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Qualification BTEC Level 5 HND Diploma in Business

Unit number and title Unit 20 Organizational Behavior

Submission date 11/8/2023 Date Received 1st submission

Re-submission Date 19/9/2023 Date Received 2nd submission

Student Name Nguyễn Quốc Hùng Student ID GDH210496

Class GBH1116 Assessor name Bùi Lê Thùy Trang

Student declaration

I certify that the assignment submission is entirely my own work and I fully understand the consequences of plagiarism. I understand that
making a false declaration is a form of malpractice.

Student’s signature Nguyen Quoc Hung


P1 P2 P3 P4 P5 M1 M2 M3 D1 D2

 Summative Feedback:  Resubmission Feedback:

Grade: Assessor Signature: Date:

Internal Verifier’s Comments:

Signature & Date:

Table of Contents
I. Introduction:..................................................................................................................................................4
1.1 Introduction of the team activity.............................................................................................................4
1.2. Aims and purposes.................................................................................................................................5
2.3. Team member’s role and timeframe......................................................................................................6
II. Assess own personality traits and attributes in terms of them having a positive or negative effect on
management approaches and company:............................................................................................................8
2.1 Big 5 personality’s trait test:...................................................................................................................8
2.2. MBTI Test:............................................................................................................................................9
2.3. Advantages and disadvantages of the personality traits in terms of management approaches and your
contribution to your teamwork effectiveness..............................................................................................10
III. Perception to team’s responsibility...........................................................................................................12
IV. Facilitators and obstacles the team project faced and motivational theories the team leader applied:......12
4.3.Usage of Content theory and Process theory to solve the obstacles and promote team work efficiency.
.................................................................................................................................................................... 13
4.3.1. Maslow’s content theory:..............................................................................................................13
4.3.2. Vroom’s expectancy theory..........................................................................................................14
V. Critically set a proposition that the team supposed to set up a company to implement that activity as a
VI. Improve company effectiveness and team development in term of technology application.....................16
5.1. Technology application:......................................................................................................................16
5.2. Team Development:.............................................................................................................................16
VII. Conclusion:.............................................................................................................................................17

I. Introduction:
The students in GBH116 at the University of Greenwich's Hanoi campus came up with the idea for
the Little Things project, which is a charitable endeavor. The mission of "Little Things" is to collect
donations from the general public in order to purchase food for people who are without homes. This
philanthropic organization was started by the group to help those who are without homes in the city
of Hanoi. As a result, the information in this report will be divided up into five primary sections.
The first thing that will be revealed is an analysis on the author's personality qualities and how those
attributes have either a favorable or negative effect on management techniques and the firm. This
will be proved through two tests. The viewpoint of the author regarding the tasks of the team comes
up next. Thirdly, a description of the facilitators and barriers that the team faced during the duration
of the project, as well as an analysis of how content theory and process theory were utilized to
overcome the challenges, will be presented. In the fourth part of the challenge, the group was given
the task of forming a corporation and providing information regarding that company. Last but not
least, improve company effectiveness and team development in term of technology application.
1.1 Introduction of the team activity
The Little Things Project is a charity project founded by students from class GBH1116 of the
University of Greenwich Hanoi campus. The project team has 5 members including Nguyen Ngoc
Quynh Anh, Nguyen Thi Kieu Linh, Nguyen Ngoc Anh Thu, Nguyen Quoc Hung, and Tran Mac
Huyen Vy. Each member of the project team has their own strengths to be able to complete the
project together in the most successful way. As the message “Give from the little things” the goal of
the project is to assist the homeless to have a late-night snack. Even if it is only a small portion, it
also partly helps them feel full and less tired.

