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Renewable Renewable
Energy for an Energy in
Emerging Country Harmony with
(page 06) Nature (page 08)


Fit for the Future
(page 18)
02  Editorial

Dear Business
For those involved in the hydropower pressure and Bulb turbines are parti-
business 2015 was a challenging year. cularly suited to meet these demands.
Hesitant investments in the OECD re­ Con­tinuous technological development –
gion, especially in Europe and North largely due to the exceptional expertise
America, were balanced by exciting pro­ and commitment of our motivated em­
jects in developing countries and emerg­ ployees – lays the foundation for ANDRITZ
ing markets. Despite this shift in focus, HYDRO to continue providing customers
ANDRITZ HYDRO has prevailed in these with tailored solutions from the smallest
changing market conditions, with large to the largest plant. As a result, even if
contracts won in Brazil, Pakistan, China, market conditions remain challenging in

India, and Vietnam. This shift was also 2016, ANDRITZ HYDRO is optimistic
reflected in our rehabilitation and service about this year’s developments.
businesses, which, along with develop­ Today, ANDRITZ HYDRO is well posi­
ments in the small hydropower market, tioned in the market and will strive for
mostly occurred outside the OECD continued excellence. In light of the in­
region. With numerous global offices, creasing need for renewable energy and
ANDRITZ HYDRO has been able to the growing demand for the service and
strengthen its position to address these modernization of existing hydropower
market shifts and provide outstanding plants, ANDRITZ HYDRO is confident
support to local customers. A particular about the future.
need for the development of hydropower
solutions at middle- and lower-river sec­ Sincere thanks for your continued trust,
tions arose, and ANDRITZ HYDRO’s low-

H. Heber W. Semper
03  Content

I would also like to take this oppor­ I wish to thank my colleagues and em­
tunity to inform you that I have retired ployees for their commitment and many
this year at the end of May after 38 years of great work.
years of service, when my colleagues
in executive management, Wolfgang And to my business partners, I would
Semper and Harald Heber, are taking like to thank you for your outstanding
over my responsibilities. cooperation and ask that you continue
I am very happy and thankful that to place your trust in ANDRITZ HYDRO,
I’ve been able to help shape the suc­ its management and employees.
cessful development of this company.
ANDRITZ HYDRO’s position as one of
the global leaders in the hydropower
market for electro-mechanical equip­
ment and services would have been
impossible without the trust of our M. Komböck
customers and partners.

04 LATEST NEWS 22 Baixo Sabor, Portugal
23 Bighorn, Canada

24 Tierfehd, Switzerland
18 Bulb Turbines 25 Peusangan 1 and 2, Indonesia
26 Carlos Lleras Restrepo,
MARKETS Colombia
06 Peru 27 Langenprozelten, Germany
08 Vietnam
10 Nkula A, Malawi TECHNOLOGY
11 Sholayar, India 33 Centrifugal Pump and Screw
12 Centroamérica and Turbine
Carlos Fonseca, Nicaragua
13 Smibelg and Storåvatn, Norway 34 EVENTS
14 Xekaman Xanxay, Laos
15 Foz do Areia, Brazil IMPRINT
16 Lower Monumental Dam, USA Publisher: ANDRITZ HYDRO GmbH,
A-1120 Vienna, Eibesbrunnergasse 20, Austria,
17 Andong, South Korea Phone: +43 50805 0,,
Responsible for the contents: Alexander Schwab,
Editorial Board: Clemens Mann,Bernhard
Mühlbachler, Jens Päutz, Hans Wolfhard,
Project Manager: Judith Heimhilcher,
Editorial Assistance: Marie-Antoinette Sailer,
Copyright: ANDRITZ HYDRO GmbH 2016,
All rights reserved.
Graphic design: A3 Werbeservice
Circulation: 17,800 Printed in: English, German,
French, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish.
This issue includes links to videos on external
websites whose content we can’t influence.
The opinions expressed in the videos are personal
views of the speaker, which must not match with
the positions of ANDRITZ HYDRO GmbH.
The initiator of the video is responsible for the
iPad App Android App Online magazine accuracy of the content.
04  Latest News

Norway, Eidsfoss
ANDRITZ HYDRO has successfully finalized the commission­
ing of HPP Eidsfoss, located in the south-eastern part of
Norway and using water from the Skien water system. Statkraft
Energi AS awarded ANDRITZ HYDRO the rehabilitation of the
control systems for HPP Eidsfoss (15 MW) and HPP Vrangfoss
(35 MW). The scope of supply comprises the replacement of
the local control systems, modifications of the turbine and gen­
erator control systems as well as the intake gates. To keep a
constant water level under all operation conditions, a level con­
troller with additional emergency functionality will be imple­

Latest mented into the control systems. Commissioning of HPP

Vrangfoss is scheduled for the end of 2017.


Iceland, Búrfell
ANDRITZ HYDRO has received an order from Landsvirkjun to
supply the electro-mechanical equipment and control systems
for the Búrfell Extension hydropower station in Iceland. The ex­
isting HPP Búrfell is equipped with six units, providing electrical
energy into the national grid since 1969. It has a total installed
capacity of 270 MW and an annual electrical energy production
of 2,300 GWh. A single 100 MW turbine unit in a separate un­
derground power station will be installed at HPP Búrfell Exten­
sion increasing its generation capacity by up to 300 GWh per
year. HPP Búrfell Extension is expected to go online in the first Canada, La Grande-3
half of 2018. For the La Grande-3 hydropower plant on the La Grande
River in northern Quebec, Canada, ANDRITZ HYDRO was
awarded a contract for the modernization of Hydro Quebec’s
third biggest power plant. The scope of supply comprises
design and supply of 12 excitation systems. Closing of the
project and commissioning is scheduled for mid-2020.
Order Intake
1.718,7 MEUR
Order Backlog (as of end of period)
Key Figures 3.640,9 MEUR
2015 Sales
1.834,8 MEUR
Employees without apprentices
(as of end of period)

Vietnam, Hoa Binh

Vietnam Electricity (EVN) awarded a contract for the upgrade
of the secondary equipment of the Hoa Binh hydropower plant
to a consortium of ANDRITZ HYDRO and The National Re­
search Institute of Mechanical Engineering (NARIME). The hy­
dropower station is equipped with eight units (240 MW each)
and has a total installed capacity of 1,920 MW, generating
about 8,160 GWh of electrical energy annually. The scope of
supply for ANDRITZ HYDRO comprises the modernization of
eight unit control and monitoring systems, eight digital gover­
nors, eight unit protection systems, seven main excitation
systems, four auxiliary excitation systems, the common control
system, and the supply of a new SCADA system including
mimic board. The modernization project will be realized in four
steps of two units each in parallel with an overall end date in
July 2018.
06  Market

Renewable Energy for
an Emerging Country
By Sergio Contreras

and Peter Gnos

The expanding Peruvian economy is HPP Santa Teresa: In 2011, Luz del Sur,
one of the more active ones in the South one of the leading power utilities in Peru,
American region. A combination of eco­ awarded ANDRITZ HYDRO a contract
nomic modernization, natural resource for the supply and installation of elec­
abundance and continued improve­ tro-mechanical equipment for the Santa
ments in economic governance and Teresa run-of-river hydropower plant,
political stability make Peru one of the 15 km downstream from the famous
most promising energy markets in Latin archeological site of Machu Picchu.
America. ANDRITZ HYDRO supplied two 59 MW
Francis turbines, main inlet valves, gen­
ANDRITZ HYDRO in Peru erators, electrical accessory, and auto­
ANDRITZ HYDRO has a long history in mation equipment as well as the power­
Peru, with the first equipment deliveries house crane. The hydropower plant was
for HPP Caxias I and II taking place back successfully put into operation by the
in 1913. Since then ANDRITZ HYDRO end of 2015.
has installed and rehabilitated more than
110 units in the country, with a total
output of about 3,400 MW. Some 15
years ago ANDRITZ HYDRO decided to
establish a permanent office in the Peru­
vian capital Lima.

