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Gordon Bowen Documents

IRA's Breakthrough
OCT 24, 2023 ∙ PAID

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IRA has obtained various documents related to Gordon Bowen, alleged LDS Church
of Satan Punisher. Those documents conclusively demonstrate abuse allegations
against Bowen, as well criminal acts such as financial fraud. Additionally, the
documents contain proof of Bowen’s ongoing relationship with M. Russell Ballard in
2012, nine years after Bowen was excommunicated by the Church of Jesus Christ of
Latter Day Saints.

In the coming days, we will be publishing our analysis of those documents and
reporting on Gordon Bowen. Additionally, we have obtained proof of his residence
within the same ward area as David Lee Hamblin during the Eighties. Bowen would
have attended the same ward and meetinghouse as David Lee Hamblin in Scarsdale,
New York, where Hamblin’s uncle in law Clyde Everett Sullivan lived with Nola de
Jong, the aunt of Hamblin’s. ex-wife Roselle Stevenson.

This is further corroboration for the notion that Scarsdale may have been another
geographical nexus for the LDS Church of Satan.

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The podcast interview with Michelle Stone of 132 Problems will drop next Sunday, as
she has decided to prioritize a temple origins podcast first. That podcast will be
prefaced by an interview of Spencer Cannon of the Utah County Sheriff’s Office. The
interview is included below the letter from M. Russell Ballard and Gordon Bowen
dated January 17, 2012. The letter shows conclusively that an apostle of the LDS was
communicating with Gordon Bowen, known patron of gay escorts and addict of gay
pornography, nine years after Bowen was excommunicated. Bowen’s divorce exposed
allegations of sexual and physical abuse against his stepsons and his biological

IRA has previously reported that Gordon Bowen continues to meet regularly with
Quorum of the Twelve members, including Gerrit W. Gong, whose mother Jean Char
Gong was a “sister by affection” with Roselle Stevenson’s mother Carma de Jong
Anderson, whose granddaughters accused her and her husband Richard Lloyd
Anderson of being perpetrators of incestuous sexual abuse. Jean Char Gong lived in
the de Jong household with Carma de Jong and her father Gerrit de Jong, Jr.

Today, Gerrit W. Gong regularly visits with Gordon Bowen at Bowen’s residence,
despite the decades of Bowen’s patronage of male escorts and the sordid allegations
against Bowen that date back at least five decades. Gong is not the only Quorum of
the Twelve member with an ongoing association with Gordon Bowen. Gary Stevenson
and Dale Renlund also have ongoing associations with Bowen, which would place no
fewer than four current Quorum of the Twelve members in continued association and
friendship with Gordon Bowen, a man who has been excommunicated from the
COJCLDS for twenty years and counting.

That association has led to Bowen being awarded $20 million in church funds to
produce an unreleased movie on Jesus Christ, which sources have described as
demonic and from the Adversary. The question of why four Quorum of the Twelve
members would associate with a man who made no fewer than 1500 calls to male
escorts services between April 2000 and October 2002 will be vigorously explored by
IRA in the coming days and weeks, as will the issue of Gordon Bowen’s ability to
secure unsupervised visitation and shared custody of his biological children despite
the fact that he allegedly sexually abused his own stepson, while another stepson
found Bowen’s homosexual pornography downloads on Bowen’s computer on two
separate occasions.

Bowen was allegedly fired from Sundance for using his work computer to contact gay
male escort services and download gay pornography. This was before M. Russell
Ballard and others continued to direct church business to Bowen, and these were
known facts about Bowen. Bowen’s predilections were known to people within the
New York advertising community and within the COJCLDS as far back as the
Nineties. IRA has the documentation to substantiate these claims and we will be
publishing that documentation and making it available to the public to review and
draw their own conclusions.

Those documents detail allegations from witnesses that Bowen had teenage boys
waiting in the cafeteria of his employer for him, that children begged caretakers to
abstain from leaving them with Bowen, and that Bowen routinely engaged in sexually
inappropriate and illegal behavior with children.

The material will also be provided to the COJCLDS along with a simple question: why
does the Church’s leadership continue to associate with Gordon Bowen? Will its
leaders continue to associate with Gordon Bowen and transact business with him
after being provided these documents?
89: Polygamy, SRA, and the Law w/ Sgt. Spencer Cannon
Investigations in Ritual Abuse is a reader-
supported publication. To receive new posts and
support my work, consider becoming a free or
paid subscriber.

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Jen Nielsen Oct 23, 2023

Damn! This is big if you can show proof of the ongoing affiliation. I watched Michelle
Stones episode yesterday. I have to admit, I was surprised she wanted to broach the
subject of SRA in the LDS church... I’ve been following her just out of curiosity regarding
JS polygamy, I would have never guessed she’d be researching the same stuff as I at the
same time. It’s bonkers really. I’m looking forward to this upcoming Sunday to listen to
your interview with her. 👍🏻

Kresha Kay Easton Difficult Research's Substack Oct 30, 2023

Go El, your amazing ability to bring these nightmares to life and out of the darkness, help
us to make our own connections to others is so powerful!

I have always been suspicious of the whole “Jesus Movie” project that the church has
obviously funded a substantial amount of money to Gordon Bowen to make or produce
(whatever his actual role is) and it is making me be more concerned of how there were
rumblings earlier in the investigations of Chad Daybell & my former aunt, Lori Vallow
Daybell, who were allegedly involved in trying to make an agreement to make one of
Chad Daybell’s books and turn it into a movie!! I know, who in the hell would be
interested in anything that Chad Daybell wrote!? (This is rhetorical on my part).
So, this is what I believe is a strong connection and possibility for what happened to little
JJ and Tylee. I could be wrong but it’s a strong possibility for what was perhaps happening
in the days and months leading up to this tragic event.

I am going to be digging more into this aspect of it and will contact you once I gather
more of the details on it. Thanks for your due diligence in this.


Kresha Kay Easton


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