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rvirtHer T^lgYk'tm


NAksHAtva* O H intern a. ni

U/ith Example Horoscopes



B. A., LL. B.
1. Nakshatra Chintamam

Price Rs. 30/-

2. Horoscopes And Diseases.

Price Rs. 20/-

3. Further lights


Nakshatra Chintamani

Price Rs. 40/-


chandrakant r. bhatt

B A., LL. B.

Shri Chardrskant R, Bhati B.A., L.L.B, is ao eminent

Ailroi'gcr of Gujarai. He has several books in Gujarati language
on Astrolog) to his credit. His profound insight into inter-
pretation of horoscopes both in Sayan and Nirayao Charts is
really amazing.

in order to contribute to the spread of knowledge of Indian

Astrology, both in India and Abroad we have already published
his two books written in English viz; I. Nakshatra Cbintamani,
2 Horoscopes & Diseases. These two books have been very
warmly received and appreciated by the students of Astrology
both in India and Abroad.

'Further Lights on Nakshatra Cbintamani' is the third

book written by Shri fibatt in English. This book by Shri
Bhatt throws more light on the principles of predicting, enunc-
iated in bis 6rst book 'Nakshatra Cbintamani' and is profusely
illustrated with example horoscopes. Moreover, he has outlined
the principles of predicting in simple, precise and penetrating
words to enable the students of Astrology to master them in
no time and arrive at a quick and straight analysis of the
horoscopes and correct conclusions.

Shri Bhatt being a master of both Western and Indian

Systems of Astrology, has added an interesting and enlightening
chapter on, how to analyse and interpret Nirayan Horoscopes
in a Sayan way with appropriate tables for fixing aspects

Moreover, be has discussed transits of slow moving planets

in a separate chapter and thrown a very useful light on predicting
from the transits of (base planets independently of Dasha-BbukU
System of Predicting

Tbe priocjpJcs or prcdfcliog enunciated in this took aic

oo (be basis of Nakshatras and their sub-divisioos and the
pleoets and tbe cusps of tbe houses therein. This method
of predicting is an age old method already promulgated by our
sages. But its method of approach at present is /n a controversial

stage, partly because it is emphatically coined as a new invention

which in fact is not and advocated as the only and perfect

method of predicting.
Our interest in publishing this book is purely an academic
one and ne shall be satisfied if the studcntK and scholars of
Astrology study this book in a comparative way with their own
and with other methods of predicting and harmonise and
^nthe'ise (hem in rhe beti interest of Astrology which is our
heritage ard which is ;<j ardently presemd and preached by
the wi/ards like fate Sh. i Suiyanarayan Rao, the founder of the
'Afttrotogical Magazine' and its present Editor Shri B.V. Raman
who has popularized Indian Astrology both in India and Abroad
and has created a convincing stage for the recognition of Indian
Aflrology as a science and have its place in our Universities
as a branch of knowledge.
We are greatly indebted to Shri Gordbandas Sankalchaod
Choksi Public Cbamable Trust and Shri Navaniiial Gordbandas
Choksi Public Cbaritab'e Trust, Abmedabad and (heir Trustee
Shri Navanitlal Gordbandas Choksi, a prominent 'business-man
of Absedabad well-known for bis buroanitarlan and educational
aclivitiei and charities.
Shri Vivek Education Trust Simmbbuprmsad Maganlal Patel
Cjo. Shri Sardar Patel and B.A^M.Ed,
Swami Vivekaoand High School, Managing Trustee
Maninagar. Abmedabad 380 008.

My first book 'NaksbatrA ChiotamAoJ' was published in

in 1975. It was much hailed by readera, Eocoaraped another
publication 'Horpfoopet and Diseases' was brought out during
December 1977. Both these books deal with horoscopes according
to the sub constellation theory of prcdictron. They were widely
circulated both in India and Abroad. Letters of appreciation
were teceived, so relevant extracts from the letters of a few
Astrologers are published in this book for information to the

In view of (be appreciative attitude shown by the students

of Astrology, my friend Shri Shambbupra&ad M. Patel encouraged
rao to write a third book with further lights on 'Naksbatra
Chintamani' and he, on behalf of the Board of Trustees of
Shri Vivek Education Trust, undertook the publicatiou of this
book. I am therefore much indebted to the Board of Trustees
and my friend Shri Patcl.

