Soal Case Study SAP01

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SAP Overview Case Study

Course Version: 20150603

University Partnership Program


The following case study is designed specifically to assist participants of SAP01 to better
understand a typical business processes that exist in enterprises running SAP ERP software. In
order to concentrate on some of the critical areas, this case study has been simplified without
leaving some of the actual business issues that may happen in real situations. All characters and
companies mentioned in this material are factious. Any similarities between characters and
companies mentioned in this material is coincidental.

Participants may be served best by the case study if they are divided into teams consisting of
several roles as stated in the Participant Activities section.

Since this case study is designed for those participants who have gone through the SAP01
course, it is recommended that participants to complete the SAP01 before performing the
Participant Activities Section. However, lecturer may introduce the case study to participants
ahead of time to allow the participants to familiarize themselves with the background story of
the case.

We realize there is no such things as a perfect course materials, thus we are open to
constructive suggestions to improve the case study. You can send us email at

Rev. 03 June 2015

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Carve Computer Inc.: Breaking the Mold
Company Background
Debbie Davis has been under a tremendous pressure lately. She just promoted to become the
CEO for North America (NA) region. The company she works for, Carve Computer Inc. (CCI), one
of the Europe’s largest computer company headquartered Frankfurt, Germany, is planning to
open their first subsidiary in New York, United States. Established in the 1988, CCI quickly
becoming a dominant force in the computer industry across Europe. The company’s first PC
product was launched in September 1988, just in time for the holiday season, and it was an
instant hit. Since then the company has established several sales offices and warehouses across
Germany (Exhibit 2 – Exhibit 5).

A typical Personal Computer (PC) such as the one produced by CCI contains several parts. Some
parts are developed by the in-house production facility, while others are procured from external
vendors such as Intel Corporation and Asus Computer International. Exhibit 1 described
components that go into building a complete PC.

Exhibit 1: PC Components

CCI differentiate their business into two categories. The first category is producing PCs in
batches and distributes them to CCI distributors across Europe and the Middle East (made-to-
stock). The other category is to produce costumed build PCs for large corporations such as
Mercedes-Benz and SAP AG (made-to-order). For the made-to-order category, customers may
request customized specification based on their requirements and company’s standards such as
a disabled USB port specifically when connected to a portable drive or thumb drive, more
powerful graphic cards, different amount of RAM sizes, etc. CCI was the first company to offer a
costumed build PC in Germany, although it was a controversial decision internally at first, now it
comprises almost 40% of the total PC volumes shipped by the company.

Exhibit 2: High Level of Enterprise Structure of CCI Germany

Exhibit 3: Purchasing and Logistics Enterprise Structure of CCI Germany

Exhibit 4: Sales Enterprise Structure of CCI Germany

Exhibit 5: Distribution Enterprise Structure of CCI Germany

Opening a subsidiary in the North America (NA) region and launching a PC model that is
targeted specifically for gaming are also controversial decisions. Although CCI is a major player
in Europe, it has no experience running a business in the North America region. After heated
discussion and many meeting among top executive of the company, it had been decided that
expanding to the NA market is an important strategy to keep the company as the major player
in the industry.

In 2007 CCI went through a major business improvement project, developed a Standard
Operating Procedure (SOP) and successfully implemented SAP ERP throughout the company. In
order to maintain the SAP ERP system, CCI formed an internal SAP team. Some of the roles of
the SAP Team include: configuring the SAP ERP to meet CCI new business requirements, creating
master data for the end users and supporting the end users when they encounter any error in
the system.

Establishing CCI North America

For the last 4 months Debbie has traveled for more than 6 trips to various places in the USA,
meeting with local suppliers, realty companies, advertising agents, and some prospective
customers. In addition, she was also responsible to conduct interviews with candidates to fill

some vacant positions in the new office. It had been very exciting yet tiresome months for
Debbie. During the last trip to New York, she brought her new Family with her for they needed
to find school for her 2 children and a house, preferably one close to the office, considering the
traffic condition that grips New York City as the business center in the USA.

On the current trip, Debbie was accompanied by some of her colleagues, Rita Pasto and Peter
Snow. Rita was the head of product design. She was responsible to come up with a new PC
design that would be accepted by the North American market. Peter currently is the senior
sales head in CCI Germany and would be promoted to become the senior vice president in sales
for CCI New York once it was established. He had been with the company for almost 10 years.
Peter was very knowledgeable and experience in marketing strategy for the European market,
but he has little experience for the NA market. The CEO of the company, Edward Dibella, gave
Debbie the authorization to hire new person with more experience, but instead, Debbie decided
to keep Peter Snow on his team. The reason behind Debbie’s decision was that although Peter
had limited experience in the NA market, Debbie has had worked together with Peter in many
projects, and he never failed her. She also felt that Peter would know the company’s culture
better that a new person would be, which would be very important to spread the CCI Germany
culture in to the new subsidiary. To assist Peter in performing his role in the new subsidiary,
Debbie had hired an advertising consultant, JN Advertising Consultant (JNAC), that she knows
has more than enough credentials in breaking a new market in NA region.

Upon arriving in JFK international airport, Debbie and her team took a taxi to visit JNAC office.
“My goodness, look at the traffic here in New York City. It’s not even rush hour yet!” thought
Debbie looking at the window from her taxi. “I hope my husband and kids can adapt living in
the Big Apple. It is quite a difference than what we currently experience in Germany”. After
about 1 hour, they arrive at JNAC office and promptly greeted by Jessica Nguyen, the president
of JNAC. “How was your flight?” she said with a big smile. “Oh ok not too rough”, said Debbie.
She actually felt a little tired but since their schedule was tight, she had no choice to meet on
the same day they arrived in New York.

They quickly settled down in a meeting room and start the meeting. The first agenda was to
finalize the PC design that will be launched as the first product of CCI New York for the NA
region. Rita showed the new PC design she had been working on, with the advice of Jessica and
her team, for the last 3 months. The new PC will be called the “Rampage R1”, and it was
targeted for the game enthusiast market. The PC game enthusiast market is currently the
hottest market in the PC industry. As more and more companies use thin clients for their
businesses, laptop and table PC, the traditional PC market is declining rapidly, except in the PC
gaming market segment. Rita displayed the new PC design on the projector so everyone can
have a look on her design. After some minor changes on the design and discussions on
marketing and sales strategies, finally Debbie approved the design. “Wow, it is very different

than what we have in our current catalog” Debbie thought. Currently the hottest selling PC in
CCI’s product portfolio is the “Maxitec R 3133”. It is very popular in Europe as well as in Middle
East Market. The product design has not been changed for the last 3 years and there seems no
need to do so because it is still the top selling product in the company.

Exhibit 6: The Maxitec R 3133

Exhibit 7: Maxitec R 3133 Bill of Material

On the other hand, the final design of the Rampage R1 was nowhere like to Maxitec R 3133. It
was futuristically designed with black color and blue LED lights. It was also accompanied with a
matching 22” Monitor and keyboard/mouse design. “This could be one of the hottest products
on earth if we market it right” Debbie said, and it seems everybody in the room agrees. “Good
job you all”, he said to Rita, Peter and Jessica.