Machu Picchu
HPP Huanza: HPP Huanza uses the
waters of the rivers Pallca and Conay
and supplies electrical power to the
Buenaventura mines. The project was
developed by the Peruvian miners’ sub­
sidiary Empresa de Generación Huanza.
Shortly after installation in 2013, the
runners showed strong cavitation and
had to be replaced. ANDRITZ HYDRO
won a contract for the supply of three
new MICROGUSS* Pelton runners.
Commissioning of the first unit has taken
place in September 2015. In March
2016, the other two runners were suc­
cessfully delivered. 
Santa Teresa
Output 2 × 58.84 MW
Head 178.38 m
Speed 360 rpm
Runner diameter 1,985 mm
Output 3 × 46.3 MW
Head 654 m
Speed 600 rpm
Runner diameter 1,740 mm
Cerro del Águila
Large Hydro unit:
Output 3 × 171 MW
Head 277.7 m
Installation works at HPP El Carmen Speed 300 rpm
Runner diameter 2,623 mm
HPP Cerro del Águila: For the major new HPP Gallito Ciego: The Gallito Ciego hy­ Compact Hydro unit:
hydropower plant Cerro del Águila, dropower plant, owned by Statkraft Output 1 × 5.38 MW
about 470 km east of Lima, ANDRITZ Peru, is located in the Jequetepeque Head 60 m
HYDRO received a contract from Con­ Valley north of Lima. ANDRITZ HYDRO Speed 514.3 rpm
sorcio Río Mantaro in 2011 for manufac­ won a contract for the complete me­ Runner diameter 1,121.8 mm
turing, delivery, and installation of the chanical rehabilitation of one turbine, in­ El Carmen
electro-mechanical equipment, including cluding a new runner, covers, a new Output 2 × 4.4 MW
three large 171 MW Francis units. In shaft, wicket gates, links, levers, cou­ Head 228 m
2012, ANDRITZ HYDRO also won a pling bolts, installation supervision, and Speed 720 rpm
contract for a “from water-to-wire” commissioning, which is scheduled for Runner diameter 820 mm
package for the additional small hydro­ October 2016.
8 de Agosto
power plant next to the main dam. All
Output 2 × 10.6 MW
units will be completed in 2016. HPP Huinco and HPP Matucana: The
Head 128 m
hydropower plants Huinco and Matu­
Speed 720 rpm
HPP El Carmen and HPP 8 De Agosto: cana are owned by EDEGEL, a company
Runner diameter 1,006 mm
Generadora Andina, with Consorcio 8 de of the Enel Group, and are situated on
Agosto as the EPC contractor, devel­ the rivers Santa Eulalia and Rimac, re­ Rucuy
oped these two small hydropower pro­ spectively. After more than 40 years of Output 2 × 10 MW
jects. For HPP El Carmen ANDRITZ continuous operation the rehabilitation Head 666 m
HYDRO will supply two vertical, six-jet of two generators at HPP Huinco and of Speed 900 rpm
Pelton turbines with an output of 4.4 MW one generator at HPP Matucana was Runner diameter 1,130 mm
each, main inlet valves, and the hydraulic necessary. The scope of the contract for Gallito Ciego
pressure units. The scope of supply for ANDRITZ HYDRO comprises a new coil Output 2 × 17 MW
HPP 8 de Agosto comprises two and rotor shaft for HPP Huinco and a Head 83 m
10.6 MW horizontal Francis turbines, new stator for HPP Matucana, as well as Speed 400 rpm
main inlet valves, and the hydraulic pres­ installation, supervision, electrical tests, Runner diameter 1,550 mm
sure units. Commissioning of both pro­ and commissioning. The works on site
jects will take place in the first half of will be carried out between 2017 and
Output 85 MVA
2016. 2019.
Voltage 12.5 kV
Speed 514 rpm
HPP Rucuy: Developed by Empresa Ad­ All these projects confirm and consoli­
Runner diameter 3,000 mm
ministradora Chungar SAC, HPP Rucuy date the leading position of ANDRITZ
uses the waters of the River Chancay HYDRO in the promising hydropower Matucana
about 160 km north of the capital Lima. market of Peru.  Output 80 MVA
The contractual scope for ANDRITZ Voltage 12.5 kV
HYDRO includes two horizontal, two- Speed 450 rpm
jets Pelton turbines with an output of Runner diameter 3,400 mm
10 MW each, main inlet valves, and the
*Trademark of the ANDRITZ GROUP. For information
hydraulic pressure units. Commissioning regarding ownership and countries of registration,
please visit
is expected in the first half of 2016.
08  Market

Renewable Energy
in Harmony with Nature
By Martin Koubek

Ha Long Bay, UNESCO World Heritage site in northern Vietnam

Vietnam has a fast growing population ANDRITZ HYDRO in Vietnam

of about 90 million people and an ANDRITZ HYDRO has run a represen­
economy which is rapidly developing. tative office in the capital Hanoi for more
The country is focusing on renewable than 15 years, but has been active in
energy, mainly hydropower, which cur­ the country since the 1960s. More than
rently contributes some 33% of the total 50 units with a combined total capacity
power generation. With an annual hydro of about 1,000 MW has been installed
potential of 120,000 GWh, of which less or rehabilitated by ANDRITZ HYDRO.
than half has been developed as of In 2016, ANDRITZ HYDRO Com­ pany
today, Vietnam is one of the most vital Limited was established (100% FDI
and prospective hydropower markets. of ANDRITZ HYDRO Austria GmbH)
to better cover the local activities
in Vietnam.

09  Market

HPP Thuong Kon Tum: In 2012,

ANDRITZ HYDRO signed a contract for
the electro-mechanical works for the
Thuong Kon Tum hydropower plant,
located at the border between Laos and
Vietnam, near the city of Kon Tum.
ANDRITZ HYDRO is going to supply
turnkey electrical and mechanical equip­
ment, including two high-head Pelton
turbines with speed governors, genera­
tors, and auxiliary systems.
After completion in 2017, this hydro­
power plant will have an installed capa­
city of 220 MW and will generate about
1,000 GWh of electrical energy per year. Contract signing for HPP Xim Vang 2

HPP Nam Tha 3: ANDRITZ HYDRO 330 km north of the capital of Hanoi and
has received an order from Phuc Khanh is scheduled to be put into commercial
Energy Development and Construction operation in 2016.
Investment JSC for the 14 MW Nam Runner installation at HPP Chi Khe
Tha 3 hydropower plant, located on the HPP Xim Vang 2: In July 2015,
Nam Tha River in Lao Cai province. ANDRITZ HYDRO received an order
ANDRITZ HYDRO’s scope of supply from Xim Vang Hydroelectric Power JSC TECHNICAL DATA
comprises the complete electro-mecha­­n­ for the Xim Vang 2 hydropower plant,
ical equipment, including two four-jet located on the Xim Vang River in the Son Thuong Kon Tum
Pel­ton turbines, generators, and mecha­ La Province. HPP Xim Vang 2 will have a Output 2 × 110 MW
nical auxiliaries. The project is scheduled total installed capacity of 18 MW. 2 × 129 MVA
to be put into commercial operation in ANDRITZ HYDRO’s scope of supply Head 879 m
mid-2016. comprises electro-mechanical equip­ Speed 600 rpm
ment, including two Pelton turbines, Runner diameter 2,060 mm
HPP Dak Mi 2: In 2014, following the generators, and auxiliary systems. The Nam Tha 3
HPP Chi Khe project, ANDRITZ HYDRO hydropower plant is planned to be put Output 2×7 MW
signed a second contract with Agrita- into commercial operation in 2017. Head 274 m
Quang Nam Energy JS Company Speed 428.6 rpm
(AGRITAM) for the complete electro- HPP Hoi Xuan: ANDRITZ HYDRO won Runner diameter 1,350 mm
mechanical scope of supply for the Dak a contract for the supply of electro- and Dak Mi 2
Mi 2 hydropower plant, located on the hydro-mechanical equipment for the Output 2 × 49 MW
Dak Mi River, in the province of Quang new 102 MW Hoi Xuan hydropower Head 252.4 m
Nam. plant, owned by VNECO Hoi Xuan In­ Speed 428.57 rpm
ANDRITZ HYDRO is supplying the vestment and Electricity Construction Runner diameter 1,530 mm
complete electro-mechanical equip­ JSC. The scope of supply includes
ment, including two vertical 49 MW design, delivery, installation, and com­ Chau Thang
Francis turbines, governors, and genera­ missioning of three Bulb turbines and Output 2×7 MW
tors. HPP Dak Mi 2 will supply 415 GWh generators, as well as automation and Head 21 m
of sustainable and clean electrical energy the hydraulic equipment. Commission­ Speed 272.7 rpm
per year. ing of the plant is scheduled for the be­ Runner diameter 2,350 mm
ginning of 2018. Thereafter, more than Xim Vang 2
HPP Chau Thang: In February 2015, 425 GWh of renewable energy will be Output 2 × 9 MW
ANDRITZ HYDRO’s Compact Hydro supplied every year for Vietnamese Head 568 m
business division made a breakthrough households and local industry. Speed 750 rpm
in the field of low-head turbines in Hoi Xuan
Vietnam and signed a contract with With its long-established presence in Output 3 × 34 MW
Prime Que Phong JSC for the supply of Vietnam, ANDRITZ HYDRO is prepared Head 21.5 m
two vertical Kaplan units for the 14 MW for the future and is looking forward to Speed 166.66 rpm
Chau Thang hydropower plant. The pro­ providing tailor-made solutions to its Runner diameter 4,500 mm
ject is located on the Quang River, some local customers. 
10  New Project

Nkula A
By Philipp Schmitt

Contract signing

A contract to rehabilitate and upgrade The scope of supply for consortium

the Nkula A hydropower station has leader ANDRITZ HYDRO includes mod­
been awarded to ANDRITZ HYDRO as ernization of intake and draft tube gates,
leader to a consortium by the Millennium penstocks, installation of new turbine Penstocks before rehabilitation works
Challenge Account – Malawi (MCA-M). runners and non-rotating turbine com­
ponents, complete new generators, me­ TECHNICAL DATA
Commissioned in 1966, HPP Nkula A chanical and electrical auxiliary systems, Output 3 × 11.7 MW
was the first hydropower station in as well as a new high-voltage hybrid Voltage 11 kV
Malawi. Along with Nkula B, it is one of switch gear, and SCADA system. Head 55.2 m
two hydropower stations in the first The project is funded by Millennium Speed 375 rpm
cascade of the Nkula Falls on the Shire Challenge Corporation (MCC), a US Runner diameter 1,650 mm
River, about 50 km northwest of the city foreign aid agency under the compact to
of Blantyre. Due to its age, the hydro­ reduce poverty through economic
power plant has experienced numerous growth in Malawi. The main target areas
forced outages over recent years, which to achieve this goal are improving the
made a major overhaul an absolute ne­ availability, reliability, and quality of the
cessity for a stable power supply in the power supply and increasing the capac­
region. ity and stability of the national electricity
grid, which is operated by the Malawian
Site visit government utility ESCOM. A further ob­
jective of the MCC compact is to create
an enabling environment for future ex­
pansion of the power sector by strength­

ening sector institutions and enhancing
regulation and governance of the sector.