Figure 1: Group's Activity

In addition, the project team also called for referrals through the project's official Facebook page
from July 19, 2023, to July 25, 2023. The project team not only appealed not on social media but
also had help and advice from friends and relatives of the members. The charity appeal went very
smoothly and exceeded the expectations of the whole group. Initially, the group only wanted to
raise VND 1,200,000 but the number has increased to VND 1,800,000. With the money raised, the
project team prepares portions of bread and milk by July 26, 2023 so that the group can assist the
homeless as quickly as possible. After making 40 servings of bread, the remaining group amount is
570,000vnd. After careful discussion, the group used this excess money to support the Lien Tam
Charity project operating in Ho Chi Minh City, which is known as a project to support the

1.2. Aims and purposes

The Little Things Project is a charity project founded by students of class GBH1116 of the
University of Greenwich Hanoi campus. As the message 'Give from the little things' goes, the goal
of the project is to assist homeless people to have a late-night meal. Although it is only a small part,
it also partly helps them feel full and less tired. The primary goal of 'Little Things' is to provide
basic needs such as food and water to the homeless, help them overcome daily difficulties, and
improve their temporary lives. Because the project is small, the initial target when calling for each
member is from 200,000vnd to 500,000vnd. But with the efforts of the team members, the number
of calls for support has exceeded expectations with 1,800,000 VND. It is expected to create
opportunities for members to participate in charitable activities. By calling for community
donations and participation, 'Little Things' connects and spreads compassion, forming a mirror of
love and sharing. The ultimate goal of the project is to raise social awareness of the status of the
homeless and think of philanthropic action in the community. The Little Things team aims to
promote sensitivity and willingness to share help in society. In general, the 'Little Things' project

aims to provide support to people experiencing homelessness while creating a spirit of philanthropy
and compassion in the community.

2.3. Team member’s role and timeframe

Role Member
Nguyen Ngoc Quynh Anh Leader
Nguyen Ngoc Anh Thu Content creators
Nguyen Thi Kieu Linh Designer
Tran Mac Huyen Vy Media
Nguyen Quoc Hung Content creators

Stages Time Activities Goal Personnel

Project 13/7 Unity of ideas Make a plan All members
15/7 Set up a page on Set up a Facebook Huyen Vy
Facebook page to announce
the project
16/7-17/7 Survey the Catch the All members
situation locations where
there are many
people who need
Project 17/7 Media posts Write a project Quynh Anh,
implementation kick-off post and Huyen Vy and
visual design Kieu Linh
18/7 Media posts Create an article Anh Thu, Huyen
introducing Vy and Kieu Linh
project team
members and
visual design
19/7 Media posts Write an appeal Quoc Hung,
for charity Huyen Vy and
At least: 1tr2 Kieu Linh
and visual design
20/7 Media posts Write more Quynh Anh,
thankful articles Huyen Vy and
for the first Kieu Linh
donors who
supported the
project and visual
25/7 Media posts Write articles stop Quoc Hung,
receiving charity Huyen Vy and
Kieu Linh
25/7 Fund statistics Estimate the Huyen Vy
amount of money
available to
estimate the
Disclosure of
26/7 Purchase of raw Raw material All members
materials processing
26/7 Bread processing For charity, All members
and photography documentary
work in Hoan
Kiem and Ba Dinh
27/7 Edit and publish Get public Anh Thu, Quynh
posts documentation of Anh và Quoc
the Hung, Kieu Linh
29/7 Media posts Write a statement Anh Thu, Huyen
of money Vy and Kieu Linh
received for the

Project 29/7 Project Write a thank you Quynh Anh,
completion completion post to express Huyen Vy and
gratitude to all Kieu Linh
involved in the
activity and visual

II. Assess own personality traits and attributes in terms of them having a positive or
negative effect on management approaches and company:
2.1 Big 5 personality’s trait test:

The first test the author take is the Big 5 personality’s trait test above. It shows that he has 46%
Openness, 21% Conscientiousness, 15% Extraversion, 71% Agreeableness and 87.5% Neuroticism.

