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Bards Satsitne soietn Bods: Sas % / 509 (1) /2023-24 epxnows Bwe08:26 -02-2024 more Aksar Sedtsdo (Agora socehe shoot Stehso3) Aobadried 1997 sete sTeoTOd, AodbsbnivRobd, Ava Pevdeado* 2023-248 MOON Bo_Nvad, Bar ardor soietiay Adar Rostra.) SB PFnV0s sat Sy Deot OBrnvad, SH,JIB. Sco Bais worden ear B.wOo. Dan’ sos, Bare B00 Bad abso, SOS.2. aeessob 800) Road By.8. Boa 28395 woed_re? Boss Taya ‘od’ 01 Reoobes sodbseo (Sdab ges) 2n,08 abs, adds mqods acd 37 03 40 02 mete, Sofie’ xeoobde esobse do wosde, SOR eos 30 "1 a1 03 Reoobds Adtraed> Dwos Quod 01 01 02 04 PodbFdsorese oeHwod/Awoobe woobr ar, Tr wIDA,O,, BhS, Dowocds‘ vow wens 32 40 05 0.33,.an°3. wwmeaeEs good 07 02 09 06 Rwoohs Idtraedd hew-1 Haivow soo, co woos 14 20 07 Ber, bowed arene Tow, WoHwed/AmooHs ABlrIFos/DYORDeOd (432) HowdsOa srene ser,co geod 05 02 07 83D, 123 36 159 Bone Hoss 83, ae Ata sods Badd abo, SOK] Boz. Be nC gersiad aad son | shod . Bod, Raa" BxeBtewo* (Ata-2) sowecd 01 | ered 37 14 51 oz wedn; 30h eHred, Dosw, SOR a 10 56 aeosd 03 | wacddFs Ehwed, Poors goes 03 01 04 Rwoobs oHt"¥sd, wows 04 | aes (wovert,e) a ut 8 05 ABved xogny Awoobe 12 . 12 QuoZwo, Avwod yews 06 Reoobt Adtrsvd, Awwed 09 . 09 Hoge Sz sosetdao yews enmd vs edt"em, ehre 07 | aeross (weed) os 2 19 Nef, PIo%VaO., 08 | wa,dBros dsr wAdetae0d 02 01 03 qed 09 Amos Adtrae0, obs 04 . 04 BwOcsore ss», (ao quod shome,Qeod (Aeea*-1), 10 | Brive, aeosd : on a1 Roobt mwomoheed, ahre 11 [raesoas, (soesard) 38 08 46 Rmoobs Aitrsvd, smd 12 | mendes Adnoe~ sso, maxed 09 - 09 Bwomodne geod ARwoohe ABtrssdd, 8 Beodteta sb avo o % 02 veaoheed, saere xAvordd 14 | Fissoeods 04 01 05 BReoobs Adtra¥d (ryta*-2), 5 Raimw ver,co eS % 1 7 2839, 184 41 225 2650,.8 BB_Nerd W639, ROB 'o' 123 36 159 O30, Tveyart 2" 184 Al 225 2 650,8 Bos Nw 307 77 384 3 + Aeorda B,QtPOA Ntads xine ASntrsdwdad, eAv0G-108, SAMOA. 2. 80b, Bobn AInHseAdS woocdds3: eve SO Ao MNHSRADS HadoNs 04-03-2024 moor er AO AO. Besod Har 03-04-2024 Rosr ron) Dots, Haoo0t (So5o,NF) 05-05-2024 + 8 ACpos Noddrde, deoddne acowdd, & sedod BERG T Toor wad, HOBSeAed KOwAT. HELP LINE NO:080-30574957 / 30574901 2.1 DBs Avorwss:- SBOHerne OF Orda HoBBrBO, Ivex, Bene, Bocd-so0ds vid, Doewrs soozed Asodbre’xd, sae,A Rabebawmaymon 392 Add RebIArnes, nodeons Brmstos ado 8OAd3.dds HB, Bodo), sodeens, words 200 3039083 shoa03d evr AQAD Sosd AGO ovraan RrdIiva, soietns wHhwd/Aw,cHnOn sosgvosIsd, aBernds amie mB:cDId dd, Sodd, ogee Stcdaonr weer SOAo. ANDSRAD Bedob Hrootdewnh AodHInvad, HOA’ OF AO xO. onvedaad, VO,Aeend. & sonod Bado3d 9 xOxesrms anade setds/dbdInvmd, Scdetnhos Gn, 0rewmyhe,. 2.2 date Bees () ©gOrrv eroba, B8r aAwds dedor ace, AHUNeAd, 1.0 OB FABootd & Sosdsie Sadr ed cbaords OAdivah, GIF Aodss,o,. 2) wad, OF AQAD dosd Evrobd, Iadriwad, SxdwO / Hears sotbdos = Det} deacse | sharia, SOR, OReorDaad. GB) SBOerivd sodetcdd3, Dav,wrsh ownowad savoro Barvas, were erode), Baroda new, dtseod Bane J3/asd dawn DInvad, Sosrro) SKER ove BOxo WBS@AD sesoh Havordomd wedobddssos ehAewioh emn0G-200, Aevrshs Aadediredcbt Smeohbsnn sad, SAdSACHe ahso,feod AGO mendsnvas, ev&F Qzbser esdets snad3sz,c,, (aomeirivd B,wsOATBCe) 38,3.0, ead DtHe3/0B, OFS, Rad, BIAPAcrAad. 4 (4) er ROrrd AehobdO, AntserwSabas, wetdd BANoSIO, Dotter IodA>, BOrvardos etd AOA addoA/cemdrivad, BOrSAerMmAo,.. Rodvomoonihsd. Hosa, ms3id mere coendrivss,/ 22333/ Bhodbm, eseta seddt aha/esgd, cendnvss ea Ba nv everniei 393, a oases Aews: ABO Bd NOR vad evroieobiA AQ add ondinvm, exs¢ dodgdened, eacdtetia sddcodr WPBASOBGDNHSS. 230d oBHerie wordevsao0a sari ex.doars ace, consread, Aan Retwdms O¢3cbe, emdieta amused. eo mondne SOBodcd sodgrdo, BPN sadw w8rcieodh watdets Hows Haivorw Banv deo SInvad, 3B,3¢ mewdhSodse,Dd,. 3. ee AQ ADS Bosnes:- word wedod Setowded B80 (OTR-ONE TIME REGISTRATION) SS WO, O8F BIF Ahm AOAG aosz%, OB,Ornd epxewsdOA aee, adsrxNeva, Pod A%d.sed sown 0B .FABO, BOI. Bosdad), ewrrvab, xodcodr weBaxeersa mere odode sosdd, Aecteried Fom@sH0dd, ©0388 eBHene’ evened, Idx,ORoordyDd. Hh er AQzdS Bsohob wom wzedobh Aetoded Bobobmo, werwokddo,, (OTR-One Time Registration) o3,Orrw Vad Bred ZobAd, anods aoe, epxevsnene BOnSAeordsyss0os, oBCered Profile Creation/ Dow=arosned Myd.AB BOIdO, 93¢ wordevscd0d aco, awdInvad, BIr Bradtwnd. esgrrie xewdrea>, Bos sosaoh LORevsecb,. ae, Rewsrvah, Lad sosdse ekrobxo, BaF awdsz,m».. 