The refurbished hydropower plant,

with an increased total output of
35.1 MW, is expected to resume opera­
tion in mid-2018. 
11  New Project

Power house and Sholayar River

Sholayar In the past, ANDRITZ HYDRO has ren­

ovated, uprated, and modernized sev-
eral projects for this customer, namely
Stage I:
India HPP Shivasamudram and HPP Periyar.
Output 2 × 42
2 × 56
This is ANDRITZ HYDRO’s third service
Voltage 11 kV
By Neelav De and rehabilitation project in the state of
Head 379 m
Tamil Nadu.
Speed 750 rpm
The guaranteed technical parameters
Runner diameter 1,675 mm
In July 2015, ANDRITZ HYDRO signed required by the customer are challenging
a contract for the renovation, moderni­ for the cooperating teams from ANDRITZ
tion, and upgrade of the Sholayar HYDRO India, Austria, Switzerland, Ger­
hydro­power plant, located on the Shola­ many and China.
yar River in Tamil Nadu, India.
Overall completion period of the
The project on behalf of Tamil Nadu project is only 42 months. Delivery of the
State Generation & Distribution Corpora­ first unit, including reverse engineering,
tion Ltd. (TANGEDCO) – an utility owned is scheduled within 18 months of con­
by the state government – currently tract signing. With the successful exe­
comprises two power houses, Stage I cution of this order, ANDRITZ HYDRO
(2 × 35 MW) and Stage II (1 × 25 MW). will further strengthen its position in the
The equipment for the Stage I power­ Indian hydropower market and retain its
house was originally commissioned in leading position in the state of Tamil

1971 and has been operating for more Nadu. 
than 350,000 hours. ANDRITZ HYDRO
will supply the electro-mechanical equip­
ment for both units, including design,
CFD analysis, engineering, manufactur­ Unit hall
ing, delivery, erection, testing, and com­
missioning. Within the scope of supply
new turbines, generators, runners, auto­
mation panels, and certain balance of
plant equipment are included. After up­
rating, the plant capacity will be changed
from 70 MW (2 × 35 MW) to 84 MW
(2 × 42 MW) representing an overall
out­put increase by 20%.
12  New Project

Centroamérica and
Carlos Fonseca
By Luis Barillas Powerhouse and existing penstock of HPP Carlos Fonseca

Nicaragua’s Government of Recon­ ANDRITZ HYDRO will supply new

ciliation and National Unity – through equip­ment for the substation, including
Empresa Nicaragüense de Electricidad main transformers, medium voltage Centroamérica:
(ENEL) – signed a contract with ANDRITZ equip­ment (24.9 kV, 10.5 kV, and reha­ Output 2 × 25 MW
HYDRO in October 2015 for the renova­ bilitation of bus bars), low voltage AC Voltage 10.5 kV
tion of the hydroelectric stations Cen­ and DC distribution system, protection, Carlos Fonseca:
troamérica and Carlos Fonseca. excitation, control and automation sys­ Output 2 × 25 MW
tem, communication system, cooling Voltage 10.5 kV
HPP Centroamérica is located near sys­­tem, firefighting system, and instru­
the city of Jinotega about 180 km from mentation, as well as repair and rehabili­
Managua City, while HPP Carlos Fon- tation works for spherical and butterfly
seca can be found in the valley of La valves, gates, and cranes. The contrac­
Rauda in the west central part of the tual scope of the services comprises
country in the department of Matagalpa design, manufacturing, delivery, disas­
about 150 km from the capital. Both hy­ sembly and assembly, commissioning,
droelectric plants have been in operation and turbine efficiency and cavitation
for more than 45 years – commissioned studies. The project is being executed
in 1964 and 1970, respectively – with an by teams from ANDRITZ HYDRO Italy
installed capacity of 50 MW each. The and Mexico.
decision to refurbish the plants was Commissioning for HPP Carlos Fon­

made in order to improve mechanical ef­ seca is scheduled for 2017, and subse­
ficiency and to extend the life of the gen­ quently for HPP Centroamérica for
erating equipment for the next 25 years. spring 2018.
The project is being financed by the
Inter-American Development Bank (IDB), This project is an important step
the Central American Bank for Economic in strengthening ANDRITZ HYDRO’s
Integration (CABEI) and ENEL. po­
sition in the hydropower market of
Nicaragua. 

Old existing control system at HPP Carlos Fonseca Unit hall of HPP Centroamérica
Norwegian landscape

Smibelg ANDRITZ HYDRO’s scope of supply

comprises the delivery of three five-­

nozzle Pelton turbines and three syn­
chronous generators, main inlet valves, Output 33 MW
and all necessary auxiliary systems like Voltage 11 kV

hydraulic pressure units and cooling Head 482.5 m
water systems, turbine governors, and Speed 500 rpm
excitation systems. The two larger tur­ Runner diameter 1,810 mm

Norway bines and generators at HPP Smibelg Storåvatn:

and HPP Storåvatn, will be manufac­ Unit #1:
tured at ANDRITZ HYDRO workshop in Output 7.9 MW
By Uwe Krawinkel India while the smaller unit at HPP Storå­ Voltage 11 kV vatn is part of the ANDRITZ HYDRO Head 435.5 m
Compact Hydro program. Speed 750 rpm
SmiSto Kraft AS has awarded ANDRITZ HYDRO was also awarded Runner diameter 1,160 mm
ANDRITZ HYDRO a contract for the de­ the delivery and installation contract for Unit #2:
livery of the electro-mechanical equip­ the electrical equipment, such as control Output 27.1 MW
ment of the new Smibelg and Storåvatn and electrical power systems including Voltage 11 kV
hydroelectric power plants. medium voltage switchgear and step-up Head 599.1 m
transformers. In order to increase safety Speed 750 rpm
HPP Smibelg is on the southern side and availability of the installed equip­ Runner diameter 1,300 mm
and HPP Storåvatn on the northern side ment, the automation concept is based
of the Gjervalen Fjord in Nordland on two independent control systems in
County, Norway. Located on the polar normally-open contact principle – in ac­
circle, installation and commissioning cordance with Norwegian regulations.
engineers will perhaps be exposed to Due to the remote nature and difficult
the Aurora borealis. The project site is access, reliability of the equipment is an
very remote, without any access roads, indispensable requirement of the project.
and boat access is the only option. In Both hydropower plants will be com­
order to increase production at HPP pletely remote controlled from the cus­ 
Smibelg, a pump station will be built per­ tomer’s dispatch centre in Fauske.
mitting water to be pumped from Vak­
kerjordvatn to the HPP Smibelg reser­ Handing over of both hydropower
voir. plants to the customer is scheduled for
the second and third quarters of 2019. 
14  New Project

Contract signing for HPP Xekaman Xanxay

Xekaman Xanxay

By Shan Qi Commissioning is scheduled for the second half of 2017, only 26 months
after the contract commencement. The
In July 2015, ANDRITZ HYDRO signed This is the third order for ANDRITZ project will be executed by an interna­
a contract with Song Da Corporation of HYDRO from Song Da Corporation, the tional team of ANDRITZ HYDRO in
Vietnam for the supply of the complete largest Vietnamese civil construction Austria and China.
electro-mechanical equipment and tech­ company with a long history in hydro­
nical services for the Xekaman Xanxay power plant construction in Vietnam and This contract marks another important
hydropower plant in Laos. Laos. It follows the Laotian projects HPP milestone for ANDRITZ HYDRO in Laos
Xekaman 3 (250 MW, completed in as well as with the esteemed client Song
HPP Xekaman Xanxay will be con­ 2013) and HPP Xekaman 1 (290 MW, Da Corporation. 
structed on the Xekaman River, in signed in 2013). All three projects are
Xanxay District, Attapeu Province, near based on a bilateral governmental agree­ TECHNICAL DATA
HPP Xekaman 3 and HPP Xekaman 1, ment between Laos and Vietnam for the
Output 2 × 16.19 MW
about 40 km from the border with Viet­ joint development of hydropower plants.
2 × 17.6 MVA
nam. In all these projects Song Da is the main
Voltage 10.5 kV
ANDRITZ HYDRO’s scope of supply shareholder, EDL (Electricité du Laos)
Head 10.2 m
includes two Bulb turbines, horizontal holds the minority interests.
Speed 100 rpm
generators, governors, mechanical aux­
Runner diameter 5,500 mm
iliaries, electric power systems and auto­
Av. annual generation 131.2 GWh
mation, protection and control systems.
Song Da Corporation will take care of
local transport and erection under the Manufacturing of stator for HPP Xekaman 1
supervision of ANDRITZ HYDRO.
The project is an essential part of the
300 MW hydropower station Xekaman 1,
acting as downstream regulator to avoid
flooding and to stabilize the water level.
HPP Xekaman Xanxay will have an in­
stalled capacity of 32 MW and an aver­
age annual output of about 131.2 GWh
of electrical energy.
15  New Project

Foz do Areia
By Ricardo Calandrini 

In October 2015, ANDRITZ HYDRO COPEL held a public bidding for the After rehabilitation the cavitation con­
signed a contract with Companhia Pa­ modernization of the four generating ditions of the four Francis runners will be
ranaense de Energia (COPEL) for the units at HPP Foz do Areia, which was seriously improved.
modernization of their largest hydropow­ won by ANDRITZ HYDRO Brasil. The
er plant Foz do Areia on the Iguaçu River contractual scope comprises the supply The project is scheduled to be exe­
in the state of Paraná. of four new turbine runners, including cuted within 70 months. 
turbine governors, complete HPU and
HPP Foz do Areia has a total installed air compressors, four new excitation
capacity of 1,676 MW with a head of sys­tems, shaft seals, auto lubricating TECHNICAL DATA
135 m and is located about 15 km from distributor bushings, head cover drain­ Output 4 × 419 MW
the city of Faxinal do Ceu and 240 km age system, pipes, valves, and addi­ Head (nominal) 135 m
from the state capital of Curitiba. The tional hydro-mechanical equipment. A Speed 128.6 rpm
name of the plant was recently changed turbine model test will be carried out at Runner diameter 5,810 mm
to Bento Munhoz da Rocha Netto plant the ANDRITZ HYDRO lab in Linz, Austria.
as a tribute to the former governor, who Besides the supply of new components
led Paraná state from 1951 to 1955. and the refurbishment, transportation,
Netto initiated many important works, installation, and commissioning are also
such as the construction of the Civic part of the contractual scope.
Center in Curitiba and the creation of
COPEL on October 26, 1954.
In order to build the dam, the river
water was diverted into a single stage,
using two tunnels located on the right
bank, with a diameter of 12 m each and Downstream view of power house, dam and spillway
a joint flow capacity of 3,800 m3/s. The
plant was put into operation in 1975, the
dam completed in 1979, becoming op­
erational in the beginning of the 1980s.
At that time, its generating units were the
largest in Brazil. Its construction caused
the shutdown of the Salto Grande do
Iguaçu hydropower plant, the first on the
Iguaçu River, with an installed capacity
of 15.2 MW.
16  New Project

