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Activites Gateways Participants

A task is a work-unit. An additional marks an
Task At a splitting gateway, the sequence flow will leave according

activitiy as a collapsed subprocess. Task
to the splitting condition at one of the outgoing paths. At a
merging gateway the process will wait for one of the incoming

paths to activate the outgoing sequence flow.

A transaction is a group of activities which belong 5()"-67,&)8* Task
Transaction together logically. A transaction protocol can be +,-).,/
indicated. This gateway is always followed by catching events or
receive tasks. After the gateway, the path that receives the
%%% event first is used.
A event-subprocess will be placed within another
Event subprocess. It is triggered by a start event and can
interrupt the surrounding subprocess or it can be
subprocess executed in parallel, according to the type of its start ;,<,$$)$*+,-).,/
event. When the sequence flow is split, all outgoings paths are activated
simultaneously. At the merge the process will wait for all incoming
paths before activating the outgoing sequence flow
Call A call-activity represents a globally defiined (synchronization).
subprocess or a globally defined task, which is used
activities in the current process. @)&&,+)*A$1.*
!"#$%&'()*+,-).,/ 54#$%&'()*)()"-67,&)8 C$''"4$%-1.2'%5"#%:$%"&&"50$7%&.%+..1'6%
According to the condition, one +,-).,/*9'"&-,"-',-'"+: "5&,>,&,$'%"#7%/$''"4$%$>$#&'9
or more outgoing paths are As soon as one of the following
Markers Task types
activated, respectively incoming events occurs, the process is
describe the execution behaviour describe the character of a paths are synchronized. started.
of activities: task: %
0123$)4*+,-).,/ ;,<,$$)$*)()"-67,&)8*

Subprocess Send Splitting and merging +,-).,/*9'"&-,"-',-'"+:
behaviour that is not depicted Only if all preceding events
Loop by any other gateways. occur will the process be
Parallel multiple task User

Sequential multiple Manual

~ Business rule )%8,-,17=)#-**$+*$'$#&'%,#-.*/"&,.#%&0"&%-1.2'% ?0$*&)>%)"#)*.-%&0$%,#-.*/"&,.#%$<50"#4$%

Ad hoc &0*.340%&0$%+*.5$''6%'350%"'%7.53/$#&'6%$8/",1'%.*% 5"#%:$%'+$5,-,$7%:=%5./:,#,#4%/$''"4$%"#7%
1$&&$*'9 '$@3$#5$%-1.2'9
Compensation Service

Script )%8,-,6'"3%-*,'%"#*$<&$*#"1%,#+3&%-.*%&0$%20.1$%
In- +*.5$''9%;&%5"#%:$%*$"7%:=%"#%"5&,>,&=9
&"'( Out-
put )%8,-,61%-3%-*,'%"%>"*,":1$%&0"&%,'%+*.735$7%"'%"%
Sequence flows *$'31&%.-%"%20.1$%+*.5$''9
Free annotation Grouping
Sequence flow Default flow Conditional flow elements optically
"%1,'&%2,&0%.*7$*%+.',&,.#'9 (directed)

)*8,-,*&-1<,+)*,'%"%+1"5$%20$*$%&0$%+*.5$''%5"#%*$"7% Individual
defines the succession will run through if all contains a condition symbols
Data .*%2*,&$%7"&"6%$949%"%7"&":"'$%.*%"%-,1$%5":,#$&9%;&%$<,'&'%
of the execution. other conditions are which defines when this
storage ,#7$#+$#7$&1=%-*./%&0$%73*"&,.#%.-%&0$%+*.5$''%
not met. flow will run through and ,#'&"#5$9 ;#7,>,73"1%'=/:.1'%
when not.
links artifacts and 5"#%:$%3'$7%"'%
)%2)&&,+)*7$+,5&'%&0$%5.#&$#&%.-%"%5.//3#,5"&,.#% flow objects. "*&,-"5&'9

Symbols of BPMN (following the BPMN poster of the Berlin BPM offensive:
NEW to BPMN 2.0 Taken from "Real-Life BPMN" by Jakob Freund and Bernd Rücker
Catching events Throwing events
Start events Intermediate events End events
The process triggers
The process is The event subprocess is The event subprocess is The process The process triggers the
The event is reacted to, The event is reacted to, the event and
started by the started, the parent process started, the parent process is continues only, if the event at the end of the
the activity is canceled. the activity is not canceled. continues
event. canceled. not canceled. event occurs. process path.

? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?

None: Untyped events; none

intermediate events can mark a
change of status.

Message: Receiving and

sending of messages.

Timer: Cyclic timer event, points

in time, or time spans.

Conditional: Reacting to
changed conditions and relation
to business rules.

Link: Two associated link events

represent a sequence flow.

Signal: Signaling across different

processes. A signal can be
reacted to several times.

Error: Triggering and

treatment of defined errors


Terminate: Triggers the

immediate termination of the

Compensation: Handling or
triggering of a compensation.

Cancel: Reaction to canceled

transactions or triggering of

Multiple: Occurence of one of

several events; triggering of all

Parallel multiple:
Occurence of all events.

Symbols of BPMN (following the BPMN poster of the Berlin BPM offensive:
NEW in BPMN 2.0 Taken from "Real-Life BPMN" by Jakob Freund and Bernd Rücker

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