Exhibit 8: Rampage R1

Besides her enthusiasm, Debbie also realized that with such deviation from their current PC
products, CCI NA may have to find new suppliers and also new manufacturing processes. She
really doubted that the current suppliers in Europe can support the new product design with
their current machinery and manufacturing processes. “I have to find other suppliers in the US,
in case some of our suppliers in Europe cannot supply the materials fast enough or cheap
enough”, Debbie continued to think. “We have to be able to price it correctly to make sure
people can afford these PCs”, said Peter suddenly with a low and confident voice. “You are
correct!” reply Debbie. “I was thinking in the same direction too. To save the cost, we may have
to find local supplier here in the US” Debbie continued. “If you can produce this PC locally, you
can put this PC as Made in the U.S.A. It will help to increase the sales even more” said Jessica.

As Peter and Rita were occupied with the meeting with JNAC, Debbie visited CCI new head
office New York. The office was located in upper Manhattan. Next to the office building, the
new logistics center was just finished being constructed. The logistics center will serve as CCI
hub for all assembly and delivery activities. It had a couple of warehouses where CCI would
store the computer parts, a delivery center where finished PCs will be shipped. “I can’t wait till
all these empty spaces are filled with inventory” said Debbie to herself. Although the size of the
new logistics center was not as large as the one in Germany, Debbie believed it will be enough

to support CCI operation in the NA region for the next 5 years. As Debbie spent more days in
New York, she felt that everything started to take shape as they are planned. One left over issue
that she must complete was the renovation of their future sales branch in Philadelphia,
Pennsylvania. “I hope the Philly office would not be a show stopper for us” Debbie thought as
she went out the building and called a taxi.

The following day, Debbie, Rita and Peter flew to New York Philadelphia to see the renovation
progress of the first CCI sales branch in the US. The renovation project had been behind
schedule and it was one of the risk items in Debbie’ task list. Once they arrived at the
renovation site, Debbie was greeted by Tom Hinkle, the project manager of Hinkle and Sons
Construction Company that was responsible to renovate the sales office. “We have spent extra
manpower and time to catch up with the progress. As you can see, we have caught up with the
progress plan”, said Tom with a smile. “I hope you would consider us for the renovation project
you are planning to start in Denver”, said Tom with a hopeful tone. Debbie had told Tom that
CCI was also planning to open another sales office branch in Denver once the first office branch
had been completed. “Well, Tom, I can’t promise you anything, but if this renovation project
goes as planned, I don’t see why we can’t work together in other projects”, said Debbie.
Although this was the first project that she uses Tom’s service, Debbie felt comfortable with
Tom’s attitude his team performance. On the other hand, Debbie also realized that she must
follow CCI SOP in vendor selection process. As a company that values professionalism, CCI
requires large projects such as this to go through a transparent bidding process. Ever since CCI
had conducted business process reengineering and implemented the SAP ERP, the bidding
process has been enforced and automated. “We might even finish a few days ahead of schedule
if the weather allows. I believe you can start moving in the furniture by the end of the month”,
Tom added and seems very eager to please Debbie. As Debbie walked into the building and
observed the progress on the renovation, she felt much better than she had been in the last few
weeks. “I can now sleep a little better” thought Debbie. After spending the rest of the day at
the renovation site, Debbie and the team head back to their hotel for some much needed rest.
Debbie and her team spent another 5 days in Philadelphia. They conducted several interviews
of candidates that would be employed in the sales office, contacted furniture suppliers to
ensure everything will come on the right time and met with some prospective customers in the

After spending almost 2 weeks in the US, Debbie, Rita, and Peter arrived back in CCI
headquarters in Frankfurt, meeting with Mr. Dibella the company’s CEO. Mr. Dibella had already
been briefed by Peter on the latest development and he seemed very pleased. “We really rely
on you guys to help CCI to expand our business in the NA region”. Mr. Dibella said. “We are
currently facing tough competition here in Europe and in order to grow further, we need to
dominate the NA market like we dominate the Europe and Middle East markets”, he continued.

In the meeting, Mr. Dibella also invited CCI internal SAP team. Nick Campelito was the head of
the SAP team. He and his team have had already prepared the entire necessary configuration
relating to the new subsidiary. “Debbie, you and Nick must quickly work together to make sure
all the necessary data is up and running for the new product we are about to launch. I want
everything to be done by the end of the month” Mr. Dibella said. “The following diagrams show
what we have set up in our SAP system. I want you all to confirm them and make sure they are
all correct as we will use this as the basis for our transaction and master data creation”, said
Nick as he showed the enterprise structures for various divisions in the new subsidiary. Nick’s
diagrams of CC New York enterprise structure are described in Exhibit 9 through Exhibit 11).

“To make sure all master data are created correctly, our SAP team shall assist your team to
create the necessary master. The production team had already provided the bill of material
(BOM) and all the new components needed to assemble the new PC. You can see them in my
next slides. We just need your confirmation on the components and also input on the new
vendors and customers in the NA region that you have identified during your trip to the US.”
said Nick to Debbie in a confident voice.

“No problem Nick, give me a day to confirm the BOM and components. I will send you the list of
the customers and vendors through email today. I have followed our SOP templates for
registering vendors and customers, so I am sure you will have all the necessary information.
Please inform me if you need more information on any of them” reply Debbie promptly.

“And one more thing”, Mr. Dibella said, “As agreed during the board of commissioner meeting,
CCI Germany shall provide 2 million US dollars loan to CCI North America. Debbie, make sure
our accounting and finance people know about this make the necessary transaction in both
companies’ books as soon as the CCI North America setting in the SAP ERP has been set up. Also
make sure the posting that of this particular transaction is dated the first day of this month. We
shall need this fund to jumpstart our operation in the US. Details on the GL accounts and bank
accounts shall be provided to the finance and accounting department”.

Exhibit 9: Finance & Accounting Enterprise Structure of CCI North America

Exhibit 10: Human Resource Organization Structure of CCI North America

Exhibit 11a: Personnel Structure of CCI North America

Exhibit 11b: HR Enterprise Structure of CCI North America

Rampage R1
Personal computer

CCI Tower PC CASE with

Intel® Desktop Board
1000W PSU
DZ77GA-70K x 1 pc
x 1 pc

Cable with grounded plug Pioneer BD-RW-DRIVEBDR-

(R-1120) x 1 pc 207DBK x 1 pc

CCI Multi Media Keyboard,

ASUS Graphic Card GTX680-
English International
DC2T-2GD5 x 1
x 1 pc
Intel Core™ i7-3960X
CCI LED Monitor 22”
Processor Extreme Edition
x 1 pc
3.90 GHz x 1 pc

Corsair Performance Series™ Memory Corsair Vengeance ®

Pro 256GB SSD — 12GB Triple Channel DDR3
x 2 pc Memory Kit x 1 pc

Special carton high tech

(PK-100) x 1 pc

Exhibit 12: Bill of Material for the “Rampage R1”

Business Processes in CCI North America

To ensure good corporate governance, Debbie Davis had decided early on that she shall adopt
Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) and business process flows from CCI Germany as the
starting point for CCI NA. Although CCI Germany has much more processes that the new
subsidiary, Debbie felt that the current SOP and business process flow have served CCI Germany
very well. She thought she will make adjustments to the SOP as necessary as time moves on.
After going through many processes available to her, she had set aside several processes that
CCI NA may need:

