Assignmnet 2 Narrative Essay 01062024 051800pm

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Faculty: Sarwat Anjum Media Studies Functional English

Assignment 2
Narrative Essay on Language learning
Total marks 10 Submission deadline: June 25, 2024

Submission Guidelines:
 Write a reflective autobiographical account of your English language learning
experiences in Pakistan taking the following questions into account:

1. Your introduction: who you are, your ethnicity, religion, socio-economic

background, current academic/professional affiliation etc.
2. Where did you get your early education (school & college)? Did you get your early
education in your mother tongue, Urdu, English or any other language? Write your
experiences with the language(s) used in schools. How did these languages help or
hinder your academic progress?
3. Your feelings and attitudes towards English from the beginning of your studies until
now. Have they changed over time, positively or negatively?
4. Your experiences of learning English at the university. How did you feel when you
were taught the standard accent of English in your classes?
5. How have you viewed teachers with standard American/British accents and those
who speak English in their local languages? You may share your story from school
life until now!

WORD LMIT 800-1000 words

B. Submit your completed assignment via email to by June 25,
 Use the subject line: "Functional English Quiz: Narrative Essay - [Your Names]"
 Attach your Microsoft Word document (.docx format) containing the assignment.

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