Monumental Dam 

By Yunfeng Gao

The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, At the Lower Monumental Dam hydro­ ANDRITZ HYDRO will also supply new
Walla Walla District, awarded a contract power plant, the turbine unit #1 experi­ stator windings and a stator core for
to ANDRITZ HYDRO in July 2015, for enced a runner hub linkage failure, unit #1. Replacing the stator core will be
generator rewind and turbine cavitation prompting the customer to weld blocks dependent on the on-site inspection and
repairs at HPP Lower Monumental Dam. to the hub to hold the blades in a fixed condition assessment of the existing
With 810 MW it is one of the four major position. The work will replace internal core.
hydro­power plants on the lower Snake hub linkage components requiring disas­ Just prior to this award, ANDRITZ
River in Washington State, USA. sembly of the main unit and turbine HYDRO successfully completed a gen­
runner, with a provision to inspect and erator rewind project on 10 of 14 units at
HPP Lower Monumental Dam is a run- refurbish other turbine and generator the McNary hydropower plant, located
of-river plant with six Kaplan turbines components. on the Columbia River near Umatilla,
installed. Construction began in 1961, Repairs also include cavitation repair Oregon.
with three units completed in 1969 and to unit #1 blades, hub and discharge ring
an additional three units finished in 1981. as well as repair of cavitation damage to The entire project is expected to be
All six generators and three of the six the unit #2 runner. Following the repair, completed by May 2017. 
turbines were originally provided by both runners will work as completely
ANDRITZ HYDRO’s predecessor com­ functional double-regulated Kaplan run­
panies. ners.
Some of the generator and turbine Output 810 MW
units, after nearly a half century’s opera­ 900 MVA
tion, have performed past or are nearing Voltage 13.8 kV
the end of their design life. Major rehabil­ Head 30 m
itations have been carried out or are Speed 90 rpm
planned. ANDRITZ HYDRO will continue Runner diameter 7,925 mm
to work very closely with the Walla Walla
District on these rehabilitation activities
awarded under this contract.

Lower Monumental Dam

U.S. Army Corps of Engineers photograph
17  New Project

Dam and spillway

South Korea
By Bernhard Mühlbachler One of the more remarkable aspects of this order is that the turbine runners
are of the so-called “Deriaz” type. This
K-water, a South Korean utility and design, which can be compared with a
top level water service company, has diagonal flow turbine having movable Schematic drawing of unit
awarded ANDRITZ HYDRO an order for blades, is very rarely applied for high
the refurbishment of the Andong hydro­ head axial applications. Only a few com­
power station on the Nakdong River in panies beside ANDRITZ HYDRO have This contract not only strengthens fur­
South Korea. the required know-how to design this ther the good cooperation with K-water,
type of turbine and can provide ade­ but also ANDRITZ HYDRO’s strong posi­
The scope of supply and services quate reference projects. tion in the South Korean hydropower
com­prises model test, design, engi­nee­ For many years ANDRITZ HYDRO and market.
ring, manufacturing, installation, and K-water, which supplies one quarter of
com­mis­sioning of two 46.3 MW generat­ South Korea’s renewable energy, have Commissioning of the new units is
ing units. Regarding the turbine, the maintained a good business relation­ scheduled for mid-2019. 
main parts to be renewed are the turbine ship, which started years ago with the
runners, the distributor, and the shaft as­ successful execution of HPP Sihwa, the
sembly, including guide bearing and world’s largest tidal hydropower station.
main shaft seal. A new generator and ex­ ANDRITZ HYDRO’s willingness to sup­ TECHNICAL DATA
citation system – including accessories port K-water in addressing complex Output 2 × 46.3 MW
and special tools – a new unit control tech­ni­cal challenges, which finally turned Voltage 12 kV
sys­tem, a new protection system, a into the first direct domestic contract, Head 57 m
12 kV bus duct and a switchgear, and was also a key factor in winning this Speed 189.5 rpm
neutral grounding equipment will also be order. Runner diameter 3,750 mm
18  Top Story

Bulb Turbines
Fit for the Future
By Andreas Rammler

Bulb turbine runner during installation process at HPP Iffezheim, Germany

19  Top Story

ANDRITZ HYDRO team during Bulb turbine installation

When Austrian professor Viktor Kaplan (1876 –1934) filed his

essential patents for the eponymous turbine in 1912 and 1913,
he opened the way for a new technology able to use low hydro-
static heads for power generation in an economically feasible way –
especially at run-of-river plants.

In particular, the horizontal type of Furthermore, new requirements for

Kaplan machine – the Bulb turbine – grid control have motivated energy pro­
shows extraordinary flexibility in its appli­ ducers to switch Bulb and Kaplan tur­
cation. From small to large, from run-of- bines – which were formerly operated in
river to tidal, and from fixed to variable- level control – to primary control in order
speed – everything is possible within a to provide grid frequency stabilization
head range of 0.5 up to 30 meters. services.
However, new market needs have In addition, the intention to utilize tidal
meant reconsidering several basic de­- forces as renewable and clean energy
sign principles. For example, having resource has triggered new concepts
eco­ logically, as well as economically, concerning hydraulic as well as mecha­n­
feasible solutions is becoming an ever-­ ical design and the extended application
greater consideration in the planning of sophisticated, stainless materials.
and approval process for hydropower The worldwide leader in Bulb turbine
pro­jects. units – with a total installed capacity of
approximately 6,500 MW and covering a
market share of more than 70% –
ANDRITZ HYDRO focused its research
and development efforts on these new
demands at an early stage. 

Schematic 3D-drawing
of Bulb turbine for HPP Iffezheim, Germany
20  Top Story

ANDRITZ HYDRO also invests in the More load cycles inevitably make
research and development of fish- fatigue a greater consideration. Fatigue
friendly turbine technology. In order to is influenced by the material, the geome­
reduce damage to the fish population – try of the parts and the cyclic loading. In
as well as avoiding damage to the tur­ a Bulb turbine the blade is affected by
bines – many theoretical approaches centrifugal force, axial thrust and cir­
and computation models have been de­ cumferential force as well as hydraulic
veloped over the years. By combining torque from the pressure distribution on
hydraulic knowledge with biological un­ the blade.
derstanding, ANDRITZ HYDRO is able to Faced with changing operational
minimize fish injury without major energy demands ANDRITZ HYDRO has devel­
losses. oped tools to accurately assess the
impact of changing operational require­
Changing control requirements ments on fatigue – as well as other con­
Switching turbine regulation from level siderations – and can therefore support
control to primary control introduces a energy producers in the diagnosis and
significant change in the frequency of assessment of the residual service life of
regulation movements by the runner and turbine equipment.
the guide vane mechanisms. More regu­
lation movements result in more load Tidal applications
cycles for the affected parts. ANDRITZ HYDRO has also developed
Installation of Bulb Turbine parts at HPP Records from one unit operating in a sound and leading technology in the
Sihwa, South Korea these two different modes show a signif­ tidal barrage field, starting with the
icant increase in load-cycles for the dif­ Annapolis tidal plant in Canada back in
Demanding environmental performance ferential pressure of the runner servo- 1984. Technical development continued
Increasing demands for ecological motor actuating the blade movements with the Shiwa tidal plant in South Korea
performance have prompted changes in during primary control, when compared in 2004, and improved further during the
the use of problematic substances, such with discharge control operation. on-going design of the units for the
as lubricating oils, while the impact hy­ Swansea Bay Lagoon tidal plant in Great
dropower stations have on aquatic life Britain. 

has become a major issue for new and

the refurbishment of existing hydraulic
turbines. Installation of Compact Bulb turbine at HPP Gstatterboden, Austria
The development of oil-free solutions
for Bulb turbine runners was initiated
many years ago and ANDRITZ HYDRO
has recorded more than 130 references
within the last 20 years for oil-free Kaplan
runners up to largest diameters, outputs
and heads in the Kaplan range – always
offering the best solutions.
Instead of oil, the hub is filled with
water together with a corrosion inhibitor
similar to the citric acid found in lemons
and which is non-toxic and not hazard­
Blade bearings also represent a key
element in realizing an oil-free runner
hub. Extensive testing has been per­
formed in order to determine the best
solutions for bearing materials. The
result is a comprehensive database
comprising coefficients of friction, wear
and allowable pressures. Based on that,
the best material can be selected for
each application.
Gstatterboden, Austria:
Output 1 × 1.2 MW
Head 9.5 m
Speed 250 rpm
Runner diameter 1,950 mm
Iffezheim, Germany:
Output 1 × 38.5 MW
Head 9.5 m
Speed 83.3 rpm
Runner diameter 6,800 mm
Installation works for a small Bulb turbine
Santo Antônio, Brazil:
5-blade turbine 6 × 71.05 MW
Tidal energy can be used in two ways – 4-blade turbine 6 × 74.8 MW
by utilizing the potential energy of the Generator 12 × 82.25 MVA
tidal lift or the kinetic energy of the tidal Speed 100 rpm
stream. Both can be realized with hori­ Runner diameter 7,500 mm
zontal Kaplan turbines of differing design Sihwa Tidal, South Korea:
and the push to extract energy from the Output 10 × 26 MW
tides has also prompted technical inno­ Head 2–9.8 m
vations. Speed 64.3 rpm
Runner diameter 7,500 mm
For instance, the large head variations
found during a tidal cycle initiated the
intro­duction of variable-speed technolo­
gies which, in addition to movable guide
vanes and runner blades, lead to triple-
regulated machines.
ANDRITZ HYDRO Hammerfest was
and is a pioneer in tidal current technol­
ogy. The tidal flow turbine concept was
developed in 1997; the first 300 kW pro­
totype was installed in 2003; a 1 MW
unit followed in 2011 and the first com­
mercial array – with 265 units in total –
will be started with four 1.5 MW demon­
stration units in 2016.