A. Procurement Processes:
a. Vendor Master Maintenance
b. Material Master Maintenance
c. Purchase Request
d. Purchase Order
e. Good Receipt
f. Invoice verification
B. Sales Processes:
a. Customer Master Maintenance
b. Quotation
c. Sales Order
d. Delivery Order
e. Picking
f. Good Issue
g. Billing
C. Production Processes:
a. MRP Run
b. Planned Order
c. Production Order
d. Confirmation
D. Accounting Processes:
a. Outgoing payment due check
b. Incoming payment due check
c. Outgoing Payment
d. Incoming Payment
E. Human Resource Processes:
a. Organizational unit and Vacant Position
b. Personnel Administration
c. Hiring
d. Employee Qualification Maintenance*
e. Promotion*

Participant Activities
Divide into teams. Each team of shall consist of 8- 10 people depending on the class size. You
may also assign several roles to one person to reduce the size of the team. The complete roles
are as follows:

 Internal SAP Team roles of CCI Germany:

a. Accounting
b. Human Resource
c. Logistics
 SAP Users roles of CCI NA :
a. Human Resource
b. Sales
c. Purchasing
d. Distribution, Warehouse and Logistics
e. Production
f. Accounting
g. Finance CCI Germany
h. Finance CCI North America (can be combined with Finance CCI Germany)

As the internal SAP team member, you shall perform the following activities in the SAP ERP

1. Create diagrams of the Enterprise Structure for CCI NA that is already configured in the
SAP ERP system. You shall assign the corresponding code of each organization unit.
For High Level Enterprise Structure:
a. Controlling Area : CO N. America
b. Company Code : CCI New York
c. Plant : New York
d. Sales Organization : USA Philadelphia
e. Division : High Tech
f. Business Area : Electronic Product
For Purchasing and Logistics Enterprise Structure:
a. Company Code : CCI New York
b. Plant : New York
c. Storage Location : Warehouse 0001
d. Purchasing Organization : CCI New York

For Sales Enterprise Structure:

a. Company Code : CCI New York

b. Sales Organization : USA Philadelphia
c. Distribution Channel : Final Customer Sales
d. Division : High Tech

For Distribution Enterprise Structure:

a. Company Code : CCI New York

b. Plant : New York
c. Storage Location : Warehouse 0001
d. Shipping Point : Shipping Point New York
2. Create vendor master and customer master for CCI New York based on information
depicted in 3 respectively. The enterprise structure assignment of the vendor and
customer master must be based on the relevant organization units you have identified in
previous task.
3. Create material master for every component in the new “Rampage R1” gaming PC as
depicted in Appendix 4. You may use the current popular PC product, the “Maxitec R
3133” components as reference materials in Exhibit 7.
4. Create material Graphic Card NVIDIA 2GB DDR5 based on Appendix 4.2
5. Create material Rampage R1 based on Appendix 4.1.
6. Create the BOM for material master for the Rampage R1.
7. Assign Routing “A0000001” for BOM with function Copy From.
8. Maintain selling price of $2899 USD for material “Rampage R1”.
9. Create process flows diagrams for processes in Sales, Distribution, Purchasing,
Warehouse, Production, Accounting, and Human Resource based on SAP01. The process
flow diagram serves as a road-map for the SAP users to perform the required
transactions. Please use Appendix 1 as template for the process flow diagram.

Internal SAP Human Resource team:

10. Create organizational Unit and vacant position for new personnel
11. On the first working day of the month, the HR Department is hiring 12 new personnel
without assigning them in a position yet. Using Hiring HR050 Action type, the
information of new hires need to be maintained as follows :


Personal Information
Personnel No. : 1234**##
First Name : Bentley
Last Name : Robert
SSN : 030-XX-XXXX (9 digits)

Organization Assignment
Position : 99999999 – Default Position
Personnel Area : Corporate – United States
Personnel Sub Area : Philadelphia
Employee Group : Active
Employee Sub Group : Salaried Staff

Permanent Addresses
Address line 1 : {your choice}
Address line 2 : {your choice}
City : Philadelphia
County : Jefferson
State : Pennsylvania
Zip code : 19111

Filing Status : Single

Planned Working Time

Status : Time evaluation without payroll integration

Basic Pay
Pay Scale Type : Basic Contract
Pay Scale Area : Philadelphia
Pay Scale Group : {your choice}
Pay Scale Level : {your choice}

Bank Details
Payment Method : C – Check

Absence Quota
Absence Type : Vacation Accrual
Start date : {date of hire}
End date : {end of year date}


Personal Information
Personnel No. : 999960##
First Name : Parnell
Last Name : Sean
SSN : 030-XX-XXXX (9 digits)

Organization Assignment
Position : 99999999 – Default Position
Personnel Area : Corporate – United States
Personnel Sub Area : Philadelphia
Employee Group : Active
Employee Sub Group : Salaried Staff

Permanent Addresses
Address line 1 : {your choice}
Address line 2 : {your choice}
City : New York City
County : New York
State : New York
Zip code : 10001

Filing Status : Married

Planned Working Time

Status : Time evaluation without payroll integration

Basic Pay
Pay Scale Type : Basic Contract
Pay Scale Area : Philadelphia
Pay Scale Group : {your choice}
Pay Scale Level : {your choice}

Bank Details
Payment Method : C – Check

Absence Quota
Absence Type : Vacation Accrual
Start date : {date of hire}
End date : {end of year date}


Personal Information
Personnel No. : 999960##
First Name : Brewer
Last Name : Jan
SSN : 030-XX-XXXX (9 digits)

Organization Assignment
Position : 99999999 – Default Position
Personnel Area : Corporate – United States
Personnel Sub Area : Philadelphia
Employee Group : Active
Employee Sub Group : Salaried Staff

Permanent Addresses
Address line 1 : {your choice}
Address line 2 : {your choice}
City : New York City
County : New York
State : New York
Zip code : 10002

Filing Status : Married

Planned Working Time

Status : Time evaluation without payroll integration

Basic Pay
Pay Scale Type : Basic Contract
Pay Scale Area : Philadelphia
Pay Scale Group : {your choice}
Pay Scale Level : {your choice}

Bank Details
Payment Method : C – Check

Absence Quota
Absence Type : Vacation Accrual
Start date : {date of hire}
End date : {end of year date}


Personal Information
Personnel No. : 999960##
First Name : Beebe
Last Name : Mike
SSN : 030-XX-XXXX (9 digits)

Organization Assignment
Position : 99999999 – Default Position
Personnel Area : Corporate – United States
Personnel Sub Area : Philadelphia
Employee Group : Active
Employee Sub Group : Salaried Staff

Permanent Addresses
Address line 1 : {your choice}
Address line 2 : {your choice}
City : New York City
County : New York
State : New York
Zip code : 10003

Filing Status : Single

Planned Working Time

Status : Time evaluation without payroll integration

Basic Pay
Pay Scale Type : Basic Contract
Pay Scale Area : Philadelphia
Pay Scale Group : {your choice}
Pay Scale Level : {your choice}

Bank Details
Payment Method : C – Check

Absence Quota
Absence Type : Vacation Accrual
Start date : {date of hire}
End date : {end of year date}


Personal Information
Personnel No. : 999960##
First Name : Brown
Last Name : Jerry
SSN : 030-XX-XXXX (9 digits)