The principles of the sub theory are at length explained in

'Naksbatra Chintamani. Here in this book I have summarised
them lucidly in a tabular form to refresh (he memory of the
reader. Horoscopes of persons in different walks of life and cases
known to me have been discussed in simple and lucid language.

Delineations arc consistent, logicalf methodical and precise.

There are four groups in the book. The Ist group contains
49 horoscopes on subjects viz, infant mortality, short life, long

life, onnatural or violent death, incurable diseases, operations,

education, foreign travels, iotec-caste marriages, love-affairs,
divorces, separation in maftied life, child-birth, sterility, un-

married persons, landed properties, owning of vehicles, different


vocAtions etc: six horary maps in (be 2nd group, four horoscopes
coocerning (he effects of (ransitting planets are in the 3rd group.
in the fourth and the last group the salient features of the
western system of Astrology are narrated in brief and self-
contained charts for analysis of the birth-map arc prepared.
These charts will enable a beginner in Astrology to form-

judgment of the birth-map with great ease. They may be

applied even Co Ni ray ana birth horoscopes.
[n my humble view, there are few publications of this
type. I am (herefore sure (bat my books will be of great help
to the reader who is conversant with (he basic principles of
Hindu Astrology.

64 Jayanagar Society Chandrakanl R« Bhatt

Sab 1 hcory :

Sub Consietlacions 1'

Significators 7

Strength of Planets 9

A planet Connected with 10

Significator and its sub lord 10

CuspaP Sub lord 12

Joint Period Rulers 16

Transits 17

Example Nativities : 18

t. Saint 20

2. Revolutionary Thinker 22

3. Infant Mortality 24

4. InJant Mortality 28

5. Lost Mother in Infancy

6. Air Crash ^
7. Burning

8. Drowning

9. Gallows, Unoatura) Death, Imprisonment, Criminal 43

Proceedingi, Mental Qualities, Political Career, Calamities.


10. Murder

H. Murder, Poliikal Career ^

11. Mtsftrtufle

13. AmputaiioD, Marriage, Short life ^

14. Cancer ^

15. Cancer

16 Cancer 69

17- Kidney ^

18 Caesarcan 75

19. Caesarcan 7®

20. Foreign Travel 81

21. Foreign Travel 84

22. Education, Foreign Travels 87

23. Education, Foreign Travel 92

24. Service 95

25 Industrialist, Peculiarities 98

26. Busineis 102

27. Transport, Motor Vehicle 105

28. Artist 108

29. Qucco 111

30. Buildine, Eye-operation, Loss of Parents In Teenage, 114

Profession and Finance, RetlremenC from Service,

Education, Marriage, Children.

31. Building, Jnter-Caste Love>Marriage, Professioo, 123

Father's Death, Mother's Death, Sterility, Education.

32. Surgeon, Inter-Caste Love-Marriage, Children, Iz8

Foreign Travel.

33. Amcslhelist, Intet-Casi* Love-MarrU^ CMdv^ 132

Foreign Travel, M.B.B.S.

34. Marriage Abroad, Motor Vehicle. Pmfr—wm yiflilT! 136

Pcculiaritiea, Education, Foreign Travel, CbUdim,

35. Marriage Abroad, Profcjiion, Finance. Edocation.

Foreign Travel. Children, Building,

36. Divorce, Profession and Finance, Motor-VrtflcJe, )47

37. Divorce, Ruling Planets and Affinity 152'

38. Annulment of Marriage, Profession, Death. 155

39. Annulment of Marriage 158

40. Separation in Married Life 160

41. Separation in Married Life 16>

42. Sterility, Operationi, Marriage, Foreign Travel 166-

43. Sterility. Operation, Marriage, Foreign Travel 169-

44. Sterility, Marriage, Service 172

45. Sterility, Marriage, Service 175

46. Unmarried '78

47. Unmarried '8fr

48. Unmarried '87

49. Unmarried 184

Example Horary Mapa :

Mood and Quereot's Mind,

Fulfilment of a query-Planet direct or retrograde,

Cutpal rub lord, Sigoificatorf, Traoiita.


