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Data Structures and Algorithms Finals

Hash table should avoid collision.


It is a node-based binary tree structure which has the left and right subtree.
binary search tree

A linear ordering of a tree.

Ordered trees

These are a software artifacts that allows data to be stored, organized and accessed.
Data structures

All nodes have two children and all levels are at the same level.
perfect binary tree

It is a type of diagram that organizes and represents a set of numerical or qualitative data.
data chart

In building linked list, it needs three pointers to build: one to point to the first node in the list, one to point to the
last node and one to create the new one.

It is a linear data structures that can accessed, store and removed at one end.

It can be used to determine the shortest path from one node in a graph to every other node.
Dijkstra’s algorithm

It is a type together with the collection of operations to manipulate the type.

data type

This linked list operation determines whether a particular item is in the list.

It is best to used when you are trying to compare parts of a whole.

pie chart

Trees are used to represent hierarchy.


It is a collection of nodes wherein every node contains the address of the next node.
linked list

This stack operation clears the stack.

clear ()

All levels are filled except possibly the last one.

complete binary tree

Hash table is synchronized.


It takes the topmost element from the stack.


It provides a natural organization for data.


It is a stack operation that inserts a data item onto the structure.

A type of linked list that arranged elements according to some criteria.
sorted lists

Hash map is synchronized.


These defines the logical form of the data type.


It is the transformation of the string characters into a usually shorter fixed-length value that represents the
original string.

It is a mathematical model for a certain class of data structure that has similar behavior.
abstract data type

It is a stack operation that removes an item on top of the stack.


It is also known as ordered binary trees.

binary search tree

It is used to compare changes over the same period of time for more than one group.
line graph

Are used to compare things between different groups or to track changes over time.
bar graphs

It is a list-like structure in which elements are removed from only one end.

Linked list contains the null value before inserting a node.


A data structure requires a large amount of space for each data item stores and a large amount of time to
perform a single operation and a certain amount of programming effort.

It contains only nodes with keys greater than the node’s key.
the right subtree

This type of linked list whose elements are in no particular order.

unsorted list

A stack is called LIFO structure. Last in/first out.


It is a mathematical representation of a network.


Every node other than the leaf nodes has 2 child nodes.
full binary tree

A tree is either empty or consist of nodes.


It contains only nodes with keys greater than the node’s key.
the right subtree

It is a linear data structures that can accessed, store and removed at one end.
Are used to compare things between different groups or to track changes over time.
bar graphs

All levels are filled except possibly the last one.

complete binary tree

It provides a natural organization for data.


It is a type together with the collection of operations to manipulate the type.

data type

It can be used to determine the shortest path from one node in a graph to every other node.
Dijkstra’s algorithm

In building linked list, it needs three pointers to build: one to point to the first node in the list, one to point to the
last node and one to create the new one.

It is an algorithm that finds the shortest path between nodes in a graph.

Dijkstra’s algorithm

It is a list-like structure in which elements are removed from only one end.

It is a mathematical model for a certain class of data structure that has similar behavior.
abstract data type

It is a type of diagram that organizes and represents a set of numerical or qualitative data.
data chart

It contains only nodes with keys lesser than the node’s key.
left subtree

It is used to compare changes over the same period of time for more than one group.
line graph

This stack operation clears the stack.

clear ()

Trees are used to represent hierarchy.


Every node other than the leaf nodes has 2 child nodes.
full binary tree

Hash map is synchronized.


Linked list contains the null value before inserting a node.


It is a stack operation that removes an item on top of the stack.


It is best to used when you are trying to compare parts of a whole.

pie chart

Hash table is synchronized.


It is a stack operation that inserts a data item onto the structure.

A stack is called LIFO structure. Last in/first out.

It is a piece of information whose values is drawn from a type.

data item

Hash table should avoid collision.


It is the transformation of the string characters into a usually shorter fixed-length value that represents the
original string.

A type of linked list that arranged elements according to some criteria.

sorted lists

It is a physical data structure.


It is a collection of nodes wherein every node contains the address of the next node.
linked list

It contains an element field to store an element value, and a next field to store a pointer to the next node on the

A linear ordering of a tree.

Ordered trees

It is a mathematical representation of a network.


It is also known as ordered binary trees.

binary search tree

These defines the logical form of the data type.


All nodes have two children and all levels are at the same level.
perfect binary tree

A data structure requires a large amount of space for each data item stores and a large amount of time to
perform a single operation and a certain amount of programming effort.

It is a node-based binary tree structure which has the left and right subtree.
binary search tree

This type of linked list whose elements are in no particular order.

unsorted list

These are a software artifacts that allows data to be stored, organized and accessed.
Data structures

It puts an element on the top of the stack.


It is an abstract data type that stores elements hierarchically.


A tree is either empty or consist of nodes.

This stack operation checks if the stack is empty.
isEmpty ()

This linked list operation determines whether a particular item is in the list.

It takes the topmost element from the stack.


It is a list of items.
linked list

It is a pair of nodes.
edge of tree

It is a piece of information whose values is drawn from a type.

data item

It is a physical data structure.


It is a hash function that computes an index into an array.


This stack operation checks if the stack is empty.


It contains an element field to store an element value, and a next field to store a pointer to the next node on
the list.
Link class

It is an abstract data type that stores elements hierarchically.

Binary tree

It puts an element on the top of the stack.


It is a collection of values.

It contains only nodes with keys lesser than the node’s key.
left subtree

It is an algorithm that finds the shortest path between nodes in a graph.

Dijkstra’s algorithm

It is a hash function that computes an index into an array.

hash function

It is a collection of values.
data type

It is a list of items.
linked list

It is a pair of nodes.
edge of tree

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