Viktor Kaplan’s idea may have

emerged more than a century ago, but in
light of changing environmental, eco­
nomic and operational needs ANDRITZ
HYDRO strives to ensure that his ingen-
ious basic idea for a low head and effi­
cient turbine is further developed in order
to fulfill today’s demanding requirements
and to make his legacy FIT FOR THE

Installation of Bulb turbines at HPP Santo Antônio, Brazil

22  Site Report

By Joachim Gütler

In February 2009, the consortium

ANDRITZ HYDRO and local partner En­
sulmeci received a contract from Ener­
gias de Portugal (EDP) for the delivery,
installation, and commissioning of the Jusante stage reservoir
complete electro-mechanical equipment
for the Baixo Sabor hydropower plant. The Jusante stage of Baixo Sabor has TECHNICAL DATA
The plant consists of two stages: Mon­ been in commercial operation since April
Jusante stage:
tante and Jusante both located on the 2015. Following heavy rainfalls in early
Output 2 × 18 MW
lower course of the Sabor River, a tribu­ 2016, the maximum water level was
2 × 20 MVA
tary to the Douro in northern Portugal. reached at the Montante stage as well.
Voltage 6 kV
This made it possible to run the remain­
Head 30 m
The scope of supply for each stage ing pre-commissioning tests. In February
Speed 150 rpm
includes two reversible pump turbines 2016, the Montante stage was also put
Runner diameter 3,950 mm
with auxiliary systems, generators, into commercial operation.
power bus bars, transformers, switch Special challenges of the hydraulic de­ Montante stage:
gear, complete automation and con- velopment of this project were the ex­ Output 2 × 77 MW
trol system, and auxiliary equipment for tremely wide operation spectrum in 2 × 85 MVA
the turbine house. In 2012, ANDRITZ regard to the water head and load at Voltage 15 kV
HYDRO assumed also responsibility for HPP Baixo Sabor Montante, and the use Head 94 m
the contracted scope of supply and ser­ of reversible pump turbines for the un­ Speed 214.3 rpm
vices of Ensulmeci. usually low water heads at HPP Baixo Runner diameter 4,200 mm
Sabor Jusante. With the successful
commissioning of both stages, two im­
portant references were added to
ANDRITZ HYDRO’s list of pump turbine

The Baixo Sabor hydropower facilities

with their overall installed capacity of
190 MW contribute significantly to Por­
tugal’s ambitious goal of increasing the

country’s share of renewables to 31%

by 2020. 
23  Site Report

Manufacturing of stator

Bighorn The main challenge was the strict

limitations on the unit shutdown cycle.
HPP Bighorn is the highest performing
By performing the stator assembly in
the service bay prior to the outage, the
refurbishment and commissioning cycle
Canada hydropower plant in TransAlta’s hydro is set to be reduced to only two months.
fleet and supplies water to the North Currently, the engineering and sourcing
By Pierre-Luc Boulanger Saskatchewan River System. phases of the project have been com­ With the customer’s collaboration, pleted and the on-site assembly of the
ANDRITZ HYDRO performed a condition stator in the service bay has started.
ANDRITZ HYDRO reached a signifi­ assessment of the unit, defining the
cant milestone in the Canadian market scope of works as a complete stator re­ Finalization of the work and closing of
with the signature of a Master Service placement, a generator ventilation up­ the project is scheduled for mid-July
Agreement (MSA) with TransAlta Cor- grade, the modification of the thrust 2016. 
poration for the modernization of their bearing to accommodate a new oil lift
hydro fleet in October 2012. system, the replacement of the main and
neutral cabinets and leads, as well as
The contract for HPP Bighorn comes various inspections and instrumentation
under the auspices of TransAlta’s Life work.
Extension Program (LEXT) for the up­
grade of their hydropower facilities. The Downstream view of the site and dam
award of the rehabilitation of one unit at
the Bighorn hydropower plant in Novem­
ber 2014 is the second success for
ANDRITZ HYDRO under this MSA after
the contract for HPP Spray in 2012.
HPP Bighorn is located north-west of
the city of Calgary in Alberta and is
named after a lake, river, creek, canyon,
and mountain range in the west of the
province. The hydropower plant has an
installed capacity of 2 × 60 MW and sup­
plies about 408 GWh of electrical energy
per year to the national grid.
24  Site Report

By Martin Haas

In October 2015, the Final Acceptance

Certificate (FAC) for the Tierfehd pumped
storage power plant was received. Deliv­
ered to the fullest satisfaction of the
customer – the major Swiss utility Axpo
Power AG – HPP Tierfehd was planned
as an extension of the existing system of
Kraftwerke Linth-Limmern AG. Located
in the canton of Glarus in central Swit­
zerland, the main production equipment
of this large hydro scheme was first in­
stalled in the early 1960s.

ANDRITZ HYDRO was awarded a

turnkey contract for the supply of the
complete electro-mechanical package
for HPP Tierfehd, including automation,
EPS, and auxiliary systems. The heart of
the project is a reversible pump turbine
unit with a net head of more than
1,000 m. Due to the extraordinary high
head for a Francis pump turbine, a Pump turbine unit with four stages
design with four stages and fixed guide
vanes was applied – a layout found only penstock by a system of three spherical into operation in 2012. It is predomi­
in very few pump turbines around the valves, which were also supplied by nantly used in pump mode, but is also
world. ANDRITZ HYDRO. The project was exe­ capable of switching from pump to
In pump mode, the unit is started by cuted by cooperating ANDRITZ HYDRO turbine mode and vice versa in a remark­
means of a six-jet-Pelton turbine before teams from Switzerland, Germany, and ably short time. This feature proved very
the motor-generator is synchronized to Austria. valuable to the customer in an increas­
the grid. The entire system is installed in HPP Tierfehd was first commissioned ingly volatile electricity market. 
a vertical pit more than 70 m deep to in 2009. Later the motor-generator un­
provide a sufficient suction head for the derwent some improvements so that the TECHNICAL DATA
pump. It is connected to the original plant in its final configuration was put
Output 141 MW
Voltage 13.8 kV
Areal view on Lake Limmern and Limmern Dam Head 1,050 m
Speed 600 rpm
Runner diameter 2,260 mm

25  Site Report

Peusangan 1:
Output 2 × 23.1 MW
2 × 26.5 MVA
Voltage 11 kV
Head 205.3 m
Speed 600 rpm
Runner diameter 1,200 mm
Peusangan 2:
Output 2 × 22 MW
2 × 25.3 MVA
Voltage 11 kV
Head 187.7 m
Speed 600 rpm
Runner diameter 1,200 mm

Stator assembly

Peusangan ANDRITZ HYDRO’s scope of supply

for HPP Peusangan 1 and HPP Peusan­
quently, the revised completion date for
trial operation of the last unit is now April

1and 2
gan 2 comprises vertical Francis tur­ 2019.
bines, generators, transformers, 150 kV
switchyards, cranes, and comprehen­ HPP Peusangan 1 and 2 will be the
sive mechanical and electrical auxiliaries. first large hydropower plants in the
Indonesia The supply of turbines, generators, and region, with an expected annual output
the high voltage system is being exe­ of 327 GWh of electrical energy. 
By Amit Sharma cuted by ANDRITZ HYDRO India, whereas the supply of the low voltage
system, telecommunication, and control
Manufacturing of the turbine and system, as well as local transportation
gene­rator components for the Peusan­ and installation is done by ANDRITZ
gan 1 and 2 hydropower plants in Indo­ HYDRO Indonesia.
nesia are at an advanced stage, with Initially the contractual period was
completion originally due by May 2016. 42 months. However, due to unforeseen 
geological issues the civil works are
The contract for the electro-mechani­ being delayed by 24 months. Conse­
cal works at the hydropower plants was
signed between PT PLN (Persero) and
ANDRITZ HYDRO in August 2013. Inlet valves during manufacturing
Jointly financed by the Japan Interna­
tional Cooperation Agency (JICA) and
the Government of Indonesia, Nippon
Koei Co. Ltd of Japan is the consultant
appointed to oversee the implementa­
tion of this hydropower project.
HPP Peusangan 1 consists of an un­
derground powerhouse while Peusan­
gan 2 has a surface powerhouse. Both
are run-of-river power plants, located on
the Peusangan River and adjacent to
Lake Laut Tawar in the central region of
Aceh Province in northwestern Sumatra.

Rotor lowering

Carlos Lleras 2,000 mm. The project was executed by

an international ANDRITZ HYDRO team
The order for the Carlos Lleras Re­
strepo hydropower plant underlines

from various locations in Colombia, again the strong position of ANDRITZ
Austria, Germany, and Mexico coordi­ HYDRO in this important hydropower
nating not only the work of international market and demonstrates the techno­
ANDRITZ HYDRO locations, but also logical know-how of ANDRITZ HYDRO’s
Colombia the contracted sub-­suppliers, also from “from water-to-wire” turnkey solutions. 
By Franco Michele Bennati Colombia is a country with an enor­ mous hydroelectric potential, mainly due TECHNICAL DATA
to the existence of abundant water cour­ Output 2 × 39.7 MW
In October 2015, ANDRITZ HYDRO ses and the terrain. ANDRITZ HYDRO 2 × 42 MVA
received the Preliminary Acceptance has a long history in the country, with its Voltage 13.8 kV
Certificates (PAC) for the successful first equipment deliveries dating back to Head 130 m
com­pletion and commissioning of the the early 1900s. More than 50% of the Speed 360 rpm
new Carlos Lleras Restrepo hydropower total installed hydroelectric capacity in Runner diameter 2,000 mm
plant in Colombia. The plant is located Colombia was supplied by ANDRITZ Av. annual generation 585.21 GWh
on the river Porce, in the Department of HYDRO or its predecessor companies.
Antioquia, downstream from the city of
Medellín and has an installed capacity of
80 MW.
ANDRITZ HYDRO was awarded a
ALTO PORCE S.A.S. E.S.P for the
supply of the complete electro- and
hydro-­mechanical equipment. The con­
tractual scope of supply included two
39.7 MW turbines and two generators,
as well as the balance of plant equip­
ment for the hydropower plant. This in­
cluded the main inlet valves, the intake
gates regulating the water flow at the en­
trance of the 5.9 km tunnel feeding the
power plant, transformers, GIS, control
and pro­tection devices, batteries, emer­
gency generator, and auxiliary systems.
Using a head of about 130 m, the di-
ameter of the delivered new runners is
27  Site Report