1. Research SchoLrship ^

2. Green Card '

3. Desired Post 194

4. Transfer in Service '98

5. Marriage 201

6. Desired job 204

Tranltfi and NallviSies : 208

1. PublicatioBS 209

2. Death 212

3. Death of the Husbaad 214

4. Service, Journey, Marriage 214

T^irayaaa Horoscope A Priiictpte* of Western As^eets 218

Sab Sob ia each Sab 237

Ajmaamsa (A. D. years 1901-3000) 249

Oplaton 250

AddeaduiB £$4

Page Line Read as under

108 3 The Sub Venus owm 11

245 12 J 25 13 35

245 13 Sa 25 28 42

2S4 ILImttationj refer to tba horoscope

on page 210
Sab Theary



Kttfl 7 120 800 ^ 0 46 40

Vcow 20 120 800 = 2 13 20

San 6 120 800 = 0 40 00

Mpon 10 120 800 — I 06 40

Mas 7 120 x 800 = 0 46 40

Balm 18 120 800 « 2 00 00

Mttr 16 120 800 — 1 46 40

Amn 19 120 too = 2 06 40

Man 17 120 » 1 S3 20

13 at oo

la Naksbatru system each Nakshalra or Constellatioo or

Star (an area of 13' 20' or StO') is sub-divided into nine
parts. This sub-division is calJed 'Sub'. [( is based on the
formula as shown in the table on page 1.

The planet ruling the longitude or extent or area of the

'Sub' in any Nakslmtro or Constellation or Star is called the
Sub-Nakshatra lord or Sub-Constc?lDiion lord or Sub>S(ar lord
or Sub-lord or Sub.
The sub-area of each planet n the stnr-nrea of any
planet lenuins constant us stated above. As each Nakshatra or
Constellation o\ Star conlaino: nine Subs, 27 Nakshatras or
Constellations or Slurs have been sub-divided into 243 Subs.

The order of Subs in each Star is shown in the accomp-

unying tables A, B, C and D on pages 3, 4, 5 and 6.

Each table shows the Star Lord and the Sub Lord for each
degree of the Zodiac. The Star Lord is similar to the Dasho
(period ) ruler, while the Sub Lord conespoDds to the Sub
period ruler.

In short we may use the term 'Star* instead of 'Star lord'

or 'Constellation lord* or 'Nakshntra lord;' and the term 'Sub*
in place of 'Sub lord' or 'Sub-Star lord' or 'Sub-Coostellatioa
lord' or 'Sub-Nakshatra lord* throughout (he book.
Table A

Star area in Aries or Leo or Sagittarius

Ketu 0* 0' lo 13* 20
Venus 13 20 to 26 40
Sun 26 40 to 30 0

Star Lord Sub Lord Ccmmmcing Position

JCetu Ketu 0 0 0

tt Vcn. 0 46 40

»* Sun 3 0 0

n Moon 3 40 0

»» Mars 4 46 40

ii Rahu 5 33 20

»» Jup. 7 33 20

■t Sat. 9 20 0

■> Mcr. 11 26 40
Venus Vcn, 13 20 0
Sun 15 33 20
Moon 16 13 20
Mars 17 20 0

•i Rahu IS 6 40

*» Jup. 20 6 40

*• Sat. 21 53 20
Mcr, 24 0 0

»■ Ketu 25 53 20

Sun Sun 26 40 0

»* Moon 27 20 0

«» Mars 28 26 40

•» Rahu 29 13 20

30 0 0
Table B

Star arra m Twrns or Virgo or Capricorn

IO 10* 0'
Sun 0 0'
to 23 20
Moon 10 0
to 30 0

Lord Commencing Position

Star Lord

0 0 0
1 13 20
3 0 0
Mer. 5 6 40
Kctu 7 0 0

Vcn. 7 46 40
Moon 10 0 0*
Mars 11 6 40-

Rahu 11 53 20

Jup. 13 33 20

Sat. 15 40 0
Mer. 17 46 40

Kctu 19 40 0

Ven. 20 ae 4tf
Sun 22 40 0
Mars Mars 23 20 0

Rabu 24 6 40

M Jup. 26 6 40

Sat. 27 53 m
30 0 a

Tabk C

Star area Gemini or libra or Aquarius

Man 0* 0' to 6* 40'