1, EBsPeried KPSC BIA, GLVTBWIVIS DIY, CLEA ARB, BBS Basson Cimaise 33d sheonvod weriva, ALsORerardaJZOe,. 2. Beran Sctodsd BRobodad, DydoeAen, eve aadds KPSC sex REF, https://kpsconline.karnataka.gov.in A 23¢é3 Oteses a3), 3md,mo, DetomecddABeyoo New Registration “ser Soto” Oot Sr, 8H Hoadetw. 5 3. Aetoded aba, eohat ceomedrva, dae Ot awawosd antes O% ab3), Bevo Aowds ober, BOOHWAIO ow DISBOATOD. . aad, tad DetomacdoAs ada, eona cavadrivad, Bada soss, “eeroedd IGdNY Stone” 32 awa ahewos Jab, Somer ark Sabah, BSF aw@en aoowiocd0. eg Hene dad, Iddrivad, wd, aed, Bae awwelesormse ada, BH MBIA, oo, BIG KPSC oHAossrerovseovd3ss. edpod dab, USER ID aba, Password nvav, Botaodiaon POLL, FO®,, Ita) Dad, Loginde), awd, Yad, sAvwdSabav, DAIsoOAnwWEd. > - SBME eaterivad, SOQAdd Serio aew, Isored Adoaswndone QOD BORO APIAKO LOB. ADAG Sosd Aadriv'a, smf ROAD, AOBArems03 soletré, H3, Daa ea E- Mail HOOT Fed%oArs FotoFoda, HONAISewvAH,. Aversa: 1, “syob8e NIBdBA,” SSLC obxd, 2002 eBme w8,03 Hod eG,cbS aehsd og,Hrned Ide’, 4,3: [Manual Entry] Radom srwadteoNdscd. 2003 mB Sosddd, e,obs Br&d OYOrnw SSLC Beto sosobad, SadwdAde, Addn ,cbhomAsmen oF,cbs awkd detRrdod Sedo meneends.s. 2. “Syobse YHdBA,” CBSE obw2,2003 EGwe 8,03 bod morte ICSE/ A380 Dew, SeoFdG 108¢ SUrSabmd, 0B,ob3 Sead eeeriod Detdriea>, X.8: [Manual Entry] savers awmasteeNds. 2004 mds,Sosdad, o,obs aad eA Dene CBSE Letoas JoB,obad, SadeBAGE, Dddried RcdowmOsmA e,chs swBd wWetRrdod stds Tonmeeds.d. 3. “Do, wrSob Isdde,” PUC SdrSobad, 2007 e@a o8,03 or 223;280.0, ear ciate motse woe ad, x.3: Vader, SshoBwAZoo. 4. PUC Sdr3oba, 2008 sz, Sosddd, eop,obs sad ea@seried PUC Setodss AoB,cha, SadwBsde, Isdried B,chowOssn epjobs awa@d detardod stdaen menenrns 3. 5. “rods 3ea0es/I8d8E,"Aadhaar/Kutumba ID /Ration Card 3 Hod Nvad, SadbeHAravsd, dad, sooho Aveta srwoIobAo, AR,chowmOsmA SdobheomaAyn. 6. Jabesraedd sd BGA, ong dds oe, HwddIsada, Aw,PFcd0B zGNA sds. SAVE "ever" asad, a¥rteow ena, MPA NIITAAE®,. 6 TAKAO. ABIGOE, "Itsy AotAeoIodad, HBodoo 4s, Ade, Amd, wed Atteos / HK Adttood Davoco BIG RD Rodjobab, SadeB&sdE, APL awot Aaddrie’as, A,cd0 mOZmn sdcheorst eae x2: ed,eried [Manual Entry] DHIReAD, DIDOSO) onsos Mtwdeond3 3. 8. ted a8taa mor aetestr MaZG qwoids, ads) Abo oa'edetat sracizitwarb3.c. esocdsaz8 dja} 200 Fed ectdarodad ads», Ad 70 Fed wh Bdetd. NEdOa: FBO Ako ads eyotweds, Bad, JPEG/IPG ROLBBO_ OMA’ Bowes. 9. Idts Awesa:- Dey Worms 2d Betowsd w8ohadAo, (OTR-ONE TIME REGISTRATION) RowrnePad ase, abt I0ce0d Bak e8roba, AQxeoAd oom rweIASe,G.e,. dad, demsoniseobh esha awks sSosd exsroba, BORO “Apply to Post” Tab Em, Be BB ovr vSododao, RovornePAstend3s sd. 1. dm, esmedriseohi eonaat awad Sogd, dees Asad OHACIAINVAD, Tot@sld. e2eNeAOd " Apply to Post “ Tab orb 8,5 Boa. 2. “Apply Post" Sos ead, §e* aowmsjadood Ota ehaezstsob Bwmd eBrs AwAdodrvad, BedjAO,o aod sosyxos8s, BOBOwIS. Qtah Stee ona, 2A,a* awgmed Aodesaiad, BBIEDI.. 3. OBFSa ASZNYAD, Bod,AWS we, He nen avos wad ovroavad, amomAosen sosgQoIa) Smdm3h3G. oa,Oerie Notification exh, Sewraen 4H sa, wees on, adds, awoaseos RosdaK OF RowWajad as. How, Done. 4, e8Fod 803e) JO8K Socden, esFoh)s oew AHowoHs Fesnvay, Adan BIrawBemADdohe oom HsgIBRarte®,. WHR, BGA ove BOAB 3030 AOKOV SFohIs Nddhva, aiwsh, noses a rs 2. Appliedre st” Tab Se) He) Heros BeGi_ob © ee 3 2 5 2 2 7 5. DDFS, SHASBATOA SWF DoO,Rad, MBS AMosVadd o23,OF0% eerodm, ZON,OAeVWMHEG. SC/ST/CAT-1/ By¥ VONIFO eg,Qener Awa Ho, MGIMBSOOG Aas Nsewhd. 6. HSIN AMaNnvad, HYATOOB HOtsg, HBO,Wad, Das3Anwad: + SES" 23,080rF . Bvdés TBE . Bass war + UPI 7. Hoga, WBIAe FAS Agodaiad, emda’ ° BOS 1: Nt Eve AQAeo nohbas JOA, wHAewaran ” APPLY Post” Somead, ¢e Awa . Bod 2: Hoh WwoAD EHAewAmn VA saa ead, BOBMA. + Bog 3: “Pay Now" odiatead, 85 B®, ocd IabAo, Tes BIGR ad Adtrdao3cd. oe), ted UPI, BRE wow'r, BrvEs* wear sha, S& w.,080m ne sheod matIxen sob, awBnwIa. + B08 4: cbsA,wA med8oinde), mad8ob cdsa,xd, BOErsdads choos Led,xd, KPSC Udyoga software nh addd OBerdAewh3a. + Bod 5: dead " Applied Post " AeJod evrobm, Pareetar aiersnesoao. . Bos 6: DoS Hdaoss Ipowode), Applied Post Jerse), "Re-Payment" ose, 5° awa she, Bos 3 wm, @OAowWIeA. + moss ddaoth aaa Songeae), cade sode®, Browser Close / Refresh or Back button Press), aiv0t32300. + wees was Aodgeae), Processing / Pending wowed, , easherixy Payment Complete esrbaistdr wooben AwsAd. sad ar, sodetida, Aossras /abter wpa awd seeds OBRIIHYOS,. soietnd ehAedssr obs%,clwA wr EAD Sosd saketrias BOobm, INOSAADN BSwAsam, Praca swateyoo Ota} Aewaobah, ALFOAZLO. 