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When, I was three years old, my family and I moved to Bogotá, I used to travel to Ibagué to
visit to my father and my older brother, I always waited to see them. We used to travel to a
small town near to the city and on other ocassions, I used to spend the holidays with my mom
and my other older brother. I used to study in two differents schools, the first was public and
the other was private.

Dear Camilo
How have you been? I got a new apartment to live with my boyfriend, It's bigger than my old
house. Do you remember the kitchen? The one in my old house doesn't have as much space
as my new apartment. Also, The house doesn't have as many bedrooms as the apartment, that
is my favorite part. The only thing, I don't like is, the apartment doesn't have as many floors
as the house, But I can say that, the house isn't as pretty as the apartment.
That's all, I hope to see you soon!

- Oil
- 1 Onion
- 1 Tomato
- 1 Carrot
- 1 pound of ground meat
- 1 Pound of beans
- Chilli powder
- Tomato paste
- Salt and pepper
First, pour the oil in the pan and while it is heating, chop the onion, the tomato and the carrot.
Then season the ground meat with salt and pepper and cook it in another pan. Next, cook the
beans for one hour and when the meat is cooked, mix with vegetables. After that, mix the
beans with the meat and vegetables in a pot. Finally, add tomato paste and chilli powder to
the pot and stir.
You can pour the chilli in the dish when it is ready.

I'm so glad you're going to visit Bogota! The city is increasingly beautiful but also too unsafe,
That's why, you have to arrive early and at the airport you must buy traditional sweets. When
you go sightseeing, remember, you should visit Monserrate. Also, you shouldn't forget to
take photographs. I almost forgot!, you should walk through the park on 93rd. There are
many stores where you can buy some things. Finally, you should try our delicious food in the
traditional restaurants in the downtown city.

Please read the following rules to avoid problems with neighbors.

1. Please don't leave the trash in front of the building. You can take it out and put in the
2. Would you mind keeping the kitchen clean? Clean it up every Saturday
3. Could you avoid turning on the music in the early morning? The neighbor may get
4. If you have pets, don't forget to let them out to avoid damage
5. Can you park your car in your space? It is to avoid problems with the neighbors
6. Would you mind paying the administration every month?t

Thank you so much for your help! I only need three things, First, don't forget to tell the
English teacher that I sent the homework by mail. Also make sure you take notes from all of
today's classes and bring them to my house, Finally try not to cause problems with our course

Las fiestas de San Juan y San Pedro is a celebration when the people of Tolima get out to the
streets and enjoy folk traditions. It is a celebration where people wear typical folk dance
costumes. It is a celebration where people watch musical contests in the streets, You will be
able to share time with your family and go to the parade where they give candy to people.
Don't forget to have fun.

This person has lived with me and my family for three years. When she arrived, she was a
funny person but, a few months ago her attitude changed. I noticed that because, in the past
She went out with me and my friends all the days and she always told jokes. Nowadays, she
is always in her room and only goes out sometimes. Despite this, she is amazing and, in the
future, could be the same as before and regain her smile when she sees her family again.

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