Rahu 6 40 to 20 0

Jup. 20 0 to 30

Star Lord Sub Lord Commaidng Position

Mars Mer. 0 0 0

11 Ketu 1 53 20

'•* VBD 2 40 O

If Sun 4 53 20

11 Moon 5 33 20
Rahu Rahu 6 40 0

11 Jup. 8 40 0
ll Sat. 10 26 40

11 Mer. 12 33 20
Ketu 14 26 40

h Vcn. IS 13 20

ii Sun 17 26 40

%9 Moon 18 6 40

11 Mars 19 13 20
Jupiter Jup. 20 0 0

If Sat. 21 46 40

it Mer. 23 53 20

01 Ketu 25 46 40

11 Yen. 26 33 20

11 Sun 28 46 40

If Moon 29 26 40

30 0 0
Table 1)

in Camcf Scorpw or Pisces

o- 0' (0 3* 20'

20 to 16 40

16 40 to 50 0

S:.b Lord Commencing ilia

D Af S

Mcod 0 0 0
Mars 0 33 20

Rahu 1 20 0

Sal. 3 20 0
Mcr. 5 26 40

Keto 7 20 0
Vcn. 8 6 40
Son 10 20 0
Moon 11 0 0

Mar* 12 6 40

Rahu 12 53 20
Jup. 14 53 20

Mer. 16 40 0
Kctu 18 33 20
VcD. 19 20 O

Sun 21 33 20

Moon 22 13 20

Mars 23 20 00

Rahu 24 6 40

Jup. 26 6 40

Sat. 27 53 20

30 0 0

Tables a, B, C A D explained

The table A is meant for Aries, Loo and Sagittarius; the

(able B for Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn; (ho table C for Ge-

mini} Libra and Aquarius and the table D Cor Cancer, Scorpio
and P&soai.

Example : In the (able A in the Star area Ketu in Aries

or Leo or Sagittarius the Sub of Ketu begins from 0s 0' 0"

and ends at 0' 46' 40". So the Sub of Venus starts at 0* 46'
40", add 2* 13' 20" (Sub ares of Venus) and you get the sta-

rting position of Sun Sub at 3* 0' 00" add 0* 40' 0" (Sub

area of Sun), then the Sub of Moon starts at 3* 40' 0" in Aries
or Leo or Sagittarius. Repeat this procedure and the commenc-

iog position for all subs in each star in each sign will be


1. A planet generally gives the results of the house which

it occupies, owns and aspects: also of the house and the matter
of which it is a Karaka. So it is rermed as (he Significator

of that house or matter.

2. In the horoscope the sign is on tne cusp of each house.

A planet always occupies the sign and its strength is determined

according as it occupies its own sigto, exalted sign or debiiisated

sign So the occupant is stronger than the owner of the sign.

l ,A
Similarly, the sign is the T a part of the Zodiac, while
the Constellation or Star is (be 3\ part ot the Zodiac. So

the Constellation or Star is stronger than the sign.

Hence in the Hakshatra system a planet gives the results

indicated by its star lord and it is called the significator of the

houses signified by its star lord in the strict sense of the term.

3. The older of frefe react regard I be sign ificaior* of each

h L.e i< generally dctermiccti ai under :

o; A pteoei in the star of the occ.»paal is stronger (ban

the cccupanr.

('hi If there br no planet in the occupant's star consider

the iccupant,

(c) If the house is vacant, consider the planet in the star

of ihe owner of that house.

(dj If the house be vacant and if there be no planet in

the star of the owner of that house, consider the owner of
that hou'e.

(e) A planet in conjunction or association with, or aspected

by the strong signiheator gives the results of the house or

houses denoted by (hat significator.

(0 A planet in the star of the planet aspecting the house

e.g. suppose Saturn in ihe S111 aspects the T111, ll,,, and 2"a,
So the planet in the star of Saturn will give the results of the

houses 2, 7, and II.

Jia/tu <£ A'c/u: It' Rabu or Ketu represents any signiflcator,

consider Rahu or Kelu in place of that significalor, because

Rshu or Kctu Is stronger than any planet.

Rahu or Kelu gives (he results of the significator in con-

junction with or in aspect to it or of the owner of the (signifi*

eater's) sign occupied by it.

Suppose Aries is on the lltA cusp, there is no planet in

the ll' , then consider the other sign Scorpio owned by Mars.

If there be Rahu or Ketu in Scorpio, it will give the results

of the ll'4 and the planet in the star of Rahu or Ketu will be-

come ihe strong significator to give ihe results of the Iltb.


Examine the position in rcspcci of any other house in thk

way. Raho-Ketu are no: to be ueaied as relrogjade planeta,
because their natural nnvetnent is in the onposite direction.