The score of 46% in the Openness category shows that the author has a level of openness that falls
roughly in the middle of the range. Although there is a considerable probability that he is open to
new ideas and experiences, it is also possible that he is not as inquisitive or creative as someone
with a higher score. It is possible that the author is someone who's interested in trying out new
things and considering the perspectives of other people, but it's also possible that he is someone
who likes to have some stability and familiarity in their lives.

The author’s rating of 21% from the Coconsciousness factor indicates that his level of
conscientiousness is on the lower end of the spectrum. In spite of the fact that he might not be very
well organized and might not adhere to his plans very strictly, the author might be more adaptable
and spontaneous in the way that he approaches jobs. It is possible that he will find it simpler to
adapt to shifting circumstances, and that he will not feel as much need to precisely plan out every

To continue, the author’s 15% score in Extraversion indicates that since he has a lower score in
extraversion, I most likely have an introverted personality. It is possible that he finds engaging in
social contacts to be somewhat tiring, and as a result, the author prefers spending his time alone or
in more intimate settings. In general, the author feel most at ease in environments that are more

peaceful and conducive to introspection; nevertheless, there are times when the author really love
being around other people.

The author’s Agreeableness component has a rating of 71%, which indicates that he is probably
caring, cooperative, and concerned about the well-being of other people. There is a good chance
that the author gives maintaining harmony in his relationships a high priority, and may even go out
of his way to avoid arguments. Because of my naturally sympathetic disposition, people often find
that the author is a good listener and a friend who is helpful.

Last but not least, the Neuroticism aspect of the author’s personality achieves the highest rating
possible of 87.5%. A score this high indicates that he is likely to have powerful feelings and could
be more sensitive to the effects of stress. It's possible that the author experiences feelings of anxiety,
sadness, or worry more frequently than other people do. It's possible that this will make him more in
tune with his feelings, but it could also imply that the author needs to be more deliberate about how
he deals with stress and unpleasant feelings. (OpenAI's ChatGPT AI language model, personal
communication, 9 August 2023).

2.2. MBTI Test:

The author
discovered that he is an ISTP-T after taking the MBTI test, which was the second of his tests.
Which suggests that the author is probably the type of person that enjoys working with their hands
and finding solutions to difficulties in the real world. It's possible that he is good at fixing things,
figuring out how to solve problems, or participating in hands-on activities. Being an analytical
thinker is a huge benefit for those with the ISTP-T personality type. This means that the author’s
decisions are typically founded on logic rather than feelings, and that his approach to problem-
solving is significantly more effective. In addition, having an ISTP-T personality type indicates that
he values independence and favor coming to his own conclusions and finding his own solutions to
problems on my own. It's possible that the author will put more stock in his own discretion rather
than substantially relying on the advice of others. In addition, the author is both observant and
adaptive, which suggests that he pays attention to the tiniest of details and is able to pick up on
things that other people might miss. The author is not easily phased by change and is able to quickly
adjust to novel circumstances as a result of this. The author is also skilled at evaluating his
environment and coming to well-informed conclusions. If the circumstances warrant it, he will
gladly make adjustments to his plans. In conclusion, many say that he has a reserved social
demeanor, and while he may find one-on-one conversations or situations with a small group of
people enjoyable, the author may find huge social events draining. It's be that he needs some time to
himself to reenergize after engaging with other people. (OpenAI's ChatGPT AI language model,
personal communication, 9 August 2023).