3.1) OgOerivd or BIr mods sede ohsewsdadd, Madd evs B38F amd mOS Newnes, exes ads neva, LDeov, se, Stadbvod soOsoda GOred’2 Mada xddiv AtFoVIN HowoHas eosovdd, vsoi.etnads sand’ e_Graad, o Svsosos OF, FrAROVAKB:- 7.09 mrins, oBrs GM General Merit Bw B0dK, wd sc Scheduled Caste a0 B03a, sone ST Scheduled Tribe wt aane-1 Cat-1_| Category -1 20 aanr-20 2a Category - 2A 20 Bane-20 2B Category - 2B 30 Bane-30 3A Category - 3A 30) Bane-30 3B Category - 3B aive.2y m8 3,08 Ex-MP_| Ex-Military Person Traedoteo | Mracdotes e23,F | Rural__| Rural Candidate tine | tia aivegeb | KMS Kannada Medium Student eB.dor 20.0). eondte eg.r | PH Physically Handicapped w.3d0.3, | WPF Heo Bod | RPC Residual Parent Cadre 3d 3, 3tod Pon TG Transgender 4, DO,- Monn; BF 3 OB. HFnOR 3v0.600/- | Bane 2(od), 2(29), 3(cd), 3() RBCOB$_OBHenon 3.2.300/- ane 4,08 OB.Oenon da. 50/- B08, wo3, B038a, sone, Badrr-1 wore | Ho, TeBI000 SondFo operon Dac 3 aes. SBPrivd INTOAAG Hogar, tav,cbaon ws3N3e,09,. Hoa, sosS2G Joss eda, otoace sodardd cho Eee Do. ena ena, scietiay Saas gad ocd egae StadvInOn Soodrshov,corDGoo . Beste. Bowe AnBHdSO, e088 ovrnevas, 30R,0X ora. 5. OBES BOS) Ne:- ©) | wed Stob MeNdtsaondsE,Dd.. @) [5a sees 33, shes Bw, sob BS, cbom, Bonds aed tee, sarrories aaie,n, BoBIdooos Soba, essshoashoses Seo eB rob. Seer dbos Seepesiendobrh, Bdodde Stebeeait s Specerh Bo. ope awdAvaon een, oR goondates ab32, edd stahee dats ssednee Be ASFeAN essoesad,o8) sito Hows gos ciate Biot BoNS300B aos TondIew. B) [Botan SNBroonaecommn yi 48 O joatas Boch abt oniadedomenh 30ND atwAobab, vow, Avord: rob Asegme Be awrod Vstwioh amayde Iadee, dadbsbrie “adeoe Atebseehoa oe. Bow espa 325 Cu, Sate Ata eciethdoad Sasoorns Bean ods eae StadvoInGod spoon Bee = Bsr keno art Se rceragaOe, eC wi FE, 38, OB. (OA) | wae Umote Ociso qBE Cow, Gety Bee 2B. Go 8 an emTe ibedi@os. Be SsdweIiYos Sese, Oveah ena FRO w,8,089, Aero fod eri, sea jeBOR ead Stabwean weureods Sonsmaddhe, tabsoan exromaoo, a) (eo) 6. BOC od Bob3,Ne:- 19973 Resa erdtadatr Stshwo3d VJobabrie& sSoiwtedI3ab WIZ Revss,os Pvvodos EBOPrnOnr Poed ob Pods nerd, ARHBaRooNAG. avedeod Bods,nes xoxo; emrS (General Merit) | 05 20D | eB.Penon Bane (1), Bare 2(0), 272), 3), 3(D) [07 2d eB.Henon BoaR, 203/BODa, Bord | Bobs ne od eg.denon adAdo,. Baws: SovrzWd Ste od BI8seo Hob3, Had, wom eAvosaoas BOrsAcoraad. INOS Bobs nv MSobad, MO), OF, Pr3,cia, Bch RePxenrvasyass. Ls ght doers | Boas 0500), BORhs exes ddsyiv Bosh s devon Ios sages exrscbar, Beohwhs Ho deo exvrSadm, Boeoowsed. SB Ori Stadbwosmn ovr twrke nada sautasarne Seadwod (A.Gerse HE, aeo?r Stadwo3) Dabadrivr, 1997 were (sit Scio gi) Dabsbred 2010 5 Dabsb 7 doS B,Orobs wzedsdd, ween deze; me2d adsoaycie DF, DeB,aba m,3¢ = pao we, BBS BSANadad, Boohsse,co, eps sins dov,wrsabab, Beobsse,eo,. ‘As per Rule 7 of Karnataka Recruitment of Gazetted Probationers (Appointment by Competitive Examinations) Rules, 1997 and (8th Amendment) Rules, 2010 ‘No candidate shall be eligible for recruitment under these rules unless he /she possesses a Bachelor's Degree or Master ‘s Degree awarded by a University established by Law in India or possesses an equivalent qualification. saorhe Reset Roseaiarny Btdw3 (gorse Sod, Door Seahwo3) Dobhadried, 1997 wore (68 Beko WO) Dodsdriw> 2009 dA, Dodad 7d wow Jobsb (1) d Sosd & Fevsodos Mara sedoena: ‘Bd0B, EBHrrivd civaordde BOER monoonad,, eosetnas Adadsd Rosy soren ByyseaN exrverbamndd, edd & sotdod BOs ATReve adO,, Cosa Ogden Cedryd Soren ates Bobo ewroerdse8. (As per Karnataka Recruitment of Gazetted Probationers (Appointment by Competitive Examinations) (6th Amendment) Rules, 2009 after sub rule (1) of rule (7) the following has been substituted:- Provided that, candidates who have appeared for an examination, passing of which would render them educationally qualified for preliminary examination conducted by the Commission, but the results of which have not been declared, are also eligible for admission to such preliminary examination. All candidates who are declared qualified by 10 Raa Sedtaddri’ shoo, BOE aba, Bicitevpabddons eden Hets2d