Strength ol Planets :

Strength by House : A planet mostly gives the results of

the house occupied by it and its owner comes next in order.
Of the houses the angles stand 1st in strength, next the
succedent and then the cadents.
The owner of the house 6, 8 or 12 (as counted from any
particular bouse to be judged) becomes weak, evil or malefic
in effects.

Strength by Sign : A planet is strong when it is in its own

or exalted sign. It is weak or afflicted in its detriment or fall
(debilitated) sign.

The nature of the sign (e.g. cardinal or movable, fixed,

or common or mutable; fire, earth, air or water; fruitful or

barren; human or bestial; mute or voice; masculine or feminine
etc.) on the cusp and that occupied by a planet tnfluences the
affairs of the house and the planet.

Strength by Aspect: A planet in conjuaction or association

with or aspected by a malefic (i.e. the owner of 6, S or 12

from the house to be judged) becomes weak or afflicted.

An aspectiog planet modifies the results of the house

matters according as it is a natural bcnefic or malefic, friendly

■or inimical

In This system only Hindu aspects are to be considered.

Nokshaira Systtm : A planet becomes strong- if its star lord

is strong by bouse, sign and aspect; and it will be in a position

to give the results indicated by its star lord to a desired exent.

A planet becomes weak if its star lord is weak by bouse

sign and aspect; and it will not be in a position to give the
results indicated by its star lord to u desired extent,

A planet Conacctcd With':

1. (a) Suppose Jupiter occupies Capricorn or Aquarius* or

(b) it is in (he star or sub of Saturn; or

(c) it is in conj. with or aspected by Saturn, then it may

be said that Jupiter is connected with Saturn.

2. (a) Suppose Jupiter is the owner or star lord or sub-

lord of the ascending degree ; the cusp of the 1st house or Asc); or

(b) it occupies ihe 1st house, or

(c) it aspects the 1st house; or

(d) it is in the star or sub of the occupant of the 1st house; or

(e) it is in the star or sub of the owner of the 1st house; or

(f) it is in conj, with or aspected by the owner of the Jst

house, lhen it may be said thai Jupiter is connected with the 1st bouse,

3. Suppose Sun is in the star Jupiter owning 3, 12 and

occupying 10; and it is in the sub Saturn owning 1, 2 and
occupying 4.

To facilitate distinction between the matters of the star

lord and those of the sub lord, it may be said that Stm is

the significotor of 10, 3 and 1?: and connected with 1, 2 and

4. This procedure has been adopted throughout the book.

Slgaificatcr and Its Sublord :

I- The signiricator shows the source of an event. The matters

especially of the house or houses owned by it serve as the

2. The significaior gives the results of its star lord. So the star
lord becomes the indicator of the matters of the house
occupied and owned by it and also of the house aspected

by it,

3, (a) The sub lord of the significaior is the deciding factor

regarding the matters of the star lord.

(b) If (he sub lord is harmonious to the matters indicated

by the star lord, the signtficator gives favourable or desired

or expected results.

(c) If the sub lord is detrimental to the matters indicated^

by the star lord, the significator does not give favourable or desired
or expected results.

Houses for different Subject matters


Subject Houses Subject Houses

Longevity 1. 8. 3 Death 12, 7, 2, Badbaka

Health Sickness 6. 8, 12

Cure 1, 5, II Disease 6. 8, 12

Education 4. 9. 11 End education 3, 8. 5

Buy house 4. H, 12 Sale house 10. 5, 3

Marriage 7, 2, 11 Divorce 6. 1, 10

Child-Birth 5. 2. 11 Sterility 4, 1, 10

Overseas 12, y. 3 Homeland 11, 8.

Occupation 10, 6. 2 Change occupation 9, S, I

Money 2, H, 6 Loss 8. 12

Consider the houses for the rtspccitvc subject matter as

shown in the above table.

If tbc subject matter of tbe houses ^hown in Che Columo

A u to be judged, then the subject matter of the houses shown
m tbc Column B will become detrimental; and vice versa.

Suppose Sun is the sigoificator I,in the star of the occupant

or owner) of 4, 11 and 12, and the sub lord of Sun is not
connected with 4, 11 or 12, but it is connected with 10, 5 and
3, then Sun will not be in a position to give the desired or
expected results of 4, 11 and 12.