Organization Assignment
Position : 99999999 – Default Position
Personnel Area : Corporate – United States
Personnel Sub Area : Philadelphia
Employee Group : Active
Employee Sub Group : Salaried Staff

Permanent Addresses
Address line 1 : {your choice}
Address line 2 : {your choice}
City : New York City
County : New York
State : New York
Zip code : 10004

Filing Status : Single

Planned Working Time

Status : Time evaluation without payroll integration

Basic Pay
Pay Scale Type : Basic Contract
Pay Scale Area : Philadelphia
Pay Scale Group : {your choice}
Pay Scale Level : {your choice}

Bank Details
Payment Method : C – Check

Absence Quota
Absence Type : Vacation Accrual
Start date : {date of hire}
End date : {end of year date}


Personal Information
Personnel No. : 999960##
First Name : Hickenlooper
Last Name : John
SSN : 030-XX-XXXX (9 digits)

Organization Assignment
Position : 99999999 – Default Position
Personnel Area : Corporate – United States
Personnel Sub Area : Philadelphia
Employee Group : Active
Employee Sub Group : Salaried Staff

Permanent Addresses
Address line 1 : {your choice}
Address line 2 : {your choice}
City : New York City
County : New York
State : New York
Zip code : 10005

Filing Status : Married

Planned Working Time

Status : Time evaluation without payroll integration

Basic Pay
Pay Scale Type : Basic Contract
Pay Scale Area : Philadelphia
Pay Scale Group : {your choice}
Pay Scale Level : {your choice}

Bank Details
Payment Method : C – Check

Absence Quota
Absence Type : Vacation Accrual
Start date : {date of hire}
End date : {end of year date}


Personal Information
Personnel No. : 999960##
First Name : Malloy
Last Name : Dan
SSN : 030-XX-XXXX (9 digits)

Organization Assignment
Position : 99999999 – Default Position
Personnel Area : Corporate – United States
Personnel Sub Area : Philadelphia
Employee Group : Active
Employee Sub Group : Hourly rate/Labor

Permanent Addresses
Address line 1 : {your choice}
Address line 2 : {your choice}
City : Philadelphia
County : Jefferson
State : Pennsylvania
Zip code : 19111

Filing Status : Single

Planned Working Time

Status : Time evaluation without payroll integration

Basic Pay
Pay Scale Type : Basic Contract
Pay Scale Area : Philadelphia
Pay Scale Group : {your choice}
Pay Scale Level : {your choice}

Bank Details
Payment Method : C – Check

Absence Quota
Absence Type : Vacation Accrual
Start date : {date of hire}
End date : {end of year date}


Personal Information
Personnel No. : 999960##
First Name : Markell
Last Name : Jack
SSN : 030-XX-XXXX (9 digits)

Organization Assignment
Position : 99999999 – Default Position
Personnel Area : Corporate – United States
Personnel Sub Area : Philadelphia
Employee Group : Active
Employee Sub Group : Hourly rate/Labor

Permanent Addresses
Address line 1 : {your choice}
Address line 2 : {your choice}
City : Philadelphia
County : Jefferson
State : Pennsylvania
Zip code : 19112

Filing Status : Married

Planned Working Time

Status : Time evaluation without payroll integration

Basic Pay
Pay Scale Type : Basic Contract
Pay Scale Area : Philadelphia
Pay Scale Group : {your choice}
Pay Scale Level : {your choice}

Bank Details
Payment Method : C – Check

Absence Quota
Absence Type : Vacation Accrual
Start date : {date of hire}
End date : {end of year date}


Personal Information
Personnel No. : 999960##
First Name : Scott
Last Name : Rick
SSN : 030-XX-XXXX (9 digits)

Organization Assignment
Position : 99999999 – Default Position
Personnel Area : Corporate – United States
Personnel Sub Area : Philadelphia
Employee Group : Active
Employee Sub Group : Salaried Staff

Permanent Addresses
Address line 1 : {your choice}
Address line 2 : {your choice}
City : Philadelphia
County : Jefferson
State : Pennsylvania
Zip code : 19112

Filing Status : Single

Planned Working Time

Status : Time evaluation without payroll integration

Basic Pay
Pay Scale Type : Basic Contract
Pay Scale Area : Philadelphia
Pay Scale Group : {your choice}
Pay Scale Level : {your choice}

Bank Details
Payment Method : C – Check

Absence Quota
Absence Type : Vacation Accrual
Start date : {date of hire}
End date : {end of year date}


Personal Information
Personnel No. : 999960##
First Name : Deal
Last Name : Nathan
SSN : 030-XX-XXXX (9 digits)

Organization Assignment
Position : 99999999 – Default Position
Personnel Area : Corporate – United States
Personnel Sub Area : Philadelphia
Employee Group : Active
Employee Sub Group : Salaried Staff

Permanent Addresses
Address line 1 : {your choice}
Address line 2 : {your choice}
City : Philadelphia
County : Jefferson
State : Pennsylvania
Zip code : 19113

Filing Status : Single

Planned Working Time

Status : Time evaluation without payroll integration

Basic Pay
Pay Scale Type : Basic Contract
Pay Scale Area : Philadelphia
Pay Scale Group : {your choice}
Pay Scale Level : {your choice}

Bank Details
Payment Method : C – Check

Absence Quota
Absence Type : Vacation Accrual
Start date : {date of hire}
End date : {end of year date}


Personal Information
Personnel No. : 999960##
First Name : Abercrombie
Last Name : Neil
SSN : 030-XX-XXXX (9 digits)

Organization Assignment
Position : 99999999 – Default Position
Personnel Area : Corporate – United States
Personnel Sub Area : Philadelphia
Employee Group : Active
Employee Sub Group : Salaried Staff

Permanent Addresses
Address line 1 : {your choice}
Address line 2 : {your choice}
City : Philadelphia
County : Jefferson
State : Pennsylvania
Zip code : 19114

Filing Status : Single

Planned Working Time

Status : Time evaluation without payroll integration

Basic Pay
Pay Scale Type : Basic Contract
Pay Scale Area : Philadelphia
Pay Scale Group : {your choice}
Pay Scale Level : {your choice}

Bank Details
Payment Method : C – Check

Absence Quota
Absence Type : Vacation Accrual
Start date : {date of hire}
End date : {end of year date}


Personal Information
Personnel No. : 999960##
First Name : Otter
Last Name : Butch
SSN : 030-XX-XXXX (9 digits)

Organization Assignment
Position : 99999999 – Default Position
Personnel Area : Corporate – United States
Personnel Sub Area : Philadelphia
Employee Group : Active
Employee Sub Group : Salaried Staff

Permanent Addresses
Address line 1 : {your choice}
Address line 2 : {your choice}
City : Philadelphia
County : Jefferson
State : Pennsylvania
Zip code : 19115

Filing Status : Single

Planned Working Time

Status : Time evaluation without payroll integration

Basic Pay
Pay Scale Type : Basic Contract
Pay Scale Area : Philadelphia
Pay Scale Group : {your choice}
Pay Scale Level : {your choice}

Bank Details
Payment Method : C – Check

Absence Quota
Absence Type : Vacation Accrual
Start date : {date of hire}
End date : {end of year date}

 11. After taking some courses, the personnel have improved his/her qualifications. Thus,
HR Department needs to maintain the following information*:
Qualification Group Name Proficiency
Language Skills English- Technical Fluent
Management Core Communication Skills High
Management Presentation Skills Very Strong
Competencies Leadership
*you may choose one personnel out of the diagram in Exhibit 10 or one personnel that
you have just hired.