ewrood sen, egoriv tom, sodh eer HOpeer sowohsad av, wrso BOR aba, word swoBdds ari, ator aah, odesat smdsec,, 32.020, 038 EBHEnORr show, HOER gases AtmAoe,.. dom, ex,beried Agar Sodtsiddorie’ show, soe nh eer AOzdaor estcorieds B38, Byeodd e038s sotdobd, w3trercend©, ema a3d 3,0,8¢ab B¢co BOCEOdA, w3fcoroants,, edd J B¥mshobad, BeodASe adO,, woss og.dener Bowe,OeaNn woren aes Aedeordsc. sid, escorted eerob Basabd, D¥i,9e32,00b/H0%,ob Howoad Agab syOwody B,G,8¢a BS Boeeohd, oodshaoA word Braws of, dead sane aad Baba, wSAde,D,. ose Brdonvd, edHrrivd APD? 3,83, BOC od Aadobad, BIO Bas, aad eo dance 83 egao D8,It,00b/Hox,ch HowoHAd Aged mares 33 AOE Gd em, o88,88nea, Bod, AHsIS (WIymodHabad, CedAds aricde Ht0d03) aoc BAD Sos, coder Olas aators Sada, LIADSe,Bd,. the Commission for taking the Gazetted Probationers (Main) Examination shall be required to produce proof of passing the requisite Examination along with their application of the Main examination failing which such candidates shall not be admitted to the Main examination. Provided further that, candidates who have passed the final professional year or any other medical examination but have not completed their internship at the time of submi their applications for the Gazetted Prob: (Main) Examination, be pr admitted to the examination provided they submit along with their application a copy of certificate from the concerned authority of the University/Institution that they had passed the req professional —_ medical examination. In such cases, the candidates shall be required to upload and produce at the time of their interview original degree or a certificate from the competent authority of -— the University/Institution that they have completed all requirements (including completion of internship) for the award of the Degree. final ses Kews:- eB,Orobs Jonohad Noo, ers Poedobxo, word Arads of, e08w8,nvAb, wOnasz,oo,. weoswrodbod PoBMLOO/OwA,jO* Badod ByAcrsor Puvdota sorieohds (Attested) 8. Bodetd3:- e8r BOAO ANHAOAD Besoh Onoovdom e& ¥evson sda, BoletasZoba, Beohste were eddeedao: Roa, soletedZoba, woe, 21 Sar Oa, | 1, mended, eardod od,oeron 38 Selene 2. BBE 20/20/30/30 OB Henon 41 Saeed es denon 3. BOBal, 203/HOBa, Bona/asine-1 | 43 ssaleried + Beordd esciedy Sods: JeemoQ 138 HAN % 2023, Bwo008:24-01-2024 da,oh & wHALwIobA, sNds Aobabie shed aoe, diene’ esr eB,OenOR ~wonds 2308 (One time Measure) HOw, sodetcd> Zod, Upper age limit Hod. SHFNOR B,% SBAdS3. endo3s heOad Boi.etar.ZobAo., INHSBAB. or (@) Bed A, AeMOAGO, Rees AQAA, aatenon sbed> Bairnvah, AedaTTd amb, salerearbaiee ead, dain (@) eondte eB,Ornon {eondvo oB,Ornv svordd ehsews Bos, ResmrQ 104 ANA 2005 Haoow 13-09- 2005 Uo8 Awords ehsews Hos, Rexra 115 ASQ 2005, Bwe0s:19-11-2005 de), ANDSOATOS Sasor Aasiao, YesocbaoN BABs,Reord wchotriads Aewrcor avo seo BScbao, BodconA mowdrsansee (e Banossa Badwsobao, emrwog-2 32, Batdseond,) 10 saene (a) DAAoiNG_, (OGaodd “Iga” aow ah, BeBtewp FeOcood saad ab,zd Héhond wsos Ads,0 BQcedro ai,stsor0 asaab, wore aboo ababdoinAdyhosow aaerm ssaad, eg Oxo AnBAas&d sesad Dmoortdevrnn tae,cbhaen BSHsd, Feom soletna AewrDen aad shoo Bob, BoBeoan MBHBASsee) 1 saened 12 ASIB-ws, HmVove,A onan.oe.s. ogame s3,cws Iov,wrsob 0888, an.anm.ae.s srerss savers, (8..2)/a0.an.aer.d.ob ROS Mod (HawsKBar droatr)ae, SadeBAdaos wa, Dwooeaa, Soietna wd,8ovrhad. ad arate madnvad, SondseomAvo.. 9. Bybot moGes: BH PvI0a DSNOA MOramd dood cvogrsaba, Iadarc, e088 Gjbt mgrsabs, Beomdd, aes, cosa addon BtabThev.oo oF,Orad ors sdonses/?. saa wae oad adab is, oxtas | S58 nave ates ate 033 | *3* kgemrm| sev | oss Soe n OHO% wert) oF | emortie AD eA] sac] on_ob|57ASK| edcb| Dadod oase, order sarbad sorba} | $2,038, oid RIBSoWS. de. de, | 4sean eae der) (Rar o) egos eae wach vaorie 168 is ls 02 | Roerustaret | autae fA] 8429] Seri s7sose | sarbas soci: Aol AS) SAoe| ON,Cd each) aaa. 03 Sages srorioes 157 8.a0¢ | srerbeh Be. be. 10. B.oors,s Bots Iged:- B HWersze Sotto taorhs haat Jovdtadatri’y Stavos (A, Gers, BCE, heot Staovo3) Dobsd 19970 Adwex 2 dA, SPAdHOS Ode Kosnead, wYReomwd3 3: (1) Restrzed BOekodbao, (Preliminary Examination) show, BOCEA (Main Examination) ©2,nwad, vob, aww. Sormn Sddeervayds ads, adhom, BOCPodad, shar, 3.83, DOtdodbad, DIG stained hs. aod_nor eR.drriva, vob, armas Soran saxeorsaa. (2) B88 ABNOR Aobsdbrevm, Netdoo Aewsad. gH dodbsdried Soden Ses yés http//kpsckarnicin BE, O23. 