4. The significator gives during its period, sub-period or

intcr-pcriod the results of its star lord; or

The results of the star lord are experienced during the

joint period {i.e. during the period, sub^period and inter-period)
of the significator, its star lord and its sub lord.

5. The significator denotes the time when it will give the

results of its star lord. The sub lord of the significator shows
whether desired results or otherwise will be obtained.

6. The significator becomes weak if its star lord be weak;

more so if its sub lord also be weak.

Cnspal Sab lord :

I. The cuspal sub lord of a house indicates whether the

matter signified by (hat house is promised or denied.

If (bo cuspal sub lord of that house is the significatorol

(hat house or any one of the houses under consideration, the
matter signified by that house will be promised.

As each house denotes several particular matters, the chief

governor of the matter to be judged, may be taken into oon-
Bidcratioo. If it be connected with the house or any one of the

houses under consideration, especially with the star lord of the

cuspal sub lord, it is desirable.

2„ If the cuspal sub lord of the house (mentioned in the

column 1) be the stgniftcator (in the star of the oocupaal or
owner) of the house or houses (mentioned in the column inr
then only during the joint period of the signiftcators of the
house or houses (menlionedin the column III) the results of the
expected iBSttcr (shown in the column IV) arc experienced. The
detailed table is given below :

// the be in the in the joint un event

Cuspal Star of the period of the happens
sub lord occupant Signi/icarors regarding
of house or owner of houses
of house

r 11 III IV

1 Health 1,11 1,11 normal health

W2 6,8,12 disease
8,12, badhaka 8,12, badhaka- danger to life

8,12 8,12 accident

2 Wealth 2,6,11 3,6.11 wealth

8,12,5 8.12,5 toss of wealth

3 Change 3,12,10 3,12,10 transfer of place

tn service
Longevity 8,12, badhaka 8,1^2, badhaka- danger to life


4 Education 4,9,11 4,9.11 academic education

3,8,5 completion of studios

Building 4.11.12 4,11,12 possesses land or

be in the in die joins an event
If the
Cuspal Star of the period of the happens

sub lord occupant or Significators regarding

of \\oiise owner of houses

of house


5 Jssue 5,] 1,2 5,11.2 child'birlh

^10,1 4,10,1 no child birth

Love affair 2,11 2,5,11 love affair

7,11 2.7.11 marries the loved one

6 Disease 6,8,12,1 6.8.12 disease

J,5,n lAH cure of disease

Service 2.6.10 2.6.10 service

1,5,9 1,5,9 change in service

2.6.11 2.6.11 jgain in any manner

Marriage 7.11,2 7.11,2 marriage

6,10,1 6.10,1 absence of married life

Business 2.10.11 2,10,11 business or industry

8.12 8,12 loss in „ „

5,11 5,11 partnership

6,12 6,12 break in partnership

8 Longevity 6,8,12,2 6.8,12 danger to health

1.5,U 1,5,11 safety in life

Calamity 8,12 8.12 accident, infirmity

8,12, badhaka 8,12, badhaka- danger to life


If the be in the in the joint an event

Cuspal Star of the period of the happens
sub lord occupant or Significators regarding
of house owner of houses
of house

I II 111 IV

10 Vocation 10,6.2 10,6,2 vocation, earning

10,7,2 10,7,2 mdependant vocation
3.12 3,12,10 transfer of place-service
9,5,1 9,5.1 change of vocation
W,12 9,5,1.12 loss of servroe

Sale of building 10,5.3 10,5,3 sale of land or building

Infamy 7,8,12 7,8,12 criminal proceedings

11 Cure 1.5,11 1,5,11 cure of disease

Gain 2,6,11 2,6,11 gain of money
2,6,10.11 2,6,10,11 progress in service or

Issue 11.5.2 11.5,2 child birth
10,4,1 10,4,1 no child birth

12 Overseas 12.9.3 12,9,3 foreign travel

11»8,2 stay in motherland
Calamity 12,8, badhaka 12,8, badhaka- danger to life

. maraka
12,8 12.8 accident, infirmitv

Change 3,12,10 3,12.10 transfer of place-service

It so happens that the cuspal sub lord of the principal

house under consideration is not found in the star of the

occupant or of the owner of the house or houses under review.


Sometimes Rahu or Kctu becomes the cuspal sub Jord of the

principal house under consideration and it occupies neither of

the bouse or houses under review.