By Erwin Heimhilcher Red-hot shaft on its way to the forge process

A contract for the refurbishment of the The high mechanical stress exerted on Assembly at the facility required ex­
world’s most powerful single-phase hy­ the poles – each weighing a world treme precision and the know-how of
dropower motor generators at pumped record-­breaking 34,000 kg – as well as experienced engineers. Since the power
storage power plant Langenprozelten the special construction of the damping plant’s crane was designed for a maxi­
has been awarded to ANDRITZ HYDRO win­ding required extensive calculations mum load of only 110 tons, the two-part
by German-based Donau Wasserkraft and research. Especially critical are the stator housing had to be assembled
AG (DWK), a subsidiary of Rhein-Main- ul­tra-­flexible joints that link the damper inside the generator annulus space
Donau AG (99.25%) and Uniper (0.75%). bars to the damper ring segments. The be­fore the stator lamination was stacked
dam­p­ing system was designed specifi­ and the winding inserted. The rotor has
Pumped storage plant Langenprozel­ cally to handle the high currents to be assembled inside the stator as
ten is situated in the Unterfranken region (34,000 A ring current!), mechanical well.
in the German federal state of Bavaria. stress and extensive thermal expansion.
With an output of 2 × 94 MVA, Langen­ Comprehensive tests, such as centrifu­ The project is in now nearing the re-
prozelten is Deutsche Bahn’s primary gal force tests moni­tored with a high- commissioning phase. 
peak-load power plant, providing suffi­ speed camera, were performed on all
cient electrical energy to sustain 50 damping system components to verify
Inter­City trains travelling at 200 km/h. the calculation ­­­­­­re­sults. At the ANDRITZ
Single-phase generators are specifi­ HYDRO balancing tun­ nel testing facili­
cally designed for the railway’s 16.7 Hz ties, the entire rotor was tested at the
traction power network. The extreme run-away speed of 756 rpm. During the
forces acting on the motor generator’s test, each pole on the rotor had to be
rotor require not only particularly precise held with a force equivalent to 27,000
calculations, but also special experience tons, which corresponds to the weight of
in selecting the proper materials. 70 fully loaded Boeing 747 aircrafts.
Only a few forges in the world are able 
to manufacture with flawless quality the
required forged shaft with a gross weight
of about 170 tons.

34 t pole for the generator


2 single-phase synchronous motor generators (vertical)

Output 94 MW
Voltage 10.75 kV
Stator current 8,744 A
Damper current 34,000 A
Frequency 16.7 mm
Speed (2 rotational directions) 501 rpm
Shaft-generators for station supply (on a common shaft)
Output (three phase) 1,260 kVA
Voltage 400 V
Runner diameter 50 Hz
28  Highlights

Italy, Camaioni Output 2 × 1.05 MW
12 MVA
By Stefano Rizzi Head 4 m Speed 204 rpm
Runner diameter 2,150 mm
In November 2015, ANDRITZ HYDRO
received a contract for the supply of
electro-mechanical equipment for the diameter of 2,150 mm and a power
new Camaioni hydropower plant in output of 1.05 MW, complete with syn­
Italy from HGE Srl, a private investor reduced to an absolute minimum and chronous generators, and mechanical
which has been active in the small the new structure will also be utilized for auxiliaries.
hydro sector for many years. educational purposes. Commissioning is scheduled for end
HPP Camaioni is located about 30 km The scope of supply comprises a of 2016 with synchronization of the
east of the city of Florence on the Arno green-field power house for which first unit. 
River. As with most Mini Compact in­ ANDRITZ HYDRO deliveries will include
stallations, the environmental impact is two axial Bevel Gear Bulb turbines with a

USA, Olmsted piece of the Telluride Institute of Learn­ executed whilst preserving the existing
ing. The facility was the first corpo­ historic powerhouse. The engineering
rate-sponsored school for engineering firm, CH2M Hill, will undertake the
By Mark Barandy
students. Now, CUWCD and the US powerhouse design.
Department of the Interior will be con­ The project is scheduled to be final­
ANDRITZ HYDRO was contracted structing a new hydroelectric power ized at the beginning of 2018. 
by Utah Water Conservancy District plant at the Olmsted site.
(CUWCD) to provide two turbine-gen­ The project includes a new power­
erator units, including auxil­ iary me­ house, two new Compact units, re­
chanical equipment and electrical con­ placing of the four existing penstocks
trols, for the new Olmsted powerhouse. with a single buried penstock, and TECHNICAL DATA
The existing Olmsted hydropower construction of a new power transmis­
Output 1×8 MW
plant, located at Provo Canyon near sion line. Operating under a net head
1 × 3.2 MW
Orem, Utah, was completed in 1904 of 102 m, the new horizontal Francis
Head 102.5 m
and is one of the oldest facilities in the turbine units will have a nominal output
Speed 514/720 rpm
western United States and is center­ of 8 MW and 3.2 MW. All works will be
Runner diameter 737/1,109 mm

Nepal, Kabeli B1 de-sanding basin passes to the power­

house through a 4.5 km long penstock
pipe with a diameter of 4,000 mm.
By Manoj Agarwal
ANDRITZ HYDRO will supply two hor­
izontal Francis turbines with an output of
At the end of 2015, ANDRITZ 12.5 MW each and associated equip­
HYDRO received an order for the ment. The power generated from this
Kabeli B1 hydropower station from project will be connected to the national
Arun Kabeli Power Limited. The run- grid system via an 84 km long, 132 kV
of-river power station is located in the transmission line called the “Mechi Corri­
Panchtharand and Taplejung Districts dor Transmission line”.
of Mechi Zone in the Eastern Develop­ After completion, HPP Kabeli B1 will TECHNICAL DATA
ment Region of Nepal, about 8 km produce about 151.65 GWh of electrical
Output 2 × 12.5 MW
from the city of Ganesh Chowk. energy per year. 
Head 93.7 m
The intake site is located at Tharpu
Speed 500 rpm
VDC and Thumbedin VDC with a gross
Runner diameter 1,354 mm
head of 93.7 m. Discharge from the
Av. annual generation 151.6 GWh
29  Highlights

France, St. Christophe, Reallon, Charmaix Norway, Ringedalen

generators, inlet valves, and a high
pressure unit (HPU).
The long-term and successful coop­
eration between SERHY Ingénierie and
ANDRITZ HYDRO will also continue in
2016. A new Mini Compact contract
for the supply of a five-jet, vertical
Pelton turbine for HPP Charmaix was
By Rudy Yvrard
signed at the beginning of the year
In December 2015, ANDRITZ HYDRO Commissioning of all projects is sche­
successfully commissioned two Mini duled for the end of the same year. 
Compact hydropower plants in France:
HPP Saint Christophe and HPP Real­ TECHNICAL DATA
By Kristian Glemmestad
lon. Both hydropower plants are loca­ St. Christophe:
ted in the French Alps and are owned Output 2.31 MW
by SERHY Ingénierie, a company very Head 400 m Statkraft has awarded a contract
active in hydropower ­development. Speed 1,000 rpm to ANDRITZ HYDRO for the supply of
The Saint Christophe hydropower Runner diameter 790 mm the electro- and hydro-mechanical
plant required rehabilitation of one ex­ Reallon: equipment for the Ringedalen hydro­
isting unit and the installation of an ad­ Output 2.72 MW power plant in Norway.
ditional horizontal Pelton turbine. HPP Head 154 m HPP Ringedalen is located in the
Reallon, equipped with a six-jet Pelton Speed 600 rpm municipality of Odda in Hordaland
turbine, was a new plant with integra­ Runner diameter 820 mm County and will utilize the head be­-
tion constraints since it is located in t­­­ween lakes Mosdalsvatnet and Rin­
the middle of a village. Both projects ge­dalsvatnet, which is the reservoir
Output 1.51 MW
were realized simultaneously and put of the existing Oksla Power Plant.
Head 155.6 m
into operation in less than one year. The scope of supply for ANDRITZ
Speed 750 rpm
ANDRITZ HYDRO provided turbines, HYDRO includes two Pelton turbine
Runner diameter 670 mm
units with associated generators and
a total combined capacity of 23 MW.
ANDRITZ HYDRO Germany in co­op­
Ecuador, Due tomation, MV switchgear, and elec- eration with ANDRITZ HYDRO Nor-
trical au­xi­li­aries. This project is be­ing way will pro­
­ vide the turbine equip­
executed by an international team ment, where­as ANDRITZ HYDRO Bho­
By Sergio Contreras
from ANDRITZ HYDRO France deliver­ pal, India will deliver two 13.5 MVA
ing the turbines, ANDRITZ HYDRO generators.
After the successful project exe­cu­ India supplying the generators, and Completion of HPP Ringedalen is
tion of the 2 × 9 MW Calope hy­dro­ ANDRITZ HYDRO Colombia responsi­ scheduled for 2017, providing then
power plant in Ecuador (see Hydro ble for control and electrical equip­ an average annual production of
News 08) in 2006, Hidroalto Genera­ ment. about 60 GWh to supply about 3,000
cion De Energia S.A. awarded ANDRITZ This contract confirms again the Norwegian households with elec-
HYDRO a new contract for the supply confidence this customer places in tricity. 
of electro-mechanical equip­ ment for ANDRITZ HYDRO and strengthens its
the Due hydropower plant in 2015. position in the Ecuadorian market. TECHNICAL DATA
The project is located on the Due Final commissioning is expected by Output 2 × 11.5 MW
River in the Province of Sucumbios, mid-2017.  Head 511.7 m
Ecuador. ANDRITZ HYDRO’s scope of Speed 750 rpm
supply comprises two horizontal Fran­ TECHNICAL DATA Runner diameter 1,230 mm
cis turbines with an output of 25 MW Av. annual generation 60 GWh
Output 2 × 25 MW
each, as well as generators, inlet but­
2 × 28 MVA
terfly valves (DN2200), pressure relief
Head 111.12 m
valves (DN1100), hydraulic power
Speed 450 rpm
units, cooling system, control and au­
Runner diameter 1,681 mm
30  Highlights