10.1 Sesrrsod O¢e :- Pmr Be RBUa Sodtadar (S,gor3a.e SOCENe hwow Stadsod) (Ide 3032, 8B) Dodbadred, 2011 dos Reseyyacd SOc ob sav,Ox, (2089 e80%,) soba 0d) Berea, we reobws.s. “As per Karnataka Recruitment of Gazetted Probationers (Appointment by Competitive Examinations) (9th Amendment) Rules, 2011 (A) Preliminary Examination - The Preliminary Examination shall consist of two papers of objective type (multiple choice) ” @ BI BIR ade. osnvos w)3 | (i) each paper carrying 100 questions with each BAPods 100 | question carrying two marks; and Bs, NVSe,Wheo@w3s (i) 33 B3Fobs nda, 200 oom ‘each paper shall be of a maximum of 200 13 whs2, ads Tone | marks and of a duration of two hours (Total for woeoshodwe,Add, (edzds | two papers 400 marks) in the following BAPROR wO, 400 Posner) Das | description, namely; Bh S¥s0b0IW33:- 3.80. ado / Subject Area Bane eon SI.No. Bos/ Marks No. of questions Bae-1 01 | Gadi, Cab ws, @osced, cob 40 80 wasn, gob AIsobrivah, wereodos moaivesd; ©9G3,07/ General studies related to National and International importance 02 | sone Bod, / Humanities 60 120 bd. 100 200 wae -2 01 | cew,G aaaion,i AonowAdos weaken, 40 80 eobs /General studies related to State importance 02 |mana, Jeon abs, sodwA, adxnd 30 60 whBs, BOAT Deso,A /General Science & Technology Environment & Ecology 03 | weston, sbaetmesbG,r/ General Mental 30 60 Ability EON 100 200 8a3:- Note: (@)8¥, B3Pod TA,B ao, wort, wpainvdddoe, ad3d. (a) The question paper shall be set both in Kannada and English. (e)menrzwIAOCe chd Azad, Dhaet OPH2) mdgrd sone DED aM an ach/stsdnIod DSA adv wed BIEN SINS coe, ASS (b) The standard of General Mental Ability questions of preliminary examination (aptitude test) shall be that of X standard /SSLC level and the remaining papers are of Degree Level. (a) S283 O¢ xesnOR exbrmemn 1:15 embdwosde, wdobO ns atsend OeIoda,ob POIs, 203, HOIa, Bond, e338 komded sree aba, mand, drirs, ScOd mova, eBPrivad, 88 esmwo3sde, Zesrywd sBOtdodbd, ead TOAD Wado, COERG esqode shee} show, SER Hases Nedoords.a. (©) The number of candidates to be admitted to the main examination shall be 15 times the vacancies notified for recruitment in the order of merit on the basis of the performance in the preliminary examination subject to accommodating the same ratio in adequate number of candidates belonging to the categories of Scheduled Caste, Scheduled Tribe, each of the other Backward Classes and others. sbrmes,s Po cnis: taeris Raia Sedtadas (Apres BoceNy sheor Sadwo3) (105¢ 30) B%) NDobabre2013, eHxews oai;:DPAR 118 SRR 2012, dated 12-02- 2013 dos. @) wmse sPosnad wereck’ someon senor, 2006, 03 Ket ad ws 0%, were Regios msde, dd dtd wornvA, Otdenm3.ds BBNvad, BOIDHo@? aew, 3%, W3SSNOR shrm3e SPo,cndd (@0R ISOADOS) G3. () BIkeom Bw,re 04 Boirorad HSONPc,, SBHrod say, rsd Mads aIcieom sun AnBsaAd wove 025 dad, eotrivad, (% Uabd,) sovress, BVobemryasess. Negative Evaluation: As per Karnataka Recruitment of Gazetted —_Probationers (Appointment by Competitive Exami (10th Amendment) Rules, 2013, Notification No.DPAR 118 SRR 2012, dated 12-02-2013. “ (d) There shall be negative marking for incorrect answers (as detailed below) for all questions except some of the questions where the negative marking shall be inbuilt in the form of different marks being awarded to the most appropriate and not so appropriate answer for such questions, namely:- (i There are four alternative answers to every question. For each question, of which a wrong answer has been given by the candidate, one- fourth (0.25) of the marks assigned to that question shall be deducted as penalty; (eEBsHProds woe aan wodsos 823,03 mgonvad, BdbedvAnd, mere edd), SdeLvwr~ands wond wmsda) RoaiwAdse Ae enad, 3%, MBdx30R SOn8%s sdto,oc(i) 308 wotne Ad, Fodhermmayya>. (ii) EBMrodvs oteayde ws,cbwo, sm 08,0.0, , eodd aradce i) If a candidate gives more than one answer to a question, it shall be treated as a wrong answer even if one of the given answers happen to be correct and there shall be same penalty in accordance with clause (i); Gi) If a question is left blank i.e. no answer is given by the candidate, there shall be no penalty for that question. ” 8d MAdBO, oss B¥,n shrs03, scenes, BPobenmAdHe.. 