Emphysema SandraAndMairela

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By Sandra Gómez and Mairela Miranda

What is emphysema? What causes it?

The emphysema, is a chronic It is caused by cigarette smoking and
disease which takes a long time to long-term exposure to certain
develop. It involves the gradual pollutants or dusts
damage of lung tissue and the
destruction of alveoli. With time the
pulmonary alveoli end up breaking
because of the swelling and an
internal bleed start. This disease
has four stages: mild, moderate,
severe and very severe.

The symptoms of this disease take
years to develop but once they start,
they include...
1.Shortness of breath (dyspnoea)
2.Chronic cough
4.Shortness of breath during speech or
physical activity

There is no cure, although we can treat it and
slow it down
1.Stop smoking
2.Medications: Bronchodilators and
corticosteroids These help relax the muscles
around the airways and reduce inflammation in
the lungs.
3.Oxygen therapy and pulmonary
4.Vaccines: Reduce the worsen emphysema
5. Surgery: Lung volume reduction, or lung

Diagnosis Prevention
Involves a complete exploration: Smoking cessation
1.Medical history: Symptoms are Avoid exposure to
evaluated second-hand smoke
2.Physical examination: Look for signs of Protect yourself from
lung disease occupational exposures
3.Spirometry test: Patient blow forcefully Avoid exposure to
into a device called a spirometer, that environmental pollutants
measures how much air they can exhale. Mantaing lung health
4.Chest X-ray: Identify changes in lung Vaccination
structure Regular medical check-
5.Chest computed tomography: Provides ups
detailed images of the lungs
6.Blood tests

Bibliografía: Mayo Clinic. (s.f.). Emphysema. Recuperado de https://www.mayoclinic.org/es/diseases-


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