2.3. Advantages and disadvantages of the personality traits in terms of management approaches and
your contribution to your teamwork effectiveness.
Judging on the author’s Big 5 personality’s trait test. The advantages from his personality traits are
shown below:

Openness (46%) advantages and disadvantages:

The author maintains a healthy level of openness to novel ideas and experiences, but this does not
mean that they are too receptive. This can be a benefit because it shows that the author is open to
new ideas and is likely to contribute innovative approaches and novel points of view to the process
of problem-solving without being overly antagonistic to traditional processes. This can be a benefit
because it suggests that the author is open to new ideas and is likely to contribute innovative
approaches and novel points of view to the process of problem-solving. In addition, the author can
make a contribution by providing innovative solutions to challenging challenges, by encouraging
experimentation among the team, and by exhibiting adaptability in the face of changing

However, the author might want assistance in order to maintain consistency and adhere to the
protocols that have been created. Finding a happy medium between being creative and adhering to
established protocols can be difficult at times. Others could have the impression that he is either
inconsistent or overly willing to change course. It is essential to make certain that the author's
innovative ideas are congruent with the objectives of the group and do not unduly interfere with the
workflow. (OpenAI's ChatGPT AI language model, personal communication, 9 August 2023).

Conscientiousness (21%) advantages and disadvantages:

The author's conscientiousness score is rather low, which shows that he is not unduly
perfectionistic. However, this does not mean that the author is careless. Because of this, he is able to
keep his attention on the bigger picture and assign work in an efficient manner without becoming
bogged down in the minutiae. This might be a benefit. The method taken by the author might be
able to help the team achieve a better balance between their attention to detail and their
concentration on the bigger picture of the project. Without engaging in an excessive amount of
micromanagement, he is able to keep the team moving forward.

Despite this, the author might benefit from honing his organizing abilities and paying closer
attention to the finer points of his work. Ensure that essential responsibilities are not skipped or
completed in a hasty manner because of a lack of conscientiousness. It's possible that the author
isn't as conscientious as they claim to be, which could result in missed deadlines or mistakes. Be
watchful in the management of obligations, and have an orderly mindset, so that you can avoid
these mistakes. (OpenAI's ChatGPT AI language model, personal communication, 9 August 2023).

Extraversion (15%) advantages and disadvantages:

Due to the author's low extraversion, it is possible that he might be successful in professions that
involve intense concentration and thorough investigation. It is possible that the author is not readily
sidetracked by conversations with other people, which enables him to do well in activities that need
focus. The presence of the author inside the group can be one of calm and stability, which is
especially helpful when the team is dealing with stressful or difficult circumstances. His capacity
for working without direct supervision can serve as a model for others.

On the contrary, it's possible that he has to make a concerted effort to engage with his staff and
encourage open communication. Being overly reserved can put you at a disadvantage socially and
make it challenging to form cohesive groups. It's possible that other people see him as being remote
or unapproachable. (OpenAI's ChatGPT AI language model, personal communication, 9 August

Agreeableness (71%) advantages and disadvantages:

The author's high agreeableness is illustrative of his outstanding capacity to foster constructive
interactions among the members of his team. The author is skilled at acting as a peacemaker and
fostering an atmosphere that is productive and harmonious in the workplace. Because of his
cooperative personality, members of the team feel a greater feeling of unity and trust in one another.
The author is also adept at listening to what other people have to say and making them feel as
though their opinions matter.

On the other hand, the author could find it difficult to come to unpopular conclusions or provide
constructive criticism when it is required. It is important for the author to remember
to The author's high agreeableness is illustrative of his outstanding capacity to fos avoid being
overly accommodating, as this could go against the overall objectives of the team. Even though the
author advocates for harmony, it's possible that he will avoid addressing contentious issues or
decisions that are unpopular. Therefore, in order to keep a balanced dynamic within the team, he
needs to encourage free communication and assertiveness if it is necessary. (OpenAI's ChatGPT AI
language model, personal communication, 9 August 2023).

Neuroticism (87.5%) advantages and disadvantages:

A high level of neuroticism in the author indicates that they have a strong attention to detail and an
acute awareness of potential dangers. In certain professions, such as those that involve detailed risk
assessment and troubleshooting, this might be a benefit. The author can be of assistance to the team

by seeing possible problems at an early stage and taking action to alleviate such problems, so
contributing to a proactive approach to problem-solving.

