. 6th and 12th sub lord Ketu, its star lord Mars and its
sub lord Sun are all signifying malefic cusps.

Jyotish Abhigyan 68
8th cusp (Virgo 180.23')- 2nd cusp (Pisces 180.23'):
8th and 2nd cusp sub lord is Mercury. Mercury is in its own star and sub of
Venus. Mercury is owner of 8 and is in the silent sign of Scorpio. Mercury is
aspected by 3rd lord malefic planet Mars. Sub lord Venus is owner of 9
(Badhaka), occupant of 12 in the animal sign of Capricorn. Venus is conjoined
with 2nd lord Jupiter. Thus 8th and 2nd cusp sub lord Mercury signifies 8 and is
connected with 2-8-12-Mercury and malefic planet Mars.

3rd cusp (Aries. 200.30'):

3rd cusp sub lord is Jupiter. Jupiter is in the star of Moon and sub of Mercury.
Jupiter is owner of 2, occupant of 12 in an animal sign, Capricorn. Star lord
Moon is owner of 6, occupant of 8. Moon aspects the 2nd cusp. Sub lord Mercu-
ry is owner of 8, in a silent sign, Scorpio, and is aspected by the malefic planet,
Mars. Thus, the 3rd cusp sub lord, Jupiter, strongly signifies 6-8 and is
connected with Mercury, as well as the malefic planet Mars and silent sign.

In this chart, sub lords of 6-8-12-2-3 are connected with Mercury, silent signs,
malefic planets and cusps 6-8-12. Thus native has been deaf and dumb by

Sub lords of 6-8-12 are not connected with 1-5-11 and, thus, it is clear that
this disease/defect will never be cured.

Example 13 and 14 both are real brother and sister.

Jyotish Abhigyan 69
Example 15: Madness

Gender: Male
Date of birth: 10/06/1960, Friday; Time of birth: 04:37 AM IST
Place of birth: 20° N 28', 85° E 54', Ayanamsha 23°.12’
KP North chart KP South chart

Planetary Position Cuspal Position

Planet Sgn Stl Sbl Cusp Sgn Stl Sbl Cusp Sgn Stl Sbl
Sun Ven Mar Rah
1 Ven Moo Mer 7 Mar Mer Mer
Moo Jup Ket Ven ☼
Mar Jup Mer Sat 2 Mer Rah Mer ☼ 8 Jup Ven Ven
Mer Mer Rah Moo
3 Moo Sat Ket ☼ 9 Sat Sun Ven
Jup Jup Ket Rah
Ven Ven Moo Ven 4 Sun Ket Rah ☼ 10 Sat Mar Moo
Sat Jup Ven Sat ☼
5 Mer Sun Ket 11 Jup Sat Ket
Rau Sun Sun Sun

Keu Sat Jup Ven 6 Ven Rah Mer 12 Mar Ven Ven

In the case of madness, if the Sub lords of 6-8-12 cusps are significators (in
the star of the occupant or owner) of houses 6-8-12, and are connected with
Moon (Mind)-Mercury (Brain-Nerves)-Saturn (Sadness)-Ketu (Madness/
Craziness), then there is a chance of the problem of Madness occurring.

Cuspal Sub lord

6th cusp (Libra 130.35'):
6th cusp sub lord is Mercury. Mercury is in the star of Rahu and sub of Moon.
Mercury is aspected by the occupant of 2 (Maraka) Moon, 8th lord, Retro
Jupiter, occupant of 8, owner of 9 (Badhaka), retro Saturn and lord of 7-12,
Mars. Star lord Rahu is aspected by 8th lord, retro Jupiter. Sub lord Moon is
conjoined with 8th lord, Retro Jupiter, occupant of 8, and owner of 9
(Badhaka), retro Saturn. Thus, the 6th cusp sub lord, Mercury, is connected

Jyotish Abhigyan 70

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