Switzerland, Turkey, Okkayasi Turbines, generators, and related

Rhone Oberwald equipment will be supplied by ANDRITZ
HYDRO France. The electrical power
By Hans Wolfhard By Alp Töreli
systems (EPS), the turbine housings
and the distributors, as well as the
Utility company FMV SA based in ANDRITZ HYDRO has received an installation of all electro-mechanical
Sion, Switzerland, awarded a con­ order from Okkayası Elektrik Üretim ve equip­ment will be the responsibility of
tract to a consortium under the lead­ İnşaat Anonim Şirketi for the supply of ANDRITZ HYDRO Turkey.
ership of ANDRITZ HYDRO for the electro-mechanical equipment for the Commercial operation of the plant is
delivery of the complete electro-me­ Okkayasi hydropower plant, located in expected in the second quarter of
chanical equipment for the new HPP Kahramanmaras Province of Turkey. 2016. 
Rhone Oberwald in December 2015. The contractual scope for ANDRITZ
The new run-of-river power station HYDRO comprises the delivery of two TECHNICAL DATA
will be built in the region of Gletsch- vertical, four-jet Pelton turbine units for
Output 2 × 11.7 MW
Oberwald in the Swiss canton of the small hydropower plant, including
Head 479.4 m
Wallis. The water intake is located in de­sign, manufacturing, supply, transpor­-
Speed 750 rpm
the village Gletsch at an altitude of tation, installation, and commissioning.
Runner diameter 1,150 mm
1,750 m and has a design capacity of
5.7 m³/s. The main powerhouse is
situated in a cavern with a return
gallery into the river Rhone. Chile, Convento Viejo HYDRO is going to deliver two 9 MW
ANDRITZ HYDRO’s scope of Compact axial turbines, generators,
sup­ ply includes two vertical, six-jet mechanical auxiliaries, electrical power
By Stefano Rizzi
Pel­ton turbines, two spherical valves
systems, transformers, as well as sub­
with a diameter of 700 mm and a station, unit and plant automation, and
pressure of 40 bar, the entire control Sociedad Concesionaria Embalse the tele-control center.
and automation system, medium Convento Viejo S.A. has awarded Commissioning and handing over of
voltage switchgear, transformers, ANDRITZ HYDRO a contract for the the whole plant to the customer is
and the powerhouse crane. supply of electro-mechanical equip­ scheduled for the first quarter of 2017.
With a total installed power output ment for the new Convento Viejo HPP Convento Viejo will have a total
of 15 MW the new hydropower plant hydropower plant. The power plant is output of 18 MW, providing about
will produce about 41 GWh of energy located 150 km south of Santiago de 68 GWh per year of clean energy f or
per year. Start of commercial opera­ Chile in the region of Libertador Ber­ the Chilean Central Interconnected
tions is planned for mid-2017.  nardo O'Higgins. It will use the envi­ System (SIC). 
TECHNICAL DATA ronmental flow released from the TECHNICAL DATA
Convento Viejo reservoir, which col­
Output 2 × 7.5 MW Output 2×9 MW
lects the waters from the Chimbaron­
Head 287.5 m Head 28.3 m
go River and the Teno Channel.
Speed 600 rpm Speed 300 rpm
The project will comprise a green
Runner diameter 1,150 mm Runner diameter 2,150 mm
field power house, for which ANDRITZ
Av. annual generation 41 GWh Av. annual generation 68 GWh

Costa Rica, and its reliable operation since then, a capacity of 14.31 MW, including
Los Negros II the owner decided to build a second DN1800 butterfly valves, hydraulic
power plant in this region as part of a power units, supervision of installation,
By Sergio Contreras
strategy to expand its energy sources. as well as commissioning.
HPP Los Negro II is situated near HPP Los Negros II is scheduled to
In 2015, ANDRITZ HYDRO won a Cuatro Bocas in the province of Ala­ be put into commercial operation in
contract for the supply of turbine juela, in the north-central part of the 2017. 
equipment for the new Los Negros II country and near the border with Nica­
hydropower plant, owned by ESPH ragua. It uses the waters of the rivers TECHNICAL DATA
(Empresa de Servicios Publicos de Negros and Jalapiedras. Output 2 × 14.31 MW
Heredia, S.A.). After the successful re­ ANDRITZ HYDRO’s scope of sup- Head 125.85 m
alization of HPP Los Negros in 2004, ply comprises the delivery of two hor- Speed 600 rpm
also equipped by ANDRITZ HYDRO, i­
zontal Francis turbines, each with Runner diameter 1,195 mm
31  Highlights

DR Congo, Koni valves of units #1 and #3 HPP Koni Mexico, La Venta

had to be put out of operation.
ANDRITZ HYDRO received a contract
By David Cirjanic
for the replacement of these inlet TECHNICAL DATA
valves in 2012. Unit #1 was success­ Output 5×6 MW
Koni hydropower station, owned by fully reconnected to the grid and dis­ Head 37.5 m
SNEL (Société nationale d'électricité) mantling of unit #3 started in 2015. Speed 300 rpm
is located in Kantanga Province of the On drawing-up the expertise for Runner diameter 1,640 mm
DR Congo and has a total installed unit #3, it was discovered that more
capa­city of 42 MW and is equipped extensive repair work is necessary.
with three vertical Francis turbines. Subsequently, ANDRITZ HYDRO was
The project is supported by private awarded the order to execute a com­
founding partner ENRC PLC. prehensive rehabilitation. The contrac­
After being in operation for almost tual scope of supply comprises chang­
60 years, the existing turbines, origi­ ing major components, such as fixed
nally supplied by EscherWyss (today labyrinth and turbine shaft, set of
ANDRITZ HYDRO), were in poor con­ upper stop lock, one set of new drain­
dition. In 2010, due to defective inlet ing pumps, and rehabilitation of the
cooling water system, as well as instal­
lation and commissioning.
Closing of the project and recom­ By Raul Casas
missioning of unit #3 is scheduled for
summer 2017. 
The hydroelectric power plant La
TECHNICAL DATA Venta is located on the river Papa­
gayo, near of the city of Tierra Colo­
Output 3 × 14.2 MW
rada, Guerrero in Mexico. It was first
Head 55 m
inaugurated in 1965.
Speed 333.33 rpm
In September 2013, during the
Runner diameter 2,063 mm
tropical storm Manuel, the hydro­
power plant was flooded and the
radial gates, automation, and electri­
Turkey, Yusufeli Barajı ve HES İnşaatı cal equipment were destroyed.
The Mexican state owned utility
Comisión Federal de Electricidad
By Uygur Aydin
dro-mechanical equipment, including (CFE) launched a tender for the reha­
intake structure, penstock, gates, em­ bilitation of the complete hydroelec­
At the end of 2015, the Limak-­ bedded parts, grip beams, trash racks, tric power plant in 2014. Motores e
Cengiz-Kolin consortium awarded spillway, radial gates, hydraulic lifting Ingeniería Mexmot, S.A. de C.V. was
ANDRITZ HYDRO a contract for the systems, cranes, and slide valves. awarded the full contract for rehabili­
supply of electro-mechanical equip­ In September 2018, on-site manu­ tation of civil works, access roads,
ment for the Yusufeli Dam and hydro­ facturing is due to be finished, installa­ mechanical repair, automation, and
electric power plant. tion and closing are scheduled for May electrical equipment.
Situated on the Çoruh River 70 km 2019. Equipped with three 180 MW ANDRITZ HYDRO Mexico won the
southwest of the city of Artvin, the Yu­ vertical Francis turbines, the power­ contract from Motores e Ingeniería
sufeli Dam and hydroelectric power house will generate 1,800 GWh of Mexmot, S.A. de C.V. to supply
plant is owned by DSI (General Direc­ electrical energy annually.  SCADA and control systems, static
torate of State Hydraulic Works). The excitation, protection and metering,
dam will be a double-curvature arch as well as turbine governor and com­
dam with a height of 270 m and will be TECHNICAL DATA munication equipment.
the third highest of its kind in the world. The five generating units are
Output 3 × 180 MW
With a total storage capacity of scheduled to start commercial oper­
Voltage 13/380 kV
2.2 billion m3, the reservoir will have a ation in 2016. 
Head 223 m
surface area of 33 km2.
Penstocks 3,000 tons
ANDRITZ HYDRO will supply design,
Gates 2,350 tons
manufacturing, and installation of hy­
Av. annual generation 1,800 GWh
32  Highlights

New Zealand, Aratiatia, a run-of-river station loca­ted The company, which also operates
Aratiatia 13 km upstream of Lake Taupo, is five geothermal power plants with total
the first of nine hydropower plants capacity of 334 MW, is a pure renew­
By Georg Wöber with a combined installed capacity of able energy producer following the 1,052 MW on the river Waikato, New closure of its 140 MW gas-fired power
Zealand’s longest. All nine plants have station at the end of 2014. Mighty
New Zealand power company been owned and operated by Mighty River produces an average annual
Migh­ ty River Power has contracted River Power since 1999. output of 6,800 GWh, representing
ANDRITZ HYDRO to refurbish the Ara­ Under the terms of the contract an­ 15–17% of New Zealand's national
tiatia hydropower station on the river nounced in December 2015, ANDRITZ electricity supply. About 60% – an
Waikato on the North Island. HYDRO will design, deliver, install, and average of 4,000 GWh – is produced
commission three generators, one Fran­ by its hydropower assets. 
cis runner including model test, and TECHNICAL DATA
three turbine governors for HPP A ­ ratiatia.
Output 31.4 MW
The first unit is due to start commercial
35 MVA
operation in 2018. Refurbishment of the
Voltage 11 kV
plant, which was first commissioned in
Head 33.5 m
1964, will result in a significant increase
Speed 136.4 rpm
in efficiency and reliability.
Runner diameter 3,831 mm