On the other hand, extreme neuroticism can result in anxiety and tension, both of which may impair
the author's ability to make decisions and, more generally, their overall effectiveness as a manager.
It is essential to maintain an appropriate degree of stress management. If the worry is made obvious,
it may have an effect on the morale of the team and produce an atmosphere of tension. At which,
the author’s attention should be focused on stress management and instilling trust in the author
team's capabilities. (OpenAI's ChatGPT AI language model, personal communication, 9 August

III. Perception to team’s responsibility

From the author’s view, the duty of the team functions as a role between its members to share the
load and handle the challenges of others in order to strive toward the same objective and achieve the
same purposes. As a result of the fact that each member possesses their own unique personality and
set of characteristics, the leader of the team is required to conduct an evaluation with each
individual member in order to determine their capabilities and identify any areas in which they may
require improvement.

When it comes to being a member of a team, such as myself, it is my responsibility to go by the

rules and instructions set forth by my team's leader. However, I must also be aware of my own
rights and responsibilities in order to avoid unfavorable circumstances during the course of our
collaboration. When looking at things from a historical perspective, the optimal situation in which a
team has the potential to achieve its goals is one in which disagreements are kept to a minimum to
the greatest extent possible. The second most important factor, which follows the first, is to ensure
that the appropriate responsibilities are delegated to the appropriate people and that everyone is
cooperating successfully.

In the past, I tended to view teamwork and the responsibilities associated with it as depending on
other people and only taking on the part of the role that required the least amount of effort on my
part. However, as I started to mature, I realized that it is essential to equally distribute correctly the
right role to the right person, as it is only natural that everyone would think the same to only do the
easiest part without challenging themselves. This is because it is only natural that everyone would
think to only do the easiest part without having to challenge themselves. In addition, if my working
capacity is strong enough to be of assistance to other people, then it is only right that I go out of my
way to assist them. This is not only because it may aid me, but also because it brings the ideal
scenario for the achievement of a team goal that much closer to being a reality.

IV. Facilitators and obstacles the team project faced and motivational theories the
team leader applied:
The group enjoys a number of advantages that contribute to the overall efficiency of the project.
Members of the team get mutually supportive with one another and have previously collaborated on
and gained knowledge regarding a wide variety of projects and subjects. This manifest a strong
sense of teamwork and cooperation as a result of this profound friendship as well as the established
acquaintance. Throughout the entirety of the project, the level of trust and comprehension that is
shared among the members of the team enables successful communication, coordination, and
collaboration. The manager of the team, Quynh Anh is a reliable team leader who is able to have
fun with her teammates and cultivate a positive attitude within the group while also managing to
address disagreements and misunderstandings that arise between other members of the team. She is
yet another important supporter. In addition to this, the collective enthusiasm of the group. The
team members are always willing to help one another out and work together as a team. People tend
to be more enthusiastic and have a very excellent working attitude when they are working in
groups, which has had a significant impact on the working styles of everyone in the group.
Everyone gets along well, and their judgment is really good, despite the fact that nobody has ever
worked on a project of this magnitude before.

On the other hand, the group will need to overcome a few challenges in order to complete their
assignment. One of these is that the team encounter a thief situation, which has a significant impact
on the health and wellbeing of the other members of the team. Moreover, because the members of
the team do not live in close proximity to each other, the communication within the team is without
a doubt missing. Following that is the possible risk on productivity because not many members
know what they should accomplish during the phase in which the tasks are being given. These are
all factors that should be taken into consideration.

4.3.Usage of Content theory and Process theory to solve the obstacles and promote team work
4.3.1. Maslow’s content theory:
Physiological needs: On Maslow's hierarchy, physiological demands come in at the bottom of the
list of id-driven lower needs first. Food and water, adequate rest, clothing and a place to live, good
general health, and the ability to procreate are the most fundamental requirements for human
survival. According to Maslow, in order for humans to progress to higher levels of fulfillment, their
most fundamental physiological needs must first be satisfied. (Masterclass, 2021).