12. After a decision has been reach, one of the employees was raised to the
administrator section is Deal Nathan. So, Deal Nathan has new position becomes
Administrator. So HR Department needs to assign new position for Deal Nathan

1. As a Distribution/Logistics/Warehouse Admin you shall perform the following activities:

a. Create Good Receipt for the components that you have received from vendor.
b. Create Outbound Delivery for the material that is ordered by your customer.
c. Perform Picking for the material that is about to be delivered to the customer.
d. Create Good Receipt for the finished product received from production.
e. Create Good Issue into Production Orders for Component Rampage R1
f. Perform Posting Good Issue for material that has been delivered to customers.
2. As a Sales Admin you shall perform the following activities:
a. Maintain Quotation you received from the customer in Appendix 3 for 20 units of
Rampage R1.
b. Create Sales Order based on the Quotation and check availability of goods in
warehouse, change Requirement Type in Procurement Tab into KE and Item
Category into TAN
c. Update your customer on the status of their order using Document Flow feature
available in the sales document transactions.
3. As a Production Admin, you shall perform the following activities:
a. Run MRP for Rampage R1.
b. Create Planned Order for Rampage R1 based on Sales Order created in activities
c. Convert the Planned Order into Production Order.
d. Release the Production Order.
e. Perform confirmation for Production Order of Rampage 1.

4. As an Accounting Admin you shall perform the following activities:
a. Record Incoming Invoice into the SAP ERP based on invoice received from the
b. Create Outgoing Invoice (Billing) for the related customer based on the delivered
item in the Sales Order.
c. Check customer account receivable open items for unpaid invoices.
d. Check vendor account payable open items for vendor invoices that have not been
paid by CCI New York.
e. Check CCI Germany’s bank account 113100 and make sure there is sufficient
amount for task 5e.
f. In CCI Germany company code, create a journal for loan to subsidiary (GL
Account: 44000) from CCI Germany’s bank account 113100 in the amount of
2,000,000 USD.
g. In CCI North America company code, create journal for other loan from CCI
Germany (GL Account 46020), receiving the money in CCI North America’s bank
account 113200 in the amount of 2,000,000 USD.
h. Generate Financial Statement Report consisting of Balance Sheet and P&L
reports for CCI New York.
5. As a Finance Admin of CCI North America, you shall perform the following activities:
a. Make sure the 2 million USD loan has been received in the CCI North America’s
bank account 113200 and check bank balance availability before performing
outgoing payment
b. Create an outgoing payment based on due invoices received from vendors.
c. Check bank balance for any incoming payment from the customers.
d. Create incoming payment based on payments received from customers.
6. As an HRD Admin, you shall perform the following activities:
a. Enter a new hired employee data.
b. Assign employee's Qualification
c. Assign employee to another position

Appendix 1 – Process Flow Diagram Template

Function Function
Manual Process
Process Process
Process in
in SAP


Decision Process


Start/End Document


Internal SAP Tem Member Business Process IDES US

Accounting Human
Resource Logistics


3 , 4, 5
2 10
Create Customer Organizational unit Create Material
Master and Vacant Master

2 6

Create Vendor Create Bill Of

Master Material (BOM)

Assign Routing

Maintain Selling


User Business Process IDES US

Finance Accounting
Accounting Sales
Sales Warehouse
Warehouse Purchasing
Purchasing Production
Production HR
Check Bank Create PR 1A START
Balance Germany

5F Create Quotation 7A
Create Journal
Hired Employee
Outgoing fund on
Create Sales Create PO
5C Assign employee’s
Create Journal Qualification
incoming fund on 4A
NA Avalaibility
Avalaibility FG No Yes Run MRP
Assign employee to
2B 4B
another position
Create Planned
Yes Outbond Delivery Order

2C Convert to Prod
Picking Order END

5B 2F 4D
Release Prod.
Billing Good Issue FG Order

6C 5C 2E
Check Bank Good Issue
Check AR
Balance NA Ccomponent
Confirm Prod
Incoming Payment
Good Receipt FG

5A 2A
Invoice Good Receipt
Verification Component

6A 5D
Check Bank
Check AP
Balance NA

Outgoing Payment

Generate FS


Appendix 2.0 – List Vendor and Material

Vendor Name Product Supplied

JN Advertising Company Advertising Consulting services
Intel Corporation Intel® Desktop Board DZ77GA-70K
Intel Corporation Intel Core™ i7-3960X Processor Extreme Edition 3.90 GHz
Corsair Corsair Performance Series™ Pro 256GB SSD
Memory Corsair Vengeance ® — 12GB Triple Channel DDR3
Memory Kit x 1 pc
Asus Computer
International ASUS Graphic Card GTX680-DC2T-2GD5
HEC Group USA CCI Multi Media Keyboard, English International
HEC Group USA CCI LED Monitor 22"
CCI Germany CCI Tower PC CASE with 1000W PSU
Pioneer Electronics USA Pioneer BD-RW-DRIVE
CCI Germany Cable with grounded plug
CCI Germany Special carton high tech
Hinkle and Sons Company Construction Company

Appendix 2.1 – Vendor Master Data

Company Code : 3000
Purchasing Organization : 3000
Account Group : ZTMM

Tick the following views:

Vendor Name Product Supplied

 Address

 Control
General data
 Payment Transactions

 Contact Persons

 Accounting Info
Company Code
 Payment Transactions
 Correspondence

Purchasing  Purchasing data
Organization Data  Partner Functions

Vendor Name:
JN Advertising Company
Vendor: Address View
Title Company
Name JN Advertising Company
Search Term JNAC Group ##

Street / House Number Cambridge Street /95

Postal Code / City 98123/ Santa Clara

Region CA (California)
Country United States
Language of Vendor English
Vendor: Payment Transactions View
Country US ( United States )
Bank Key 021000089 ( Citibank )
Bank Account 678##
Vendor: Contact Persons View
Name 1 Mr. Hengky
Telephone 413641820
Vendor: Accounting Information View
Recon. Account 160000
Vendor: Payment Transactions Accounting View
Payt. Terms 0002
Vendor: Purchasing data View
Order Currency USD ( American Dollar )
Terms of Payment 0002
Incoterms FH ( Free House )

Vendor Name:
Intel Corporation
Vendor: Address View
Title Company
Name Intel Corporation
Search Term Intel Group ##
Street / House Number Mission College Blvd./2200

Postal Code / City 58119/ Santa Clara

Region CA (California)
Country United States
Language of Vendor English
Vendor: Payment Transactions View
Country US ( United States )
Bank Key 021000089 ( Citibank )
Bank Account 415##
Vendor: Contact Persons View
Name 1 Mr. Ary
Telephone 413641835
Vendor: Accounting Information View
Recon. Account 160000
Vendor: Payment Transactions Accounting View
Payt. Terms 0002
Vendor: Purchasing data View
Order Currency USD ( American Dollar )
Terms of Payment 0002
Incoterms FH ( Free House )