China, Da A Guo It is the last step in the development of With the award of this project
hydropower stations on the HuoQu ANDRITZ HYDRO will further streng­
River. The contract includes two Pelton then its position in the Chinese hydro­
By Yong Ma
turbine units with an output of 130 MW power market. 
each. Project execution will be handled
ANDRITZ HYDRO has been awar­ by joint order teams from ANDRITZ
ded the supply of electro-mechanical HYDRO China, Austria, and India. Com­ TECHNICAL DATA
equipment for HPP Da A Guo, located missioning is scheduled for May 2017.
Output 2 × 130 MW
downstream of HuoQu River, 600 km The electrical energy produced by
Head 605.4 m
west of the city of Chengdu in Sichuan HPP Da A Guo will be fed to the Sichuan
Speed 375 rpm
Province, PR China. Grid.
Runner diameter 2,707 mm

Austria, Kaunertal The main installation works at the pen­ After more than 50 years in operation,
stocks, including the filling test, were fin­ new stators, new pole windings, new
ished on time in May 2015. In total, shafts with in-depth assessment were
By Werner Wagner
about 9,100 tons of steel of different delivered, as well as a refurbishment of
grades and thicknesses have been used the remaining rotor components was
In April 2012, ANDRITZ HYDRO re­ and welded during this project. Connec­ executed. The generator components
ceived an order from Tiroler Wasser­ tion work from the old to the new pres­ were designed and manufactured by
kraft AG (TIWAG) for the renewal of the sure shaft was carried out between ANDRITZ HYDRO in Weiz, where also
existing penstock at the 395 MW March and April 2016, when the seal on the over-speed tests were performed.
Kaunertal hydropower plant, located in the disc valve was also replaced. These two contracts confirm the
western Austria in the state of Tyrol. At the beginning of 2016, the reservoir confidence Tiroler Wasserkraft AG
level was lowered for rehabilitation works places in ANDRITZ HYDRO. 
on the intake structure. It is currently
being refilled with melt- and rainwater
and the hydropower plant will resume
operations by June 2016. TECHNICAL DATA
At the end of 2015, ANDRITZ HYDRO Output 395 MW
completed rehabilitation of two out of Head 793–895 m
five 100 MVA synchronous generators at Speed 500 rpm
HPP Kaunertal (see Hydro News 27). Runner diameter 2,858 mm
33  Technology

Pump and
Screw Turbine
More green energy with
innovative technology Hydrodynamic screw turbines

By Bruno Mellacher Modernizing an old principle Energy-efficient in forward and reverse Inspiration for the hydrodynamic screw mode
turbine technology was an ingenious ANDRITZ HYDRO centrifugal pumps
One turns an ancient Archimedean idea from ancient Greece: the Archime­ operate worldwide, conveying many dif­
principle around, while the other runs in dean screw, which enables water to flow ferent kinds of liquids. The pumps fea-
reverse. Both generate energy in an in­ uphill. Turning this principle around, the ture high efficiency and low energy con­
novative way from sources that have hydrodynamic screw turbine uses sumption and recover energy in industrial
barely been tapped so far: the hydro­ flowing water to generate electricity. processes or generate electricity from
dynamic screw turbine and the centrifu­ What’s special about this? Efficient use low hydroelectric potential.
gal pump – two technologies from of hydropower is possible even at very In many industrial processes energy is
ANDRITZ HYDRO with a lot of green low heads and water flows. lost, for example, when pressure has to
potential. The hydrodynamic screw turbine be generated ahead of a filter, before
adapts easily to existing conditions, en­ being released without use as it is no
Low investment costs and the oppor­ suring no major interference with the longer needed later in the process. This
tunity to use even small hydroelectric surrounding landscape. Fish and other energy can be recovered efficiently with
potential and “wasted” energy are bene­ aquatic animals can pass through un­ two coupled pumps. The pump running
fits offered by the ANDRITZ HYDRO hy­ harmed. In addition, the screw enriches in reverse absorbs the excess pressure
drodynamic screw turbine and centri­ the oxygen content in deeper bodies of and assists the pump running in normal
fugal pump. Both solutions have already water, resulting in improved water quality. operation. This way, more than 50% of
proved successful in numerous applica­ To date, there are around 200 ANDRITZ the energy that would otherwise be lost
tions and convinced customers of their HYDRO hydrodynamic screw turbines is recovered, thus reducing energy
merits with their high energy yield. installed worldwide. costs.
Hitherto untapped hydropower poten­
Centrifugal pumps for energy recovery tial is used profitably in numerous other
areas, such as pressure-reducing sta­
tions in water pipelines or residual water
outputs from hydropower stations and
to produce electrical energy up to 1 MW
per unit.

In addition, ANDRITZ HYDRO centrifu­

gal pumps are used in micro hydropower
plants, helping foresters’ lodges or
mountain refuges, private households,
and commercial or industrial plants to
generate their own electricity or supply it
to an existing power grid. 
34  Events

Automation Day
Vienna, Austria
By Jens Päutz

HYDRO AUTOMATION DAY 2015 ernor into a single platform. The presen­ The final highlight of this very success­
took place at “Palais Ferstel” in Vienna, tation was supported by a specific ful day was a gala-dinner at the Viennese
Austria in November 2015. More than HIPASE product show and six live pre­ Sofiensäle, completed with a perfor­
300 delegates from 37 countries partici­ sentation islands. mance from renowned illusionist Lucca,
pated in this long-established and very With customer presentations, the pre­ after which all participants could let the
important customer event. sentation of HIPASE and an afternoon of day end in an enjoyable and relaxed
technical sessions, the event offered a atmosphere. 
The occasion was opened with a very good opportunity for the exchange
keynote speech from the ANDRITZ of experience between all participants.
HYDRO management team. Three es­
teemed customers presented their good
experiences in project execution with
ANDRITZ HYDRO, emphasizing the
good relationship. The highlight of the
day was the presentation on the latest
developments of HIPASE – the new plat­
the first product in the hydropower
market to integrate protection, exci­
tation, synchronization, and turbine gov­

Customer As a special highlight, the General

Director of Song Da Corporation, Viet­

nam’s largest construction company, ex­
pressed his thanks to ANDRITZ HYDRO
for the cooperation on 10 projects,
including Na Loi, Thac Trang, Ry Ninh,
Hanoi, Vietnam Ea Krongrou, Tra Xom, and Nam He.

By Martin Koubek ANDRITZ HYDRO is looking forward to a new event in 2016. 

In October 2015, more than 130 cus­ This year, the event was focused on
tomers and partners participated in the environmentally-friendly technical solu­
ANDRITZ HYDRO Customer Day Viet­ tions, for example oil-free hubs for
nam. The event was officially opened Kaplan and Bulb turbines, as well as the
by His Excellency, the Austrian Federal benefits of HIPASE – the new platform
Minister for Transport, Innovation and and engineering tool for protection, exci­
Technology, Mr. Alois Stöger. tation, synchronizing, and turbine gover­
nor. The ANDRITZ Pumps product port­
folio was also thoroughly explored.
Lima, Peru
By Peter Gnos

The most important energy fair and Located for the first time at the Dolphin Throughout the two-day exhibition
conference in Peru – the EXPO Energia Hotel in Lima, delegates from large delegates from customers, consultants,
Peru – was held on February 17th and Pe­ruvian and international companies and engineering companies visited the
18th, 2016. working in the electricity sector met to ANDRITZ HYDRO booth to get in touch
exchange experiences and discuss de­ with the ANDRITZ HYDRO team in Peru
velopments in the Peruvian and inter- to exchange experience on executed
national energy market. projects, and to obtain the latest news
ANDRITZ HYDRO presented its newly- on ANDRITZ HYDRO developments.
designed booth and participated in the
conference with a presentation titled: Once again, the EXPO Energia Peru
“Turnkey solutions for hydropower plants was a big success. 
from 20 kW up to the biggest installa­
tions worldwide”, focusing on the mini
turbine product line, but also the exten­
sive range of ANDRITZ HYDRO’s product

Events in Customer Day Laos

In March 2016 ANDRITZ HYDRO has
Office opening
ANDRITZ HYDRO has opened a rep­

organized the first Customer Day Laos. resentative office in the capital Vientiane.
More than 140 delegates from govern­ The opening ceremony took place on
mental institutions, hydropower plant March 2nd, 2016, with the participation of
operators and private investors attended the Lao Deputy Minister of Energy and
By Jens Päutz
this event, which was opened by keynote Mines, Mr. Viraphonh Viravong, the
speeches from the Lao Deputy Minister Director of the Lao state utility Electricite
of Energy and Mines, Mr. Viraphonh de Lao (EDL), representatives of the
Viravong and the Autrian Trade Commis­ ANDRITZ HYDRO management, and a
sioner in Thailand, Mr. Guenther Sucher. number of valued guests. With the
opening of the office ANDRITZ HYDRO
is looking forward to an improved and
direct customer care in this fast growing

Asia 2016
This year the ASIA 2016 conference
took place in Vientiane, capital of Laos.
More than 700 delegates from all over
the world attended. ANDRITZ HYDRO
was present with a booth, two paper
presentations and was co-host of the
welcome reception. The Asia 2016
offered a good opportunity to promote
the competence of ANDRITZ HYDRO,
improve existing customer relations, and
detect new future potentials in the Asian
markets. 
Bulb Turbines
Best solution for low heads

ANDRITZ HYDRO is the worldwide able-speed – all within a head range

leader in Bulb turbine technology between 1.5–35 m. The installed Bulb
with a glo­bal market share of more turbines of ANDRITZ HYDRO represent

than 70%. Bulb turbines are horizontal more than 12,000 MW worldwide, cov­
Kaplan turbines with extraordinary flex­ ering runner diameters up to 8,200 mm
ibility in their application. From small to and outputs up to 76.5 MW per unit.
large size and output, from run-of-river
to tidal power plants, with and with­ We focus on the best solution –
out gear box, and from fixed to vari­ “from water-to-wire”.


Eibesbrunnergasse 20, 1120 Vienna, Austria
Phone: +43 50805 0, Fax: +43 50805 51015

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