The team leader of the project ensure that team members have the necessary clothing, equipment,
and location plan to avoid the worse possibility of thievery, avoid deserted areas and dark corners in
the streets where the project take place. (OpenAI's ChatGPT AI language model, personal
communication, 16 September 2023).

Safety needs: The desire for safety is in second place among the criteria of a lower level. Needs
related to safety consist of protection from acts of violence and theft, emotional steadiness and well-
being, health security, financial security, and occupational security. (Masterclass, 2021)

In order to reduce the dangers linked with thievery, the leader has implemented safety standards and
give training. When members of a team have the impression that they are safe and protected, they
are better able to concentrate on the job at hand. (OpenAI's ChatGPT AI language model, personal
communication, 16 September 2023).

Belongingness and Love needs: The social requirements, which are addressed on the third level of
Maslow's hierarchy, are the final of the so-called lower needs. These needs are concerned with
human connection. Among these requirements are the necessity for close friendships as well as
strong ties to one's biological and chosen families. A feeling of heightened kinship requires a level
of physical and emotional intimacy that can range from sexual partnerships to intimate emotional
bonds. Achieving this level of intimacy is vital. Being a part of a social group, whether it be a team
of employees, a union, a club, or a group of people who share a pastime, can help fulfill this desire.
This could be anything from a group of people who have a common interest. (Masterclass, 2021)

The team members has utilize the use technology to facilitate regular communication among team
members, despite geographical distance. Encourage social interactions, virtual team meetings, and
team-building activities to create a sense of belonging. (OpenAI's ChatGPT AI language model,
personal communication, 16 September 2023).

Esteem needs: Ego-driven desires make up the highest levels of satisfaction, starting with esteem.
Self-respect and self-esteem are the two most important components of esteem. According to
Maslow, there are two distinct kinds of self-esteem: the one that is derived from the respect and
appreciation of other people, and the kind that is derived from one's own evaluation of one's own
worth. This latter sort of self-esteem provides the foundation for developing self-confidence and
independence. (Masterclass, 2021)

All the members in the team and leader is able to recognize and appreciate team members for their
efforts in overcoming communication barriers. Acknowledging their adaptability and commitment
has boosted the morale of the entire group. (OpenAI's ChatGPT AI language model, personal
communication, 16 September 2023).

Self-actualization needs: The term "self-actualization" refers to the process by which an individual
realizes and fulfills one's entire potential. On Maslow's hierarchy of requirements, self-actualization
needs are at the pinnacle, even if they are also referred to as self-fulfillment wants. Education, the
development of skills, the refinement of talents in fields such as music, athletics, design, cuisine,
and gardening; caring for others; and broader ambitions such as learning a new language, traveling
to new locations, and winning prizes are all examples of self-actualization wants. (Masterclass,

The team leader support team members in reaching their full potential even in challenging
conditions and offer opportunities for skill development and advancement. Moreover, the team
encourage creative problem-solving to address those challenges with innovative solutions to
improve efficiency and safety in adverse conditions. (OpenAI's ChatGPT AI language model,
personal communication, 16 September 2023).

4.3.2. Vroom’s expectancy theory

The assumption behind Vroom's expectation theory is that individuals will make decisions that aim
to maximize pleasure and avoid pain wherever possible. This indicates that people will act in a
manner that produces the most favorable outcome or reward for themselves. The notion is
predicated on the concept that the degree to which an employee places value on the objective
determines the degree to which they will be driven to work toward achieving that outcome. The

more work that individuals put into achieving their goal, the greater the likelihood that they will
receive that gratifying result. (Channell, 2021)

Expectancy: The leader of the team, Quynh Anh, has shown that greater communication is
important, and that doing so will lead to increased teamwork and problem-solving, which will
eventually be to the benefit of the entire team. She put an emphasis on the fact that increased
collaboration will be the outcome of efforts being put into organizing schedules and making good
use of communication tools. (OpenAI's ChatGPT AI language model, personal communication, 16
September 2023).