But the cuspal sub lord, its star lord and its sub lord; also

Rahu or Kelu are found to be connected with the principal

house or houses under review in any manner.
In ^uch cases wc have to use our discretion in determining

the happening of an event. So an over all view of the horoscope

should be taken.
Joint Period Rulers

I. The period or sub period ruler gives the results according

to its natural rulcrshlp over certain affairs of life e.g. Venus is
the chief governor of peace or harmony, marriage, vehicle or

happiness etc.
2- It givj:s favourable or unfavourable results of its star lord

according as its sub lord is favourable or unfavourabJc-

The period ruler, the sub period ruler or the tnlcr period

ruler ma> signify matters of different houses i.e. different

sabjcci matters both desirable and undesirable. So during

their joint period they wih the results of the common

subject matter either desirable or undesirable as the case may be
Suppose the period ruler is the signrScator of 2, 5 or 11

and 1.4 or 10 (child-birth and also its denial), then during the

sob period of the signiBcator of 1, 4 or 10 there will be no

child-birth and if there be any child already, separation from the

child is likely, and during (he sub period of the significator of

2, 5 or 11 the birth of a child will take place.

4. If the star lord (of the period ruler etc.) occupies 6, 8

or 12 as counted from its own sign (house), then tbe period or

sub period ruler will not give favourable resnlts of this boose
(owned by its star lord).

5 If the planet and its star lord are in 6, E or 12 sign from

each other, the native will not get results to a desired extent
during their joint period.
6. If the star lord of the period or sub period ruler be
retrograde, the native will experience ups and downs in general,
7. The joint period rulers generally give the results of the
house or houses owned by their star lords. So their strength will

depend on the strength of their star lords.

8. If (he joint period rnlers are in reception (in each other's
sign), in conj. or aspect with each other, they influence the
affairs of each other. This is based on the principle (hat a planet
in conj. with or aspected by a significator gives the results of

the hoose or houses denoted by that significator.

9. If the joint rulers of the cusp of any house be the

significators of the matter signified by that bouse, the combined

period of these joint rulers inter se gives the results of the same
matter or during the period of any other significaior of thai

bouse and in the sub period of the cuspal sab lord of that
bouse the results of the same matter are obtained.
An event generally happens during the joint period of the
the significators when the transit agrees.

At the tune of an event Sun, Moon or.and joint period

rulers are generally found to be transitting in :

(a) the star or sub of the same joint period ruler or rulers

(i.e. in the star or sub of the period, sub period, inter period

or/and sookshma period ruler) or

(b) the star of the siguificator of that event (other than

the joint period rulers) in the horoscope.

For details of the sub constellation theory refer to the

author's 'Nakshatra Chiotamaoj.'


Example Nativities

Horoscope Diagram E-xplained, in this book for the sake

of faciJity in horoscope is written in the form ^
a jaddcr by drawing one vertical line in the middle and f/yc
horizontal lines intersecting the vertical line. The ends of the
vertiele line and the ends of the horizontal lines serve as tfo
cusps (beginning pointsj of (be houses, and signs and depcecp
have been marked thereon and the planets have been wriHcii
either below or above the cuspal signs as the case may ^
shown in the diagram on page 21.

The cusps and planets of Nirayana horoscopes are written

in the manner of a western horoscope and for the purposes of

this book in the N'irayana horoscope the cusp of a house has
been considered as the commencing point.

The ascendant or the ascending degree of the sign u

marked at the top of the vertical line. Then below it on the left
side other signs and degrees are written at the ends of the

horlaontal lines and each house is given a serial number in an

anti-clockwise direction.

Inserting Sigfis and Pfanets : In the given horoscope on page 21.

Aquarius 29* 8' is placed on the cusp of the 1st house i. a as

the Asc. at the top. Then below the Asc. on the left side Aries
6® 42' on the cusp of the 2nd house; Taurus 6" 42' on the

3rd; Gemini 1° 42' on the 4th; Gemini 26* 42' on the 5th:

Cancer 23 42' on the 6th and so on. In this way the signs
•and degrees on all the 12 cusps of the houses have been written

down in an anti-clockwise direction.

The cusp of the 6th house begins with Cancer 23* 42'.

Tfce longitude of Jupiter in Cancer is 8* 48', It is less than tbe

cuspal degree of the 6lh house to it v>.hinH the euswi

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