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Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word whose underlined part differs from the
other three in pronunciation in each of the following questions.
Question 1: (TAQ Education)
A. Telephone. B. Interpreter. C. Perverted. D. Restaurant.
Question 2: (TAQ Education)
A. Measure. B. Decision. C. Permission. D. Pleasure.
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word that differs from the other three in the
position of the primary stress in each of the following questions.
Question 3: (TAQ Education)
A. Religious B. Performance C. Miserable D. Including
Question 4: (TAQ Education)
A. Decoration B. Temperament C. Opportunity D. Expectation
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of
the following questions.
Question 5: (TAQ Education) We _________for three hours and are very tired.
A. Are walking. B. Have been walking.
C. Were walking. D. Had been walking.
Question 6: (TAQ Education) Have a piece of chocolate,_______?
A. Do you. B. Would you. C. Don't you. D. Haven't you.
Question 7: (TAQ Education) It is believed _________causes insomnia.
A. Too much caffeine which. B. That too much caffeine.
C. It in too much caffeine. D. Too much caffeine that.
Question 8: (TAQ Education) Tom is talking to John, his new classmate, in the classroom.
- Tom: "How did you get here?"
- John: "___________”.
A. I came here by bus. B. The bus was so crowded.
C. I arrived just in time. D. t was a long journey.
Question 9: (TAQ Education) Making mistakes is all _______of growing up.

A. halk and cheese B. cats and dogs
C. part and parcel D. Here and there
Read the following advertisement/school announcement and mark the letter A, B, C, or D
on your answer sheet to indicate the correct option that best fits each of the numbered
blanks from 10 to 15.

Love has the language of its _______(10) , sweet and full of secret meanings for
each lover's heart. It speaks in the mountain and the sun, in buds and in the
wondrous lights of an engagement diamond. _______(11) while its voice may
someday fade from the mountains, sun and buds, it lingers clarion clear in the
diamond's joyful flames, repeating the dreams of lovers down their married
lifetime and _______(12).
Question 10: (TAQ Education)
A. self B. own C. side D. time
Question 11: (TAQ Education)
A. And B. But C. So D. Or
Question 12: (TAQ Education)
A. beneath B. beside C. beyond D. behind


The school administrators would like to announce

All students _______(13) present by 7:30, from Dec 26 upto Dec 29.
________(14) cheating during your tests.
Bringing along mobile devices ________(15) stopping your tests.

Question 13: (TAQ Education)

A. must B. required C. have to be D. receive
Question 14: (TAQ Education)
A. Without B. Not C. No D. Hardly
Question 15: (TAQ Education)
A. means B. equal C. requires D. refers
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct arrangement of
the sentences to make a meaningful paragraph/letter in each of the following questions.
Question 16: (TAQ Education)
a. This can lead to a variety of health problems, such as heart disease and diabetes..
b. In recent years, there has been a growing concern about the rise of unhealthy lifestyles.

c. Many people are consuming processed foods high in sugar and fat, and not getting enough physical
d. As a result, promoting healthy habits is essential to improve public health.
e. This unhealthy lifestyle is often attributed to busy schedules and a lack of awareness.
A. b – d – c – e – a. B. e – d – b – e – a.
C. b – c – e - a – d. D. b – a – d – e – c.
Question 17: (TAQ Education)
a. It's important to manage stress effectively. Techniques like meditation, yoga, or deep
breathing can be very helpful.
b. Do let me know if you'd like to discuss this further, or if you have any other questions.
c. Dear John, I'm writing to you because I care about your well-being, and I want to offer
some support.
d. In addition to a balanced diet and regular exercise, consider incorporating stress
management techniques into your routine.
e. I hope these suggestions are helpful, John.
f. Sincerely,
A. f – a –e – b – d – c. B. c – e – d – a – b – f.
C. b – f – d – c – e – a. D. d – e – f – a - c – b.
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct option that
best fits each of the numbered blanks 18 to 23.
While TikTok can be fun and entertaining, there are a number of dangers that come with
using TikTok. Therefore, it's so important for parents to set up parental controls on the app. By
doing so, you can help (18)______while they use TikTok.
One of the risks of TikTok is that it can be highly (19)_______ If left unchecked, kids can
easily spend hours on the app, which can interfere with their everyday lives. Parental controls
can help parents limit their child's screen time on TikTok to a healthy amount. This can help
kids balance their use of technology with other activities, such as homework, outdoor play, and
socializing with family and friends. (20)_______ reason to set up parental controls on TikTok
is to block inappropriate content. The app's algorithm can (21)_____ users to mature content
that is not appropriate for children or teenagers.
(22)________can help parents block this type of content from being displayed in their
child's feed. This can help protect kids from seeing videos (23)_________, sexual, or otherwise
age inappropriate.