Vendor Name:
Vendor: Address View
Title Company
Name Corsair
Search Term Corsair Group ##
Street / House
Landing Parkway/46221
Postal Code / City 94538 / Fremont
Region CA (California)
Country United States
Language of Vendor English
Vendor: Payment Transactions View
Country US ( United States )
Bank Key 021000089 ( Citibank )
Bank Account 900##
Vendor: Contact Persons View
Name 1 Mr. Raymond
Telephone 413641825
Vendor: Accounting Information View
Recon. Account 160000
Vendor: Payment Transactions Accounting View
Payt. Terms 0002
Vendor: Purchasing data View
Order Currency USD ( American Dollar )
Terms of Payment 0002
Incoterms FH ( Free House )

Vendor Name:
Asus Computer International
Vendor: Address View
Title Company
Name Asus Computer International
Search Term Asus Group ##
Street / House
Corporate Way/800
Postal Code / City 94539 / Fremont
Region CA (California)
Country United States
Language of Vendor English
Vendor: Payment Transactions View
Country US ( United States )
Bank Key 021000089 ( Citibank )
Bank Account 777##
Vendor: Contact Persons View
Name 1 Mr. Hendry
Telephone 413641888
Vendor: Accounting Information View
Recon. Account 160000
Vendor: Payment Transactions Accounting View
Payt. Terms 0002
Vendor: Purchasing data View
Order Currency USD ( American Dollar )
Terms of Payment 0002
Incoterms FH ( Free House )

Vendor Name:
Vendor: Address View
Title Company
Name HEC Group USA
Search Term HEC Group ##

Street / House Number Chestnut St. Unit C./16720

Postal Code / City 91748 / City of Industry

Region CA
Country United States
Telephone 45678902234
Language of Vendor English
Vendor: Payment Transactions View
Country US ( United States )
Bank Key 021000089 ( Citibank )
Bank Account 123##
Vendor: Contact Persons View
Name 1 Mr. John
Telephone 413641818
Vendor: Accounting Information View
Recon. Account 160000
Vendor: Payment Transactions Accounting View
Payt. Terms 0002
Vendor: Purchasing data View
Order Currency USD ( American Dollar )
Terms of Payment 0002
Incoterms FH ( Free House )

Vendor Name:
Pioneer Electronics USA
Vendor: Address View
Title Company
Name Pioneer USA
Search Term Pioneer Group ##

Street / House Number East 220th Street/2265

Postal Code / City 90810 / Long Beach

Region CA
Country United States
Telephone 56789012345
Language of Vendor English
Vendor: Payment Transactions View
Country US ( United States )
Bank Key 021000089 ( Citibank )
Bank Account 456##
Vendor: Contact Persons View
Name 1 Mr. Johnny
Telephone 413642020
Vendor: Accounting Information View
Recon. Account 160000
Vendor: Payment Transactions Accounting View
Payt. Terms 0002
Vendor: Purchasing data View
Order Currency USD ( American Dollar )
Terms of Payment 0002
Incoterms FH ( Free House )

Vendor Name:
CCI Germany
Vendor: Address View
Title Company
Name CCI Germany
Search Term CCI Germany ##

Street / House Number Lyoner Straße / 231

Postal Code / City 60441 / Frankfurt

Region Hesse
Country US ( United States )
Language of Vendor English
Vendor: Payment Transactions View
Country US ( United States )
Bank Key 021000089 ( Citibank )
Bank Account 891##
Vendor: Contact Persons View
Name 1 Mrs. Johna
Telephone 567890000
Vendor: Accounting Information View
Recon. Account 160000
Cash Mgmt. Group A1
Vendor: Payment Transactions Accounting View
Payt. Terms 0002
Vendor: Purchasing data View
Order Currency EUR (EURO)
Terms of Payment 0002
Incoterms FH ( Free House )

Vendor Name:
Hinkle and Sons Company
Vendor: Address View
Title Company
Name Hinkle and Sons Company
Search Term Hinkle ##
North Middletown
Street / House Number

Postal Code / City 40361 / Paris

Region KY
Country United States
Language of Vendor English
Vendor: Payment Transactions View
Country US ( United States )
Bank Key 021000089 ( Citibank )
Bank Account 888##
Vendor: Contact Persons View
Name 1 Mr. Jonatan Hinkle
Telephone 678955555
Vendor: Accounting Information View
Recon. Account 160000
Vendor: Payment Transactions Accounting View
Payt. Terms 0002
Vendor: Purchasing data View
Order Currency USD ( American Dollar )
Terms of Payment 0002
Incoterms FH ( Free House )

Appendix 3 – Customer Master Data

Company Code : 3000

Sales Organization : 3000
Distribution Channel : 12
Division : 00

Customer Name: BestBuy
Customer: General Data
Title Company
Name Best Buy
Search Term Best Buy Group ##
Street / House Number Penn Avenue South/7601
Postal Code / City 55423/ Richfield
Region MN
Country United States
Language of Vendor English
Customer: Company Code Data – Account Management
Recon. Account 140000
Customer: Company Code Data – Payment Transactions
Terms of Payment ZB01 (14 days 3%, 30/2%, 45 net)
Customer : Sales Area Data - Sales
Currency USD
Price Group 03
Cust.Price Group 1
Price List 1
Cust. Stats. Group 1
Customer: Sales Area Data – Shipping
Delivery Priority 1 (High)
Shipping Conditions 10 (Immediately)
Customer: Sales Area Data – Billing Documents
Incoterms CIF (Costs, Insurance & Freight)
Terms of Payment ZB01 (14 days 3%, 30/2%, 45 net)
Output Tax 1

Appendix 4 – Bill of Material Overview

Material Reference
No Description New Net
Number* Material
/Extend Price**
1 Rampage R1 Create new R-1002 -
2 CCI Tower PC CASE with 1000W PSU Create new R-1170 10,74 USD
3 Pioneer BD-RW-DRIVE BDR-207DBK Create new R-1180C 120 USD
4 Intel Core™ i7-3960X Processor Extreme Create new R-5001 168,72
Edition 3.90 GHz USD
5 Memory Corsair Vengeance ® — 12GB Create new R-1220 81 USD
Triple Channel DDR3 Memory Kit
6 T-ZS4## Special carton high tech Extend T-ZS4## 10,38 USD
7 Intel® Desktop Board DZ77GA-70K R-1112 180 USD
8 T-ATF## Cable with grounded plug Extend T-ATF## 42 USD
9 CCI Multi Media Keyboard, English Create new R-1130 5,4 USD
10 CCI LED Monitor 22” Create new R-1140 60,6 USD
11 ASUS Graphic Card GTX680-DC2T-2GD5 Create new N/A 24 USD
12 Corsair Performance Series™ Pro 256GB Create new R-1160 12 USD
*Enter the material number you have created.
** Net Price for purchase component on Purchase Order.
Appendix 4.1 – Material Master Data Creation with Reference to Existing
Material Master

 Material Description : Rampage R1

Industry Sector : Mechanical Engineering
Material Type : Finished Products

 Organizational Levels
 New Organizational Levels  Copy From
 Plant : 3000  Plant : 1200
 Storage Location : 0001  Storage Location : 0001
 Sales Org. : 3000  Sales Org. :1000
 Distribution Channel : 12  Distribution Channel : 10

