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GENG 300 - Numerical methods

Project: GENG 300 - Numerical methods

Project Title: Engineering Problems and Root Finding Methods

Group Name [Your Group Name]

Group Members
1. [Student Name 1]
2. [Student Name 2]
3. [Student Name 3]

Submitted to:
Date: --/--/2023

Table of Contents
Defined the problems:..............................................................................................................................3
Engineering Problem 1 (Industrial Engineering): Production Cost Optimization...............................3
Root Finding Objective:...................................................................................................................3
Engineering Problem 2 (Computer Engineering): Signal Processing Filter Design...........................3
Root Finding Objective:.......................................................................................................................4
Numerical Method:..................................................................................................................................4
Bisection Method:................................................................................................................................4
Newton-Raphson Method:...................................................................................................................4
Secant Method:....................................................................................................................................4
Problem Solution:....................................................................................................................................5
Root Guess Analysis:...........................................................................................................................5
1. Engineering Problem 1 (Production Cost Optimization):................................................................5
Root Finding with Bisection Method:.............................................................................................5
Root Finding with Newton Rapson Method:...................................................................................6
Root Finding with Secant Method:..................................................................................................6
Now for Convergence Plots:............................................................................................................6
2. Engineering Problem 2 (Signal Processing Filter Design):.............................................................7
Root Finding with Bisection Method:.............................................................................................7
Root Finding with Newton Rapson Method:...................................................................................7
Root Finding with Secant Method:..................................................................................................8
Now for Convergence Plots:............................................................................................................8
For Engineering Problem 1 (Production Cost Optimization):.............................................................8
For Engineering Problem 2 (Signal Processing Filter Design):..........................................................9
In this project, we explore how root finding methods can solve real-world engineering
challenges in Industrial Engineering and Computer Engineering. Our interdisciplinary groups
have selected two engineering problems that require numerical techniques for solutions.
In Part 1, we defined the problems: Production Cost Optimization for industrial processes and
Signal Processing Filter Design for computer applications.
Now, in Part 2, we analyze and compare the Bisection Method, Newton-Raphson Method,
and Secant Method. We seek to understand their convergence speed through plots of absolute
error versus iterations.
Through this project, we aim to gain practical insights into root finding's efficacy in
engineering problem-solving. Collaboration and discussions will foster a collective learning
experience, empowering us to innovate in our respective fields.
Let's begin this exciting journey of exploration and application of root finding methods to
engineering challenges!

Defined the problems:

Engineering Problem 1 (Industrial Engineering): Production Cost
In industrial engineering, the challenge is to optimize production costs that consist of fixed
and variable expenses. The goal is to find the production quantity that minimizes the total
cost, considering both cost components.
Mathematical formation:
Function: C(x) = 2000 + 500x - 5x^2
In this problem, we'll optimize the production cost given a quadratic cost function with
respect to the production quantity (x). The fixed cost is $2000, and the variable cost is $500
per unit, with a decrement of $5 per additional unit produced.
Root Finding Objective:
The task involves finding the production quantity where the total cost is at its minimum,
which requires solving for the root of the first derivative of the cost function.
To find the production quantity (x) that minimizes the total cost C(x), we'll solve for the root
of the first derivative of C(x).

Engineering Problem 2 (Computer Engineering): Signal Processing Filter

In computer engineering, designing low-pass filters is crucial for efficient signal processing.
The objective is to determine the cut-off frequency that meets specific design criteria,
ensuring desired signal isolation and noise reduction.
Mathematical formation:
Function: H(f) = 1 / (1 + (f / 100)^2)
Description: For the filter design problem, we have a transfer function H(f) representing a
low-pass filter. The cut-off frequency (fc) is set at 100 Hz, and we need to find the frequency
(f) at which the gain is reduced to half.
Root Finding Objective:
To achieve an effective filter design, we need to find the cut-off frequency by solving for the
root of the transfer function in the frequency domain.
To find the cut-off frequency (f) that corresponds to a gain of 0.5 in the transfer function
H(f), we'll solve for the root of H(f) - 0.5 = 0.

These engineering problems are essential for resource optimization in manufacturing and
ensuring signal quality in various electronic devices and communication systems. Root
finding methods offer numerical solutions vital for informed decision-making and improved
system performance.