10.2 BBCFow Bo, Fed Besrroc) SOte,: (BA2,0z, sive) | PRELIMINARY EXAMINATION (objective type): 838-1 PAPER -1 (i) Tad, od shBx, Sosood, Cav | (i) Current events of National and ahS5,3 BOS IG, Bode. International importance. (i) AWBAS wax, -zwdsd yImos- davrBUsAd, (ii) Humanities — History of India — Emphasis amsbom,aoND&eeotds —_yodaes | shill be on broad general understanding of the subject in its social, economic, cultural and Toe, Cod WedssOh dW NEDA | ctitical aspects with a focus on Indian national Qe mais, ere, we08,3e movement with special emphasis on Karnataka. 15 abz2, Dewetobson asmeon Aaobs orf, og,brob Iaedaod Mond; IHOPP. (ii) tmorBes of, 83,5 rads AedVBdeoOA worse Berecy wea, HH, wodsd —- Geriate’ wos). (v) Sead vexseah A. TRAMIDA,O,, wosd Ido3d SNRON setws mds, shed oedsne, woa3ss Asherosn, World Geography and Geography of India with a focus on Karnataka. iv) Indian polity and economy, including the country’s political system, rural development, planning and economic reforms in India- sustainable development, poverty alleviation, demographics, social sector initiatives etc., wmAIAOME; BA, ,, Aenwwse noessdisnvas, weneowcos 2ed3B cewttoh shs, whet aa. B28. PAPER ~ Il () Dems aEabom, Bod syx2,c| (i) Current events of State importance and BAN dso, vow; AvoFds | important State Government programmes. Babow ahetearivd. _ ; ; Green ess | Sess etd, ene aoe cura o —— oes Sdance tad Mechatslogy snd tele implications 252 ,783- , yedK E95; BewAs sdetn;, Bad Jez0_5, 8,98 B9G,3 ws, smandse, noesdisned aBnvaewreokos inact dee DIsobaah, DMedaon eGcbs amddds wo, mBez BBcd0d AOCE, Rrdosos oe, abs, sose,ddd, B,Nobs emadineys eddettine/ Somosdried azo, oe, abs, soseAdd, Radbwoden svssine. (ii) wesiwR; sdaelt AomdG,F- adaetss, nhomd¥, sosre BSImds ahs, Mapas woxdg,F, Ogerd sichtewd.~ 28, xadz, DoDI, Deo nis waz (BoB, sb3o, eomne Ronomre, ear? wOatero asa) dhs, dzo030 Te,w0,0 (BER, deaossner, dota.ervs, 330,08 BES, |ze,0 (BIN Sdn3/ ATLAT.DE.A BOC, HH,BE). including matters of every day observations and experience, as may be expected of a well educated person who has not made a special study of any scientific discipline general issues on Health, environmental ecology, biodiversity and climate change that do not require subject specialization. General Mental Ability, Comprehension, Logical reasoning and Analytical al Decision making, problem solving, Ba innumeracy (numbers and their relations, order of magnitude etc.) and data interpretation (charts, graphs, tables, data sufficiency etc., (class X/SSLC level)”. 10.3 show, BdCd:- BOCENY hoot Stadveo3) 16 Bods QAHaesor 235 DA‘ e30* es0* 2013, Hwooe: wba, Umer8d Ava Sedtada'r Sesbwo3) Pmr8s Awa Sodesdar (118¢ 3cd>BO) Dodadred, 2014, edaews gorse 24-11-2014d03 Gugmras Socehe sheor (3c BO) Dodabrwd, 2020, oHAows soad,: BAoesot 151 Heeeeve 2014, Hao08:04-06-2020 dos show; BOegowo ODS BROCE, shar, d8s%d SOckodxd, weeohwds3.83 [Karnataka Recruitment of Gazetted Probationers (Appointment by Competitive Examinations) (11th Amendment) Rules, 2014, Notification No. DPAR 235 SRR 2013, dated 24-11-2014 and Karnataka Recruitment of Gazetted Probationers (Appointment by Competitive Examinations) (Amendment) Rules, 2020, Notification No. DPAR 151 SeLoSe 2014, dated :04-06-2020 the Main Examination shall consist of written examination and personality test “ sb3., taorSet nea Seveidatrne Stsbvos (A,DOFS SHOT, Door Sabv3) (3aBa) Yobadrvd 2022, ohsews BOB: BSoesO* 20 AAA‘ & 2022, BAO#:12-04-2022]. D3 Seg / Written Exai ost env Beried/Papers ) ee Duration Dadod/Subject / Rosirtes/ marks hours) exrsemobe B3erie/ | ed,c / Kannada 150 2 Qualifying Papers ‘ao? fax /English 150 2 B38 -1/ Paper-1 ‘BWywo /Essay 250 3 tae,cb BIeri | BHF-2/Paper-2 | wosdven; oG,owe /General Studies -1 250 3 / B38 -3/Paper-3 | mosisoad, e2c3,ctbad /General Studies -2 250 a Compulsor yPapers | 83%-4/Paper-4 | xeaivan; oG,oba /General Studies -3 250 3 B3F-5/Paper-5 | Mosivod, e273,000 /General Studies -4 250 3 OD3 BOCE od 2839, 08ND /Total marks for the written examination 1250 Bs8,3, BOCZ Ob webs, Oowrws/Total marks for the Personality Test 25 2830,/Total 1275 Ba, 93: Note (1) Sae,ch FB, wB2, ONL | (1)The marks obtained in qualifying papers BRCNVYQ, Bes — 208k |_ in Kannada and in English shall be of quali exrsemobe nature. For qualifying in these papers, a RBABo,AdSs3. exes | minimum of 35% (52.5) marks in each paper is sdobes oh