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@Dominic Raj Polo

You see, proteins are like the Swiss Army knives of the body. They have so many important roles and
functions! Proteins are essential for our body’s growth, repair, and maintenance. They help in building
muscles, repairing tissues, and making important substances like hormones and enzymes. Proteins
also play a crucial role in our immune system, helping us fight off infections.

@Trexie Circulado
Proteins are large, complex molecules made up of smaller units called amino acids. There are 20
different amino acids, and the sequence in which they are arranged determines the structure and
function of each protein. Think of them as the building blocks of life! when they link together, they
form long chains, like a string of beads.

@Phoenielope Posas
The sequence of these amino acids determines the shape and function of each protein. the way it folds
determines its function! Whether it’s providing structure to cells, transporting molecules, or catalyzing
chemical reactions, proteins do it all!

Again, proteins are essential for building and repairing tissues. Every time you hit the gym and lift
weights, you create tiny tears in your muscles. It’s protein that swoops in to repair and rebuild those
muscles, making them stronger and more resilient.

@Precious Zafra
Protein also plays a crucial role in our metabolism. You see, when we eat protein-rich foods, our
bodies break them down into amino acids, which are then used to produce enzymes and hormones that
regulate our metabolism.

These enzymes and hormones help us digest food, convert it into energy, and regulate important
processes like growth, development, and even mood!

Protein isn’t just about building big muscles. It’s about keeping our bodies running like well-oiled
machines, from the inside out!

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