Question 18: (TAQ Education)
A. keep your children safe. B. keep your children safety.
C. make your children safe. D. make your safe children.
Question 19: (TAQ Education)
A. highly chaotic. B. highly addictive.
C. highly passionate D. highly informative
Question 20: (TAQ Education)
A. Another reason to set up. B. Every reason to set up.
C. One reason to set up. D. Some reason to set up.
Question 21: (TAQ Education)
A. include users to mature content. B. consume users to mature content.
C. compose users to mature content. D. expose users to mature content.
Question 22: (TAQ Education)
A. parental controls. B. parent controling.
C. parents control. D. parental controling.
Question 23: (TAQ Education)
A. that are too violent. B. who are too violent.
C. where are too violent. D. when are too violent.
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct option that
best fits each of the numbered blanks from 24 to 28.
Do you ever wish you were more optimistic, someone (24)______ always expected to be
successful? Having someone around who always fears the worst isn’t really a lot of enjoyment
- we all know someone who sees a single cloud on a sunny day and says, “It looks like rain.”
but if you catch yourself thinking such things, it’s important to do something about it.
You can change your view of life, (25)______ psychologist. It only takes a little effort, and
you’ll find life more rewarding as a result. Optimism, they say, is partly about self-respect and
confidence but it’s also a more positive way of looking at life and all it has to (26)______.
Optimists are more likely to start new projects and are generally more prepared to take risks.
Upbringing is obviously very important in forming your attitude to the world. Some people
are brought up to depend too much on (27)______ and grow up forever blaming other people
when anything goes wrong. Most optimists, on the other hand, have been brought up not to
suppose (28)______ as the end of the world - they just get on with their lives.
(Adapted from

Question 24: (TAQ Education)
A. who. B. whose. C. whom. D. which.
Question 25: (TAQ Education)
A. otherwise. B. according to. C. therefore. D. however.
Question 26: (TAQ Education)
A. apply. B. propose. C. suggest. D. offer.
Question 27: (TAQ Education)
A. others. B. ones. C. another. D. all.
Question 28: (TAQ Education)
A. income. B. freedom. C. failure. D. direction.
Read the following passages and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to
indicate the correct answer to each of the questions from 29 to 33.
As we explore outer space, we are also been creating a bit of a mess. Orbiting our planet are
thousands of dead satellites, along with bits of machinery from all the rockets we’ve launched
over the years. And one day, these objects that we leave in space – which are called space
debris or space junk – could pose serious issues.
All space junk are man-made objects launched from Earth, which remain in orbit until they
re-enter the atmosphere. Some objects in lower orbits of a few hundred kilometres often re-
enter the atmosphere quite fast and then burn up before reaching the ground. But junk and dead
satellites that are left at higher altitudes of 36,000 kilometres, can continue to circle Earth for
hundreds or even thousands of years.
Even the smallest pieces of space junk can travel at speeds up to 28,000 kilometres per hour,
presenting great risks to satellites functioning around the Earth. As a result of this, they have
to actively move out of the way to avoid getting hit. In total, across all satellites, hundreds of
collision avoidance manoeuvres are performed every year, including by the International Space
Station (ISS), where astronauts live. Fortunately, collisions scarcely happen and when they do,
there has been no serious loss.
The United Nations have called for the removal of satellites from orbit, and severa l
companies around the world have come up with creative solutions, including removing dead
satellites from orbit and dragging them back into the atmosphere, where they will burn up.
However, these methods are only useful for large satellites orbiting Earth. For now, we can
only wait for smaller pieces of debris to naturally re-enter Earth’s atmosphere.
(Adapted from

Question 29: (TAQ Education) What would be the best title for the passage?
A. Benefits of keeping outer space clean
B. How satellites avoid hitting space junk
C. The problem of space debris
D. Innovative ways to clean up space
Question 30: (TAQ Education) In paragraph 2, what do we learn about space debris or
space junk?