Instrumentality: The leader of the team is responsible for ensuring that all members of the team
have a clear understanding of how their involvement in the team's communication efforts will
directly impact the group's capacity to collaborate efficiently. (OpenAI's ChatGPT AI language
model, personal communication, 16 September 2023).

Valence: Everyone on the team is aware that different members of the team may have a range of
different reasons for improving communication. Some people may desire fewer misunderstandings
and higher levels of efficiency, while others may value the opportunity to connect with others.
(OpenAI's ChatGPT AI language model, personal communication, 16 September 2023).

Reward System: The leader of the team is responsible for developing a recognition system that will
recognize members of the team who do an excellent job of overcoming obstacles related to
communication. This could take the form of public acknowledgment or financial incentives for
efficient communication. The reward for the team in this scenario is that the member who makes
the most contributions will justifiably have the right to earn more credits than the other members of
the team. (OpenAI's ChatGPT AI language model, personal communication, 16 September 2023).

V. Critically set a proposition that the team supposed to set up a company to

implement that activity as a business.
After much deliberation, the company's name was finally settled on as Olaf. The company is active
in the industry of a particular type of food, and it focuses on the creation and distribution of one-of-
a-kind ice creams as its primary line of business. The organization has a sizeable workforce of over
one thousand people, each of whom goes through a stringent hiring procedure to guarantee that they
have access to a wide range of expertise and capabilities. The personnel of the company consists of
skilled ice cream artists, professionals in creative management, accountants, marketers, and product
research and development specialists. In order to make the most of its cultural diversity and
influence, the company has made the decision to extend its activities in both Vietnam and the
United Kingdom. The company intends to establish state-of-the-art production facilities in
prospective regions and open retail stores in heavily inhabited and touristy regions, with a special
emphasis on historically significant old towns and bustling commercial centers. The importance of
innovation and excellent work is always respected by the firm. Ice cream is an art form, and the
team of ice cream artists is continuously exploring new flavors and seeking for the most delicious
ingredients. The company is confident that by producing outstanding ice cream goods, they will be
able to make a difference and please even the pickiest of patrons. In addition, the company's

primary objective is to establish itself as one of the preeminent ice cream brands in both Vietnam
and the United Kingdom.

VI. Improve company effectiveness and team development in term of technology

5.1. Technology application:
With the development of technology, many business has chosen multiple programs to aid for their
growth and success. For Olaf, the author has decided to establish OOC digiiMS programme for
their business. OOC digiiMS is a tool that was developed by seasoned consultants working with
OCD Management Consulting. OCD is a consulting firm that has been operating in Vietnam for the
past 18 years, providing businesses there with high-quality management consulting services. OCD
integrated the most cutting-edge management approach currently available in the United States into
the consulting services it provided to its customers. In addition, digiiMS has a variety of other
modules, including CRM, BI, and Task Management, which together make it an effective piece of
business management software. In order to turn into a whole digital solution, digiiMS is able to
quickly interact with the other main modules that customers use, such as Production, Distribution,
Supply Chain, and Accounting. DigiiMS supports the company by publishing various model such
as: digiiHR (Human Resource Management or HR Software), digiiHRCore (Human Resource
Information or HRIS Software), digiiOST (Organizational Structure), digiiCAT (Competency
Assessment), digiiTeamW (KPI or OKR Software), digiiC&B (Compensation & Benefits or C&B
Software (OOC, n.d.) .