Numerical Method:
Numerical methods for Solving problems are

Bisection Method:
x a+ x b
Formula: x c =
Description: For the problem, we aim to find the root x c by halving the interval [a, b]
containing the root until the desired precision is achieved.

Newton-Raphson Method:
f ( x old )
Formula: x new =x old − '
f ( x old )

Description: The Newton-Raphson Method is used to approximate the root of function f by

iteratively updating the estimation using the derivative f ' (x) of the transfer function f (x).

Secant Method:
f ( x old ) .( x old −x older )
Formula: x new =x old −
f ( x old )−f (x older )

Description: The Secant Method, like in Engineering Problem 1, approximates the cut-off
frequency using two initial estimates and updating the root estimation iteratively.
These numerical methods provide effective and efficient solutions for both engineering
problems, enabling accurate approximations when analytical solutions are challenging or
unavailable. The choice of method depends on the specific characteristics and requirements
of each problem.

Problem Solution:
Root Guess Analysis:
To perform a root guess analysis and visualize how different initial guesses affect the
convergence of the root finding methods, we can create graphs that show the absolute error
(εa) versus the number of iterations for various initial guesses.

1. Engineering Problem 1 (Production Cost Optimization):

Function: C(x) = 2000 + 500x - 5x^2
Let's set the interval [a, b] where the root lies. For simplicity, let's use [100, 120] as the initial

Root Finding with Bisection Method:

Root Finding with Newton Rapson Method:

Root Finding with Secant Method:

Now for Convergence Plots:

2. Engineering Problem 2 (Signal Processing Filter Design):
Function: H(f) = 1 / (1 + (f / 100)^2)
And as f(x) function is f(x)= 1 / (1 + (x / 100)^2)-0.5
Let's set the interval [a, b] where the root lies. For simplicity, let's use [90, 110] as the initial

Root Finding with Bisection Method:

Root Finding with Newton Rapson Method:

Root Finding with Secant Method:

Now for Convergence Plots:

These implementations will provide you with the approximate roots for each engineering
problem using the Bisection Method. Note that the actual roots may vary slightly depending
on the chosen interval and tolerance level. You can adjust the initial intervals and tolerances
as needed to achieve the desired level of accuracy.

For Engineering Problem 1 (Production Cost Optimization):
The root was found to be approximately 103.851648 using the Bisection Method (12
Both the Newton-Raphson and Secant methods converged to the same root in just 4
iterations, showing faster convergence than the Bisection Method.

For Engineering Problem 2 (Signal Processing Filter Design):

The root was found to be approximately 100 using the Bisection Method (1 iteration).
The Newton-Raphson Method also found the same root with just 1 iteration.
The Secant Method took 4 iterations to converge to the same root.

The Newton-Raphson and Secant methods showed faster convergence than the Bisection
Method for Engineering Problem 1. For Engineering Problem 2, all three methods
demonstrated rapid convergence, with the Bisection and Newton-Raphson methods being the
most efficient. The choice of method depends on the problem's characteristics and precision
requirements. Numerical root finding methods proved valuable in solving engineering

1. Burden, R. L., & Faires, J. D. (2010). Numerical Analysis. Cengage Learning. (This
textbook covers various numerical methods, including root finding techniques.)
2. Chapra, S. C., & Canale, R. P. (2014). Numerical Methods for Engineers. McGraw-
Hill Education. (Another comprehensive textbook on numerical methods, suitable for
engineering students.)
3. Kincaid, D., & Cheney, W. (2002). Numerical Analysis: Mathematics of Scientific
Computing. American Mathematical Society. (This book provides a theoretical
foundation for numerical methods, including root finding.)
4. Press, W. H., Teukolsky, S. A., Vetterling, W. T., & Flannery, B. P. (2007).
Numerical Recipes: The Art of Scientific Computing. Cambridge University Press. (A
classic book with practical algorithms and recipes for various numerical methods,
including root finding.)
5. Taha, H. A. (2014). Operations Research: An Introduction (10th ed.). Prentice Hall.
(These textbook covers optimization techniques that often involve root finding in real-
world engineering problems.)
6. Winston, W. L. (2003). Operations Research: Applications and Algorithms (4th ed.).
Cengage Learning. (These textbook covers optimization techniques that often involve
root finding in real-world engineering problems.)

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