A. Most space debris are created and sent into space by humans.

B. Space junk at lower altitudes usually returns to Earth quickly.

C. A lot of space debris burn up as they go near the Earth’s atmosphere.

D. When satellites are dead, they circle the Earth for thousands of years.

Question 31: (TAQ Education) The word “They” in paragraph 3 refers to ___________.
A. pieces B. speeds C. risks D. satellites
Question 32: (TAQ Education) The word “scarcely” in paragraph 3 is closest in meaning to
A. slightly B. rarely C. faintly D. roughly
Question 33: (TAQ Education) Which of the following is TRUE, according the passage?
A. Dead satellites are the most common type of space junk.
B. The bigger a piece of space debris is, the faster it can travel.
C. The ISS help satellites avoid collisions hundreds of times yearly.
D. There is currently no method to remove smaller space junk from orbit.
Read the following passages and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to
indicate the correct answer to each of the questions from 34 to 40.
When 37-year-old Heather Marcoux was expecting her son several years ago, she and her
husband assumed he would be the first of many. But today, the parents are very clear that the
young boy will never have a sibling. “We can offer our one child a pretty good standard of
living,” she says. “But if we added any more kids, it would go down significantly.”
It’s easy to see why young people are hesitating to have large families. Financial stability
is more difficult to achieve than ever. One in 10 non-retired Americans say their finances
may never recover from the COVID pandemic. For many, home ownership is nothing but a
wild dream. In Marcoux’s case, having to pay increasing living expenses and maintaining a
home are part of the reasons why the family won’t have more children. It’s scary, she says, to

think that something catastrophic could happen and throw them into financial crisis in the
uncertain future. On top of that, adds Marcoux, she worries that she isn’t providing enough
for her son.
For other would-be parents, these financial concerns are only compounded by worries over
political and civil unrest, both local and global. While wars and political issues have been a
reality for nearly every generation, parents today face a world that seems much scarier than
that of their own parents or grandparents. Despite higher-than-ever life expectancy, improved
technology and access to modern healthcare, the constant presence of the mass media
everywhere means we’re much more aware of all the terrifying things happening around the
world, from food shortages to school shootings.
The ongoing climate crisis is also a factor. A 2019 poll by Business Insider showed close
to a third of Americans thought couples should “consider the negative effects of climate
change when deciding whether to have children”. Marcoux says she fears the next generation
will suffer with the worst effects of climate change, and she worries about the dismal version
of the Earth her child and potential grandchildren will inherit. “Why would I bring another
child into the mix when I sometimes think about the future and am just terrified for him or
her?” This is also the question many young people have as they decide how many children to
have, or whether to have any at all, in the face of increasingly desperate reports about the
state of the planet.
(Adapted from
Question 34: (TAQ Education) Which best serves as the title for the passage?
A. Is The World Really As Bad As Parents Think It Is?
B. Why Parents Are Worrying About Their Children’s Future
C. Parenthood Is Becoming Scarier Than Ever In Today’s World
D. The Financial Challenge Facing The Next Generation Of Parents
Question 35: (TAQ Education) Why does Marcoux no longer want to have more children?
A. She is already struggling to maintain a good standard of living.
B. She may never recover financially after the COVID pandemic.
C. She believes that a catastrophic event will soon take place.
D. She is concerned about how much she is providing her son.
Question 36: (TAQ Education) The word “them” in paragraph 2 refers to __________.
A. expenses B. reasons C. children D. family

Question 37: (TAQ Education) The word “compounded” in paragraph 3 is closest in
meaning to ___________.
A. exaggerated B. dramatized C. intensified D. emphasised
Question 38: (TAQ Education) Which of the following is NOT TRUE, according to the
A. 10 percent of Americans say their finances will never return to pre-COVID levels.
B. Owning a house has become something that is entirely impossible for many people.
C. The mass media heightened our awareness of horrifying things happening globally.
D. Marcoux is worried about the future, which deters her from having more children.
Question 39: (TAQ Education) The word “dismal” in paragraph 4 can be best replaced by
A. flat B. blunt C. dim D. sour
Question 40: (TAQ Education) Which of the following can most likely be inferred from the
A. Future generations will no longer understand the values of having children.
B. In the past, people around the world were less alarmed by negative issues.
C. Conflicts and political issues around the world can never come to an end.
D. Most young people will not have children until the climate crisis is over.

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