Tasks related to marketing can be automated with an OOC system, freeing up team members to
concentrate on other crucial facets of the company. It is possible to schedule social media posts,
email marketing campaigns, and adverts that are targeted to certain demographics in both the
United Kingdom and Vietnam with this tool. In addition, the DigiiMS is able to perform an analysis
of client preferences as well as seasonal trends, and it can provide information regarding the types
of ice cream flavors and items that are the most popular in each area. The company's decisions
about the purchase of inventory can be informed by this facts. Email marketing, social media, and
online promotions are some of the other channels through which the system facilitates engagement
with clients. This allows for communication that is both pertinent and timely, as it can be adapted to
the tastes of clients in both the United Kingdom and Vietnam. Wastage and the costs associated
with storage can be cut down by using digiiMS to implement efficient inventory management.
Identifying areas in which cost-cutting measures might be implemented is made easier by
streamlining operational processes and improving data analysis. (OpenAI's ChatGPT AI language
model, personal communication, 16 September 2023).

5.2. Team Development:

To make Olaf a successful company, having a good financial position is not everything that proves
its efficiency, but the coordination in each branch of teams also take a huge part in contributing for
the growth of the company as well. Therefore, to form the structure of the company, Olaf has used

the Tuckman’s process of team development. Which, the process will gone through five different

The first stage in the process is the Forming stage. During this stage, the primary task for the team
is to establish a team that has a distinct structure, goals, and direction, as well as roles, so that
members may start to build trust in one another. A solid orientation and kick-off procedure can
serve to orient the members of the team in terms of the objectives and goals of the team, and it can
also help to establish the team's expectations about both the product and, more crucially, the
procedure that the team will follow. (Stein, n.d.)

The second stage of the process is the Storming stage. Throughout the Storming stage of
development, team tasks require the team to focused on its goals, possibly segmenting larger goals
into a series of more manageable subgoals. It is possible that the team may need to build abilities
not only connected to the task at hand but also skills related to managing group processes and
conflicts. In order for members of the team to get past the annoyance or misunderstanding they feel
during the Storming stage, it may be helpful to redefine the team's objectives, roles, and
responsibilities. (Stein, n.d.)

The third stage is the Norming stage, At the start of this stage, team members begin to focus their
efforts on the objectives of the group and demonstrate an increase in productivity in their individual
and collective endeavors. It's possible that the team will decide that now is the right moment to
conduct an assessment of the workflows and outputs of the team. (Stein, n.d.)

The fourth stage of the Tuckman’s model is the Performing stage, which the team continues to
make significant headway in achieving its objectives. The members of the team have a high level of
commitment to the mission of the team, and their level of expertise is also very high. Members of a
team should make it a priority to continually expanding their knowledge and skill sets, including
making efforts to consistently improve the development of the team. The leaders of each teams
measure and applaud the progress that their team has made or the process that it has completed.
(Stein, n.d.)

The fifth and final stage of the model is called the Termination stage. During this stage, some
members of the team may become less focused on the tasks that the team is working on, which may
lead to a decrease in their productivity. Alternately, some members of the team may discover that
concentrating on the task at hand is a useful way to deal with the sadness or sense of loss they are
experiencing. It's possible that they'll become more productive in their work. (Stein, n.d.)

VII. Conclusion:
Overall, the report has assess all the aspects of the report. The project’s origins following with its
objective, timeline and performance of the project has all been addressed thoroughly. The
personality traits of the author coming from the Big 5 Personality test and MBTI test has been given
in detail, following with the connection of the personality traits with the advantages and
disadvantages in term of management approach and contribution to teamwork effectiveness has
been discussed. Additionally, the facilitators and obstacles that the team has encounter throughout
the entire period of the project are clearly identified, along with the use of motivational and content
theory to help surpass the obstacles that the team has to faced. Last but not least, the assumption of
the company has been addressed thoroughly following with the specific explanation of the how the
application of technology can improve the company effectiveness and applying the Tucker’s five
stages of team development to the company’s model.

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OpenAI ChatGPT (2023) ChatGPT respond to Nguyen Quoc Hung, 9 April.

OpenAI ChatGPT (2023) ChatGPT respond to Nguyen Quoc Hung,16 April.


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