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(Odd roll no.

Assignment-Computer Graphics

1−𝑡 2 2𝑡
1+𝑡 2 1+𝑡 2
Q1. Show that the 2x2 matrix [T]= [ ] represents a pure rotation
1−𝑡 2 −2𝑡
1+𝑡 2 1+𝑡 2

Q2. What is oblique projection? Derive the standard matrix representation of oblique projection
onto Z=0 plane.

Q3. Short note on Affine transformation

Q4. Compute the cavalier and cabinet projections with angles of 450 and 300 respectively of a
pyramid with a square base of side 4 units positioned at the origin in the XY plane with height of
10 units along the Z-axis.

Q5. What is vanishing point? How is it computed?

Q6. A polygon has four vertices located at A(20,10) B(60,10), C(60,30) and D(20,30). Calculate
the vertices after applying a transformation matrix to double the size of polygon with point A
located on the same place.

Q7. “Simultaneous shearing is not the same as shearing in one direction followed by shearing in
another direction.” Justify this statement mathematically.

Q8. Consider a line AB parallel to Z-axis with end points A[3 2 4 1] and B[3 2 8 1]. Perform
perspective projection onto Z=0 plane with the centre of projection at 𝑍𝑐 = 2.0.

Q9. Show that intersecting lines remains intersecting after transformation.

Q10.Using the midpoint circle drawing algorithm, scan convert a circle with center at (0,0) and
radius of 5 units.

Q11. Indicate which raster location will be chosen by Bresenham’s algorithm when scan
converting a line of thickness 4 from screen coordinate (1, 1) to screen co-ordinate (8,5).

Q12. A clipping window has two vertices lying at (0,0) and (80,40). Use the line end point codes
to determine whether the lines P(40,20), Q(70, 50) and R(100,20), S(120,60) would be visible,
partially visible or totally invisible.

Q13. What is aliasing? How can the effect of aliasing be minimized?

Q14. Discuss Depth sorting method for hidden surface elimination. What tests are performed
when there is depth overlap?
Q15. Clip the polygon in the following figure against the rectangular window using the
Sutherland Hodgman algorithm.

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