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'1 A Siaiimer Ihx>Qnim for AcculcniiciiUy or IntellectiiaUy Gifted High School Studcjits

GOVERNOR'S SCHOOL Frequently Asked Questions

J 1. Q u e s t i o n : W h e r e are the Governor's Schools located?

Answer: Governor's School West is located on the campus of Salem College in Winston-Salem and
Governor's School East is located on the campus of St. Andrews College i n Laurinburg.

2. Question: May students request w h i c h campus they w o u l d like to attend and request roommates?

Answer: No. Students and roommq'tel are randomly selected.

3. Question: Are the programs the same at Governor's School East and West?

Answer: Yes, except that Governor's School West offers Spanish and an orchestra
and Governor's School East offers French and a w i n d ensemble. Otherwise
the programs are identical.

4. Question: How are students nominated to the Governor's School? .

Answer: Students are nominated by their teachers, principals, school counselors, etc.
to the local public school superintendent or private school headmaster.

5. Question: How are students selected to attend the Governor's School?

Answer: All students selected to attend must meet the criteria established for the Governor's School
of North Carolina. To insure statewide representation, the body of academic area students
selected includes the first two choices of each local public school superintendent. The
remaining academic area students are chosen by a statewide selection committee. Perform-
ing and visual arts students must audition before judges.

6. Question: May school systems nominate as many students as they w i s h ?

Answer: No. Each school system is alliptted a certain n u m b e r of students based on its tenth and

eleventh grade population. | . i .j,

7. Question: May the performing/visual arts students audition i n more than one area?

Answer: No. They may only audition i n one nominated area.

S.-' Q u e s t i o n : What is the cost to studenj^ to attend the Governor's School?

Answer: The program is funded by:the North C a r o l i n a General Assembly. Students furnish only
their transportation to and from the campus and any spending money they may need.

9. Question: Do students have to attend the Governor's School the entire six weeks?

Answer: Yes. If a student accepts the invitation to attend the Governor's School, he/she must agree
to attend for the entire six weeks. (NOTE: Any student w h o does not stay until the closing
session on the last day w i l l not receive a Governor's School certificate.)

10. Question: M a y students go home on weekends?

Answer: No. Students must remain at the Governor's School through the weekends except the third
weekend of Governor's Schpdl w h e n all students go home on Friday and r e t u r n on the
following Monday evening! t
"l ^ ^ ^ A Summer Pr^^m^b^cudcmicall^^^

S e p t e m b e r 1, 1 9 9 8 Information regarding 1 9 9 9 session of Governor's School mailed to superinten-

dents, headmasters of non-public schools, AG directors and coordinators, high
school principals, and other Governor's School contacts

December 18, 1998 A l l nominations must be submitted (postmarked) to the Special Assistant for
the Governor's School, Exceptional Children Division, Public Schools of North
C a r o l i n a , 3 0 1 N. Wilmington Street, Raleigh, North Carolina 2 7 6 0 1 - 2 8 2 5 .

January 1999 Regional Information Meetings in Raleigh, Winston-Salem, Asheville,

and Greenville. Dates, times, and places w i l l be announced.

February 2 7 , 1999 Auditions in the Performing/Visual Arts — Art, Dance, D r a m a , Choral Music »•
a n d Instrumental Music — to be held at Salem College, Winston-Salem, North
Carolina. A l l students w h o are nominated in these areas w i l l be notified indi-
vidually and invited to audition. = i'J

March 26, 1999 Superintendents, headmasters of non-public schools, and other Governor's
School contacts are notified of students selected to attend the 1999 session
of the Governor's School.

April 1, 1999 ' 1999 Governor's School students notified of their selection.

April 30, 1999 Deadline for acceptance from selected students.

June 2 0 , 1 9 9 9
Opening day for 1999 session of the Governor's School.. .. .v . .
July 9 - July 12, 1 9 9 9
Break in session—Parents'Day. ; ..
July 3 1 , 1999
Last day of 1 9 9 9 session of the Governor's School.

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