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Modal Auxiliary

A. What is meant by Modal Auxiliary?

 Modal Auxiliary, often also referred to as auxiliary verbs or modals, are auxiliary
words whose role is to modify the meaning of the main verb in a sentence. The modal
auxiliary is placed before the main verb.
The following is the formulation for placing modal auxiliary in a sentence:
 Positive sentences: Subject + modal auxiliary + main verb
Negative sentence: Subject + modal auxiliary + not + main verb
Interrogative sentence: Modal auxiliary + subject + main verb?
 In essence, it is an auxiliary verb that gives additional meaning to the main verb in the

B. Types and Use of Modal Auxiliary

1. Core modal, namely: Can-Could, May-Might, Shall-Should, Will-Would, Must-Had
Note: In core modal there are two rules, namely, present time and past time, this is
how they are used:
 Can is used for present time while could is used for past time
 May is used for present time while might is used for past time
 Must is used for present time while had to is used for past time
 Will is used for present time while would is used for past time
 Shall is used for present time while should is used for past time
2. Semi modal, namely: Dare to, Need to, Used to, Ought to
3. Verb modal, namely: Have to, Going to, Able to

C. Function of Using Core Modal Auxiliary

 Can/Could: Used to express ability.
Example: Peter can speak English
 May/might (possible): Used to express possibility
Example: You may visit your uncle next week
 Must/Had to (must): Used to express obligation
Example: We must arrive to the airport before 5 a.m
 Will/Would: Used to express willingness (willingness)
Example: He will sell his car because he needs money
 Shall/Should: Used to express suggestions
Example: I shall go now, see you later

D. Function of Using Semi Modal Auxiliary

 Dare to: Used to express courage
Example: Don't you dare to come here again!
 Need to: Used to express the need to do something
Example: I need to take some sleeping pills, I got a headache
 Used to: Used to express something that should have happened in the past
Example: I used to listen to my parents, now it's too late
 Ought to: Used to state something that should happen
Example: You ought to buy something for your sister's birthday

E. Function of Verbs Modal Auxiliary

 Have to: Used to express necessity
Example: You have to study hard to pass the exam
 Going to: Used to state something that will happen or be done
Example: I'm going to buy burgers for us
 Able to: Used to express the ability to do something
Example I'm able to solve this problem, just give me time

F. There are Several Important Rules for Using Modal Auxiliary

1. Modals are not influenced by tense, so modals do not add –s, -ed, or –ing or are not
influenced by past tense or present tense or other tenses.
For example using -s
o He should sleep. (Correct)
o He should sleeps. (Wrong)
For example, the use of -ed
o He canned speak three languages. (Wrong)
o He can speak three languages. (Correct)
For example, the use of -ing
o We might taking a bus to her house. (Wrong)
o We might take a bus to her house. (Correct)
2. The main verb must always be in the form of the first verb or verb 1. For example:
o We could come. (Correct)
o We could came. (Wrong)
3. Do not use to between the modal and the main verb. Example:
o I may drive. (Correct)
o I may to drive. (Wrong)
4. In contrast to semi modals and verb modals you can use to, such as ought to or have
to, why is that? Because it contains to, but you still have to use the first form of the
verb (verb 1) after the two modals.
Examples of using have to:
o You have type faster (wrong)
o You have to type faster. (Correct)
For example, the use of ought to
o You ought clean your room. (Wrong)
o You ought to clean your room. (Correct)
5. Modal Auxiliary is used for all subjects such as, I, you, they, we, he, she, it. So the
modal is not at all influencd by the subject, the modal still does not have any additions
to the word or sentence.
For example:
o I can (here there is no additional -s) like I can’s (wrong)
G. Examples of Modal Auxiliary Sentences from Journal Excerpts

Examples of modal auxiliary from the type core modal

(+) We must see the Internet

(-) We must not see the Internet

(?) Must we see the Internet?

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