 Views Additional Fields
 Basic Data 1  Change Description : Rampage R1
Division : 00
 Sales : Sales Org. Data 1  Output Tax : 1
 Delivering Plant : 3000
 From : 1 PC
 Amount : 1550 USD
 Sales : General Plant /  Profit Center: 3500
 Purchasing  No Necessary Input
 MRP 1  MRP Controller : 001
 Lot Size : EX
 MRP Group : < leave blank >
 ABC Indication : < leave blank >
 MRP 2  Procurement Type : E
 In House Prod : 7
 Planned. Deliv. Time : 7
 Sched Margin Key : 000
 GR Processing Time : < leave blank >
 General Plant Data /  No Necessary Input
Storage 1
 Work Schedulling  Processing Time : <leave blank>
 Base Quantity : <leave blank>
 In House Prod Time : <leave blank>
 Accounting 1  Price Control : V
 Moving Price : 930 USD

Material Description : CCI Tower PC CASE with 1000W PSU
Industry Sector : Mechanical Engineering
Material Type : Trading Goods

 Organizational Levels
 New Organizational Levels  Copy From
 Plant : 3000  Plant : 1200
 Storage Location : 0001  Storage Location : 0001
 Sales Org : 3000  Sales Org : 1000
 Distr. Channel : 12  Distr. Channel : 10

 Views  Additional Fields

 Basic Data 1  Change Description :
CCI Tower PC CASE with 1000W PSU
 Division : 00 (Cross Division)
 Sales : Sales Org. Data 1  Delivering Plant : 3000
 Output Tax : 1

Conditions :
 Amount : 17,90 USD / 1 PC
 Sales : General/Plant  Profit Center : 3000
 Purchasing  <Leave Without Change>
 MRP 1  MRP Type : PD
 MRP Controller : 001
 Lot Size : EX
 MRP 2  Procurement Type : F
 GR Processing Time : 1
 Planned. Deliv. Time : 7
 Sched Margin Key : 000
 Stock det. Grp : < leave blank >
 Storage Location for EP : < leave blank >
 General Plant Data  No Necessary Input
 Accounting 1  Price Control : V (Moving Average)
 Moving Price : 10,74 USD
 Standard Price : 0 USD

Material Description : Pioneer BD-RW-DRIVEBDR-207DBK
Industry Sector : Mechanical Engineering
Material Type : Semi Finished Products

 Organizational Levels
 New Organizational Levels  Copy From
 Plant : 3000  Plant : 1200
 Storage Location : 0001  Storage Location : PL01

 Views  Additional Fields

 Basic Data 1  Change Description : Pioneer BD-RW-
Division : 00
 Purchasing  <Lleave Without Change>
 MRP 1  MRP Type : PD
 MRP Controller : 001
 Lot Size : EX
 MRP 2  Procurement Type : F
 In House Prod : 1 days
 GR Processing Time : 1
 Planned. Deliv. Time : 7
 Sched Margin Key : 000
 Prod.Stor Location : < leave blank>
 Storage Location for EP : < leave blank >
 General Plant Data /  No Necessary Input
Storage 1
 Accounting 1  Price control : V
 Moving Price : 120 USD
 Standard Price : 0 USD

Material Description : Intel Core™ i7-3960X Processor Extreme Edition 3.90 GHz
Industry Sector : Mechanical Engineering
Material Type : Trading Goods

 Organizational Levels
 New Organizational Levels  Copy From
 Plant : 3000  Plant : 1200
 Storage Location : 0001  Storage Location : 0001
 Sales Org. : 3000  Sales Org. : 1000
 Distribution Channel : 12  Distribution Channel : 12

 Views  Additional Fields

 Basic Data 1:  Change Description : Intel Core™ i7-3960X
Processor Extreme Edition 3.90 GHz
Division : 00
 Sales : Sales Org. Data  Delivering Plant : 3000
1  Output Tax : 1

 Unit : 1
 Price : 281,20 USD
 Sales : General Plant  Profit Center: 3500
 Purchasing  Purchasing Group : 000
 MRP 1:  Lot Size : EX
 MRP Group : < leave blank >
 MRP 2:  Planned. Deliv. Time : 7
  Sched Margin Key : 000
 GR Processing Time : 1
 MRP 3  Period Indicator : M
 Consumption Mode : 2
 Bwd Consumption : 30
 Fwd Consumption : 30
 Mixed MRP : 1
 MRP 4  Selection Method : 2
 Individual / Coll : 2
 General Plant Data /  No Necessary Input
Storage 1

 Accounting 1  Valuation Class : 3100
Price control : V
 Moving Price : 168,72

Material Description : Memory Corsair Vengeance - 12 GB Triple Channel DDR3 Memory Kit

Industry Sector : Mechanical Engineering

Material Type : Trading Goods

0rganizational Levels
 New Organizational Levels  Copy From
 Plant : 3000  Plant : 1200
 Storage Location : 0001  Storage Location : 0001
 Sales Org. : 3000  Sales Org. : 3020
 Distribution Channel : 12  Distribution Channel : 14

 Views  Additional Fields

 Basic Data 1:  Change Description : Memory Corsair
Vengeance ® — 12GB
Division : 00
 Sales : Sales Org. Data 1  Delivering Plant : 3000
 Output Tax : 1
 Brazil Tax : 2

 Unit : 1
 Price : 135,00
 Sales : General Plant  Profit Center: 3500
Data / Storage 1
 Purchasing  No Necessary Input
 MRP 1  MRP Controller : 001
 MRP Group : < leave blank >
 MRP 2  Planned. Deliv. Time : 7
 Sched Margin Key : 000
 Stock det. Grp : < leave blank >
 Storage Location for EP : < leave blank >
 GR Processing Time : 1
 MRP 3  Period Indicator : M
 Consumption Mode : 2
 Fwd Consumption : 30
 Bwd Consumption : 30
 Mixed MRP : 1

MRP 4  Selection Method : 2
 Individual Coll : 2
General Plant Data /  No Necessary Input
Storage 1
Accounting 1  Price control : V
 Moving Price : 81 USD
 Standard Price : 0 USD

Material Description : Special carton high tech
Industry Sector : Mechanical Engineering
Material Type : Packaging

 Organizational Levels
 New Organizational Levels  Copy From
 Plant : 3000  Plant : 1200
 Storage Location : 0001  Storage Location : 0001

 Views  Additional Fields

 Basic Data 1  Description : Special Carton High Tech
 Purchasing  No Necessary Input
 MRP 1:  MRP Controller : 001
 Lot Size : EX
 Reorder Point : < leave blank >
 MRP 2  Planned. Deliv. Time : 7
 Sched Margin Key : 000
 GR Processing Time : 1
 MRP 3  Period Indicator : M
 Consumption Mode : 2
 Fwd Consumption : 30
 Bwd Consumption : 30
 Mixed MRP : 1
 MRP 4  Selection Method : 2
 Individual Coll : 2
 GeneraL Plant Data 1 /  No Necessary Input
Storage Data 1
 Accounting 1  Price Control : V
 Moving Price : 10,38

Material Description : Intel® Desktop Board DZ77GA-70K
Industry Sector : Mechanical Engineering
Material Type : Trading Goods