B,308e0r% | Prescribed. The marks obtained in these two papers shall not be considered for determi 7 BSPobO, TOx, Fees 35 (52.5) omnes, Andsaxeond. o adde 83eivd, ead eotnvah, eBhrriv eod,ob e@rsoba>, AnoRoDSO, BBACobAw_O.. adc BIINVO, ADS eovrvad, Road " egorried aad BRERA, ous Bead, Some, nerdde 383, sore abso, eob,a esroamydo, were go3sa egorie 93d Dxobivd), BBB wotnvad, BEBHAoO.. ‘the merit for selection. Candidates who do not secure the prescribed minimum marks in the qualifying papers, namely, Kannada and English, shall not be eligible for personality test and selection. (2) sows BOFobs Iddwos,s (2) The Examination shall be of conventional armBdobOds shsx, ev, | Descriptive BIiv vae.chaonos si. type in nature and all papers are Compulsory. (3) B83, Series Pd,d adhs2,| (3) The question papers shall be set both in onset qesnedade.e, | Kannada and in English. A candidate may answer shoOxewndsd. e25,rrivd | @ paper either entirely in Kannada or in English BaFod m3 drie’ats, | (Except qualifying papers). Romewraen 83,8 epao eon. {eae woBabBO cde mB OaseR>, ( exrsemob? s3trwad, Bedsowas). (4) sham; BOC%od #ee,0h FR, | (4) The standard of the Main Examination except ware ae,oh e0rt.z3038 | Qualifying Kannada paper and Qualifying English BREivar, Bodss@X evPa| paper shall be that of Degree level. The BAMA BD shi.oe,Awss. saoob v3.8 more eae,ob eonz3038 Bene ATLAT.OE*.208 Bash ezosod ahs, oo, Adds 3 standard of qualifying Kannada paper and qualifying English paper shall be that of First Language Kannada and First Language English respectively at SSLC level. 6) ae, 05 BRERA sese,cb BAsreordss. B38-(02) 000 s)dadAS BSAeied werd aoririvar, wRec@d33. 3 BAob. nda, 250 esovreAd, weReCOBDS. azo, 03 Nosine (5) All five papers are compulsory. Paper Il to V consists of three sections. Each paper carries a maximum of 250 marks and duration of three hours only. exhodae, Ads 3. (6) ODS Hs. 38.3, BOCFod | (6)Written and Personality Test Marks will be wotnevad, e03am ob, announced along with the final select list B8,cdechr Be SAewrvaya. ‘examination is 1) am, BOE ob BO ,wabaao, web site esodetnad ses 8s" http:// kpsc. kar.nic.in/Syllabus” 3&, Ds oAeoNns. Bann sows: Reersd ehAcws odsPSaeso* 151 AwlS 2014, Hwe0w:04-06- 202088,0h som, BOCEOh 03,8 Dslodrva, RvAat Dorstaido- Stadbv3s0s00 Sia» motoond3sc. 10.4 3:83. coed :- 38,3, BOE ods OB,Herie’ Bychee reeds, ada, Aer Sesion RRES 2ow wri, VOBd AoOohIS.@ me, Waves BiMDI0w,D IID whoo, seed UN8, 200) MoAdA, Fox Dredd AOA F 3. 3tdmwo Po, mone so8Fd hetwas MAB Ene ort, ISrOD3.B. emorde New Sodtadatrre Stabvod (8,qors,esotd, Door Sesbwo3) (308) Dohadried 2019003 esoietriay resto’ sb32_ ‘2d! ANY wo) wd Nv Host eadroewe 1:30 emrsd)_ vwd.Heivas B23, BEA Mdoheomaa soietna, oBOrriw ado; SOczobed, Bd wa, Come Bea,s (merit) more wOQobdpoa AetsewIabs,ob ox ads dive, SOBar203, JOBA,HoNG, asd HochOd snenor AKHOOAD Oe mIANOnadsrbomeN OBOPriva, 83, Soceh sscdeorbasas geared Avsar seaisweny Stebvo3S Boss! ree 20 antant & 2022, ne, DavBO¥. 12-04-2022 dod aren BOcHods Hoa, 25 eornvad, ewheoBdg, 3. 11, doeHere 3/930 svore BBiNed:- 141 (©) | 3 tse’ Zetds ave, og Hrriv SowoHad wo3/Aesoo dotted aaer asrvad, erodar, BOAod 3 xatero ARBAD Fesoh Qmoovdors wed obe)oxos wane RBBHsd, B00) EBroiwoHh eaecbmen exAefa arease,cd,. 19 (e) meses Aaver S3nvao, JO Ar3twod Badosnw Boda, wI bs SV, | Sees B Ronse, HOB OB,Henvd Bare-1¥, Mod ogorne |Saded a Bane-20, 229,30 32,32 | dshes ‘am doesen an 800 eB,Hene> (a) wowed aren’ sarr-20), dare-20), sare 3(o) SHB. BArr-3(d) enews Davoco Dane 05 Rar WOODS. oBHerivd Bods satvoco 33) otrddco. AndosadAd Fedod ®aeordon. WO, ObO)D: ___ (Government ificats sii 155 6c pit7 2-201 (=) 3.2/8.80/8.1 3 eghrne sBoda/adcans Bane BInw 8S eAHobsdIA ogee dao, armAsdIR LoGswaad, Beohad,, goss Bsinc sanevm, wd, edh Idec RONAoowAA(AToFIa ArSels Nod; SWD 155 BCA 2011 Hao0¥ 22-02-2012) 112 rraedo¢eo Benen aoesea3 () Aver® ats Hoa; SesxgQ 08 SSW 2001 Hawo0w#:13- 02-2001d8,c% nacdotes astsemZobm, Betis SBDEND BAS we obAos Dodbadre ese; 1 Bod 108¢ sdrn3obsdh nacddotes Dotdeeart weaeod BBeInee, ae,zort a MAcoroadasd sg AIttewIaba, Sdoaboo BED. (es) @o2 Bane Maycdoteo Mtsood ZOOS oz, Oenv wo Medes Dawe sre orogsdd, S03883dd Nycrsteo Itdew Sno HB edsrvenssed. Boma, nadotee SY.HenProw MesOo.AG Do nvad, gray swros woswd;, warsod eghrie Sades-2, Xonogws, es, Bymohwodabsd shoo HedIxeohn more gt Bair sxssepe shtootsd, (Creamy layer) BWOHHS or, Saded-1 3O, Saw ssixd, taecheen Konohs seBcewo« dadod BBGs,eohdserh, more oGOrred ABoHds Brnvssy ef BOO. AMOBSwAd edad Havordow woe, (validjobAdSe,Bo,. 