 Organizational Levels
 New Organizational  Copy From
 Plant : 3000  Plant : 1200
 Storage Location :  Storage Location : 0001
 Sales Org. : 3000  Sales Org. :1000
 Distribution Channel :  Distribution Channel : 10
 Views  Additional Fields
 Basic Data 1  Change description : Intel® Desktop
Board DZ77GA-70K
Division : 00
 Sales : Sales Org. Data 1  Output Tax : 1
 Delivering Plant : 3000

 Conditions:
 From : 1 PC
 Amount : 300 USD
 Sales : General Plant  Profit Center: 3500
 Purchasing  No Necessary Input
 MRP 1:  MRP Controller : 001
 MRP Group : < leave blank >
 MRP 2  Procurement Type : F
 Planned. Deliv. Time : 7
 Sched Margin Key : 000
 Stock det. Grp : < leave blank >
 GR Processing Time : 1
 General Plant Data /  No Necessary Input
Storage 1
 Accounting 1  Valuation Class : 3100
Price Control : V
 Moving Price : 180 USD
 Standard Price : 0 USD

 Material Description : Cable with Grounded Plug
Industry Sector : Mechanical Engineering
Material Type : Trading Goods

 Organizational Levels
 New Organizational Levels  Copy From
 Plant : 3000  Plant : 1200
 Storage Location : 0001  Storage Location : 0001
 Sales Org. : 3000  Sales Org. : 1000
 Distribution Channel : 12  Distribution Channel : 10

 Views  Additional Fields

 Sales : Sales Org. Data 1  Delivering Plant : 3000
 Tax data :
 Output Tax : 1

 Conditions :
 Amount : 5 USD / 1 PC
 Sales : General/Plant Data  Profit Center : 3500
 Purchasing  No Necessary Input
 MRP 1  MRP Type : PD
 Reorder Point : < leave blank >
 MRP Controller : 001
 Lot Size : EX
 MRP Group : < leave blank >
 Fixed Lot Size : < leave blank >
 MRP 2  Procurement Type : F
 Planned. Deliv. Time : 7
 Sched Margin Key : 000
 Stock det. Grp : < leave blank >
 Storage Location for EP : < leave blank >
 GR Processing Time : 1
 General Plant Data 1 /  No Necessary Input
 Accounting 1  Price Control : V
 Moving Price : 42,00 USD
 Standard Price : 0 USD

Material Description : CCI Multi Media Keyboard, English International
Industry Sector : Mechanical Engineering
Material Type : Trading Goods

 Organizational Levels
 New Organizational Levels  Copy From
 Plant : 3000  Plant : 1200
 Storage Location : 0001  Storage Location : 0001
 Sales Org. : 3000  Sales Org. : 1000
 Distribution Channel : 12  Distribution Channel : 10

 Views  Additional Fields

 Basic Data 1  Change Description : CCI Multi
Media Keyboard
Division : 00 (Cross Division)
 Sales : Sales Org. Data 1  Delivering Plant : 3000
 Output Tax : 1

Conditions :
 Amount : 9 USD / 1 PC
 Sales : General/Plant Data  Profit Center : 3500
 MRP 1  MRP Controller : 001
 MRP 2  Procurement Type : F
 Planned. Deliv. Time : 7
 Sched Margin Key : 000
 Stock det. Grp : < leave blank >
 Storage Location for EP : < leave
blank >
 GR Processing Time : 1
 General Plant Data / Storage 1  No Necessary Input
 Accounting 1  Price Control : V (Moving Average)
 Moving Price : 5,4 USD
Standard Price : 0

Material Description : CCI LES Monitor 22”
Industry Sector : Mechanical Engineering
Material Type : Trading Goods

 Organizational Levels
 New Organizational Levels  Copy From
 Plant : 3000  Plant : 1200
 Storage Location : 0001  Storage Location : 0001
 Sales Org. : 3000  Sales Org. : 1000
 Distribution Channel : 12  Distribution Channel : 10

 Views  Additional Fields

 Basic Data 1  Change Description : CCI LED Monitor 22”
Division : 00 (Cross Division)
 Sales : Sales Org. Data 1  Delivering Plant : 3000
 Output Tax : 1

Conditions :
 Amount : 101 USD / 1 PC
 Sales : General/Plant  Profit Center : 3500
 Purchasing  No Necessary Input
 MRP 1  MRP Controller : 001
 ABC Indication : < leave blank >
 MRP 2  Planned. Deliv. Time : 7
 Stock det. Grp : < leave blank >
 Storage Location for EP : < leave blank >
 GR Processing Time : 1
 General Plant Data /  No Necessary Input
Storage 1
 Accounting 1  Price Control : V (Moving Average)
 Moving Price : 60,6 USD
 Standard Price : 0 USD

Material Description : Corsair Performance Series™ Pro 256GB SSD
Industry Sector : Mechanical Engineering
Material Type : Trading Goods

 Organizational Levels
 New Organizational Levels  Copy From
 Plant : 3000  Plant : 1200
 Storage Location : 0001  Storage Location : 0001
 Sales Org. : 3000  Sales Org. : 1000
 Distribution Channel : 12  Distribution Channel : 10

 Views  Additional Fields

 Basic Data 1  Change Description : Corsair Performance
Series™ Pro 256GB SSD
Division : 00 (Cross Division)
 Sales : Sales Org.  Delivering Plant : 3000
Data 1  Output Tax : 1

 Conditions :
 Amount : 40 USD / 1 PC
 Sales :  Profit Center : 3500
 Purchasing  No Necessary Input
 MRP 1  MRP Controller : 001
 Lot Size : EX
 MRP 2  Planned. Deliv. Time : 7
 Stock det. Grp : < leave blank >
 GR Processing Time : 1
 General Plan Data  No Necessary Input
/ Storage 1
 Accounting 1  Price Control : V (Moving Average)
 Moving Price : 24 USD
Standard Price : 0 USD

Appendix 4.2 – Material Master Data Creation without Reference to Existing
Material Master
Material Description: ASUS Graphic Card GTX680-DC2T-2GD5

Industry Sector : Mechanical Engineering

Material Type : Raw Material

Organizational Level

 Plant : 3000

 Storage Location : 0001

 Views  Additional Fields

 Basic Data 1  Description : ASUS Graphic Card GTX680-
 Base Unit of Measure : PC (Piece)
 Material Group : 002 (Electronics)
 Division : 00 (Cross-Division)
 Gross Weight : 4,3 KG
 Net Weight : 4,2 KG
 Purchasing  Purchasing Group : 007 (Lux,L.)
 MRP 1  MRP Type : PD
 MRP Controller : 001
 Lot Size : EX
 MRP Group : < leave blank >

 MRP 2  Procurement Type : F

 Planned. Deliv. Time : 7
 Sched Margin Key : 000
 GR Processing Time : 1
 MRP 3  Period Indicator : M
 Consumption Mode : 2
 Fwd Consumption : 30
 Bwd Consumption : 30
 Mixed MRP : 1
 MRP 4  Selection Method : 2

 Individual Coll : 2
 General Plant Data /  No Necessary Input
Stor. 1
 Accounting 1  Valuation Class : 3000 ( Raw Materials 1)
Price Control : V (Moving Average)
 Moving Price : 12 USD


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