20 (a) @osode nye chtteos toths SBx, wo, 203K, done, dairr-1, Aairr-2o, 20, 30, 32 LNoesowIt SOG oBOHenw tae,cbhaeN nado adtxew8ob saimc asda, sadod-2dd, Honopss, 8s, Bxmobhwedobad shtoo cw, shew shs2, wd Bowed OnoordeoHr Inds Aabedodd, Adds, ROoWISUD,. 38,00, eosw SBPdere ArtweoIadxm, dowPaxeorosya wore eosexso Traedoeeo doesent exieroonsed. 113 ga.8 sogab eB.ornonr adnoesood (2) Brord eHAews How, L524 71 HSA 2001 HNoo#: 24-10-2002 38,0 #a,8 Ang sbd o,OFnrerows OKGOOAG wdNwad, Cao awd oG,oervd ie Bdrn8cds0d 108e¢ Sdnsobsdh ea Rn whBA, Bacon aAvwwdsS wh, SonoPHnds,, Boob shoaiofweqe,chd Ab, shewd a3), wed amas OAaeordeohi ARNDS Aadbwdsodd, BBH6o, FooWIdS,Bd.. 11.4 syo2 RydTOR adoeseed (@) (1) Bod Bae aodd AIA, BYreosd Jodbxos Bede, Prde shz,, mod dvad, inact Bevo, (ets e@ao cietaaoAest) Ata ROADS 3,8, noc Gr. edd aday 4v,08 BOO, wBdeX ONO'S QOVIobOOM Petar, Socy Roooht Alwo m3. He,0e 0040 Sve, sea RO AG 3,8, Star dodwrdyoOmdso, (©) 2038 ACBN30B IH, 3, Beoha Sosd IB,3 Bess Hdodo3 dad eae (e3)3,3;8¢0b wetdrotPod 23980 Atsdchood Ddrdarwd eps x 8ob LAsee, dod BOX,INPOS DHS, 3,G,8toh Mav omoada,ed dows Sox e088 AtsobA, Ydoridoindan. egae (@) B03 BOl0F BesHIV’A Aw,ob vasa BOmodhHod wosxe AtSadsodvNaona Beona 38, egae (&) 38, X03 Betd¥od shedh eps charas epae embg, rAoredmhomNsimmtos eg esra,bod am armas a,8rvx, BOUBAOY, Weal, oasHadah, Gos ,AG sdsaood Danis Beov8s v8, da, mow, adado3da By8, ahs, W_CRad Atslod o Pv BAdAG artrad 2m, 0Bods0. @ dd03d Ft TOL Id,3 Boohs S0wmedds (ii) 22080 Aesadoown wodwd B,o¥ emosdp rs Boom Ndoidoie 38, (ii) Te,O083, BBA, Dvesds OAdS - Pod ATA Gv Asad, a,8.red Besos Is,3, Beods Sosd aww s,d¢d BASH vos B:8A wH,ods Seroraerios wom Bars, aos, wdefne, oF Dostov,eoonmene enon snow Z,080R Dodane xen, Pox,revad, Beode emadh3 Mdewnd. add Asbaa xo, BHO) wmdd3S Oadsdr vow, wondtd Ata ep Hd_NOn Stadt Boomso3e.. (es) awed, xsd, Beivd, At sOpdaon chod_/oivd_ Bose weoiwrwdwobd, dad eda eondvos Booddaenv BHedr0acda0y (Romyerabmed BOBS eam row sha, sbeed abs, sosdee) aves 8.0% Adtsood3i esroendses. aid wosaadnen soietedod ROOPodAD, DeVoe. (a) 3) AeSahood Ndordand Bh esd Ydorid Bane Asam (rd3S wes, Iss sesa Xomoabhs b3, Idris Hae hs, ddd aatvooo BB) /aw8 A,A¥d eMoodsd sw x,ded. ReiooOmen Beoo,8cds / wy,saon eondtonend an, wtvore Baad, BAHso, FOBISE,Dd.. (e) awe AyWtd eEBoOonsd Aww AyWd¥d ResodQpe,n odr_/and.doss vootwrwdsobe), DAD ea eondves BeoHs on, savor says Rdadsobar., Zetdsoon. (ev) B,A8d Boo wH,0GG aowobe, aos, oF RODS eBMerie end shteohHwrdn?od Avogame save dada, sdcd edd Bmeotamd, erobd, TdenrsA weBroieonr egefa xwa3szc,, mre deo candid BOBeosoh Aabobd, ade Qooefamwe aatoro sige sheo sldaba, vacbann memcwatactw. 11.5 (@) BAMOrST Doser. (ByBoowen gogrdle sscitas, Beebe Sebo Oo aood) oars emrdss Bane ssrie tad) Dabsdried 20138, 371(28)d03 OVOHADOS Ad SadsoSabo, Prob wi,8.cb02 B, dose adttesIaba, otha erie ewsAa2v0G-0 - tmeree gagce Badwsiob)ohe ewrso Seiten pees aoe, BIHrodsod TonoPss, ws aa ™ pL BAITd0S ABHsd, sor, pe © eo Reod mneIny BoBtowo Fabovae) sieieee aa eg. enon doo BSodao, BOIosA 3a,ce 2 meses SeCCSIaA SETS. | sane SIs Sadexsodad, edxewsch Bedodbd setodeona) Badetobs, Bedmanrs asd osayaie Babernvd. sdcherd ears saivc assaa>, 3dc,xe0riajad. ses dows: Boas. storie xB Ocab a.odd Ssetems Betts end.Brrie Awerdd AB0l3 Howes 03 Bsewee 2019. Bwe08:15-06-202208 Aewadsos an. 3.0 ear AOA ed;8 (Optionodbad, 3a, OB3B,BD,. 11.6 xABword AtBodOood wWevdon By doer - BMOrSs Aoewero3:- (@) Berd AtsobO as PFdd> Hwoow 29-01-2014 dows Becaxcan ebA0ws-1 Hod, BAIS’ 43 Ssgd 2013 JOR eAvoG-o AO, addsos sad, Ata Basso, Sawovo1-o1-2013 Bos aboosa ead x03 eet oa A, donebiros B Bore - sare sted Baines Wedo%, Foworr, Dood2sedd, BY, De,0 AwWBAS shs, Duaband vomood wes eBobd, ndsosa ates BoD. ad, DF o. 2038 eB.briv Sex sbom, ngs a8: 29-01-20148 wehAows-1 Dos, 9 jobs 5(2) 3) Otadewd Ane; b giattore agaad, GGd2 Cosaatd evsrobad, Beto BBB, OB dds wod_Rasoon sor Se arises (& daivov sa Sadavdsodas, jo Ode) Rows Betosennc). & dehoaones Boswsars asd Sract dadedrvd, ddaheod daor dzda>, Sd ORerbaeo. 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